Module 2 Media Notes Bca

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Module- 2: Definition, Meaning, Functions, Types - Inter Personal, Public, Authoritarian and

Pre requisites of Communication – Intelligence, Knowledge, Language, Pronunciation, Body
Means of Communication - Propaganda, Advertisement, Public Opinion, Public Speech,
Written, Electronic, Documental. Barriers in Communication
Communication: Meaning & Definition
The exact meaning of the word communicate is ‗to share‘ or ‗to participate‘. The
dictionaries say that communication is the transmission of a message or information by
speaking or writing. Another dictionary declares that communication is giving or exchanging
information, signals, messages by talk or gestures or writing. Another definition says that
communication is social intercourse. Communication is all this and much more.
Simply, communication means an act of transferring information from one place,
person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message
and a recipient. The transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a
huge range of things. The steps involved in communication or communication process can be
diagrammatically expressed as follows:

Communication requires a sender, the person who initiates communication, to transfer

their thoughts or encode a message. This message is sent to the receiver, a person who
receives the message, and finally, the receiver must decode, or interpret the message.

Definition: ―Communication is transfer of information from one person to another, whether
or not it elicits confidence. But the information transferred must be understandable to the
receiver‖ – G.G. Brown.
―Communication is the intercourse by words, letters or messages‖- Fred G. Meyer.
Pre requisites of Communication
 Listen Carefully to the Conversation. Listening is a key element required for effective
 Be Concise, Complete and Correct.
 Incorporate Feedback into the Message.
 Show Respect through the Conversation.
 Use appropriate Non-Verbal Communication too.
Moreover, 7c’s can be considered as the necessities or prerequisites for an effective

A Communication to be effective must be concise, concrete, complete, correct and

clear. Whatever matter is communicated it must be done in a courteous manner.
Consideration is another important requirement for an effective communication. Moreover
factors like Intelligence, Knowledge, Language, Pronunciation and Body Language has a
very important role in making one‘s communication more effective.
Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and control one‘s own emotions as well
as understand other people‘s emotions enables for improvements in how we communicate
with others. Without emotional intelligence we cannot understand anybody‘s communication
properly. Emotional intelligence is about interpersonal savvy – relating well to all types of
individuals, establishing relationships and building rapport to achieve goals, using diplomacy
and tact to solve problems and resolve conflicts.

Knowledge: Active listening involves paying close attention to what others are saying, and
asking clarifying questions to demonstrate interest and understanding. This facilitates
effective communication while simultaneously allowing us to show respect and build
relationships with the other person with whom we are communicating.
Language: To most people, language comes naturally. We learn how to communicate even
before we can talk and as we grow older, we find ways to manipulate language to truly
convey what we want to say with words and complex sentences. Of course, not all
communication is through language, but mastering a language certainly helps speed up the
process. This is one of the many reasons why language is important. Language is what makes
us human. It is how people communicate. By learning a language, it means you have
mastered a complex system of words, structure, and grammar to effectively communicate
with others. Of course, not all communication is through language, but mastering a language
certainly helps speed up the process.
Pronunciation: Pronunciation is an aspect of verbal communication which makes the
communication more attractive and effective. Pronunciation is vital to proper communication
because the incorrect use of pronunciation inevitably leads to the message being
misunderstood by the recipient. Another important aspect is the proper use of English
pronunciation help in highlighting and adding value to an individual speaking English.
Body Language: Body language involves a host of nonverbal cues or signs such as body
movements, facial expressions, tone of voice and gestures in communication. Reading these
signs is an important part of communication. The importance of body language is that
it assists us an understanding and decoding what the person is saying. Body language also
helps interpret other peoples' moods and emotions. Apart from this, it enhances our conscious
understanding of people's reactions to what we say and how we say it.
The importance of body language lies in the manner in which it impacts your personal
brand. Whether it‘s a job interview, or even an average day in one‘s life as an employee, how
one presents them is important. Positive body language suggests that one is approachable,
attentive and open to new ideas and suggestions. Improving your posture will give the
impression that a person is interested and focused. The importance of body language is not
only limited to formal communication. Changing any negative nonverbal cues will increase
your self-confidence and self-esteem. Once you see people responding positively to you as a
friend, employee, co-worker or leader, your internal motivation will increase as well.


The four main functions of communication are:
1. Control Member Behaviour,
2. Foster motivation for what is to be done,
3. Provide information needed to make a decision and
4. Provide a release for emotional expression.
Apart from this, communication serves many other functions. They are:
5. Informative Function: Another main function of communication is to share with others
facts, information, and knowledge. In classrooms, most of our speaking activities are directed
to get and give information to develop or improve our knowledge and skills and to imbibe
good values. In social organizations, information is shared to guide people on the processes
and procedures necessary to operate efficiently and effectively.
6. Instructive Function: More experienced people who hold important information, and
those in the higher rank communicate to instruct people on what to do, when and where to do
them, and on why and how to do them.
3. Persuasive Function: In order to influence the opinion of others, to believe and accept
your stand or claim on an issue or a problem; appropriate strategies may be adopted so as to
persuade them to change their perspectives or opinion and to decide accordingly.
4. Motivation Function: People communicate to entice and direct people to act and reach
their objectives or goals in life. In this process, people use positive language to make them
realize that their actions lead them to something beneficial for their being.
5. Aesthetic Function: Communication is also used for pleasure and enjoyment.
6. Therapeutic Function or Emotional Expression: Communication is curative and serves
to maintain good health. For example talking to friends about the personal problems, clearing
the doubts and difficulties with the teacher etc. Sometimes, we talk to other people not for

