Case Study 3
Case Study 3
Case Study 3
He tenido problemas al aplicar el etherchannel en Packet Tracer, perdía los pings desde los PC
´s..¿? Por más que le daba vueltas no veía el motivo así que el martes subí a la clase y probé la
configuración allí y me funcionaba bien.
Command “default-information originate” is not working for 1941 routers on Packet Tracer.
Therefore I have defined ip static routes withing R1 and R3.
b. Do all VLAN 10 devices have connectivity to the outside? Justify your answers.
Yes. Due to HSRP configuration If R1 fails R3 takes over and works as default router
for PC1.
b. Do all VLAN 10 devices have connectivity to the outside? Justify your answers.
Yes. Due to HSRP configuration If R3 fails R1 takes over and works as default router
for PC2 and PC3.
a. Follow the path of packets from PC1 to Internet and to other devices on the network.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 0 ms 10 ms 2 ms
2 11 ms 12 ms 0 ms
Trace compete.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 0 ms 10 ms 1 ms
Trace complete.
b. Follow the path of packets from PC2 to Internet and other devices on the network.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 0 ms 2 ms 0 ms
2 11 ms 12 ms 12 ms
Trace complete.
1 1 ms 0 ms 1 ms
2 11 ms 12 ms 12 ms
3 11 ms 12 ms 10 ms
Trace complete.
From show ip ospf neighbor command we can see that R3 is the Designated Router (highest
router-id for those routers having the same Priority) and R1 is the Backup Designated Router
b. Imagine that the elections of DR and BDR are incorrect. How do you change or force those
elections? Probe it and justify your answers.
And clearing the ip ospf process we can see that now R1 is the DR and R3 the BDR:
9. Adjust the bandwidth of R1’s S0/0 and R2’s S0/1 to 64kbps and the bandwidth of R2’s S0/0
and R3’s S0/1 to 128kbps.
a. What changes do you appreciate? Justify your answers.
Cost of OSPF routes in routing tables of R1 and R2 vary accordingly.
c. Change the cost of the links with another technic (different from bandwidth
configuration) and check that the results are the same.
The same as with R3’s S0/1.
Cost can also be changed by using the ip ospf cost + “cost number” entering interfaces
Bandwith limitation commands for eigrp traffic is not available in Packet Tracer. The
commands to apply on those serials interfaces playing a role in EIGRP would be:
ip bandwith-percent eigrp 20 60
b. Do all VLAN 10 devices have connectivity to the outside? Justify your answers.
As HSRP is configured, when the link between SW1 and R1 fails, R3 changes into active
default Gateway for PC1 and this is the path PC1 is following to Access the outside.
Adjust the bandwidth of R1’s S0/0 and R2’s S0/1 to 64kbps and the bandwidth of R2’s S0/0 and
R3’s S0/1 to 128kbps.
a. What changes do you appreciate? Justify your answers
Entre R1 y R2 128kbs: