Idioms Asked in PSC Exams
Idioms Asked in PSC Exams
Idioms Asked in PSC Exams
5. The politician was able to sway the mob with his gift of the gab.
A. Fluency of speech. B. Flattering words.
C. Abundance of promises. D. Political foresight
15. The bare bones of the half hour conversation was that he hated my
A. The main point. B. Just the bones.
C. With the flesh removed. D. The naked truth
17. There has been bad blood between the two communities even before
the shooting.
A. Impure blood. B. ill-feeling. C. Bloody fights. D. Quarrels
18. You are to be a cool customer if you want to get the best buys.
A. Be calm and not be excitable. B. Have a cool head.
C. Be uncommunicative. D. Be choosy
20. His phenomenal success shows that he has got the Midas touch.
A. Ability to succeed in all projects
B. Superhuman ability. C. Miraculous touch. D. A Powerful backer
23. The presence of the Principal cramped the style of the teacher's
A. Style suffered from cramps
B. Obstructed the style
C. Prevented him from doing freely what he had planned to do
D. Prevented the freestyle
27. The attempt to catch the criminal was only a wild goose chase.
A. Timely action. B. Wise decision.
C. Delayed action. D. Useless search
29. If the problem has to be solved you must take the Bull by the horns.
A. Pull the bull's horns. B. Avoid the danger.
C. Face the problem /danger directly. D. Arrange to trap the Bull
31. He felt like a fish out of water among all those businessmen.
A. Troubled. B. Stupid. C. Uncomfortable. D. Inferior
32. The singer was not in voice.
A. The singer was silent
B. The singer was singing copying someone else's voice
C. The singer could not sing well D. The singer whispered.
39. Replace the underlined word with the appropriate idioms from the
given options.
He knows the details of the matter.
a. Ins and outs b. outs and ins c. odds and ins d. far ends
47. Since we have journeyed so far, we might as well go the whole hog.
A. Take the matter to its logical end B. continue
C. Retreat D. venue some further
48. When the results were declared, it was found that Ramesh had shown
the rest of us a clean pair of heels.
A. Outclasses us by a big margin B. run away
C. Gone the whole distance D. gone farther
55. Which of the given idiomatic expression means ‘people are judged by
their actions’?
a) To pull together
b) The proof of the pudding is in the eating
c) To steal a march on
d) Let me see it in black and white
68. When buying a gift one should keep in mind the person’s likes and
A. Invent B. Ignore C. Think about D. Admire