The Unique and Common Effects of Emotional Intelli
The Unique and Common Effects of Emotional Intelli
The Unique and Common Effects of Emotional Intelli
To cite this article: Christopher Schlaegel , Robert L. Engle & Guido Lang (2020): The unique
and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job
performance: an exploratory study in three countries, The International Journal of Human Resource
Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1811368
Article views: 86
Previous empirical studies have either used a unidimensional Emotional intelligence;
or a multidimensional analytical approach to examine the con- commonality analysis; job
sequences of emotional intelligence (EI). In this exploratory performance; job
study we integrate and extend these two approaches, using a
novel perspective to better understand the structure of the EI-
job satisfaction and the EI-job performance relationship. Using
commonality analysis and data from Germany, India, as well as
the U.S. we partition the explained variance for job satisfaction,
in- role performance, and extra-role performance into the vari-
ance that is uniquely explained by the individual EI dimensions
and the variance that is common to sets of EI dimensions. We
provide evidence that the EI dimensions are differently related
to job satisfaction and job performance facets. Furthermore,
the findings offer insights on how unique and common effects
vary across countries. Partitioning the unique and commonly
shared variance allows us to assess the true predictive power
of individual EI dimensions and of sets of EI dimensions. Based
on these findings, we discuss implications for theory develop-
ment and provide future research directions.
Emotional intelligence (EI)—an individual’s capacity to accurately and
efficiently process emotional information relevant to the recognition,
construction, and regulation of emotion in oneself and others (Mayer &
Table 1. Summary of previous studies on the relation between EI dimensions and different outcomes.
Study Sample and study context EI dimensions Outcome Analysis Main findings
Bozionelos and N ¼ 188, expatriates, mixed SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JP Regression All EI dimensions are positively related to JP
Singh (2017) country sample
Extremera N ¼ 405, professionals, Spain SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS Regression Overall EI and the four EI dimension are directly related
et al. (2018) to JS as well as indirectly through vigour, dedication,
and absorption
ulery€uz N ¼ 267, hospital SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM OEI is positively related to JS; ROE positive effect on JS
et al. (2008) nurses, Turkey (no effect for SEA, OEA, UOE)
Guy and N ¼ 167, public service SEA, OEA, ROE JS CB-SEM OEA is negatively related to JS, SEA is positively related
Lee (2015) employees, Turkey to JS (no effect for ROE)
Greenidge N ¼ 222, employees (mixed SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS, JP CB-SEM UOE, SEA, and ROE are positively related to JS (no effect
et al., (2014) industries), Caribbean for OEA), UOE and ROE are positively related to JP
(no effect for SEA and OEA)
Huang N ¼ 493, call center SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JP Regression UOE is positively associated with JP (no significant
et al. (2010) agents, China relation for ROE, SEA, and OEA)
Kafetsios N ¼ 179, teacher, Greece SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS Regression OEA and UOE are positively associated with JS (no
et al. (2011) effect for SEA and ROE)
Kafetsios and N ¼ 523, educators, Greece SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM, regression OEI is positively related to JS, OEA, UOE, and ROE are
Zampetakis positively related to JS (no effect for SEA)
Khalid et al. (2018) N ¼ 144, pharmacists SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JP PLS-SEM All fours EI dimensions are significantly and positively
employees, Pakistan correlated with JP (the direct effect of EI on JS was
not reported)
Law et al. (2008) N ¼ 102, R&D scientists, China SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JP Regression OEA and ROE are positively associated with JP (no effect
for SEA and UOE)
Lee (2018) N ¼ 167, public service SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM SEA is positively related to JS; OEA is negatively related
employees, U.S. to JS (no effect for ROE)
Lee and N ¼ 322, high school SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM Overall EI is significantly related to JS, all four EI
Chelladurai coaches, U.S. dimensions are significantly and positively correlated
(2018) with JS
Locander N ¼ 279, medical supply and SEA, ROE JP CB-SEM No effect for both SEA and ROE
et al. (2014) real estate sales agents, U.S.
Meisler and N ¼ 368, employees (financial SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM Overall EI is significantly related to JS, except for SEA all
Vigoda- organization), Israel EI dimensions are significantly and positively
Gadot (2014) correlated with JS
Mulki et al. (2015) N ¼ 850, salespersons, Mexico ROE JP CB-SEM ROE is positively related to JP
Table 1. Continued.
Study Sample and study context EI dimensions Outcome Analysis Main findings
Pekaar Study 1: N ¼ 68, lawyers, SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JP Regression Study 1: OEA is positively related to subjective JP (no
et al. (2017) Netherlands; effect for SEA, ROE, and UOE); Study 2: OEA is
Study 2: N ¼ 61, positively associated with objective JP (no effect for
salespersons, Netherlands SEA, ROE, UOE)
Shamsuddin and N ¼ 118, call center agents, SEA, ROE, UOE JP Regression Overall EI is positively related to JP, ROE and UOE are
Rahman (2014) Kuala Lumpur positively related to JP, SEA shows no significant
Sun et al. (2017) N ¼ 398, teacher, China SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM Coping humor mediates the relation between UOE as
well as ROE and JS
Trivellas N ¼ 145, hospital SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS PLS-SEM SEA and UOE are positively related to JS (no effect for
et al. (2013) employees, Greece OEA and ROE)
Uslu and N ¼ 146, employees, Turkey SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS Regression Overall EI and the four EI dimensions are positively
Uslu (2019) associated with JS
Yan et al. (2018) N ¼ 356, nurses, China SEA, OEA, ROE, UOE JS CB-SEM Overall EI is significantly related to JS, all EI dimensions
are significantly and positively correlated with JS
Note: CB-SEM ¼ covariance based structural equation modeling, JP ¼ job performance, JS ¼ job satisfaction, OEA ¼ others’ emotional appraisal, OEI ¼ overall EI, PLS-SEM ¼ partial least
squares structural equation modeling, ROE ¼ regulation of emotion, SEA ¼ self-emotional appraisal, UOE ¼ use of emotion.
need to go beyond regression analysis and SEM and use analytical proce-
dures that may explain such effects.
An additional observation of our literature review is that, while the
reviewed studies have been conducted in various countries, to the best of
our knowledge, no previous study compared the relationships between
EI dimensions and relevant outcomes across countries. Although differ-
ences in the measurement of job satisfaction and job performance across
studies might cause inconsistent findings, another explanation might be
that the strength and structure of relationships between EI dimensions
and outcomes vary across countries. As emotions have both universal
and culture-specific features (e.g. Shao et al., 2015) the question remains
as to whether the same individual EI dimensions and sets of dimensions
are related to outcomes, such as job satisfaction and job performance.
This is an important gap in our understanding, as we do not know
whether theoretical models developed in one specific cultural context still
hold in a different cultural context, ultimately hindering the development
of more precise theoretical predictions (Rousseau & Fried, 2001).
To address the identified limitations of previous studies, we propose
and explore a third empirical approach towards EI, which is able to over-
come the limitations of the two standard approaches. Based on common-
ality analysis and samples from three countries we explore and compare
the unique and common effects of EI dimensions for job satisfaction and
job performance. In the next section we introduce this approach and
demonstrate its relevance in EI research.
that such mutual relations have been described in previous research for
various cognitive processes (e.g. Dweck, 1986; Gibson, 1986). In the
mutualism model, specific cognitive processes mutually influence each
other within specific environmental constraints—an aspect that becomes
important later in our argument for cross-country comparisons. Van Der
Maas et al. (2006) point out that they view cognitive processes in a gen-
eral sense, including abilities and specific facets of these abilities, and
that the mutual relations between these cognitive abilities are not limited
to intellectual intelligence but also apply to the social and emotional
domain. As Mayer et al. (2000) as well as Law et al. (2004) conceptual-
ized EI as a set of interrelated abilities that are developmental in nature,
the mutualism perspective is a fruitful ground to describe the interrela-
tions of the EI dimensions.
Drawing on the mutualism perspective, we argue that neither the the-
oretical frameworks nor the methodological approaches currently used in
EI research fully account for the mutual interrelations of EI dimensions.
From a theoretical perspective, Joseph and Newman (2010) cascading
model of EI is an important first step as it posits that some EI dimen-
sions influence outcomes through other EI dimensions. However, the
model predicts a specific order and directionality of interrelations and
does not account for the potential mutual interrelations. From a meth-
odological perspective, the two dominant analytical approaches do not
account for the mutual interrelations of sets of EI dimensions and, as a
result, we still have a limited understanding of the role of all potential
effects in explaining employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Commonality
analysis is an analytical approach that goes beyond regression analysis
and SEM by providing information on the specific contribution of each
independent variable and all combinations of independent variables
(Nimon, 2011; Schoen et al., 2011). In a commonality analysis the R2
values regenerated in regressions of all possible sub-sets of predictors are
used in formulas to calculate commonality coefficients, which indicate
the amount of variance that an independent variable individually and
sets of independent variable jointly explain in a dependent variable.
For the four EI dimensions the total explained variance can be parti-
tioned into 16 effects—four unique effects and twelve common effects,
including six common effects of two EI dimensions, four common effect
of all four EI dimensions. Figure 1 illustrates the unique and common
variance explained by the four EI dimensions.
A unique effect (U1, U2, U3, and U4) indicates how much variance a
single EI dimension explains in the outcome. Common effects indicate
how much variance is jointly explained by sets of EI dimensions. A com-
mon effect of two EI dimensions (C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, and C10) would
common effects of two, three, or all four EI dimensions we can say that
the effect of one EI dimension on an outcome is conditioned on vari-
ation in one, two, or three other EI dimensions.
Our current understanding of the structure of the relation between EI
dimensions and job satisfaction as well as job performance is limited to
the sum of all common effects of overall EI (i.e. the unidimensional
approach) and the total effect of unique and common effects of EI
dimensions (i.e. the multidimensional approach). While previous studies
have extensively provided arguments for unique effects of EI dimensions
on job satisfaction and job performance, these studies have not examined
the specific unique effect of each EI dimension (i.e. the variance
explained only by variations in a single EI dimension when all other EI
dimensions remain constant). Furthermore, in previous studies the com-
mon effects of sets of two or three EI dimensions were only implicitly
considered. For example, in explaining the relation between EI and job
satisfaction Sy et al. (2006, p. 462) argue that ‘ … employees with high EI
may be better at identifying feelings of frustration and stress, and subse-
quently, regulating those emotions to reduce stress’. Thus, Sy et al. impli-
citly suggest that an alignment between SEA and ROE is what influences
job satisfaction, independently of variations in the other two EI dimen-
sions. Also in their argumentation for the relation between EI and job
performance Sy et al. (2006, p. 462) implicitly assume a common effect
between two EI dimensions by stating that employees ‘ … with high emo-
tional intelligence should be more adept at regulating their own emo-
tions and managing others’ emotions to foster more positive
interactions … ’, which ultimately could lead to higher job performance.
Thus, by aligning the effects of variation in ROE and OEA, this argu-
ment describes a common effect of two EI dimensions, independently of
the other EI dimensions. These common effects of EI dimensions so far
have neither been explicitly hypothesized nor empirically examined.
Given the current lack of a strong theoretical or empirical rationale, we
formulate the following explorative research question:
Research question 1: What is the structure and relevance of unique and common
effects of EI dimensions for in-role performance, extra-role performance, and job
Data collection and samples
To answer our exploratory research questions, we collected data in
Germany, India, and the United States (U.S.). The three countries vary
substantially in their cultural norms and values and represent three of
the eleven cultural clusters identified by Ronen and Shenkar (2013):
Anglo (U.S.), Germaanic (Germany), and Far East (India). While three
countries do not allow us to explicitly statistically test for similarities and
differences across countries (Franke & Richey, 2010), our sample base
enables us to contrast the findings across countries (e.g. Tsui, 2007; Tsui
et al., 2007).
After several pilot tests the participants for the final survey for the
Indian sample and the U.S. sample were recruited using Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk (MTurk). MTurk is an online marketplace that allows
anyone to request and perform computer-based tasks in exchange for
payment. Since its public release in 2005, MTurk has been adapted by
social scientists to conduct research projects in psychology, political sci-
ence, sociology, and economics (Bohannon, 2016). Several studies indi-
cate that MTurk can be used to collect high quality data (e.g. Goodman
et al., 2013). To ensure data quality we followed the recommendations in
the literature for research using MTurk (Cheung et al., 2017). First, par-
ticipants had to have completed at least 100MTurk tasks with an
approval rate of at least 95% and had to be based in India or the U.S.
Second, the MTurk job advertisement specified that participants must be
currently employed or must have been employed within the past year to
be eligible for the survey. Third, two verification questions were included
in the MTurk survey. Participants, who indicated that they were either
not currently, or within the past year employed, or who failed to answer
the two verification questions correctly, were automatically excluded
from the data collection. MTurk allows the researcher to limit potential
participants based on their MTurk performance history as well as their
Emotional intelligence
We used the Wong and Law emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS; Wong
& Law, 2002; Law et al., 2004) to measure overall EI and the four EI
dimensions. The WLEIS was specifically designed as a short measure of
combined the item scores using the unweighted average of items consti-
tuting the respective EI dimension (Germany a ¼.84; India a ¼ .85; U.S.
a ¼ .86).
In-role performance
This variable was measured with five items based on Williams and
Anderson (1991) and a five point Likert-type scale (1, ‘strongly disagree’, to
5, ‘strongly agree’). We selected this measure as it has been widely used by
other researchers in this specific research area and, in general, has shown a
high reliability and validity in previous research (e.g. Devonish &
Greenidge, 2010). We also selected this measure as previous studies found
measurement invariance for the items of this measure across countries (e.g.
Varela et al., 2010). A sample item was ‘I adequately complete my assigned
duties’. The variable was calculated as a simple average of the items
(Germany a ¼ .63; India a ¼ .81; U.S. a ¼ .90).
Extra-role performance
We used four items developed by Varela and Landis (2010) to measure this
variable. We used this measure, as it is has shown high reliability and validity
in previous studies and, appropriate to the EI research context of our study,
this measure emphasizes extra-role behavior related to relevant others in the
workplace. Each item was measured on a five-point Likerttype scale (1,
‘strongly disagree’, to 5, ‘strongly agree’). A sample item was ‘I assist and care
for others in my workplace’. The measure was calculated as the unweighted
average of the items (Germany a ¼ .65; India a ¼ .70; U.S. a ¼ .74).
Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction was measured using five items developed by Bacharach
et al. (1991). We selected this general measure of job satisfaction, as it
captures the broad domain of job satisfaction and has shown high reli-
ability and validity in previous studies (e.g. Janssen & Van Yperen,
2004). The seven-point response scale ranged from 1, ‘very dissatisfied’,
to 7, ‘very satisfied’. An example item is ‘How satisfied or dissatisfied are
you with your present job in light of your career expectations?’ We cal-
culated the measure using the simple average of the items (Germany a ¼
.89; India a ¼ .90; U.S. a ¼ .94).
Control variables
In line with previous research, we included five control variables: Age,
gender, education, work experience, and work role. Both theory and
broad empirical evidence suggest that age is associated with different fac-
ets of job performance (e.g. Dobrow Riza et al., 2018; Ng & Feldman,
2008) and job satisfaction (e.g. Ng & Feldman, 2010b). Age was meas-
ured with five response categories (see Table 2). Theory and empirics
also suggest that gender may be influential for job performance (Bowen
et al., 2000) and job satisfaction (Dormann & Zapf, 2001). Gender was
measured with a dichotomous variable coded ‘1’ if the respondent was
female and ‘0’ if male. There is both theoretical argument and empirical
evidence suggesting that the level of education may be related to various
favorable and unfavorable attitudes and behaviors of employees (e.g. Ng
& Feldman, 2009). Education was measured by asking participants to
report their highest level of education and was assessed using seven cate-
gories (see Table 2). Previous research theoretically argued and empiric-
ally showed that work experiences and work roles are associated with
different attitudes and behaviors of employees (e.g. Gunkel & Schlaegel,
2010; Ng & Feldman, 2010a). Work experience was measured by asking
respondents to indicate the total number of years they had worked (‘For
approximately how many total years have you been employed (all
jobs)?’). Work role was measured by asking participants to report
whether or not they supervise employees in their current or most recent
position (dummy coded: 1 ¼ supervisor role, 0 ¼ no supervisor role). The
surveys also had each respondent identify their business area, the country
of citizenship, and the country of birth.
Tables 4–6 report the descriptive statistics and correlations. The results
show substantial correlations between the four EI dimensions (Germany:
.17 to .51; mean ¼ .38; India: .62 to .72; mean ¼ .67; U.S.: .47 to .73;
mean ¼ .59). These intercorrelations are comparable with average
Table 5. Descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients for the Indian sample.
Variables Mean SD a AVE CR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Age 3.03 0.62
2 Gender 0.27 0.45 .05
3 Education 5.29 0.88 .14 .04
4 Work experience 9.37 8.86 .58 .01 .09
5 Work role 0.86 0.35 .15 .01 .07 .16
6 Self-emotional appraisal 5.84 0.79 .80 .63 .87 .13 .05 .18 .18 .17
7 Others‘ emotional appraisal 5.74 0.84 .84 .68 .89 .15 .10 .14 .17 .22 .66
8 Use of emotion 5.88 0.83 .83 .67 .89 .11 .05 .14 .13 .24 .72 .66
9 Regulation of emotion 5.58 0.95 .85 .69 .89 .14 .04 .11 .17 .16 .67 .62 .67
10 Overall EI 5.76 0.74 .83 .67 .88 .15 .07 .16 .19 .23 .87 .85 .88 .86
11 In-role performance 3.52 0.52 .81 .57 .87 .15 .05 .12 .21 .09 .53 .49 .60 .43 .59
12 Extra-role performance 3.36 0.53 .70 .53 .82 .16 .07 .09 .19 .31 .50 .54 .59 .38 .57 .64
13 Job satisfaction 5.46 0.98 .90 .71 .92 .14 .10 -.01 .18 .19 .40 .39 .51 .42 .49 .34 .47
Note: N ¼ 251. Gender is dummy coded with female ¼ 1 and male ¼ 0. Work role is dummy coded with supervisor role ¼ 1 and no supervisor role ¼ 0. Correlations below .13 and
above .13 are significant at p < .05. AVE ¼ average variance extracted. CR ¼ composite reliability.
Table 6. Descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients for the U.S. sample.
Variables Mean SD a AVE CR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Age 3.15 0.81
2 Gender 0.59 0.49 .09
3 Education 4.32 1.22 .04 .07
4 Work experience 14.72 11.06 .76 .01 .09
5 Work role 0.48 0.50 .04 .19 .01 .03
6 Self-emotional appraisal 5.60 1.00 .89 .75 .92 .15 .08 .06 .11 .05
7 Others‘ emotional appraisal 5.42 0.97 .87 .72 .91 .02 .23 .07 .05 .04 .47
8 Use of emotion 5.68 0.98 .84 .68 .89 .11 .15 .02 .06 .02 .73 .56
9 Regulation of emotion 5.36 1.07 .86 .69 .90 .10 .04 .07 .06 .05 .70 .46 .64
10 Overall EI 5.51 0.84 .93 .71 .91 .10 .12 .02 .06 .04 .87 .74 .87 .85
11 In-role performance 3.60 0.59 .90 .68 .91 .21 .14 .05 .17 .15 .47 .31 .57 .34 .51
12 Extra-role performance 2.92 0.81 .74 .57 .84 .01 .06 .03 .01 .30 .37 .46 .49 .37 .51 .36
13 Job satisfaction 4.73 1.53 .94 .79 .95 .03 .11 .14 .00 .08 .27 .29 .41 .27 .37 .22 .43
Note: N ¼ 263. Gender is dummy coded with female ¼ 1 and male ¼ 0. Work role is dummy coded with supervisor role ¼ 1 and no supervisor role ¼ 0. Correlations below .12 and
above .12 are significant at p < .05. AVE ¼ average variance extracted. CR ¼ composite reliability.
common effects is comparable across the three countries, the unique and
common effects and the total effect vary across countries. The results of
the commonality analysis go beyond regression analysis. For example,
while SEA has no significant association with in-role performance in the
regression analysis, commonality analysis reveals that SEA contributes to
the second-order, third- order, and fourth-order commonalities and
together with other EI dimensions explains variances in this
work outcome.
performance), the strength of the unique and common effects and the
total effect vary across countries.
and found support for our initial findings in the larger segments and
identified additional predictive EI dimensions in the smaller segments.
Given the limited sample size and the limited number of control varia-
bles we were not able to further investigate the main characteristics of
these segments. To assess the robustness of our results against the differ-
ent sources of endogeneity we used a Gaussian copula approach (Park &
Gupta, 2012). More specifically, we conducted all potential subset regres-
sion analysis and included the respective Copula variable(s) to assess
whether endogeneity influences the particular variable(s) and how this
bias affects our findings. Overall, the results suggest that while endogene-
ity is present for the German and the Indian samples, the bias does not
seriously influence estimates in our analysis and the main findings
remain robust.
The main objective of the present study was to advance understanding
of EI by uncovering the structure and composition of the association
between the EI dimensions and job satisfaction as well as two job per-
formance facets and to compare the findings across three outcomes and
three samples from different countries. In answering our first exploratory
research question (What is the structure and relevance of unique and
common effects of EI dimensions for the three outcomes?) we revealed
the specific unique and common effects that contribute to the explained
variance in job satisfaction and the job performance facets. Our results
show that our novel approach extends the two existing empirical assess-
ment of EI, revealing the unique and common contribution of the EI
dimensions in explaining the three outcomes. In answering our second
exploratory research question (Do the structure and relevance of unique
and common effects vary across the three outcomes?) our findings reveal
that those unique and common effects that predict job satisfaction, in-
role performance, and extra-role performance often differ substantially in
their relevance and contribution to the explained variance. In answering
our third exploratory research question (Do the structure and relevance
of unique and common effects on the three outcomes vary across the
three countries?) our findings reveal that in general the structure of
unique and common effects of EI dimensions for the three outcomes is
comparable across countries (i.e. the same unique and common effects
explain an outcome in different countries) but the relevance of these
unique and common effects substantially varies across the three country
samples. The findings have several implications for theory and research
and offer avenues for further research.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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