Media Notes For BCA VTH Sem

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Module 1 Mass media – Introduction

1.1 Meaning, Nature, Types, Functions

1.2 Mass Media and Technology
1.3 Mass Media and Education
1.4 Changing Trends in Mass Media

Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the
primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The
most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the
Internet. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information
regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.
Mass Media can be defined as a technology which is intended to communicate or
reach a mass audience. It is actually the primary means of communication for the general
public to communicate with each other as well as on a grander level. The most popular types
of mass media include Newspapers, Radio, Television, Internet, Magazines etc.
Advantages of Mass Media
There are numerous advantages of mass media in the contemporary world. From being
the watchdog of a democratic country to ensuring faster communication, different types of
mass media have various advantages and benefits such as:
 Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Mass media plays an essential role in shining the
spotlight on the masses as the general public can express their views and opinions
freely. This way, it becomes the voice of the voiceless thus giving the right platform
for the people to use their right to express freely.
 Effective and Wider Communication: It is through different types of mass media
from social media to the digital platforms that the world has transformed into a global
village. This way, mass communication has become useful for the people, businesses,
governments and the whole world to stay connected with each other.
 Diffusion of Diverse Cultures: Mass media also plays a massive part in spreading
arts and cultures to every nook and corner of the world. With the help of the internet,
anyone can learn a new language, know about a different culture or even travel the
whole world without physically going from one place to another.
 Encyclopaedia of Information: The internet is truly a massive open source of
information and different types of mass media from search engine platforms to social
media platforms and learning websites play a greater role in helping anyone learn
anything anywhere.
Apart from these, there are certain Disadvantages of Mass Media. They are:
 Easier Spread of Fake News
 Compromised Privacy
 Health Issues
 Glamorizing Censored Content and Topics
 Possibility of Fraud and Hacking
The most common examples of Mass Media are television, radio, newspapers, magazines,
social Media, digital media, the internet, etc.
These sources of disseminating information and news are considered ‗mass media‘. It
is a medium that is used to communicate with the masses or a large number of heterogeneous
audiences different kinds of information.
Mass Media comprises a wide range of media technologies to disseminate or reach over a
larger audience through mass communication. The major characteristics of Mass Media

Mass Media constitutes both technical and institutional methods for communication,
production and dissemination of news.

 It reaches larger audiences or masses and that‘s why is referred to as mass media.
 Mass Media has the power to influence society and is also impacted by what’s
happening in society itself.
 Audience or the masses are offered with a wide variety of choices in terms of
content, media platform, etc. to choose from the type of mass media they want to


There are various types of mass media such as print media (newspapers, books,
magazines), broadcast media (television, radio), digital media (internet) as well as video
games, music, cell phones, films etc. All these types of mass media comprise content as well
as a device or object which is the medium for delivering the content. There are 6 main types
of Mass Media. They are:
1. Traditional Media
2. Print Media
3. Electronic/Broadcasting Media
4. Outdoor Media or Out of Home Media (OOH)
5. Transit Media
6. Digital Media/New Media/Internet

Traditional Media
People have developed different ways of communication depending upon their local
language and culture. Traditional media is one of the oldest types of mass media to transfer
traditions and culture over generations. The tools of communication have been developed
from beliefs, customs, rituals, and practices of society. Traditional media imparts indigenous
ways of communication for ages. Further, this type of mass media varied as per each culture
and society as every culture has their own mediums to communicate to their mass audience.
Thus, the traditional media can be folk songs, dances, folktales and folklore as well as
paintings, sculptures, stupas, statues and fairs, festivals, rural or community radio and
announcement mediums like nagada, etc.
Print Media
In simple words, Print Media is all about the printed form of information and news. Before
the invention of the printing press, printed materials had to be hand-written that made mass
distribution almost impossible. Print media is one of the basic types of mass media tools
making it very popular and convenient to reach a wider audience. Newspapers are considered
as the oldest forms of mass media after the traditional mass media as for a long period of
time, the general public relied on newspapers to know the latest happenings in their local
areas as well as from around the world. Thus, print media originally refers to newspapers and
then expanded towards magazines, tabloids, promotional brochures, journals, books, novels
and comics.

