Us 2908943

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Oct. 20, 1959 R. L.

MILLER 2,908,943
Filed Oct. 25, 1957


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United States Patent Office 2,908,943
Patented Oct. 20, 1959
#826 Releasor Wax-Rezolin, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.
2,908,943. it 604R Resin (polyurethane)-Nopco Chemical, Har
rison, N.J. -
PROCESS FORMOLDING TWO-LAYER. #604T Catalyst-Nopco Chemical, Harrison, N.J.
POLYURETHANE ARTICLES . .. #DC20. Silicon Mold Release-Dow Corning Corp.,
Midland, Minn.
Russell L. Miller, Encinitas, Calif., assignor to Bill Jack
Scientific Instrument Co., Solana Beach, Calif. Liquid salt-Blue Temp Salt #280-Far Best Corp., Los.
Angeles, Calif.
Application October 25, 1957, Serial No. 692,245 White gas
6 Claims. (Cl 18-59) 0. Steel wool
Equipment desirable for the process is as follows:
Mixing container
This invention relates generally to a molding process Agitator.
and more specifically to a process for forming and joining 5 Laboratory scale
together two pieces of the same class of material having Spatula
different densities. - - Eye dropper. -
The primary object of this invention is to provide an Fiber glass liner mold and mandrel with special fast
improved molding process for forming and joining to action clamps
gether two pieces of the same class of material having 20 Infra-red lamp oven
different densities with resulting different physical char Two part metal mold
acteristics. - Salt bath tank, temperature controlled
Another object of this invention is to provide a mold Infra-red curing oven, circulating heat controlled
ing process for the production of liners for helmets of Holding fixture for energy-absorbing crown section
aircraft pilots in which the resulting liners desirably have 25 Band saw for cutting energy absorbing crown section
both sound absorbing and energy absorbing character- - 1
istics of improved quality. is . . . While this process will be described as applicable to
A more specific object of this invention is to provide an aircraft helmet liners it is conceivable that it might find
improved molding process for the production of aircraft utility in the joining of two or more pieces of the same
class of material or different foamable plastic materials
pilot helmet liners wherein the liner is fabricated from 30 having
two pieces of the same class of material having different : plicabledifferent densities for the production of units ap
to other fields.
densities. . ; ,, r
Still another object of this invention is to provide an The process is preceded by a preparation of the equip
improved molding process for forming and joining to ment to be used. The metal mold for forming the crown
gether two pieces of the same class of foamable plastic 35 section is cleaned and all contaminated material is re
material having different densities in which various phys moved with steel wool or other suitable material. The
ical characteristics desired in the final product are. ob mold is then coated with a mixture of DC20 mold re
tained by specific curing steps. .. lease and white gas in an approximate 50-50 percent
With the foregoing and other objects in mind, this, in ratio. A liquid salt bath is then heated to a temperature
vention resides in the following specification and ap 40 within the range of 375 to 425 F. The main liner
claims with thediagram
process ofcomprising the invention fiber
ture ofglass moldmold
is then cleaned and treated with a mix
being in the the attached drawing: it mate DC20 release
50-50 percent ratio.
and white gas in an approxi
. . In the production of liners for the rigid shells of air
craft pilot helmets such as worn by jet aircraft pilots, it a- With the equipment thus ready for the formation of
liner the process is commenced by mixing 58 parts
is highly desirable that the liner have high sound absorb 45. by weight of 604R resin and 42 parts by weight of 604T
ing characteristics as well as energy absorbing character catalyst. The proportion of resin, to catalyst may be
istics particularly in the crown portion of the liner.
After considerable experimentation with plastic ma varied but it has been found that the ratio of 58 parts
terial it was found that polyurethane is highly suitable resin to 42 parts catalyst gives the optimum result for
the crown section of the liner. This mixture is then
for use in the production of such helmet liners. It was 50 thoroughly
also found that by molding a crown cap portion of rela- - - mixed by an agitator until a foaming action
tively high density polyurethane material and then sub ately begins. This normally takes 15 to 20 seconds. Immedi
sequently joining the cap so formed during a second upon the commencement of the foaming action the
molding process of the liner proper, the entire liner so tion mixture is poured into the mold for the liner crown sec
produced would provide a final product having a high 55 and the mold is instantly closed and locked.
density brittle crown portion for energy absorption pur The foaming mixture within the mold is allowed to
poses with the remaining portion of the cap covering the expand until the foaming action stops. The material thus
remaining portion of the interior of the pilot helmet being held within the5 minutes. mold is allowed to gel in the air for
formed of a resilient lower density polyurethane material approximately
giving the entire liner high sound absorbing features. : 60 saltThebathcrown section mold is then placed in the preheated
In order to attain the highest quality liner from both for curingwhich is held in the range of 375 to 425 F.
over a period of approximately three minutes.
the sound absorbing.and energy absorbing standpoints, it
has been necessary to develop a process for the proper The cure period may be varied somewhat in inverse pro
portion to the temperature of the bath. Thus a similar
curing of the liner so formed. Certain steps in the proc
ess relating to the curing become critical to attain and 65 atproduct would result with a cure period of 2% minutes
475 F. However, the optimum product results from
preserve these desirable features.
