Company Law

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No. Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination: March/April-2024
Company Law (19602505)

Day & Date: Friday, 26-04-2024 Max. Marks: 80

Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct Alternatives from the options 15

1) According to _____ “A co is an artificial person created by law, having
separate entity with a perpetual succession and common seal.
a) Acc. to lord justice lindely b) Acc. to prof. Haney
c) Acc. to Chief Justice Marshall d) Ac. to Sec.2(20)
2) Acc. To sec.2 companies can be classified as
a) Public company
b) Private company
c) One person co.
d) Govt. co.
e) Associate co.
f) Small companies
g) Foreign co.
h) Charitable co.
i) Holding and subsidiary co.

a) Only a,b,c,d b) Only a,b,c,d,e

c) Only a,b,c,d,e,f,g d) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i
3) Section 165 of the Co. Act 2013 provides that, No person shall hold office at
one and same time as Director for more than _____ companies.
a) Ten b) Twenty
c) Five d) None of these
4) A company having a share capital shall not commence any business unless
a declaration filed by _____.
a) Director with the registrar
b) Director with Auditor
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
5) Acc. to company act 2013 the most important document of company is _____.
a) Article of association
b) Annual report
c) Prospectus
d) Memorandum of association
6) The share capital of company may be reduced by _____.
a) Special resolution b) Ordinary resolution
c) Resolution by director d) All of these

Page 1 of 3
7) A prospectus to be issued within 90 days of _____.
a) Association
b) Registration
c) Establishment
d) None of these
8) When did the Companies Act 2013 came into force?
a) 8 Aug 2013 b) 29 Aug 2013
c) 30 Aug 2013 d) 20 Aug 2013
9) Section _____ defines “prospectus”
a) 2(20) b) 2(70)
c) 2(49) d) 2(10)
10) CIN stands for
a) Corporate Identity Name
b) Corporate Identity Number
c) Chairman Identity Name
d) Chairman Identity Number
11) In case of compulsory winding up the official liquidator is appointed by ____.
a) The Tribunal or Central Government
b) Member in G.M
c) The ROC
d) The High Court
12) The first directors of public company are appointed by the _____.
a) Public b) Shareholders
c) Promoters d) Government
13) The companies can secured debentures for a maturity period of _____ years.
a) 5 years b) 10 years
c) 15 years d) 3 years
14) Which statements are correct, answer using code given below.
i) Directors are trustees of co.
ii) Directors are mentors of co.
iii) Directors are agents of co.
iv) Directors are agents of shareholder.
a) i & ii are correct b) ii & iii are correct
c) I & iv are correct d) I, ii, iii iv are correct
15) Which companies are exempted to add word “Ltd” or “Pvt Ltd” at the end of
their name.
a) Private b) Public
c) Defunct d) Association not for profit

Q.2 Answer any five of the following questions. 20

a) Define shares & kinds of shares.
b) Explain prevention of opperession.
c) Write a note on government companies.
d) Write a note on holding & subsidiary company.
e) Different between share & debenture.
f) Distinction between company & partnership firm.
g) Rule in Foss N. Horibottle & exceptions.

Page 2 of 3
Q.3 Answer any three of the following questions. 15
a) Doctrine of ultra-vires & Doctrine of Indoor Management.
b) Explain Articles of Association.
c) Write note on Amalgamation of co.
d) Define meeting write kinds and procedure of valid meeting.
e) Explain Appointment of Directors.
f) Explain memorandum of Associations.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 15

a) Define Promoter. Explain legal position of a promoter and discuss his duties.
b) Define Director Appointment Removal Qualification Duties & liabilities of
Directors of a company.

Q.5 Write a detail note on compulsory winding up of company by court. 15

Page 3 of 3
No. Set P
B.A.LL.B. (Semester - IX) (New) (CBCS) Examination: March/April-2024
COMPANY LAW (19605905)
Day & Date: Friday, 26-04-2024 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 15
1) Section 397 & 398 of the Act lays down the provisions for prevention of
oppression & ______.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Investigation d) Mismanagement
2) The lender has _____ remedies against ultra virus borrowing by the
a) Injunction b) Subrogation
c) Restitution order d) All the above
3) Every meeting must have a _____ before it starts it’s proceeding.
a) Secretary b) Chairman
c) Managing Director d) Board of Directors
4) Doctrine & Indoor management for first time enunciated in case.
a) Foss N. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V Traquand
c) Reyland V. Fletcher d) None of these
5) Sec _____ of the Companies Act. 2013 defines memorandum of Association.
a) Sec.2(56) b) Sec 2(5)
c) Sec.11 d) None of these
6) _____ shares are sometimes also called as founders shares.
a) Preference shares b) Deferred shares
c) Equity shares d) None of these
7) The word ‘debentures’ is derived from the _____ term debere.
a) Latin b) English
c) French d) None of these
8) _____ take place when two or more companies are joined to from a third
entity or one is absorbed or blended with another.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) None of these d) All of these
9) What are the limits of members in a private company?
a) Fifty b) Seven
c) Twenty d) Two hundred
10) A public company must have at least _____ directors whereas a private
have at least _____ directors.
a) 3:2 b) 2:3
c) 2:5 d) 8:10

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11) Which of the following statement is false?
a) No legal formality is required to form a company.
b) The shareholders of a co. have limited liability.
c) A co. can own property in it’s own name.
d) A co. is managed by the elected representatives of shareholders.
12) “One who undertakes to form a company with reference to a given object and
set it going & who takes the necessary steps to accomplish that purpose.
a) Promoter b) Director
c) C.E.O d) Board of Directors
13) Which of the following company / companies are registered by the
Companies Act, 2013?
a) Govt co. b) Private co.
c) Public co. d) All above
14) Minimum paid up share capital in case of a private company is _____.
a) 1 lakh b) 10 lakh
c) 25 lakh d) 100 lakh
15) Which of the following does not form the part of the important information
to be incorporated in the memorandum of Association as specified in the
Companies Act, 2013?
a) The name of co. & the state in which it is situated.
b) The objects for which the company is proposed to be incorporated.
c) The rules regulations and bye laws for the internal management of
the company.
d) The liability of the members of the company whether limited or unlimited.

Q.2 Answer of the following questions. (Any Five) 20

a) Effects of unauthorized borrowing.
b) Holding & subsidiary company.
c) Powers & duties of directors.
d) Theories of corporate personality.
e) Promer & prospectus.
f) Amalgamation & companies.
g) Corporate Social Responsibility.
h) Distinction bet company & partnership firm.

Q.3 Answer of the following questions. (Any Three) 15

a) Meeting of the company- kinds & procedure for Valid meeting.
b) Memorandum of Association.
c) Doctrines of Indore Management.
d) Prevention of oppression & mismanagement.
e) Legal position of Auditor.
f) Articles of Association.

Q.4 Answer of the following questions. (Any One) 15

a) Write detail note on compulsory winding up of company by court.
b) Define share, explain general principles of allottment of shares and
statutory restrictions on allotment & calls on share.

Q.5 Explain various kinds of meeting & write a note on procedure to conduct a valid 15

Page 2 of 2
No. Set P
B.A. LL.B. (Semester -IX) (Old) (CBCS) Examination: March/April-2024
Company Law (6051905)
Day & Date: Friday, 26-04-2024 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14

1) The principle of the independent corporate existence of a registered
company was well established in _____ case.
a) Daimler co. ltd V. continental Tyre and rubber co.
b) Salomon v. Salomon and co.
c) Gopalpur Tea co. ltd. V. Penhok Tea co. ltd.
d) Bacha F. guzdar v. commissioner of Income Tax, Bombay.
2) Section 34 of the act marks a promoter _____ liable for the issue of
prospectus containing false or deceptive statements.
a) Civil b) Criminally
c) Both a and b d) Not liable
3) The memorandum of a limited company must contain the ____ clauses
which have often been described as the conditions of its incorporation.
a) Registered office clause b) Limited liability clause
c) Capital clause d) All the above
4) _____ capital is represented by the excess of current assets over current
liabilities of a company.
a) Fixed b) Circulating
c) Working d) Debenture
5) Section 55, of the companies Act 2013 empowers a company to issue
_____ preference shares.
a) Convertible b) Participating
c) Cumulative d) Redeemable.
6) _____ companies must issue share certificate.
a) public b) Private
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
7) When debenture are secured by a mortgage or a charge on the property of
the company they are called _____ debentures.
a) Secured b) Convertible
c) Redeemable d) Registered
8) In case of a public company, every company shall have a minimum number
of _____ directors.
a) Three b) Two
c) One d) Infinite.
9) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business there at is called _____
a) Special notice b) Proxy
c) Poll d) Quorum

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10) The word _____ literally means the authority to act for another.
a) Proxy b) Resolution
c) Voting d) All the above
11) An _____ resolution is one which is passed by a simple majority of
a) Ordinary b) extra-ordinary
c) Special d) General
12) _____ means the merger of all the companies in one running company.
a) External reconstruction b) Amalgamation
c) Internal reconstruction d) None of the above.
13) Who may file petition for winding up?
a) The company b) Any contributory or contributories
c) The register d) All the above
14) Section 2(68) of the companies act,2013 defines a ‘private company’ as a
company which has a minimum paid up capital of _____ or such higher paid
up capital as may be prescribed.
a) One lakh rupees b) Three lakh rupees
c) Five lakh rupees d) Fifty thousand rupees.

Q.2 Answer any two of the following questions. 16

a) Debenture.
b) Article of Association.
c) Doctrine of Indoor management.
d) Prospectus.
e) Transfer and transmission of shares.
f) Power and duties of director.

Q.3 Answer any two of the following questions. 12

a) Kinds of meetings.
b) Winding up by Tribunal.
c) Pre-incorporation contracts.
d) Legal liabilities of companies.

Q.4 a) State the legal position of promoter, discuss the rights and liabilities of 14
b) Explain the fundamental clauses of Memorandum of Association of a

Q.5 What is meant by allotment of shares? Explain general principles and statutory 14
Restriction on allotment.

