Unit 2 Analysis

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into organs and organs into organ systems

3.3 (i) know the ultrastructure of

eukaryotic cells, including nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes,
rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria,
centrioles, lysosomes and Golgi apparatus

(ii) understand the function of the

organelles listed in (i)

understand the role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum
(rER) and the Golgi apparatus in protein transport within
cells, including their role in the formation of extracellular
3.5 (i)
know the ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells, including cell
wall, capsule, plasmid, flagellum, pili, ribosomes and
circular DNA

(ii) knderstand the function of the structures

listed in (i)

3.6 be able to
recognise the organelles in 3.3 from electron microscope
(EM) images

3.7 (i) know how magnification and resolution

can be achieved using light and electron microscopy

(ii) understand the

Year importance of staining specimens in microscopy
(a) State what is meant by the term organ. (1)

Give the name and

function of the organelle that contains the nucleolus.(1)

Describe the role of the rough

June 2024 endoplasmic reticulum in the formation of extracellular enzymes. (3)
Jan 2024

The cytoplasm of T. magnifica contains structures called pepins. The

function of pepins is protein synthesis. Pepins contain circular DNA
and ribosomes and are surrounded by a membrane.

Explain how these three structures contribute to the function

Oct 2023 of pepins. (3)
Describe the role of the Golgi apparatus in the formation of these
extracellular enzymes. (2)

June 2023 Tissue

Jan 2023 Name a structural molecule in each type of cell wall. (2)
Complete the diagram by drawing and labelling a flagellum
and a plasmid. (2) (ii) State the function of a plasmid. (1)

Give one difference between

prokaryotic ribosomes and eukaryotic ribosomes. (1)

antigens are glycoproteins.
Describe how a Rhesus antigen would be produced from its
polypeptide chain and transported to the cell surface
Oct 2022 membrane.(5)

Organ system

June 2022 Tissue

Jan 2022

Name two structures that could be present inside the nucleus in the
Oct 2021 diagram. (2)
Draw a labelled diagram of the Golgi apparatus. (4)

June 2021 MCQ on organelles

Describe the function of this mitochondria (3)

Draw a labelled
diagram of rough endoplasmic reticulum.(3)

Name two structures found in

bacterial cells that are involved in the synthesis of these enzymes.(1)

State the function of a nucleolus.


Give three differences in ultrastructure between this

cell and a cell taken from the root of a plant.(3)
Jan 2021
June 2020 Tissue (1)

Bacterial structure MCQ

State how ribosomes in prokaryotic cells

are different from those in eukaryotic cells.(1)

Prokaryotic cells may

also have a capsule and a flagellum.
State one function of each of these structures.(2)

Describe how the protein insulin is

transported from the ribosomes and then secreted by a beta
Jan 2020 cell.(5)
3.9 (i) know that a locus is the location of genes on a chromosome

(ii) understand the linkage of genes on a chromosome

3.10 understand the role of meiosis in ensuring genetic variation

through the production of non-identical gametes as a consequence
of independent assortment of chromosomes in metaphase I and
crossing over of alleles between chromatids in prophase I Names of
the stages of prophase are not required.

3.14 understand the role of mitosis and the

cell cycle in producing genetically identical daughter cells for growth
and asexual reproduction
3.16 be able to calculate mitotic

3.11 understand how

mammalian gametes are specialised for their functions (including the
acrosome in sperm and the zona pellucida in the egg cell)

3.12 know the process of

fertilisation in mammals, including the acrosome reaction, the
cortical reaction and the fusion of nuclei

3.13 know the process of fertilisation in flowering plants, starting

with the growth of a pollen tube and ending with the fusion of nuclei
MCQ Mitosis& cell cycle

The mitotic index of a tissue was calculated.

