21,3 Barriers to integrating lean
construction and integrated
project delivery (IPD) on
778 construction megaprojects
Received 2 February 2021
Revised 7 March 2021
towards the global integrated
28 April 2021
26 May 2021
Accepted 28 May 2021
delivery (GID) in multinational
organisations: lean IPD&GID
transformative initiatives
Martin Evans
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK
Peter Farrell
University of Bolton, Bolton, UK
Emad Elbeltagi
Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt, and
Helen Dion
The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Purpose – The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry encounter substantial risks and
challenges in its evolution towards sustainable development. International businesses, multinational AEC
organisations, technical professionals, project and portfolio management organisations face global connectivity
challenges between business units, especially during the outbreak of novel coronavirus pandemic, to manage
construction megaprojects (CMPs). That raises the need to manage global connectivity as a main strategic goal of
global organisations. This paper aims to investigate barriers to integrating lean construction (LC) practices and
integrated project delivery (IPD) on CMPs towards the global integrated delivery (GID) transformative initiatives
and develop future of work (FOW) global initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC organisations.
Design/methodology/approach – A two-stage quantitative and qualitative research approach is adopted.
The qualitative research methodology consists of a literature review to appraise barriers to integrating
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs. Barriers are arranged into six-factor clusters (FCs), with a conceptualisation of
LeanIPD&GID, GID strategy placements and FOW global initiatives with multiple validations. This analysis
also involved semi-structured interviews and focus group techniques. Stage two consisted of an empirical
questionnaire survey that shaped the foundation of analysis and findings of 230 respondents from 23 countries
1. Introduction
The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry encounter substantial risks
and challenges in its evolution towards sustainable development (Evans and Farrell, 2021).
International businesses, multinational AEC organisations (including enterprises and
corporations), technical professional, architecture, engineering, construction, project and
portfolio management organisations face global connectivity challenges between business
units, especially during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, to manage construction
megaprojects (CMPs). This raises the need to manage global connectivity as a main strategic
goal of global organisations. This research introduces global integrated delivery (GID) as a
transformative initiative in contemporary organisations. The main objective of the research to
investigate barriers to integrating lean construction (LC) practices and integrated project
delivery (IPD) on CMPs towards GID transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational
AEC organisations. In the following sections, research will define, redefine and conceptualise
concepts that have been introduced or redefined from an integrative perspective. The research
investigates barriers to integrating LC practices through IPD principles on CMPs, known as
LeanIPD and leading towards GID transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational
organisations, called LeanIPD&GID. The research also investigates integration between LC
practices and building information modelling (BIM) functionalities, LeanBIM, as a part of
holistic IPD integration processes, LeanIPD, on CMPs at project and portfolio level and
integration of LeanIPD principles and GID initiatives at organisational levels. Accordingly,
the research conceptualises integration principles of LeanBIM, LeanIPD and LeanIPD&GID.
The delivery method adopted on construction projects impacts upon distribution of risks and
responsibilities amongst different project stakeholders, the timing of their engagement and the
nature of their relationships (Hamzeh et al., 2019). A variety of project delivery methods have
been used in the construction industry, the most popular being the “traditional” design-bid-build
method. Researchers often attribute poor performance to lack of integration within project
JEDT delivery systems, referred to as “segmental” project design and delivery, which manifests in a
21,3 lack of coordination and collaboration, poor communication and reduced trust and teamwork
(Evans et al., 2020a; Evans et al., 2020b; Harper et al., 2016). Therefore, alternative delivery
systems have evolved to cater for these deficiencies. BIM is a collaborative design sharing
platform that helps facilitate the transfer of information and knowledge between trades, enhance
communication and cooperation and reduce misunderstandings and errors (AIA/AIA CC
780 American Institute of Architects and AIA California Council, 2007); BIM functionality as a
collaborative design sharing platform helps in achieving LC principles; accordingly, adoption
and implementation of BIM, LC and integration between BIM and LC jointly, as LeanBIM, is
contributing to the achievement of IPD principles, so-called LeanIPD.
IPD is an alternative project delivery approach that integrates project teams, business
structures, operating systems and practices into a process that promotes innovation
(Hamzeh et al., 2019). It differs from traditional delivery approaches by integrating
principles such as early collaboration, trust-building, teamwork, collective risk management
and profit-sharing throughout project life cycles (AIA/AIA CC American Institute of
Architects and AIA California Council, 2007). IPD and its relational type of contractual
agreement offers an alternative that addresses several deficiencies found in traditional
approaches. For instance, projects using IPD are found to substantially increase
productivity and reduce waste, thus offering better performance and increasing value for
owners, contractors and designers (AIA/AIA CC American Institute of Architects and AIA
California Council, 2007). The construction industry has been a slow adopter of innovative
and smart technologies, such as BIM and integration with LC practices (Evans and Farrell,
2020; Evans et al., 2020c; Evans et al., 2021a; Evans et al., 2021b). BIM and LC approaches
have been introduced as two distinctive but integral initiatives (Sacks et al., 2010; Sacks
et al., 2009). Developing modern standards for implementation of BIM is required (Olawumi
et al., 2018; Olawumi and Chan, 2018), whilst full integration between BIM and LC is
necessary to achieve optimum LeanBIM synergy; integration between LeanBIM and IPD is
also required to achieve LeanIPD synergies working towards LeanIPD&GID. Numerous
studies have evaluated potential, barriers, risks, challenges, critical success factors (CSFs),
critical failure factors of BIM and its influence on the successful delivery of construction
projects (Olawumi and Chan, 2020; Olawumi and Chan, 2019a; Hamzeh et al., 2016; Dave
et al., 2013; Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017; Azhar et al., 2012; Chan, 2014; Sacks et al., 2010;
Chan et al., 2019; Elhendawi et al., 2019; Evans et al., 2020b; Saieg et al., 2018).
BIM is a revolutionary design-based technology (Olawumi et al., 2018), which provides
tangible value when implemented and fully integrated with LC (Bui et al., 2016). Apart from
the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) which have witnessed an
improved adoption and implementation of BIM and LC practices, most other countries are
still lagging in its execution (Olawumi et al., 2017). Gu and London (2010), whilst
expounding on readiness and implementation level of BIM and LC practices, reported that it
varies significantly across the world. Even countries considered to be early adopters and
initiators of these concepts experienced a disproportionate level of knowledge (Evans et al.,
2020a, 2020b; Olawumi and Chan, 2019b; Bradley et al., 2016). BIM implementation
encompasses visualisation processes which enable users to analyse models and retrieve
important information such as costs, schedules, clash detection and more (Sacks et al., 2010;
Sacks et al., 2009; Sacks et al., 2018a, 2018b; Giel and Issa, 2016). BIM’s inherent
characteristics are also compatible with LC principles (Hamzeh et al., 2016; Zhang et al.,
2018; Solaimani and Sedighi, 2020; Shuquan et al., 2020). Even though the construction
industry has started the adoption of BIM and LC principles; there are still many barriers and
challenges to achieve ultimate LeanBIM synergies.
