Influence of Mulch and Poultry Manure Application On Soil
Influence of Mulch and Poultry Manure Application On Soil
Influence of Mulch and Poultry Manure Application On Soil
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Sustainable vegetable production especially during the dry season requires adequate conservation of soil
Received 22 May 2022 water. This study was conducted to evaluate the sole and interactive effects of mulching (M) and poultry
Received in revised form manure (PM) application on soil temperature (ST), crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and water use efficiency
31 August 2022
(WUE) of okra. The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates.
Accepted 13 September 2022
The treatments were M at 0 and 6 t ha1 and PM at 0, 10 and 20 t ha1. Soil temperature was measured
Available online 30 September 2022
using digital thermometer while ETc was determined by water depletion method using a Time Domain
Reflectometer. Irrigation at field capacity was applied manually at 2-day intervals. Independent appli-
cation of mulch significantly lowered ST while joint application of 20 t ha1 PM (PM20) and M signifi-
Soil temperature cantly (p 0.05) reduced ST at 5 cm and 10 cm soil depth compared with the unmulched plots in both
Volumetric water content seasons. Application of 10 t ha1 PM (PM10) without M recorded the highest ETc (43.7 mm), while joint
Water depletion method application of PM20 and M reduced ETc by about 93% compared with PM10 only. Okra used water most
Water use efficiency efficiently when PM20 was applied under mulched plot. There was 62.2% increase in WUE under
mulched plots compared with the control while the residual effect of PM10 and M significantly increased
WUE by 65.5%. It was evident that M alongside application of PM is a good strategy for regulating ST,
moderating ETc and increasing okra WUE, especially during dry season farming.
© 2022 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, China Water and
Power Press, and China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research. Publishing services by
Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
2095-6339/© 2022 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation, China Water and Power Press, and China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research.
Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
manuring has been reported (Busari & Salako, 2015; Mosaddeghi savannah climates. The location of the site lies between Latitude 7
et al., 2009) and could therefore be a good soil water conserva- 120 N to 7 200 N and longitude 3 200 E to 3 280 E (Salako et al.,
tion approach. It was also reported by Busari et al. (2010) that 2007). A detailed description, including the map, of the study
poultry manure (PM) has the benefit of holding water tightly in the area is contained in Busari (2017).
soil such that removing it requires more energy. Apart from water
retention properties, organic manures are good sources of macro 2.2. Experimental design
and micro nutrients that are important for optimal growth and
development of plants (Magkos et al., 2003). Nutrients contained in The field study was conducted as a 2 3 factorial experiment
PM have longer residual effects because they are released more laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The factors
slowly and as such have resulted in good crop development and were M (0 and 6 t ha1) and PM application (0, 10 and 20 t ha1)
higher yields (Abou et al., 2005) due to higher nutrient recovery replicated three times. The control plots contained no mulch
rate compared with mineral fertilizer (Ferreira et al., 2022). Apart (unmulched - M0) and no PM (PM0). The plot size was 4 m by 3 m,
from the soil physical, chemical and biological fertility improve- making an area of 12 m2 with 1 m inter-plot spacing (Fig. 1).
ment associated with poultry manure application, it also helps in
overcoming the disposal problems of poultry droppings (Friend 2.3. Treatments
et al., 2006; Kumar et al., 2020; McGrath et al., 2009).
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a mechanism that is related directly A preliminary trial (unpublished) revealed that 6 t h1 of dry
to the availability of soil water and prevailing temperature. Direct Pennisetum purpureum effectively covered the soil surface without
measurement of evapotranspiration is not easy but the use of being too thick to either interfere with the growing seedlings or
specific devices and measurements of some physical parameters or significantly reduce water reaching the soil surface from the at-
the soil water balance could be helpful to determine evapotrans- mosphere. The use of high rate of PM such as 20 t ha1 in reducing
piration (Koster et al., 2004). Devises such as Time Domain Re- fast draining soil macropores (Busari & Salako, 2015) and in holding
flectometers (TDR) have been successfully used to measure soil water tightly in the soil (Busari et al., 2010) have been demon-
moisture content in cropped field from where crop ET could be strated. Therefore, this study which aimed at soil water conserva-
inferred. Time domain reflectometry is the most common non- tion used 6 t ha1 grass mulch and 10 and 20 t ha1 PM as
destructive method used in the measurement of soil water con- treatments.