The tissue had 450 cells in mitosis and the mitotic index was 37.5%.
Calculate the number of cells in this tissue that were in interphase.(2)

Describe the events that occur during prophase of mitosis.(2)

Draw a mammalian sperm cell showing the acrosome, the nucleus

and a mitochondrion.
Label the acrosome, nucleus and mitochondrion. (3)
Explain three ways in which a mammalian egg cell is specialised for
its functions. (3)
State what is
meant by the term locus.(1)

Explain why the body cells of the

mother and baby have genetic similarities and differences.(3)
Explain why an embryo cell and an endosperm cell contain different
quantities of DNA. (4)
star mark

Describe how the mitotic index of the tissue sample

would be determined.(2)
Explain how
preventing the condensation of chromosomes would affect the
survival of a patient with this type of cancer.(3)

Explain why it is possible for chromatid A to be genetically different

from chromatid B. (2)

Describe how the generative nucleus results in the

production of an embryo and endosperm tissue in a seed. (3)

Each individual can produce both egg

cells and sperm cells for sexual reproduction with another blue
Their sperm cells cannot fertilise their own egg cells.
Suggest reasons why it may be advantageous for blue dragons to be
Inheritance of different versions of these two genes shows genetic
linkage. Explain how the phenotypes of an individual can show
genetic linkage in the inheritance of two genes. (2)
Compare and contrast the structure and function of
lysosomes and acrosomes.(3)

Meiosis results in genetic variation in gametes.

(a) (i) Explain how meiosis causes this genetic variation.(3)

Give two differences in the

arrangement of the DNA in a cell at the beginning of interphase and
at the end of prophase I.(2)
Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of the strategies shown by these


Describe the function of the tube nucleus.(2)

Explain why an
egg cell has a larger volume than a sperm cell.(2)

Describe the adaptations of a sperm

cell that allow movement.(2)

State what is meant by the term allele.(1)

Mitosis and the cell cycle are involved in producing new cells. (a) Describe the
role of the cell cycle in producing new cells. (3)
The cell cycle can be affected
by various chemicals.
One drug, used to treat various types of cancer, prevents the shortening of
spindle fibres. Explain how preventing the shortening of spindle fibres affects
mitosis. (2)
Draw and label a capsule and two pili on the diagram. (2)

one of these body cells showing the arrangement of chromosomes in
the anaphase stage of mitosis. (2)
what is meant by the term locus.

Explain how
the chromosomes of an Indian muntjac egg cell could differ from
those in a body cell. (3)
Chinese muntjac looks similar to the Indian muntjac. However, if they
breed together, they produce offspring that are infertile.
Suggest why the offspring would be infertile. (2)

Suggest why this fertilised egg cell has three nuclei.(3)

Sweet pea
plants were used in an investigation into the inheritance of flower
colour, pollen grain length and pea pod shape.
Each of these traits is controlled by a single gene. Sweet peas have
seven pairs of chromosomes.
Explain the role of the spindle in mitosis. (2)

Draw a plant cell undergoing cell division, after mitosis has

just finished.(2)
Describe how to determine the mitotic index of this tissue.(2)

After cell division, the plant cells produced increase in size. Explain
how these plant cells increase in size. (3)
how an egg cell is specialised for its function.(2)
Compare and contrast metaphase in mitosis and meiosis.(3)
Describe what will happen to these chromosomes when they enter
the interphase stage of the cell cycle. (2)

Explain why alleles b and e are more likely to be inherited

together than alleles A and e.(2)

Suggest why the

number and size of the Golgi apparatus change during the cell cycle.
Explain how cortical
granules ensure that the egg cell is diploid after fertilisation.(4)

Comment on the effect that

these three mating strategies would have on the reproductive
success of the males and females, and the genetic diversity of the
offspring. (6)

Double fertilisation takes place in the ovules. Describe the events

that occur from the time a pollen grain lands on the stigma to the
production of a triploid endosperm nucleus and a zygote. Use the
information in the diagram to support your answer. (5)

Explain how the silver trumpet tree produces seeds that are
genetically different from each other.(4)