Electronic Broadcasting Media

Broadcasting is simply a distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed
audience using the electronic broadcasting medium. Originally the term ‗broadcasting‘
referred to the sowing of seeds on farms by scattering them over the large field. Broadcast
media allows ease of news dissemination to even an illiterate person because it appeals to
both the auditory and visual senses making it one of the most profitable types of mass media.
Centuries later after the newspapers were used as the original mass media, the advent of radio
and television happened. Radio was the primary medium of news for the general public
during wars as well as for sports and entertainment. When television was invented, it became
the most effective type of mass media as it was primarily used for news dissemination and
then for TV shows, live events and other entertainment purposes.
Some Forms of Broadcasting Media are Television, Radio (AM, FM, Pirate Radio,
Terrestrial Radio, and Satellite) Traditional Telephone ,Film/Movie/Motion Picture ,Video
Games, Audio Recording and Reproduction
Outdoor Media
This is also known as OOH or Out-of-Home Media and is focussed on transmitting
information and news when the public is outside their home. Outdoor media gives importance
to display advertising and attracting individuals towards new products, some social cause or
any development or change in the society. These are prominent in brand promotion seen on
buildings, streets, electric polls, roadside, vehicles, screens, kiosks, etc. This is one of the
most prominent types of mass media used for commercial as well as public welfare
advertising and mainly includes billboards, banners, posters, brochure distribution, ComPark
Advertising, Wallscape etc.
Transit Media
Transit Media revolves around the concept of advertising and information
dissemination when consumers are ―on the go‖ in public places or in transit. These include
display advertising on vehicles and transportation. With the aim ―driving home a message‖
transit media is significantly used for massive brand promotion to millions of people who
travel the country‘s streets and highways every day. Some people might think that this type of
mass media is out dated or ineffective, yet it is widely visible on the sides of buses, in subway
cars, at transit stations where passengers enter or leave from public transportation. Some
Forms of Transit Media are Bus Advertising, Railway Advertising, Taxi Advertising and
Transit Shelter Advertising
New Media or Digital Media:
Since the invention of the World Wide Web by English scientist Tim Berners-Lee in
1989, the Internet has drastically taken over all the types of mass media because of faster
dissemination speed and higher digital technology. New Media is an interactive two-way
communication with users being the active producers of content and information. The
Internet is considered as a highly interactive mass medium and can be simply defined as the
―network of networks‖. It has quickly transformed as the centre of the mass media as it has
marvellously integrated all the prominent types of mass media. Now, we can watch news
websites, broadcasted TV shows as well as listen to online radio using the internet and this is
also called as the convergence of mass media.
New Media is normally a re-conceptualization of the existing media. This is a rapidly
growing mass media with the ease of accessibility with a computer and an Internet
connection (broadband or Wi-Fi).
a rapidly growing mass media with the ease of accessibility with a computer and an Internet
connection (broadband or Wi-Fi).
Mass media refers to media technologies used to disseminate information to a wide
audience. The key function of mass media is to communicate various messages through
television, movies, advertising, radio, the internet, magazines, and newspapers.
Other Functions of Mass Media:
Mass communication doesn‘t exist for a single purpose. With its evolution, more and more
uses have developed and the role it plays in our lives has increased greatly. Some of the
function of mass communication that offer insight into its role in our lives are :
Surveillance: The first function of mass communication is to serve as the eyes and ears for
those seeking information about the world. Some of the main sources for collecting
information related to the world are the internet, televisions, and newspapers. Normally,
society depends on various mass media for news and information about their daily lives, it
reports the weather, current issues, the latest celebrity gossip and even start times for games.
News apps have made mass communication surveillance instantly accessible by sending
notifications to smartphones with the latest news.
Correlation: Correlation addresses how the media presents facts that we use to move
through the world. The information received through mass communication is not objective
and without bias. That is why People ironically state ―it must be true if it‘s on the internet.‖
But, in the past without a doubt people stated that ―it has to be true‖ because it was on the
radio. Here arises the need to find out how much correlation is there between the reality and
the news these media‘s report. Normally, media personnel selects, arranges, interprets, edits,
and critiques the information used in the media. The more the correlation between reality and
news reported the more the credibility media house has.
Sensationalization: There is an old saying in the news industry ―if it bleeds, it leads,‖ which
highlights the idea of Sensationalization. Sensationalization is when the media puts forward
the most sensational messages to electrify the consumers. Elliot observes, ―Media managers
think in terms of consumers rather than citizens. Good journalism sells, but unfortunately,
bad journalism sells as well. And, bad journalism-stories that simply repeat government
claims or that reinforce what the public wants to hear instead of offering independent
reporting -is cheaper and easier to produce‖
Entertainment: Most mass communication simultaneously entertains and informs. People
often turn to media during the leisure time to provide an escape from boredom and relief from
the predictability of our everyday lives. People also rely on media to take them to places
where they could not afford to go or imagine, to be informed about various culture, and to
laugh, think or cry. Entertainment can have the secondary effect of providing companionship
and/or a relief through these media.
Transmission: Mass media is a vehicle to transmit cultural norms, values, rules, and habits.
It plays a significant role in the socialization process. It teaches us the do‘s and the don‘ts of
society. Not only this, but also it updates us with the latest fashions, trends, films, music,
economic, social and technological changes etc. Major factors which decide the extend of
influence mass media has on people are culture, age, type of media, and other cultural
Mobilization: Mass communication functions to mobilize people during times of crisis For
example, during the Kerala Flood 2018, regardless of one‘s association to the incident, people
took the nature‘s attack as a nation and they followed the news to remain safe and also to
make others safe. With instant access to media and information, people can collectively
witness the same events taking place in real time somewhere else, thus mobilizing a large
population of people around a particular event.
Validation: Mass communication functions to validate the status and norms of particular
individuals, movements, organizations, or products. The validation of particular people or
groups serves to enforce social norms. For example, In television dramas and films, who are
the primary characters? What gender and ethnicity are the majority of the stars? What gender
and ethnicity are those that play criminals or those considered abnormal? The media
validates/confirms particular cultural norms while diminishing differences and variations
from those norms. A great deal of criticism focuses on how certain groups are promoted, and
others marginalized by how they are portrayed in mass media.

