Research On Shape and Dimensional Accuracy of FDM
Research On Shape and Dimensional Accuracy of FDM
Research On Shape and Dimensional Accuracy of FDM
Abstract. Production of technical parts for Mechanical Engineering field is very important.
There are many conditions which the produced parts have to satisfy. Very important for
functional parts are accuracy of final parts. This accuracy could be evaluated in different ways.
For example it can be evaluated shape accuracy or dimensional accuracy. This paper is focused
to Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology which is used for Additive Manufacturing
process. The parts in additive manufacturing are produced directly from virtual model and digital
file which could be obtained by direct modelling with CAD software of by 3D scanning.
Published paper deals realized research where the full factor experiment was prepared and
measured shape and dimensional accuracy of produced specimens. There are designed two types
of specimens with different shapes and dimensions. Digital models are processed with different
different 3D printer settings. Measured values are evaluated by statistical methods.
1. Introduction
For technical practice is very important question of production precision of the machine parts in view
of their intended use. The use of additive production of additive manufacturing systems increase from
year to year in the forefront also in the production of parts and components for final use. That is why in
this area it is necessary to know the technology so much that it is possible to influence the preparation
and process of production of components through additive manufacturing systems in order to ensure the
required accuracy of the final part [1]. In the case of mechanical engineering practice there have to be
taken into the consideration dimensional accuracy of produced parts, what is the most common, but it
have to be counted with shape and positional tolerances. It is necessary to make sure that the produced
shapes have defined positions between important entities.
There are presented in this this paper the experiments focused to dimensional and shape and
positional precision measurement [8]. There are many ways how could be this precision measured. In
this paper is presented the measuring process with use of optical measuring instrument combined with
special software which is directly evaluate specified tolerance. It is new way how to make the
measurement process more effective and make it easier.
This tolerance evaluation is also connected with the specified factors which are selected as possible
factors which could influence accuracy of parts produced by additive production techniques. In this case
is the production process focused to FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology which work with
semi melted thermoplastic material which is deposited layer by layer to build required 3D part.
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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
The specimens are presented on Figure 1. There are two types of designed models, just to measure the
both rounded and angular shapes, to test the possibility of selected 3D printer. As it is visible, the objects
have also the holes with appropriate shape. On the Figure 1 are also presented the dimensions of each
model. The printed height of models is the same with value 40mm.
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
Figure 2. Profi3Dmaker 3D printer (left) [6] , Smartscope MVP 200 measuring instrument (right) [7],
Device MVP 200 work with measuring software Measure-X. This software automatically evaluate the
final tolerance, it is just necessary to specify the appropriate lines or surfaces for correct measurement.
The following Figure 3 and Figure 4 present labeling of measured tolerances. The dimension (for
example “a” means the width of tolerance zone in which are the measured points.
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
The following is the formal mathematical formula for the arithmetic mean (a fancy name for the
average). 𝑋̅ = 𝑛 ∗ ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 (1)
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
Measured values are also evaluated by ANOVA statistical method [5]. The results from ANOVA
analysis are as follow:
Dimension “m”
Thickness F(1,96) = 6,75 p<0,010847 SS=0,02 MSe=0,01
Temperature F(1,96) = 119 p<0,000001 SS=0,38 MSe=0,01
Thickness*Temperature F(1,96) = 6,48 p<0,012475 SS=0,02 MSe=0,01
Dimension “n”
Thickness F(1,96) = 24,1 p<0,000004 SS=0,04 MSe=0,01
Temperature F(1,96) = 85,2 p<0,000001 SS=0,13 MSe=0,01
Thickness*Temperature F(1,96) = 51,4 p<0,000001 SS=0,08 MSe=0,01
Measured values from cylindrical specimens are presented in Table 3. Difference between theoretical
designed value and average measured value are presented also on the Figure 6.
Measured values are also evaluated by ANOVA statistical method. The results from ANOVA analysis
are as follow:
Dimension “ɸ4”
Thickness F(1,96) = 0,020; p<0,888327; SS=0,01; MSe=0,01
Temperature F(1,96) = 364 p<0,000001; SS=4,41; MSe=0,01
Thickness*Temperature F(1,96) = 0,286; p<0,593873; SS=0,01; MSe=0,01
Dimension “ɸ5”
Thickness F(1,96) = 0,002 p<0,965637; SS=0,01; MSe=0,01
Temperature F(1,96) = 264 p<0,000001; SS=3,54; MSe=0,01
Thickness*Temperature F(1,96) = 5,69 p<0,018994; SS=0,08; MSe=0,01
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
From this results we can see that the temperature as one of the factors is significant for dimensional
precision. This is clear from the ANOVA analysis.
From this measured values stated in Table 4 and Table 5 we can see that statistically the worst results
are reached from the combination of factors temperature and layer thickness for experiment number 2
(0,2mm layer thickness and 220°C printing temperature) for trapezium specimens. We can also see that
the main change of tolerance is caused by change of temperature. It is possible to explain that the
9th TSME-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/501/1/012030
deposited material is diffluent more to the sides and this cause bigger inaccuracy. This statement is also
based on ANOVA statistical analysis, which had similar results as in case of dimensional accuracy
5. Conclusion
Based on the presented average vales from tolerance and dimension measurement and based on the
ANOVA analysis it is possible to state that the printing temperature have the significant influence for
shape and dimensional tolerance of FDM produced parts. This is because with higher temperature the
melted material is more liquid with easy flow. So the material flow to the side caused by higher liquid
and gravity, so the dimensions and tolerances are more inaccurate compare to specimens produced by
lower temperature. This statement is based also on the optical comparison of specimens. The specimens
with high printing temperature have worst surface quality what also lead to the worst tolerances.
The paper is a part of the research done within the project KEGA 051STU-4/2018 – Innovative methods
for education process improving in the field of additive manufacturing and computer-aided systems.
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ISBN 978-303785636-9 - ISSN 1662-9336