Describe the events that occur after a sperm cell enters an egg
cell, until a zygote is formed. (3)

Suggest why mitochondria were located within 10 nm of the lipid

Explain the changes in the DNA content as shown by this graph. (4)

the role of the pollen tube and nuclei in the formation of the
endosperm nucleus. (3)
Using the data
in the table, determine the stages of cancer in patients P and R.(3) by
using mitotic index
Meiosis MCQ (2)

Explain why the percentages are not 25%

for each combination of alleles.(3) (linked genes)

Explain why the cells in the morula are genetically identical. (2)

Calculate the mitotic index.(2)

Explain how the separation of

chromosomes in meiosis gives rise to genetic variation in the
offspring of pea plants.(3)
3.20 (i) understand how
phenotype is the result of an
interaction between genotype
and the environment

(ii) know
how epigenetic modification,
including DNA methylation and
histone modification, can alter
the activation of certain genes

3.17 (i) understand what is meant by the terms stem

cell, pluripotent and totipotent, morula and blastocyst (iii) understand how
epigenetic modifications can
(ii) be able to discuss the ways in which be passed on following cell
society uses scientific knowledge to make decisions division
about the use of stem cells in medical therapies

3.18 3.21
understand how cells become specialised through understand how some
differential gene expression, producing active mRNA, phenotypes are affected by
leading to the synthesis of proteins which, in turn, multiple alleles for the same
control cell processes or determine cell structure in gene, or by polygenic
animals and plants inheritance, as well as the
environment, and how
3.19 understand how one gene polygenic inheritance can give
can give rise to more than one protein through post- rise to phenotypes that show
transcriptional changes to messenger RNA (mRNA) continuous variation
(ii) Explain how these alleles
can produce fruit flies with
different coloured eyes. (2)
The development of an embryo into either a female or a male
fruit fly is determined by two different proteins. The female Explain how histone
specific Dsx-F protein leads to the development of a female fly modification can affect gene
and the male specific Dsx-M protein results in a male fly. Both expression.
proteins are the product of the same gene. Explain how this Use the diagram to support
gene can give rise to either a female or a male fly. (4) your answer.(5)
State what is meant by polygenic
inheritance with reference to this
phenotype. (1)

Explain how these skeletal muscle cells can contain

the same genes as the morula cells but be different in
structure and function. (5)
why some people think that research into cancer
treatments should not use embryonic stem cells. (2)
One gene can give rise to more than one type of
protein through post-transcriptional changes to the
mRNA. One of these changes is the removal of introns.
Structure B contains pluripotent
stem cells. Histone modification and
Explain how different proteins can be DNA methylation are processes that
synthesised from this mRNA that has had introns occur when totipotent stem cells
removed. (3) develop into pluripotent stem cells.
Explain how these two processes
Structure B is a blastocyst. alter the activation of genes in the
Describe the structure of a blastocyst.(2) cells. (5)

Compare and contrast the structure of a morula with

the structure of a blastocyst. (3)

Give two
differences between active mRNA and pre-mRNA.(2)

Explain how a pluripotent

stem cell could become a cell that synthesises
arginase. (5)
Explain why society may support
the use of hiPSC stem cells to treat patients with AD.
A sperm cell is a specialised cell. Explain what
happens at step D for the cell to become a specialised
sperm cell. (5)
Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the
cells of a blastocyst.(2)
ethics committee has approved the use of stem cells
taken from salamanders. Explain why increased methylation
Suggest why the use of stem cells taken from of this gene could cause the growth
salamander embryos was approved.(2 of a tumour. (4)

Plants that grow from a sweet pea seed contain stem cells.
Describe how a stem cell in a plant can become a sclerenchyma
cell. (4)
Explain why there is a large
variation in the skin colour of
the offspring produced from
this cross ( polygenic
Compare and contrast the structures of pre‑mRNA and active mRNA. (4)
inheritance) star mark

Explain how the cells of the beluga morula change as they develop
The fungus influenced the expression of certain genes in the
plant cells.