1.1 Research objectives Barriers to
Despite the obvious benefits of adopting the IPD approach in the USA and many countries integrating
worldwide, its implementation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region faces a
number of challenges which limit its adoption on megaprojects (Evans and Farrell, 2021;
Rached et al., 2014). The current construction literature associated with the integration of construction
IPD, LC and or BIM is limited and existing studies mostly focus on qualitative approaches.
There is no research that investigates barriers to integrating LC practices and IPD principles
on CMPs, LeanIPD, towards the GID transformative initiatives in contemporary
multinational organisations or LeanIPD&GID.
In terms of integration of BIM and LC, LeanBIM, much criticism has been raised about the
separate implementation of either BIM or LC practices in the built environment (Olawumi
and Chan, 2019b) due to difficulties and problems caused by its adoption. Hence, Olawumi
and Chan (2020) advocated the implementation of concepts of BIM technologies to facilitate
holistic LC development. More so, studies such as Evans et al. (2020c) and Evans and Farrell
(2020) pointed out that there are still significant gaps in practice in the adoption of innovative
tools such as BIM for implementation of LC practices and there are significant gaps in the
literature regarding the integration of BIM, LC and IPD as LeanIPD on CMPs towards GID.
Studies such as Olawumi and Chan (2019b) emphasised that without sufficient knowledge on
the status (such as its barriers) of implementation of these concepts in the construction
industry; it is difficult to improve and track aspects of its implementation.
Therefore, the current study will discuss BIM and the challenges of using it to enable the
integration of LC practices in the built environment. Although previous research studies
have highlighted profound barriers relating to BIM in the construction industry – none are
yet to appraise impediments militating against adopting both LeanBIM and IPD principles
on the construction of megaprojects. Accordingly, this study reviews existing literature to
gather evidence of barriers faced by the built environment in integrating LC practices and
IPD towards GID. Accordingly, this paper aims to bridge the gap in the literature,
investigates barriers to integrating LC practices and IPD principles on CMPs, LeanIPD,
towards GID transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC organisations,
as LeanIPD&GID. To achieve this aim, the research methodology consists of a literature
review, a survey questionnaire and structured interviews. In the context of CMPs in
contemporary multinational AEC organisations, research objectives are:
RO1: To build a comprehensive background through reviewing the nature of the
construction industry in CMPs, traditional procurement approaches and IPD, LC
thinking, including BIM as a smart tool, as well as barriers of implementation and
integration between LC and IPD, LeanIPD, on CMPs towards GID, as LeanIPD&GID,
transformative initiatives and FOW in contemporary multinational AEC organisations;
RO2: To identify and assess LeanIPD&GID barriers, and examine the perception of
AEC industry professionals and academics towards the barriers of integrating
LeanIPD and LeanIPD&GID, on CMPs in GID context; and
RO3: To establish the significance of LeanIPD&GID barriers and the relative
weight and significance of factor clusters (FCs) associated with LeanIPD integration
– including LeanBIM – on CMPs working towards GID, GID strategy placements
and FOW global transformative initiatives.
The paper is organised into seven sections. Section 1 introduces the topic. Section 2 is a
literature review. Section 3 describes the research methodology. Section 4 introduces GID
transformative initiatives and FOW global initiatives. Section 5 provides the research
JEDT analysis, findings and discussion of results. Section 6 presents the conclusions. Finally,
21,3 Section 7 is recommendations.
2. Literature review
A number of recent research studies have discussed the use of IPD, LC and or BIM in the
construction industry whilst there is little work focussing on investigating integration
782 between lean principles, BIM and IPD and implementation of this integration towards GID
integration at the organisational level. Also, there is very limited research that introduces
project performance metrics, such as cost and schedule performance along with this
integration. In this section, the definition of each component of IPD, LC and BIM as described
in the construction literature is provided and then recent research concentrating on the use of
all three components in projects is discussed. Research also will define, redefine and
conceptualise integration principles of LC, BIM, IPD, LeanBIM, LeanIPD and LeanIPD&GID.
In addition, definitions of project, portfolio and CMP are provided. Figure 1 illustrates the
hierarchy of integration of BIM, LC, IPD, LeanBIM, LeanIPD, LeanIPD&GID concepts, noting
that all concepts originate at the project level but GID concepts are at organisational level.
Figure 1.
Hierarchy of
(Note: BIM+LC)
integration of BIM,
LeanIPD and
concepts on CMP at
organisational level (note: GID at organisational level)
thinking, exploration and brings innovative ideas and sustainable solutions to CMP clients Barriers to
and owners that lead to profitable growth and shared success with multinational AEC integrating
organisations (Evans et al., 2021b).
GID redefines how work is delivered in the AEC industry. It promotes global
connectivity and GID standard delivery approaches increase digital capabilities and construction
enhance integration between Line of Business (LoB) services. GID benefits are: leveraging
time zone benefits and extending working days to fast track delivery of projects to meet
schedules, improving project financials combining scalable solutions from LoB for cost 783
benefits, facilitates access to global talent, core services in each LoB and expand markets
and broaden LoB capabilities, efficiently delivering word-class services bringing the global
experience to local projects, swift team mobilisation, facilitation of advances in technology
and delivery innovation, connecting teams globally and increasing diversity, enhancing
competitive advantage for LoB through competitive pricing and offering value for money to
clients, thus winning more work.
Figure 2.