Thus to sum up, mass media provide information to people to be put to use by them for their
welfare. It involves everything ranging from the weather condition to the local, national and
international events such as politics, wars, and natural disasters. In large cities and big towns
where people are more self-centred and separated from each other, the media keep them
informed about what are going around them. Moreover, mass media now play an increasing
role in socialisation of the young. Though family, peer group and school normally acts as
primary agents of socialisation with the development of mass media (newspapers, magazines,
radio, televisions, cinema, etc.) youth started depending more on media especially digital
media. Musicians, poets, dancers, singers, sport heroes, actors, actresses give young people
new ideas about how to behave and how to dress. Certain values, attitudes and beliefs
projected through media are also imbibed by them. Media also helps in maintaining cultural
continuity i.e., they play an important role in keeping cultures alive. In the fast changing
world, several elements of culture are disappearing from the scene. By showing these
elements in media programmes, the people are reminded of the existence of such elements or
cultural practices. In India for example, it is radio which broadcasts programmes of classical
music and attempts to continue this tradition.
Mass media has been one of the most significant forces in modern culture. All types of
mass media communication whether written, broadcast or spoken reach a larger audience
thus creating a massive impact. Here are the important functions of Mass Media:

 Mass media plays a crucial role in shaping how we view the world.
 Intensive use of mass media has resulted in the world to appear smaller and closer.
 It also promotes the distribution of goods and services.
 The fundamental objectives of mass media are to inform, educate and entertain the
 It is known to be an important player in democracy and the smooth functioning of the
 Media is the watchdog of society.
 Mass media works to transmit heritage and cultural values.
 The rise of new mass media creates a global platform to bring people together.

Nature/Characteristics and Features of Mass Communication:

