Morpho Quiz 1.10.24 Keys
Morpho Quiz 1.10.24 Keys
Morpho Quiz 1.10.24 Keys
II. The words in column 2 have been created from the corresponding words in column 1.
Indicate the word formation process responsible for the creation of each word in column 2.
Ex. text + book textbook compounding
Column 1 Column 2 Word formation process
con’test (v) ’contest (n) conversion /word class shift
(stress shift)
donation (n) donate (v) back formation
camera recorder camcorder blending
brief (adj) abbreviate (v) derivation /affixation
dally (v) dilly-dally (v) reduplication
Crime Scene Investigation CSI acronymy
(named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich) sandwich (n) antonomasia
influenza flu clipping
cloud+cuckoo+land cloud cuckoo land compounding
(imitative of the cry of a small lizard) gecko (n) onomatopoeia /echoism
/sound imitation
VI. Identify all the allomorphs of the root morphemes in the following words and give their
meanings. Write the allomorphs in phonemic transcription in slashes / … /.
Ex: strong, strength
/ strɒŋ / / streŋ- / : strong
1.maintain, maintenance: hold 2. recede, recess: go
3.intervene, intervention: come 4. reduce, reduction: bring, lead
VI. Read the text below. Use each word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the
space. Pay attention to the correct word forms.
Linguists investigate how people acquire their (1. know) about know-LEDGE
language, how this knowledge (2. act) with other cognitive processes, INTER-act-S
how it varies across speakers and (3. geography) regions, and how to geograph-IC/-ICAL
model this knowledge (4. compute). They study how to represent the comput-ATION-AL-LY
structure of the (5. vary) aspects of language (such as sounds or
meaning), how to account for different linguistic patterns (6. theory),
and how the different components of language interact with each other.
Many linguists do fieldwork, (7. collect) empirical evidence to help
them gain (8. sight) into a specific language or languages in general. IN-sight
They work with speakers of different languages to discover patterns
and/or to document the language, search databases (or corpora) of
(9. speak) and written language, and run SPOKEN
(10. care)-designed experiments with children and adults in schools, in care-FUL-LY
the field, and in university labs. Yes, linguistics is a science!