Page 2 of 2
No. Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination: Oct/Nov-2023
Company Law (19602505)
Day & Date: Thursday, 27-12-2023 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct Alternatives from the options 15

1) _____is the charter of a company.
a) Articles b) Memorandum
c) Both a) & b) d) None of the above
2) Which one of the following is the disadvantage of incorporation?
a) Centralized management
b) Lifting the corporate veil
c) protection to investor against loss
d) perpetual Succession
3) ______is the conclusive evidence in case of company that statutory
requirements have complied with
a) Certificate of Incorporation
b) Certificate of commencement of Business
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
4) _____ conceives the idea of the business
a) Promoters b) Directors
c) Auditors d) None of the above
5) A ____ may be defined as a security given for securing loans or
debentures by a mortgage on the assets of the company
a) Charge b) Interest
c) Dividend d) None of these
6) A company can change its name at its own discretion by passing _____.
a) Ordinary resolution b) Special resolution
c) Boards resolution d) none of the above
7) _____is a document given by a company as evidence of a debt to the
holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by a
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Dividend d) None of these
8) _____ Shares are sometimes called as founders shares.
a) Deferred shares b) Equity shares
c) Preference Shares d) None of these
9) Doctrine of Indoor management is enunciated in______.
a) Foss v. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand
c) Derry V. Peek d) None of these

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10) The word ‘Debenture’ is derived from the______ word debere.
a) English b) Roman
c) Latin d) None of these
11) Which one of the following can file the petition for winding up?
a) The Company b) Contributories
c) The Registrar of Companies d) All of above
12) Company must have its registered office within _____ days of its incorporation
or on the day when it commences business
a) 10 b) 20
c) 30 d) 40
13) The date of the opening of the subscription list means the beginning of the
day from the day of the issue of prospectus.
a) 5th b) 3rd
c) 10 th d) 20
14) A whole time key managerial personnel can hold office in _____ company.
a) Only one company b) Its subsidiary
c) Both a & b d) None of these
15) How many members should sign the Memorandum of Association in case
of public company_____.
a) 1 b) 3
c) 5 d) 7

Q.2 Answer any five of the following questions. 20

a) Define Prospectus. What are the contents of the prospectus company?
b) Write a note on Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien on Shares
c) Write a note on transfer of shares with restriction on transfer
d) Powers and Duties of Auditors
e) Discuss the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
f) Write a note on theories of corporate personality
g) Define Share. Discuss the difference between Share certificate and share

Q.3 Answer any Three of the following questions 15

a) Define Call. Write a note on Method of making calls
b) Write a note on Meetings of the company, Explain its kinds and requisites of valid
c) Define Promoter. Discuss the Rights and Liabilities of Promoter
d) Explain Majority Rule and Discuss in brief exceptions to the Rule
e) Write a note on Reconstruction and Amalgamation of Companies
f) Distinction between Company and Partnership

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 15

a) Write a detail note on appointment, Removal and Duties of Directors
b) Write a detail note on Articles of Association of the Company

Q.5 Define Memorandum of Association, Discuss in detail the contents of 15

memorandum of Association and its alteration.

Page 2 of 2
No. Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination: March/April-2023
Company Law (19602505)
Day & Date: Thursday, 06-07-2023 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 03:00 PM To 06:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct Alternatives from the options 15

1) It is defined as the prospectus issued by a company, bank or financial
institution for more than one class of securities.
a) Abridged Prospectus b) Red Herring Prospectus
c) Shelf Prospectus d) All the above
2) The minimum number of members that required while you are registering a
public company is _____.
a) 2 b) 7
c) 6 d) 5
3) The memorandum of a company is dealt under?
a) section 12 b) section 15
c) section 6 d) section 4
4) Section 203 of the Companies Act 2013 deals with _____?
a) Managing Director
b) Company Secretary
c) Chief Financial Officer
d) All the above
5) Which of the following is the new category of company introduced in
Companies Act 2013?
a) One Person Company
b) Private Limited Company
c) Public Limited Company
d) Company Limited by Guarantee
6) Corporate Social Responsibility provisions are provided under which
section of Company Act 2013?
a) 130 b) 133
c) 135 d) 140
7) Which of the following is not a stage of the development of company?
a) Promotion
b) Production
c) Incorporation
d) Commencement of Business
8) Which of the following company is incorporated in a country outside India?
a) Private Company
b) Foreign Companies
c) Government Company
d) None of the above

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9) A is one who performs the preliminary duties necessary to bring a company
into being and float it?
a) Auditor b) Director
c) Financer d) Promoter
10) Section 123 of the Companies Act 2013 deals with _____?
a) Unpaid Dividend Account
b) Declaration of dividend
c) Remuneration of auditors
d) Auditors to attend general meeting
11) “Members may come and men may go but the company exist” – this
explains which characteristics of the company.
a) Perpetual Succession b) Separate legal entity
c) Capacity to sue d) None of the above
12) Every individual intending to be appointed as director of a company shall
make an application for allotment of _____ to the Central Government in
such form and manner and along with such fees as may be prescribed.
a) Direct Identification Number
b) Director Invoice Number
c) Director Identification Number
d) Director Identification Nomination
13) A Company incorporated by the act of Parliament is _____.
a) Statutory Company b) Private Company
c) Chartered Company d) Government Company
14) The minimum number of members necessary for a meeting is called as _____.
a) Proxy b) Quorum
c) Board of Directors d) Companies Secretaries
15) Document which regulates the internal management of the company.
a) Memorandum of Association b) Prospectus
c) Article of Association d) Both a and b

Q.2 Answer any five of the following questions. 20

a) Difference between Shareholder and Member
b) Theories of corporate personality
c) Modes of becoming a shareholder
d) Government Company
e) Duties of directors
f) Dividends
g) kinds of debentures

Q.3 Answer any Three of the following questions 15

a) Borrowing powers and effects of unauthorized borrowing
b) Who is a promoter? Examine his position in relation to the company he
c) National Company Law Tribunal
d) Distinguish between public and private companies
e) Discuss kinds of share capital.
f) Rule of constructive notice

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Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 15
a) Define Memorandum of Association. What are its contents? Discuss
b) Discuss the various essentials and legal rules for a valid meeting.

Q.5 Discuss various modes of Winding - up of the Company. 15

Page 3 of 3
No. Set P
B.A.LL.B. (Semester - IX) (CBCS) Examination: March/April-2023
Company Law (6051905)
Day & Date: Thursday, 06-07-2023 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 03:00 PM To 05:30 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14

1) According to _____ “A company is an artificial person created by law, having
separate entity with a perpetual succession and common seal.
a) According to Lord Justice Lindley b) According to Prof. Haney
c) According to Chief Justice Marshal d) According to Sec 2 (20)
2) Memorandum of Association _____.
a) Define scope and ambit of company
b) Define name of company.
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a and b
3) Sec - 165 of the Companies Act - 2013 provides that, no person shall hold
office at one and sometime as Director for more than _____ companies.
a) Ten b) Twenty
c) Five d) None of these
4) Which is the following cases is about doctrine of indoor management firstly
a) Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co. Ltd. Vs Riche.
b) Rama Corporation Vs proved tin and Gen. Investment Co.
c) Bigger Staff Vs. Rowlett’s wharf.
d) Royal British Bank Vs Turquand
5) On the basis of Section of liability, companies can be divided into _____.
a) Sec 3(2), 3 b) Sec 2 (19), 2
c) Sec 3, 3 d) Sec 2 (17), 3
6) In case of one person company, the name of the person who in the event of
death of subscriber shall become member of company.
a) Shareholder b) Successor
c) Director d) All of above
7) According to section _____ the name of the company with last word
“Limited” in case of Public Limited Co. or the word “Pvt Limited” in case of
private limited company but nothing shall apply if it registered for charitable
a) Section 9 b) Section 81
c) Section 8 d) Section 71
8) Section _____defines “prospectus”
a) Sec 2(20) b) Sec 2(70)
c) Sec 2(40) d) Sec 2(10)

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9) According to Section 147, if any of the provisions of section _____ is
contravened, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be
less than Rs. 25000/- but which may extend to Rs. 500000/-
a) Sec 147 to 160 b) Sec 139 to 146
c) Sec 141 to 147 d) None of these
10) According to Section _____ no. person shall be appointed as a director unless
be has been allotted the DINC (Director Identification Number) under section.
a) 152, 153 b) 152, 154,
c) Sec 152, 155 d) 152, 151
11) According to Section 2(84) of the Companies Act 2013 defines share means.
a) Share in the share capital and debentures
b) Share in the share capital and include stock
c) Share capital of Co. limited by shares
d) All of these
12) A Company having share capital shall not commence day business unless a
declaration filed by _____.
a) director with the register b) director with Auditor
c) both a and b d) none of these
13) An Independent director means a director of _____.
a) A managing director b) Whole time director
c) Nominee director d) None of these
14) A minimum paid up capital for Public Co. _____.
a) 5,00,000 b) 4,00,000
c) 3,00,000 d) 2,00,000

Q.2 Attempt any four of the following. 16

a) Theories of corporate personality
b) Doctrine of ultra virous
c) Prospectus & statement in Lieu of prospectus
d) Powers & duties of Directors
e) Kinds of Share Capital
f) Difference between Share & Debenture

Q.3 Answer any two of the following questions. 12

a) Doctrine of Indoor management of exceptions.
b) Meeting, kinds & procedure of valid meeting.
c) Distinguish between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
d) Debentures and kinds of Debentures.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

a) What is meant by allotment of Shares? Explain Statutory Restrictions and
general principles of allotment of Shares.
b) What is the Protection of oppression and mismanagement. Explain power of
company, Court and Central Government.

Q.5 Answer the following question. 14

Discuss kinds of meeting under Company Law 2013. Explain various clauses of
Memorandum of Association and Explain its relation with Articles of Association.

