Nursing Practice (Medicine, 3 Course) - 1
Nursing Practice (Medicine, 3 Course) - 1
Nursing Practice (Medicine, 3 Course) - 1
Syllabus of course
«Nursing Practice in Internal Medicine»
The program on discipline "Nursing practice" for students of higher medical educational
institutions of Ukraine is made for the branch of knowledge 22 «Health Care», specialty 222
«Medicine» (second (master's) level of higher education) with the qualification "Doctor".
The program is designed in accordance with the working curriculum of I. Horbachevsky
Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, discussed and approved
at the meeting of the Academic Council of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
protocol No 4 from 27.04.2021 and entered into force by order No 186 from 27.04.2021.
Nursing practice is a clinical course aimed at mastering the basic techniques of professional
activity of a nurse on the basis of deep knowledge and understanding of the patient's body functioning
in compliance with the principles of medical ethics and deontology, acquaintance of the student with
the basic responsibilities and professional actions of a nurse in the therapeutical, surgical and pediatric
departments of the hospital. The course "Nursing Practice" involves mastering the basic manipulation
techniques of the nurse of the relevant departments of the hospital, as well as the study of hygienic,
preventive and curative measures, which are within the competence of medial medical personell and
are used to create comfortable conditions for patients in the hospital as well as prevention of
Assimilation of the study material is based on consistent implementation of the specified scope
of actions in the work of therapeutic, surgical and pediatric departments of hospitals.
3. Purpose of the course
Nursing practice is one of important subjects in the system of higher medical education.
Nursing is an independent science and an independent profession. But all health professionals, without
exception, must have the knowledge and skills of nursing. It is clear that treatment will not be effective
without proper care of the patient, carrying out all necessary nursing manipulations, creating
comfortable living conditions for the patient, maintaining a healthy lifestyle for patients, proper
nutrition during recovery and after treatment.
Assimilation of the basic theoretical knowledge is necessary for the organization of
comfortable in-patient treatment in a hospital and maintenance of necessary care of it at all stages of
The main task of the curriculum is to acquire the basic practical skills of a nurse of a therapeutic
hospital and the ability to determine and assess the general condition of the patient, the basic
parameters of his/her life and the rules of vital needs in monitoring and caring for patients, nursing,
disease prevention, emergency care. and the formation of students' moral, ethical and deontological
qualities in professional communication with the patient and the application of the rules of
professional ethics and deontology in practice, as well as the formation of an active position of
students themselves on a healthy lifestyle.
Competences and results of mastering the discipline, the formation of which is facilitated by
the subject Nursing practice (relationship with the normative content of training of higher education,
formulated in terms of learning outcomes in the Standard).
The desired final result is obtained by the applicant of higher medical education as a
result of mastering the training material:
1. Acquisition by students of the basic knowledge regarding duties of the medial medical
personnel and the basic legislative and regulatory acts regulating work of the nurse of therapeutic,
surgical, pediatric departments of a hospital;
2. Acquisition of basic practical skills of a nurse of therapeutic, surgical, pediatric
departments of the hospital
3. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge necessary for the organization of comfortable
conditions of stay of the patient in a hospital and maintenance of necessary care of it at all stages of
treatment and to improve skills of care of sick children.
4. Formation of students' moral, ethical and deontological qualities in professional
communication with a patient and application of rules of professional ethics and deontology in
5. Competences and results of mastering the discipline, the formation of which is
facilitated y the subject Nursing practice in Internal Medicine (relationship with the normative content
of training of higher education, formulated in terms of learning outcomes in the Standard).
The desired end result is obtained by the applicant of higher medical education as a result
of mastering the training material:
Postrequisite. As a result of studying the course "Nursing Practice" students of the second
educational and scientific level of higher education can use the learning outcomes in the study of
propedeutics of internal medicine, propedeutics of pediatrics and general surgery, which integrates
the program of the Course. In turn, Nursing Practice forms the basis for studeing further clinical
disciplines - internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care, which involves
integration with these disciplines "vertically" and the formation of skills to apply knowledge of
nursing in further study and in professional activity.
Topic 5. Collection specimens for laboratory research (sputum collection, fecal sampling
for helminth ova, occult blood, coprogram, urine collection for examination according to the
methods of Zymnytsky, Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky).
Methods of sputum collection for general analysis, bacteriological examination and antibiotic
susceptibility testing. Features of sputum collection in patients with tuberculosis. Collection of bronchial
washings for research. Diagnostic value of obtained data.
Preparation of patients and necessary equipment for taking feces for helminth ova, occult blood,
Rules of urine collection for research according to the methods of Zymnytsky, Nechyporenko, Addis-
Kakovsky, for general analysis of urine. Their diagnostic value.