The specification of materials used in this process is the temperature range above given over a period of ap
as follows: - - proximately 3 minutes. The salt bath affords a means
F29R Resin (poly ‘ethane)-Nopco Chemical, Harrison, of applying, an even curing temperature to all parts of
70 the material within the mold at the same time. This pro
F29C Catalyst Nopco Chemical, H duces a cellular structure which is consistently uniform
in physical properties, . . .. .. .. . . . . . -
3 4.
At the termination of three minutes immersion in the liner may be inserted into the cavity of the hard shell
salt bath, the mold is removed and allowed to air cool helmet which is formed by another process.
to approximately 200 F. at which time the formed It has been found by considerable experimentation
crown section of the liner is removed from the mold. that the use of the pre-heated liquid salt bath for approxi
At this point, excess material may be trimmed from the results inthree
mately minutes in curing the crown section mold
a crown section of improved energy absorbing
crown section as necessary. -
The crown section is then placed in a holding fixture characteristics. It likewise has been found that the cur
and several radially extending slots are cut in the same minutes followedliner
ing of the entire mold in the infra-red oven for 20
by a post-cure in the air circulating
from the periphery thereof toward the center. This 10 infra-red oven for about five hours produces a liner with
operation provides additional flexibility to the crown sec exceptionally
tion while simultaneously affording cavities for the liner Therefore, wehigh quality sound absorbing characteristics.
have a complete liner assembly consisting
foam material to penetrate in the final fabrication of the of a crown section of high energy absorbing quality Se
liner. It is obvious that other methods of slitting or cured to the liner proper having high sound absorbing
perforating the crown section to provide access for the 15 qualities.
foaming material of the liner proper to penetrate could The complete process is shown in the accompanying
be utilized. As stated, however, the slitted form adds drawing wherein the various steps of the process are
resilience as well as providing access openings for the designated and wherein the formation of the liner at
foaming material.
For the preparation of the sound absorbing portion of 20 and catalyst areofplaced
various stages the process is illustrated. The resin
in a hi-speed mixer 10. After
the liner which is to cover substantially the entire inner agitation in mixer 10, the foaming mixture 11 is placed
surface of the helmet shell 88 parts by weight of F29R in female mold 12 followed by closure of the mold with
resin are mixed with 12 parts by weight of F29C catalyst. member 13. The foamed and shaped mixture in the
This ratio of resin to catalyst may be varied to obtain a mold is allowed to air gel and is then placed in a liquid
similar end product; however, the ratio of 88 parts resin 25 salt bath, indicated at 14. After removal of the mold
to 12 parts catalyst gives the most desirable product for from the bath, the formed crown portion 15 of the fin
the use intended. The previously completed crown sec ished product is removed from the mold, is trimmed and
tion is inserted into the liner mold. Any inserts such as slit at 16 by suitable machinery. After this step the
those for providing ear cavities are inserted into the mold crown section has the appearance as illustrated at 17.
at this time. The crown section 15 is then placed in a second female
The mixture of the F29R resin and F29C catalyst are mold 18. A second resin and catalyst mixture 19 is
thoroughly mixed in a high speed agitator for 15 to 20 placed in mixer 20 and is then agitated to a foaming con
seconds until the resulting foaming action begins. The dition. It is then placed in mold 18 with the crown sec
mixture is then immediately poured into the liner mold tion 15. The mold is then closed by mandrel member
and the mold mandrel is inserted and locked instantly. 35 21 and the mold assembly is allowed to air gel at 22.