There was reduced expression of some genes involved in DNA

There was reduced expression of some genes involved with the
synthesis of phospholipids, starch and sucrose.

(i) Explain the effect of this fungal infection on the growth of

the plant. (4)

The fungus increases the expression of the genes involved in

the synthesis of tannin and flavonoids.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this for the
fungus and for the infected plants.(6)

Chicken genomes contain the genes for tooth production, but Sketch a graph to show the
chickens do not normally develop teeth. These genes are distribution for a phenotype
switched off as the embryo develops. Explain how a mutation showing continuous variation in a
could cause the development of teeth in a chicken embryo. (4) population. (2)
Describe how more than one type of protein can be
synthesised from the RNA produced from one gene. Use the
information in the diagram to support your answer. (5)

State what is meant by the term

polygenic inheritance. (2)

The medical treatment involves injecting stem cells into

damaged areas of the heart muscle. Suggest why injecting
pluripotent stem cells may benefit a person who has had a Explain why their daughter may
severe heart attack. (2) not grow to be this height.(3)
4.1 (i) know the structure and ultrastructure
of plant cells including cell wall, chloroplast,
amyloplast, vacuole, tonoplast,
plasmodesmata, pits and middle lamella and
be able to compare it with animal cells

(ii) understand the

function of the structures listed in (i)

4.2 be able to recognise

the organelles in 4.1 from electron
microscope (EM) images
Chloroplast structure and microscope

Describe the function of pits in the xylem

vessel. (2)

Strach role

Name the domain which would contain this

organism. (1)

Explain why the microscope used for

photograph B shows more detail than the
microscope used for photograph A.(2)
Label one permanent vacuole on this
photograph. (1)

(ii) Give two functions

of a vacuole. (2)
Complete the diagram by drawing an
amyloplast, a chloroplast and the tonoplast
to show their location and relative size in
this cell. Label these three structures. 2 (3)

Structure stores starch ?

Compare and contrast the structure of this
fungal cell and a plant cell. (3)
State the function of these chloroplasts. (1)
4.3 understand the structure and function of the
polysaccharides starch and cellulose, including the role of
hydrogen bonds between the β-glucose molecules in the
formation of cellulose microfibrils

4.4 understand how the

arrangement of cellulose microfibrils and secondary
thickening in plant cell walls contributes to the physical
properties of xylem vessels and sclerenchyma fibres in plant
fibres that can be exploited by humans

4.5 know the similarities and differences between

the structures of, the position in the stem, and the function of
sclerenchyma fibres (support), xylem vessels (support and
transport of water and mineral ions) and phloem
(translocation of organic solutes)
4.7 understand how the uses of
plant fibres and starch may contribute to sustainability,
including plant-based products to replace oil-based plastics
4.8 understand the importance of water and inorganic ions
(nitrate, calcium ions and magnesium ions) to plants
Explain how the structure of starch enables the potato tubers
to have a high energy content. (2)

Star mark
Describe how two structures in this tissue enable it to carry
out its function. (Phloem) (2)
packaging is more sustainable than oil‑based packaging.
Explain what is meant by sustainable.(2)

Give three differences between a cell wall with secondary

thickening and a cell wall without secondary thickening. Use
the information in the diagrams to support your answer. (3)

Secondary thickening occurs in

sclerenchyma fibres.
Explain how secondary thickening contributes to the physical
properties of sclerenchyma fibres.(2)

Explain how a lack of

magnesium ions could result in yellow leaves and reduced

Star mark
Give one reason why the use of starch-based transparent bio-plastic
film is more sustainable than the use of oil-based plastics. (1)
The digested insects are a source of nitrogen for the
pitcher plant.
Give two ways in which this source of nitrogen is used by the pitcher