tent (He et al., 2021). Poultry manure was collected and air dried to cure for 2 weeks
A very good indicator of crop biomass production relative to before allocating according to treatments (0, 10 and 20 t ha1). At 2
water consumption is known as water use efficiency (WUE) and it is weeks before planting, poultry manure was incorporated manually
a ratio between two agronomic (crop yield and water consumption) into the soil using hand held hoe while dry mulch (Pennisetum
or physiological (transpiration and photosynthesis) parameters purpureum) was weighed and applied two weeks after planting at
(Blum, 2005). Reports about WUE in relation to ET still remains the rate of 0 and 6 t ha1 in 2016. The mulch material was applied in
unclear. According to Aggarwal et al. (1986) WUE is inversely each plot according to the treatment by spreading thinly on the plot
related to ET while Musick et al. (1994) observed no change in WUE surface. Residual effects were studied in 2017 without re-
with seasonal ET. What is important to note, however, is that WUE application of treatments.
becomes most efficient when optimum yield is obtained from the
least amount of water supplied to the crop (Axel et al., 2005), and it 2.4. Planting of okra
may be estimated in terms of WUE for the harvest index or biomass
growth (Condon et al., 2002). Several water conservation methods Okra seeds (NHAe 47-4 variety) were obtained from National
have been investigated on agricultural soils and techniques such as Institute of Horticultural Research (NIHORT) Ibadan, Nigeria. The
M and PM application could be one of the ways by which WUE can first dry season planting of okra seeds was done on the January 29,
be enhanced. According to Hatfield and Dold (2019), higher WUE 2016. The planting spacing was 50 cm by 40 cm. Okra seeds were
can be achieved by embracing practices that reduce the evapora- planted at 3 seeds per hole and then thinned to 2 seedlings two
tion component of the soil water by diverting more water into weeks after planting. Second dry season planting was carried out
transpiration through application of mulches. on the February 15, 2017 (delayed occasioned by untimely avail-
Lack of water during dry season farming and its consequences ability of planting seeds).
on soil and crop productivity cannot be understated. There is,
therefore, a need to develop a means of reducing evaporation and 2.5. Data collection
moderate crop evapotranspiration especially during the critical
period of food production. It is hypothesized that mulching Irrigation was applied manually at field capacity by applying
alongside poultry manure application could regulate soil temper- equal volume of water to each plot using a watering can at 2 days
ature, moderate crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and consequently interval. Evapotranspiration was estimated by water depletion
crop water use efficiency. This experiment was therefore, carried method using a Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). This was done
out to evaluate the independent and interactive effects of mulching by measuring the soil volumetric water content immediately after
and poultry manure application on soil temperature, crop evapo- irrigation and 48 h after irrigation.
transpiration and water use efficiency of okra under dry seasons Crop evapotranspiration was obtained using the formula given
farming. below:
M2i ¼ volumetric water content (%) 48 h after irrigation conductivity (Ks) while the hydrometer method with sodium-
D ¼ depth of the soil (mm) which is equivalent to the length of hexameta-phosphate (Calgon) as dispersant was employed to
the TDR prongs. obtain the particle size analysis of the soil. Organic carbon was
Seasonal ETc was obtained by summing the ETc values of determined by wet oxidation with potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)
each sampling interval. while the Bray-1 extractant (0.025 M HCl þ 0.03 N NH4F) procedure
was used to determine the soil available P (Bray & Kurtz, 1945). The
Water use efficiency (WUE) was estimated as the ratio of total total nitrogen was measured using micro Kjeldahl distillation pro-
biomass to irrigation water consumed cedure. Ammonium acetate (pH 7) was used to extract the
exchangeable cations before Ca and Mg were measured using
Total biomass Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) while K and Na were
WUE ¼ [2]
irrigation water used determined using a Flame Photometer (Thomas, 1982).
Total biomass was taken as sum of all weekly okra fruit yield
harvested from tagged plants (five stands per plot) and the dry matter 2.7. Statistical analysis
yield. Fresh okra fruit harvest started at 8 WAP and this continued till
13 WAP. The fresh fruits were oven dried at 65 C on weekly basis to The data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance
constant weight and added to dry matter yield taken after final har- (ANOVA) using GenStat Discovery Edition (2014). Significant means
vest at 13 WAP to obtain the total biomass (data not shown). were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at a 5%
probability level. The graphs were plotted using ggplot2 package of
R studio (R Core Team, 2021).
2.6. Soil physicochemical analysis
3. Results and discussion
Soil samples were taken for pre-planting laboratory analysis.
The pH of the soil was measured using glass electrode pH meter in 3.1. Physical and chemical properties of the soil used for the study
1:2 soil-water ratio. Bulk density (BD) was obtained by dividing the
oven dried weight of the soil by the soil total volume. Total porosity The textural class of the soil used for the study was loamy sand
was estimated from the BD values ((1-BD/PD) x 100; assumed PD is (Table 1). The pH of the soil was acidic (5.60) while the organic
2.65 g cm3 where PD is the particle density). The constant head carbon content was moderate (0.6%). Exchangeable cations of the soil
method was used to determine the soil saturated hydraulic were high. The cations order of abundance was; Ca > Mg > K > Na.
