1020245-St Model Answer Winter - 2023 Examination

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer – Only for the Use of RAC Assessors

Subject Name: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or
bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based
on matching of concepts with model answer.
Q. Sub Answer Marking
No. Q. Scheme

1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 M

a) Compare Verification and validation. (any 2 points) 2M

Ans comparison of
Verification Validation verification and
Are we building the system, right? Are we building the right system? validation: 2
points: 2 M,
1 M each
Verification is the process of evaluating Validation is the process of evaluating
products of a development phase to find software at the end of the development
out whether they meet the specified process to determine whether software
requirements. meets the customer expectations and

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Execution of code is not comes under Execution of code is comes under
Verification. Validation.
Verification is carried out before the Validation activity is carried out just
Validation. after the Verification.

Cost of errors caught in Verification is Cost of errors caught in Validation is

less than errors found in Validation. more than errors found in Verification.

It is basically manually checking the of It is basically checking of developed

documents and files like requirement program based on the requirement
specifications etc. specifications documents & files.

b) Define failure, error, fault, bug. 2M

Ans Failure: It is the inability of a system or component to perform the required function Definition of
according to its specification. OR External behavior is incorrect. failure, error,
Error: Refers to difference between Actual Output and Expected output. OR An error is fault, bug: ½
a human action that produces the incorrect result. M each,
total 2 M
Fault: It is a condition that causes the software to fail to perform its required function.
OR Discrepancy in code that causes a failure.

Bug: The presence of error at the time of execution of the software. OR A bug can be
defined as the initiation of error or a problem due to which fault, failure, incident or an
anomaly occurs.
c) List the objectives of software testing (any four). 2M

Ans Objectives of software testing: 2 objectives of

1. Finding error: Finding defects which may be created by the programmer while testing:
developing the software.
2. Quality improvement: Gaining confidence in and providing information about 2 M; 1 M each
the level of quality.
3. Creating good test cases: Good test case is one that has a high probability of
finding undiscovered error.
4. Meets users’ requirements: To make sure that the result meets the business and
user requirements.
5. Satisfying Requirements: To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business
Requirement Specification, and SRS that is System Requirement Specifications.
6. To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product

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d) Define driver and stub. 2M

Ans Driver: Drivers are dummy modules that are always used to simulate the high-level Definition of
modules. Drivers are only used when main programs are under construction. Drivers are driver: 1 M;
used in bottom-up integration. definition of
stub: 1 M
Stub: Stubs are dummy modules that always used to simulate the low-level modules.
Stubs are used when sub programs are under construction.
Stubs are used in top-down approach.

e) What is GUI testing? Give one example. 2M

Ans GUI Testing: GUI Testing:

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface where you interact with the computer using. 1 M;
any valid

images rather than text. example: 1 M;

● GUI testing is the process of testing the system's Graphical User Interface of the total 2 M
Application Under Test. GUI testing involves checking the screens with the controls like
menus, buttons, icons, and all types of bars - toolbar, menu bar, dialog boxes and
windows, etc.
GUI is what the user sees. A user does not see the source code. The interface is visible to
the user. Especially the focus is on the design structure, images that they are working
properly or not.

Examples of GUI testing includes:

1. Check Screen Validations
2. Verify All Navigations
3. Check usability Conditions
4. Verify Data Integrity
5. Verify the object states
6. Verify the date Field and Numeric Field Formats
f) Write any two root causes of defect. 2M

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Ans Root causes of defect are: Two root
causes of
i. Miscommunication of requirements introduces error in defect: 2 M; 1
code. M each
ii. Lack of design Experience. iii. Lack of coding practice. iv.
Unrealistic time schedule for development.
v. Multiple changes in the requirements.
Any other valid answer shall be given marks.

g) Enlist any four software testing tools. 2M

Ans 4 software testing tools are: any 4 software

1. Selenium testing tools: 2
2. Test complete M; ½ M each
3. LoadRunner
4. Cucumber
5. Quick test professional (QTP)
6. Cypress
(Any valid software testing tool shall be given marks)