Label the photograph to show the position of the phloem,

sclerenchyma fibres and xylem vessels. (3)

Explain how the arrangement of

molecules contributes to the physical properties of the cell
walls of sclerenchyma fibres.(3)
The nutrient solutions contain magnesium ions and nitrates.
Describe the roles of these inorganic ions in the plants.(2)

Explain the effect of calcium ion

concentration on the firmness of cherry fruits.(3)

Explain why bowls made from calabash fruits are a

sustainable resource. (2)
Compare and contrast the
structures of phloem sieve tubes and xylem vessels.(4)
Explain how the arrangement of cellulose molecules and secondary
thickening in xylem vessels contributes to the physical properties of
the cell wall. (4)

Describe the role of phloem. (2)

Give three
differences between the distribution of phloem and xylem in
the root compared with their distribution in the stem. (3)
Explain how the structure of starch relates to its function.(3)
Mcq on Cellulose, Beta glucose

Explain what is
meant by the term sustainable, with reference to the cutlery
produced from the seeds of avocados.(2)

Mcq on starch and cellulose

MCQ on sclerenchyma , xylem , ploem identification

Explain the importance of magnesium ions to

Starch and cellulose MCQ

Explain how the

structures of cellulose and microfibrils increase the strength
of a plant cell wall.
Use the information in the photograph to support your
Explain the
advantages of using cutlery and plates made from wheat bran
instead of oil‑based plastics.(3)

The diagram shows a transverse section through the stem of a plant.

Label the diagram to show the position of the xylem and the phloem.
Explain how xylem vessels are
adapted for support and transport.(4)
4.10 understand the conditions required for
bacterial growth
4.11 know that substances derived
from plants can have antimicrobial and other
therapeutic properties

4.13 understand the development of drug testing

from historic to contemporary protocols, including
William Withering’s digitalis soup, double blind
trials, placebo and three-phased testing
Describe a drug trial method that a scientist could use to
determine if this extract is:

• safe to use in humans • more effective than the current

skin burn treatment used in a hospital. (5)

Explain why an optimum temperature and water

are needed for bacterial growth. (2)

Describe the processes that would

have occurred before and after stage II in this
tetrodoxin drug trial.(4)
The fluid of the pitcher plant contains water and
molecules from digested organisms, which bacterial cells
need for growth. Explain two other conditions needed for
optimum bacterial growth in the fluid of the pitcher plant.

Explain the changes in growth rate and percentage

survival of these bacteria. Use the information in
the graphs and your own knowledge to support
your answer. (6)
Drug A was then used in a three-phase drug
Compare and contrast phases II and III in a
contemporary drug trial using drug A.(3)
Bacteria can grow on the surfaces of chopping boards.
Explain the conditions that would result in the greatest
bacterial growth on the surface of a chopping board. (3)
Three‑phase testing can be used to check for the safety
and effectiveness of these chemicals. Describe the roles of
phase I and phase II. (3)

Suggest two other conditions that would be needed for maximum growth of this bacterium. (2)
The bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes lung
infections in humans. Describe how a drug containing
flavonoids could be tested in a stage II drug trial. (2)

Decomposition of bioplastic bags occurs faster if there is

increased bacterial growth. Explain the conditions needed
for increased bacterial growth. (3)
Describe how a placebo is used in a double‑blind
trial. (2)

Explain the conditions needed for the growth

of bacteria.(4

*(ii) Explain the results of this

Use all the information in Question 6 to support
your answer.(6)
4.14 (i) understand that classification is a means of
organising the variety of life based on relationships between
organisms using differences and similarities in phenotypes
and in genotypes, and is built around the species concept

(ii) understand the

process and importance of critical evaluation of new data by
the scientific community leading to new taxonomic
groupings, based on molecular evidence, including the
three-domain system (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya)