Part 1. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in internal medicine
1. Kondratiuk V.Ye. Practice in Patient Care at the Therapeutic Department of a Hospital:
Workbook. Clinical manual. / V.Ye. Kondratiuk, V.A. Khomaziuk. – Kyiv: AUS Medicine
Publishing, 2020. – 112 p.
2. Patient Care (Practical Course): textbook / O.M. Kovalyova, V.N. Lesovoy, R.S. Shevchenko
et al. – Kyiv: AUS Medicine Publishing, 2018. – 320 p.
3. Patricia A. Fowler. Foundations of Nursing Practice: Essential Concepts. 4 edition. - 2018.
- 206 p.
4. Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia A. Potter, Wendy Ostendorf, Nancy Laplante. Clinical Nursing
Skills & Techniques. Mosby, 2021 -1311 pp.
5. Propedeutics of internal diseases. - Vinnytsya : Nova knyha publ., 4 edition .P. 1 : Diagnostics
Part 2. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in surgery department.
8. S.D. Khimich, M.D. Zheliba, V.P. Andryushchenko/ General Surgery. - K.:
Medicine.- 2019.-536р.
9. Bereznytsky Ya. S., Zakharash M.P., Mishalov V.G., Shidlovsky V.O/ General Surgery.-
Vinnytsia: Nova knyha.-2019.-327р.
10. Kushnir R. Ya. General surgery /Lectures.- Ternopil, Ukrmedknyha, 2005.- 308 p
11. Selected Lectures prof. V.V. Mishchenko from Odessa State Medical University. - 2009.-
12. Butyrsky A. General surgery /The manual. - Simpheropol: publishers CGMU, 2004.- 478 p.
13. L.Ya. Kovalchuk et al. Doctor (student) – patient models of communication. Ternopil, TSMU,
“Ukrmedknyha 2009, 39 p.
14. Guidelines for intensive care. Ed. AI Treschinskogo, FS Glumchera K.: High School, 2004. -
582 pp.
Part 3. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in pediatric department.
15. Principles of pediatric nursing. Techniques for medical procedures and manipulations [Text]
: study guide for students of higher medical education establishments of 3rd-4rd levels accreditation
/ O.V. Tiazhka, A.M. Antoshkina, M.M. Vasiukova et al. - K. : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2016. –
144 p.
16. Kapitan T. Propaedeutics of children’s diseases and nursing of the child : [Textbook for
students of higher medical educational institutions] ; Fourth edition, updated and translated in English
/ T. Kapitan – Vinnitsa: The State Cartographical Factory, 2010. – 808 pp.
17. Pediatric physical examination [Text] : textbook for students of higher educational institutions
/ O. V. Katilov [et al.]. — Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. — 504 p.
18. Outline for Pediatric History & Physical Examination: student guide / Edited by H. Pavlyshyn,
N. Luchyshyn, V. Furdela et al. – Ternopil, 2017. – 89 p.
19. The Lancet. Guidance for clinicians involved in end-of-life care of children. Lancet.
2015;385:1261. Liben S, Papadatou D, Wolfe J. Paediatric palliative care: challenges and emerging
ideas. Lancet. 2008;371:852–864.
20. Parravicini E. Neonatal palliative care. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2017;29:135–140. Quill TE,
Abernethy AP. Generalist plus specialist palliative care: creating a more sustainable model. N Engl J
Med. 2013;368(13):1173–1175.
21. Rosenberg AR, Wolfe J. Approaching the third decade of paediatric palliative oncology
investigation: historical progress and future directions. Lancet. 2017;1:56–66.
22. Temel JS, Greer JA, Muzikansky A, et al. Early palliative care for patients with metastatic
non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 2010;363(8):733–742.
23. Wolfe J, Orellana L, Ullrich C, et al. Symptoms and distress in children with advanced
cancer: prospective patient-reported outcomes from the PediQUEST Study. J Clin Oncol.
24. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set, 21st edition. Kliegman Robert M. - St. Geme
Joseph. Elsevier Saunders 2019.
25. Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research ; Fourth edition / J.R. Kaakinen,
V. Gedaly-Duff, D.P. Coehlo, S.M.H. Hanson - Philadelphia PA: F.A. Davis, 2010.
26. Votroubek, W. Pediatrics home care for nurses: A family-centered approach : Third edition
/ W. Votroubek, A. Tabacco - Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2010.
27. Svavarsdottir E.K. Family nursing in action / E.K. Svavarsdottir, Jonsdottir H. - Reykjavik,
Iceland: University of Iceland Press, 2011.