Page 2 of 2
No. Set P
B.A.LL.B. (Semester - IX) (New) (CBCS) Examination: Oct/Nov-2023
Company Law (19605905)
Day & Date: Thursday, 27-12-2023 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct Alternatives from the options 15

1) _____is the charter of a company.
a) Articles b) Memorandum
c) Both a) & b) d) None of the above
2) Which one of the following is the disadvantage of incorporation?
a) Centralized management
b) Lifting the corporate veil
c) protection to investor against loss
d) perpetual Succession
3) ______is the conclusive evidence in case of company that statutory
requirements have complied with
a) Certificate of Incorporation
b) Certificate of commencement of Business
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
4) _____ conceives the idea of the business
a) Promoters b) Directors
c) Auditors d) None of the above
5) A ____ may be defined as a security given for securing loans or
debentures by a mortgage on the assets of the company
a) Charge b) Interest
c) Dividend d) None of these
6) A company can change its name at its own discretion by passing _____.
a) Ordinary resolution b) Special resolution
c) Boards resolution d) none of the above
7) _____is a document given by a company as evidence of a debt to the
holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by a
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Dividend d) None of these
8) _____ Shares are sometimes called as founders shares.
a) Deferred shares b) Equity shares
c) Preference Shares d) None of these
9) Doctrine of Indoor management is enunciated in______.
a) Foss v. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand
c) Derry V. Peek d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
10) The word ‘Debenture’ is derived from the______ word debere.
a) English b) Roman
c) Latin d) None of these
11) Which one of the following can file the petition for winding up?
a) The Company b) Contributories
c) The Registrar of Companies d) All of above
12) Company must have its registered office within _____ days of its incorporation
or on the day when it commences business
a) 10 b) 20
c) 30 d) 40
13) The date of the opening of the subscription list means the beginning of the
day from the day of the issue of prospectus.
a) 5th b) 3rd
c) 10 th d) 20
14) A whole time key managerial personnel can hold office in _____ company.
a) Only one company b) Its subsidiary
c) Both a & b d) None of these
15) How many members should sign the Memorandum of Association in case
of public company_____.
a) 1 b) 3
c) 5 d) 7

Q.2 Answer any five of the following questions. 20

a) Define Prospectus. What are the contents of the prospectus company?
b) Write a note on Forfeiture, Surrender and Lien on Shares
c) Write a note on transfer of shares with restriction on transfer
d) Powers and Duties of Auditors
e) Discuss the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
f) Write a note on theories of corporate personality
g) Define Share. Discuss the difference between Share certificate and share

Q.3 Answer any Three of the following questions 15

a) Define Call. Write a note on Method of making calls
b) Write a note on Meetings of the company, Explain its kinds and requisites of valid
c) Define Promoter. Discuss the Rights and Liabilities of Promoter
d) Explain Majority Rule and Discuss in brief exceptions to the Rule
e) Write a note on Reconstruction and Amalgamation of Companies
f) Distinction between Company and Partnership

Q.4 Answer any one of the following questions. 15

a) Write a detail note on appointment, Removal and Duties of Directors
b) Write a detail note on Articles of Association of the Company

Q.5 Define Memorandum of Association, Discuss in detail the contents of 15

memorandum of Association and its alteration.

Page 2 of 2
No. Set P
B.A.LL.B. (Semester - IX) (Old) (CBCS) Examination: Oct/Nov-2023
Company Law (6051905)
Day & Date: Wednesday, 27-12-2023 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02:00 PM To 05:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14

1) According to Section 43 of Companies Act, 2013, how many types of share
capital exists?
a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5
2) Minimum number of member in case of private limited company
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
3) A company is a separate _____ Entity.
a) Legal entity b) Illegal entity
c) Physical entity d) Business entity
4) The company act 2013 consist of how many section?
a) 370 b) 570
c) 470 d) 270
5) Example of statutory company
a) Life insurance corporation b) Hindustan gas
c) Hotel Tajmahal d) Reliancepvt. Limited
6) Full Form of FERA
a) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
b) First Exchange Rural Accounting
c) Foreign Exchange Rate Accounting
d) Foreign Export Regulation Acting
7) The time gap between two AGM’s shall not exceed.
a) 18 months b) 15 months
c) 16 months d) None of these
8) Debentures payable to a holder of certificate is called _____.
a) Bearer b) Unregistered
c) Secured d) Both a) & b)
9) The company must deliver share certificate within _____ if the shares
applied for transfer.
a) 3 months b) 2 months
c) 5 months d) none of these
10) Paying back of capital is called _____.
a) Conversion b) Participation
c) Redemption d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
11) If anybody wants to file a case against the company they should file at what
a) Company b) Registered Office
c) Board of Director d) Books of accounts
12) _____is neither an agent, nor a trustee of a company.
a) Directors b) Company Secretary
c) Employees d) Promoters
13) The _____ Constitutes the top administrative organ of the company
a) General Manager b) Shareholders
c) Board of Directors d) Advisory Panel
14) When can a private company commence business?
a) At any time
b) After obtaining the certificate of incorporation
c) After obtaining the certificate of commencement of business
d) After applying for registration

Q.2 Attempt any four of the following. 16

a) Government company
b) One person company
c) Independent director
d) Extraordinary general meeting
e) Difference between share and debenture.
f) Prospectus and its contents

Q.3 Answer any two of the following questions. 12

a) Write a short note on lifting of the corporate veil
b) Explain the doctrine of ultra-vires
c) Doctrine of Indoor Management
d) Memorandum of Association

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

a) Explain briefly the position, Rights and duties of promoters with reference to
Erlanger New Sombrero Phosphate Co.?
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of incorporation of a company.

Q.5 Answer the following question. 14

Discuss the rule laid down in Foss Vs. Harbottle along with its exceptions

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No. Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2022
Company Law
Day & Date: Tuesday, 14-02-2023 Max. Marks: 80
Time: 09:00 AM To 12:00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternative from the following options. 15

1) Under the Companies Act, 2013 a company may be formed for any lawful
purpose by subscribing their names to the Memorandum & Association
and also complying with the requirements in respect of registration & Acc.
to Section, minimum number of members required to form a company are
i) 7 or more persons of Public Co.
ii) 2 or more persons for Private Co.
iii) One person in case of (OPC – Pvt - Co)
a) Section 2 (30) b) Section 3
c) Section 3 (11) d) None of these
2) In Lee Vs Lee Company ‘A’ has a director of such company was also
working as its pilot. While acting as pilot he was dead can his wife (widow)
recovered compensation u/w c Act
a) yes he can recover compensation
b) yes she can recover compensation
c) no she can’t recover compensation
d) none of these
3) A prospectus having following ingredients ______.
a) It must be invitation to public b) It must be on behalf of public
c) Both a & b d) Neither a nor b
4) According to Section 96, Every person other than one person company
hold a general meeting as its annual general meeting & specify same in
the notices calling if not more than _____ months shall elapse between
two annual general meeting.
a) Three months b) Fifth month
c) Fifteen months d) None of these
5) If _____ of company contravenes any of these provisions shall be
punishable with fine which may not less than 25,000/- but which may
extend to 50,0000/- Rs.
a) Director b) Promoter
c) Auditor d) All of these
6) A person appointed as a director unless _____.
a) He allotted as DIN
b) He gives his consent to hold office
c) Both a & b
d) None of these

Page 1 of 3
7) According to Company Act 2013 the most important document of company
is _____.
a) Article of association b) Annual report
c) Prospectus d) Memorandum of association
8) The share capital of company may be reduced by _____.
a) Special resolution b) Ordinal resolution
c) Resolution by director d) All of these
9) The maximum remuneration payable to directors when company has three
directors is _____ % of annual net profit.
a) 15 b) 20
c) 5 d) 10
10) An exception to the doctrine of constructive notice is the doctrine of _____
a) Indoor management
b) Ultravirus
c) Ulravirus in articles of association
d) None of these
11) Which companies are exempted to add words “Ltd” or “Pvt Ltd” at the end
of their name?
a) Private b) Public
c) Defunct d) Association not for profit
12) CIN stands for _______.
a) Corporate Identity Name b) Corporate Identity Number
c) Chairman Identity Name d) Chairman Identity Number
13) From the _____ of its incorporation and at all times thereafter a company
shall have a registered office capable of receiving and acknowledging all
communications of notice as may be addressed to it.
a) 10th day b) 11th day
c) 14th day d) 15th day
14) In case of compulsory winding up the official liquidator is appointed by:
a) Tribunal or C.G. b) Members in General meeting
c) The ROC d) The high court
15) An Audit committee may include _____
a) Auditors b) Company Secretary
c) Non-executive Directors d) All of these

Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Any Five) 20

a) Prospectus
b) Dividends
c) Doctrine of constructive notice
d) Corporate Social responsibility
e) Amalgamation of companies
f) Debentures
g) National company law board

Q.3 Answer the following questions. (Any Three) 15

a) Forms of corporate & non-corporate organization
b) Doctrine of indoor management & its exceptions.
c) Directors, Powers & duties of directors.
d) Borrowing powers & effects of unauthorized borrowing powers.
e) Types of winding up & power of liquidator.
f) Meeting of company, kinds & procedure for valid meeting.
Page 2 of 3
Q.4 Answer the following question. (Any One) 15
a) Explain the various clauses of Memorandum of Association. Distinguish
between Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association.
b) Write a note on winding up of the company.

Q.5 Answer the following question. 15

Explain in detail legal liability of Companies under civil and criminal law and
explain in detail remedies available against them & liability under special statues.

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No. Set P
B.A.LL.B. (Semester - IX) (CBCS) Examination: Oct/Nov - 2022
Company Law
Day & Date: Tuesday, 14-02-2023 Max. Marks:70
Time: 09:00 AM To 11:30 AM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives from the following options. 14

1) _____ determines the objects, scope and extent of the activities of the
a) Memorandum of association b) articles of association
c) Prospectus d) None of these
2) The Doctrine of indoor management for the first time enunciated in ______
a) Royal British Bank Vs Turquand
b) New Burnswick Vs Muggeriege
c) Bourhill Vs Young
d) None of these
3) Property of the company belongs to ______.
a) Promoters b) Shareholders
c) Members d) Company
4) _____ is the charter of a company.
a) Articles b) Memorandum
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
5) The principle that the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the
minority in matters of internal administration of the company is known as _____.
a) Rule in Foss v. Harbottle b) Tarquands Rule
c) Rule in Hyedons case d) None of these
6) Section ______ of Companies Act 2013 provides for the Corporate Social
a) Section 125 b) Section 135
c) Section 145 d) None of these
7) Which one of the following is the disadvantage of incorporation?
a) Centralized management
b) Lifting the corporate veil
c) protection to investor against loss
d) perpetual Succession
8) _____ is the document given by the company as evidence of the debt to
the holder usually arising out of loan and most commonly secured by a
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Deposits d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
9) _____ prospectus was issued in case securities were issued in stages.
a) Deemed b) Shelf
c) Red herring d) None of the above
10) Which one of the following is the way to become the member of the
a) By transmission of shares b) By transfer of shares
c) Subscribing to memorandum d) All of these
11) Which one of the following can file the petition for winding up?
a) The Company b) Contributories
c) The Registrar of Companies d) All of these
12) _____ share is one which with regard to Dividend carries preferential right
to be paid a fixed amount at a fixed calculated rate.
a) Equity shares b) Preference shares
c) Ordinary shares d) None of these
13) Which one of the following is an exception to the Rule in Foss v. Harbottle?
a) Ultra virus acts
b) Fraud on minority
c) Acts requiring Special resolution
d) All of these
14) ____ are the advantages of Incorporation.
a) Corporate Personality b) Limited Liability
c) Perpetual Succession d) All of the above

Q.2 Answer any four of the following questions. 16

a) Write a note on Prospectus of the company.
b) Discuss the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility.
c) Explain the Powers and Duties of Auditors.
d) Write a note on Reconstruction and Amalgamation of Companies.
e) Explain Majority Rule and Discuss in brief exceptions to the Rule.
f) Define share, write a note on transfer of shares, restrictions on transfer of

Q.3 Answer any two of the following. 12

a) Write a note on Doctrine of Indoor management.
b) Define Call. Write a note on Method of making calls on shares.
c) Write a note on Meetings-of the company, Explain its kinds and requisites
of valid meeting.
d) Discuss in brief the Prevention of oppression and mismanagement.