4.15 know that, over time, the variety of

life has become extensive but is now being threatened by
human activity
understand what is meant by the terms biodiversity and
State which of the three domains would contain an organism with
the organelles X and Y.(1)
Explain how molecular evidence could be used to determine which of
the other five fox populations is the most closely related to the fox
population on Santa Cruz. (2)

Give the names of the other two domains. (1)

This type of bacteria can survive in low temperatures and low oxygen
(a) Describe how scientists
could determine that this was a new type of bacteria. (2)
Explain how scientists could determine which of the 17 other species
of honeycreeper on these islands is the most closely related to the
Hawaii palila honeycreeper species. (2)
The other domains in the three‑domain system are Archaea
and Bacteria. Complete the table to show in which of the
domains the following structures would be found. (4)
Explain how
the zoo determined that its giant tortoise was a C.
hoodensis tortoise.(3)

Give one example of the molecular evidence used to support the

three-domain system. (1) Describe the
role of the scientific community in evaluating the evidence for this
system of classification.(2)
Describe the information the scientists would have used to classify
M. smithii into the Archaea domain. (2)
Explain how the scientists could confirm that M. smithii and M.
oralis are different species of Archaea.(3)

Suggest how human activity could cause the extinction of the

Sehuencas water frog in the wild. (3)
Suggest why the Tristan albatross and wandering albatross were
once classified as the same species. (1)

State what is meant by the term endemic with reference to

this kingfisher. (1)

State the domain in which this

kingfisher is classified.(1)

Using the
proposed reclassification, explain which species of
kingfisher are most closely related to Ceyx
Explain how
molecular evidence led to the reclassification of species and
how thescientific community would have reviewed the
evidence before it was accepted.
Use the information in the photograph and the diagrams to
support your answer.(6)

Saltwater crocodiles are found in the

rivers in this area.
The numbers of this endangered species have decreased
over the past 40 years.
Explain the possible causes of this decrease.(3)
4.17 know how biodiversity can be measured
within a habitat using species richness, and within
a species using genetic diversity by calculating the
heterozygosity index: number of heterozygotes
heterozygosity index = number of individuals in
the population
understand how biodiversity can be compared in
different habitats using the formula to calculate an
index of diversity (D): D= ( N (N-1) / Σn (n-1 )

4.19 understand the concept of

niche and be able to discuss examples of
adaptations of organisms to their environment
(behavioural, anatomical and physiological)
Explain two anatomical adaptations of these
penguins that enable them to survive in this
environment (2)

Calculate the index of diversity for habitat

two.Use the table and the formula to help you.(3)
Calculate the index of diversity (D) for this area of the lake using the formula:

Give one reason for a named anatomical
adaptation of this snow leopard that enables it to
occupy its niche. Describe how the
biodiversity of habitats in these areas could be
State what is meant by the term species richness.

An index of diversity (D) is calculated using

the formula:
D= N (N-1) / ∑ n(n-1 )
Determine which of the lakes has the higher
biodiversity of cichlids.
Use the table and the formula to help you.(4)

Suggest what information the scientists would need to

collect in order to calculate species richness in a habitat in
Yellowstone National Park. (2)
State what is meant by the term habitat. (1)

Species (1)

Describe two anatomical adaptations

of a common wombat that help it to dig burrows to
live in.
Explain how the reproductive behaviour of these
nematodes increases their chance of survival. (6)
Calculate the index of diversity (D) for this area of the fore

Complete the table to show the type of adaptations

shown by this caterpillar. (2)

Describe how the scientists could calculate the

heterozygosity index for a population of
Sehuencas water frogs.(2)
Describe two anatomical adaptations of the Tristan
albatross that enable it to occupy its niche. Use the
information in the photograph to support your answer. (2)

Describe one other way in which the biodiversity of this

area of Bhitarkanika National Park could be measured. (2)
4.20 (i) understand how the Hardy-Weinberg equation
can be used to see whether a change in allele
frequency is occurring in a population over time