Mass communication plays a vital role in today's world. People are hungry for
information, which drives the huge platform of mass communication to grow larger and
stronger every day. Mass communication seeks to convey essential and relevant data to the
large masses.
Some of the key features and characteristics of Mass Communication are:
Rapid: Messages communicated through media like television, mobile phones, and
televisions are transmitted very little to no time to their audiences, irrespective of their
geography. Newspapers and magazines take a few days to be distributed but can even cover
the remotest areas where technology couldn't.
Freedom: Individuals are free to choose channels, media houses, movies, etc., of their
interest, and no one can coerce them.
Unbiased: The information and target audiences might be biased, but the technology is the
same and follows equal rights policy.
Wider Options: A very distinct feature of mass communication is the variety it offers. One
can choose from a million movies, channels, etc. The diversity of options is so huge that
people of all kinds can find what interests them most.
One-way Flow: The flow of information is one way; it is outward and not inward.
Heterogeneous Audience: Mass Communication's audiences are limited to a specific set of
people, but the audiences consist of different ages, gender, geographical region, culture,
tradition, religions, and languages.
Wide and Vast: Mass Communication covers a very wider area, and the number of people
goes beyond billions.
Requires Professionals: The Mass Communication industry requires professionals such as
anchors, journalists, RJs, PRs, producers, engineers, directors, etc.
Uses Electronic Devices and Modern Technology: Mass Communication uses electronic
devices to transmit and receive information. It uses tech devices such as mobile phones,
television, radio, computers, etc., as these are faster and portable.
Maintains Anonymity: People can choose to keep their identity anonymous unless chosen
The term ‗Media‘ can be defined as a collective term for television, radio, cinema and
the press. The media are nowadays often discussed as a single entity, because of their
combined importance as providers of entertainment and information, their presumed power to
mould public opinion and set standards and the growth of cross-ownership among the various
sectors. The word was however, originally derived from the word ‗medium‘, which suggested
a medium for the transfer of information. Media are channels through which information is
transmitted or through which communication takes place.
While, ‗Information Technology‘ could be described as a term commonly used to cover the
range of technologies relevant to the transfer of information, in particular to computers,
digital electronics and telecommunications.
So it is quite clear that certain connection exist between the two terms in that they are
both involved in the transfer of information to some extent. As years passed, we can see that
an explosion of innovation relating the internet to the more traditional media has taken place.
Technology such as the E-Book, Internet Television, Internet Radio coupled with the fact that
so many printed magazines, newspapers and journals now also have a presence on-line has
shown that the trend seems to be for convergence. Media and Information Technology have
entered an era where technological changes are removing many of the distinctions between
telecommunications, broadcasting and IT. Consumers can watch television programmes on
their computers, send emails from their television sets and access the internet from their
mobile phones.
Finally then, it must be said that this trend for convergence – bringing Media and
Information Technology together – is one that seems to be here to stay, at least for the
immediate future. Soon, it might be possible to access all forms of media from one appliance
or all forms of media may in fact become one – reached from a number of appliances. Just
like the success of the internet, it‘s hard to predict what might happen.
Revolutionary Changes in Mass Media with the advent of New Technology:
At the dawn of a new era, vast expansion of human communication is profoundly
influencing culture everywhere. Revolutionary technological changes are only part of what is
happening, which is unifying humanity and turning it into what is known as a global village.
But it is changed in the concept of global room, because recent decades also have witnessed
remarkable developments in the technology of communicating.
These includes both the rapid evolution of previously existing technologies and the
emergence of new telecommunications and technologies, satellites, cable television, fibre
optics, video cassettes, compacts disks, computerized image making and other computer and
digital technology and much more else. Obviously this is the age of information technology
that information technology brought a revolution in the field of media industry also.
Major changes occurred in the media industry are:
1. Mass Digitalization: Digital has almost replaced the print. The historical barriers to
this transition (generational preference, convenience, ease of use) are slowly breaking
down. Shortly a complete take over by the digital media will come about.
2. Media companies are utilising Information Technology to reach a wider audience.
Changing technology, or machines, and making technology more modern, helps
media to reach more people.
3. The conventional mass media has been replaced by up to date most complicated and
most sophisticated media.
4. The technological advancement has boosted up the overall growth of media industry.
5. Information revolution had made the information process speedy and rapid, news and
information can be sent in a flash to any corner of the world.
6. Composing, printing, animation, diagrams, audio, video visuals, large data storage
and centralized newspapers & magazines publishing is only possible through the use
of new technology. Online newspaper editions are also possible through this rapid
7. It also improves the quality of sound and the images that the people see.
8. It also changes the ways in which the people think about their lives
9. Technology speeds up the communication between people.
10. Technology provides convenience to use more than one method of communication.