Q.4 Answer any one of the following. 14

a) Write a detail note on winding up of the company.
b) Write a detail note on appointment, Removal and Duties of Directors.

Q.5 Define Memorandum of Association and discuss in brief the contents of 14

Memorandum of Association and its alteration.

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Set P
LL.B. (SEM – V) (CBCS) Examination Nov-2019
Day & Date: Tuesday, 19-11-2019 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 11:30 AM To 02:00 PM
Instructions: - 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Fill in the blank by choosing correct alternative give below. 14
1) Doctrine of Indoor Management for First time enunciated in ___________
a) Foss N. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Traquand
c) Ryland V. Fletcher d) None of the above
2) Which one of the following is an essential ingredient of a prospectus?
a) It must be an invitation offering to the public
b) The invitation must be to subscribe or purchase
c) Invitation may relate to share or debentures
d) All of the above
3) ___________ is a document given by a company as an evidence of a
debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly
secured by a charge.
a) Share b) Brokerage
c) Debenture d) Dividend
4) Sec-165 of the Companies Act – 2013 provides that, no person shall hold
office at one and the same time as Director of more than __________
a) Ten b) Twenty
c) Five d) None of the above
5) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business thereat is called ___________.
a) Resolution b) Meeting
c) Quorum d) None of the above
6) _________ can be appointed as an Inspector for investigation into the
affairs of a company, under Companies Act 2013.
a) Firm b) Body Corporate
c) Other association d) Only Individuals
7) _____________ is a process by which the assets of the company are
collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the net surplus if
any is distributed in accordance with the company’s articles of association.
a) Winding up b) Incorporation
c) Investigation d) None of the above
8) The ___________ of association of a company are the internal regulations
which govern the management of the internal affairs of a company.
a) Memorandum of association b) Article of association
c) Prospectus d) None of the above

Page 1 of 2
9) The articles and memorandum of association when registered become a
public document, therefore anyone, whether a member or an outsider,
who has dealing with the company, shall be deemed to have notice of the
contents of these documents, this is known as the _____________.
a) Doctrine of Constructive Notice
b) Doctrine of Indoor Management
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
10) Which one of the following is an exception to the Doctrine of Indoor
a) Knowledge of irregularity b) Forgery and Fraud
c) Suspicion of irregularity d) All of these
11) ____________ clause of the memorandum of association of the company
is sets out the purpose for which the company is formed and the kind of
activities or business it intends to carry on.
a) Name Clause b) Object Clause
c) Liability Clause d) None of these
12) Sec _____________ of the Companies Act - 2013 defines Memorandum
of Association.
a) Sec - 2 (56) b) Sec - 2 (5)
c) Sec - 11 d) None of these
13) __________ shares are sometimes also called as Founders Shares.
a) Preference Shares b) Deferred Shares
c) Equity Shares d) None of the above
14) The word ‘debenture’ is derived from the _____________ term ‘debere’.
a) Latin b) English
c) French d) None of these
Q.2 Attempt any four of the following question. 16
1) Promoter - Liabilities and Rights
2) Difference between Share and Debenture
3) Distinction between Company and Partnership firm
4) The Rule in Foss N. Haribottle & Exceptions
5) Corporate Social Responsibility
6) Amalgamation of companies
Q.3 Attempt any two of the following question. 12
1) Meetings of Company - kinds and procedure for valid meeting
2) Doctrine of Indoor Management
3) Memorandum of Association
4) Inspection and Investigation
Q.4 Attempt any one of the following question.
Write a note on winding up of the Company. 14
Define Share, what are the kinds of Share. Discuss in detail general principles
regarding allotment of shares & calls on share.
Q.5 Define Director, Appointment, Removal, Qualification, Duties and Liabilities of 14
Directors of a Company.

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Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination March/April-2019
Day & Date: Friday, 26-04-2019 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 12:00 PM To 02:30 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences. 14
1) Doctrine of Indoor Management was laid in _______ case.
a) Royal British Bank vs. Turquand b) Foss vs. Harbottle
c) Ashby vs. White d) None of the above
2) The _______ was incorporated under the Charter of Queen Elizabeth on
31st December 1600.
a) East India Company
b) Reserve Bank of India
c) Industrial Finance Corporation of India
d) Air India
3) The principle of the independent corporate existence of a registered
company is well illustrated by the house of Lord’s decision in _______.
a) Gallaghar vs. Germania Brewing Co.
b) In Re. London and Globe Finance Corporation
c) R. T. Perumal vs. John Deavin
d) Saloman vs. Saloman and Co.
4) Section 2(56) of the companies Act, 2013 defines ________.
a) Debentures b) Prospectus
c) Article d) Memorandum
5) As per Schedule I of the Company Act 2013 Memorandum of association of
company limited by shares has _______ Clauses.
a) Four b) Five
c) Six d) Seven
6) _______ capital is the nominal value of shares issued for subscription and
a) Nominal b) Issued
c) Subscribed d) Working
7) Section 55 of the Companies Act, 2013 empowers a company to issue
_______ preference Shares.
a) Redeemable b) Cumulative
c) Participating d) All the above
8) The Rule in Foss vs Harbottle was evolved in _______ Year.
a) 1840 b) 1841
c) 1843 d) 1845
9) The time period required for notice of general meeting in writing or through
electronic media is not less than clear _______ days excluding the date of
service of the notice and the date of meeting.
a) 45 b) 30
c) 21 d) 15
Page 1 of 2
10) ________ of the Companies Act 2013, provides for calling of Extra Ordinary
General Meeting.
a) Section 96 b) Section 97
c) Section 99 d) Section 100
11) A ________ is a document issued by the company inviting the public and
investors for the subscription of its securities.
a) Prospectus b) Agreement
c) Article d) Memorandum
12) A _________ charge, is not attached to any definite property but covers
property which is of a fluctuating nature such as Stock in trade.
a) Floating b) Fixed
c) Specific d) Specific and Floating
13) The word ‘debenture’ is derived from the ________ term debere.
a) American b) Italian
c) French d) Latin
14) Section 272(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that a petition for the
winding up of a company may be presented to the Tribunal by _______.
a) The company
b) The registrar of companies
c) Any contributory or contributories
d) All the above
Q.2 Answer any four of the following questions. 16
a) Kinds of Shares
b) Prospectus
c) Modes of becoming Members of the company
d) Power and Duties of Directors
e) Dividend
f) Winding up by Tribunal
Q.3 Answer any two of the following. 12
a) Doctrine of Indoor Management and its exceptions
b) Classification / types of Companies
c) Share Certificate and Share Warrant
d) Duties, Rights and Liabilities of Promoter
Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14
a) Explain the various clauses of Memorandum of Association. Distinguish
between Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.
b) What is meant by allotment of shares? Explain statutory restrictions and
general principles of allotment of shares.
Q.5 Answer of the following question: 14
a) Discuss kinds of Meetings under the Company Law 2013 and state the
procedure for conducting the valid meetings of the company.

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Set P
LL.B. (Semester – V) (New) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: - 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions: 14
1) The persons who initiate the process of formation of a company are called
a) Directors b) Promoters
c) Auditors d) Share holders
2) Where a company intends to issue a public appeal for subscription of its
shares or debentures, it is essential for it to issue a _______.
a) Prospectus b) Audit
c) Account d) None of these
3) ______is a right to participate in the profits made by a company while it is
going on concern and declares dividends and in the assets of the
company in the event of its being wound up.
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Both a and b d) None of these
4) ______denotes the portion of the profit earned by a company which is
distributed among its shareholders at a pre-determined rate or otherwise.
a) Interest b) Dividend
c) Both a and b d) None of these
5) _______is a document given by a company as an evidence of a debt to
the holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by a
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Deposit d) None of these
6) Which one of the following is a requisite of a valid meeting, it must be ___
a) Properly convened b) Properly constituted
c) Properly conducted d) All of these
7) ______is a brief summary of the proceedings of a meeting.
a) Quorum b) Resolution
c) Minutes d) Any other
8) The principle that, the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the
minority in matters of internal administration of the company is known as
the rule in _______.
a) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand b) Foss V. Harbottle
c) Rylands V. Fletcher d) None of these
9) ______ is a process by which the assets of the company are collected
and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the net surplus, if any, is
distributed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
10) _____of a company are the internal regulations which govern the
management of the internal affairs of a company.
a) Memorandum b) Article
c) Prospectus d) Any other
11) Which one of the following is the disadvantage of Incorporation?
a) Limited Liability b) Perpetual Succession
c) Separate Property d) Lifting of the Corporate Veil
12) The articles and memorandum when registered, become a public
document, therefore, any one whether a member or outsider, who has
dealing with the company, shall be deemed to have notice of the contents
of these documents, This is known as _______.
a) Doctrine of constructive notice b) Indoor Management
c) Both a and b d) Any other
13) _____is a demand for payment of the balance amount or part there of
which has remained unpaid on each share.
a) Brokerage b) Interest
c) Call d) Dividend
14) ____________ is a security given for securing loans or debentures by a
mortgage on the assets of a company.
a) Charge b) Call
c) Interest d) Any other
Q.2 Answer any four out of the following: 16
1) Define Promoter. Rights & Liabilities of promoters
2) Powers and duties of Auditor
3) Amalgamation of Companies
4) Prospectus and its contents
5) Distinction between Memorandum and Articles of Association
6) Advantages of Incorporation
Q.3 Answer any two out of the following questions: 12
1) Constructive Notice and Indoor Management
2) Meetings of a company – Procedure & kinds of meeting
3) Director of company – Powers and Duties
4) Theories of Corporation
Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14
1) Write a detail note on winding up of the company.
2) Discuss in detail the procedure of allotment of share with the restrictions
on its allotment & methods of making call.
Q.5 Write a detail note on Memorandum of Association of a Company. 14

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Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (CGPA) Examination Mar/Apr-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions: 14
1) The ________ of the company may be said to be an advertisement through
which the company invites public to purchase its shares or debentures.
a) Memorandum b) Article
c) Prospectus d) None of these
2) A _______ by company may be defined as a demand for payment of the
balance amount or part thereof which has remained unpaid on each share.
a) Calls on share b) Surrender of share
c) Forfeiture of share d) None of these
3) _________ of shares takes place by operation of law when a shareholder dies
or is adjudged insolvent or if the shareholder being a company goes into
a) Transfer share b) Transmission of share
c) Lien on share d) None of these
4) The word debenture is derived from the __________ term ‘debere’.
a) English b) Latin
c) French d) None of these
5) ________ is a document given by a company as an evidence of a debt to the
holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by charge.
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Brokerage d) None of these
6) All general meetings of a company other than the statutory and the annual
general meeting are called __________.
a) Extra ordinary general meeting b) Class meetings
c) Debenture holders meeting d) Any other
7) The word _______ denotes a brief summary of the proceeding of a meeting.
a) Agenda b) Resolution
c) Minutes d) Any other
8) ________ can be appointed as an Inspector for Investigation in to the affairs
of a company under section 210 of the companies Act 2013.
a) A firm b) Body corporate
c) Other association d) None of these
9) ________ of a company takes place when two or more companies are joined
to form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended with another.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) Both a and b d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
SLR- HF-72
10) The principle that the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the
minority in matters of internal administration of the company is known as the
rule in _________.
a) Foss v. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank v. Turquand
c) Daniels v. Daniels d) None of these
11) Under ______ circumstances company may be wound up by the tribunal
under section 271 of the companies Act 2013.
a) Inability to pay debts
b) Special resolution passed by company
c) On application made by Registrar
d) All of these
12) The minimum number of a person’s required to form a public company is
a) Seven b) Two
c) Five d) Any other
13) Before company is formed, there must be some persons who have intention to
form it and takes necessary steps to bring it into existence; such persons are
called ________ of the company.
a) Directors of the company b) Promoters
c) Creditors d) Any other
14) _______ Document of the company may be called as a charter or constitution
of the company.
a) Memorandum of Association b) Article of Association
c) Prospectus d) Share certificate
Q.2 Write a note on memorandum of Association in detail. 14
Q.3 Define share. Write a note on general principles regarding allotment of shares 14
with statutory restrictions and procedure for transfer of shares.
Write a detail note on Appointment, Removal, Powers and Duties of Directors of 14
the company.
Q.4 A) Solve any Two: 08
1) Right and liabilities of Promoter
2) Requisites of valid meeting
3) Powers of Inspector appointed to investigate the affairs of the company
B) Doctrine of constructive notice and Indoor Management. 06
Q.5 Write short note on Any seven: 14
a) Definition of Prospectus & Contents
b) Lien on shares
c) Dividend
d) Corporate Social Responsibility
e) The rule in Foss v. Harbottle
f) Prevention of mismanagement
g) Duties of Company Liquidator
h) Winding up by Tribunal
i) Forfeiture of Share
j) Difference between share and debenture

Page 2 of 2
Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (CGPA) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day & Date: Tuesday, 21-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions: 14
1) Foreign Exchange Management Act come in force in the year of _____.
a) 1999 b) 2000
c) 2001 d) 1997
2) The Term Corporation derived from Latin word _____.
a) Corpus b) Corporation sole
c) Sole Aggregate d) None of these
3) SC 2(71) of Company Act 2013 defines _____.
a) Public Company b) Private Company
c) Prospectus d) Director
4) Sec. ___ of Companies Act 2013 provides the procedure for
incorporation for company.
a) 7 b) 8
c) 10 d) 70
5) Maximum Number of member in private company limit has been
increased from _____ number.
a) 50 to 200 b) 40 to 190
c) 100 to 200 d) 400
6) _______plays a vital & dynamic role in formation of company.
a) Prospectus
b) Promoter
c) Director
d) Assistant Director and Managing Director
7) _______ is fundamental conditions upon which alone the company is
allowed to be incorporated.
a) Memorandum b) Article
c) Prospectus d) None of these
8) Borrowing by company may be Ultra-virus under _______ circumstances.
a) Borrowing which is Ultra-Virus b) a & c
c) Intra-Virus d) None of these
9) The First Meeting of shareholder of Public Company with a store capital
a) Statutory b) Annual General meeting
c) Extra-ordinary Meeting d) None of these
10) _______ is proportion of the distributed profits of company.
a) Dividends b) Profit
c) Account d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
11) ________ is the process by which is existence or life of company is put
to an end.
a) Winding-up b) Amalgamation
c) Meeting d) None of these
12) _______ is a written agreement prescribing regulation for the
Government of a company.
a) Article of Association b) Memorandum of Association
c) Prospectus d) None of these
13) Section ________ of Act provides for Alteration of Article.
a) 14 b) 13
c) 18 d) 20
14) Section ________ of Act 2013 defines modes of winding up.
a) 270 b) 30
c) 150 d) 2
Q.2 Write in detail about meeting, it’s kinds and importance. 14
Q.3 Write in detail about winding up of company & its various effects. 14
Write in detail note on Dividends & it’s & importance of Dividends.
Q.4 A) Solve any two of the following:- 08
1) Memorandum of Association
2) Promoter
3) Article of Association
B) Unauthorized Borrowing Power of Company 06
Q.5 Answer in short on: ( Any seven) 14
a) Share Certificate
b) Corporate social responsibility
c) Legal Liabilities of company
d) Amalgamation
e) Public Company
f) Protection of Minority Rights
g) Role of Director
h) Importance of shares capital
i) National company Law Board
j) Importance of prospectus

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Set P
LL.B. (Semester - VI) (Old) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day & Date: Saturday, 25-11-2017 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to right indicate full marks.
Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions: 05
1) For a meeting to be valid it must be properly __________.
a) Convened b) Constituted
c) Conducted d) All the above
2) ____________ takes place when two or more companies are joined
to form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended with another.
a) Regulation b) Reconstruction
c) Investigation d) Amalgamation
3) The shareholders get _________ out of the profits of the company.
a) Interest b) Dividend
c) Both a & b d) None of the above
4) The Rule in Foss vs. Harbottle was evolved in __________.
a) 1843 b) 1853
c) 1864 d) 1872
5) FEMA means Foreign exchange ____________ Act 1999.
a) Agreement b) Multinational
c) Management d) Contract
B) Fill in the blanks: 05
1) _________ means the authority to act for another.
2) ________ is the term commonly associated with the ending of a
company’s existence.
3) The first meeting of the shareholders of a public limited company
with a share capital is known as ____________ meeting.
4) ___________ means person appointed to wind-up the affairs of a
company or firm.
5) __________ Company means, “any company in which not less than
fifty one percent of the share capital is held by the Central
Government or any State Government or partly by the Central
Government and party by one or more State Governments.
Q.2 Write a detail note on various kinds of Meetings under Company Law. 10
Q.3 State and explain the nature and advantages of Private Company. 10
Critically examine the rule in Foss vs. Harbottle and state its exceptions.

Page 1 of 2
Q.4 A) Write short answers. (Any 2) 04
1) Holding and subsidiary Company
2) Fixed charges.
3) Civil liability of company.
B) Effect of unauthorized borrowing. 04
Q.5 Write short notes on. (Any three) 12
a) Dividends
b) Protection of oppression and Mismanagement
c) Amalgamation
d) Powers and duties of Auditors.

Page 2 of 2
SLR-G – 86
LL.B – III (Semester – V) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All Questions are compulsory.

2) Figure to the right indicates full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions: 05

1) Borrowing by company may be ultra vires under _______
a) Borrowing which is ultra vires the company
b) Borrowing powers to the intra vires to the company
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

2) The first meeting of the share holder of a public company

with a share capital _____.
a) Statutory meeting b) Annual general meeting
c) Extra ordinary meeting d) None of these

3) ______ may present petition for winding up of the company

u/s 439 of the companies act.
a) Company itself b) By creditors
c) By contributors’ d) All of these

4) Debenture holders are the _____ of the company.

a) Members of the company b) Creditors of the company
c) Directors d) All of these

5) ______ is process by which the existence or life of a

company is put to an end.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) Auditing d) None of these

Q.1 B) Fill in the Blanks: 05

1) The books of account must disclose ______ view of the state
of affairs of the company.
2) All general meeting of company other than the statutory and
annual general meeting are called _______
3) The provision relating to statutory meeting is contained u/sec
____ of this act.
4) The provision relating to proxies are contained u/section ___.
5) ____ is a proportion of the distributed profits of company.
Page 1 of 2
Q.2 Discuss in detail provision relating to winding up of the company and 10
its effects.

Q.3 Discuss various kinds of the meeting and state the procedure to 10
conduct valid meeting.
Write a detail note on borrowing power of the company and its

Q.4 A) Answer in short any Two: 04

1) Debenture
2) Dividend and its kinds
3) Annual general meeting

B) Audit and account 04

Q.5 Write short note any three: 12

1) Effect of unauthorized borrowing
2) Amalgamation
3) Private companies
4) Protection of oppression and mismanagement

Page 2 of 2
LL.B. – III (Semester – V) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 13-05-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All Questions are compulsory.

2) Figure to the right indicates full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions: 05

1) The outstanding feature of a company is its ____ corporate
a) Individual b) Independent
c) Joint d) Combined

2) The certificate of _____ brings the company into existence as

a legal person.
a) Commencement of Business b) Incorporation
c) Establishment d) None of the above

3) As per section 254 the ____ directors of a company are to

the appointed by the subscribers of the memorandum.
a) Fifth b) Fourth c) Third d) First

4) The ____ clause of the memorandum must specify the state

in which the registered office of the company is to the
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth

5) In the Doctrine of ultra-virus, the word ultra means beyond,

and virus means _____.
a) Rights b) Duties c) Powers d) Liabilities

Q.1 B) Fill in the Blanks: 05

1) Doctrine of _____ Management is opposed to that of the
Rule of constructive notice.
2) Any advertisement offering to the public shares or
debentures of the company for sale is a ______.
3) A ____ is a person who brings about the incorporation and
organization of a corporation.
4) An allottee of shares is entitled to have from the company a
document, called _______ certificate.
5) A company may change its name by passing a ______
resolution and with the approval of the central government
signified in writing.

Page 1 of 2
Q.2 Explain the legal position of promoters and state his duties and 10

Q.3 Write a note on Memorandum of Association with special reference 10

to object clause of the company along with relevant case laws.
Discuss various modes of appointment of Directors and state his
qualifications for Directorship.