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
Table 1 were mulched and this may be due to direct contact of solar radi-
Physicochemical properties of the soil of the experimental sites at the onset of ation on the soil which increased water loss and evapotranspiration
the study.
under unmulched compared with the mulched plots (Alfred et al.,
Parameters Value 2009, p. 126; Patrick, 2004).
pH (water) 5.60
Bulk density (g cm3) 1.23 3.4. Effect of poultry manure on okra ET
Total porosity (%) 46.42
Hydraulic conductivity (cm hr1) 14.22
During the first planting season, application of PM20 generally
Sand (g kg1) 792
Silt (g kg1) 98 resulted in the lowest ETc compared with PM10 and the control,
Clay(g kg1) 110 though these ETc values were only significantly lower at 2 and 5
Textural class Loamy sand WAP (Fig. 3). This suggests that poultry manure has the capacity of
Total N (%) 0.06
holding water tightly in the soil (Busari et al., 2010) which could
Total Org C (%) 0.6
Available P (mg kg1) 43.94
reduce evapotranspiration. At the second planting season similar
Ca (cmol kg1) 12.97 results were observed, though with smaller values of ETc which
Mg (cmol kg1) 1.18 were not significantly affected by different PM rates. Higher ability
Na (cmol kg1) 0.27 of animal manure to retain soil water (Busari & Salako, 2015;
K (cmol kg1) 0.7
Khaleel et al., 1981) could be responsible for lower crop ET in plots
Al þ H (cmol kg1) 0.1
ECEC (cmol kg1) 15.22 treated with PM. This result agreed with that of Wang et al. (2010)
Base sat (%) 99.93 who reported that poultry manure decreased the rate of evapo-
Mn (mg kg1) 49.9 transpiration which may be due to less water lost with manure
Fe (mg kg1) 7.23 application.
Cu (mg kg1) 0.69
Zn (mg kg1)) 1.63
3.5. Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on okra ET
3.7. Effect of poultry manure on soil temperature temperature (38.1 C) followed by PM 0 t ha1 at 12 WAP (35.7 C)
while the PM 20 t ha1 at 7 WAP gave the lowest ST (29.7 C). The
In both planting seasons there were no significant effects among mean soil temperature of the control plot increased by 5.9%
the various PM treatments, though 20 t ha1 PM recorded the compared with poultry manure amended plots in the second
lowest ST across the sampling periods at 5 cm soil depth (Fig. 6). planting season (2017). At 10 cm soil depth in the first season,
Application of PM at 0 t ha1 at 13 WAP had the highest application of PM did not significantly affect ST, however, the
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
Table 3
Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on okra evapotranspiration.
0 0 19.8 30.9 24.2 39.5 35.5 20.5 35.5 27.4 39.55 33.8 35.9 27.4 21.5
10 31.8 43.7 27.7 34.4 22.0 16.8 22.0 36.4 36.97 29.9 43.7 36.4 15.9
20 6.1 22.4 26.4 28.5 13.4 14.9 13.4 29.1 35.15 27.1 23.0 29.1 9.8
6 0 38.2 7.3 12.4 13.6 14.1 10.3 14.1 9.2 14.47 8.2 7.9 9.2 7.9
10 21.5 13.1 10.1 9.0 15.1 9.3 15.1 11.8 16.99 5.8 10.1 11.8 7.6
20 14.0 12.5 11.0 6.5 10.5 11.1 10.5 5.9 16.47 8.7 9.2 5.9 3.1
LSD (p < 0.05) ns 14.52 ns 22.39 9.29 8.14 9.29 20.58 5.885 12.18 14.52 20.58 7.01
0 0 22.0 10.7 10.7 6.7 8.7 7.3 6.7 14.0 22.0 26.7 24.7 21.3 16.0
10 8.0 13.3 14.0 8.0 5.3 6.7 11.3 18.7 24.0 30.7 27.3 24.7 10.7
20 36 16.7 11.3 10.7 10.7 10.0 12.7 11.3 21.3 21.3 20.7 20.7 17.3
6 0 17.3 13.3 11.3 4.0 10.7 2.7 13.3 9.3 19.3 13.3 16.0 14.7 18.7
10 27.3 10 10.0 7.3 10.7 2.0 10.0 10.7 15.3 16.0 13.3 11.3 10.0
20 34.7 9.3 10.7 9.3 4.0 6.7 10.7 6.7 24.0 20.7 10.0 11.3 20.0
Lsd (p < 0.05) ns ns ns ns Ns ns ns 8.8 7.96 12.38 15.26 12.5 ns
control had the highest soil temperature (35.8 C) than other levels increased heat capacity and reduced thermal conductivity (Obia
of PM at 13 WAP (Fig. 7). During the second planting season, ST at et al., 2020).