Staked Venn diagram
shows relationship
amongst BIM, LC,
IPD principles and
GID initiatives
[vector artwork
design using AdobeV
Illustrator software]
JEDT alignment of interests and objectives amongst project parties in line with overall
21,3 project objectives (AIA/AIA CC American Institute of Architects and AIA
California Council, 2007);
trust and respect between parties and a “no-blame” culture within projects (Evans
et al., 2020b);
high levels of teamwork, communication and collaboration, where knowledge and
784 information is openly shared and exchanged (Evans et al., 2020a);
processes and tools that encourage cooperation, for example, BIM;
pain-share/gain-share agreements, leading to the elimination of adversarial
relationships; through this feature, different trades are compensated for their work
based on a principle that rewards them together according to the ultimate benefit of
projects (Evans et al., 2020b);
high levels of teamwork, communication and collaboration, where knowledge and
information is openly shared and exchanged (AIA/AIA CC American Institute of
Architects and AIA California Council, 2007); and
the employment of collaborative planning systems, such as “Last Planner Systems”
(LPSs) for production planning and control (Ballard, 2000).
This latter feature assists project teams in smoothing variability in construction workflow,
reducing uncertainty in construction operations, developing planning foresight and
encouraging proactive behaviour to remove constraints (Hamzeh et al., 2015). Table 1
demonstrates principles of IPD according to (AIA/AIA CC American Institute of Architects
and AIA California Council, 2007).
six-dimensional (6D) BIM, which has all data of the lifecycle management of projects, but is
still forthcoming in practice (Sacks et al., 2018a, 2018b; Evans and Farrell, 2020). Table 2
shows LC principles BIM functionalities (Evans et al., 2021a).
of influences are enterprise environmental factors (EEFs) and organisational process assets
(OPAs). EEFs refer to conditions, not under the control of project teams, that influence,
constrain or direct projects. These conditions can be internal and/or external to
organisations. EEFs are considered as inputs to many project management processes,
specifically for most planning processes. These factors may enhance or constrain project
management options. In addition, these factors may have a positive or negative influence on
outcomes. OPAs are the plans, processes, policies, procedures and knowledge (PMI A.,
2017). Governance of portfolios, programmes and projects involves aligning organisational
project management, portfolios, programmes and project management. There are four
governance domains of alignment, risk, performance and communication and each domain
has the following functions: oversight, control, integration and decision-making (PMI A.,
2017). PMI A. (2017) defines a project as: “a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a
unique product, service, or result” and a programme “as a group of related projects,
subsidiary programs and program activities managed in a coordinated manner to obtain
benefits not available from managing them individually”. According to PMI A. (2017)
“a portfolio is defined as projects, programs, subsidiary portfolios, and operations managed Barriers to
as a group to achieve strategic objectives”. integrating
CMPs can be defined as temporary endeavours undertaken to create unique products,
services or results. Megaprojects can be characterised as large-scale, complex, ventures with
typically a cost of the US$ value of one billion or more, involving multiple public and private construction
stakeholders. The CMP definition aligns with that of the PMI A. (2017) definition of a project
and (Flyvbjerg, 2014); accordingly, the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOKV Guide) key components are project life cycle, project phase, phase gate, project
R 787
management process, project management process group and project management
knowledge area. PMI A. (2017) defined project governance reference to a framework,
functions and processes that guide project management activities to create unique products,
services or results to meet organisational, strategic and operational goals. CMPs involve
various stakeholders such as international consultants, multinational contractors and joint
ventures, together with several design and construction teams. A formal definition of
stakeholders is: “an individual, groups or organisations who may affect, be affected by or
perceive themselves to be affected by a decision, activity or outcome of a project”.
Notes: 1 = Abanda et al. (2015); 2 = Azhar et al. (2012); 3 = Bradley et al. (2016); 4 = Bui (2016); 5 = Cao
et al. (2015); 6 = Chan (2014); 7 = Chan et al. (2019); 8 = Chen et al. (2015); 9 = Dave et al. (2013); 10 = Ding
et al. (2015); 11 = Sacks et al. (2018a, 2018b); 12 = Elhendawi et al. (2019); 13 = Ghaffarianhoseini et al.
Table 3. (2017); 14 = Hamzeh et al. (2016); 15 = Hong et al. (2018); 16 = Hsu et al. (2015); 17 = Jin et al. (2017); 18 =
Barriers to Olatunji et al. (2017); 19 = Olawumi et al. (2017); 20 = Olawumi et al. (2018); 21 = Olawumi and Chan (2018);
integrating 22 = Olawumi and Chan (2019a); 23 = Olawumi and Chan (2019b); 24 = Ozorhon and Karahan (2017);
LeanIPD&GID 25 = Rogers et al. (2015); 26 = Sacks et al. (2010); 27 = Sacks et al. (2009); 28 = Salleh and Phui Fung (2014);
on CMPs 29 = Shirowzhan et al. (2020); 30 = Tan et al. (2019); 31 = Zhang et al. (2018)
on particular aspects without paying attention to holistic views to achieve utmost LeanBIM
synergy (Azhar et al., 2012). The current approach in LeanBIM assessment is still immature
and requires further research (Ghaffarianhoseini et al., 2017).
3. Research methodology
The research attempts to investigate barriers to integrating LC practices and IPD on CMPs
towards the GID transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC
organisations. It compares the research aim, objectives and characteristics with the aim,
objectives and characteristics of different research approaches (Farrell, 2016). This research
is both descriptive and inferential in nature and adopts an applied approach to achieve its
aim and objectives. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were used for data collection
and analysis. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews and the focus group technique via
Code FCs structure for barriers to integrating LeanIPD&GID
Barriers to
FC1 Technical-related barriers lean
B1 Increased workload for model development
B3 Incompatibility issues between various software packages construction
B14 User-unfriendliness of BIM analysis software programmes
B16 High cost of BIM software licenses
B21 Lack of supporting LC analysis tools and software 791
FC2 Attitude-related barriers
B6 Societal reluctance to change from traditional values or cultures
B11 Lack of awareness and collaboration amongst project stakeholders
B20 Lack of involvement and support of governments
FC3 Education and knowledge related barriers
B15 Lack of a well-established BIM, LC and LeanBIM workflows
B25 Difficulty in adapting to BIM technologies and processes
B26 Low level of research in industry and academia
B28 Shortage of cross-field specialists in BIM, LC and LeanBIM
FC4 Legal barriers
B2 Lack of legal framework and contract uncertainties of BIM and LC
B7 Lack of insurance applicable to BIM, LC and LeanBIM adoption
B10 Immature dispute resolution mechanisms for BIM, LC and LeanBIM adoption
B19 Lack of mandatory BIM and LC industry standards and regulations by governments
B23 Intellectual properties rights, associated disputed and risks
B27 Difficulty in allocating and sharing LC, BIM and LeanBIM risks
FC5 Project objectives related barriers
B8 Lack of initiative and hesitance on future investments
B9 Organisational challenges, project strategies and policies
B13 Negative attitude towards data sharing
B24 Lack of senior management commitment and clients demand
FC6 Market-related barriers
B4 Varied market readiness across organisations and geographic locations
B5 Resistance of industry to change from traditional working practices Table 4.
