Mata Gujri School Science Preboard

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Cl.ASS : X SEC: _.l_ PRE BOARD I EXAMIN ATION (2023-24) M.M:80

GENER AL SCIENCE (086) SET A DATE : 20- 1/,1,,2..3

\ General Instructions:
i. This question poper consists of 39 questions In S sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an Internal choice Is provided In some questions. A
student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions
should in the range of 30 to SO words.
v.Seetion C consists of7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these
questions should in the range of SO to 80 words
vi. Section D consists of3 Long Answer type questions carrying OS marks each. Answer to these
questions should be in the range of80 to 120 words.
vii. Section Econsists 0/3 soorce-lJased/case-based units ofassessment of04 morlcs eodl wffh sub-

Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions
1-20. (20x1=2 0)

1. Sodium hydroxide is termed an alkali while Ferric hydroxide Is not because:

(a) Sodium hydroxide is a strong base, while Ferric hydroxide Is a weak base.
(b) Sodium hydroxide is a base which Is soluble In water while Ferric hydroxide is also a base but
is not soluble in water.
(c) Sodium hydroxide is a strong base while Ferric hydroxide is a strong add.
/ ' _JetSodium hydroxide _and Ferric hydroxide both are strong base ~but the solubility of
hydroxid e in water is comparatively higher than that of Ferric hydroxide.
2.The name of the salt used to remove permanent hardness of water Is: 1

(a) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCOJ)

(b) s • m chloride (NaO) .
Sodium carbonate decahydr ate (Na2COJ,10Ha0)
(d) calcium sulphate hemlhydrate (casq•fia O)
3.The electron dot structure of nitrogen gas molecule Is:


(c) (d)

4.Acld present in tomato Is:

(c) Lactic acid d) Acetic Acid

(a)Metha nolc acid --6)0xallc acid
5. What is observed when Silver chloride is exposed to sunlight?

---t:ffittu rns grey (b) It turns yellow (c) no change (d) It turns red

6. What happens when a small piece of sodium is dropped in ethanol?

~ o g e n gas is released. (b) carbon dioxide gas Is released

(c) no reaction takes place (d ) Ethanolc acid Is formed

7. A metal ribbon 'X 'Bums In oxygen with a dazzling white flame forming a white Ash 'Y' . The corr1
desaipti on of X. Y and the type of reaction Is: 1

(a) X=Ca; Y= CaO type of reaction =decomposition

(b) X=Na ; Y= NaiO type of reactlon=comblnatlon

~ ; Y= MIO type of reactlon=comblnatlon

(d) X=-ln ; Y= Zni0 type of reaction=dlsptac:ement

8.When the current pas'Sing through each resistor Is same, the circuit Is called

a)series b)~ c) both a) and b) d) None of these.

9.The laws al reflection hold true for :

a) plane minors only b) concave mirrors only

qoonvex mirrors only ~eflec ting surfaces

10.An alpha particle enters a uniform magnetic field as shown. The direction of motion of the alph
particle is : 1
• ~..Ju A~ (c~.u- Ju.Jj

(a) towards right ,,1-ro ~•• L1~. . . (d) out of the page

11.The resistance of a resistor Is reduced to half of its Initial value. If other parameters of the electriCl
circuit remain unaltered, the amount of heat produced In the resistor will become: 1 )
• ( C.~E 2•J.I
(a) four times (b) two times (c) half (d) one fourth-

12.A farmer wants to grow banana plants genetically similar enough to the plants already available
his field. Which one of the following methods would you suuest for this purpose? 1
a) Regeneration b) Budding ~ a t l v e propagation d) Sexual reproduction

13.ln plants the role of cytoklnln is :

~ m o t e cell division b) WIiting of leaves
c) Promote the opening of stomata! pore d) help In the,,,. . of stem.
ing sexual
number of chromosomes in parents and offsprings of a particular species undergo
, 1'1.1 he
reprodu ction remain constant due to:
( c~s~ }o~3)
(a) doublin g of chromosomes after zygote formation.
(b) halving of chromosomes after zygote formation.
(c) doublin g of chromosomes before gamete formation.
(d) halving of chromosomes at the time of gamete formation.
during a heavy
15.A sportsman, after a long break of his routine exercise, suffered muscular cramps
exercise session. This happened due to

a) lack of carbon dioxide and formati on of pyruvate.

b) presence of oxygen and fornl):ion of ethanol
..--ctTa ckof oxygen and formati on of lactic acid.
d) Lack of oxygen and formati on of carbon dioxide
me (UNEP) to
16. In 1987, an agreement was formula ted by the United Nations Environment Program
freeze the production of 'X' to prevent depletio n of- 'Y'.

