Sep 17th - Class Notes
Sep 17th - Class Notes
Sep 17th - Class Notes
❖ Grants-in-Aid:
➢ In the 1930s, the federal government gained the power to distribute money to the
states through grants-in-aid.
➢ The federal government provides funds to states for various purposes, but there
are strings attached.
❖ Federal Rules Compliance:
➢ States must comply with federal rules in order to receive these funds. This
system expanded federal influence over state policies.
❖ Case Study: Drinking Age:
➢ Why is the drinking age 21 today when it was 18 in the past?
■ In the 1980s, the Reagan administration linked raising the drinking age
to 21 with eligibility for federal transportation grants.
■ This effectively forced states to comply, showing how federal money can
undermine state control over laws such as drinking age regulations.
● Civil Liberties:
○ Civil liberties are rights that the government is not supposed to interfere with,
including individual rights such as speech, religion, press, and fair trial.
● Context and Reminder:
○ The Bill of Rights initially restricted the federal government from interfering
with civil liberties but did not apply to state governments.
● Dual Federalism and Civil Liberties:
○ During the era of dual federalism, states had freedom to enforce or regulate
behavior regarding civil liberties as they saw fit, resulting in great variety in the
application of these principles.
○ This situation didn’t change until the 14th Amendment was passed in 1868,
which began to apply civil liberties protections to state actions as well.
● Growth in Federal Power:
○ The growing enforcement of civil liberties by the federal government
significantly enhanced its power, reducing the states’ ability to regulate certain
rights independently.
#Why Go to Court?