Part 1. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in internal medicine
1. Taylor Carol, Pamela Lynn, Jennifer Bartlett. Fundamentals of nursing: the art and science of
person-centered nursing care. - Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer. - 2019.- 1863 p.
2. Sherry Makely Professionalism in Health Care 5th Edition. - Pearson, 2017 – 238p.
3. Caroline Bunker Rosdahl, Mary T. Kowalski. Textbook of Basic Nursing, 11th Edition-
Publisher: LWW, 2016. – 2024 pp.
4. Lippincott Nursing Procedures 8th Edition. - 2018.
5. Sheryl L. Fairchild, Frank M. Pierson. Pierson and Fairchild’s principles & techniques of
patient care. 6 edition. - 2018. - 374 p.
6. Audrey Berman, Shirlee Snyder. Skills in Clinical Nursing (8th Edition) 2016. - 912 p.
7. The pocket guide to Communication Skills in Clinical Practice / edited by Walter F. Baile. -
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Medical Graphics & Photography 2014. – 45
Part 2. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in surgery department.
8. Medical ambulance. For Ed. FS Glumchera, VF K. Moskalenko: "Medicine" - 2006. – 632 p.
9. Surgery: Text-book for English medium medical students / S.I. Shevchenko, O.A. Tonkoglas,
I.M. Lodyana, R.S. Shevchenko. – Kharkiv: KSMU, 2001. – 344p.
10. Pierson, Frank M.. Principles & techniques of patient care [Text] / F. M. Pierson, S. L.
Fairchild. - 3. ed. - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Saunders, 2002. 374 p.: ill.
Part 3. Main responsibilities and professional duties of the nurse in pediatric department.
11. EFCNI, Oude-Reimer M, Frauenfelder O et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn
Health: Inserting and managing feeding tubes. 2018.
12. EFCNI, Gross D, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health:
Mouth care. 2018.
13. EFCNI, Camba F, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health:
Nappy change. 2018.
14. EFCNI, Silva E, Jørgensen E et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health:
Positioning support and comfort. 2018.
15. EFCNI, Frauenfelder O, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn
Health: Promotion of breastfeeding. 2018.
16. EFCNI, López Maestro M, Camba F et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health:
Protecting sleep. 2018.
17. EFCNI, Silva E, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health: Skin
care. 2018.
18. EFCNI, Oude-Reimer M, Frauenfelder O et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn
Health: Support during painful procedures and pain assessment. 2018.
19. EFCNI, Hankes Drielsma I, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn
Health: Supporting the infant during hygiene procedures. 2018.
20. EFCNI, Binter J, Oude-Reimer M et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health:
Taking blood samples. 2018.
21. EFCNI, van Leeuwen M, Frauenfelder O et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn
Health: Temperature management in newborn infants. 2018.
22. EFCNI, Kalbér A, Kühn T et al., European Standards of Care for Newborn Health: Weighing.
23. American Academy of Pediatrics. Palliative care for children. Pediatrics. 2000;106:351–
357. Berde CB, Sethna NF. Analgesics for the treatment of pain in children. N Engl J Med .
24. Contro NA, Larson J, Scofield S, et al. Hospital staff and family: perspectives regarding
quality of pediatric palliative care. Pediatrics. 2004;114:1248–1252.
25. Durall A, Zurakowski D, Wolfe J. Barriers to conducting advance care discussions for children
with life-threatening conditions. Pediatrics. 2012;129(4):e975–e982.
26. Feudtner C, Kang TI, Hexem KR, et al. Pediatric palliative care patients: a prospective
multicenter cohort study. Pediatrics. 2011;127(6):1094–1101.
27. Field MJ, Behrman RE. When children die: improving palliative and end-of-life care for
children and their families. National Academies Press: Washington, DC; 2003.
28. Kavalieratos D, Corbelli J, Zhang D, et al. Association between palliative care and patient and
caregiver outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2016;316(20):2104–2114.
29. Kreicbergs U, Valdimarsdóttir U, Onelöv E, et al. Talking about death with children who have
severe malignant disease. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:1175–1186.
Web resources
2. E
4. Osmosis:
10. 8.
Control of the final level of educational material assimilation during practical class consists of 2
parts: 12 test questions (1 point each) and 3 real-life situations (4 points each). For each part the
student can score 12 points. Total score - 24 points, which are translated on the presented below
To set a general assessment, the sume of results for theoretical training, practical tasks and
tests is calculated from which the arithmetic mean is derived.
Practikal skill in Matricul considered to be passed when the student with full knowledge of
the methodology, independently, in a clear sequence of work, performed the practical skill and
competently formulated conclusions. During the practical work, the teacher can guide the student
who makes inaccuracies and minor errors in the performance of the work.