'X and 'Y' respetlvely referred here are:

a) ozone ; CFCs b) CFCs ; rays UV

~;ozone d) UV rays ; Diatomic oxygen

(RI, Answer these
Follow ing questio ns con$lst of two stateme nts - Assertion (Al and Reason
questio ns selecting the approp riate option elven below:
a) Both A and Rare tn,e and R Is the con-ect explanation of A.
b) Both A and Rare tnle but R Is not the ClOffeCt explanation of A.
c) A Is true but R Is false.
d) A is false but R Is tnle.-
17. Asserti on (A): Reaction of Quicklime with water is an exother mic re!lctlon.

Reason (R): Quicklime reacts vigorously with water releasing a large amoun t of heat.

18. Assertion (A): Mostly fires start with short- circuiting .

Reason(R): Overloading, cheap wires improp er wiring are the causes of short-circuiting
than In terresrial
19. Asserti on (A): The rate of breathing In aquatic organisms Is faster
the amoun t of
Reason (R): The amount of oxygen dissolved In water Is much lower than
oxygen in air.
by th~ type of
20.Ass ertion (A) : The sex of the child In human beings will be determ ined
chromo some he/ she Inherits from the father.
be a girl (XX), while
Reason (R) :A child who Inherits 'X ' chromosome from his father would
a child who Inherits 'Y' chromosome from the father would be a boy ( XY). (c•s~

Section B (6x2= 12)

f'IO l{(o~ _ 1 tia, ro., 1- H, o
21. A compou nd 'P'of sodium Is used as a antacid and decomposes on strong heating
. 2
i) Name the compound 'P' and give Its chemical formula.
11) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the decomposition of 'P'.
22.a),,List two human made ecosystems. -) pa.>! f.."-J i-- . ,, . 2 {:_'!if!J;
b) We do not clean a pond In the same manner as we do in an aquarium . Give reason to Justify 1

23."Bile Juice does not contain any enzyme but Is essential for digestion." Justify the statement. 2

24. Obseive the following diagram and answer the question following it:

i) Identify the defect of vision shown. f'l'I 3° P '.fcJ

i) Ustitstwocauses.elfon. 9ah'ono e!Jtl~-1 e:auJivr (v11vr..h,;-,toJ !lfjf'
•1 Name the type of lens used for correction of this defect.
v, {OnCqvt

The colour of the sky from the earth appears blue but from the space It appears black. Why?

25. (A) Name the part of the brain which is responsible for the following actions :

Maintaining posture and balance -, { e,t( j,eJJ uvvl

Beating of heart -w"' e du/ I c,
Thinking r U1,(!./;)'1u>"7
Blood pressure ,..,.,tJu ff q
(Bl Where are auxins synthesized In a plant? Which organ of the plant shows :
(i) Positive phototroplsm
(ii) Negative geotropism
(Iii) Positive hydrotroplsm
26. What is ozone? How Is it formed In the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere? How do,
ozone affect our ecosystem7 1

SECTION C (7 x 3 = 21)
27. What Is double circulation? Why Is It necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blo(
In mammals and birds? 3
a) How Is small Intestine designed to absorb digested food?
b) What Is the role of acid In our stomach?
c) What are the differences between autotrophlc nutrition and heterotrophic nurltion7
fr,5¤ hl-~)
_cm in ~17<' 1s P ,1e,•d ;)'., cm In front of concave mirror of focal length is cm. (3)
''-' A b. t 4 • · · I
,'"· no Jee
obtain a sharp
a)At what distance from thl' milw1 a screen should be placed in order to
b) Find the size of the image.
c) Draw a diagram to show the formati on of Image in this case.
29. The power of a lens is +40. Find the focal length of this lens.
. . pC 7. , 4 ' 1 ( ., .r ,' 0 -'2 s ( Ccs~ lo.a~ J
from the optical centre of this lens. sb.te the nature and
An obJect Is placed at a distance of SO cm
your answer. .
magnif ication of the Image formed by the lens and also draw a ray diagra ~to Justify 1
(' ~t - -
. . , ~,
• ....<:>"' ~s- -f-
metal taken In a test
30. 2ml of sodium hydrox ide solutlon Is added to a few pieces of granulated zinc
solution before
tube. When the contents ate Warmed, a·gas evolves which Is bubbled through a soap
the gas. Name the
testing . Write the equatio n of the chemical reaction Involved and the test to detect
add. (3)
gas which will be evolved when the same metal reacts with dilute solutfon of a sttong
tiate between
31. (a)Give one chemical propert y on the basis of which we can differen
a metal and a non-me tal.

