Department of Science and Humanities Academic Year 2024-25 Student Name : Roll No./Reg No : Subject Code/Subject Name : GE3151-Prolem Solving & Python Programming Year/Sem/Branch : I /Odd / Date : Assignment-i COURSE OUTCOMES : After completion of this course, students will be able to
CO1 Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems.
CO2 Develop and execute simple Python programs. CO3 Write simple Python programs using conditionals and loops for solving problems. CO4 Decompose a Python program into functions. CO5 Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries etc. CO6 Read and write data from/to files in Python programs.
Topic: Computational Thinking & Problem Solving-Datatypes, Expressions,
( 5X8=40 Marks)
S.No Question CO Marks
Awarded 1. Discuss about the building blocks of an CO1 algorithms.(K2) 2. Identify the simple strategies for developing an CO1 algorithm. (K1) 3. Examine the types of operators supported by CO2 python and outline any two with an example. (K3) 4. Describe a python program to exchange the value CO2 of two variables and finding a distance between two points. (K2) 5. Classify while loop, break statement and continue CO3 statement in python with an example. (K4)