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Rachel Fischer
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rachel Fischer on 14 May 2018.
f you really do not understand what postmodernism is
yet, you are not alone. The term was first coined in the
1950s but did not become a well-known philosophical
term in France until the 1970s; however, it was not un-
common for those who studied philosophy and sociology in
the United States to have never heard of the term. Postmod-
ernism is still not taught widely in universities outside of art
history, philosophy, humanities, and cultural theory classes,
yet postmodernist theories have truly impacted how we un-
derstand our society and interact with other societies today.
So what is postmodernism? It is a term that is inseparable
with the study of other known philosophies. Postmodern-
Rachel K. Fischer ism’s precursors include linguistic theory, semiology, phe-
nomenology, and modernism, and were closely associated
Rachel K. Fischer is a Cataloging Bibliographer for with German philosophers like Edmund Husserl and Martin
YBP Library Services in New Hampshire. She has a MLIS Heidegger. French philosophers like Jean-François Lyotard,
from Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, and Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, and Jacques Derrida con-
a BFA in Fine Art from Columbia College in Chicago. tributed to making postmodernism what it is today. Since
then other “post” terms have become more common in the
Correspondence concerning this column classroom, such as postcolonialism, postethnic, poststructur-
should be addressed to Aimee Graham; alism, postproduction, and even postblack.
e-mail: In relation to art and literary theory, Jean-François Lyotard
stated in The Postmodern Condition, “The postmodern would
be that which, in the modern, puts forward the unpresent-
able in presentation itself; that which denies itself the solace
of good forms, the consensus of a taste which would make it
possible to share collectively the nostalgia for the unattain-
able; that which searches for new presentations, not in order
to enjoy them but in order to impart a stronger sense of the
unpresentable.” With this quotation, one can see that post-
modernism is tied strongly to cultural theory. As an example,
it explores how our society has viewed stereotypes through-
out history and how the cultures of our world are intermin-
gling in a globalized society to become hybrids of each other.
While the meaning of postcolonialism may seem obvious
new postscript for this edition that responds to his critics. Ashton, Jennifer. From Modernism to Postmodernism: Ameri-
Despite the controversy surrounding the subject, the author’s can Poetry and Theory in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge:
ideas are an important contribution to understanding multi- Cambridge University Press, 2005 (ISBN: 9780521855044).
cultural issues of identity, as the world’s ethnic groups become As part of the Cambridge Studies in American Literature
hybrids, including elements of other ethnicities. and Culture series, this book is a must-have for any library.
This book is an excellent resource for those interested in un-
Nayar, Pramod K. Postcolonialism: A Guide for the Perplexed. derstanding the links between modernist and postmodern-
London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010 ist theories in relation to modern and contemporary poetry,
(ISBN: 9780826400468). explaining and analyzing the works of key authors of these
This book is an excellent guide to understanding post- movements.
colonialism in literature and cultural studies. Nayar explains
the theory and background in depth and in a manner under- Hoffmann, Gerhard. From Modernism to Postmodernism: Con-
standable to students. The author provides examples of lit- cepts and Strategies of Postmodern American Fiction. Amster-
erature and cultural texts that will help the reader understand dam: Rodopi, 2005 (ISBN: 9789042018860).
the theory. In addition, he relates it to other interdisciplinary This work is just one volume of the many that have been
topics like gender studies, history, and politics. published as part of the Postmodern series by Rodopi. Hoff-
man analyzes American fiction that was written between 1960
Southgate, Beverley. Postmodernism in History: Fear or Free- and 1980 and is an excellent resource for those interested
dom? London: Routledge, 2003 (ISBN: 9780415305389). in studying the link between modernist and postmodernist
Southgate provides an original analysis of postmodernist theory in American fiction.
theories within a historical context. She discusses the precur-
sors of postmodernism and its relation to historical issues Hoover, Paul, ed. Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton An-
and believes that this theory should continue to be studied thology. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2013 (ISBN:
in the future. 978-0393341867).