seeking their help but for venting our problems/sorrows. After the talk, we find ourselves in a
much better condition to think over matters that trouble us.
7. Regulation/Control Function: People use communication to maintain control over other
people‘s attitude and behaviour. Our parents use it to guide, inspire, or warn us when we
seem to lose control over our schedule, studies, and relationships, among others. In
classrooms, our teachers and the administrators use communication to direct our efforts to
positive channels in order to learn new skills, gain more knowledge, develop competencies,
and imbibe good values. In the workplace, leaders and managers use communication to
maintain control over their employees and their work environment, or to encourage them in
their work. The media use communication to urge the public to patronize a new product or
service, to support an advocacy or rally against a cause, or even to remove government
officials from office.
8. Social Interaction: Communication helps us to start, maintain, regulate, or even end
relationships with other people. A positive climate is established at home, in classroom, and
in the workplace by greeting the people around us and by exchanging pleasantries with them.
We welcome our new classmates or colleagues by smiling at them and chatting with them
about any topic with the intention of getting to know each other and to feel that ―we belong.‖
Likewise, we avoid communicating with a person when our relationship with him/her turns
sour. Our nonverbal language tells the other person that we are using communication in order
to stop communicating with him/her.
Moreover, communication helps us to understand not only the people around us but
also ourselves. It helps us to examine what we know about ourselves as people react to what
we say and do. Other people‘s attitude and behaviour can also be understood by observing
their actions and listening to their opinions, beliefs, preferences, and feelings. Most
relationships are nourished and deepened when the communicators willingly share their
thoughts, ideas, and feelings with others leading them to examine themselves in order to
assimilate and accommodate differences in perspectives. Such efforts lead to more
meaningful relationships.
In business, communication serves three important functions: to inform, to persuade, and to
promote goodwill with the people inside the organization (employees, staff, and leaders) and
with the people outside of the organization—their clients or customers.
Mainly we can divide communication into two. They are Formal and Informal
Formal Communication Informal Communication
Formal Communication: Formal communication refers to the flow of official
information through proper, predefined channels and routes. The flow of information is
controlled and needs deliberate effort to communicate it properly. This type of
communication also follows a hierarchical structure and chain of command. The structure
is typically top-down, from leaders in various departments and senior staff in the
organization, which flow down to lower level employees. Employees are bound to follow
formal communication channels while performing their duties. Formal communication is
considered effective as it is timely and systematic.
Informal Communication: It refers to communication which is multi-dimensional.
Informal communication moves freely within the organization and is not bound by pre-
defined channels and communication routes. This type of communication is particularly
quick. Informal communication is far more relational than formal communication and is
by nature, a very natural form of communication as people interact with each other freely
and can talk about a diverse range of topics, often extending outside of their work duties.
Due to the inherent nature of informal communication, it moves a lot faster and does not
have a paper trail. Informal communication in the workplace is often called the
‗grapevine‘ and generally begins with employees through social relations.
Informal communication is considered effective as employees can discuss work-related
issues which save the organization time and money. It also helps to build more productive
and healthy relationships in the workforce.
Both formal and informal communication can be either verbal or non-verbal or written.
It can be pictorially represented as follows:

1. Verbal Communication: It is a type of oral communication wherein the message is
transmitted through spoken words. Here the sender gives words to his feelings,
thoughts, ideas, wherein you speak your subject matter, and others listen to it
carefully and try to associate meaning with it.
2. Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication is the transfer of
information through the use of body language including eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures and more. For example, smiling when you meet someone
conveys friendliness, acceptance and openness.

Everyone uses nonverbal communication all the time whether they know it or not.
Nonverbal communication is dependent on seeing and analysing physical movements.
Nonverbal communication is most commonly not intentional and can offer considerable
information about both people and situations. Nonverbal communication is important
because it gives us valuable information about a situation including how a person might
be feeling, how someone receives information and how to approach a person or group of
people. Paying attention to and developing the ability to read nonverbal communications
is an invaluable skill any person can leverage at every stage of his/her career.

3. Written Communication: Written Communication refers to the process of

conveying a message through the written symbols. In other words, any message
exchanged between two or more persons that make use of written words is called as
written communication. The written communication is the most common and
effective mode of business communication. In any organization, the electronic mails,
memos, reports, documents, letters, journals, job descriptions, employee manuals, etc.
are some of the commonly used forms of written communication. Such
communication is used when the information to be transmitted is lengthy and includes
some complex terms that cannot be explained verbally. It can also be used as a
reference and evidence of any transaction anytime in the future. Thus, it is essential
for every business organization to develop effective writing skills and inculcate this in
all its employees.

Hence, which form of communication shall be selected depends on the type of

message to be transmitted and the personal preferences of the parties involved in the
Formal Communication can be either downward, upward, horizontal or diagonal. It
can be diagrammatically shown as follows:

Downward Communication: The downward communication is when the information

passes from the management level to the subordinate level. This is the most common form of
formal communication wherein communication flows downwards, i.e. from the people
occupying top positions in the organization to the people at lower levels.

It mainly includes orders and instructions and can either be written or oral depending
on the importance of the message and also the status of individuals involved in the
communication process. Reports, emails, letters, manuals, etc. are the commonly used
communication tools.

Upward Communication: The upward communication is when the message passes from the
subordinate level to the management level. Here, the communication flows upwards i.e. from
the subordinates to the managers in the form of request, reports, suggestions, complaints, and

Horizontal or Lateral Communication: Horizontal communication means when the Co-

workers with different areas of responsibilities, but at the same level in the organization
communicate with each other. The communication between the managers of a different
department, such as marketing, finance, production, HR, is the best example of horizontal

Diagonal or Crosswise Communication: When the employees of different departments at

different levels communicate with each other irrespective of the chain of command, then the
communication is said to be a diagonal or a cross-wise communication. The communication
between the floor manager and the sales team is the example of diagonal communication.

To conclude whenever which form of communication shall be selected depends on the type
of message to be transmitted and the personal preferences of the parties involved in the
PROPAGANDA: Propaganda Model of Communication was first introduced in 1988 by the
two Americans – philosopher Avram Noam Chomsky and late Edward Samuel Herman, who
was a professor of emeritus of finance at the Wharton School of Business – through their
book, ‗Manufacturing Consent the Political Economy of the Mass Media‘.

Propaganda is a mode of communication used to manipulate or influence the opinion

of groups to support a particular cause or belief. Or it can be viewed as a concerted set of
messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviour of large numbers of people. Thus in
the most basic sense propaganda presents information in such a way so as to influence its
audience. Propaganda can take the form of artwork, films, speeches, and music. The aim of
propaganda is to influence people's opinions or behaviours actively, rather than merely to
communicate the facts about something.

The most effective propaganda is often completely truthful, but some propaganda
presents facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in
order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information
presented. Thus propaganda can be viewed as more or less as a systematic effort to
manipulate other people‘s beliefs, attitudes, or actions by means of symbols (words, gestures,
banners, monuments, music, clothing, emblems, hairstyles, designs on coins and postage
stamps, etc.).

 Example of propaganda: Campaigns: It includes considerable amounts of both overt

and covert propaganda, accompanied by propaganda of the deed.
 An ad that promotes one brand of toothpaste over another
 Political signs and commercials
 The government produces many kinds of propaganda.

Characteristics of Propaganda:

1. It Prevents Dialogue: It does not tolerate discussion; by its very nature, it excludes
contradiction and discussion.

2. It Focuses on the Mass: The most favourable moment to seize a man and influence
him is when he is alone in the mass: it is at this point that propaganda can be most

3. It is “Total”: The propagandist must utilize all of the technical means at his disposal
– the press, radio, TV, movies, posters, meetings, door-to-door canvassing. Modern
propaganda must utilize all of these media.

4. It takes over Education: Propaganda‘s are also mainly aiming at behavioural

change. In that sense it is fulfilling the most important aim of education.

5. It takes over Literature and History: Propaganda will take over literature and
history, which must be rewritten according to propaganda‘s needs.