{b) Give reasons for the followin g:

•• Jr
(i) Most metals conduc t electric ity well. 0
l -v .:J bfa s
(ii) The reactio n of Iron {Ill) oxide [Fez 0 3] with heated alumini um Is used to )oln
.-'1 )'lor

32. Name the parts (a) t,.I (e) In the followin g diagram.
(<) 5. ;,,.rr •.,.,J
S' ,ns()ll6><J
(b)- -fG
('lfUff llt'I

MO/vJ1 _ ,(v.;to-rr
. ' - j
,S,le,t6tt 1-pJt
. -·· . . -:,-~ ••

What is the term given to the sequence of events occurring in the diagram?
A/'f/n~ aHC.
33. (A) (I) .iA J:Ae e,OJc,,b.. - ?
f.•· I by a battery
(ii) How Is the type of current used In household supply differen t from the one given
of dry cells?
(Ill) How does an electric fuse prevent the electric circuit and the ap~anc es from aJosslb le
. c~ .,..~
damage due to short circuiting or overloading.
(B) l)What Is a solenoi d? ((6S€ z..,~iJ
ll)Draw the magnetic field lines around a current carrying solenoid.
ili)Wha t Is pattern of magnetic field lines Inside the solenoid and what do they Indicate
34 i) Water has refractive index 1.33 and alcohol has refractive index 1.36 •Which of the two medlu
is optically denser? Give reason for your answer.
ii) Draw a ray diagram to show the path of a ray of light passing obliquely from water to alcohol.
iii)State the relationship between 1n1le of Incidence and angle of refraction in the above case.
--tf)Defin e the term dispersion of white ll1ht.
~ w a diagram to show the dispersion ·of white light. 5
35.A) i) Draw the isomers of CcH1o. 5
ii) Draw the structure of the followlna compounds:
(a) Ethanoic acid
(bl Chloropropane
(iii) Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds on the basis of th(
general formula.
(Bl (i) What happens when a small piece of sodium Is dropped ethanol? Write the equation for ti
reaction. 11s //,f z. 6 1-'1 +- tvo.. -i Uf3 01 d Na + 11
2 2
(ii) Why is gladal acetic acid called so?
(iii) What happens when ethanol is heated at 443 IC in the presence of cone. H,so.? Write tf
roleof cone. H2S04in this case. { If3 ( lf2 O I-( ~ ) [11 - { H2 f H o
2 2
(iv) Write an equation showing saponificatlon. • 5

36. I} State briefly the changes that take place in a fertilised egg till the birth of the child in the hum;
female reproductive system. What happens to the egg when it Is not fertlllsed?
ii) Differentia te between sexual and asexual modes of reproduction. C 5
(.'!,Se l,c.;i.., 1
SECTION E (3 x4 = 1

37. On the basis of reactivity of different metals with oxygen, water and acids as well as
reactions, the metals have been arranged In the decreasing order of their reactivities. This arrangeme
is known as activity series or reactivity series of metals. -
The basis of reactivity Is the tendency of metals to lose electrons. If a metal can lose electrons easily
form positive Ions, It will react readily with other substances. Therefore, It will be a reactive 11).etal.
the other hand, If a meal loses electrons less rapidly to form a positive Ion, it will react slowly wit!!__otl\
substances. Therefore, such a metal will be less reactive.
i). Arrange the following metal In decreasing order of reactivity: Na, K, Cu, Ag. . fN({f.1.~9
, ,
ii) X+YS04 XS04 + Y and Y + xso. No Reaction. Out of the two element X and Y which is mo
reactive and why?
iii) Choose the metal (from the list given below) which can displace zinc from zinc sulphate soluti
Lead, Copper, Magp,esl(im, Sliver.
Write the equation of the chemical reaction Involved.
iii).An iron knife kept in blue copper sulphate solution turns the blue solution into light gret1
Explain. 4
• 38. Mendel blended his knowledge of science and mathematics to keep the count of the individuals
exhibiting a particular trait in each generation. He observed a number of contrasting visible
characters controlled in pea plants in a field. He conducted many experiments to arrive at the laws
of inheritance.

A green stemmed rose plant denoted by GG' and a brown stemmed rose plant denoted by'gg'are
allowed to undergo a cross with each other.

List your observation regarding

i) Colour of the stem In Fl progeny.
ii) Percentage of brown stemmed plants In F2 progeny if Fl plants are self pollinated.
iii) Ratio of GG and Gg In F2 progeny.Based on the findings of this cross, what conclusion can be
iii) If 1600 plants were obtained in F2 progeny, write the number of plants having :
(a) Green stem (b) Brown stem. ( 4
Ci1~¤ ).o.i..)
39. A teacher has planned an activity with her students In order to explain the concepts of electricity.
She joins three resistors of different values in series and connects them with a battery of 14 V, an
ammeter and a plug key, as shown in the image below.

Resistors of different values such as 1 ohm, 2 ohm and 4 ohm are used. Use this information to answer
the questions given below.

T 1 /11::--(.• ~
i)Will the students observe a reading In the ammeter and voltmete~ or both? .
ii) An ammeter is always connected In series because It Is a ~lgh resistance device. True or false?
iii} What will be the total current in the circuit?
...) . th hi h t d the lowest resistance that can be achieved using three resistors
111What Is e g es an 4
of 3 ohm each?

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