Now people can use email, social media, chat messengers, video conferencing, video
calls, images, videos, symbols, diagrams, charts and emoticons etc. for the
11. The advent of new digital media has brought the conditions of the old technologies
into sharper relief, and made the public more conscious of the media environment.
12. The line between traditional media and digital media is gone. They are both one in the
same now, and companies need to figure out how they both work in combination to
deliver the right content, to the right audiences, at the right time.
13. One may not have to meet the media more often, but the relationship can even be
managed by being connected and remaining engaged in the virtual environment.
Observing a Facebook post, reacting and commenting upon, adding value to the
posted content, reacting to a blog, a tweet, fleet, or a story on the social media handles
of the journalists can still be a way to remain in sight and visible in their mind space
without intruding their personal space and time.
14. Social media is used by almost all media today in some or another manner. Media
persons do remain active and participate in discussions related to their choice of
subjects irrespective of their designated beats for covering as a part of their jobs. Most
of the reporters, copy editors, bureau chiefs, and senior editors today will have either
a presence on Twitter, or a blog, or social media page/profile in their names by
expressing their views, ideas, thoughts, and opinions on these platforms.
15. Moving Forward: Forward-thinking media companies are investing in technology to
keep up with-and surpass-the competition from other media houses.
Accordingly, technology has created a revolution in the media industry over the past few
decades. Primarily information and communication technologies have been strong growth
drivers connecting the world, shrinking the globe, and humanity to flourish. But
unimaginable changes have been bought in the ways people try to outreach, discuss, interact,
share, and communicate over the past few decades. What was once available to the privileged
few while the technologies were being launched, today they are in pervasive abundance and
available for every one of us. For example: During mid-90s when mobile phones were
launched in India, they were valued more than precious gems in society. Only the rich and
privileged in the society had access to them which they could display. But now it is with
every common man.
Thus an analysis of the media industry brings out how innovation and disruption are
currently changing the landscape of this business. From digitalization to the explosion of
freelance resources, the media industry is being impacted from almost every direction. And
this is only the beginning. Major trends are influencing the direction of media, so expect
some additional shake-ups in the near future!
Education is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to text-books. It is a
holistic process and continues throughout our life. Even the regular happenings and events
around us educate us, in one or the other way. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the
existence of human beings is fruitless without education. An educated person has the ability
to change the world, as he/she is brimming with confidence and assured of making the right
moves. It Makes Better Citizens, Ensures a Productive Future, Opens New Vistas, Spreads
Awareness, Helps in Decision-Making, Reinforces Confidence.
The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media
denotes an item specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers. The term was first
used with the advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the
term broadened by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet. In the world of today,
media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing. It is true that media is playing an
outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain the
people. It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a strong social
and cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of
public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion and awareness. The role
of media in education is evident today by the number of computer labs, television sets and
libraries that have become part of the curriculum. Media comes in different forms and each
form affects the way students learn and interpret information. Media has brought the world
closer (globalization) so that now students from different universities in different parts of the
world are connected through a mere internet connection. Amidst the information revolution
mass media has become such a massive part of our lives.
Role of Mass Media in providing Education
Mass media :- Television programs, internet websites, feature-length films, newspapers,
music tapes and CDs, magazines, billboards, radio programs: essentially, a tool/technology
which is used by someone to transmit a message to a large external audience is called mass
media. John Dewey stated that education could not be limited within teacher and taught
without social environment. So mass media is one such potent force in the social environment
of education. Through modern electronic techniques and technologies, mass media prove that
education is, really comprehensive not confined within four walls of the classroom. Really,
mass media are the educational medium for the mass and mass education. Irrespective of
caste, colour, geographical, sociological, economical diversities mass media prove as an
important means for the education to all. Mankind gets a great deal of information from the
wide spread mass media i.e. newspaper, TV, radio, magazines, journals, films, etc. It is
estimated that mass media may substitute the real classroom teaching in future.
Functions of Mass Media from Educational Point of View:
1) Providing Information: These media help in disseminating information for the mass.
People acquire different knowledge very quickly.
2) Providing vocational information: Media help in providing vocational and professional
information to a larger group of the community.
3) Spreading awareness and civic responsibility: People can be aware of different
problems of the society and their role in changing society through mass media. People know
their rights and duties for the nation clearly.