6. It must be Subtle at First: Direct propaganda, aimed at modifying opinions and

attitudes, must be preceded by propaganda that is sociological in character, slow,
general, seeking to create a climate, an atmosphere of favourable preliminary

7. It must be Nonstop: Successful propaganda will occupy every moment of the

individual‘s life: through posters and loudspeakers when he is out walking, through
radio and newspapers at home, through meetings and movies in the evening. The
individual must not be allowed to recover, to collect himself, to remain untouched by
propaganda during any relatively long period.

8. It Aims at Irrational Action: The aim of modern propaganda is to provoke action,

to make the individual fit tightly to a process of action, to loosen the responses and to
arouse an active and mythical belief.
Importance of Propaganda as a means of Communication: The influence of propaganda
on modern life cannot be taken as too lightly, since this means of communication is being
used to influence mass opinion in a thousand ways.

Propaganda plays an important part in human life and the main areas where they
experience its impact are religious and other societal reforms. Nations make use of
propaganda as an instrument of statecraft both in times of peace and when they are at war. In
peacetime, it is used to secure national objectives just as our country is presently doing to get

all the citizens vaccinated. When a war is going on, the opponents aim it at each other to
undermine public morale and in turn using it for the opposite purpose. This is generally done
through radio broadcasts, by dropping leaflets from aircraft etc. Industrialism also owes its
growth in the twentieth century largely to propaganda.

During the industrial and technological revolutions, propaganda has been used to step
up demand for the goods so produced. In the present century, successful stimulation of
consumer demand through propaganda has brought about revolutionary changes in the mode
of life of a large number of people, particularly in the developed countries of the world. They
enjoy living and working conditions much better than their forefathers could ever dream of.
They have come to acquire new tastes in clothes, housing food, transportation, entertainment
etc. They spend more because they earn more, and they earn more because other people
spend more. Primarily it is propaganda which has started this chain reaction in which demand
and supply go on chasing each other and more and more of material prosperity is generated.

Thus we can see that this means of communication can be used for spreading
ideas/information, convincing people, bringing massive changes in various fields and also it
is used even for negative promotion- especially in the field of politics. During the elections
for capturing the target voters the politicians make use of a judicious blend of both positive
and negative propaganda. The ways in which propaganda can be disseminated has increased
with the invention and evolution of new techniques. The tools that can be used by the
propagandist today consist of posters, newspapers, films, the radio, television skywriting, etc.

Even propaganda is categorized based on the methods it uses to shape its argument. These
categories are traditionally labelled as white, black, and gray propaganda.
1. White Propaganda: White propaganda comes from a source that is identified
correctly, and the information in the message tends to be accurate. Although what
listeners hear is reasonably close to the truth, it is presented in a manner that attempts
to convince the audience that the sender is the ‗good guy‘ with the best ideas and
political ideology.
2. Black Propaganda: Black propaganda is credited to a false source, and it spreads
lies, fabrications, and deceptions.

3. Gray propaganda: Gray propaganda is between white and black propaganda. The
source may or may not be correctly identified, and the accuracy of information is
Other types of propaganda especially those which are used in the form of advertisement are:
Card-Stacking Propaganda: The most common of the propaganda techniques that the top
advertisers use today is card-stacking propaganda. In such an advertisement, an advertiser
omits any information that may affect their image negatively and includes just that
information that will lure people into the trap.
Testimonial Propaganda: is a very popular and clever tactic used by companies to endorse
their products effectively. It is an advertising technique wherein a famous or seemingly
authoritative person recommends a product or service, and vouches for the value of the same.
The popularity of the person recommending the product (who is generally a
celebrity/acclaimed expert) is used for boosting the sales of that product, without addressing
the facts about the product itself. The reason behind this technique is to make the target
audience relate to the tastes, judgment, and opinion of the one endorsing the product.
Eg: Puma pays the World‘s Fastest Man, Usain Bolt, for lending his name to the famous label
and to endorse their running shoes as well as other sports accessories.
Bandwagon Propaganda: argues that one must accept or reject an argument because of
everyone else that accepts it or rejects it-similar to peer pressure. Bandwagon is a persuasive
technique and a type of propaganda through which a writer persuades his readers, so that the
majority could agree with the argument of the writer. He does this by suggesting that, since
the majority agrees, the reader should too.
The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people do something
primarily because other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may
ignore or override. This tendency of people to align their beliefs and behaviours with those of
a group is also called a herd mentality.

Name-Calling Propaganda: Name-calling advertising is the most common between two
brands that are similar, well-known, and have a loyal fan base. Understandably, they need to
lure consumers from the other side to their side. Some examples include Coca Cola and
Pepsi, McDonald‘s and Burger King, and so on.
Transfer Propaganda: This is a technique in which an advertiser tries to ‗transfer‘ the good
or bad feelings you have associated with something to their brand, product or service.
Glittering Generalities Propaganda: All that glitters is not gold. But people often come to
that conclusion when it is way too late. The glittering generalities technique makes use of
fancy words that elicit a positive response or feeling from people. In turn, this feeling is what
makes people want to buy the product, try the service or become affiliated with the brand.
Some examples of these ‗glittering‘ words include hope, change, possibility, justice, and
others that give off an extremely positive vibe or hype you up among other things.
Plain Folks Propaganda: This approach is one of the more effective propaganda devices in
the present century. Now a days many people want real experiences. When applied to
advertising, this basically means that people would like to see how a particular product or
service brought value to a common man. Hence, here a common man will be sharing his/her
experiences about the products or services which the advertisers want to promote. In other
words, this is the opposite technique to testimonial propaganda where a celebrity, a decision-
maker or an influencer is trying to tell you to choose something over the other.
ADVERTISEMENT: Advertising is one of the most prominent and widely used
communication tools in a marketing campaign, as its main feature is increasing awareness. It
attempts to inform and/or influence the opinions and buying behaviour of potential users of a
product or service.

Advertisement is also called as an ―ad‖ or advert. It is a one-way message to promote

an identified organisation/brand, product, service or an idea. It announces new products and
programs and can educate people about the attributes and benefits of new or established
products. Mass media, such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, are paid to carry
those messages to their audiences.

The goal of advertising is to reach people most likely to be willing to pay for a
company's products or services and induce them to buy. It can contact and influence
numerous people simultaneously, quickly and at a low cost per prospect. Hence, it is called
mass means of communication

Definition: The Advertising Association of the UK defines Advertisements ―as messages
paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive

Advertising is defined as paid communication from an identified sponsor using mass media
to persuade an audience.

W.J. Stanton defines advertising as follows: ―Advertising consists of all the activities
involved in presenting to a group a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message
regarding a product, service or idea, this message, called an advertisement is disseminated
through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor‖.