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M

a) State the entry and exit criteria for software testing. 4M

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Ans Entry criteria entry criteria:
Entry criteria are the condition or the set of conditions, which should exist or be 2 M exit criteria:
met to start a process. 2 M; total 4
Some of the conditions or situations, which may be seen as an entry criterion for M
the initiation of testing activities.
• Requirements should be clearly defined and approved.
• Test Design and documentation plan is ready.
• Availability of the test environment supporting necessary hardware,
software, network configuration, settings, and tools for the purpose of test
• Testers are trained, and necessary resources are available.
• Availability of proper and adequate test data (like test cases).
• It depends upon which software development model is used.

Exit criteria.
Exit Criteria is often viewed as a single document concluding the end of a life
cycle phase.
Some of the conditions or situations which may be seen as an exit criterion for
testing activities.
• Testing Deadline
• Completion of test case execution.
• Completion of Functional and code coverage to a certain point.
• Bug rates fall below a certain level and no high priority bugs are
• Management decision.
b) Illustrate process of bi-directional integration testing. State it’s two 4M
advantages and disadvantages.

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Ans • Bidirectional integration testing strategy is a combination of Top Down Process of Bidirectional
and Bottom-up approaches. integration
• Here, top modules are tested with lower modules at the same time lower testing: 2 M; 2
modules are integrated with top modules and tested. advantages:
• This strategy makes use of stubs as well as drivers. 1 M;
• bidirectional integration testing is a culmination of both incremental as 2 disadvantages:
well as non-incremental integration testing, wherein Bottom-Up approach 1 M; total 4 M
is focused on middle to top layer, Top-Down approach is concerned about
layers from middle to downwards and the Big Bang approach is followed
for the middle layer.
• This type of testing combines the advantages of all the three approaches
and is mainly used to test large projects.

1. Bidirectional integration testing is very useful for large enterprises and
huge projects that further have several subprojects.
2. When development follows a spiral model and the module itself is as
large as a system, then one can use Bidirectional integration testing.
3. Top-Down and Bottom-Up approach both start as per development
4. Units are tested and brought together to make a system.
5. Integration is done downwards.
6. The resources that are required are immense and big teams perform both
topdown and bottom-up method of testing at a time or one after the other.

1. As both Top-Down and Bottom-Up approaches are executed on the software, the
cost of testing is very high.
2. It cannot be used for smaller systems with huge interdependence between the
3. It only makes sense when the individual subsystem is as good as the completed
4. Different skill sets are required for testers at different levels.
c) Enlist four attributes of defect. Describe them with suitable example. 4M

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Ans Attributes of defect: 4 attributes of
defect with
1) Defect ID: Identifies defect as there are many defects might identified in system. example: 4 M;
a. i.e. D1, D2, etc. 1 M each
2) Defect Name: Name of defect which explains the defect in brief. a. It must be
short but descriptive. i.e. Login error.
3) Project Name: Indicates project name in which defect is found e.g.: Library
management system
4) Module /Sub-module name: for which the defect is found. E.g. Login form
5) Phase introduced: Phase of life cycle to which the defect belongs to. e.g. 2
6) Phase found: Phase of project when the defect is found is added here. It is used
to find defect leakage or stage.
7) Defect type: Defines defect type. e.g. security defects, functional defect, GUI
defect etc.
8) Severity: Declared in test plan, e.g. high medium or low.
9) Priority: defines based on how the project decides a schedule to take the defects
for fixing. e.g. High, low, Moderate
10) Summary: Describes short about the defect.
11) Description: Describes it in detail.
12) Status: dynamic field, open, assigned, resolved, closed, hold, deferred, or
reopened, etc.
13) Reported by/ Reported on: Who found defect, and on what date.
14) Assigned to: The tester is being assigned to some testing team member.

