Scoring Rubric For Laboratory Sign
Scoring Rubric For Laboratory Sign
Scoring Rubric For Laboratory Sign
Difficulty The sign The sign The sign has The sign has The sign lacks
incorporates includes some minimal any
complex moderately challenging challenging challenging
elements, such challenging elements, elements and elements and
as intricate elements, such as simple is primarily is composed
graphics, such as graphics, composed of of basic
multiple colors, detailed limited colors, simple graphics,
and a layered graphics, and a basic graphics, limited colors,
design that multiple design that limited colors, and a simple
requires colors, and a shows a fair and a basic design that
significant skill layered level of skill. design that requires
and effort to design that requires little minimal skill.
create. demonstrates skill.
a good level
of skill.
Overall The sign has an The sign has The sign has The sign has a The sign has a
exceptional visually an average below- poor
Appearance appearance, appealing appearance average appearance
polished, and appearance. with some appearance with minimal
visually The design visual appeal. with limited visual appeal.
appealing. The elements, The design visual appeal. The design
design colors, and elements, The design elements,
elements, message are colors, and elements, colors, and
colors, and mostly well- message are colors, and message are
message are balanced and somewhat message are not balanced
well-balanced cohesive. balanced poorly and lack
and cohesive, and cohesive. balanced cohesion.
creating a and lack
strong visual cohesion.
Grammar The output is The output has The output The output The output
free of any minimal has some has multiple has numerous
and Spelling grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or
spelling errors. spelling errors spelling errors spelling errors spelling errors
The message is that do not that that that make the
clear, concise, significantly occasionally frequently message
and effectively impact the make the make the unclear
conveys the overall message message throughout.
intended message. The unclear. The unclear. The The intended
meaning. message is intended intended meaning is
mostly clear meaning is meaning is not conveyed
and somewhat not at all.
effectively conveyed. effectively
conveys the conveyed.