(i)Print Media: Newspapers, Magazines, Trade Journal and Periodicals.

(ii)Direct Mail: Catalogues, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Brochures, Price Lists, Sales Letters/
(iii)Transit Advertising: Railways, Buses, Aeroplanes, Trams, Taxes, Auto Rickshaws, Car-
(iv) Broadcast Media: Radio, T.V., Film, Screen Slides, and Internet.
(v) Out-door or Mural: Posters, Hoardings, Sky advertising, Electrical
(vi) Other Forms: Window displays, point of purchase, Exhibitions, Directives, Showrooms,
Trade fairs, advertising specialities such as calendars, diaries, pen-stands, ball-pens Key-rings
Characteristics of Advertisements:
1. Persuasion and Exchange: Advertising does not involve only presentation and
promotion, but an element of persuasion too. That is it indices the people to buy.
2. Mass Communication: It can contact and influence numerous people simultaneously,
quickly and at a low cost per prospect. Hence, it is called mass means of
3. Dependence on Media: Advertisement can be transmitted to the public only through
any of the media outlets.
4. Paid form of Communication: In order to telecast ads in any media, the advertiser
must pay money for the space/time given.
5. Non-Personal Presentation: Ads are telecasted through communication channels like
media that carry messages without personal contact or feedback.

6. Existence of a Sponsor: The sponsors of advertising are those business firms wishing
to promote their products/services.
7. Target Oriented: Effective ads needs highly targeted and segmented audience. Ads
will be drafted depending on the taste and preferences of the targeted marketing
8. Creative: Effective ads use creativity to standout and make a brand immediately
identifiable or memorable.
9. Ethical: Honest and clean ads reflect the value of the advertisers in turn boosting the
brand image.
The most common types of advertisement are:
Product Advertising: It is concerned with conveying information about selling of goods and
service. It can be either for giving information regarding a product (Informative Advertising)
or for persuading the consumers to prompt an activity (Persuasive Advertising) or to act as a
reminder (Reminder Advertising).
Based on area of operations also it can be divided into local advertising, national
advertisement and global advertising. Local Advertising is that which concentrate only on a
few area while National Advertisement is that which concentrate the whole nation and
Global Advertising is used when the marketing efforts of the company crosses the
geographical boundary of a nation.
Based on target markets advertisement can be classified into consumer product
advertising, industrial product advertising, trade advertising, professional advertising and
financial advertising. Consumer Product Advertising is done to impress the ultimate
consumers. Industrial Product Advertising also known as business to business advertising
is directed towards the industrial customers. Trade Advertising is done by the manufacturers
to persuade the wholesalers and retailers to sell his goods. Professional Advertising aims at
influencing the professionals in a particular trade or branch. Financial Advertising is
undertaken by the financial institutions like bans, and other corporate firms for promoting their
financial products.
Based on media it can be divide into audio advertising, visual advertising, audio-
visual advertising, print advertising and internet advertising. Audio Advertising is done
through radio, loudspeakers vehicle announcements etc. Visual Advertising is done through
displays, flux boards, sign boards, electronic hoardings etc. Audio- Visual Advertising is
done through cinema slides, movies, video clips, T.V. advertisements etc. Print Advertising/

Written Advertising includes advertisements through newspapers, magazines, brochures,
pamphlets, posters etc. Internet Advertising is that type of advertising where World Wide
Web is used extensively to promote products and services.
In addition to above there are outdoor advertising, broadcast advertising, covert
advertising, surrogate advertising and celebrity advertising. Outdoor Advertising covers
advertisements through billboards, stalls, busy streets, trade shows or any other outdoor
means. Broadcast Advertising is that which is done through broadcast media
Covert Advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a brand is
presented in delicate manner in movies, television shows and sports events.
Surrogate Advertising is used in the case of those products whose promotion is not
permitted by law. They indirectly remind people about their brands by advertising other
products having the same brand names.
Celebrity Advertising uses the popularity and fame of film stars, sports stars and
other public figures for promoting products and other services.
Importance of Advertisements as a means of Communication:
―The company which saves money by not advertising is like the man who stops the
clock to save time‖ This points towards the role of advertisements not only in commercial
fields but also in other fields.
Advertising in business is a type of communication that persuades and encourages
people to take a particular action. Communication is important because it make people aware
on the different things that the business has to offer.
Advertisements also show the advantages, features and values of a certain products.
This will prompt the people to action i.e., either purchase or involvement. One of the results of
advertising is to change the commercial behaviour of people. Therefore it is important for the
advertisers to communicate with the consumers.
Another point to be noted regarding the advertisements is mass communication; i.e.,
communicating to a large number of people. It also helps to withstand the competition and
create more demand for their products. It helps in building goodwill moreover it builds brand
The term ‗public opinion‘ was coined by philosopher John Locke in the 17th century.
However, the concept itself predates Locke. Vox populi or ‗voice of the people‘ is a similar
Latin concept. Today, public opinion is defined as collective evaluations expressed by people

on political-social-economic issues, policies, institutions, and individuals. It is the measure of
what the public thinks about a particular issue, party, or individual political figure.
For example, the condemnation of war, imperialism, racialism, terrorism and violence as well
as a universal commitment in favour of peace, human rights, disarmament, and
environmental protection form parts of contemporary World Public Opinion.
Several factors will be thoroughly analysed by the people before arriving at opinions
regarding public issues/policies/or any other matters. Developing opinions about issues
affecting the world around is a lifelong process that social scientists call as political
socialization. Though life factors differ from person to person, there are several factors that
will be considered commonly by most of the people. Those factors are family beliefs, peer
beliefs; education, religious beliefs, and media depictions.

Importance of Public Opinion in a Democracy:

Listening is essential in a democracy. People have a right to be heard by their
representatives. That is what legitimises democracy in the public eye and builds trust in
government and its institutions. The functioning of a stable society is impossible without the
means of a free -flowing two-way communication – talking and listening– with openness to
the others‘ point of view.
Public opinion can act as a check on leadership, as the members of the public can
express their dissatisfaction with politicians who refuse to take their opinions into account
and vote them out of office.
It also helps to present the views of the mass public to government leaders who are
making decisions that will affect society. Leaders often monitor the public pulse when
making policy decisions, especially when they face an election campaign.
Moreover it helps the government to understand the viewpoints and attitude of general
public towards various policies and other activities which they have introduced. Not only this
but also by knowing the pulse of the people, the government can come up with such activities
which the people are wanting since long time. Even it helps in cabinet reshuffling.
According to Bryce, three types of people contribute significantly to the
formulation, expression, and promotion of public opinion.
The people who build public opinion: This category includes the legislators and journalists
who by their views and use of mass media act as agencies of Public Opinion.
The people who are active actors in social and political life: These are well informed and
active people who direct public opinion in a particular direction.