This is a newly revised edition of the Norton Anthology
Thompson, Willie. Postmodernism and History. Houndmills, of poetry. It includes the works of 114 postmodern poets.
Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 (ISBN: The essays and poems are an excellent resource to turn to
9780333963395). for those interested in reading, writing, and studying post-
In this book, Thompson presents his introduction to modern literature.
postmodern theory in a way that is easy for students to un-
derstand; he explains the impact that postmodernism has Nicol, Bran. The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fic-
had on history. tion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009 (ISBN:
Watkin, Christopher. From Plato to Postmodernism: The Story As part of the Cambridge Introductions to Literature se-
of Western Culture Through Philosophy, Literature and Art. Lon- ries, this book is a must have for all libraries. This book pro-
don: Bristol Classical Press, 2011 (ISBN: 9780715638286). vides an introduction to the key authors of the postmodern
If you are looking to add an updated book on the history era in a way that does not emphasize the theory but explains
of civilization to your collection, you may want to choose the literary styles and techniques that is common among
this item. This volume begins with Greco–Roman history and these authors.
philosophy, proceeds through the history of Western civiliza-
tion and culture to the modern times, and ends with post-
modernism. It is an excellent resource for both high school Music
and college students. Gloag, Kenneth. Postmodernism in Music. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, 2012 (ISBN: 978-0521151573).
Although the idea of postmodernism may seem much
Literature more abstract in relation to music than to visual and ethnic
Acheraiou, Amar. Rethinking Postcolonialism: Colonialist culture, Gloag expertly shows the link between postmodern
Discourse in Modern Literatures and the Legacy of Classi- theory and music composition. This book emphasizes the
cal Writers. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008 (ISBN: composers and their works that were written between 1950
9780230552050). and the present.
Although postmodernism is not part of the title of this
book, postcolonialist theory is an important theme that is
examined as a part of postmodern cultural theory. Acheraiou Philosophy
analyzes the theme of colonialism in literature and provides Barthes, Rolands. Elements of Semiology. New York: Hill and
his own analysis of postcolonialism in relation to colonial Wang, 1977 (ISBN: 9780374521462).
history. Barthes is a well-known French philosopher. This is an
Derrida, Jacques. Voice and Phenomenon: Introduction to the Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. Phenomenology of Perception. Lon-
Problem of the Sign in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Evanston: North- don: Routledge, 2012 (ISBN: 9780415558693).
western University Press, 2010 (ISBN: 9780810127654). Understanding perception within different cultures is
Derrida is a well-known expert on phenomenology, se- important to postmodern cultural theory. Merleau-Ponty first
miotics, and linguistics. This book is Derrida’s introduction published this book on phenomenology in 1945.
to Edmund Husserl’s philosophies of phenomenology, which
relates to deconstruction. Phenomenology is important to the
study of postmodernism. This is an excellent resource for stu- Religion
dents interested in understanding both Derrida and Huserl. Berry, Philippa and Andrew Wernick, ed. Shadow of Spirit:
Postmodernism and Religion. London: Routledge, 1992 (ISBN:
Derrida, Jacques. Writing and Difference. Chicago: University 9780415066389).
of Chicago Press, 1980 (ISBN: 9780226143293). This is a collection of essays by postmodern philosophers
This book is a collection of Derrida’s essays from 1959 to that explore the connection between spirituality, religion, and
1966. It contains his early essays on deconstruction, structur- postmodernism. These essays additionally discuss ethics,
alism, and metaphysics. His essays are relevant to those who politics, and feminism.
study literature, philosophy, and psychology.
Gellner, Ernest. Postmodernism, Reason and Religion. London:
Detmer, David. Phenomenology Explained: From Experience Routledge, 1992 (ISBN: 9780415080248).
to Insight. Chicago: Open Court Publishing, 2013 (ISBN: Unlike the other books on the list, this author criticizes
9780812697971). postmodernism. He finds it too subjective and apologetic of
Phenomenology has been an important philosophical colonialism. Gellner focuses on highlighting the strengths of
movement that has contributed to postmodernism since its Islam and the Enlightenment in relation to postmodernism.