d) Describe any four factors for selecting a testing tool. 4M

Ans 4 factors for selection of testing tools are: 4 factors for

selection of
The following factors are important during tool selection: testing tools: 4
i. Assessment of the organization’s maturity (e.g. readiness for M; 1 M each
ii. Identification of the areas within the organization where tool
support will help to improve testing processes;
iii. Evaluation of tools against clear requirements and objective

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iv. Proof-of-concept to see whether the product works as
desired and meets the requirements and objectives defined for it;
v. Evaluation of the vendor (training, support and other
commercial aspects) or open-source network of support; vi.
Identifying and planning internal implementation (including
coaching and mentoring for those new to the use of the tool).



The industry experts have suggested following four major criteria’s for selection of
testing tools.
1) Meeting requirements.
2) Technology expectations.
3) Training / skills.
4) Management aspects.
1.Meeting requirements

• There are plenty of tools available in the market but rarely do they meet all the
requirements of a given product or a given organization.

• Evaluating different tools for different requirements involve significant effort,

money, and time. • The tool must match its intended use.

• Wrong selection of a tool can lead to problems like lower efficiency and
effectiveness of testing may be lost.

1. Technology expectations:
• Test tools in general may not allow test developers to extends/modify the
functionality of the framework So, extending the functionality requires going back to
the tool vendor and involves additional cost and effort.

• Different phases of a life cycle have different quality-factor requirements. Tools

required at each stage may differ significantly.

2. Training/skills:

• While test tools require plenty of training, very few vendors provide the training
to the required level. • Organization level training is needed to deploy the test tools.

• As the user of the test suite are not only the test team but also the development
team and other areas like configuration management.

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• If the testers do not have proper training and skill, then they may not be able to
work effectively.

3. Management aspects:
• A test tool increases the system requirement and requires the hardware and software

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to be upgraded.
• This increases the cost of the already- expensive test tool.
• Select affordable tools. Cost and benefits of various tools must be compared before
making final decision.

3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M

a) Differentiate between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing. (any four points) 4M

An Differences Between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing: 1 M each

s Differentiation
Alpha Testing Beta Testing s
Alpha Testing performed at developer's site. Beta testing is performed at a client location
or end user of the product.
Alpha testing involves both the white box and Beta Testing typically uses Black Box
black box techniques. Testing.
Alpha testing performed by Testers who are Beta testing is performed by Clients or End
usually internal employees of the organization. Users who are not employees of the
Alpha testing requires a lab environment or testing Beta testing doesn't require any lab
environment environment or testing environment. The
software is made available to the public and
is said to be real time environment
Alpha testing is to ensure the quality of the Beta testing also concentrates on the quality
product before moving to Beta testing of the product, but gathers users input on the
product and ensures that the product is
ready for real time users.

Critical issues or fixes can be addressed by Most of the issues or feedback is collected
developers immediately in Alpha testing. from Beta testing will be implemented in
future versions of the product.

Long execution cycle may be required for Alpha Only a few weeks of execution are
testing. required for Beta testing
b) Prepare Test Plan for Notepad Application. (Windows based) 4M

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An Consider any 8
s 1 points

Test Plan Identifier TP_10

2 Introduction:

The purpose of this document is to create and test plan for edit
.functionality of notepad The purpose of testing this program
is to check the correct operation of its functionality

and ease of use.

Test Items Working with notepad
4 Features to be
tested. • Undo
• Cut /Copy
• Paste
• Find
• Goto
Approach • On the test object: o functional o non-functional
• According to the requirements o positive o negative
• By degree of preparedness - intuitive testing (ad hoc)
6 Item Pass/Fail
All test cases with high priority are closed with the result -
Criteria: pass.
The test coverage is checked and sufficient, where the
criterion of sufficiency is not less than 99% of the coverage
of requirements by tests.
The test report was compiled and approved by the team lead
and customer.

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7 The appearance and entering the bug-tracking system of
Suspension blocking bugs.