Practikal skill in Matricul considered to be not passed in the case when the student,
despite the fact that he/she is guided by the factual material, shows ignorance of the
methodology, inability to perform practical skills, makes gross errors in the sequence of work
and in formulation of conclusions.
The transfer of grades for current progress from the 12-point scale to the 120-point scale is
carried out as follows:
Rated Score for assessing current
12-point scale progress
4 66
4,5 69
5 72
5,5 75
6 78
6,5 81
7 84
7,5 87
8 90
8,5 93
9 96
9,5 99
10 102
10,5 105
11 108
11,5 111
12 114
Note: if a student participates in two or more types of independent work, he/she is credited with scores
for only one type of work of the choice.
Approved at the meeting of the Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine and Tuberculosis Department,
Minutes №7, dated June 1, 2021.
The maximum number of points a student can score for the current academic activity in
studying the discipline with the addition of points for individual student work (ISW) is 120 points
(114 for current success and 6 for independent work).
As the final control of the discipline is a grade credit, the number of points for the study of
the discipline is defined as the sum of current educational success score and the score obtained on
final test control. The final test control is carried out after completing the training course in the
Department of Independent Students Testing at the time determined by the University Academic
The grade in the discipline for grade credit includes the score for current educational success
(60% of the grade) and the score for the final test control (40 % of the grade) and is translated in a
200-point scale.
When taking the final test control in Department of Independent Students Testing 48 test tasks
are given to every student, the translation of the results of the acquired knowledge assimilation is
carried out according to the following scale:
The number of correct answers in written test tasks in the The score of points
ISTD awarded to the student
1-24 Not passed
25; 26 51
27 52
28 53
29 54
30 55
31 56
32 57
33 58
34 59
35 60
36 61
37 62
38 63
39 64
40 65
41 66
42 68
43 70
44 72
45 74
46 76
47 78
48 80
Students who study in one specialty, are ranked by the program "ACS" on the ECTS scale,
taking into account the number of points scored in the discipline, as follows:
Ranking with the assignment of grades "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" is carried out for students of
this course, who study in one specialty, and have successfully completed the study of the discipline.
The FX grade is given to students who scored the minimum number of points for the current
academic activity, but who did not pass the final control (for the first time passed the final control on
"unsatisfactory"). This category of students has the right to reschedule the final control according to
the approved schedule during the winter holidays (before the spring semester) or summer holidays
(until July 1 of the current year) within two weeks after the end of the semester. Reassembly of the
final control is allowed no more than twice.
Grade F is given to students who have attended all classes in the discipline, but did not score
the minimum number of points for the current educational activities and are not admitted to the final
A student who has not scored the minimum number of points of current success in the
discipline during the semester cannot be admitted to the final semester control. This category of
students is entitled to additional study of the discipline during the holidays and must pass it before the
beginning of the next semester.
9. Сourse policies
Academic integrity policy:
Academic integrity policy is based on principles of academic integrity (
content/uploads/2020/04/TNMU-polozhennia_pro_academich_dobroches.pdf). It is determined by
the system of requirements that the teacher imposes on the applicant studying the educational
component: compliance with safety rules in the classroom; prevention of academic plagiarism,
falsification, fabrication, write-off, prohibition of the use of additional sources of information in the
assessment of knowledge (including electronic means), using Internet resources and other sources of
information, the applicant must indicate the source used in the task.
Visit policy:
The applicants for higher education are obliged to comply with internal regulations of the
rozporyadku.pdf and attend practical classes according to the schedule, adhere to ethical standards of conduct.
Attendance of practical class is a mandatory component of assessment. Studying process should
take place online with teacher’s agreement for objective reasons (for example: illness, business trip,
internship, quarantine, etc.). There is a day for consultations, individual lessons (according to the
Retake policy:
The work is carried out within the time limits set by the teacher if the applicant for higher
education was absent from the classes according to the Regulations on the organization of the
educational process in TNMU
organizatsiyu-osvitnogo-protsesu.pdf. All tasks provided by the program must be completed within
the timeframe set by the teacher.
Appeal policy:
The applicants for higher education should appeal the assessment of the discipline obtained
during control. Appeal is carried out according to «Regulations of the organization, conduct of current
and final control and the procedure of its appeal» .
Conflict policy:
Communication between the participants of the educational process (teachers, applicants) is
based on partnerships, mutual support, mutual assistance, individual tolerance and respect focusing
on obtaining true scientific knowledge. Conflict resolution is carried out in accordance with
Regulations on conflict resolution at the university