The mixture is permitted to expand in the mold about the The mold assembly is then subjected to heat lamps at 23
mandrel until the foaming action ceases at the vent holes for curing the liner material. After removal of the mold
of the mold. The foamed material will fill the liner mold assembly from the oven at 24 the completed liner assem
and will flow through the slots in the crown section to bly is removed from the mold at 25 and is subjected to
thereby lock the crown section to the more flexible sound 40 a post-cure oven treatment at 26. The completed liner
absorbing liner portion undergoing formation. The mold assembly 27 illustrates how the second foamed resin 19
at this time is permitted to air gel for 10 minutes. interlocks with the crown section 15 when the said second
The mold is then placed in an infra-red oven for ap resin mixture is closed in the mold 18 by the member 21.
proximately 20 minutes. The purpose in this step is to The second resin material actually runs through the
remove entrapped gases from the material. This must openings or slits 28 placed in crown section 15 at step 16
be accomplished while the material is held in the mold and during the subsequent curing steps effectively locks
so that warpage and a loss of shape will not result. Al the inner on flexible liner area 29 to the crown section 15.
though heat from the sun would be the best medium for The process of the instant invention is considered a
this operation, the time elements involved dictate a faster 50 substantial improvement over the inventor's prior process
method. It has been found that infra-red rays will ac which did not include certain of the cure steps in the man
complish the dissipation of these gases without causing ner recited and more specifically did not include the salt
accelerated desication of the material. bath cure for the crown section mold. Applicant's prior
After treatment in the infra-red oven the mold is re process for which patent protection was not sought com
moved and permitted to cool to below 200 F. at which 55 prised merely the joining together of a crown section to
the liner proper by slitting a molded crown unit with
time the complete liner may be removed. subsequent joining in a mold by the foaming action of
The liner is then placed in a post-cure infra-red cir
culating oven at approximately 250 F. for five hours. the liner material.
This time and temperature relationship may be somewhat It is quite obvious that certain steps in this process
varied with slightly higher temperatures for a lower period 60 might be modified to a degree which process would still
of time. At a lower temperature it is obvious the cure result in the production of a product having similar ap
period would be greater. The relationship given, how pearance but somewhat inferior physical characteristics
ever, produces what is considered to be the most satis to the product produced by the instant process. The
factory cure of the liner. Up to this point the material critical steps in this process include the treatment by the
still retains a considerable amount of moisture even liquid salt bath of the crown section mold, the treatment
though it is sufficiently formed to be removed from the 65 of the entire assembly within the mold in the infra-red
mold. The final curing and againg of the material is ac oven and the step of post-curing in an air circulating
complished in the aforesaid low temperature circulating oven for five hours.
air infra-red oven. The complete aging of this material I claim:
by a very slow withdrawal of moisture in natural sun 1. The process of forming and joining together two
light would be the best method of procedure, but since 70 or more pieces of foamable polyurethane material, each
such a prolonged post-cure is prohibitive in production piece having a different density and different physical
practices, it has been established that this low heat infra characteristics, which comprises forming a first piece of
red source is the closest to a natural cure. said material in a mold, placing said mold in a pre
The liner may subsequently be removed from the oven heated liquid salt bath at 375 to 425 F. for curing for
and the flashing thereon may be trimmed so that the 75 a period of approximately three minutes, removing said
5 6
mold from the salt bath, perforating the first piece so liner with the now integrally joined crown section and
formed at a plurality of points, placing said first piece Sound absorbing section from the liner mold, placing said
in a second mold, pouring a liquid plastic mixture for liner in a post-cure air circulating oven at approximately
forming the second piece into said second mold, air gell 250 F. for 4 to 6 hours, and removing said liner from
ing said mold, placing said mold in an infra-red oven for the oven.
