Eng6 Q1W1 Day3
Eng6 Q1W1 Day3
Eng6 Q1W1 Day3
Identifying Real or
Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC)
Identify real or make-believe,
fact, or non-fact images
Learning Objectives:
After going through the lesson, learners
are expected to:
identify real or make-believe, fact or
non-fact images;
appreciate the importance of real or
make-believe images;
participate actively in class discussion
Look at the picture on the
next slide.
Read the statement found inside
the bubble.
What can you say about it?
Let us test your reasoning
ability. Fill in the blanks
with your most reasonable
answer that will complete
the sentence. Choices are
given after.
1. I believe that talking to plants
makes them grow fast because
A. plants listen very well with
their ears
B. plants, like humans can feel
the love and care given to
2. I find it impossible to breathe
underwater because
A. it gives light
B. it can dry wet clothes
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
Reading books, listening to
stories and watching movies
can bring us to a world of
reality and fantasy.
We encounter characters and
events that may be true or just
a make-believe.
Real images are true; they are
facts that can be proven. They
can be experienced or
witnessed by a person.
When identifying statements that
express reality, one should look
into things, ideas, and events
based on real-life experience using
the five senses (seeing, smelling,
tasting, hearing, and feeling).
My grandmother
is still alive at the
age of 93.
Make-believe images have
no existence; they are not
true; they are in our
imagination; they are non-
fact and difficult to be
Make-believe images are
created in our minds. They
are exaggerated most of the
time that is why they are
unbelievable to happen.