Q.4 A) Answer in short any Two: 04

1) Certificate of commencement of business
2) Kinds of Shares
3) Calls on Shares

B) Doctrine of Constructive Notice 04

Q.5 Write short note any three: 12

1) Article of Association
2) Corporate personality
3) Prospectus
4) Transfer and Transmission of Shares

Page 2 of 2
SLR-G – 99
LL.B – III (Semester – V) (New) (CGPA), Examination 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 22-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are Compulsory

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14

1) _______of the Company are its bye –laws or rules and regulatory
which govern e on its internal affairs and the conduct of its
a) Memorandum of Association b) Article of Association
b) Prospectus d) None of theses

2) Doctrine of Indoor management for the first time enunciated in

a) Foss V Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand
c) Bennet Colmen case d) None of these

3) ________ determines the object , scope and extent of the

activities of the company.
a) Memorandum of Association b) Articles of Association
b) Prospectus d) None of these

4) ________ usually contains following main clauses, a) a Promise

by the company to repay Principle amount on a fixed date. b) a
promise to pay interest at a fixed rate. c) a charge on the
company’s assets.
a) share b) debenture c) both a & b d) none of these

5) The invisible and intangible nature of a company makes it

obligatory for this corporate body to appoint some living persons
or persons through whom it may act and carry on its business,
such persons usually called _______ of the company.
a) Promoters b) Directors c) Shareholder d) none of these

6) Every company, wherever Public or Private, has to hold a

periodical general meeting of its members annually for the
purpose of transacting its routine ordinary business such a
meeting is called as ________meeting.
a) Annual general meeting b) Statutory meeting
c) Extra – ordinary general meeting d) None of these

Page 1 of 3
SLR-G – 99
7) Which one of the following is a requisite of a valid meeting?
a) Properly Convened b) Properly Constituted
c) Properly Conducted d) All of these

8) The Principle that the will of the majority should prevail over the
will of the minority in matters of internal administration of the
company is known as the rule in _______.
a) Rule in tarquand’s Case
b) Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher Case
c) Rule in Foss v. Harbottle Case
d) Rule in Bourlill v. Young Case

9) _______ takes place when two or more companies are joined to

form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended with another.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) None of these d) All of these

10) ________ is a process by which the assets of the company

are collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the
net surplus, if any is distributed in accordance with the
company’s articles of association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up c) None of these

11) _______ shall be appointed as an Inspector for investigation in

to the affairs of a company under section 210 or 213 of the
Companies Act 2013.
a) Firm b) Body Corporate
c) Only individual d) None of these

12) Proper Accounting of a company provides for ________.

a) Afford an opportunity to directors to know the real financial
position of the company.
b) If enables the share holders to known whether the affairs of
the company are being properly managed.
c) Enables the creditors to Judge whether the company will be
able to repay the debts.
d) All of these

13) _______ is a right to participate in the profits made by a

company white it is going on concern and declares dividends
and in the assets of the company in the event of its being
wound up.
a) Share b) Debenture c) Dividend d) none of these

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SLR-G – 99
14) The companies must divide their object clause in to ________
a) Main object b) Other objects
c) States to which object extends d) All of these

Q.2 Write a detail note on Memorandum of Association 14

Q.3 Define share, explain general principle of allotment of shares and

statutory restrictions on allotment & calls on share. 14
Write a brief note on winding up of the company.

Q.4 A) Solve any two 08

a) Powers and Duties of Directions
b) Difference between Share holder and Debenture holders
c) Theories of corporate personality.

B) Prevention of oppression & mismanagement & majority Rule. 06

Q.5 Write short notes on any Seven 14

1) Promoter
2) Prospectus
3) Forfeiture & Surrender of Share
4) Amalgamation of company
5) Dividends
6) Legal Liability of Company
7) Advantages of Private Company
8) Corporate Social Responsibility
9) Annual general meeting
10) Doctrine of Indore management

Page 3 of 3
LL.B – III (Semester – VI) (Old) Examination, 2017
Company Law
Day & Date: Thursday, 04-05-2017 Max Marks: 50
Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

Instructions. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple Choice questions 05

1) Which one of the following requisite is necessary to conduct
valid meeting of the company.
a) Property Convened b) Property Constituted
c) Property Conducted d) All of these

2) _______ takes place when two or more companies are

joined to form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended
with another
a) Amalgamation b) Dissolution
c) Winding up d) None of these

3) The Principle that the will of the majority should prevail over
the will of the minority in matters of internal administration
of the Company is known as the Rule in _______.
a) Turquand Case b) Rylands v. Fletcher Case
b) Foss V.Harbottle Case d) None of these

4) The word debenture is derived from the _______ word

a) Latin b) French c) English d) None of these

5) _______ is a process by which the assets of the Company

are collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and
the net surplus, if any, is distributed in accordance with the
Company’s Articles of Association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up d) None of these

B) Fill in the blanks / Answer in one Sentence 05

1) Every Company, whether public or private, has to hold a
periodical general meeting of its member annually for the
purpose of transacting its routine ordinarily business. Such a
meeting is called _______

Page 1 of 2
2) _______ is a document given by a Company as an evidence
of a debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan and most
commonly secured by a charge.
3) All general meetings of a Company other than the statutory
Meeting and the annual general meeting are called _______
4) _______ denotes that portion of a profit earned by a
company which is distributed among its Shareholders at a
pre-determined rate or otherwise.
5) _______ means the formation of a new company to take
over the assets of the old one with the idea that substantially
the same business shall be carried on by the same persons.

Q.2 What are the kinds of meeting and write a detail note on Annual 10
general meeting and procedure of valid meeting

Q.3 Write a detail note on prevention of oppression and mismanagement 10

in company. Explain majority Rule & Rights of minority Shareholders.

Write a detail note on winding up procedure, and modes of winding


Q.4 A) Short answer type questions 04

1) Debenture
2) Dividends
3) Amalgamation of Company

B) Legal position of Auditor. Power & Duties of Auditor 04

Q.5 Short notes (on any three) 12

a) Legal Liability of Companies
b) Inspection & Investigation
c) Private Companies – Nature & Advantages
d) Difference between Shareholder and Debenture holder

Page 2 of 2
*SLRC123* SLR-C – 123

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) B.A. LL.B. – V (Semester – IX) (Old)

Examination, 2016
Paper – IV
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 50

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Q. No. 1 should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer
Book only on Page No. 3.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10

1. Choose the correct alternatives : 5

A) 1) The companies must divide their object Clause of Memorandum into
___________ sub-clauses.
a) Main object
b) Other object
c) States to which object extend
d) All of the above
2) ________________ of the company are its bye-laws or rules and regulations
which govern its internal affairs and conduct of its business.
a) Memorandum b) Articles
c) Prospectus d) None of these
3) ______________ shares are shares which must be bought back by the
company at an agreed date and for an agreed price.
a) Redeemable preference shares
b) Irredeemable preference shares
c) Equity shares
d) None of these

SLR-C – 123 -2- *SLRC123*
4) The persons who assumes the primary responsibility of matters relating
to formation and promotion of a company are known as _____________ of
a company.
a) Directors b) Promoters
c) Share holders d) None of these
5) ____________ as defined in the Companies Act means any document or
notice, circular, advertisement or other document inviting offers from the
public for the subscription or purchase of shares or debentures of a body
a) Prospectus b) Memorandum
c) Articles d) None of these

B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) The Doctrine of Indoor management for the first time enunciated in
____________ case.
2) ____________ is a right to participate in the profits made by the company
when company declare its dividend and in the assets of the company in
the event of its wound up.
3) ____________ determines the object, scope and extent of the activities of
the company.
4) ____________ are the professional personnel engaged by the company
to direct the affairs of the company.
5) The Articles and Memorandum when registered become a public document,
therefore anyone who has dealing with the company shall be deemed to
have notice of the contents of these documents. This is known as doctrine
of ____________

*SLRC123* -3- SLR-C – 123

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) B.A. LL.B. – V (Semester – IX) (Old)

Examination, 2016
Paper – IV
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Define share and write a note on general principles regarding allotment of shares
and statutory restrictions on allotment of shares. 10

3. What is the relation of a promoter with the company he form, what are the rights
and liabilities of promoters ? Discuss. 10
Write a note on Memorandum of Association. Discuss in detail the object Clause
of Memorandum of Association.

4. Solve any two : 4

A) 1) Doctrine of constructive notice
2) Statement in lieu of prospectus
3) Surrender of shares
B) Share certificate 4

5. Write short notes on any three : 12

1) Doctrine of Indoor management
2) Lien on shares
3) Appointment of Directors by the Central Government
4) Theories of Corporation.

*SLRC136* SLR-C – 136

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) and B.A.LL.B. – V (Semester – IX)

(New – CGPA) Examination, 2016
Time : 2 12 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Q. No. 1 should be solved in first 20 minutes in Answer
Book only on Page No. 3.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 20 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14

1) The word Company is derived from the combination of two ___________
words, namely com and panis.
a) French b) Latin c) Italian d) English
2) According to the Webster’s dictionary, the term ___________ includes a person
who alone or with others sets on foot and takes the preliminary steps in the
formation of a company.
a) Auditor b) Solicitor
c) Director d) Promoter
3) ___________ contracts are those which are purported to be made on behalf
of a company before its incorporation.
a) Pre-incorporation b) Incorporated
c) Post-incorporated d) Illegal
4) A company may change its name only by passing a ___________resolution
and with the written approval of the Central Government.
a) Ordinary b) Simple
c) Special d) Extraordinary

SLR-C – 136 -2- *SLRC136*
5) A ___________ means a prospectus in respect of which the securities or
class of securities included therein are issued for subscription in one or more
issues over a certain period without issue of a further prospectus.
a) Shelf prospectus b) Red-herring prospectus
c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above
6) Equity shares is also known as ___________shares.
a) Special b) General c) Simple d) Ordinary
7) ___________ denotes that portion of the profit earned by a company which is
distributed among its shareholders at a pre-determined rate or otherwise.
a) Bonus b) Debentures
c) Dividend d) Charge
8) A share___________ can be issued only in respect of fully paid shares.
a) Certificate b) Number c) Warrant d) All the above
9) No person shall be appointed as a director of a company unless he has been
allotted the___________ which is issued by the Central Government.
a) Divisional Identification Number b) Director International Number
c) Director Identification Number d) Double Identification Number
10) Taking a ___________ means recording the number of votes cast for or against
a resolution.
a) Proxy b) Poll c) Resolution d) Voting
11) The word___________ literally means the authority to act for another.
a) Agent b) Auditor c) Secretary d) Proxy
12) ___________ books of account which every company is supposed to maintain.
a) Ledger b) Cash c) Fee d) All the above
13) Where the company has made a default in filing with the registrar its financial
statements or annual returns for immediately preceding ___________consecutive
years, the tribunal may order winding-up the company.
a) Five b) Six c) One d) Three
14) ___________ shares are sometimes also called as founder’s shares.
a) Bonus b) Forfeiture c) Pledging d) Deferred

