Topic 4 - Constitutional Law For Business and E-Commerce
Topic 4 - Constitutional Law For Business and E-Commerce
Topic 4 - Constitutional Law For Business and E-Commerce
● Bill of Rights
○ First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
○ Guarantees certain fundamental rights to natural persons
○ Protects from intrusive government action by:
■ Federal government
■ State governments (Incorporation doctrine)
Freedom of Speech
● The right to engage in oral, written, and symbolic speech protected by the First
○ Fully protected speech
○ Limited protected speech
○ Unprotected speech
● Fully protected speech
○ Cannot be regulated or prohibited by government
○ Can be oral, written, or symbolic
■ Example - Criticizing the President, burning the U.S. flag as protest
Case Study: Freedom of Speech
● Case
○ Iancu v. Brunetti
○ 139 S.Ct 2294 (2019)
● Facts
○ An entrepreneur founded a clothing line under the brand FUCT and was denied a trademark by
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
● Issue
○ Does the “immoral and scandalous matter” provision of the Lanham Act violate the Free Speech
Clause of the First Amendment?
Freedom of Speech
● Limited protected speech: Speech that the government may not prohibit but
that is subject to time, place, and manner restrictions.
○ Offensive speech: Speech that is offensive to many members of society
○ Commercial speech: Speech used by businesses, such as advertising
● Unprotected speech: Speech not protected by the First Amendment and may be
forbidden totally
○ Ex. Dangerous speech, child pornography, etc.
Freedom of Religion
● Establishment Clause: First Amendment clause prohibiting the government
from either establishing a state religion or promoting one religion over another
● Free exercise clause: First Amendment clause that prohibits the government
from interfering with the free exercise of religion in the United States
Case Study: Establishment Clause
● Case
○ The American Legion v. American Humanist Association
○ 139 S.Ct. 2067 (2019)
● Facts
○ A war memorial contained a large cross. An atheist organization challenged the presence of the
cross on public property
● Issue
○ Does the cross on public property and its maintenance by a public entity violate the
Establishment Clause?
Equal Protection
● Equal protection clause: A clause that provide that a state cannot deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
○ Laws cannot classify and treat similarly situated persons differently
○ Artificial persons, such as corporations, are also protected
○ Does not make the classification of individuals unlawful
Standards of Review
● Strict scrutiny test: Test that is applied to determine constitutionality of of
classifications by the government based on:
○ Suspect class (e.g., race)
○ Fundamental rights (e.g., voting)
● Intermediate scrutiny test: Applied to classifications based on protected classes
(e.g., gender)
Standards of Review
● Rational basis test: Applied to classifications not involving a suspect or
protected class (e.g., age)
○ Court will uphold government regulation so long as there is a justifiable reason for it
○ Permits much of the government regulation of business
Case Study: Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses
● Case
○ Obergefell v. Hodges
○ 135 S.Ct. 2584 (2015)
● Facts
○ Same sex couples challenged various state laws that defined marriage as a union between one
man and one woman.
● Issue
○ Do laws that prohibit same-secx marriage violate the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Due Process
● Due process clause: No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of the law
○ Fifth Amendment - Federal government action
○ Fourteenth Amendment: State and local government action
○ The government is not prohibited from taking a person’s life, liberty or property
■ Must follow due process in order to do so
Due Process
● Substantive due process
○ Requires government statutes, ordinances, regulations, or other laws to be clear on their face and
not overly broad in scope
○ Tested using a reasonable person’s understanding of the law
○ Laws failing the test are declared void for vagueness
● Procedural due process
○ Requires the government to give a person proper notice and hearing of legal action before
depriving that person of life, liberty, or property.
Government Taking of Property
● Takings clause
○ A clause that allowes the government to take property for public use.
■ Requires:
● Public use
● Just compensation
Privileges and Immunities
● Privileges and Immunities Clause
○ “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the
several states”
○ No state shall make or enforce any law that shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the
citizens of the United States
● The clauses prohibit states from enacting laws that unduly discriminate in favor
of their residents
● The clauses apply only to citizens of the and do not protect corporations or