Closing the blocking bug in the bug tracking system

8 Test plan, test case specification, test

case, test summary report
9 Test Tasks • Writing a test plan
• Writing test cases
• Development of criteria for the success of testing.
• Conducting the testing and evaluation of the results •
Creating test reports

10 Environmental Notepad
needs Laptop/Computer
11 responsibilities
Functionality and Responsibilities Responsible
Undo Test Engineer 1
Cut/copy Test Engineer 2
paste Test Engineer 3
delete Test Engineer 4
find Test Engineer 5
goto Test Engineer 5

12 Staffing and
To perform the tasks, you need to have the following
Training Needs
knowledge and skills:

• practical knowledge application of the notepad is needed.

• knowledge and ability to apply in practice the basic
techniques of test design.
• Knowledge of various types of testing including functional
and non-functional.

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13 The deadline for completion of all works and delivery of
Schedule the project is 31/12/2023 by 5.00pm

14 Risks and • Insufficient human resources for testing the application in

Contingencies deadlines.
Possible risks • Changing the requirements for the product
during testing
15 Approvals Lead Test engineer 1
Team Test Manager
Quality Manager
c) Explain defect Management Process with suitable diagram. 4M

Ans 2 M for

i. Defect Prevention-- Implementation of techniques, methodology and standard 2 M for

processes to reduce the risk of defects. Explanation

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ii. Deliverable Baseline-- Establishment of milestones where deliverables will be

considered complete and ready for further development work. When a deliverable is base
lined, any further changes are controlled. Errors in a deliverable are not considered
defects until after the deliverable is base lined.

iii. Defect Discovery-- Identification and reporting of defects for development team
acknowledgment. A defect is only termed discovered when it has been documented and
acknowledged as a valid defect by the development team member(s) responsible for the
component(s) in error.

iv. Defect Resolution-- Work by the development team to prioritize, schedule and
fix a defect, and document the resolution. This also includes notification back to the tester
to ensure that the resolution is verified.
v. Process Improvement -- All problems are due to failure in the process involved
in creating software. Defects give an opportunity to identify the problem with process
used and update them. Better processes mean better product with less defect.

vi. Management Reporting --

Analysis and reporting of defect information to assist management with risk
management, process improvement and project management.

d) State and explain any four benefits of automation in testing. 4M

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans • Reduces time of testing 1 M for each
Software tests have to be repeated often during development cycles to ensure quality. benefit
Every time source code is modified software tests should be repeated. For each release
of the software it may be tested on all supported operating systems and hardware
configurations. Manually repeating these tests is costly and time consuming. Once
created, automated tests can be run over and over again at no additional cost and they are
much faster than manual tests.
• Greater accuracy: Continuous testing increases the chances of errors while
done manually, but in automated testing, repetitive tests can be performed with
the same precision.
• Deliver the quality product
The exposure and expertise of a manual tester determine how thoroughly your
applications get tested. Test automation, when implemented accurately, removes your
dependency on these parameters, delivering expected results every time. Yet another
aspect that impacts quality is manual errors. Irrespective of how meticulous a quality
engineer is, there is always a possibility of missing a few steps, entering the wrong data,
or any trivial manual error – leading to poor application quality. With test automation,
you can ensure that your solution will execute the steps accurately without fail and report
each step without bias
• Allow to run tests many time with different data
They can even be run on multiple computers with different configurations. Automated
software testing can look inside an application and see memory contents, data tables, file
contents, and internal program states to determine if the product is behaving as expected.
Test automation can easily execute thousands of different complex test cases during every
test run providing coverage that is impossible with manual tests.