approximately 20 minutes, removing the complete product
So formed from said mold, and placing said product in ing5.anThe process of forming an aircraft helmet liner hav
energy absorbing crown section and a sound ab
a post-cure air circulating oven at approximately 250 sorbing section which comprises mixing a polyurethane
F. for about five hours. resin with a catalyst to initiate a foaming action, placing
2. The process of forming an aircraft helmet liner hav O the resulting foaming mixture immediately into a mold
ing an energy absorbing crown section and a sound ab for forming the crown section of the liner with a density
sorbing section which comprises mixing a foamable poly such as to make the section relatively stiff with low re
urethane resin with a catalyst to initiate a foaming ac silience, air gelling the mixture in the mold for approxi
tion, placing said foaming mixture immediately into a mately 5 minutes to allow it to set, placing said mold in
mold for forming the crown section of the liner, air 5 a pre-heated liquid salt bath at 375 to 425 F. for a
gelling the mixture in the mold for about five minutes, period of approximately three minutes to cure the mix
placing said mold in a pre-heated liquid salt bath at 375 ture, removing the mold from the salt bath, removing the
to 425 F. for three minutes to cure the mixture, remov formed crown section from the mold, slitting said crown
ing said mold from the salt bath, removing the formed section at a plurality of points, placing said crown sec
crown section from the mold, perforating said crown sec 20 tion in a liner mold, mixing a polyurethane resin of sim
tion at a plurality of points, placing said formed crown ilar characteristics as the crown section resin with a
section in a second liner mold, mixing a polyurethane catalyst to initiate a foaming action, pouring said foam
resin of similar characteristics to the crown section resin ing mixture immediately into said liner mold in contact
with a catalyst to initiate a foaming action, pouring said with the crown section to form a sound absorbing section
foaming mixture immediately into said liner mold, air 25 for the liner, air gelling said mixture in the mold for
gelling said mixture in the liner mold for about ten approximately 10 minutes to permit it to set with a lower
minutes, placing said mold in an infra-red oven for 20 density to make the section relatively resilient compared
minutes, removing said liner with the now integrally to the crown section, placing said mold in an infra-red
joined crown section from the liner mold, placing said oven for approximately 20 minutes, removing said liner
liner in a post-cure air circulating oven at 250 F. for a 30 with the now integrally joined crown section and sound
five hour cure and removing said liner from the oven. absorbing section from the liner mold, placing said liner
3. The process of forming and joining together two in a post-cure air circulating oven at approximately 250
or more pieces of the same class of foamable poly F. for a period of about 5 hours, and removing said liner
urethane material, each piece having a different density from the oven.
and different physical characteristics, which comprises 35
forming a first piece of said material in a mold, air ing6.a The process of forming an aircraft helmet liner hav
high density, low resilience energy absorbing crown
gelling said mold, placing said mold in a pre-heated liquid section and a low density, high resilience sound absorbing
salt bath at 375 to 425 F. for curing for a period of section which comprises mixing a first foamable poly
approximately three minutes, removing said mold from urethane resin with a catalyst, said resin and catalyst
the salt bath, removing the first piece of material from 40 mixture being capable of forming the energy absorbing
the mold, perforating the first piece of material at a crown section, placing said foaming mixture immediately
plurality of points, placing said first piece of material into a mold for forming the crown section, air gelling the
in a second mold, pouring the foamable polyurethane mixture in the mold, placing the mold in a pre-heated
material for the second piece of material into said second liquid salt bath' to cure the mixture, removing the mold
mold, air gelling said mold, placing said second mold in 45 from the salt bath, removing the formed crown section
an infra-red oven for 15 to 25 minutes, removing the
product formed from said mold and placing said product from of
the mold, slotting the crown section at a plurality
points, placing said formed crown section in a second
in a post-cure air circulating oven for 4 to 6 hours. liner mold, mixing a second foamable polyurethane resin
4. The process of forming an aircraft helmet liner hav
ing an energy absorbing crown section and a sound ab 50 with a catalyst to initiate a foaming action, said second
resin and catalyst mixture being capable of forming the
sorbing section which comprises mixing a polyurethane sound absorbing section of the liner, pouring said foaming
resin with a catalyst to initiate a foaming action, plac mixture immediately into the second liner mold, air gell
ing said resulting foaming mixture immediately into a ing said mixture in the mold, placing said mold in an
mold for forming the crown section of the liner with a oven under heat to cure the resin, removing the liner,
density such as to make the section relatively stiff with 55 with the now integrally joined crown section and sound
low resilience, air gelling the mixture in the mold to absorbing section, from the mold, placing the liner in a
allow it to set, placing said mold in a pre-heated liquid post-cure air circulating oven for further cure of the
salt bath at 375 to 425 F. for a period of approximately resins, and removing the completed liner from the oven.
three minutes to cure the mixture, removing the mold
from the salt bath, removing the formed crown section 60
from the mold, slitting said crown section at a plurality References Cited in the file of this patent
of points, placing said crown section in a liner mold, mix UNITED STATES PATENTS
ing a polyurethane resin of similar characteristics as the 2,388,042 Daily ----------------- Oct. 30, 1945
crown section resin with a catalyst to initiate a foaming
action, pouring said foaming mixture immediately into 2,625,683 Roth et al. ------------- Jan. 20, 1953
said liner mold in contact with the crown section to form 2,741,800 Brockway ------------- Apr. 17, 1956
a sound absorbing section for the liner, air gelling said 2,763,005 Richter --------------- Sept. 18, 1956
mixture in the liner mold to permit it to set with a 2,785,440 Toulmin -------------- Mar. 19, 1957
relatively lower density to make the section relatively FOREIGN PATENTS
resilient compared to the crown section, placing said mold O
in an infra-red oven for 15 to 25 minutes, removing said 777,411 Great Britain ---------- June 19, 1957

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