Annexure 7 - MC - Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Annexure 7 - MC - Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Annexure 7 - MC - Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Jewellery Retail Sales Associate”, in the “Gems
& Jewellery” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner
Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
Engage the customers at the retail counter: Deal with
customers and assist them in the jewellery purchase process in
stores, malls, exhibitions and trade shows. Greet the customers,
understand their requirements and engage with them during the
sales process.
Explain to customers about jewellery product offerings: Explain
the various product offerings of the jewellery store to the
customers. Explain the spread of the product in terms of origin,
making technique, product category, metals and stones used etc.
and explain about the product to the customers.
Facilitate customer buying decision at multiple counters: Sell
the retail store’s various offerings such as jewellery or store’s
saving schemes. Create sales of jewellery at multiple sales
counters in the store and take customer specified jewellery
Manage stock of products at multiple counters and ensure
product safety: Manage the stock of goods at multiple sales
counters, and have a good stock-control and replenishment
system. Ensure product safety at counter.
Interaction for planning and reporting: Interact and plan with
the personnel of the other departments of the retail store, factory,
back-office, clients etc.
Create professional image of self and organisation: Maintain a
safe and clean retail counter to enable error-free sales and provide
a better shopping experience for the customer.
Maintain health and safety at workplace: Commit towards
reporting potential hazards, take preventive measures to contain
accidents in order to make the work environment safe for self and
colleagues and maintain occupational health and safety.
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
This course encompasses 7 out of 7 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “Jewellery Retail Sales
Associate” Qualification Pack issued by “Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India”.
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
1 Engage the customers To promptly attend to the visiting Mandatory –
at the retail counter customer. White Board/Black
To engage the customer by Board Marker/
Theory Duration addressing their queries and Chalk, Duster,
(hh:mm) requirements. Notepads, Pens,
05:00 To understand customer Pencils, Blank
requirements and assess the same. Sheets, Metal-Karat
Practical Duration To explain the layout of the store and Chart, Jewellery
(hh:mm) products. (Imitation/ Fashion),
25:00 To provide acceptable solutions and Display Bust, Ring
suggestions to customer queries. Display Tray,
Corresponding NOS To ensure customer satisfaction and Earring Stand,
Code receive positive feedback from the Bangle Stand,
G&J/N6801 customer. Jewellery Display
To inform customers about jewellery Counter, Viewing
delivery status for ordered products. Table Top Mirrors,
To handle problems pertaining to a Stone-Carat/Size
customer. Chart, Cotton
To address customer complaints. Gloves, Cleaning
Cloth, Hand Held
To assist the customer when there is
Mirror, Jewellery
a sales return or repair work.
Cleaning Cloth/
Gem Cloth, Sample
Price Tags, Sample
Jewellery Packing
Materials, Jewellery
Boxes, Calculators,
Optional –
Computer or Laptop
Attached to LCD
2 Explain to customers To explain the characteristics of Mandatory –
about jewellery product precious metals such as gold, silver White Board/Black
offerings and platinum. Board Marker/
To resolve queries pertaining to Chalk, Duster,
Theory Duration product characteristic. Notepads, Pens,
(hh:mm) To explain about standards, Pencils, Blank
05:00 hallmarking and jewellery Sheets, Metal-Karat
certification to customers. Chart, Jewellery
Practical Duration To accurately explain diamond and (Imitation/ Fashion),
(hh:mm) gemstone characteristics as well as Display Bust, Ring
35:00 inform about simulants and synthetic Display Tray,
gemstones and diamonds. Earring Stand,
Corresponding NOS To explain various jewellery setting Bangle Stand,
Code styles and their benefits. Jewellery Display
G&J/N6802 To introduce the customer to Counter, Viewing
different types of gemstones – Table Top Mirrors,
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
precious and semi-precious as well as Stone-Carat/Size
types of pearls with the appropriate Chart, Cotton
information. Gloves, Cleaning
Cloth, Hand Held
Mirror, Jewellery
