Community Involvement and Empowerment
Community Involvement and Empowerment
Community Involvement and Empowerment
At the end of this lesson, the learners shall be able to:
Define community
Define community participation
Discuss the aims of community participation
Discuss the differences between community participation and involvement
Determine the community participation process
Identify factors that influence community participation
What is a Community?
Social entity made of people or families who have the ff. Characteristics:
• Live in the same geographical area
• Share common goals or problems
• Share similar development aspirations
• Have similar interests or social network or relationship at local level
• Have common leadership and tradition
• Have common system of communication
• Share some resources (water, school, etc.)
• Are sociologically and psychologically linked
A process by which a community mobilizes its resources, initiates and takes
responsibility for its own development activities and share in decision-making and
implementation of all other development programs for the over-all improvement of its
health status.
• Passive Participation – Individual and families are mere spectators
• Active Participation – They may carrying out tasks in a program but are not involved
with the final decision-making in what is to be done.
• Final decision in such cases are made by people who are not members of the
community, in that scenario, the community does not develop a sense of self-
Community engagement seeks to better engage the community to achieve long-
term and sustainable outcomes, processes, relationships, discourse, decision-making,
or implementation.
Increasing democracy
Encourages community to address their problems
Combating exclusion
Empowering people
Mobilizing resources and energy
Achieving better decisions and more effective services
Ensuring the ownership and sustainability of programs
• Reaching community is important
• Inform, get feedback, active involvement
• Generate interest and ideas
• TV, Radios, NEWSPAPERS advertisement
• Community meeting (face-to-face interaction)
• Focus group
• Survey
• Web based engagement (online public participation)
• Social mobilization
• Increase formal or informal involvement
• Insights on social-cultural and political contexts of affected communities to build
locally acceptable interventions.
Agar, Diamica C.
Avila, Jeanne P.
Estonilo, Grace M.