B12 Fragmented nature of construction industry FCs structure for
B17 Ambiguous economic benefits
B18 High initial investment in sta training costs of BIM
barriers to
B22 High training and implementation costs and time of BIM integrating
Note: FC = factor cluster(s) on CMPs
criteria affecting barriers to integrating LC practices and IPD on CMPs towards the GID
transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC organisations. Step 1.2
identifies barriers to integrating LC, BIM, LeanBIM, IPD, LeanIPD and GID and integrate
barriers to LeanIPD&GID into structured FCs. Evans and Farrell (2020) carried out research
to investigate CBFs that hinders integration between BIM and LC practices on CMPs and
adopted a Delphi technique. The research identified 28 barriers to integrating
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs which were then categorised into six FCs. Step 1.3 is based on the
critical review, outcomes were piloted with eight industry expert practitioners and senior
academic researchers through semi-structured face-to-face interviews and the focus group
technique to validate determined factors and interactions (Farrell, 2016; Taylor et al., 2015;
Harrell and Bradley, 2009). The response from professionals highlighted a lack of systematic
exploration of all parameters in the literature and mixing concepts from production, quality,
sustainability and safety, and led to a repeat of Steps 1.2 and 1.3 for multiple validations. In
Step 1.4, there was conceptualisation, definition and redefinition of BIM, LC, LeanBIM, IPD,
LeanIPD and GID. Step 1.5 encompasses multiple validations of concepts and GID strategy Barriers to
placements through semi-structured face-to-face interviews and focus group technique. integrating
Concepts and GID strategy placements were validated by ten professionals – six industry
experts and four academic researchers – to qualify their relevance, correlation, logic and
importance to the construction industry, specifically to CMPs. GID strategy placements construction
encompass definition, benefits and integration between business units, geographic location,
cultural difference, time zone leverages and analytics and cost comparison to identify the
best locations for business units in GID. The experts selected for both semi-structured 793
interviews and the focus group represented senior-level construction industry practitioners
and academics based in Qatar. Experts were selected with more than 15 years of experience
of successful delivery of CMPs, the level of seniority in experience, proficiency in project
delivery methods, software familiarity, experience with various forms of contracts and
knowledge of BIM, LC, LeanBIM, IPD, LeanIPD and GID. The participants have
construction experience in many other countries, including, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
KSA, Egypt, China, Germany, Spain, UK, Canada and the USA. The participants have
awareness of LC, IPD and LeanIPD. This indicated that their responses shape a suitable idea
of the LC, IPD and LeanIPD adoption in CMPs and its limitations.
ðt2 Þ ð pÞ ðqÞ
n¼ (1)
ðd 2 Þ
where n is initial sample size estimate, t is confidence factor (1·96 for confidence level 0·95), p
is population proportion (0·5), q is (1 p) and d is margin of error (0·1). Upon calculating
[equation (1)] using assumed data (t = 1·96, p = 0·5, q = 0·5, d = 0·1) a sample size of 96 was
The responses were obtained through an online questionnaire designed using “Google
Forms” and distributed using various tools; i.e. e-mail, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Microsoft
teams. To ensure compliance with ethical protocols, a note preceded the questionnaire to
provide guidance on the aims and objectives of the research, estimated duration to complete, to
assure participants of their anonymity and confidentiality, and to advise that reply was not
compulsory. A research ethics checklist was also used to ensure there was no breach of
institutional codes. It was deemed there was no requirement to refer data collection instrument
for board approval and informed consent was implied by participation. Requests were sent to
383 industry practitioners, and there were 230 (60%) replies from those with a variety of
responsibilities such as owners, consultants, contractors and subcontractors organisations.
Fellows and Liu (2015) indicated that “large number statistics require n 32; and a usable data
set of 100 responses for factor analysis;” given that 230 responses were received, it is asserted
that results from the sample can be used to make valid inference back to the population. The
requests were sent to construction industry practitioners in CMPs in Qatar, Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) countries and the MENA region with good knowledge of BIM, LC, LeanBIM,
IPD, LeanIPD and LeanIPD&GID (Farrell, 2016; Hasson et al., 2000; Grisham, 2009).
3.2.2 Data analysis statistical tools. Several statistical tools and methods were used in
analysing the data collected in course of the study. These include: Cronbach’s alpha (a)
reliability test; “Shapiro-Wilk” test of normality; mean score ranking and standard deviation
(SD); inferential statistical tests such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), post hoc Tukey’s
tests and correlation analysis; percentage score analysis and factor analysis – principal
component analysis (PCA) – and FCs significant (Farrell, 2016; Fellows and Liu, 2015; Field,
2018; Fang et al., 2004; LeBreton and Senter, 2008). To accomplish research objectives IBMV
SPSSV Statistics (SPSS) Version 27, MicrosoftV Excel, MicrosoftV Word software were used.
Reliability testing. The Cronbach’s a reliability test is mainly used to verify internal
consistency or reliability of construct of the questionnaire items under the adopted Likert
scale of measurement. The range of Cronbach’s a reliability coefficient is from 0 to 1, it
implies that the larger the a-value, the better the reliability of the scale or the generated
result (Cronbach, 1951; Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994; Hollander et al., 2014; Field, 2018).
Nunnally and Bernstein (1994) recommended a minimum Cronbach’s a value of 0.70.
Cronbach’s a is computed from equation (2):
0 Xn 1
n @ s 2i A
a¼ 1 i¼1
n1 s 2X
where n is the number of variables, s 2i is the score variations on each variable and s 2X is the
total variance of the overall score.
Mean score ranking and SD. The arithmetic mean is a measure of central tendency which Barriers to
indicates the average values of a set of figures [equation (3)]. Whilst SD [equation (4)] is a integrating
quantitative measure of the differences of each value from the mean and it is a measure of
variability. A low SD indicates that the values are close to the mean, whereas a high SD
implies the data points are spread out over a large range of values. construction
x 795
X ¼ (3)
u ð xX Þ 2
SD ¼ (4)
Equation where
X = mean score;
Rx = aggregated score of a set of values;
x = individual factor value;
n = number of values (this is, the number of respondents in this study); and
SD = standards deviation.