The people who arouse public opinion: These are the people who take part in public
meetings, agitations, movements, and demonstrations.
The following are the major agencies of Public Opinion:
Press: Newspapers, periodicals: magazines—The Press i.e. the print media as a whole act
as an important major agency of public opinion. The press discusses and analyses every
important issue of public concern and the editorials, write-ups, and news-analysis always play
a big role in the formulation and expression of public opinion.
Legislature: Legislature is formed by the elected representatives of the people. It is an
assembly of political leaders. It acts both as a mirror of public opinion as well as the agency
for the formulation and expression of public opinion. Legislative debates, the publication of
records of the debates of the legislature, and the views expressed by the legislators both
inside and outside the legislature play an important role in the making and mirroring of public
Public Meetings: In every democratic state people have the right and freedom to form
associations, to hold meetings, processions and demonstrations and to discuss all issues of
public importance and concern. Public meetings are agencies for the formulation of Public
Political Parties: Political parties are the agents of political education. These provide all
information to the people regarding the activities, successes, failures, omissions, and errors of
the government. Each political party tries to create a public opinion in its favour. It organises
meetings, agitations, demonstrations, processions and movements for highlighting the issues
of public importance. All these activities play a role in the formulation of public opinion.
Political Parties act as important, useful and active agencies for interest articulation, interest
aggregation and political communication. These play a major role in the formulation of
public opinion.
Radio, T.V., and Internet: In this age of information revolution Radio, T.V. and the Internet
contribute significantly to the formulation of public opinion. Radio and T.V. talks and
debates act as motivating factors for the formulation of public opinion. These act as agencies
of political education. The use of these during elections acts as a means for making and
changing public opinion.
Educational Institutions: In the educational institutions - lectures, speeches, meetings and
seminars of different kinds are arranged. The eminent leaders, scholars, and writers

participate in these meetings and assemblies and through the mutual exchange of views
influence the views of the students and teachers.
The views expressed by the teachers in their classes also influence the students. At
times the views thus expressed become the part and parcel of the thinking of the students.
Also, the syllabi meant for teaching in educational institutions are prepared with some
specific objectives. All this helps in the formulation of public opinion.
Religious Institutions: Man‘s political views are also influenced by his religious views. In
India, especially many political parties are based on religion. Religious congregations in India
always have a political face. Under the cloak of religion, political views are expressed and
spread. The people ‗faithfully‘ follow these views and in this way, public opinion gets
Types of Public Communications:
1. Ceremonial: The ceremonial communications consist of speeches that mark special
occasions like graduations, weddings, birthday parties, and many more. An emotional
connection with a personal touch will be present here.
2. Demonstrative: Demonstrative Communications require an option to speak concisely and
clearly about actions. Behind demonstrative communication, the idea lies that the audience
should leave learning about how to accomplish something. Science Demonstrations are
perfect examples of Demonstrative Communications.
3. Informative: With informative communication, the speaker tries to disclose an idea to the
public. College lectures include informative speeches like industry conferences and some
officials conveying important information. In this type of communication, information is
essential. Disseminating crucial information is an integral part of this communication. Media,
TV, Radio can also be considered under informative communication.
4. Persuasive: Persuasive communication requires a practicing voice that convinces the
public from a perspective. For example, when politicians need votes for elections, they
choose this kind of Public Communication to win the group‘s confidence with an appeal.
5. Semiotics and Signs: Public Communication can also come in the form of signs and
semiotics in any dimension like Traffic signs, signs at airports, and many more. This type of
communication uses graphics to convey some information to the public.

6. New Technology for Public Communications: New technology has opened so many
paths for speakers to speak globally at a point in time with so many people. Indeed it has
created a broad audience base. In this 21st century, public communication can be physical
and virtual.
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and such social media platforms help a person speak
with ease. Videoconferencing has become part and parcel of speakers to reach a wider group
of people. Though physical appearance cannot be felt, it‘s an easy way to convey messages
sitting at any part of the globe. In this Covid situation, technology is helping public
communication a lot to prosper.
Demerits of Public opinion:
1. It is difficult to measure
2. Public opinion can be manipulated by a few influential individuals in the society for
their own selfish interests.
3. Usage of inaccurate tools or wrong sampling design will lead to the wrong
formulation of public opinion.
4. Public opinion is not necessarily the opinion of all citizens and sometimes it may be
wrong. Hence, the government should not solely depend on it.

The process of speaking to a few or many people with the purpose of informing, motivating,
persuading, educating or entertaining the listeners.
The five elements of public speaking are who is saying what to whom using what medium
with what effects?
Effective Public Speaking:
Effective public speaking involves three pillars or the three V's. They are:
Verbalization, Vocalization, Visualization
Verbalization is the choice of words you use to speak to the audience. It is what you say.
Vocalization is how you deliver the words using various pace, pitch, power, pausing,
modulations, and other vocal speaker skills.
Visualization is how the audience sees you. This involves how you dress, grooming and
carry yourself in front of the audience. Your posture, stance and movement in front of the
audience are all part of how the audience visualizes you. The nonverbal communications they
convey are an important part of public speakers fulfilling their purpose.

Public speaking is important in both business, education, and the public arena. There
are many benefits to speaking in public whether you're an individual or a business. Public
speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to
educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic
slideshow are used to supplement the speech. This makes it more interesting to the listeners.
A public speech is typically limited to a specific time or place. Since speaking in
public is done before a live audience the speaker must be well planned and specific about the
History of Public Speaking
Most public speaking experts involved with public speaking in business
communication trace the origins of modern public speaking back to ancient Greece and
Rome. Of course, those societies didn't have slideshows to help with public speech. But they
did have a need for speaking in public. As a result, they developed public speaking methods
that are still studied today.
The ancient Greeks used public speech primarily to praise or persuade others. At one
point, all Greek citizens had the right to suggest or oppose laws during their assemblies. This
resulted in a need for skilled public speakers. Speaking in public became a desirable skill and
was taught. Public speaking in the time of the Greeks was called rhetoric. Later, when Rome
came to power, speaking in public was used during the Roman senate sessions. The Romans
adopted the public speaking rhetoric methods of the Greeks. In fact, most public
speaking teachers of the time were Greek.
The Latin style of public speaking was popular in the U.S. and Europe until the mid-
20th century. After World War II, a less formal and more conversational speaking style of
speaking became popular. Also, electronic tools became available to enhance public
presentations. Towards the end of the 20th century, those electronic tools migrated to the
computer. They evolved into the computer software tools. PowerPoint is one of those tools.
Even though today's public speeches are less formal, they still need to be well organized.