*SLRC136* -3- SLR-C – 136

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) and B.A.LL.B. – V (Semester – IX)

(New – CGPA) Examination, 2016
Time : 2 12 Hours Max. Marks : 56

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Define promoter. Explain the legal position of a promoter and discuss his duties
and liabilities. 14
3. A) Discuss the circumstances under which a company may be wound-up by the
tribunal and state who can file petition for winding-up. 14
B) Explain the Doctrine of Indoor Management. State what are the exceptions to
the Doctrine of Indoor Management. 14
4. A) Short notes (any 2) : 8
i) Article of Association.
ii) Contents of Prospectus.
iii) Appointment of Directors.
B) Write a note on : 6
1) Doctrine of Ultra-vires.
5. Answer in short (any 7) : 14
1) Dividends.
2) Floating charges.
3) Kinds of shares.
4) Amalgamation.
5) Dormant companies.
6) Call on shares.
7) Annual General Meeting.
8) Government Company.
9) Protection of Oppression.
10) Forfeiture and surrender of shares.
*SLRC140* SLR-C – 140

LL.B. (Semester – VI) & B.A. LL.B. (Semester – X)

Examination, 2016
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 50

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Q. No. 1 should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer
Book only on Page No. 3.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10

1. A) Choose the correct alternatives : 5

1) Every meeting must have a ____________ before it starts its proceeding.
a) Secretary b) Chairman
c) Managing Director d) Board of Directors
2) The lender has ___________ remedies against ultra-virus borrowing by
the company.
a) Injunction b) Subrogation
c) Restitution order d) All the above
3) A __________ charge is not attached to any definite property but covers
property which is of a fluctuating nature such as stock in trade.
a) fixed b) stable
c) floating d) all the above
4) The word ________ denotes a brief summary of the proceedings of a
a) Hours b) Seconds
c) Minutes d) None of the above
5) Section 397 and 398 of the Act lays down the provisions for prevention of
oppression and
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Investigation d) Mismanagement
SLR-C – 140 -2- *SLRC140*
B) Fill in the blanks 5
1) The word _________ literally means the authority to act for another.
2) __________ includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of
a company whether constituting a charge on the company’s assists or not.
3) ___________ is a term commonly associated with the ending of a
company’s existence.
4) The appointment of auditors is made by a company in its ___________
5) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business there at is called ____________

*SLRC140* -3- SLR-C – 140

LL.B. (Semester – VI) & B.A, LL.B. (Semester – X)

Examination, 2016
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Explain various kinds of meetings and write a note on procedure to conduct a

valid meeting. 10

3. A) Write a detail note on compulsory winding up of a company by court. 10


B) Discuss the legal position of Auditor and state the powers and duties of
Auditors. 10

4. A) Answer in short (any 2). 4

1) Amalgamation
2) Prevention of oppression
3) Government companies.

B) Fixed and floating charge. 4

5. Write short notes on (any 3). 12

1) Dividends
2) Private companies
3) Effects of unauthorized borrowing
4) Holding and subsidiary company.

*SLRE99A* SLR-E – 99A

LL.B. (Semester – V) B.A. LL.B. (Semester – IX) Examination, 2016


Day and Date : Monday, 11-4-2016 Max. Marks : 50

Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. A) Multiple Choice questions : 5
1) __________ are the advantages of Incorporation.
a) Corporate Personality b) Limited Liability
c) Perpetual Succession d) All of the above
2) ____________ are the professional personnel engaged by the Company to
direct their affairs.
a) Promoters b) Directors
c) Shareholders d) None of these
3) _________ determines the objects, scope and extent of the activities of the
a) Memorandum of association b) Articles of Association
c) Prospectus d) None of these
4) The Doctrine of indoor management for the first time enunciated in _________
a) Royal British Bank Vs Turquand b) New Burnswick Vs Muggeriege
c) Bourhill Vs Young d) None of these
5) ____________ share is one which with regard to dividend carries preferential
right to be paid a fixed amount at a fixed calculated rate.
a) Equity shares b) Preference shares
c) Ordinary shares d) None of these

SLR-E – 99A -2- *SLRE99A*

B) Fill in the Blanks/ Answer in one sentence. 5

1) Section 82 of Companies Act provides that a share or other interest of any
member in a company is ____________ kind of property transferable in the
manner provided by the articles company.
2) ____________ shareholders are jointly and severely liable for making payment
on call.
3) ____________ is an advertisement offering to the public shares or debentures
of the company.
4) ___________ of a company are its bye laws or rules and regulations which
govern its internal affairs and the conduct of its business.
5) The Doctrine of ___________ implies that the company should confine its
activities within its stated objects and restrict the powers of the company to go
beyond its object laws.

2. Define Memorandum of Association and discuss in brief the contents of

Memorandum of Association. 10

3. Write a brief note on appointment and removal of directors of company. 10

Define share and write a note on general principles regarding allotment of shares
and statutory restrictions on allotment of shares.

4. Solve any two. 4

A) 1) Promoters.
2) Lien on shares.
3) Statement in lieu of Prospectus.

B) Distinction between Memorandum and Articles of Association. 4

5. Write short notes on any three. 12

1) Doctrine of Indoor management.
2) Method of making calls.
3) Distinction between Company and Partnership firm.

4) Forfeiture of shares.
*SLR-E–107A* SLR-E – 107 A

LL.B. – III (Sem. – VI) and B.A. LL.B. – V (Sem. – X) Examination, 2016
Day and Date : Tuesday, 26-4-2016 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5

1) A private company is defined under Section ______ of the Act.
a) Section 3 (1) (iii) b) Section 3 (1) (iv)
c) Section 3 (1) (i) d) Section 3 (1) (ii)
2) Section 617 of the Act defines the term ______ companies.
a) Defunct b) Government c) Foreign d) Holding
3) Section 165 of the Act, lays down provisions relating to _______ meeting.
a) Statutory b) Annual general
c) Extra-ordinary general d) Class
4) The word _______ denotes a brief summary of the proceedings of a meeting.
a) Proxy b) Notice c) Resolutions d) Minutes
5) Section 237 of the Act, makes it obligatory on the part of the Central
Government to appoint inspectors to _______ into the affairs of a company.
a) Investment b) Inspect c) Investigate d) Improve

B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) The appointment of auditors is made by a company in its _____ meeting.
2) _______ means the share of profit that falls to the share of each individual
member of a company.
3) The power to borrow includes the power to mortgage the company’s assets
or to create a ______ upon them.
4) Section 397 of the Act lays down provisions relating to prevention of _____
5) “__________ includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of
a company whether constituting a charge on the company’s assets or
SLR-E – 107 A *SLR-E–107A*
2. Write a note on, “Voluntary Winding Up” of a company. 10

3. A) Define private company. State what are the advantages of private company ? 10
B) State various kinds of meeting and discuss the requisites of a valid meeting. 10

4. A) Answer in short (any two) : 4

1) Proxy
2) Holding companies
3) Auditor.
B) Amalgamation. 4

5. Write short notes on (any three) : 12

1) Fixed and floating charge.
2) Effect of unauthorized borrowing.
3) Dividents
4) Civil liability of company.

*SLRN81A* SLR-N – 81A

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) and B.A. LL.B. (Semester – IX) Examination, 2015

Day and Date : Tuesday, 1-12-2015 Total Marks : 50

Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple Choice Questions : 5

1) In India, a share has been regarded as _________ within the meaning of
Section 2(7) of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
a) Money b) Premium
c) Goods d) Services
2) Liability of promoters commences only after they have started functioning
as promoters and not for earlier acts. This principle has been laid down in
_________ case.
a) Ladgwell Mining Co. Vs Brooks
b) Narayana Chettiar Vs Kalleswara Mills
c) North-West Transportation Co. Vs Beatty
d) None of the above
3) Section 41 of the Act, defines the term __________
a) Member b) Debenture Holder
c) Promoter d) Director
4) The word ‘company’ is derived from the combination of two ________
words namely com and panis.
a) English b) French
c) Roman d) Latin
5) A company may change its name only by passing a __________ resolution.
a) Simple b) Special
c) Simple and Ordinary d) Extra Ordinary

SLR-N – 81A *SLRN81A*

B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) Section 3(1) (iii) of the Companies Act, 1956 defines a ____________
2) Association Clause of the Memorandum of Association is also known as
____________ Clause.
3) The Doctrine of ‘Ultra Virus’ has been well established in ____________
case in the year 1875.
4) A ___________ is a right to a specific amount of the share capital of a
company carrying with it certain rights and liabilities while the company is
a going concern and on its winding up.
5) Section 2(13) contains the definition of the term __________

2. Discuss the powers and duties of director. 10

3. “A promoter is neither a trustee nor an agent of the company but he stands in a

fiduciary position towards it” comment. 10
Explain the Doctrine of Indoor Management and states its exceptions, if any.

4. A) Answer in short (any two) : 4

1) Government Company
2) Public Company
3) Partnership Firm.
B) Write note on :
Corporate Personality. 4

5. Write short notes (any three) : 12

1) Statement in lieu of Prospectus.
2) Doctrine of Constructive Notice.
3) Forfeiture and Surrender of Shares.
4) Kinds of Share Capital.

