Sample Camera Worksheets
Sample Camera Worksheets
Sample Camera Worksheets
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● The basic concept of photography has been around since
about the 5th century BCE. However, it was not until Alhazen,
an Iraqi physicist, developed the first pinhole camera called
camera obscura in the 11th century that photography became
more popular.
● The camera did not actually record images; it projected them
onto another surface. They were also upside down.
Camera Facts
● In the 17th century,
the camera obscura
became small enough
to be portable. Basic
lenses to focus the
light were introduced
around this time.
● Nicéphore Niepcé, a French inventor who developed heliograph
in 1816, took the first photograph.
● Using the camera, he made a silver chloride-coated piece of
paper and was able to capture an image. As silver chloride
darkens when exposed to light for about eight hours, it could
effectively capture the scene.
LEFT: Nicéphore Niepcé’s
first photography camera,
made using a
silver chloride-coated piece
of paper as the ‘film’
RIGHT: His first photo,
‘View from the Window at
Le Gras’
LEFT: Eastman’s Brownie was the first mass-market camera; RIGHT: Barnack’s
original Leica from 1914
● The first Single-Lens Reflex Camera
(SLR): Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex
medium format TLR (Twin Lens Reflex)
was introduced in 1929 by
Rollei-Werke, a German company.
● Developed and built by Jeno Dulovits in
Hungary, he introduced the first SLR
with an instant return mirror and the
automatic diaphragm. It was called the
Gamma Duflex.
● SLRs became known around the world,
and its use was seen during World War
II. Other countries, such as Japan, also
Rolleiflex medium format
produced SLR cameras in the 1950s, TLR camera
including Canon and Nikon.
Camera Facts
LEFT: Gamma Duflex; CENTER: Polaroid Land Model 95A; RIGHT: The Land
Camera Model 95 was the first camera to use instant film to quickly produce
photographs without developing them in a laboratory.
● In 1948, Edwin Land introduced his Polaroid camera. The
Model 95 produced only sepia-toned images. After the film
emerged from the camera, photographers had to wait 60
seconds before peeling off the negative backing of the image.
● In 2008, Polaroid stopped producing their famous instant film
and took their secrets with them.
● In the 1950s, Asahi (later
Pentax) introduced the
Asahiflex and Nikon introduced
its Nikon F camera. These
were both SLR-type cameras.
The Nikon F allowed for The Nikon F was born out of the difficulties
interchangeable lenses and with attaching longer lenses to rangefinders.
other accessories.
● “Point and shoot” cameras that calculated shutter speed,
aperture, and focus became popular to casual photographers
since they were free to concentrate on composition.
● In 1975, Kodak engineer Steven Sasson developed the first
camera that used an image sensor instead of film.
Camera Facts
● It was the first self-contained digital camera. However, it was
only fully introduced to the public in 1991 through the Kodak
DCS, which stands for Digital Camera System.
● Over time, manufacturers worked on cameras that stored
images electronically. Canon, Nikon, Pentax, and other
manufacturers then offered advanced digital SLR (DSLR)
● In 2003, DSLR cameras began outselling film cameras.
● Canon launched their EOS 5D in 2005. This was the first
full-frame, consumer-priced DSLR.
● Around that time, a handier camera was introduced. Japan
presented the first camera phones: Kyocera’s VP-210,
Samsung’s SCH-V200, and Sharp’s J-SH04
● With the introduction of the iPhone by Apple in 2007, more
camera features evolved with better technological advances.
● The Camera Body - The 'body' of a camera is the light-tight box
that allows light to be captured on film, paper, or a digital
sensor. They come in a variety of styles and shapes to fit any
photographer’s needs.
● Lens - The function of the lens is to capture light from external
scenes and direct it into the camera's sensor, where it interacts
with all of the internal parts of the camera.
● The 'Film' Plane and Shutter - In digital cameras, the 'film' plane
has become the digital sensor, which is the place where the
photographic image is captured.
● Today's cameras use shutters to control the light from reaching
the film or sensor with the touch of a button.
Parts of a Camera I
What are the basic parts of a camera? Let’s start with the front
part of the DSLR camera. Write the functions of each part.
Parts of a Camera I
What are the basic parts of a camera? Let’s start with the front
part of the DSLR camera. Write the functions of each part.
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