(ii) understand that changes in

allele frequency can come about as a result of
mutation and natural selection (iii)
understand that reproductive isolation can lead to
accumulation of different genetic information in
populations, potentially leading to the formation of
new species
4.21 be able to evaluate the
methods used by zoos and seed banks in the
conservation of endangered species and their genetic
diversity, including scientific research, captive
breeding programmes, reintroduction programmes
and education
(ii) Explain how different species of gentoo penguin
could have formed. Use the map to support your
answer. (5)

Explain how scientists could determine if a change

in the frequency of the recessive allele was occurring
over time. (2)

Explain how a captive breeding programme could

maintain the genetic diversity of Malayan tapir
populations. (3)
Species D is an endangered plant species.Explain the
processes that could be used by a seed bank to
conserve this plant species(3) The heterozygosity
index for a cluster of 8 000 Monarch butterflies was
calculated as 0.166. Calculate the number of
heterozygotes in this cluster.(1)

Explain how isolation

caused the formation of six fox populations with
different characteristics.
In 2004, a
conservation plan was produced to:
• increase the sizes of the Santa Cruz and Santa
Catalina fox populations
• maintain the genetic diversity of the Santa Cruz and
Santa Catalina fox populations.
Explain how conservation could achieve these goals

Complete the table to show how many cats would have the
homozygous dominant genotype and how many cats would
have a heterozygous genotype. Use the equation p2 + 2pq + q2
= 1 (3
Explain how these subspecies of snow leopard could form. Use
the information in the question to support your answer. (6)

Seed banks contain the seeds of closely related wild

plants. Explain how seed banks would prepare, store
and assess viability of these seeds. (4)

Explain how scientists could breed new high-

yielding varieties of eggplants
which are resistant to R. solanacearum bacteria.Use
the information in the tables to support your answer.
(4) Hardy weinberg
Describe how new cichlid species may have been formed in
these four lakes and how the scientists would have
determined that these cichlids were six different species. (6)

determine if the allele frequencies have changed,

using the equations: p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p + q = 1 (3)
It is suggested that both of these
Hawaiian honeycreeper species evolved from the
same common ancestor.
Explain how these two species of honeycreeper could
have evolved from the same common ancestor
Star mark
Explain the advantages of drying seeds before
storage. (2)

The heterozygosity index can

be calculated using an equation.
Write this equation.
(ii) The heterozygosity index of the 500 titan arum
plants in botanical gardens was found to be 0.166.
Calculate the number of heterozygotes in this

Discuss the suggestions, proposed

by these scientists, for conserving the titan arum.(6)
Scientists thought that a
recessive allele was changing in frequency in the
tortoise population.
Explain how the change in frequency of this allele
could be determined.(2)

Suggest three reasons why this species of tree is endangered.

Describe the effect of length of time in storage on the
germination of these seeds. (2)
Two of the methods used in
seed banks are:
• store seeds from many different plants of the same species,
instead of many seeds from just one plant
• regularly germinate samples of the stored seeds, allowing
them to grow into adult plants.
Explain the advantages of these methods.(4)

Explain why the spread of the wild blackberry

affects the biodiversity of the island.(5)

Calculate the frequency of the allele B in this

population, using the equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 Give
your answer to two decimal places. (3)

Star mark ( resistance )

Explain how resistance to this fungus

could develop in a population of Sehuencas water
Describe the role of zoos in
the conservation of endangered Sehuencas water
Suggest how the mice on this island have evolved to
become a new species. (4)

Some suggestions involve zoos in other

Explain how the Tristan albatross could be conserved.
Use the information in Question 8 to support your

Explain how this project could increase the number of

crocodiles rapidly, without reducing the genetic diversity of
future populations in Bhitarkanika National Park. Use the
information in the graph to support your answer. (6)
Statistical test
A statistical test can be used to analyse observed
phenotype frequencies and expected phenotype
frequencies for the foxglove plants.
Correlation coefficient (6)

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