Cleaning Cloth/
Gem Cloth, Sample
Price Tags, Sample
Jewellery Packing
Materials, Jewellery
Boxes, Calculators,
Optional –
Computer or Laptop
Attached to LCD
3 Facilitate customer To receive sales target with regards Mandatory –
buying decision at to product sales, jewellery type, White Board/Black
multiple counters number of counters, new schemes, Board Marker/
customer orders etc. Chalk, Duster,
Theory Duration To plan and execute selling strategy Notepads, Pens,
(hh:mm) as per company. Pencils, Blank
05:00 To assist the customer by Sheets, Metal-Karat
recommending and suggesting Chart, Jewellery
Practical Duration appropriate products based on their (Imitation/ Fashion),
(hh:mm) requirement. Display Bust, Ring
35:00 To facilitate the sales of high valued Display Tray,
products such as diamond and Earring Stand,
Corresponding NOS platinum jewellery. Bangle Stand,
Code To explain the product cost Jewellery Display
G&J/N6803 bifurcation based on the metal, Counter, Viewing
stones, labour cost, wastage etc. Table Top Mirrors,
To clarify and explain the company’s Stone-Carat/Size
policy on exchange of old jewellery. Chart, Cotton
To probe into the requirement of Gloves, Cleaning
jewellery product type and work on Cloth, Hand Held
the same as per customer need. Mirror, Jewellery
To assist in providing the accurate Cleaning Cloth/
information for customer based Gem Cloth, Sample
orders. Price Tags, Sample
To conduct valuation of old jewellery Jewellery Packing
with the assistance of the store Materials, Jewellery
assessor and manager. Boxes, Calculators,
To execute the order sheet with
delivery timeline, product details and
Optional –
Computer or Laptop
To sell different product categories at
Attached to LCD
designated counters.
To sell high end products, saving
schemes and customized jewellery.
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
To explain the company’s policies for
repairing and refurbishing products
after sales.
To pack the product in the
appropriate packaging material and
hand it over to the customer.
To ensure a fast, safe, minimum
discount sale.
To ensure the billing process has the
necessary information and to inform
the customer about the bill details.
To check and verify products ordered
and achieve timely delivery through
the appropriate delivery channel.
4 Manage stock of To follow the company’s policies for Mandatory –
products at multiple tallying of opening stock, sales of the White Board/Black
counters and ensure day and closing stock. Board Marker/
product safety To maintain required records of daily Chalk, Duster,
sales and stock as per company Notepads, Pens,
Theory Duration policy. Pencils, Blank
(hh:mm) To ensure stock is adequate for the Sheets, Sample
05:00 required popular categories of Price Tags,
products and to ensure there is no Calculators
Practical Duration stock shortage or overstocking.
(hh:mm) To consider the season such as festive Optional –
16:00 seasons, marriage seasons etc. and Computer or Laptop
order appropriate stock of required Attached to LCD
Corresponding NOS products. Projector
Code To ensure that damaged products are
G&J/N6804 replaced or repaired.
To ensure that products at the
appropriate counters have entry
priced, mid-priced and high priced
products available.
To calculate the product requirement
and place the orders in advance for
timely delivery.
To be vigilant and secure products at
the counters and report any
suspicious activities.
To ensure no theft or shoplifting is
carried out and to report the same to
the manager in case of the above
5 Interaction for planning To carry out the roles and Mandatory –
and reporting responsibilities as decided by the White Board/Black
company. Board Marker/
Theory Duration To promptly escalate and discuss Chalk, Duster,
(hh:mm) issues and concerns with the Notepads, Pens,
02:00 management. Pencils, Blank
To interact with the inventory Sheets
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
Practical Duration controller for replenishing of stock,
(hh:mm) valuation of old jewellery and loss of Optional –
08:00 any product. Computer or Laptop
To interact with the factory unit for Attached to LCD
Corresponding NOS updates on ordered products, Projector
Code delivery status and provide
G&J/N6805 information on products to be
To inform the customer about the
delivery schedule and charges of the
product ordered.
To interact with the cashier for
tallying the sale with the bill,
discrepancy in cash paid against bill
and to ensure a speedy process for
closing the sale.
To interact with the customer while
closing the sale and to ensure
customer satisfaction with services
provided at the store.