*SLRN89A* SLR-N – 89 A

LL.B. (Sem. – VI), B.A., LL.B. (Semester – X) Examination, 2015


Day and Date : Saturday, 12-12-2015 Max. Marks : 50

Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5

1) Debenture holders are the ___________ of the company.
a) Members of the company b) Creditors of the company
c) Directors of the company d) None of these
2) The first meeting of the share holders of a public limited company with a
share capital is ___________
a) Annual general meeting
b) Extraordinary general meeting
c) Statutory meeting
d) None of these
3) The provisions relating to prevention of mismanagement in a company
are contained is Sec – ___________ of the Companies Act.
a) Sec – 397 b) Sec – 398
c) Sec – 395 d) None of these
4) ___________ may present petition for winding up of the company u/s 439
of the companies Act.
a) Company itself b) By creditors
c) By contributories d) All of these
5) Borrowing by a company may be ultra-vires under _______ circumstances.
a) Borrowing which is ultra-vires the company
b) Borrowing which is intra-vires the company but ultra-vires the directors
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of these
SLR-N – 89 A *SLRN89A*
B) Fill in the blanks / Answer in one sentence : 5
1) The provision relating to compulsory winding up of a company the court is
contain in Sec – ____________ of the Companies Act.
2) The books of Account must disclose a ____________ view of the state of
affairs of the company.
3) Whether firm, body corporate or other association shall be appointed as
an inspector.
4) All general meetings of company other than the statutory and annual general
meeting are called _____________
5) Sec – 555 of the Companies Act provides that the dividends which have
remained unclaimed by any creditor or contributory for a period of over six
months must be deposited in the __________ of India.

2. Discuss various kinds of meetings of a company. 10

3. Write a note on provisions relating to prevention of oppression and

mismanagement. 10
Discuss in detail provisions relating to winding up of the company with special
reference to winding up by the court.

4. Short answer type questions. 8

a) Solve any two : 4
1) Proxy
2) Debenture – Define
3) Amalgamation.
b) Fixed and floating charge. 4

5. Short notes on any three : 12

1) Civil and criminal liability of companies.
2) Government companies
3) Effect of unauthorised borrowings.
4) Powers and duties of Auditors.

SLR-N – 89B - *SLRN89B*

B) Give one word/one sentence answers : 5

i) ESI Act is not applicable to _________ factories.
ii) Any process or activity specified in __________ scheduled in Factory Act
is called hazardous process.
iii) _________ are prohibited to be employed in any part of the factory in
which a cotton opener is at work for pressing cotton.
iv) Personal injury includes _______ and ___________
v) Funeral benefit will be payable to _________

2. Describe employment injury. What is in the course of employment and out of

employment ? 10

3. Write about the employment of young persons under Factories Act. 10


Critically write a note on the concept of contributions under E.S.I. Act. 10

4. A) Write any two : (2×2=4)

i) Workmen and employer under W.C. Act.
ii) Claims under Minimum Wages Act.
iii) Compensatory holidays.
B) Dependants benefits under ESI Act. 4

5. Write any three : (4×3=12)

i) Notional extention.
ii) Fare wage.
iii) Overtime and rate of payment.
iv) Intentional injury.

*SLRE83A* SLR-E – 83(A)

LL.B. (Semester – V) and B.A. LL.B. (Semester – IX) Examination, 2015

Day and Date : Monday, 13-4-2015 Total Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5

1) The question whether a corporation is a citizen was decided by the Supreme
Court in ____________ case.
a) Official Liquidator Vs Suleman Bhai
b) S. Chatterjee Vs T. B. Sarwate
c) Shekhar Mehra Vs Kilpest(p) Ltd.
d) State Trading Corporation of India Vs Commercial Tax Officer
2) According to the ____________ dictionary the term promoter includes,
‘a person who alone or with others sets on foot and takes the preliminary
steps in the formation of a company.
a) Webster’s b) Tomlins c) Oxford d) Cambridge
3) Section ____________ of the Act, specifically provides that the shares or
other interest of any member in a company shall be Moveable Property,
transferable in the manner provided by the articles of association of the
a) 80 b) 82 c) 86 d) 88
4) ____________ preference shares ensures dividend every year.
a) Participating b) Cumulative c) Convertible d) Redeemable
5) ____________ defined a joint stock company as “a voluntary organization
formed with the object of earning profit, whose capital is divisible into
transferable shares and membership is necessary for its ownership.”
a) Justice James b) Blackstone c) Lindley’s d) Haney

SLR-E – 83(A) *SLRE83A*

B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) _____________ of the Companies Act, 1956 defines a public company.
2) ____________ clause of the Memorandum of Association is also known
as subscription clause.
3) __________ of shares takes place by operation of law.
4) One of the principal advantages of an incorporated company is the privilege
of ____________ liability.
5) Section 384 of the Act provides that only an ____________ can be appointed
as a manager of a company.

2. Discuss the legal position of directors of the company and also state the legal
provisions relating to his appointment in the company. 10

3. What is Prospectus ? Who are liable for mis-statement in the prospectus ?

Explain the extent of civil and criminal liability for such mis-statements. 10
State the various clauses of Memorandum of Association and discuss the limits
on the power of the company to alter the object clause.

4. A) Answer in short (any two) : 4

1) Private Company
2) Dematerialized shares
3) State Corporations.

B) Write note on :
1) Doctrine of Indoor Management. 4

5. Write short notes (any three) : 12

1) Who can be and who cannot be a shareholder ?
2) Legal position of promoters.
3) Share Certificate.
4) Article of Association.

*SLRE91A* SLR-E – 91A

LL.B. (Semester – VI) & B.A.LL.B. (Semester – X)

Examination, 2015

Day and Date : Saturday, 25-4-2015 Max. Marks : 50

Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5

1) The Act imposes a penalty if a default is made in filing the accounts with
the Registrar within __________________ days after an annual general
a) 30 days b) 45 days c) 60 days d) 90 days

2) Section __________________of the Act contains provisions relating to

a) 173 b) 176 c) 174 d) 175

3) Section __________________imposes a penalty if a dividend has been

declared and is not paid within 30 days from the date of declaration.
a) 200 b) 205 c) 207 d) 215

4) The first meeting of the shareholders of a public company is known as

a) General b) Extra-ordinary
c) Annual d) Statutory

5) Where one company has control over another, it is known as the ____________
a) Holding b) Subsidiary
c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above

SLR-E – 91A *SLRE91A*

B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business there at is called __________________
2) FEMA means__________________
3) __________________ occurs when two or more companies are joined to
form a third entity or on is absorbed into or blended with another.
4) A __________________company is defined in Section 3(1) (iii) of the Act.
5) __________________ is a document given by a company as evidence of a
debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured
by charge.

2. Discuss various kinds of audit and state the powers and duties of Auditor. 10

3. A) Discuss the rights of Minority share holders against oppression and

mismanagement. 10
B) What is meant by debentures ? Discuss various kinds of debentures and
differentiate between shareholder and debenture holder. 10

4. A) Answer in short (Any 2) : 4

1) Statutory meeting
2) Class meeting
3) Borrowing powers

B) Write a note on : 4
1) Dividends.

5. Write short notes on (Any 3) : 12

1) Advantages of Private Companies
2) Government Company
3) Criminal liability of companies
4) Compulsory winding-up.


LL.B. (Semester – V)/B.A.LL.B. (Semester – IX) Examination, 2014


Day and Date : Monday, 1-12-2014 Max. Marks : 50

Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5
1) ___________ is the main characteristics of the company.
a) Distinct person b) Legal personality
c) Perpetual succession d) All of these
2) ___________ of a company are its bye-laws or rules and regulations
which govern its internal affairs and conduct of its business.
a) Memorandum b) Article of association
c) Prospectus d) None of these
3) ___________ is an advertisement offering to the public shares or
debentures of the company.
a) Prospectus b) Memorandum
c) Article d) None of these
4) ___________ is the right to participate in the profits made by a company
while it declares dividends and in the assets of the company in the event
of its being wound-up.
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Both share and debenture d) None of these
5) ___________ can be appointed as director of a company under the Act.
a) A body corporate b) Real living person
c) Association or firm d) None of these


B) Fill in the blanks : 5

1) The person who assumes the primary responsibility of matters relating to
formation and promotion of a company are known as __________
2) The Articles and memorandum when registered become a public document,
therefore anyone who has dealing with the company shall be declined to
have notice of the contents of these document this is known as __________
3) Where a company can raise its share capital without making a public
offer for subscription through the prospectus, it has to fill atleast three
days before the allotment with the registrar of companies a statement
known as __________
4) Deferred share are also known as __________ shares.
5) To become the director of company the director must take his __________
shares within a period of two months after his appointment.

2. Write a detail note on memorandum of association. 10

3. Write a note on appointment and removal of directors. 10

Write a meaning of share and discuss in detail the kinds of shares and procedure
for allotment of shares.

4. Short answer type questions : 8

a) Solve any two : 4
1) Statement in lieu of prospectus.
2) Promoter
3) Doctrine of ultra-virus.
b) Difference between corporation and partnership firm. 4

5. Write short notes on any three : 12

1) Theories of corporate personality
2) Doctrine of Indoor management
3) Dematerialized shares
4) Modes of becoming a shareholder.
*SLR-GW-83A* SLR-GW – 83A

LL.B. (Semester – VI)/B.A.LL.B. (Semester – X) Examination, 2014


Day and Date : Friday, 12-12-2014 Max. Marks : 50

Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. A) Multiple choice questions : 5

1) According to ______________, “Debenture is a document given by a
company as evidence of a debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan
and most commonly secured by charge”.
a) Story b) Clair c) Topham d) Dixon
2) Section ______________ lays down the procedure for adjournment of
meeting for want of quorum.
a) Section 286 b) Section 287
c) Section 288 d) Section 285
3) The statutory report is required to be certified as correct by
______________ directors of the company.
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Five
4) ______________ resolution is necessary for alteration of Memorandum.
a) Simple b) Special
c) General d) Ordinary
5) Section 489 to 498 deals with the provisions relating to ______________
voluntary winding-up.
a) Members b) Creditors
c) Tribunal d) All of above
B) Fill in the blanks : 5
1) ______________ can be paid only out of the profits of the company.
2) ______________ means, every person liable to contribute to the assets
of a company in the event of its being wound-up.

SLR-GW – 83A *SLR-GW-83A*

3) ______________ is a person appointed or deputed by a member, to

participate and vote on his behalf in the meeting.
4) ______________ means any act exercised in a manner burdensome,
harsh and wrongful.
5) ______________ general meeting is called for transacting some urgent
or special business which cannot be postponed till next meetings.

2. Discuss the principles laid down in the case of Foss Vs Harbattle and state if
there are any exceptions to rule in Foss Vs Harbattle. 10

3. A) Discuss the various provisions provided under Companies Act, for prevention
of oppression and mismanagement. 10
B) Write a note on voluntary winding-up of a company. 10

4. A) Answer in short (any 2) : 4

1) FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999)
2) Subsidiary Company
3) Types of Debentures.
B) Write note on : 4
1) Dividend.

5. Write short notes (any 3) : 12

1) Powers of Liquidator
2) Government company
3) Amalgamation
4) Borrowing powers of company.


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