For the mean ranking, if two or more factors have the same mean value, the SD values are
used to rank them; the factor with the lower SD value is ranked higher, however, if they have
the same mean and SD value, they will have the same rank (Hollander et al., 2014; Field, 2018).
ANOVA test. The ANOVA is an inferential statistical tool used to determine whether
any statistically significant differences exist between the means of two or more independent
data groups. Parametric ANOVAs requires normally distributed data points (Field, 2018).
The post hoc Tukey’s test is regarded as a posteriori test because it is only needed to confirm
and reveal where the differences occurred between groups after an ANOVA analysis has
identified statistically significant different groups.
Percentage score analysis. A score on a 0–100-point scale. The percentage score for
questions and individual participants can be calculated according to (Farrell, 2016), for ease
of interpretation. On the seven-point scale of 0 (very strongly disagree) to 6 (very strongly
agree), very strongly disagree becomes 0% and very strongly agree becomes 100%. The
intermediate points are 1 = approximately 16%, 2 = 33%, 3 = 50%, 4 = 67% and 5 = 84%.
Similar principles are used in the multiple scoring scale. An overall low percentage score,
thus indicates disagreement and a high score indicates agreement.
35.22%, 81
33.91%, 78
31.30%, 72
30.43%, 70
24.78%, 57
19.13%, 44
18.26%, 42
16.09%, 37
13.91%, 32
13.91%, 32
10.00%, 23
10.00%, 23
8.70%, 20
7.83%, 18
7.83%, 18
6.96%, 16
6.09%, 14
5.65%, 13
(2) Very
(3) Good (4) Some (5) Lile (6) No
(1) Expert knowledgeabl
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
Figure 4.
BIM 32 37 44 78 23 16
LC 18 20 23 70 57 42
Awareness of BIM,
IPD 13 14 18 32 81 72
knowledge of LC and
Respondents were classified according to the type of the largest current project to:
infrastructure (101, 43.91%), metro/light rail transit (95, 41.30%), building (24, 10.43%),
industrial (4, 1.74%) and other types of projects (6, 2.61%). Respondents were classified
according to the type of contract or procurement on their largest current project(s) to: lump sum
contracts (26, 11.30%), measurement contracts (3, 1.30%), cost reimbursed contracts (3, 1.30%),
design and build procurement (190, 82.61%) and other types of contracts (8, 3.48%).
The lead researcher consulted with industry professionals via semi-structured face-to-
face interviews via video conference communications in the MENA region about GID
implementation. The research concluded that some international AEC organisations
working on megaproject are implementing GID through coordination with different
branches to create BIM models and architectural, structural and MEP designs and taking
advantages of the cost savings and improve project financials combining scalable costs and
time zone benefits. International AEC organisations are taking advantage of carrying out
designs in various branches in the MENA to distribute work and financial advantages. Also,
international AEC organisations try to take advantage of cost benefits and time zone
benefits in branches in Australia, India, the Philippines and GCC regions. For a decade, some
giant local AEC organisations have started to create branches overseas for mainly
21,3 Extent of implementaon/integraon of BIM,
LC, LeanBIM, IPD, LeanIPD on respondent’s
current project(s)
9.13%, 21
23.04%, 53
798 (1) < 20% 33.04%, 76
41.74%, 96
47.83%, 110
12.17%, 28
16.09%, 37
(2) 21%-40% 18.70%, 43
25.22%, 58
29.13%, 67
19.13%, 44
16.09%, 37
(3) 41%-60% 16.96%, 39 LC
15.22%, 35 LeanBIM
10.87%, 25
27.83%, 64 LeanIPD
20.87%, 48
(4) 61%-80% 13.48%, 31
10.00%, 23
6.96%, 16
31.74%, 73
23.91%, 55
(5) >80% to 100% 17.83%, 41
7.83%, 18
5.22%, 12
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure 5.
Extent of (5) >80% to 100% (4) 61%-80% (3) 41%-60% (2) 21%-40% (1) < 20%
implementation/ BIM 73 64 44 28 21
integration of BIM, LC 55 48 37 37 53
LC, LeanBIM, IPD LeanBIM 41 31 39 43 76
and LeanIPD on IPD 18 23 35 58 96
respondent’s current LeanIPD 12 16 25 67 110
AutoCAD drafting and later BIM production in the Philippines, Egypt and some extended
locations in the GCC to attain cost savings. Research also revealed that attempts to take
advantages of GID are still at their start and focus on cost-saving in BIM and production
only, but does not yet reach implementation, nor integration between the three principles
BIM, LC, LeanBIM, IPD and LeanIPD on CMPs.
Tools Cultures/Language
» Agree on soware and » Work to overcome
hardware early langague barriers
» Ulise the collaborave » Understand office
tools structure
» Use tools that healp » Respect holidays and
streamline processes work hours
» Establish project » Establish common work
templates Figure 6.
GID strategy
JEDT extend working hours with reasonable overlaps between GID centres and other business
21,3 units and financial consideration to combine scalable solutions for competitive pricing. GID
Steering Committees should balance these three items, which could be described as the
“Project Management Triangle” or “Triple Constraint” or the “Iron Triangle” (PMI, 2017).
Research through multiple interviews with industry professionals validated the GID
strategy and discussed the best location in the globe for business centres that balances the
800 triple constraints. Research puts Egypt and India at the heart of GID. This research divided
the globe into five lead regions as follows: America, Europe, Asia, MENA and Australia and
New Zealand. The research proposes five GID centres as the best fit that balance triple
constrains thus: Egypt, India, Poland, Malaysia and the Philippines. There may be other
locations on the globe that may balance triple constraints, so each AEC organisation should
investigate possible options. Egypt should be at the heart of the GID strategy of any
international AEC organisation due to its strategic location at the heart of the globe,
availability of qualified talent, other resources and competitive cost compared to the
Americas, Australia and Europe. Egypt is the largest country in the MENA due to its
political weight and population of more than 100 million people. Egypt has an excellent
record of achievement in CMPs. Proposed GID centres locations in Egypt could be Cairo,
Alexandria, Port Said, Mansoura, Minya and Aswan. India is the second-most populous
country in the world and the seventh-largest country by land area. India GID centres could
serve the Asia region, with the proposed locations in India being New Delhi, Mumbai,
Hyderabad, Kolkata, Pune and Bangalore. Poland could lead Europe; GID centres could be
in Krakow (traditional know as Cracow), Warsaw and Łodz (written in English as Lodz).