4) Educational programmes: Mass Media help in forming suitable habit for different
programmes and they utilize their leisure time in a productive way. It also influences the
behaviour of the people through different programmes.
5) Role as a non-formal agency: Now in an advanced society mass media are not treated as
informal agencies of education. They are called non-formal agencies due to its wide coverage
of educational items in a systematic way. It is viewed that these media can substitute the
classroom teaching in future. Therefore, mass media are the main means of educating the
society. These are the cheapest and quickest means of the education for the people. The
impact and motivation is very quick through mass media. The teacher must use the
educational media and methods effectively in the classroom.
6. Mass media for rural education and environmental awareness: Mass media and print
media and its usage play an important role for the development of rural education. Various
forms of mass media such as television, radio, handy video cameras, interactive video,
computer and print media (newspapers, magazines bulletins, leaflets) can be used for the
development of rural education. Doordarshan is telecasting the latest information on
agricultural education and rural development through electronic media, covering majority of
rural population. The findings of various studies stated that impact of TV was more on small
farmers and illiterates.
They watched the agricultural programmes and adopted the recommended practices.
A majority of the farmers viewed TV programmes for the sake of education. Agriculture is
the mainstay of the Indian economy and approximately half of the Indian population still gets
their livelihood directly from agriculture.
Most of India's poor live in rural areas and are engaged in agriculture. Climate change
and food security have become burning issues in the world. Continued deforestation is a
major challenge for forests and livelihood and one of the major causes of environmental
degradation in India can be attributed to rapid growth of population, which is adversely
affecting the natural resources and environment.
The growing trends of population and consequent demand for food, energy and
housing have considerably altered land - use practices and severely degraded forest area as
well as environment. These include pressure on land and forests, loss of biodiversity, rising
demand for energy, global warming, climate change, water scarcity and pollution. For
agricultural development, knowledge and information on farm technologies, methods and
practices need to be imparted to the farmers at the right time.
Mass media (electronic and print media) are playing very important role in creating
environmental awareness and dissemination of new agricultural technologies among the rural
people. Different information tools like radio, television and newspaper are spreading
awareness related to climate change and environment protection among the rural people at
the faster rate than personal contact. The production and distribution of printed materials such
as book, magazines, newspaper and brochure may help in transfer of new information‘s and
technologies whereas radio and television are the important tools for dissemination of quick
The Role of Social Media in Education Life:
These days we are living in the fast developing society which every day offers its
inhabitants a great number of new possibilities. Predominantly, these unique opportunities
concern the advancement of social media that have noticeably invaded the modern education
world. In fact, it is not a secret that the majority of teachers and professors highly appreciate
the power of these tools which lies in the ability to engage, motivate as well as to involve the
students into deep thoughts and sensible discussions. In general, the term ―social media‖
implies the number of activities that include socializing and networking online through
words, pictures and videos. To some extent, it is a two way discussion which brings people
together to discover and share some information, interests as well as ideas. Certainly, social
media can range from social bookmarking, where all users have a chance to share their online
libraries of links and connect to each other‘s lists within a definite online community, to
online collaboration spaces.
Implementation of Social Media into Education Life
Nowadays, many educational establishments are beginning to embrace social media
into their everyday life. It is a well-known fact that Twitter and Facebook are considered to
be the fastest ways of finding information that might be of great value for all students.
Remarkably, these websites can be easily used for creating a discussion in the classroom.
Interestingly, it is possible to create a chat room that can be embedded later to some blog and
scheduled to open at a specified time. Actually, all teachers can easily pull new stories from
any of these online sources and the students can put any questions in order to develop the
further discussion of the previously downloaded article. Speaking about various blogs, they
can be utilized to encourage creative writing and to enrich grammar skills. Thus, the
professors here are welcome to suggest their requirements for writing projects that are to be
fulfilled by the students within certain deadlines.
On the whole, one of the biggest assets of each social media tool lies in bringing
together the students of all ages to help them with all types of assignments, starting with the
homework and finishing with different researches. It is
worth mentioning that such phenomenon as geo-tagging has a great future perspective in
education life, owing to the fact that it can be used to target and find necessary data about the
places that are being studied. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that social media
can assist the students in solving their engagement crisis. Indeed, the lack of engagement has
become the main reason for students‘ expulsion both from the course and college. In this
case, social media engages them into close communication and collaboration with their
instructors so that the studying process is properly maintained.
Importance of Media in the Classroom
Media in the classroom engage students in learning and provide a richer experience.
Media are useful tools for illustrating a lesson, allowing students to see examples of what