6 Create professional To maintain a clean and neat counter. Mandatory –
image of self and To display clean products and to White Board/Black
organization show the display trays one by one. Board Marker/
To ensure that no stones are missing Chalk, Duster,
Theory Duration from the jewellery pieces. Notepads, Pens,
(hh:mm) To ensure all the products have the Pencils, Blank
01:00 appropriate price tags displayed with Sheets, Jewellery
the correct information. Display Counter,
Practical Duration To maintain personal hygiene, be Display Bust, Ring
(hh:mm) presentable always and dress Display Tray,
06:00 appropriately as per company Earring Stand,
policies and codes. Bangle Stand,
Corresponding NOS To coordinate with the housekeeping Viewing Table Top
Code department for retail area Mirrors, Cotton
cleanliness. Gloves, Cleaning
G&J/N6806 To recognize customer type/ Cloth, Hand Held
behaviour, greet them courteously Mirror, Jewellery
and respond with relevant Cleaning Cloth/
information to their queries. Gem Cloth
Optional –
Computer or Laptop
Attached to LCD
7 Maintain health and To report about potential sources of Mandatory –
safety at workplace danger. Safety Hand Gloves,
To use precautionary methods and Fire Extinguisher,
Theory Duration fire extinguisher in case of fire. First Aid Kit
(hh:mm) To use first aid procedure in case of
01:00 emergencies. Optional –
Computer or Laptop
Practical Duration
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Sr. Equipment
Module Key Learning Outcomes
No. Required
(hh:mm) Attached to LCD
01:00 Projector
Corresponding NOS
Total Duration Unique Equipment Required:
White Board/Black Board Marker/ Chalk, Duster, Notepads, Pens,
Theory Duration Pencils, Blank Sheets, Metal-Karat Chart, Jewellery (Imitation/
24:00 Fashion), Display Bust, Ring Display Tray, Earring Stand, Bangle
Stand, Jewellery Display Counter, Viewing Table Top Mirrors, Stone-
Practical Duration Carat/Size Chart, Cotton Gloves, Cleaning Cloth, Hand Held Mirror,
126:00 Jewellery Cleaning Cloth/ Gem Cloth, Sample Price Tags, Sample
Jewellery Packing Materials, Jewellery Boxes, Calculators,
Gemstones, Computer or Laptop Attached to LCD Projector, Safety
Hand Gloves, Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit
(This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: “Jewellery Retail Sales Associate” mapped to Qualification Pack:
“G&J/Q6802, v1.0”
Area Details
1 Job Description To deliver accredited training service, mapping to the curriculum detailed
above, in accordance with the Qualification Pack
“G&J/Q6802”, Version 1.0.
2 Personal Attributes Aptitude for conducting training, and pre/post work to ensure competent,
employable candidates at the end of the training. Strong communication
skills, interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team; a passion for
quality and for developing others; well-organised and focused, eager to
learn and keep oneself updated with the latest in the mentioned field.
3 Minimum Educational Graduate
4a Domain Certification Certified for Job Role: Jewellery Retail Sales Associate mapped to QP:
“G&J/Q6802, v1.0”. Minimum accepted score as per SSC guidelines is 80%
on the SSC prescribed online theory assessment test based on an industry
validated question bank.
4b Platform Certification Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”,
mapped to the Qualification Pack: “SSC/1402”. Minimum accepted score
for the trainers is 80% as per respective SSC guidelines.
5 Experience The minimum experience required is 3 years in Jewellery / FMCG /
Cosmetics retail.
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Annexure: Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria
Job Role Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Qualification Pack G&J/Q6802, v1.0
Sector Skill Council Gem & Jewellery Skill Council of India
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
Marks Allocation
Assessment Out Theory Skills
Assessment Criteria for outcomes Mark
outcomes of Practical
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC17. Check if customer is willing to interact via
1 1 0
telephone or internet post sales
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC8. Explain to customer’s different types of
settings such as prongs, bezel, channel, pave, 3 1 2
Sub Total 50 19 31
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC3. Probe customer to share information about
their need, preferences by asking appropriate 1 0 1
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC14. Interact with the assessor and the
manager and then inform the customers about
the value of the old gold jewellery (for which it
2 1 1
can be taken and deliver the customised
jewellery on the agreed time with design
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC29. Ensure that there is minimum delay in the
3 1 2
sale closing process
Sub Total 60 20 40
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC10. Ensure that fast moving stocks are always
2 1 1
available by ordering them adequately
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC5. Inform about any loss of goods 2 0 2
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC8. Keep store/retail counter area neat and
2 0 2
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate
PC11. Respond promptly and appropriately to an
3 1 2
accident situation or medical emergency
Jewellery Retail Sales Associate