• Save resources or requires less

Manual testing, especially regression testing, can seem extremely tedious as you need to
test every minor code change. Writing scripts, running them over and over again is
nothing short of a nightmare. With no-code test automation, you need not write test cases
or execute them manually when the codebase changes. Instead, your solution creates the
test scripts which you can reuse and execute as required without additional efforts or

4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 M

a) What is boundary value analysis? Explain with suitable example. 4M

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans Explanation – 2
• Most of the defects in software products hover around conditions and boundaries.
• Boundary value analysis is another black box test design technique, and it is used
to find the errors at boundaries of input domain rather than finding those errors in Example - 2 M
the center of input.
• Each boundary has a valid boundary value and an invalid boundary value.
• Test cases are designed based on both valid and invalid boundary values.
Typically, we choose one test case from each boundary.
The basic idea in boundary value testing is to select input variable values at their:
1. Minimum
2. Just below the minimum
3. Just above the minimum
4. Just below the maximum
5. Maximum
6. Just above the maximum

Example: Input Box should accept the Number 1 to 10

Here we will see the Boundary Value Test Cases

b) Explain the Regression Testing. State when the Regression testing shall be done? 4M
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans Regression testing a black box testing technique that consists of re-executing those tests 2M
that are impacted by the code changes.
ii. These tests should be executed as often as possible throughout the software (for
development life cycle. Types of Regression Tests: explanation
i. Final Regression Tests: - A "final regression testing" is performed to validate the build related with
that hasn't changed for a period of time. This build is deployed or shipped to customers. regression
ii. Regression Tests: - A normal regression testing is performed to verify if the build has testing)
NOT broken any other parts of the application by the recent code changes for defect
fixing or for enhancement.

When to Perform:
Regression testing should be performed whenever there is a change in the software code,
configuration, or environment. For example, regression testing should be done after
adding new features, fixing bugs, refactoring code, integrating components, updating 1M
libraries, or migrating to a different platform. Regression testing should also be done
before releasing the software to the end-users or deploying it to the production

c) What is Test Plan? What is its need? List test planning activities. 4M
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans Test Plan: 1M
i. Test plan is the project plan for the testing work to be done.
ii. It is not a test design specification, a collection of test cases or a set of test
procedures; in fact, most of our test plans do not address that level of detail.

i. Test Plan Ensures all Functional and Design Requirements are implemented as
specified in the documentation. ii. To provide a procedure for Unit and System Testing.
iii. To identify the documentation process for Unit and System Testing.
iv. To identify the test methods for Unit and System Testing.

1. Scope Management: Deciding what features to be tested and not to be tested.
2. Deciding Test approach /strategy: Which type of testing shall be done like 2M
configuration, integration, localization etc.
3. Setting up criteria for testing: There must be clear entry and exit criteria for
different phases of testing. The test strategies for the various features and combinations

determined how these features and combinations would be tested.

4. Identifying responsibilities, staffing and training needs.
5. Identifying resource requirements.
6. Identifying test deliverables.
7. Testing tasks: size and effort estimation.
d) Prepare defect report for login field of email application. 4M
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans A defect report is a document that describes a defect, including its severity, priority, and 2M
steps to replicate the problem.

A defect report's primary purpose is to help the developers quickly reproduce and fix the

Defect Report Template

• Defect id :
• Project Name :
• Module Name :
• Sub Module Name :
• Type of Defect : (wrong, missing or extra)
• Status : (New, open, assign, fix)
• Severity : (high, medium, low)
• Priority : (high, medium, low) • Summary :
• Description : (Steps To Reproduce)
• Expected Result :
• Actual Results :
• Reported By :
• Assign To :
• Date & Time:

Example: Defect Report for User Login Page

• Defect id: D001

• Project Name: Web-Site Domain Name
• Module Name: Login
• Sub Module Name: User Login
• Type of Defect: Missing 2M
• Status: New • Severity: High
• Priority :
• Summary: User Login Page Not Opening
• Description :

1. Enter Url / Domain Name

2. Click On the User Login Option

• Expected Result: User login page should get open

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

• Actual Results: User login page does not get open

• Reported By: ABC Tester
• Assign To: XYZ Developer
• Date & Time: 12/28/2022
e) State any four limitations of manual testing. 4M