10 cm depth was not significantly affected by different levels of PM
but the plots without PM conspicuously recorded the highest ST 3.8. Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on soil
across the sampling periods. Control plot had higher temperature temperature at 5 cm depth
(37 C) at 6 WAP followed by 10 t ha1 PM while the least ST value
(31.7 C) was recorded on plot with 20 t ha1 PM at 13 WAP (Fig. 7). Application of mulch significant effected soil temperature,
This result indicates that PM has the capacity to moderate soil except at the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 12th WAP of the first planting season
temperature. The lower ST in plots that received PM might be due (Table 4). The combined application of PM20 and mulching
to an increase in organic to mineral mix ratio in the soil within the significantly reduced ST at 5 cm depth compared with the inde-
plots treated with PM. Furthermore, the reduction in ST by PM pendent application of poultry manure at 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
could not be unconnected with its ability to improve soil water 13 WAPs. At 13 WAP, PM20 application mulching had the highest ST
content because several reports have indicated that organic (38.56 C) at 5 cm depth while at 7 WAP the application of PM20
amendment improved soil moisture (Busari & Salako, 2015; with mulching recorded the lowest ST (29.51 C).
Mosaddeghi et al., 2009) which helped to reduce ST due to both In the second planting season, the control plot had significantly
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
higher soil temperature from 2 to 13 WAP compared to other more effective in regulating the soil thermal regime with increased
treatment combinations. Plots amended with 20 t ha-l PM and M potential to minimize soil water loss via evaporation. This is
recorded the lowest soil temperature except at 1, 5, 6 and 11 WAP because, on one hand, M has the ability to minimize direct impact
while soil temperature in plots amended with different levels of PM of solar radiation (Anikwe et al., 2007) while, on the other hand, PM
alone were inconsistent all through the second season, though has the potential to increase water holding capacity of the soil
lower soil temperature was recorded when applied jointly with (Busari & Salako, 2015; Mosaddeghi et al., 2009) which will lead to
mulch. This implies that combining PM application with M may be less evaporation.
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
Table 4
Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on soil temperature at 5 cm depth.
0 0 32.3 31.4 36.3 32.9 34.6 34.4 29.7 35.4 33.9 32.3 33.3 36.9 38.4
10 32.1 31.4 36.5 33.7 34.6 34.8 30.0 35.2 34.2 32.3 33.4 36.2 37.4
20 32.5 31.6 38.4 34 35.0 35.6 29.9 35.8 35.0 32.8 34.6 38.3 38.6
6 0 32.1 30.8 33.9 32.4 32.1 33.2 29.7 33.4 32.7 31.6 32.4 34.5 37.9
10 32.3 30.5 33.1 32.2 32.6 34.7 29.8 33.6 34.2 31.5 32.8 35.6 36.9
20 31.2 30.7 31.7 31.2 32.3 32.1 29.5 33.4 31.9 31.7 31.0 33.2 34.4
Lsd (P < 0.05) ns ns 5.99 2.78 1.92 3.25 ns 2.24 3.22 1.00 3.17 ns 5.41
0 0 35.3 36.9 37.9 39.9 38.9 41.3 38.4 34.6 36.9 34.4 35.3 36.5 35.5
10 34.7 35.9 37.0 39.5 38.3 40.6 37.5 34.2 36.3 33.9 34.9 36.3 34.9
20 35.4 36.6 37.5 39.3 38.5 41.4 37.9 34.4 36.6 34.2 34.7 36.4 35.6
6 0 34.3 36.1 35.4 36.8 35.2 35.4 32.6 32.2 32.9 32.9 32.9 33.2 32.2
10 35.0 35.8 35.6 36.9 35.5 31.6 32.6 32.2 33.7 32.7 32.1 33.2 32.2
20 34.5 35.7 34.7 35.9 34.8 34.2 33.0 31.9 32.9 32.2 32.4 32.8 31.9
Lsd (P < 0.05) ns ns 0.81 2.09 0.93 4.85 1.00 0.60 0.91 1.21 1.25 0.88 2.13
3.9. Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on soil been reported by Ross et al. (1985). The higher soil water content
temperature at 10 cm depth due to M could be responsible for decreased in soil surface tem-
perature through its effects on soil thermal properties. Similarly,
Except at 2, 6, 9, 10 and 11 WAP of the first season, significant soil moisture conservation by M has been linked with decreased
(p > 0.05) interactive effect of PM and M was observed on soil soil temperature by Zhang et al. (2011).
