EHT MarApr14 SodaFull WEB
EHT MarApr14 SodaFull WEB
EHT MarApr14 SodaFull WEB
a rt i c l e b y M o l ly F e l l i n S p e n c e
Give the drinks crazy, gross-sounding names. (Swamp
Juice, Toxic Slime, Dog Drool, Bug Barf…)
Add bright, fun colors, but keep the ingredients natural
(real cane sugar and naturally pure well water).
Top them off with a bottle cap announcing them as
“totally gross soda,” and add this tagline to the front:
“It’s SODAsgusting.”
Spindrift Soda LLC, Charlestown, Mass.
Cornucopia Beverages, Bedford, N.H.
interested to find out that while most larger soda ingredients and is proud of its organic and fair trade Cheerwine
manufacturers flash carbonate their beverages, certifications. Salisbury, North Carolina
Reading Draft takes its time. Carbon dioxide is intro- Another relative newcomer to the soda scene,
duced to the product under low pressure, producing Spindrift, did not impress as readily. The company’s
Dominion Black Cherry Soda
very small bubbles, which stay in the liquid longer, lemonade flavor was almost too natural tasting,
Old Dominion Brewing Co., Dover, Del.
making it taste better. with the kids declaring it “sour” and “yucky smell-
Cheerwine had a fun name on its side, and ing.” Moms detected mango and pineapple flavors
that, paired with its cherry flavor resulted in posi- and agreed it wasn’t your average soda. But that, Foxon Park Draft Style Root Beer
tive reviews from the kids. Created in 1917 in Salis- perhaps, is the point of the new soda company, Foxon Park Beverages, East Haven, Conn.
bury, N.C., by a general store owner, it has become located in Charlestown, Mass. Billing itself as “a
known as the “nectar of North Carolina.” Today, the fresh take on soda,” Spindrift is trying to reintro-
Boylan’s Orange
creator’s grandson runs the Cheerwine company, duce soda to the masses, whose tastebuds are Boylan Bottling Co., Teterboro, NJ
and generations of North Carolinians seek out the clouded by unnatural ingredients and high fructose
P H OTO G RA P H Y: S p e n c e photog r a ph i c s
sparkling beverage. corn syrup. The side of the Spindrift bottle literally
The only canned beverage in our tasting, Steaz attempts to speak to its drinker: “I’m sorry – we’ve
sparkling green tea, produced in Doylestown, Pa., gotten off track. Let’s start again. I’m a soda. I’m
was also the only calorie-free option. Made with ste- made of sparkling water and crushed fruit. Simple,
via extract and all-natural flavors, the Steaz blood light, refreshing. Give me a second chance, please?”
orange flavor was loved by moms and kids alike. Unfortunately, the kids weren’t willing, one giv-
Though the company has only been around for a ing this nail-in-the-coffin review: “It tastes like a
little more than a decade, its popularity is grow- healthy soda.”
ing. Steaz focuses on sourcing socially responsible