Bouncer Questions MICROBIOLOGY
Bouncer Questions MICROBIOLOGY
Bouncer Questions MICROBIOLOGY
Bouncer questions
1. Define and classify culture media with examples. Write briefly on selective and
anaerobic media
1. Chemical disinfectants.
2. Media for cultivation of bacteria
3. Precipitation reaction.
4. Major histocompatibility complex
5. Type I hypersensitivity
6. Type II hypersensitivity
7. Staphylococcus aureus.
8. Antistreptolysin O test
9. Name different species of genus Corynebacterium.
10. Triple antigen.
11. Bacteroids.
12. Lactobacillus
13. DPT vaccine
14. Triple vaccine
15. Bacterial vaccine
16. Mumps viral infection
17. Kala-azar
18. Ankylostoma duodenale
19. Periodontal infection.
1. Bacterial fimbriae
2. Methods of genetic transfer.
3. Name the pyogenic cocci. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis
of staphylococci
4. Staphylococcal infections.
5. Classify streptococci and describe the laboratory investigations of streptococci
6. Laboratory diagnosis of pneumococcal infections.
7. Describe morphology, cultural characteristics, toxins liberated and lesions
produced by clostridial strains.
8. Antibacterial agents on anaerobic bacteria
9. Herpes simplex viral infections.
10. Moniliasis
11. Malarial parasites
12. Oral protozoal parasites
13. Pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of Ancylostoma duodenale.
14. Prevention of dental caries
15. Oral antiseptics.
16. Oral spirochetes
17. Prevention of dental caries.