Importance of Public Speaking

Normally, most people don't like public speech. They may even admit to being afraid
of it since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or
introverted. For those reasons, many people avoid speaking in public if they can.
Over the years, public speaking in communication has played a major role in education,
government, and business. Words have the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even

entertain. And the spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the
hands of the right speaker.
Whether you're a small business owner, or a student, you'll benefit from improving your
public speaking skills. Some benefits to speaking in public include:
 improves confidence
 better research skills
 stronger deductive skills
 ability to advocate for causes
Speaking in public is especially important for businesses to market their offers.
Written communication is a kind of communication which involves any kind of
exchange of information in written form. It is the presentation of ideas or essays that make a
clear point, supply details supporting that point and demonstrate unity and coherence of
thought. For example, e-mails, texts, letters, reports, SMS, posts on social media platforms,
documents, handbooks, posters, flyers, etc.
Ways to Improve Written Communication:
Written communication requires careful consideration. Writing is a result of long
practise and patience in learning. The written word is a permanent record of proceedings in a
business environment and therefore needs to be carefully planned.
Some ways to improve written communication are:
1. Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar: Vocabulary, spelling and grammar are three
main things which need much attention in any written communication. A written
document with a lot of spelling mistakes or grammatical errors loses credibility.
2. Proof-Reading and Editing: Repeated reading and editing is needed to make written
document more perfect.
3. Brevity and Simplicity: Keep the written points as simply and concise as possible.
Once writing experience and confidence is gained by a person, then more and more
experiments like writing more complex sentences and paragraphs can be
4. Logical Progression of Ideas: Most pieces of good writing – from the shortest email
to the longest thesis – follow a very simple rule. The written work should have a clear
beginning or introduction, middle or main body, and end or conclusion.

5. Authenticity: Don‘t pass other people‘s written work or ideas off as your own – learn
how to cite and reference other people‘s work appropriately. Work on developing a
fluid, personal writing style, and on finding your own voice.
6. Confusing Language: Confusing language means confusing words that can mislead
the reader and cause communication breakdown or barriers between the writer and the
reader. Some words are ambiguous, bombastic, vague, trendy, exaggerated, inflated
and archaic. We must always remember to write to convey meaning in plain English.
It is better to use the familiar word to the far-fetched, the concrete word to the
abstract, the single word to the indirectness and the short word to the long.
7. Poor Sentence Structure: Poor sentence structure relates to writing fragments
instead of complete sentences and writing sentences that lack unity. Try to keep your
sentence(s) short and compact to ensure that they are correct, logical and easy to read.
Long, complicated sentences can be difficult to read and understand. Word order is
important for meaning.
8. Information Overload: Information overload means giving too much information,
hence, the reader becomes overwhelmed and confused. This may also cause
frustration and cast doubts on the writer‘s credibility. Therefore, a writer must decide
what sort of information is required in order to produce a clear, concise and relevant
written work.
Principles of Written Communication:
The following are the six principles of written communication:
1. Clarity: Written communication requires clarity of thought and clarity of expression
like using simple words, active construction, avoiding ambiguity and Jargon, using
simple sentences, etc.
2. Completeness: The writer needs to check the completeness of the message. He
should verify whether all questions are answered in the message or not.
3. Conciseness: Conciseness is communicating complete information about the idea in a
few words. Concise writing also involves being mindful of word choice. Brevity is
very important for effective writing. The writer should include only relevant facts and
avoid repetitions.
4. Consideration: This principle advocates that the writer should consider the reader in
his writing. It is always better to emphasize positive and pleasant facts. The writings
should reflect the integrity of the writer.

5. Courtesy: According to this principle, courtesy will be observed through promptness
in writing and giving replies. Eg.: avoidance of imitating expressions, sincere apology
for an omission and generous thanks for a favour.
6. Correctness: According to this principle, the writer should give correct facts in the
message. The message should be sent to the reader at the right time and in the correct
Written communication is accurate and serves as a permanent record. One can reach a
large number of people through this media simultaneously. The responsibilities & duties of
the people can be effectively communicated through these written means. However, this
mode of communication is much time consuming and more expensive when compared to oral

Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication

These are the followings advantages and disadvantages of written communication:
Advantages of Written Communication:
1. Written communication helps in laying down apparent principles, policies and rules for
running of an organization.
2. It is a permanent means of communication. Thus, it is useful where record maintenance is
3. It assists in proper delegation of responsibilities. While in case of oral communication, it is
impossible to fix and delegate responsibilities on the grounds of speech as it can be taken
back by the speaker or he may refuse to acknowledge.
4. Written communication is more precise and explicit.
5. Effective written communication develops and enhances an organization‗s image.
6. It provides ready records and references.
7. Legal defences can depend upon written communication as it provides valid records.
Disadvantages of Written Communication:
1. Written communication does not save upon the costs. It costs huge in terms of stationery
and the manpower employed in writing/typing and delivering letters.
2. Also, if the receivers of the written message are separated by distance and if they need to
clear their doubts, the response is not spontaneous.
3. Effective written communication requires great skills and competencies in language and
vocabulary use. Poor writing skills and quality have a negative impact on organization‗s

4. Written communication is time-consuming as the feedback is not immediate. The encoding
and sending of message takes time.
5. Too much paper work and e-mails burden is involved.
6. Written materials may be leaked prematurely or may fall in the wrong hands.
Importance of Written Means of Communication:
Communication is a key to any endeavour involving more than one person.
Communicating through writing is essential in the modern world and is becoming more
important especially in this information age. In fact, written communication is the most
common form of business communication. It is essential for small business owners and
managers to develop effective written communication skills and to encourage the same in all
employees. The information age has altered the ways in which we communicate and placed
an increasing emphasis on written communications. The ever-increasing use of computers
and computer networks to organize and transmit information means the need for competent
writing skills is rising.
The need to develop good writing skills is only highlighted by the fact that in the
information age, it is not uncommon to have business relationships with customers and
suppliers that are established and maintained exclusively through the use of written
communications. In this environment, "the words we write are very real representations of
our companies and ourselves. We must be sure that our e-mail messages are sending the right
messages about us,"
The key to communication is to convey meaning as accurate and concise as possible.
People do not read business memoranda for the pleasure of reading. They do so in order to
receive instructions or information upon which to base decisions or take action. Therefore,
highly literary prose is not desirable in business writing. A style of writing that is too
informal can also convey an unintended message, namely that the subject matter is not
serious or not taken seriously by the sender. A straightforward, courteous tone is usually the
best choice but one that may not come naturally without practice.
In ancient days, the communication can be done using Morse code in the telegraphs.
These telegraphs use Morse code for long-distance communication over wires. Afterward, the
wired telephone, the TV & the wireless radio was invented by the electronic industry. But at
present, the information can be shared easily with each other at any place and anytime using
e-communication. The communication is mandatory in different fields for processing,

controlling, making decisions, and planning. The different fields are finance, accounting,
establishment, personal, market, sales, purchase, production, etc.
Electronic communication can be defined ‗as the communication which uses
electronic media to transmit the information or message using computers, e-mail, telephone,
video calling, FAX machine, etc‘. This type of communication can be developed by sharing
data like images, graphics, sound, pictures, maps, software, and many things.Because of this
e-communication, a lot of changes have occurred in work areas, society, etc. Thus, people
can simply access global communication with no physical movement.

