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1. How is procrastination defined in psychology?
Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily
postponing tasks. decisions or actions. Lack of motivation / Self control (impulse)
2. When we procrastinate at work, it is not that we
don't do anything else at that time... We end up doing mundane work and non-work related tasks.. which means it's not actually laziness right? So why do we do that at work? Procrastination doesn’t equal laziness or lethargy. Lack of energy, Being deprived of stimulation Monotony/ Boredom Overwhelmed/ Too much on the plate Imposter syndrome – Feeling like they are not good enough, Talented enough, comparing oneself to others, Feeling like a fraud
Active procrastination ; Passive procrastination
- Paralyzed
- Structured Procastination. When over done,
we miss out on tasks that is important and need our attention. - Get carried away that we are productive and getting some tasks done at the end of the day but might get trapped if we are not keeping a check on it
3. What emotions are connected to
procrastination? When there is a significant amount of time before the deadline- Small hesitant, Disappointment, Upset Rollercoaster of emotions happen when you are near a deadline – Fear - Worried, Pre occupied Guilt Disgust Anger : Avoiding the implementation of the intention - Frustrates the individual
4. Do we procrastinate because of feeling stressed
or does procrastination lead to stress? Procastination leads to stress yes!
Procrastinating could be a way people cope a stressful
situation. Stress with someone who is already predisposed/prone to procrastinate is in higher risk of getting into the vicious cycle 5. When we catch ourselves procrastinating a task, what are some self-reflective questions that we can ask ourselves to change direction and progress? Try and understand what is the type of behaviour you are engaging in there are 6 different types of Procastination The Perfectionist The Worrier The Dreamer The Crisis Maker – Drive or a pressure and feels like they need it to function better, in efficient way The Defier – Insecurity, Lack of awareness, Lack of interest. The Over doer - impossible standard for themselves Everything would be relatable, try to identify the predominant ones. a) Observe with yourself where you are at – Thoughts, feelings. b) Device an action – prioritizing your task and where you are at c) Keep it realistic with a constant check on yourself. 6. How long would it take for us to overcome the procrastination habit? (Being realistic, is it possible to bring about a consistent change of habit?) Objective – One person to another; depending up on their energy, motivation , Making baby steps, Committing Constant pressure on changing, Being called out lazy, to become different. Healthy way to look at it is finding and doing Behaviours you could adapt to match the pace you want to be in
7. Are there any quick everyday practices that we
can adopt as baby steps towards becoming someone who acts upon tasks without procrastinating?
a. Setting realistic goals and Specific goals
b. Creating an action plan for your tasks i. Being accountable for your self ii. Breaking down huge tasks into small manageable ones iii. Set deadlines, for the broken down tasks iv. Making the task enjoyable, Adding excitement to it/ Trying to enjoy as you do the task v. Weeding out the distractions vi. Commit to a tiny step vii. Ask for help c. Productive/ Structured procrastination – Doing beneficial things as you procrastinate from a important/Huge task d. Pacing it out. Work in ratios 20:5:20:5 – 15 - 20:5:20:5 Pomodoro – Work only on selected tasks
8. What kind of a reward system would work for
someone who is trying to overcome procrastination?
Reward system is different for different individual.
Pomodoro – Reward in it self
Indulging in tasks that makes you feel good
Either doing something you love or something mundane
as you procrastinate without having Constant thoughts run in the back of your mind which will inhibit you from being present in the moment.
Why do people procrastinate - Generally & at work ?
a) Procrastination doesn’t equal laziness or lethargy.
b) Lack of motivation / Self control - Burnout,
Exhaustion, or fear ;
c) Deprive stimulation and causing procrastination
d) Monotony, Boredom – Work
e) Overwhelming, handling beyond capacity or limit,
Lack of energy
f) Imposter syndrome – Feeling like they are not good
enough, Talented enough, Comparing oneself to others, Feeling like a fraud
g) Stressful environment where they constantly have
to thrive rather than being there in the present How to overcome procrastination - Work and general
What leads to procrastination - and how it
affects/impacts people. (trauma, Insecurities, fear of failure) Causes
a) Lack of concentration
Passive procrastination ( tensed, Paralyzed by indecision;
result in not completing their job) – Active procrastination – Work under pressure (created by them), make delibrate decisions to procrastinate task yet somehow completes tasks on time
Tips to overcome procrastination -
Making a to do list - Becoming aware of tasks Pace it out - Making two lists: a daily list and a weekly list, which are connected and specific.
Reward - Enjoy the guilt/anxiety free
break/leisure you like or you have
HR - Incorporate in your organisation statistically not
individually Procrastination stats in india
Psychology of procrastination and emotions - what
According to Dr Linda Sapadin 6 types of procastinators
1. The Perfectionist- Because of their fear of failure such type of procrastinators are unable to start the task at hand. They wait for all the situations to be perfect to start the task but that is impossible practically. 2. The Dreamer- They have the whole picture of success in their head but don’t want to take action towards achieving that. Their thinking style is fuzzy. They want others to take the small steps/complete the small tasks for them and hence they end up procrastinating. 3. The Worrier- They are low on self-confidence and don’t believe they can finish the task at hand. The question “What If” is asked by them a lot and due to their anxiety about their fear of failure they cannot start the task at hand. 4. The Crisis Maker- They work best under pressure. They need the adrenaline rush that last-minute action provides. The quality of work produced in such situations is questionable. Tim Urban in his TED Talk has explained this concept very well citing the example of Instant Gratification Monkey and Panic Monster in the mind of a master procrastinator. One of the best videos on procrastination. 5. The Defier- They are haunted by the question “Why should I do it?” They tell their supervisors that I will do the task but inside their minds, they have the belief that “I shouldn’t have to do it.”And eventually, they don’t. 6. The Overdoer- As the name suggests they over- commit themselves with many responsibilities. They don’t prioritise their tasks and eventually end up procrastinating. They have set up impossible standards for themselves.
When it comes to cognition certain types of cognitive biases
could also lead to procrastination Social learning theory : Bandwagon effect – Copy the behaviour if you see someone following it
Emotion : Avoiding the implementation of the intention -
Frustrates the individual
Chu and Choi (2005) distinguish between two sorts of
procrastination behaviours. Passive procrastinators are paralyzed by their indecision and as a result fail to complete tasks on time, so this is certainly an unfavourable behaviour. However, active procrastinators prefer to work under pressure and make deliberate decisions to procrastinate tasks, nevertheless, they usually complete their tasks on time (Gafni & Ger, 2010).
Overcoming Procrastination: End Laziness and Bad Habits, Become More Productive, Increase Your Willpower and Achieve Your Goals to Manage Your Time, Focus and Mindset to Get Things Done.
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