CSE246 Course Outline
CSE246 Course Outline
CSE246 Course Outline
Instructor Information
It will be provided in a separate sheet.
Course Objective
This course introduces students to the general tools and techniques for analyzing and designing
computer algorithms. Initially necessary mathematical preliminaries required for analyzing and
designing computer algorithms are taught. Then this course familiarizes students with several
algorithmic approaches and corresponding problems. This course will work as a backbone to
understanding different core courses of computer science and will be needed as prerequisite
knowledge for future courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, and Compiler
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Knowledge Profile
Learning Domains
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Course Outcomes (COs) with Mappings
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Course Topics, Teaching-Learning Method, and Assessment Scheme
C2 C3 C4
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Longest Common
Subsequence (LCS) and
related problem
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Laboratory Experiments and Assessment Scheme
C3 C4 P2 P3 A2
Implementation of Do CO3
Divide and Conquer
Implementation of Do CO3
Greedy- Knapsack
(fractional) and
Huffman codes
Implementation of Do CO2
String Matching
Implementation of Do CO2
Implementation of Do CO3
DP- Knapsack, LCS,
LIS, Coin change,
Matrix chain
multiplication and
other DP related
Implementation of Do CO1
breadth-first search
Implementation of Do CO1
depth-first search
Implementation of Do CO1
Topological sort and
find Strongly
Implementation of Do CO1
Dijkstra’s and
Modified Dijkstra’s
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Implementation of Do CO1
algorithm and
Transitive closure
Implementation of Do CO1
Max Flow
Mini Projects
C3 C4 P2 P3 A2
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Overall Assessment Scheme
Midterm 6 18 6 30
Lab final 6 4 10
Lab performance 3 3 4 10
Mini Project 10 10
Teaching Materials/Equipment
Mini Projects:
Mini Project description will be provided in time.
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Grading System
Exam Dates
Academic Integrity:
Any form of cheating, plagiarism, personification, falsification of a document as well as any other
form of dishonest behavior related to obtaining academic gain or the avoidance of evaluative
exercises committed by a student is an academic offence under the Academic Code of Conduct
and may lead to severe penalties as decided by the Disciplinary Committee of the university.
Special Instructions:
● Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations. A student MUST have at least
80% class attendance to sit for the final exam.
● Students will not be allowed to enter into the classroom after 20 minutes of the starting time.
● For plagiarism, the grade will automatically become zero for that exam/assignment.
● Normally there will be NO make-up exam. However, in case of severe illness, death of any
family member, any family emergency, or any humanitarian ground, if a student miss any
exam, the student MUST get approval of makeup exam by written application to the
Chairperson through the Course Instructor within 48hoursof the exam time. Proper supporting
documents in favor of the reason of missing the exam have to be presented with the application.
● For final exam, there will be NO makeup exam. However, in case of severe illness, death of
any family member, any family emergency, or any humanitarian ground, if a student miss
the final exam, the student MUST get approval of Incomplete Grade by written application
to the Chairperson through the Course Instructor within 48 hours of the final exam time.
Proper supporting documents in favor of the reason of missing the final exam have to be
presented with the application. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange an
Incomplete Exam within the deadline mentioned in the Academic Calendar in
consultation with the Course Instructor.
● All mobile phones MUST be turned to silent mode during class and exam period.
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● There is zero tolerance for cheating in exam. Students caught with cheat sheets in their
possession, whether used or not; writing on the palm of hand, back of calculators, chairs or
nearby walls; copying from cheat sheets or other cheat sources; copying from other examinee,
etc. would be treated as cheating in the exam hall. The only penalty for cheating is expulsion
for several semesters as decided by the Disciplinary Committee of the university.
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