Ans 1. Manual testing is slow and costly. 1 M for each

2. It is very labor intensive; it takes a long time to complete tests. limitation
3. Manual tests don’t scale well. As the complexity of the software increases the
complexity of the testing problem grows exponentially. This leads to an increase in total
time devoted to testing as well as total cost of testing.
4. Manual testing is not consistent or repeatable. Variations in how the tests are
performed as inevitable, for various reasons. One tester may approach and perform a
certain test differently from another, resulting in different results on the same test,
because the tests are not being performed identically.
5. Lack of training is the common problem.
6. GUI objects size difference and color combinations are not easy to find in
manual testing.
7. Not suitable for large scale projects and time bound projects.
8. Batch testing is not possible, for each test execution Human user interaction is
9. Comparing large amounts of data is impractical.
10. Processing change requests during software maintenance takes more time.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 M

a) Describe V-model with labelled diagram. 6M

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans • The V-model is a type of SDLC model where process executes in a sequential Diagram-2M,
manner in V-shape. Explanation of
• It is also known as Verification and Validation model. Verification
• It is based on the association of a testing phase for each corresponding Phase- 2 M,
development stage. Explanation of
• Development of each step is directly associated with the testing phase. Validation
• The next phase starts only after completion of the previous phase i.e. for each Phase-2 M
development activity, there is a testing activity corresponding to it.
• V-Model contains Verification phases on one side of the Validation phases on the OR
other side.
Answer with
• Verification and Validation phases are joined by coding phase in V-shape.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

Verification Phase (Design Phase):

It involves static analysis technique (review) done without executing code. It is
the process of evaluation of the product development phase to find whether specified
requirements meet.
1. Requirement Analysis: This phase contains detailed communication with the
customer to understand their requirements and expectations. This stage is known
as Requirement Gathering.
2. System Design: This phase contains the system design and the complete
hardware and communication setup for developing product.
3. Architectural Design: System design is broken down further into modules taking
up different functionalities. The data transfer and communication between the
internal modules and with the outside world (other systems) is clearly understood.
4. Module Design: In this phase the system breaks dowm into small modules. The
detailed design of modules is specified, also known as Low-Level Design (LLD).
Validation (Testing Phases) :
It involves dynamic analysis technique (functional, non-functional), testing done
by executing code. Validation is the process to evaluate the software after the completion
of the development phase to determine whether software meets the customer expectations
and requirements.
1. Unit Testing: Unit Test Plans are developed during module design phase. These
Unit Test Plans are executed to eliminate bugs at code or unit level.
2. Integration testing: After completion of unit testing Integration testing is
performed. In integration testing, the modules are integrated and the system is
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
tested. Integration testing is performed on the Architecture design phase. This test
verifies the communication of modules among themselves.
3. System Testing: System testing test the complete application with its
functionality, inter dependency, and communication. It tests the functional and
non-functional requirements of the developed application.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

4. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT is performed in a user environment that

resembles the production environment. UAT verifies that the delivered system
meets user’s requirement and system is ready for use in real world.
b) Describe with one example each 6M
: i. Load Testing ii.
Stress Testing
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans i. Load Testing Description of
• Load Testing is a type of performance testing to check system with constantly each- 2 M
increasing the load on the system until the time load reaches its threshold value.
• Here Increasing load means increasing number of concurrent users, transactions
& check the behavior of the application under test.
• It is normally carried out underneath controlled environment to distinguish
between two different systems.
• The main purpose of load testing is to monitor the response time and staying power
of application when the system is performing well under heavy load.
• The successfully executed load testing is only if the specified test cases are
executed without any error in allocated time.
• Load testing is testing the software under customer expected load.
• In order to perform load testing on the software you feed it all that it can handle.
Operate the software with the largest possible data files.
• If the software operates on peripherals such as printer, or communication ports,
connect as many as you can.
• If you are testing an internet server that can handle thousands of simultaneous
connections, do it. With most software it is important for it to run over long
• Some software should be able to run forever without being restarted. So, Time acts
as an important variable. Load testing can be best applied with the help of
automation tools.
Examples of load testing:
Any Suitable
• Downloading a series of large files from the internet.
example of
• Running multiple applications on a computer or server simultaneously. each – 1 M
• Assigning many jobs to a printer in a queue.
• Subjecting a server to a large amount of traffic.
• Writing and reading data to and from a hard disk continuously ii. Stress Testing
• It is a type of non-functional testing.
• It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point,
in order to observe the results.
• It is a form of software testing that is used to determine the stability of a given
• It put greater emphasis on robustness, availability and error handling under a
heavy load, rather than on what would be considered correct behaviour under
normal circumstances.
• The goals of such tests may be to ensure the software does not crash in conditions
of insufficient computational resources (such as memory, disk space, network
request etc.)
• Stress testing is also called fatigue testing.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

• For Example: isk

Word processor software running on your computer with all available memory and dter
space, it works fine. But if the system runs low on resources, you have a grea potentialare
to expect a bug. Setting the values to zero or near zero will make the softw execute aare
different path as it attempts to handle the tight constraint. Ideally the softw would run
without crashing or losing data.
c) Prepare six test cases for marketing site www.flipkart.com 6M

Ans 6 test cases of

Test test cases: 6 M;
Case Steps Expect ed Result Actual Result Status
data 1 M each;
TC- Type correct Abc123 It Should accept It accepts user pass any other
1 user name user name name valid test cases
TC- Type correct Co5i518 It Should accept It accepts pass shall be
2 and valid password password considered
TC- Click on login - Home page Home page is Pass
3 button should be displayed after
displayed after login and user
login and user name should be
name should be displayed on
displayed on
home page
home page
TC- Click on any - User should be User redirected to pass
4 product redirected to product
displayed product specification
on home specification page
page page.
TC- Click on add The product The product Pass
5 to cart for the should be added added to cart
product. to cart.
TC- Click on go to The total amount The total pass
6 cart button. of all items in cart amount of all
should be is
displayed. displayed.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
TC- Click on - The item should The item is pass
7 remove from be removed form removed from
cart button. cart. the cart.
TC- Click on - The checkout The checkout Pass
8 Checkout page should be page is
button. displayed with displayed with
payments options. payments
TC- Make - User should get User gets order Pass
9 payment for order details by details by
the order. message or email. message or

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 M

a) Explain client-server testing with suitable example. 6M

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans In Client-server testing there are several clients communicating with the server. Description -
3 M,
Any suitable
example -

1. Multiple users can access the system at a time, and they can communicate with
the server.
2. Configuration of client is known to the server with certainty.
3. Client and server are connected by real connection.
4. Testing approaches of client server system:
• Component Testing: One need to define the approach and test plan for testing
client and server individually. When server is tested there is need of a client
simulator, whereas testing client a server simulator, and to test network both
simulators are used at a time.
• Integration testing: After successful testing of server, client and network, they
are brought together to form system testing.
• Performance testing: System performance is tested when number of clients is
communicating with server at a time. Volume testing and stress testing may be
used for testing, to test under maximum load as well as normal load expected.
Various interactions may be used for stress testing.
• Concurrency Testing: It is very important testing for client-server architecture.
It may be possible that multiple users may be accessing same record at a time,
and concurrency testing is required to understand the behavior of a system in this
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
• Disaster Recovery Business continuity testing: When the client server are
communicating with each other, there exit a possibility of breaking of the
communication due to various reasons or failure of either client or server or link
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

connecting them. The requirement specifications must describe the possible

expectations in case of any failure.
• Testing for extended periods: In case of client server applications generally
server is never shutdown unless there is some agreed Service Level Agreement
(SLA) where server may be shut down for maintenance. It may be expected that
server is running 24X7 for extended period. One needs to conduct testing over an
extended period to understand if service level of network and server deteriorates
over time due to some reasons like memory leakage.
• Compatibility Testing: Client server may be put in different environments when
the users are using them in production. Servers may be in different hardware,
software, or operating system environment than the recommended. Other testing
such as security testing and compliance testing may be involved if needed, as per
testing and type of system.

For example, the average number of users working simultaneously on a system must be
quantified, since performance testing most commonly tests performance under workload
stress. Testers should also determine maximum or peak user performance or how the
system operates under maximum workloads. Bandwidth is another necessary bit of
information, as is most users most frequent actions. Performance testing also validates
and verifies other performance parameters such as reliability and scalability.
Performance testing can establish that a product lives up to performance standards
necessary for commercial release. It can compare two systems to determine which one
performs better. Or they can use profilers to determine the programs behavior as it runs.
This determines which parts of the program might cause the most trouble and it
establishes thresholds of acceptable response times.
b) Write important six test cases for the “Login Form” of the Facebook website. 6M

Ans 6 test cases of

test cases: 6 M;
Test_ Test step Test data Expected Actual Status
case_ output output 1 M each;
no any other
1 Username filed is It will display It displays Pass
left blank ‘Enter ‘Enter
Username’ Username’
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
2 Enter invalid user abc It will prompt It prompt Pass valid test cases
name ‘couldn’t find couldn’t shall be
your account’ find your considered
message account.
3 Enter valid user Username- It will display It displays Pass
name and invalid abc123 ‘Wrong ‘wrong
password Password – password’ password’
123 message. message.
4 Enter Valid Username- It will display It displays Pass
username and no abc123 ‘Enter ‘Enter
password Password – password’. password’.

5 Enter Valid Username- It will display It displays Pass

username and abc123 users’ users
Password Password – account’s account’s
co5i22518 facebook page. facebook
6 Click on ‘Forgotten - It will go to It goes to Pass
password?’ Find your Find your
account page. account

c) Describe defect life cycle with neat diagram. 6M

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
Ans Diagram: 2 M


1. New: When a defect is logged and posted for the first time. It’s state is given as new.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013
2. Assigned: After the tester has posted the bug, the lead of the tester approves that
the bug is genuine and he assigns the bug to corresponding developer and the
developer team. It’s state given as assigned.
3. Open: At this state the developer has started analysing and working on the defect
4. Fixed: When developer makes necessary code changes and verifies the changes
then he/she can make bug status as ‘Fixed’ and the bug is passed to testing team.
5. Pending retest: After fixing the defect the developer has given that particular code
for retesting to the tester. Here the testing is pending on the testers end. Hence its
status is pending retest.
6. Retest: At this stage the tester do the retesting of the changed code which developer
has given to him to check whether the defect got fixed or not.
7. Verified: The tester tests the bug again after it got fixed by the developer. If the bug
is not present in the software, he approves that the bug is fixed and changes the status
to “verified”.
8. Reopen: If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer, the tester
changes the status to “reopened”. The bug goes through the life cycle once again.
9. Closed: Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by the tester. If the tester feels that the
bug no longer exists in the software, he changes the status of the bug to “closed”.
This state means that the bug is fixed, tested and approved.
10. Duplicate: If the bug is repeated twice or the two bugs mention the same concept of
the bug, then one bug status is changed to “duplicate“.
11. Rejected: If the developer feels that the bug is not genuine, he rejects the bug.
Then the state of the bug is changed to “rejected”.
12. Deferred: The bug, changed to deferred state means the bug is expected to be fixed
in next releases. The reasons for changing the bug to this state have many factors.
Some of them are priority of the bug may be low, lack of time for the release or the
bug may not have major effect on the software.
13. Not a bug: The state given as “Not a bug” if there is no change in the functionality
of the application. For an example: If customer asks for some change in the look and
feel of the application like change of colour of some text then it is not a bug but just
some change in the look of the application.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013

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