they are learning. Interactive media such as Smart Boards allow students to move items on a
screen for illustrative purposes. Students view media as exciting learning aids, making
learning entertaining and less monotonous. Moreover media:
 Appeal to Multiple Learning Styles:
Media appeal to visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners. Students can watch a movie, listen
to music or interact with digital media on an interactive Smart Board. Effective teachers do
not rely on teaching students in merely one style but use a variety of styles to reach the
greatest number of students. Providing a rich learning experience through classroom media
keeps students focused and engaged in learning.
 Creates an Authentic Learning Experience
Using newspapers, brochures, job application forms and news broadcasts provides authentic
opportunities for students to learn using real-world media. This method simulates real-life
experiences in which students must read, evaluate and interpret information based on items
that they need in their daily lives. When students use objects from the real world, they can see
the connection between what they learn in class and how they can use the knowledge as a
member of society.
 Strengthens Critical-Thinking Skills
Teachers can use media to enhance critical-thinking skills. Students can write about a song,
interpret a movie or interpret a news broadcast. Teachers can use the media to ask probing
questions and facilitate discussions that extend beyond basic comprehension questions.
Teachers can also create projects in which students develop their own media, using classroom
media as a model. This hands-on activity challenges students to formulate media, using their
own creativity and interpretations from classroom media.
 Teaches Students to Use Media
Using media in the classroom teaches students how to use and care for resources to further
their education. Students not only learn how to use the Internet, a dictionary or a newspaper
for information, but they also learn how to care for and protect the items they use, according
to the Centre for Media Literacy. Students can also learn how to determine the value of media
and learn methods to contribute to society, producing their own media.
Thus to conclude, we can see that the media has the power of educating people, the
good and the bad. Since it affect the eyes, the ears and the mind simultaneously nothing can
overcome the influence of the media. The media in the advanced society should perform a
noble mission of enlightening people and discourage sectarian, communal and divisive
trends. Media integration is consistently referred to as a relatively new phenomenon in
education. The power of media is so extensive and huge; it can be used to educate people
with very little cost. Media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around
them and the world. They cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health,
finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved into
creation of dedicated TV & radio channels and magazines. People can listen, watch and read
latest news whenever and wherever they want.
Mass media is an ever changing entity. It has been very useful and has played a big
role in the formation and extraction of the people‘s opinion; it is also a way to reflect their
ideas of many relevant issues. It has been a bridge to communicate with the people around
the world, introducing new things to new people. With COVID-19 forcing people to stay
indoors, media consumption seems to have got a rocket thrust. Some of the changing trends
in mass media are:
1. New ways of distribution: The rise of social media, democratic internet access, and
the proliferation of smartphones and tablets has changed the demands and
expectations of media consumers. The result is a surprising variety of new digital
products and services.
2. Audience Segmentation: It is a process of dividing people into homogeneous
subgroups depending on their media usage, communication behaviour, demographics
etc. This will help the media houses to come up with variety products which will cater
the needs of each group.
3. Increased Audience Control: The audience has more control on what they want to
see and through which platform. If they are not happy with what they are seeing they
can switch to other platforms. Because of the technological advancements everything
is available in one equipment.
4. Video on Demand: The video on demand (VoD) market is expected to grow
globally. Subscription-based VoD services like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ provide
users with access to bundles based on a subscription model, and these seem to be the
consumer favourite. Others, like Google Play Movies, allow users to rent content that
can be downloaded to or streamed on a device of their choice. Tiered distribution
models like Hotstar offer content through a basic free tier and a premium tier
structure. Consumer convenience is the common thread followed by all industry
players. A significant trend in this sector is the rise of streaming on mobile devices.
With mobile penetration rising in millennials, media companies are eager to tap into
this whole new segment of the population.
5. Live streaming: With streaming being an engaging way of delivering the content,
more industries are now doing live streaming to reach out to their audiences. Brands
routinely go live on social media and other channels to promote products, interact
with viewers, and answer questions. This is an effective approach to cultivate a strong
community around the brand. Consequently, live streaming has become a regular
fixture in marketing plans. Media companies are now capable of streaming high-
quality content with efficient compression and lower bandwidth usage.
6. Intelligent media: Where everyone wins: In the days before the explosion of
intelligent media, people meters were installed for free in households and TRP
(Target Rating Points/Television Rating Points) was used to measure the number of
people watching a particular show at a particular time. Unfortunately, this
measurement gave only a limited sample picture. VoD and streaming services have
hacked their way around this dilemma by generating copious amounts of analytics
data from each individual‘s viewing session. This helps them generate targeted
content for each viewer‘s persona, i.e., a personalized experience. Everything—from
the interface that greets users when they log on to a service to the ads that are played
on their smart devices—has been carefully planted to encourage optimum
7. Contextual media: Today‘s advertisers have figured out that context is king. This has
paved the way for a contextual media gold rush where advertisements are selected and
served by automated systems based on the context of what a user is looking at. The
USP of contextual media is that it seamlessly blends in with the content and the
aesthetic of the page it is displayed on. Apart from encouraging user engagement,
contextual media also has the advantage of not disrupting the viewing experience
8. Video intelligence: Precise video analysis, enabled by AI tools like Google‘s Video
Intelligence API (Application Programming Interface), automatically recognizes a
vast number of objects, places, and actions in stored and streaming video. This
technology can identify and extract metadata at the video, shot, or frame-level, giving
creators the ability to index and organize their video catalogue automatically. The
result is simplified media management for the end-user.
9. Advertising: Server-side video ad technologies like Dynamic Ad Insertion are
capable of inserting video ads into live streaming and video on demand. The deep
insights available through a modern video ad server enable advertisers to serve
customized ads to different consumers during the same stream. This is real-time
campaign optimization and a win-win for all parties.
10. Consumer engagement via new medium: Consumers have developed selective
blindness to traditional ad delivery strategies. In the age of diminishing attention span,
the widespread use of ad blockers, and a multitude of content channels, media
companies need to get creative to engage with their user base. For a consumer to
engage with an ad, it must be relevant to them and presented in a novel, creative
format. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are causing seismic shifts
in consumer engagement. As communication tools, AR and VR have the potential to
overthrow written sales copies. For instance, music artists now live stream their
content through VR so that enthusiasts who are unable to attend the concert in person
can still be part of the experience. Unlike images and banners, AR is the way to
interact with consumers, thus creating an emotional connection with them.
11. MOOC: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available
for anyone to enrol. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new
skills, advance one‘s career. People are spending more time on social media networks.
India has 448 million social media users who spend 2.25 hours on average every day,
shows Global Statistics‘ report. This number is expected to grow even further as more
users will migrate from feature phones to smartphones.
12. Metaverse in social media: Facebook‘s ambitious plan to transform into an
augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) based social network called Metaverse
(merging of virtual, augmented and physical reality which blurs the line between your
interactions online and in real life) has also triggered a lot of interest globally
including in India. Even though Facebook‘s Metaverse work is still in progress and
may take years to be ready for mass use, other social media companies can be
expected to cash on the trend with their version of Metaverse. Several Indian start-ups
are already working on Metaverse for celebrities where they can interact with their
fans through digital avatars and sell merchandise as non-fungible tokens (NFT).
13. Voice-based social networks: Voice is the hot new medium for group chats on social
media. The recent success of the voice-only social network Clubhouse, founded only
in 2020, is a testimony of that. Twitter already has a voice-only mode called Spaces,
while Facebook is working on something on similar lines.
14. NFT and block chain on social media: NFT or non-fungible tokens have generated
a lot of interest on social media networks. Now social media companies want to drive
the conversation on NFT. Twitter recently teased a new feature that would allow its
users to authenticate NFTs on the platform and even display their NFT by linking
their crypto wallets or Open Sea accounts with Twitter. On another note, users will
soon be able to sign into their online services including social media networks using
Ethereum accounts.
15. More growth in the social media commerce Using social media as a virtual
showroom to display products is not new. What is new is that now social media
companies are allowing consumers to purchase products directly from the platforms.
The availability of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) in WhatsApp is expected to drive
this trend further. According to a WAT Consult report, the number of consumers
engaging in social media commerce in India is expected to reach 228 million by the
end of 2022, up from 157 million this year.
Competition in media is intensifying. Where once Netflix cornered a significant
market share in the OTT space and still does, production studios are brainstorming why they
should not venture into this space themselves, especially since they own vast IPs. OTT
players, on the other hand, are pouring money into developing their own content in fear of
these new players catching up to them. With new streaming services, backed by extensive
content libraries emerging frequently, the competition in the market has increased by
manifolds. On the flip side, this means that the consumer is spoilt for choice!
However, the media industry is priming itself to keep meeting changing consumer
demands that seemingly have no end in sight. Fast-changing trends are also sprouting new
challenges every day. Key players are more than happy to play this game since it translates to
an increase in their bottom line. Advancements in technologies further help them garner
additional revenue. While staying in the loop and adopting new tech trends can seem like a
resource and money-intensive task, the benefits are there for all to see. Consumers are happy
to shell out more for engaging content and a seamless entertainment experience.

‗Work hard because you have a dream‘

Notes Developed by
Dr. Anju Elizabeth Cherian

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