Meaning of Electronic Communication

Electronic communication means a communication sent by electronic means, including
electronic posting to the Company‘s Website, transmission to any number, address or internet
website (including the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission) or other
electronic delivery methods as otherwise decided and approved by the Directors.
Electronic communication means any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds,
data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio,
electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo-optical system
Electronic communication means the communication of any written, verbal, pictorial
information or video content by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a
telephone, a mobile or cellular telephone or other wireless telecommunication device, or a
Types of Electronic Communication
Electronic communication can be classified into different types like messaging, voice call,
e-mail, social media, etc. E-communication has changed due to the way public interact and
communicate with each other for different purposes like personal or business. By using this,
it is very simple to communicate with the world.
E-Mail: E-Mail or electronic mail is the most used type of electronic communication. By
using this communication, one can send a message to another person through a mail
immediately. For that, we need to create an account to send an e-mail, media files, photos,
documents, etc. This type of communication has replaced many conventional types of
communication due to many benefits.

The benefits of this communication are ease of usage, completely free, etc. Additionally, this
type of electronic communication doesn‘t affect the surroundings.
Messaging: This type of communication allows people to interact with others who are far
away from us. This is possible only due to technology as well as usage of the internet.
Different types of messengers like Skype, Windows Live, Gmail, etc. are available. These
messengers help in chatting or sending messages to our beloved ones or friends.
Blogging: At present, blogging is the most preferable communication method. This is a type
of online journaling, which can be updated daily, or many times a day. It covers all the
information or a particular topic.
By using such blogs, one can share, follow, or even post comments. This kind of
communication is extremely suitable. This is the reason why people utilize blogs very often.
Additionally, by using the internet, people can access, read & follow it worldwide.

Video Chat: This type of communication can be done by adding web cameras for video
calling application. By using this application, one can communicate with others and also they
can observe with whom they are speaking. The webcam can be connected to the computer
externally and also we need to use applications like Skype, Hangouts, etc.
There are many benefits to using video chatting. We can contact anybody immediately. We
can communicate with more than one person at a time by using the feature like business
conference feature. Also, we can share PPTs, data sheets online.
Social Networking
Social media is one kind of communication between people, which is used with their general
advantage otherwise for relationships. In this, mostly Facebook, as well as LinkedIn, give
places for people to work together, sometimes in real-time. There is a Micro-blogging service
namely Twitter, which allows the short message of more than 140 characters to be
transmitted to a huge audience.

Not like text messages, it sends to simply tiny groups. The posts like Micro blog are intended
to be seen by all the followers and users can repost texts that they desire to share with their
followers. Therefore, a micro blog post can reach rapidly and a viral post is a message which
reports widely.
Telex : This is a significant device for current electronic communication. This system uses a
teleprinter to communicate from one position to another using a machine. It includes mainly
two parts like keyboard transmitter as well as a receiver.


Whenever a text is to be sent, then the user presses a push-button, and stays for the call tone,
calls the number preferred & enters the massage on a tiny paper strip at the end of receiver
end because it is entered within the creating office. This method is the quickest & most exact
methods for exchanging written posts.
Fax: The Fax machine is a kind of communications and use of this is increasing gradually to
transmit materials which are visual like illustrations, diagrams, picture, etc. Here, this
machine can be connected using a telephonic.
The transmitted document can be fed throughout the machine, after that it is scanned
electronically & signals are broadcasted to the end of receiver wherever an equal document
copy is replicated on a plain paper sheet using the receiving machine.


This machine has made it achievable to send important documents copies which include
testimonials, certificates, degrees, contracts, agreements from one location to another in a
telephone call speed. Because of this reason, it is a commonly used technique for

Multimedia: The multimedia is one kind of communication system and it is an excellent
innovation to improve the communication system. This is a blend of several media which
bring mutually to transmit messages. The multimedia mainly includes a photo, graphics,
voice, music, animation, and message. Whenever all these media are located jointly otherwise
computer screen then becomes multimedia. This can be used efficiently for marketing and
advertising campaigns. This type of communication is extremely powerful.

Thus, this is all about electronic communication principles which include immediate
messaging, websites, social networking voicemail, e-mail, and text messaging. This
communication has changed completely the way people communicate with each other. This
can be used for personal, business, etc. By using this, it is extremely simple to communicate
with the entire world.
Advantages and Importance of Electronic Communication:
Electronic communication plays an important role in modern business and society. One
cannot think of passing modern life and managing modern businesses without electronic
communication. It allows the amalgamation of several media, such as data, graphics, video,
and sound, into one message. Devices such as cell phones with mobile communication
technology and portable laptops enable people to stay in touch with friends and co-workers at
all times.
Quick transmission of information: The greatest advantage of electronic communication is
the quick transmission of information. With the help of electronic media, one can send
information to a distant receiver just within a few seconds. It requires only a few seconds to
converse through electronic media because it supports swift transmission.
Communicating a large volume of information: People can send a large volume of
information with the help of electronic devices. Through e-mail, one can attach writings of
hundred pages easily. Due to the advancement of electronic media, business managers can
effortlessly manage operation transversely the world. Video or teleconferencing e-mail and
mobile communication are helping managers in this observe.
Wide coverage: Through this communication, one can transmit information to many
receivers who are located in different places. With the help of electronic devices like satellite,

people conquered distance and the whole world has now turned into a global village. The
world has become a global village and communication around the globe requires a second
Lowering communication cost: Electronic communication not only saves time but also
money. This communication such as e-mail requires less cost than the traditional means of
posting a letter. Electronic communication saves time and money. For example, Text SMS is
cheaper than the usual letter.
Making an instant business decision: With the help of electronic communication,
managers can take instant or quick decisions. With a click of the computer, they can obtain
information at anytime from anywhere in the world. This helps in making a quick decision
and ensures better management of the business.
Easy preservation of information: Electronic devices can store a huge volume of
information that can be used in the time of need. Electronic communication allows the
immediate exchange of feedback. So communication becomes great using electronic
media. As a result, the use of manual files is decreasing day by day.
Communication with distant people: Electronic communication provides the opportunity
for interactive communication with distant people. Video conferencing, for example,
allows interactive communication even though the participants are geographically
dispersed. This lets you work and go online in communal locations, such as trains and in
cafes, and has enabled people to keep away from traveling long distances to work from
home. It saves travel cost, time and energy.
It can be concluded that the benefits of this communication have no bounds. With the
contribution of electronic communication, the world has turned into a single global village.
This communication is convenient and generally instantaneous. It dispenses with the
requirement to mail or fax documents that can be securely backed up online or on portable
electronic devices to guard alongside loss or theft. Due to the rapid advancement of electronic
communication, global trade and investment activities have attained a momentum. In a sense,
the modern world is the gift of modem communication technologies.
Negative Aspects or Effects
Though technologic advancement has many positive aspects it has negative aspects too. The
negative aspects are:
The reputation of user is more vulnerable: Privacy continues to diminish with
technological advancements. The personal data that is being collected can be misused or
abused and is sometimes hacked.