Malaysia in southeast Asia could have a GID centre in the national capital Kuala Lumpur. A
Philippines GID centre could be in Manila. Figure 7 demonstrates proposed global delivery
centres (GDC).
Figure 7.
Proposed GDC
locations [vector
artwork design using
AdobeV Illustrator
that, experts understood the importance of technological advancements and globalisation Barriers to
and the impacts regarding the evolution in working systems. The FOW global initiatives is integrating
transforming the behaviours, technologies and physical and virtual spaces as workplaces
that influence working methods, creating modern, flexible work platforms tailored to
people’s unique needs. To attract and retain world-class talent, the AEC industry must construction
provide flexibility: this includes a choice-based, work-anywhere approach in addition to
dynamic work environments that encourage and enable collaboration and connection. The
FOW rests on a foundation of three elements – culture, place and tools. Each of these 801
elements is vital to creating effective work environments as follows:
Culture of caring and inclusion is a foundation, organisation can celebrate the
differences that drive collective strength. There is no limit to who you can be and
what we can achieve.
Place determines identity, imbues culture and connects people. The FOW is people-
centric and requires places that prioritise work activities that are group focussed.
Tools workstream is dedicated to exploring and defining the digital infrastructure
to allow us to create, capture, track and deliver solutions across our markets and
lines of business to support an increasingly distributed workforce.
People-centric work platforms fully embrace the culture of inclusivity by giving people the
flexibility to choose how and where they want to work based on their needs, teams and
clients. Traditional offices were “invented” to solve a problem: organisations needed to host
several people in one place to enable both easy communication and access to documents and
other information. Today, the technology effectively addresses most of those needs, so it is
time for the purpose and function of offices to evolve along with that. Adopting a
combination of physical hardware and new interactive virtual platforms will allow people to
engage across organisations as never before and enhance the entire employee experience.
These tools will improve the ability to meaningfully engage with colleagues and clients
whilst helping to be more productive. This also reinforces the need to effectively store and
share knowledge across the enterprise. Figure 8 represents employee “work modes;
distributed by location and “the destinations” where it is a physical and virtual way to work.
In the past, people were often dedicated to individual workstations; whilst post-COVID-
19 thinking shifting the use of space to support groups and teams at a variety of
workstations that will be technology-enabled. This transformation journey will take several
years as the AEC industry progresses from traditional systems to FOW systems and
procedures. To achieve the aim of the research; the lead researchers consulted with various
teams working in the AEC industry such as architects, disciplines engineers and
practitioners, planners, IT specialists, focus groups across lines businesses and corporates
functions. FOW concept divided the type of work in AEC organisations into five “work
modes” ranges from active to focussed. The five “work modes” are structured as follows:
(1) Learning/mentoring. Group or one on one interactions, where employee training or
learning takes place.
(2) Group/team. Meeting place for group work, idea sharing and presentations.
(3) Social interaction. Acts as a hub for both employees and the surrounding
community fostering social connections.
(4) Decompress. Where an employee can unplug, unwind and seek respite from work.
(5) Focussed. Typically, individual heads-down tasks, where independent and deep
work occurs.
Figure 8.
The destinations and
“work modes”
distributed by
FOW concept designated some key office “destinations” associated with the five “work
modes” – the porch, the park, the classroom, the lab and the library. The porch is a welcoming,
inviting and safe landing point. A park is a place where you connect and socialise. The
classroom is for teaching, learning, mentoring and connecting. A lab is a place for innovation,
collaboration and ideation. Whilst the library is for heads down and individual work. The
destinations are a range of settings and choice-based environment, whilst the “work modes”
no longer need to be tied to a physical place and space type. The “destinations” are places that
are furnished with appropriate furniture to accommodate different “work modes”, such as
power and Wi-Fi connectivity. There should be storytelling and brand integration in each
space and modular components for flexibility, speed and sustainability. Acoustic and
absorptive materials should be used and other materials and products that support
sustainability goals. Tools are required to connect people virtually and physically to
collaborate, innovate, learn and engage. Tools will serve people and places, such as upon
entering “the porch” a contactless touch identification allows users to enter the space without
human contact. “The park” could be equipped with virtual reality capabilities, broadcasts
large gathering such as “town hall meetings”. Whilst “the lab” will be equipped with tools that
allow BIM, 3D design, full-scale virtual modelling supports real-time drawing, sharing, design
and manufacturing and computer programming and coding for robotic construction arms.
Furniture will offer a range of setting and choice-base environment. A conceptual floor
plan for focus work such as “the library” may be furnished with a combination of
community tables with monitors incorporated, semi-open booths with monitors, mobile Barriers to
tables with monitors and task chairs, height adjustable desks and task chairs and individual integrating
focus desks. Collaborative work space floor plans may be furnished with a combination of
communal tables with benches and chairs, semi-open 4 persons railway carriage booths,
enclosed co-creations, full enclosed 1–2 person pods, semi-open 3–4 person technology- construction
enabled, movable touch screen monitors and banquette seating. The comfort of employees is
essential so specific considerations to office location is important, such as accessibility, gym/
shower facilities, proximity to clients, outdoor space, cafes, restaurants, gender-neutral
washrooms, lounges, parking and proximity to þ15 walkway network (pedestrian skywalk
systems, the system is so named because the skywalks are approximately 15 feet
[approximately 4.5 m] above street level).
construction industry” [F(12, 229) = 3.518 p = 0.016] amongst others (Table 5). Moreover,
based on the post hoc Tukey’s test evaluation of significant barriers, 17 barriers were found
to be more important (p > 0.05). These include “B11: lack of awareness and collaboration
amongst project stakeholders” with a moderate significance (p = 0.170) of which the
respondents from the private clients (M = 4.25, SD = 1.141).
revealed a substantial test statistic value (Chi-square = 9304.945) and a small significance
value (p = 0.000, degrees of freedom (df) = 378) which per Field (2018) implies that the
correlation matrix is not an identity matrix. Therefore, as the various requirements needed
to proceed with a factor analysis have been met, the PCA can be applied in this study for
further investigation and discussion. This ensures the research can be conducted with better
reliability and confidence. Six underlying clusters factors were extracted using PCA which
represent 85.882% of the total variance in responses (Table 7) which is above the minimum
threshold of 60% (Hair et al., 2010; Malhotra and Dash, 2019).
The 28 barriers to integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs are represented in one of the 6
underlying grouped factors and all the factor loadings of each barrier factors are close to 0.5
or higher as suggested by Malhotra and Dash (2019). According to Hair et al. (2010), the
higher the value of the factor loading of an individual factor (which is a maximum of 1.0), the
higher the significance of the factor to the underlying clustered factors. The factor loading
values also reflect how each factor contributes to its underlying clustered factors (Hair et al.,
2010; Fang et al., 2004). The findings reveal a consistent and reliable factor loading and
interpretation of the extracted individual factor.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Factor 3 -
Factor 5 -
Educaon Factor 2 - Factor 6 - Factor 1 -
Project Factor 4 -
and Atude- Market- Technical-
Figure 9. knowledge
related related related
related barriers
Factor scale rating related
barriers barriers barriers
ranking for the FCs of barriers
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6
barriers to integration
Factor Scale Rang 4.70 4.65 4.62 4.56 4.53 4.52
of LeanIPD&GID
on CMPs Rank Factor Scale Rang
each cluster and divides the total mean score by the number of the underlying factor
(Thompson, 2004).
5.5.1 Education and knowledge-related barriers. FC 3, this cluster consisting of four
barriers to integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs (B15, B25, B26 and B28), is the highest-
rated clustered factor with a factor scale rating of M = 4.70. The cluster is related to the
experience and knowledge of construction organisation staff, the steep learning curve,
inadequate understanding of smart, sustainable practices processes and the shortage of
cross-field specialists in smart, sustainable practices. Whilst, Evans and Farrell (2020) rated
the “education, knowledge and learning” class of barriers as the third class of significance
after “legal” and “technical and software financing”. Gu and London (2010) observed
through their study that little or no attention has been placed on the training of construction
professionals to improve their understanding and skills in the adoption of new technologies.
Hence, professional bodies and construction firms should collaborate to improve the
skillsets and capacity of their members and staff in smart, sustainable practices. Aibinu and
Venkatesh (2014) noted that rapid technological change has reduced the ability of the
workforce to adapt and that despite the benefits of these concepts, the current skills shortage
in the industry has reduced the potential positive impact on construction processes.
Factors in this cluster are related to insufficient experience and lack of knowledge on
approaches of BIM and LC and IPD, whereas a barrier factor relates to the lack of experience
and specialism in software and technologies used in the simulation of LC parameters and
creation of BIM models. Hence, there is a demand for corporate organisations and
professionals to increase the aptitude, capability and quality of LC, BIM and IPD industry
practitioners in the construction industry. Also, the establishment of capacity development Barriers to
and opportunity for skill programmes, such as seminars, extensive training and workshops, integrating
where industry practitioners can share experience and information in these two initiatives to lean
assist in the mitigation of obstacles. Moreover, the government can support this initiative by
training its staff in construction-related departments and parastatals and providing
financial subsidies to private firms in the training of their workforce.
5.5.2 Project objectives-related barriers. FC 5, comprises of four barriers to integration of 809
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs with a factor scale rating (B8, B9, B13 and B24) of M = 4.65. Project
objectives-related factors are related to construction firms’ hesitance to plan for future
investments, challenges related to organisational policies and strategies, fragmented nature
of the industry and the difficulties in implementing BIM and LC in CMPs. The BIM
concepts, LC and IPD principles, despite its revolutionary effects on the built environment
still requires the integration of human efforts and strategies which when lacking, can
amplify its non-implementation in construction projects. The lack of investment in most
organisations has affected their adoption of BIM, LC and IPD practices. Evans et al. (2020a,
2020b) addressed the uncollaborative environment nature of the industry and ineffective
organisation strategies that have hindered the implementation of these concepts. Olawumi
et al. (2018) revealed the lack of investment in most organisations, which has affected the
adoption of smart, sustainable practices. Anton and Díaz (2014) described the construction
industry as a project-based sector. The availability of BIM, LC and IPD related software and
data is pivotal to the decision-making process of project stakeholders; whilst there is a need
for the government and professional bodies to subsidise the cost of procuring related BIM,
LC and IPD practices software to aid its adoption. Overall, the need for the development of
sound and effective strategies by construction firms and stakeholders towards the adoption
of smart, sustainable practices cannot be over emphasised.
5.5.3 Attitude-related barriers. FC 2 comprises of three barriers to integration of
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs with a factor scale rating (B6, B11 and B20) of M = 4.62. Attitude-
related barriers are related to stakeholder attitude towards the adoption and integration of
BIM, LC and IPD practices. The resistance to change of construction organisations and key
stakeholders in the built environment is a key impediment to the implementation of
innovative concepts such as BIM, LC and IPD in CMPs. This has led to a disproportionate
level of implementation and integration of BIM, LC and IPD practices in CMPs. Resistance to
change has negatively impacted the skills, knowledge and experience of project
stakeholders as regard BIM, LC and IPD practices and its adoption in a built environment.
Hence, for the built environment to experience a full implementation of these concepts in
CMPs, a significant change in stakeholders’ attitude and perception is needed to increase the
uptake of BIM, LC and IPD practices. Despite numerous advantages of implementing BIM
and adopting LC in the built environment, there has been too little development in its
implementation in the MENA region. It is essential to bear in mind that a lack of senior
management and client commitment and the perpetual barrier of resistance to change still
plays an important role in hindering the integration of BIM, LC and IPD initiatives.
Therefore, this research recommends that construction key stakeholders such as senior
management, clients, main contractors and engineering firms diminish their resistance and
adopt dynamic and positive attitudes to change in the construction industry. Owners, clients
and real-estate developers of CMPs are advised to be proactive in adopting BIM and LC
approaches in their projects to improve LeanBIM synergy and to integrate LeanBIM with
IPD towards GID.
JEDT 6. Conclusion
21,3 The AEC industry encounters substantial risks and challenges in its evolution towards
sustainable development. International businesses, multinational AEC organisations,
technical professional, architecture, engineering, construction, project and portfolio
management organisations face global connectivity challenges between business units,
especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, to manage CMPs. That raises the need to
810 manage global connectivity as a main strategic goal of global organisations. This research
investigates barriers to integrating LC practices and IPD on CMPs towards the GID
transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC organisations. Although
BIM, LC and IPD principles are being increasingly adopted in the USA and other parts of the
world, the integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs in the MENA region has not begun.
Despite the numerous advantages that integration of BIM, LC, LeanBIM, IPD, LeanIPD and
LeanIPD&GID provides, no sign of its implementation nor integration can be identified in
the MENA region. Moreover, no extensive research has been completed in this region. A
total of 28 barriers to integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs were identified via a desktop
literature review and factors outlined in a questionnaire which was ranked by 230
respondents from 23 countries who have direct and extensive experience in the construction
industry. The survey participants came from diverse professional disciplines and
organisational backgrounds, which lends credence to the data collected. The study
conducted a comparative assessment of perceptions of study participants based on their
organisational backgrounds towards establishing patterns of difference.
This research introduced GID as transformative initiatives in contemporary organisations
and FOW global initiatives. The research defined, redefined and conceptualised concepts
have been introduced in this research from an integrative perspective, such as GID, IPD, LC
practices, BIM, LeanBIM, LeanIPD, LeanIPD&GID, governance of portfolio, programmes,
projects, CMPs and stakeholders. The most significant barriers to integration of
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs were “lack of mandatory BIM and LC industry standards and
regulations by governments”, “lack of involvement and support of governments”, “high costs
of BIM software licenses”, “resistance of industry to change from traditional working
practices” and “high initial investment in sta training costs of BIM”. Whilst least significant
critical barriers were “varied market readiness across organisations and geographic
locations”, “increased workload for model development”, “lack of insurance applicable to
BIM, LC and LeanBIM adoption”, “societal reluctance to change from traditional values or
cultures”, and “immature dispute resolution mechanisms for BIM, LC and LeanBIM
adoption”. Research then clustered barriers to integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs to six-
FCs. PCA concluded that the most significant FCs were education and knowledge-related
barriers, project objectives-related barriers and attitude-related barriers.
A profound research finding is that awareness of BIM in the MENA region is higher than
LC and LC awareness is higher than IPD knowledge. BIM adoption in the MENA region is
higher than LC, whilst LC is still taking its first steps. IPD is only slightly implemented in
the MENA region. LeanBIM is slightly integrated, whilst LeanIPD integration is almost not
present. The research concludes that some international AEC organisations working on
megaproject are partially implementing GID through coordination with different branches
to create BIM models and discipline designs such as architecture, structural and MEP
designs and taking advantages of the cost savings and improve project financials
combining scalable costs and time zone benefits. International AEC organisations carry out
the design in various branches in the MENA to distribute work and financial advantages.
International AEC organisations use branches in Australia, India, the Philippines and the
GCC regions. Another profound research finding is that for a decade, some giant local AEC
organisations have started to create branches overseas for mainly AutoCADV drafting and
Barriers to
later BIM production in the Philippines, Egypt and extended locations in the GCC. The integrating
research revealed that attempts to take advantage of GID are still at the early stages of
development and focus on cost-saving in BIM and production only, but do not yet reach
implementation, nor integration between the three principles BIM, LC, LeanBIM, IPD and construction
LeanIPD on CMPs.
7. Recommendations
Accordingly, the research comes to the following recommendations to industry key
stakeholders, clients, governments and key decision makers to tackle barriers to integration
of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs:
Governments to provide and issue incentives, policies, regulations or legal
frameworks to encourage the AEC industry to adopt and integrate BIM, LC, IPD
towards LeanIPD&GID;
Governments raise client awareness of benefits and strategies to integrate LeanIPD
towards GID amongst key stakeholders;
Governments and institutions to raise awareness to organisation’s senior
management and clients about commitment to an IPD, LeanIPD, approaches and
GID, LeanIPD&GID initiatives;
Governments and key industry stakeholders to raise construction industry
awareness about the advantages of the integration of LeanIPD&GID to minimise
the resistance of industry to change from traditional procurement to LeanIPD&GID;
Governments to adopt the integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs and adopt pilot
projects in each country to provide successful examples of the benefits gained
through the adoption of LeanIPD; and
Governments to provide training programmes, technologies, infrastructure and
resources to enhance the technical skills of architects, design and construction
managers for managing challenges of integrating LeanIPD&GID on CMPs.
The research identified the current underlying gap of literature of the integrative nature of
adoption of BIM, LC and IPD concepts and integration of LeanBIM, LeanIPD on CMPs. This
research introduced GID as transformative initiatives and FOW global initiatives in
contemporary organisations and investigated integration between LeanIPD on CMPs towards
GID transformative initiatives in contemporary multinational AEC organisations. More
research in this domain is still required, and a framework for managing barriers to integrating
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs is essential to create systems in which continuous improvement can
be achieved in a well-organised and efficient way and conceptual combination developed to
promote performance improvements. The research addresses barriers to integration of
LeanIPD&GID on CMPs in the MENA region as one area and focussed on a comparison
between inter groups of contractual parties, i.e. consultants, contractors, clients and academics.
Academics may carry out studies and divide the MENA region to more manageable divisions
such as country by country or to GCC countries, Egypt and North Africa or carrying out
comparative studies of challenges integration of LeanIPD&GID on CMPs in GCC and Egypt.
The GID transformative initiatives and FOW global initiatives are essential elements of
the LeanIPD&GID concept. Egypt should be at the heart of the GID strategies of
international AEC organisations. The construction industry in Egypt has had long periods
of growth due to stability, development, comprehensive renaissance, safety and security.
JEDT Egypt is characterised by talented experience in many industries and trades and has
21,3 potential for stable investments. Considering GID transformation, due to its strategic
geographic location, availability of talents and resources, especially AEC engineering and a
good record of achievement in CMPs staring from the Pyramids of Giza and the giant and
impressive temples of Medinet Habu, Kom Ombo, Philae, Edfu, Seti I, Hatshepsut, Luxor
Abu Simble, Karnak to the contemporary CMPs of the Suez Canal expansion, Dabaa Nuclear
812 Power Plant, Bernice Military Base, Concentrated Solar Power plants and many other
megaprojects. For the reasons mentioned above, this research recommends that Egypt is
placed at the heart of the GID transformative initiatives.
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Further reading
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the mechanical construction industry”, Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 30 No. 1,
pp. 78-85.
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mega construction projects”, 2020a. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and
Construction (CIC 2020), Doha, Qatar, 2-5 February 2020.
Mashali, A., Elbeltagi, E., Motawa, I. and Elshikh, M. (2020b), “Stakeholder management: an insightful
overview of issues”, 2020b. International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction
(CIC 2020), Doha, Qatar, 2-5 February 2020.
Matthews, J., Love, P.E., Mewburn, J., Stobaus, C. and Ramanayaka, C. (2018), “Building information
modelling in construction: insights from collaboration and change management perspectives”,
Production Planning and Control, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 202-216.
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