temperature at 10 cm depth (Table 5). The combined application of
PM20 and M significantly reduced ST at 10 cm depth compared to 3.10. Effect of poultry manure and mulch application on water use
plots without M at 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 and13 WAP. However, at 13 WAP, efficiency of okra
the application of PM20 without M had the highest ST (37.9 C) at
10 cm depth while at 7 WAP the PM20 application with mulch had A significantly high water use efficiency of okra was recorded
the lowest ST (28.8 C). Application of PM and M did not signifi- under mulched compared with unmulched plots (Fig. 8). Reports
cantly influence ST at 1 and 2 WAP of the second season while the have shown that mulching reduced evapotranspiration and
combination of PM and M significantly decreased the ST at 3 to 13 increased WUE in many crops (Brust, 2000), sorghum (El-
WAP. Reduction of soil temperature by up to 20 C and creation of Samnoudi et al., 2019; El-Mageed et al., 2018) and potato (Zhang
slow evaporation from the soil surface by vegetative mulch have et al., 2017). A significantly high water use efficiency of okra was
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
Table 5
Interactive effect of poultry manure and mulching on soil temperature at 10 cm depth.
0 0 31.5 30.49 33.11 32.47 34.28 32.54 29.0s6 34.24 31.32 30.27 31.66 35.16 37.01
10 31.41 30.63 33.32 33.06 34.13 32.5 29.06 33.73 32.08 30.61 31.67 34.34 34.6
20 31.92 30.63 34.81 33.4 34.72 32.36 29.2 34.47 31.7 30.39 31.5 36.16 37.92
6 0 30.72 30.12 31.98 31.8 28.97 31.99 28.91 31.87 31.7 30.21 30.97 32.74 34.56
10 30.97 29.84 31.07 31.69 32.37 32.64 29.26 32.47 32.03 29.87 31.6 33.38 35.67
20 30.54 29.94 30.38 30.66 32.07 31.3 28.76 32.09 30.27 29.84 30.42 30.83 31.8
Lsd (P < 0.05) 1.198 ns 3.706 2.724 4.236 ns 0.3941 2.044 ns ns ns 5.685 5.266
0 0 34.71 35.93 36.97 38.19 37.58 39.42 36.92 33.94 36.43 33.87 34.27 35.76 35.08
10 34.19 35.07 35.96 38.14 37.2 39.34 36.26 33.61 35.92 33.67 33.72 35.67 34.53
20 34.62 35.54 36.17 37.59 37.23 39.08 36.39 33.68 36.12 33.64 33.68 35.67 35.03
6 0 34.21 35.49 34.3 35.54 34.37 34.47 31.98 31.8 32.64 32.39 32.27 32.79 31.83
10 34.22 34.93 34.58 35.51 34.14 34.01 31,94 31.72 33.16 32.21 31.42 32.8 31.94
20 34.11 35.03 33.79 34.91 33.97 33.32 32.27 31.49 32.56 31.76 31.81 32.48 31.69
LSD (P 0.05) ns ns 0.84 1.46 0.59 1.35 0.81 0.53 0.85 1.11 0.91 0.8 2.03
Fig. 9. Effect of different rates of poultry manure application on water use efficiency of okra.
WUE - water use efficiency; Vertical bars on each point represent LSD bars.
also observed in plots where 20 t ha1 PM was applied compared 14% and 21% compared with lower PM rate (24 t ha1) and the
with 10 t ha1 PM and the control (Fig. 9). In a similar study at El control respectively. The reason for improved WUE by M and PM
Fayoum province in Egypt, El-Samnoudi et al. (2019) found that may be attributed to reduction in soil water loss (Su et al., 2009)
application of higher rate of PM (36 t ha1) increased WUE by about because this will increase the water available for plat uptake and
M.A. Busari, G.O. Bankole, I.A. Adiamo et al. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2023) 382e392
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Mutiu Busari: Conceptualization, Experimental design, Inves- 1405332964.
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Investigation, Experimental design, Investigation, Data collection water use efficiency in sorghum (bicolor L. Moench) under low moisture
Writing original draft, Review and Editing. Idris Adiamo: Field regime. Agricultural Water Management, 208, 431e439.
layout, Investigation and data collection. Rasaq Abiodun: Field El-Samnoudi, I. M., Ibrahim, A. M., Abd El-Tawwab, A. R., & Abd El-Mageed, T. A.
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