Over reliance: People, nowadays have a tendency to depend too much on information
provided by these electronic medium of communication without checking its authenticity.
Helps criminals also: Cybercrimes have gone up with the increased dependence on mobiles.
Through email, sms, missed call, social media chats etc. are some of the breeding grounds for
the hackers.
Problems with touch screens: Touch screens can be operated only if the user is near. Hands
and fingers often obscure the screen information while selecting the desired options. Even
stray touches can activate the screen since the interface is very sensitive.
It increases the efficiency to ruin any Reputation: Since the Internet is so vast; it is harder
to keep information secret. A great example is how a teacher got fired for posting to her
friends on Facebook that she hated her job and that her students‘ parents were spoiled.
Importance of Electronic Media in Mass Communication
Any medium that can help us communicate the desired message to a vast number of
the desired audience is called a medium for mass communication. We all have the need to be
heard and more than that we need to receive some amount of information about the things
that are happening around of us. Back in the days, newspaper, banner and radio were the only
mass media mode of communication other than word of mouth. But after the rise of the
digital age that has changed with apps Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram and many others
anyone now has the potential to reach out to multiple people.
Role of Electronic Media of Communication:
In the present era, most often news is spread and read electronically and so are
advertisements. Electronic media, in general, makes communication easy for people to
connect with each other by bringing them together through media facilities.
This wasn‘t the case during old times, people used to perform in cultural events, etc.
There was a stronger sense of community and people will come together too often and take
about their days and lives. Electronic media has replaced that.
Electronic media is wide-spread and very much a part of the vernacular in most of the
developed world. Electronic devices have made their place in modern life like life necessity.
The entire world is rapidly incorporating electronic media in everyday activities and India,
with its digitalization drive, is not lagging behind.

Advantages of Electronic Media

1. Education: In many areas, people get educated through the media where they get to learn
many things from media about politics, outside environment, etc. There are MOOC courses

that can give people a better resume along with classes from around the world. People can
also self-learn in whichever field they wish to.
2. Informational: People are not blinded now. They have more than the information they
need. Media like television is a good source for people to get information regarding anything
that would otherwise be very difficult to attain.
3. Exposure: Electronic media makes people aware of world-wide things. Through this
electronic media, you can get to see many cultural events going in the world.
4. Opportunities: Greater opportunities are also accessible/understandable through these
electronic media merely by sitting at home.
Documentation is a process of communication in written form about essential facts for
the maintenance of continuous history of events over a period of time. It is any
communicable material that is used to describe, explain or instruct regarding some attributes
of an object, system or procedure. Documentation is often distributed via websites, software
products and other online applications. Documentation is key to successful business

Methods of Documentation: Some of the common methods of documentation are:

1. Literature Review: is good source of document for further reference and also to update
our knowledge regarding any topic.
2. Observation & Note Taking: Through observation we can get information regarding
anything under sun and that will help in enhanced future communication. It is a good
source of informal education.
3. Interviews: Both structured and unstructured interview are another means of
communication that can be recorded and kept for future reference. It also enhances the
knowledge bank.
4. Photography: Another major source which gives us ideas regarding present, past and
future is photographs. It is a good means of communication from which people can know
more about their ancestral period. Some photos communicate more than words can. They
can help define an era, crystalize an emotion, or simply make us laugh or cry.
5. Participatory Video: It is a form of participatory media in which a group or community
creates their own film. The idea behind this is that making a video is easy and accessible,
and is of great way of bringing people together to explore issues, voice concerns or
simply to be creative and tell stories. This is a very powerful media because it creates an

opportunity for participants and for the entire community to express themselves
internally on needs and expectations that probably would not have been expressed.

Barriers in Communication
A communication barrier is anything that comes in the way of receiving and
understanding messages that one sends to another to convey his ideas, thoughts, or any other
kind of information. These various barriers of communication block or interfere with the
message that someone is trying to send. There are numerous barriers to effective
communication that can come in the way. It happens because the message sent by the sender
might not be understood exactly as it is meant to be. It can get distorted during the
communication exchange. These different types of communication barriers can come at any
stage in the process of communication. It can come because of the bias or stereotyping and
generalization that exist in the workplace.
Types of Barriers to Communication:
A skilled communicator must pay attention to the different types of barriers to
effective communication and try to prevent them. These barriers of communication skills can
be overcome by active listening, reflection, etc. The communicator must seek feedback from
the receiver of the information to check if the message was understood in its true sense. Some
of the common barriers to effective communication.
Using Jargon - If one uses unfamiliar terms or over-complicated technical terms, it could not
be understood well.
Lack of Attention or Interest - If the message is irrelevant to the receiver or there are
distractions around (like others speaking at the same time) then the message might not be
communicated properly.
Perception Difference - If two people see things differently then their viewpoints might
come in the way of deciphering the message correctly.
Physical Disabilities - If the receiver has hearing problems, or the speaker has speech
disabilities, then communication will not be effective. It will distort the message.
Emotional Barriers - Sensitive topics make it difficult for the speaker or the receiver to
engage properly in the communication exchange. It could also be that some people are not
comfortable expressing themselves; hence their words might not reflect the true meaning of
what they want to convey. Topics that may be taboo or off-limits for some people are politics,
religion, mental or physical disabilities, racism, sexuality, and any other unpopular options.

The Difference in Culture - Social interactions have different norms in different cultures.
For example, the idea of space exists in some cultures and social settings but not in the same
form in others. These cultural differences could prevent effective communication.
Physical Barriers to Communication - A face-to-face communication has a lot of parts to
the communication than just the words. Facial expressions, body language, gestures, etc. are
also involved in the whole communication process. If you can‘t see the person, then some
messages might get lost. Text messages, phone calls, etc. are some of the technological ways
of communicating which lack the effect of a personal meeting.
Language Difference - The difference in dialects of different regions or unfamiliar accents
can make it difficult to understand the message sent.
Prejudices - Most people have preconceived notions about many things; hence they hear
only what they want to listen, not what is being said. These false assumptions and
stereotyping leads to barriers in communication.

‗ A great future doesn‘t require a great past‘

Notes Developed by
Dr. Anju Elizabeth Cherian
Mr. Joji James


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pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy