Hand Bookof Pediatric Nephrology
Hand Bookof Pediatric Nephrology
Hand Bookof Pediatric Nephrology
3rd Edition
Ranjit Roy
Tahmina Jesmin
Abdullah Al Mamun
Nadira Sultana
Hand Book of
3rd Edition
Ranjit Roy
Tahmina Jesmin
Abdullah Al Mamun
Nadira Sultana
ISBN: 978-984-34-1238-6
Hand Book of
Published by:
Pediatric Study Group
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
3rd Edition
Available At:
Haque Medical book
Dolphin Book Aziz super market, Shahbagh, Dhaka-1000
City Books
Capital Library, Nilkhet, Dhaka- 1205
Printed by:
Asian Colour Printing
Fakirerpool, Dhaka-1000
Mobile: 01835180135
E-mail: asianclr@gmail.com
Preface to First Edition
Pediatric renal diseases comprise huge hidden burden throughout the
globe specially in developing countries. Difficulties in management of
potentially treatable renal diseases in resource poor, technological background
countries and AKI related child mortality around 1990 in Bangladesh prompted
authors to write this handbook. Social structure, perception and physicians
conceptions need changes. We express respect to pioneers of pediatric
nephrology of this country. Professor M. Moazzam Hossain, Professor Md.
Munimul Haque and Professor Chowdhury Ali Kawser, Professor Mohammed
Third edition is enriched with current global knowledge upon the subject.
We tried to include all updatings upon common disease of the pediatric
nephrology. The focus is principally patient care by all ages of pediatricians
in general and pediatric nephrologists in particular.
We wish to thank all of the contributors who worked hard to make the
hand book glorious.
We are grateful to our patient who has given us the opportunity to serve.
Ranjit Roy
Tahmina Jesmin
Abdullah Al Mamun
Nadira Sultana
List of Authors:
Ranjit R Roy
Professor & Ex Chairman
Pediatric Nephrology
Course Director, Pediatrics
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abdullah Al Mamun
Assistant Professor,
Pediatric Nephrology,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tahmina Jesmin,
Assistant Professor,
Pediatric Nephrology,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nadira Sultana
MRCPCH (Paces)
Pediatric Nephrology,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The urinary system, also known as the renal system.
It refers to the structures that produce and conduct urine to the point
of excretion.
Bean shape structure
Number- two, one on left and one on the right
Functional unit of the kidney is nephron
Nephrons are tightly packed to form parenchyma
Urine is formed by nephrons
Protection of kidney:
From within outwards:
Renal capsule- fibrous sac (true capsule)
Perinephric fat (adipose capsule)
Renal fascia (false capsule)- attaches to the abdominal wall
Paranephric fat (adipose tissue capsule)
# Kidney moves 1.5 to 2.5 cm with respiration as it is a subdiaphragmatic organ
Gross anatomy-
Renal parenchyma
Renal sinus
2. Medulla-
Inner in position
Dark in colour
Contains 8-12 renal pyramids
Parts of a nephron tubule Collecting
Glomerulus Descending limb of loop
limb of loop ends
Descending Ascending
limb limb
Loop of handle
To bladder
Functional units of kidney
Each kidney contains about 1 million or more nephrons
Length-50 to 55 mm
It has 2 main parts-
Renal corpuscle
Renal tubule
Renal corpuscle
Composed of-
Bowman’s capsule
It is beginning of the nephron
Glomerulous contains tuft of capillaries and central region of mesangium
contains cells and matrix
It receives blood from afferent arteriols
Glomerular blood pressure provides the driving force for water and
solutes to be filtered out of the blood and into the space made by
Bowman’s capsule
The remainder of the blood passes into the efferent arteriole.
The diameter of efferent arterioles is smaller than that of the afferent
arterioles, increasing hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulous
Bowman’s capsule
The Bowman’s capsule, also called the glomerular capsule
Surrounds the glomerulous
It is composed of visceral inner layer formed by specialized cells
called podocytes
Parietal outer layer composed of simple squamous epithelium
Fluids from blood in the glomerulus are filtered through the visceral
layer of podocytes, resulting in the glomerular filtration.
Renal tubule
Leads from the glomerular capsule
Ends at tip of medullary pyramids
It has 4 major regions
Proximal convoluted tubules
Loop of Henle
Distal convoluted tubules
Collecting tubules and ducts
Loop of Henle
U- shaped, distal to the PCT
Lies in medulla
Has 2 parts-
Descending limb of loop of Henle
Ascending limb of loop of Henle
Filtration Barrier
Consist of-
Capillary endothelium- pore size 70 to 100 nm
Glomerular basement membrane- consist central dense layer, lamina
densa, lamina rara interna, lamina rara externa
Epithelium of foot process of podocyte- podocyte has long cytoplasmic
foot process that come in contact with lamina rara externa. The
gap between individual pedicel is about 25-60 nm and bridged by
a thin slit diaphragm
The capillary wall contains negatively charged polyanionic surface glyco-
protein called podocalyxin
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Mecula densa cells
Specialized epithelial cell of DCT
Detect the sodium concentration of fluid in tubule
Elevated Na trigger contraction of afferent arteriole
decrease blood flow of glomerulous and filtration as well
Juxtaglomerular cells (smooth muscle cell of afferent– arteriole,
secrete renin when BP fall)
Lacis cells- also called extraglomerular mesangial cell, situated
near the mecula densa.
Systemic blood pressure and filtration rate regulation
Electrolytes homeostasis
Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
Types of nephron
Types (according to length of loop of Henle and position of renal
Corticle nephrons
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Juxtamedullary Nephrons
About 20%
Glomerulous remains at the deeper part of cortex
Have long loops of Henle that descend all the way to the papillary tips
Mostly related to make the osmotic gradient to make urine concentrate
along with other function.
Histology of ureter
Mucous membrane- lined by transitional epithelium and thrown into 6
longitudinal folds when empty
Muscular coat (smooth muscle)-
Inner longitudinal
Outer circulare
Fibrous coat- connective tissue and elastic fibres which continuous
with renal capsule
Urinary bladder
It is a collapsible muscular sac
Stores and expels urine
Full bladder spherical and extend into the abdominal cavity
Empty bladder lies entirely within the pelvis
Mucosa- transitional epithelium
Muscular layer- detrusor muscle
Adventatia/ fibrous layer
Wrinkles termed rugae
Opening of the ureters are the common site of infection
Nerve supply
Parasympathetic –
Also called nervi erigentes
Efferent from S2-S4 segment by pelvic splanchnic nerve
Function- contraction of the detrusor muscle and inhibitory to
sphincter vesicae which stimulate micturition
2. Somatic –
From S2-4 segments by pudendal nerve.
Function- innervates the external urethral sphincter and providing
voluntary control over micturition.
Mechanism of micturation
Distension of bladder ( increases intravesicle presence)
Afferent impulses from the bladder wall reaches to the spinal cord
via the pelvic and hypogastric nerve
Lateral spinothalamic tract to the thalamus
Parasaggital part of the sensory contex of the brain
Awareness of fullness of bladder
Motor drive from the parasaggital part of the motor contex of brian
Descending autonomic fiber
Sacral parasympathetic outflow to the bladder
Micturition reflex
Voluntary inhibition of the external urethral sphincter: Via higher
cerebral cortex to Onaf’s nucleus at spinal cord
Micturition is initiated
Pontine micturition center: Berington nucleus of pons coordinates
and control micturition
Sympathetic (T12-L2) travelling via hypogastric nerve inhibit via
ß-adrenergic inhibitors
Sympathetic also stimulates urethral and bladder neck muscle contraction
Higher cerebral center inhibit the sympathetic and somatic reflexes,
sphincter and bladder neck nucleus and also facilitate the contraction
of detrusor, hence a person urinates.
Voluntary control develops later and hence desire to micturition or
not can be accomplished.
5. The Bladder Stretch Reflex
6. It is a primitive spinal reflex, in which micturition is stimulated in
response to stretch of the bladder wall. It is analogous to a muscle
spinal reflex, such as the patellar reflex.
7. During toilet training in infants, this spinal reflex is overridden by the
higher centers of the brain, to give voluntary control over micturition.
8. The reflex arc:
9. Bladder fills with urine, and the bladder walls stretch. Sensory nerves
detect stretch and transmit this information to the spinal cord.
10. Interneurons within the spinal cord relay the signal to the parasympathetic
efferents (the pelvic nerve).
11. The pelvic nerve acts to contract the detrusor muscle and stimulates
12. Although it is non-functional post childhood, the bladder stretch reflex
needs to be considered in spinal injuries (where the descending
inhibition cannot reach the bladder), and in neurodegenerative diseases
(where the brain is unable to generate inhibition).
Clinical aspects
There are two different clinical syndromes, depending on where the damage
has occurred.
Reflex Bladder – Spinal Cord Transection Above T12
In this case, the afferent signals from the bladder wall are unable to
reach the brain, and the patient will have no awareness of bladder
filling. There is also no descending control over the external urethral
sphincter, and it is constantly relaxed.
There is a functioning spinal reflex, where the parasympathetic
system initiates detrusor contraction in response to bladder wall
stretch. Thus, the bladder automatically empties as it fills – known
as the reflex bladder.
Flaccid Bladder – Spinal cord transection Below T12
A spinal cord transection at this level will have damage the para-
sympathetic outflow to the bladder. The detrusor muscle will be paralysed,
unable to contract. The spinal reflex does not function.
In this scenario, the bladder will fill uncontrollably, becoming abnormally
distended until overflow incontinence occurs.
Urine retention
Besides neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder, normal bladder
emptying may be hampered by any form of obstruction, from the
level of the bladder neck downwards.
Acute retention is a medical emergency, as the bladder has a
“normal” functional capacity with is pushed to the limit due to
accumulation of urine in an acutely obstructed reservoir. The patient
feels increasingly excruciating pain and the placement of a urinary
catheter alleviates the symptoms immediately.
Chronic retention is a gradual procedure due to incomplete obstruction
of the urine outflow. This leads to accumulation of residual urine in the
bladder through months or even years; the bladder is therefore progressively
distended in volumes that exceed 1-1.5 liter of urine.
Chronic retention is often accompanied by impairment of renal
function. However no pain is usually present as the bladder is
gradually stretched. Chronic retention of urine is often complicated
by infections and formation of bladder stones due to urine stasis
and accumulation of minerals in the urine.
Conveys urine from bladder
Internal urethral sphincter
Retains urine in bladder
Smooth muscle and involuntary control
External urethral sphincter- provides voluntary control over voiding of urine
Urethra in female
Three- four cm long
Bound by connective tissue to anterior wall of vagina
Urethral orifice exits body between vaginal orifice and clitoris
Male urethra
Length- About 18 cm (adult), 8 cm at 3 years
Prostatic urethra- about 2.5cm, passes from urinary bladder through
Membranous urethra- about 0.5cm length, passes through floor of
pelvic cavity
Bulbar urethra- contains bulbourethral gland
Penile urethra- about 15 cm length, passes through penis
Meatal orifice- 3mm
Develop from mesoderm
Parts of mesoderm:
Paraxial mesoderm
Intermediate mesoderm- develops urogenital system
Lateral plate mesoderm
I. Somatic or parietal mesoderm layer-covering the amnion
II. Splanchnic or visceral mesoderm layer- cover intraembryonic
Intermediate mesoderm
Urinary system and genital system develops from intermediate
Both systems appear in a bulging of intermediate mesoderm called
nephrogenic cord.
Three system develop from nephrogenic cord
I. Pronephros- appears in cervical region at 4th wks, 7-10 solid cell
groups and later disappears
II. Mesonephros- appears in thoracic and lumbar region
Mesonephric tubule- efferent duct of testis, ductus aberrans,
epoophoron, paroophoron
Mesonephric duct- from here ureteric bud develops
III. Metanephros- it appears in the lumbosacral region. It is the
permanent kidney
Development of kidney
Nephrogenesis starts at 5th weeks of gestation and ceases by 36th
At 36th wks, the number of nephrons is fixed for the life time.
Differentiation of primitive kidney is stimulated by penetration of the
metanephros by ureteric bud.
Metanephros/ permanent kidney has two parts (5 th weeks)-
I. Collecting part
II. Excretory part
Collecting part- develops from ureteric bud. It subdivide 12 or more
Abnormalities Cause
Renal agenesis
Unilateral Failure of ureteric budding
Bilateral Failure of the bud to engage metanephric
Renal hypoplasia Mutation in gene influencing ureteric budding
Fetal urinary tract obstruction
Environmental influnce like maternal diet
Renal dysplasia (MCDK) Abnormal differentiation of metanephros
Renal physiology
Renal functions
Excretory function- formation of urine, excretion of metabolic waste
Reabsorption of substance which is vital for body e.g glucose, amino
acids, electrolytes
Regulation of blood pressure, body fluids, electrolytes and acid base
Maintenance of blood osmolarity
Secretion of hormones-
Erythropoitin- peritubular interstitial cell of outer medulla and inner
Renin- Juxta glomerular apparatus / cell (JGA)
Metabolic function
Vit D, Ca, Po4 metabolism
Protein, polypeptide, insulin, PTH and calcitonin metabolism
Gluconeogenesis from non glucose source e.g. glutamine during
prolong starvation
Ammonia detoxification-
Glutamate NH3 + secretory H+ NH4 Urine
Distribution of cardiac output :
Kidney(range): 20-25%
Basic mechanism involved in kidney function
Glomerular filtration
Tubular reabsorption
Tubular secretion
Tubular reabsorption
The movement of solute and water from the tubular lumen to interstitial
fluid and finally into blood.
Mediated transport
Tubular metabolism
The cells of the renal tubule synthesis glucose and add into the blood
Cells also catabolise substance such as peptides which are taken
from the tubular lumen and peritubular capillaries
Catabolism eliminates such substances from the body
Na reabsorption
Reabsorption- 99% of filtered Na
Site and mechanism:
PCT- 60%, active co-transport with glucose, amino acid, low
molecular wt protein, Na-H exchanger(angiotensinogen II)
Loop of Henle- 30%, in TALLH NaK2Cl cotransport by NKCC2
channel- frusemide sensitive
DCT and CD- rest, in DCT thiazide sensitive NaCl cotransport
(NCCT), CT and CD aldosterone related Na reabsorption, K
and H secretion (Na-K/Na-H cation exchange)
*Cation exchange process is competitive ( k competes with H for Na)
which is enhanced by hormone aldosterone
Function of Na:
Maintains osmolarity, tonicity and body fluid balance
Maintains resting membrane potential
Helps in nerve and muscle conduction
Helps in growth and development
Bone formation( 99% Na remain in bone)
Glucose, amino acids reabsorption
Aldosterone related Na reabsorption
Angiotensin II:
Throughout the body, angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor of
In kidneys, angiotensin II constricts glomerular arterioles, having a
greater effect on efferent arterioles than afferent. As with most other
capillary beds in the body the constriction of afferent arterioles increase
in the arterial resistance raising systemic arterial blood pressure
and decreasing the blood flow, necessitating mechanism to keep
glomerular blood pressure up. To do this angiotensin II constricts
efferent arterioles which forces blood to build up in the glomerulus,
increasing glomerular pressure.
Urinary flow
Distal Na delivery
Serum K level
Functioning apical K channel
Glutamine +NH4 Glutamate +NH4
Glutamic dehydrogenase
-ketogluterate +NH3
Renal handling of H ion
Filtered load of H+ ion is very negligible
H+ ion secretion occurs in all part of nephron except DLLH
PCT-85% (Na-H exchange)
ALLH and DT- 18% (aldosterone induced cation exchange)
CD- 5% (Na- H exchange, H-K ATPase)
Acidification of urine
Normal human urine pH: 4.5 to 8
H2CO3 forms CO2 and H2O, then CO2 is expired, while Na appears in
the glomerular filtrate
To the extend Na is replaced by the H+ ion in the urine, so Na ion
is conserved in the body.
Major site of urine acidification:
Steps of acidification of urine:
Secretion of H+ ion in the tubular fluid
HCO3 buffering( reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate)
Non-bicarbonate buffering (formation of titrable acid and ammonia)
Water reabsorption
Passive reabsorption- PCT, thin DLLH
ADH dependent water reabsorption- CT, CD
Impermeable to water- ALLH and DCT
Full name- antidiuretic hormone
Synthesis- neuron of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the
anterior hypothalamus.
Transport and release- nerve ending of posterior pituitary gland
Acts on- apical membrane of principle cell in the collecting ducts
causing increased water permeability through insertion of aquaporins
Increased secretion of ADH-
Raised extracellular fluid osmolality
Renal agenesis
Renal hypoplasia
Renal dysplasia
Ectopic Kidney
Horseshoe kidney
The lower poles (95% of cases) of the kidneys are fused over the
midline by a narrow thick isthmus of functioning renal parenchyma
or thin fibrous tissue.
The kidneys are sited more caudally than normal.
Incidence 1:400 live births, more common in males.
Often associated with hydronephrosis and urolithiasis (20%), PUJ
obstruction, VUR.
The large majority are asymptomatic with
postmortem identification but may experience
abdominal pain or hematuria as a consequence
of stones or obstructive uropathy (PUJ obstruction,
May occur in patient with trisomy 13, 18, 21
and 22, Turner syndrome and VACTERL
association: Vertebral defects, anal atresia,
cardiac defect, tracheo- esophaseal fistula, renal
anomalies, limb abnormalities), more chance
of Wilms tumour, renal cell carcinoma, other
malignancies. MCKD has higher incidence.
Imaging and radionuclide scanning are done Figure 2.4:
to assess for obstruction and differential Horseshoe kidney
function- IVU, DTPA, MRU/CTU. And to confirm
the diagnosis and to detect ectopic renal
tissue, most suggest DMSA scan.
Hypospadius and undescended testis in
4% of male.
Bicornuate uterus on septate vagina can
be found in 7% female.
Hypertension due to renal scarring by VUR,
dysplasia with obstruction.
Figure 2.5:
Duplex kidneys Duplex kidney
Ureteric bud duplication
Duplication of the collecting system is a common anomaly with incidence
of 0.8 to 5%) average 1% of population, familial, no significance.
Unilateral duplication is more common (70% cases) than bilateral;
girls are more frequently affected than boys.
Duplex kidney has two distinct pelvicalyceal systems with incomplete
(means divided pelvis, two ureters join before entering bladder) or
complete duplication of ureters, kidneys are usually longer (incomplete,
partial or uncomplicated duplex).
If duplication is complete, the kidney has two moieties, each with
its own ureter: the upper pole ureter may be ectopic, draining into
the vagina or posterior urethra or may have ureterocoele; the
lower pole ureter may have VUR.
Clinical features: Asymptomatic, dribbling from ectopia ureter, urinary
tract infection (UTI) invesico-ureteric reflux (VUR), obstructive uropathy
due to ureterocele.
Continuous dribbling on urine.
Infection in dysplastic tissues spread to normal renal parenchyma,
reducing functional renal mass
Incomplete duplication results in uncomplicated duplex kidney,
with either simply a divided pelvis or two ureters that join before
entering the bladder.
Classification of duplex kidneys recognizes the following types
based on the features of the upper moiety, which is appendant, embedded,
hydronephrotic, dual poor and dual well.
Management options include renal preservation (antibiotic prophylaxis
for VUR, reimplantation of ectopic ureter) or renal resection based
on function of the renal moieties. Dysfunctional upper moiety needs
Evaluation: USG, CTU/MRU, DTPA, Urine C/S, creatinine.
Retrocaval ureter
Ectopic ureter
Ureter sites:
In boys: posterior urethra (50%), seminal vesicle (33%), vas deference, prostate,
In girls: Urethra and bladder neck (33%), vaginal vestibule (33%), vagina
(25%), uterus, cervix.
Ectopic ureter inserted distal to external sphincter will cause incontinence,
mostly seen in girls causing vaginal and vestibular urine pooling. There
can be paradoxical incontinence despite normal voiding. Duplicated ectopic
ureter drains upper dysplastic non-functional renal moiety.
Diagnosis: USG, , IVU,CTU
Treatment : Resection of dysplastic renal moiety and ureterectomy.
The bladder is very large and thin walled with massive vesicoureteric
reflux (secondary or primary)
There is no distal obstruction to the passage of urine.
The condition may be the result of severe primary VUR.
Ureteric implantation is done in children with reflux. Patient with
non-obstructed and nonrefluxing system are managed conservatively.
Bladder exstrophy
In girl a bifid clitoris or a urethral meatus which is patulous anteriorly is
diagnostic of epispadius. Epispedius in female with separation of pubis
symphysis and clitoris with patulous urethra is possible.Treatment is bladder
reconstruction and artificial sphincter.
Hypospadias occurs in 1 of 250 male newborn.
The urethral meatus open on the ventral side of the penis proximal
to the tip of the glans penis.
It is classified according to the meatal location: (1) glandular- opening
on the ventral aspect of the glans penis, (2) coronal- opening at the
coronal sulcus, (3) penile shaft, (4) penoscrotal, and (5) perineal.
About 65% of all cases of hypospadias are distal penile or coronal.
Clinical finding include; hooded appearance of the penis, difficulty
in directing the urinary stream and stream spraying. Variable degree
of penile curvature (chordee) causes ventral bending and bowing
of the penile shaft, which can prevent sexual intercourse. Undes-
cended testicles or inguinal hernia may be present.
Management: Newborns with hypospadias should not be circumcised,
because the preputial skin may be useful for future reconstruction.
Surgical repair is preferred between 6-12 months of age. Surgery
name is tubularized plate incised repair. Severe forms may be
repaired in two stages. Surgical construction aims at achieving a
straight penis and creation of a normally located cosmetically acceptable
urethral meatus.
Micropenis is defined as a normally formed penis that is at least 2.5
SD below the mean in size.
The pertinent measurement is the stretched penile length, which is
measured by stretching the penis and measuring the distance
from the penile base under the pubic symphysis to the tip of the
glans. The mean length of the term newborn penis is 3.5 ± 0.7 cm
and the diameter is 1.1 ± 0.2 cm. The diagnosis of micropenis is
made if the stretched length is <1.9 cm.
Common causes include hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, hyper-
gonadotropic hypogonadism (primary testicular failure) and idiopathic
Embedded penis of obesity
appears to be small, on
measurement it is of normal
Evaluation includes a karyotype,
assessment of anterior pituitary
function and testicular function,
and MRI to determine the anatomic
integrity of the hypothalamus
and the anterior pituitary gland
as well as the midline structure
of the brain.
GIT: malrotation, gastrochisis, imperforate anus
Cardiac: 10% has CHD
Skeletal: CHD, Telepes
Meatal stenosis:
Always acquired and following circumcision,can have dysuria,frequency
hematuria can have hydronephrosis.Treatment is meatoplasty.
Collection of specimen
Midstream urine
- A clean catch midstream specimen is obtained after careful
local cleaning with water and soap. False positivity is 5-20%.
- The initial part of urine, which may still be contaminated with
periurethral bacteria, is discarded
- Opportunistic urine collection in a sterile cup is accepted when
parents refuse invasive catheter and supra-pubic aspirate
- Quick-Wee method: Supra-pubic area is stimulated by cold
water soaked gauze and then mid stream clean urine is collected
in a sterile cup
Bag collection
- In neonate and infants
- It gives unacceptably high false positive results
- A negative culture helps to exclude UTI to a reasonable extent,
contamination rate is 60%-80%
- A higher threshold value of 100000 CFU/ml is regarded as
Suprapubic bladder aspiration: USG guided aspiration increases
probability of adequate urine in 60-97%. It is indicated when conta-
mination is likely, e.g., phimosis, valvovaginitis, ano-rectal anomalies
Bladder catheterization, contamination rate is 10%
Table 3.1 Contamination rate:
To avoid contamination, girls should sit toilet facing backward with legs
wide apart in uncircumcised boys retraction of prepuce may reduce conta-
mination. Soap and water cleaning can reduce contamination.
There are three screening methods of urine analysis:
1. Dipstick
2. Microscopy
3. Flow imaging analysis
High prevalent countries like Japan, Korea, Taiwan recommend screening
for hematuria, proteinuria but AAP does not.
Characterized by 3 aspects of urine:
Physical examination
- Quantity
- Colour
- Sediment
Chemical examination
- Specific gravity
- PH
- Protein
- Sugar
- Bile salt
- Bile pigment
- Ketone body
- Bilirubin
Microscopic examination
- Pus cell
- Epithelial cell
- Cast
- Crystal
Physical examination
10 ml is sufficient
Normally, colorless to clear yellow to amber depend on the concentration
of urochromes.
The most common abnormal color observed in clinical practice is
red to brown urine
The other urine colors are:
- White: phosphaturia, pyuria, chyluria
- Brown black: alkaptonuria (on prolonged standing), methemoglobin,
- Green: triamterene, amitriptyline, propofol, and pseudomonas
- Blue: methylene blue
- Brown urine: chloroquine, nitrofurantoin
- Darkening on standing: imipenam, methyldopa, metronidazole
- Pink urine: uric acid crystalluria
- Orange: rifampicin, warfarin
- Cloudy: usually due to crystal formation on standing, uric acid
crystals form in acidic urine, phosphate crystals form in alkaline
urine; also due to WBC, cystine, struvite, refrigeration enhances
phosphate and urate precipitation
Normally, the urine has an aromatic smell but can have a fetid or
foul smell due to urinary tract infection or as normal variation
Presence of ketone: fruity smell to urine.
Maple syrup urine disease: urine smells similar to maple syrup.
Phenylketonuria: urine has a mousy smell.
Isovaleric acidemia, glutaric acidemia: sweaty smell
Tyrosinemia: rancid smell.
Chemical examination
Specific gravity
A measure of urinary concentration (weight of the solution compared
with that of an equal volume of distilled water).
Instrument used - urinometer/hydrometer. Bears a scale from
1.000 to 1.600.
Normal range: 1.010 to 1.030.
- Isosthenuria, fixed specific gravity of 1.010.
- Hyposthenuria, specific gravity ≤ 1.007.
A low specific gravityis found in diabetes mellitus (DM) , diabetes
insipidus (DI), renal tubular acidosis (RTA), nephronophthiasis and
other causes of polyuria
A high specific gravity: inadequate fluid intake, dehydration.
Measures number of solute particles per unit volume.
Normal range: 40–1,500 mOsm/l.
Useful in the diagnosis of patients with hyponatremia, hypernatremia
and polyuria (RTA, DI, Bartter, Gitelman, malfeeding, psychogenic and
Normal, 4.5–7. It varies with food intake (lower pH with high protein
- Qualitative test
Heat coagulation test (boiling test)
10 % sulfosalicylic acid
Dipstick methods
- Quantitative test
24 hrs urinary protein estimation (˃4 mg/m2/hr or ˃ 1gm/m2/day
indicates heavy proteinuria).
Urine protein / creatinine ratio (values ˂ 0.2 insignificant, 0.2
-2 is significant and ˃ 2 indicate heavy proteinuria).
Methods: Benedict’s test, dipstick method, clinitest tablets, and
enzymatic estimation using hexokinase.
Benedict’s test detects reducing substances, not specific for glucose.
Dipstick detects specific for glucose, specific gravity, pH, leukocyte
esterase, nitrite, protein, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin, blood and
Lower level of glucose detection rate is 4- 5 mmol/ L.
Principle: based on a reaction of acetoacetate and acetone with
nitroprusside on the strip in the presence of glycine as the nitrogen
Microscopic examination
Pus cell
Leukocyturia is defined as presence of more than 5 cells/HPF in
centrifuged urine or >10/mm3 in uncentrifuged urine. Pyuria means
an underlying “itis” (UTI, GN etc.)
Boys over 3 year: 5-10 WBC/ml is significant
Girls: 20-50/ml; suspect UTI, >50/µL definitely abnormal
Bacteria may be clearly visible without Gram staining.
Fungi with schistosoma can also be detected.
Epithelial Cells
Epithelial cells may appear in the urine after being shed from anywhere
within the genitourinary tract. Three types of cells are seen:
1. Renal tubular cells: round/rectangular/polygonal/columnar, found
in ATN, rejection.
2. Urothelial cells: superficial/deep, represent desquamation.
3. Squamous cells: a constant finding, abundant cytoplasm, few
granules, small central nucleus, folded edges, usually found in
normal people.
Phase contrast microscopy is the best, then, ordinary light microscopy.
Presence of red blood cells (RBC) in urine and (>10 RBC per
mm3of freshly voided, unspun urine or >5 RBC per high power field
(HPF) of 10 ml of fresh urine, centrifuged at 2,000 rpm and resus-
pended in 0.5 ml.
One ml of blood per 1 L of urine is sufficient to render urine visibly
Hematuria never causes anemia
More than >5% acanthocyte may indicate glomerulonephritis
Casts are elongated elements with a basic cylindrical shape. They
are formed in distal tubule and collecting duct. It consists of a matrix
of Tamm-Horsfall (TH) protein with or without entrapped cells.
Hyaline casts: When none inside TH protein cylinder, found in
proteinuria with concentrated urine in normal person.
Granular casts: When Tamm-Horsefall protein coats WBC, found
in UTI, GN.
RBC casts: When it coats RBC.
Epithelial casts: When Tamm-Horsefall coats epithelial cells.
RBC cast indicates glomerular bleeding, WBC cast UTI, GN epithelial
cast (usually with WBC cast) indicates AIN, CIN with ATI
They are formed due to supersaturation of urine.
Cystine, tyrosine, leucine, and cholesterol crystals are always pathological.
Urine Dipstick
A urine test strip or dipstick test is a basic screening diagnostic tool
used to determine pathological changes in a patient's urine in standard
urinalysis. It is semiquantitative screening test, not qualitative (quantification
by UTP is the best)
A standard urine test strip may comprise up to 10 different chemical
pads or reagents which react (change color) when immersed in, and
then removed from, a urine sample.
Nitrate reduction test:
Screening test for UTI (sensitivity-83%, specificity-78% for E.coli
and other Gm-ve)
Principle: Nitrate-splitting bacteria split nitrates in urine into nitrites
which react with an aromatic amine on the test strip, giving a
colored diazonium compound (red violet).
If child urinates 1-4 hourly, sensitivity is 30-50%
In girls its sensitivity is 98% because of long hold.
Nitrituria + Leukocyturia: 93% sensitive in UTI detection
False negativity if urine remains < 4hour in bladder
Leukocyte esterase test:
Another screening test for UTI (sensitivity-55%, specificity-68%)
Positivity increases by WBC or subprepucial material. It is negative
in concentrated urine or when urine contains collapsed WBC.
Dipsticks can read pH 5–9. They are not accurate when pH <5.5
or >7.5.
Detects albumin and test is highly specific.
Color change: pale green → green → blue.
Able to detect haemolysed and non-haemolysed blood in the
Glucose: specific for glucose.
Based on glucose oxidase–peroxidase method, a double sequential
enzymatic method.
Fresh urine should be kept at 4-80C during transportation to laboratory
or pre-incubated in culture media at 360C
Bacterial colony count > 105/ml, 106 to 107/ml and any number in
bladder puncture
False positive culture rate is 25%
False negative culture rate in bag collection is 30-63%
Culture media for uncommon pathogen like Chlamydia, Trichomonas,
Ureaplasma, fungus and viral are different
2 minutes
(any degree
60 seconds of uniform
pink color)
60 seconds
60 seconds
60 seconds
60 seconds
40 seconds
30 seconds
30 seconds
Urine dipstick test detects presence of proteinuria; Biuret reaction
quantifies proteinuria and electrophoresis discovers type of proteinuria.
Urine dipstick should be tested in freshly voided urine within 2 hours.
If refrigerated, it should be returned to room temperature before testing.
Positive dipstick means presence of heme (hemoglobin)
Asymptomatic proteinuria (isolated without any other finding) found
in 0.6 to 6.3% of children
Significant proteinuria may be found in 10% in single sample but in
2 sample, it is found in 2.5% and in 4 sample it is almost 0.1%.
PCR/UTP is under and overestimated if urinary creatinine is very
high (>2.5 gm/L; e.g., among adoloscents and body buildres) or very
low (0.2g/L in muscular dystrophy) respectively
Low molecular weight filtered by GBM, are reclaimed 96% in proximal
If IgG/albumin quotient >3%, it is non-selective proteinuria
For proteinuria detection 24 hour collection remain gold standard, because
1. Creatinine in the urine will be low in children with decreased muscle
mass and dilute urine
2. Machine measuring plasma creatinine may measure urine creatinine
40mg/m2/hour roughly equivalent to 250 mg/mmol which is nephrotic
Microalbuminuria will not be detected by dipstick and labeled as
Ua:Ucr> 2.5mg/mmol
A Upr:Ucr of 100 mg/mmol or Ua:Ucr of >70mg/mmol is approximately
equal to 1gm/day.
Protein/creatinine is almostdouble albumin/creatinine (mg/mmol)
with glomerular proteinuria but even higher with tubular proteinuria.
Causes of proteinuria:
1. Intermittent/transient/physiological/insignificant:
Emotional stress
Cold exposure
Congestive cardiac failure(CCF)
Idiopathic/secondary GN:
Post infectious glomerulonephritis(GN)
Lupus nephritis
IgA nephropathy
Henoch Schonlein nephritis(HSP)
Alport syndrome
Other vasculitis and glomerulonephritis (GN).
False positive:
High concentrated urine
Alkaline urine (PH > 8)
Gross hematuria
Pyuria, bacteriuria
Dipstick left in urine too long
1+ 30-100 mg/dl
2+ 100-300 mg/dl
3+ 300-1000 mg/dl
False negative:
Dilute urine
Acidic urine
Non- albumin proteinuria (light chain protein, globulin, LMW tubular
A normal child can excrete 150 mg protein/day and in neonate
300mg/day. Microalbuminuria at lower concentration is found in
5-12% of healthy children.
1st morning testing urine for protein is good to avoid orthostatic
Insignificant proteinuria should be evaluated for 3 consecutive
mornings to exclude significant proteinuria.
Quantification dipstick detected proteinuria by 24 hour urinary total
A low albumin fraction in total excreted protein indicates extra-renal
proteinuria, e.g., hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria, light chain proteinuria
Persistent presence of more than 5 red blood cells (RBCs)/high
power field (HPF) in uncentrifuged urine.
It occurs in 4–6% of urine samples from school-age children.
1.5-2% of all children and adoloscents on repeat urine analysis
show hematuria
Normal children can excrete more than 500,000 RBCs per 12-hr
period and increases with fever and/or exercise.
The presence of 10-50 RBCs/μL may suggest underlying pathology,
but significant hematuria is generally considered as > 50 RBCs/HPF.
Macrohematuria (<1000 RBC/ μL) is visible as red urine, microscopic
hematuria (RBC > 5-10/ μL) is visible by microscope only
Macrohematuria is found in 1.3/1000 children, microhematuria is found
in 41/1000 children; common in boys (41/1000) than girls (14/1000)
Microscopic analysis of 10-15 ml of freshly voided and centrifuged
urine is essential in confirming the presence of RBCs suggested
by > 10 RBCs/HPF, or a 1+ positive urinary dipstick reading.
Microscopy of RBC must be prompt because of RBC lysis.
Microscopy is mandatory to detect hematuria (RBC) with exclude
hemoglobinuria myoglobinuria positivity by dipstick (also detects
RBC cast is always pathological, signifies glomerular bleeding.
Hemoglobinuria without hematuria can occur in the presence of
acute or chronic hemolysis.
False+ve dipstick: Oxidising agent (bleaching powder), heavy bacterial
concentration, myoglobinuria, concentrated urine, hemoglobinuria.
False negative dipstick: Dilute urine, vitamin C (reducing agent)
1ml blood in 1L of urine makes it red- macro (gross) hematuria
Microhematuria should be confirmed by multiple urine analysis (at
least 3)
A positive dipstick is 73-89% sensitive and 81-93% specific (positive
dipstick means heme (Hb, myoglobin)
Combined proteinuria and hematuria indicates underlying renal
disease and hence needs further evaluation
Dysmorphic RBC (acanthocytes) or Micky-Mouse or RBC cylinders
(cast) indicates glomerular bleeding
Presence of RBC >5% is 52% sensitive and 98% specific for
glomerular bleeding (GN, GP), >15-20% is significant.
Sensitivity increases to 80% if 3 repeat different samples discloses
dysmorphic RBC
RBC arises from glomerulus, cylinders (cast) in tubules and collecting
Transient hematuria may not be pathological. It may be due to
fever, exercise (Jogger’s hematuria), but may be due to UTI,
stone, Wilm’s tumor.
Girls can have RBC due to menstruation and intercourse.
Persistent (3 times +ve) hematuria less common but signifies
underlying cause.
Dip stick blood positivity may be due to myoglobin. Hemoglobin
and myoglobin are negative in urine for microscopy examination..
Other causes of red urine are both dipstick and microcopy negative
,only RBC is both dipstick and microcopy positive.
Multisystem disease
Systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis
Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis (IgAVN)
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener granulomatosis)
Polyarteritis nodosa
Goodpasture syndrome
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Sickle cell glomerulopathy
HIV nephropathy
Tubulointerstitial disease
Interstitial nephritis (toxic nephropathy)
Acute tubular necrosis
Cystic renal disease
Vascular disorders
Arterial or venous thrombosis
Malformations (aneurysms, hemangiomas)
Nutcracker syndrome
Hemoglobinopathy (sickle cell trait/disease)
Anatomic disorders
Cystic-syndromic kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease
Multicystic dysplasia
Tumor (Wilms tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, angiomyolipoma, medullary
Urethral bleeding in the absence of urine is associated with dysuria
and blood spots on underwear after voiding.
This condition often occurs in prepubertal boys at intervals of several
months apart.
It has a benign self-limited course.
Less than10% of patients have evidence of glomerulonephritis.
Preterm: 3-5%
Average: 1-4%
A. Bacterial:
E-coli: 80-90% of all UTI
60% of first symptomatic UTI
70% of recurrent UTI
30% of UTI in boys
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Streptococcus faecalis
Group B streptococcus
Staphylococcus in CAKUT, genitourinary surgery, catheters and recent
antibiotic use
B. Fungal:
Candida albicans
C. Viral:
D. Others:
Schistosoma haematobium
A. Depending on severity and underlying defect
Simple or uncomplicated
Atypical/ complicated/severe : Acute pyelonephritis / underlying
obstructive uropathy/renal impairment/ non E.Coli/non responsive
to antibiotic by 72 hours/urosepsis/dehydration
Atypical UTI/ complicated UTI:
Severe acute pyelonephritis with or without obstructive uropathy,
with or without raised creatinine in severe urosepsis
Does not respond with appropriate antibiotic within 2 days. These
children may have mass (pus collection) in bladder/kidney, it is
usually non E. Coli infection in obstructed urinary tract with some
renal damage
UTI with any of the following:
1. Seriosly ill,
2. Oliguria,
3. Dehydration,
4. Retention,
5. Abscess,
6. Septicemia,
7. Raised creatinine (eGFR<80ml/min/1.73m2),
8. Non- E.Coli,
9. Failure to response by 72 hours (may be due to abscess,
occult obstruction with stone, indwelling bladder catheter).
10. Dyselectrolytimia
11. Obstruction of urinary tract.
B. According to region involved
Upper UTI: Pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urethritis
Lower UTI: Cystitis, urethritis
C. Symptoms present or absent
Acute pyelonephritis
Acute cystitis
Recurrent UTI
Recurrent UTI can be defined as a second positive urine culture or
dipstick positive with symptoms within 2 or more weeks after the
termination of first UTI.
Diagnosis: Based on clinical feature & culture of a properly collected
sample of urine, dipstick
Culture yield is 30%
F. Presumed UTI: Symptomatic + positive urine analysis (bacteria, >WBC/HPF,
leukocyte esterase, nitrate
G. Definite UTI: Symptomatic, positive urine analysis (dipstick, microscopy),
urine culture positivity
Spread of Infection
A. Ascending infection – mostly
Short urethra in female and infant boys
Fecal soiling
Voiding dysfunction.
B. Hematogenous: Unusual-except in,
GI disease with peritonitis
Severely ill children with multi organ disease
VUR is found in 1% of normal children, it is found much higher in
It may be primary and secondary
VUR is familial in 30-50% of instances
VUR resolves 10% a year, UTI also decreases.
Sting procedure (periureteric injection of bulking agents) has replaced
open reimplantation.
Pathogenesis of UTI:
Presenting features
In newborn:
Non specific, vague, sepsis, mortality around 10%
Presents with features of
Hypothermia, fever
Vomiting, lethargy,
Persistence of physiological jaundice,
Grayish colour ,
Failure to thrive.
Refusal to suck
Diarrhea, vomiting
Oliguria, polyuria, AKI
Malodorous urine
Concomitant meningitis (1%)
In older children:
Acute pyelonephritis(APN):
Dysuria, hematuria, frequency, urgency, incontinence
Abdominal pain,
Back pain or loin pain or flank pain
Nausea, vomiting,
Positive bacteremia-sepsis (3-20%)
Murphy’s punch sign positivity
Full loin tenderness,
Perinephric abscess,
Toxic presentation
Temperature -380C,
Dysuria, frequent voiding, urgency,
Hypogastric pain,
Terminal hematuria
Malodourous urine
Daytime incontinence
Post micturition dribbling
Feeling of incomplete voiding
Dysuria, dysuria without fever is often due to balanitis and valvitis
Initial hematuria
Holding manever (Vincents courtesy sign)
Intermittent stream
Voiding post-ponement
Weak stream
Incomplete bladder emptying
Acute hemorrhagic cystitis by E coli, adenovirus, BK virus in transplanted
kidney, commonly in boys, usually self limiting by 4 days.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTs)
Sterile pyuria:
- Pus cell present in urine, C/S does not shows any growth.
Partially treated UTI
Delayed inoculation causing bacterial autolysis
Viral urinary tract infection (UTI)
Renal TB
Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN )
Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
Crohns disease
Kawasaki disease
*Presence of >2 organism and non-pathogens are considered as contamination
Complications of UTI:
AKI by dehydration, nephrotoxic drug
Complete occlusion of previous obstruction
Renal scar: 3% after 1st UTI, 15% in febrile UTI, 29% after 3 febrile
Scarring can cause later HTN, proteinuria, CKD: reflux nephropathy.
Reflux nephropathy:
Renal cortical abnormality ,
Damage with VUR
VUR found in 23-30% of children with 1st febrile UTI and <10%
have grade IV and V.
*USA general practitioner (GP) prefers invasive and UK GP’s prefer non-invasive
ii. Continent children:
Mid stream clean catch opportunistic collection
Initial void flushes flora from urethral orifice
Cleaning with soap and water before collection reduces contamination
To avoid contamination, girls should sit toilet facing backward with
legs wide apart
*Quick-Wee method: Supra-pubic area is stimulated by cold water
soaked gauze and then mid stream clean urine is collected
There are three screening methods of urine analysis:
1. Dipstick
2. Microscopy
3. Flow imaging analysis: USG ,DMSA
4. Urine microscopy for WBC,RBC,cast and bacteria on Gram stain
Other investigations
USG of kidney, ureter and bladder and post voidal residue (PVR) and
mean cystic capacity.In acute pyelonephritis enlarged echo bright kidney
with loss of corticomedullary differentiation is diagnostic aid.
Blood count
C-reactive protein (more likely to increase in APN)
Blood urea & serum creatinine
Blood culture in infants
Procalcitonin (more likely to increase in APN)
Pro-inflammatory cytokines
CSF study in urosepsis in younger kids
Creatinine, electrolyte
VCUG should be done if sonologic dilatation persists after 4-6
Urinary IL-6 and NGAL may be used to differentiate ABU from UTI
Lumber puncture and CSF study in young kids with urosepsis.
All UTI should undergo USG of KUB with PVR and MCC, if high
PVR, pelvicalyceal dilatation; MCU with RGU is recommended
Empirical antibiotic should be started after sending urine for
culture, then antibiotic according to culture sensitivity
Current PO choices are cefuroxime, co-amoxicillin, cefixime, ceftibuten,
quinolone, cefaclor, cefalexin
Duration of treatment
For complicated UTI : 10 – 14 days
For simple UTI : 7 – 10 days
Shorter duration of treatment regimen is not recommended in
Following initial treatment, prophylactic antibiotic therapy should
be started in children below 2 years of age until appropriate imaging
of the urinary tract is completed.
Table 4.4 Recommended imaging test:
Indications of IV antibiotic:
Indication of surgery:
Abscess drainage
Obstructive lesion
Grade IV, V VUR
Nitrofuratoin 1 Klebsiella
Ciprofloxacin 1 Enteroccoci
Cefixime 2 mg
Poor would healing
Injuring to glass, urethra
Mental stenosis
Prepubertal girls are commonly affected
Soreness, itching, discharge, bleeding
Dysuria, frequency
Inspection: inflammation of the labia with introitus and discharge
Poor wiping method
Constipation followed by soiling
Friction from wet/nylon underwear
Bubble bath/detergents
Infection (in 20% of cases)
Bacteria (GABS, Staphaureus, H influenza)
Thread worm (Enterovirus vermicularis)
Oestrogen deficiency
Skin disease: Eczema, lichen sclerosus
Foreign body
Sexual abuse
Investigation: Urine R/E, C/S, swab from introitus
Po antibiotic
Empirical metronidazole
Local antifungal
Oestrogen, steroid ointment
Management of etiological factors
Acute Glomerulonephritis 05
Mild azotemia.
Etiology of PIGN
Group A β hemolytic streptococci (GAS) responsible for > 95%
of PIGN. Rarely group C & G can cause post streptococcal PIGN
Other post infectious bacterial GN are:
Pneumonia – Pneumococcus, H influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Enterocolitis – non typhoidal Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni
Abscess, cellulitis- Staph aureus
Infective endocarditis – Staph aureus > 50%, Staph epidermidis,
Streptococcus viridens, Streptococcus pyogens, Enterococcus
faecalis, Gm –ve e.g., Proteus, E coli
Shunt nephritis –Staph epidermidis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Neisseria meningitis
Nephritogenic and rheumatogenic GAS can coexist.
Risk Group
Socio-economically disadvantageous children.
Geriatric population with comorbidities like diabetes, HIV infection,
CKD alcoholism IV drug user, malignancy
Genetic predisposition HLA DR4 and DR1 identified gene (found
in 5- 28%). 40% can have family history
Inadequate healthcare with other basic needs
Indigenous/ aboriginal people of Australia, Canada,Māori people
of New Zealand
More common in elderly people.
Epidemic outbreak in risk group.
1. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
2. IgA vasculitis (Henoch–Schönlein Purpura)
3. Antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis
4. Goodpastures syndrome
A) Typical:
All ages, more common in 4-15 years and above 60 yrs., mean 7
years, school-age common, overcrowded living, and poor bracket.
Male: Female = 2:1 to 4:1
Abrupt onset.
Occurring 7-14 days following pharyngitis or 3-6 weeks following
skin infection.
Asymptomatic: 50%, subclinical 4-19 times common than overt
Acute fluid overload:
- Peripheral edema (75-90%), periorbital may disappear at the
end of the day. Ascites is uncommon
- Pulmonary edema (14%).
- Congestive heart failure (2%).
Hypertension (60-90%).
- Microscopic 90-100%.
- Gross 40-60%.
Proteinuria; mild to moderation- common, up to 80%
Nephrotic presentation; 4-10%.
Renal function:
- Transient oliguria.
- Mild to moderately raised creatinine (40% to 45%).
Nonspecific: anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting
B) Atypical: subsequent clinical evaluation may reveal typical APSGN
Severe disease - rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN);
nephritic-nephrotic presentation
Disease with normal urine analysis or no symptom with abnormal
urinalysis. Delay in urine examination can cause RBC lysis with negative
Extrarenal presentation suggest IgA vasculitis/ SLE/ other diagnosis
History of blood transfusion.
History of substance abuse.
History of immunocompromised status (diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
heart disease, malignancy, kidney transplantation).
History of deafness.
Family history of glomerulonephritis, autoimmune diseases, kidney
failure, hypertension.
C) With complications:
1. Heart failure – LVF followed by CCF, pulmonary edema may simulate
2. Hypertensive encephalopathy(10%), pulmono-renal symptom of
3. AKI incidence ranges 3 to 50%, 30% in average.
4. Posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome (PRES).: CNS
feature including headache, convulsion, blurred vision, altered cons-
ciousness, visual hallucination, mental disturbance, neuro- psychiatric
5. RPGN <1%
- Oliguria to anuria.
- Acute profound renal insufficiency with more than 50% glomeruli
with crescents.
6. Electrolyte abnormalities: low TCO2, high K+, Na+ normal/low/high,
decreased Ca, increased PO4.
7. NS: 2-4%
8. CKD: 1 to 2% in long term in children, 3-5% in adult.
1% can have persistent abnormal urinalysis, low C3, high creatinine
(C3 glomerulopathy remain as differential diagnosis)
1. Urine routine examination, culture and colony count
a. Dysmorphic RBC.
b. RBC cast.
c. Pus cell (indicate inflammation).
d. Mild to moderate proteinuria.
2. Protein creatinine ratio: Non nephrotic range
a. ASO titre (>333 todds unit) – rises in 90%.Rising titre is suggestive,
starts to rise 1-2 weeks, peaks by 4 weeks, gradually falls at 12
weeks, elevated more in post pharyngitis APSGN.It is found raised
in 20% of normal population.
b. Throat swab for C/S.
c. Streptozyme assay: anti-streptolysin O, anti-DNAase B, anti-
hyaluronidase, anti-streptokinase, anti NADase; it is most
sensitive (97%) and specific (80%).
d. Anti NaPlr (plasmin associated receptor) is measure of protection,
found in 60-92% of APSGN.
e. Anti NaPlr and anti SPEB-SPEB titrehave higher specificity
f. Anti DNAase B increases more in post pyoderma APSGN
a. C3 and C4: C3 depressed in APSGN, both decreases in SLE,
low CH50 in 60% APSGN
C3 falls before rising of ASOT, and normalizes within 6-8 wk.
15-30% APSGN can have low C3 & C4
b. To exclude vasculitis (SLE / ANCA associated)
Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA).
Anti-ds DNA.
Anti-nuclear cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA).
p-ANCA or MPO: microscopic polyangiitis
c-ANCA or PR3: granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Anti GBM antibodies- Anti GBM disease, Goodpasture’s disease
c. Anti-factor B levels: It is a component of the alternative C3 convertase.
Present in >90% of children with acute post infectious glomeru-
lonephritis, distinguishing it from cryoglobulin with C 3 GP.
Renal function and electrolytes:
a. Serum creatinine, cystatin C, other newer biomarkers.
b. Serum urea / blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
c. Serum electrolytes: raised K+, decreased TCo2, dilutional hypo-
natremia. are common
d. Blood gas analysis – if acidotic breathing.
a. Full blood count: Increased polymorphonuclear leukocytes
b. Peripheral blood film – to exclude alternate diagnosis, low grade
hemolysis, dilutional anemia possible, normal film is common.
a. CXR – To see pulmonary edema, cardiomegaly, pleural effusion
b. USG of KUB – To exclude chronic GN.
c. MRI of brain (T2 weighted): if PRES is suspected, hyoerin-
tense area in parieto-occipital part of brain.
ECG: hyperkalemia with tall T, wide QRS complex and ST depres-
Biopsy also confirms APSGN
Serological evidence of post infectious etiology other than post
streptococcal, based on clinical suspicion: hepatitis B surface antigen,
anti-hepatitis B surface antibody, anti-hepatitis C antibody, myco-
plasma antibody, Epstein-Barr virus antibody.
Cultures: Post-infectious glomerulonephritis: skin, tonsils
Shunt nephritis: Blood, cerebrospinal fluid, shunt tip (after removal)
Endocarditis nephritis: Blood
IgADIRGN: Blood, tissues
95-98%- complete recovery within 1-2 weeks.
<1% immediate mortality. Fatality is due to heart failure with
pulmonary edema and hyperkalemia
1% may proceed to CKD (chronic GN)., 8% in adult.
1% may continue with mild hematuria, proteinuria, hyperten-
sion and upper side creatinine, may develop CKD in long run.
Abnormal urinalysis can be found in 20% of children.
Recurrence is rare because of life long immunity, smaller number
of nephritogenic strain
Worst prognosis is with RPGN.
Infective endocarditis
10% of PIGN can be due to infective endocarditis (IE).
Renal involvement is found in 25-50 % of infective endocarditis;
mostly asymptomatic
Focal embolic and non-suppurative GN common; can have infarct.
Interstitial nephritis by antibiotic is possible.
Native valve endocarditis rate is 1.7 -6.2/ 100000 person years in
USA and Europe. In adolescent young rheumatic valvular disease
has decreased.
Endocarditis related to prosthetic valves, implantable devices and
drug abuse has increased. MRSA is also increasing.
Bacterial endocarditis is 20-60 times more common in HD patient
with 50% mortality risk.
Congenital heart disease and cardiac surgery are also risk factor
with current 4% mortality rate.
Staphylococcus aureus more than 50%
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Streptococcus viridans and pyogens
Enterococcus fecalis
E. coli, Proteus
Mitral valvular calcification is commonly associated in IE.
Clinical features
Microscopic hematuria and proteinuria for weeks to months is common
Renal failure in one third of patient carries poor prognosis
Crescentic GN and antibiotic associated acute interstitial nephritis
are possible
Nephrotic syndrome is uncommon.
Fever, leukocytosis, raised ESR
Lack of classic symptom is responsible for 38% of autopsy diagnosis
of infective endocarditis
Vegetation >20 mm age less than one year, presence of heart
failure and staph aureus are diagnostic
Stroke by embolization can occur in 6% of children
Large systemic embolization is caused by fungus or Haemophilus.
Acute GN
Low C3 C4
High rheumatoid factor
Rarely ANCA antibody
1. Mesangial proliferative GN
2. MPGN pattern
D/D- HCV viral nephropathy
-Lupus nephritis
IF: deposit of IgG, IgM, IgA
EM: electron dense deposit in sub endothelial and sub epithelium
Histological changes are reversible with treatment.
Appropriate antibiotic for 4-6 wks.
Crescentic GN - pulse methylprednisolone and plasmapheresis
Shunt Nephritis
Incidence of shunt nephritis is 6%
0.7-2% of infected AV shunt can presented with nephritis
Organism are
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Less often Staph aureus
Clinical Features
Haematuria, proteinuria, hypertension, nephrotic syndrome.
Fever, anemia
Features of raised intracranial pressure
Low C3, C4, Hb
Elevated ESR, cryoglobulin
Rheumatoid factor titre
Serum anti P ANCA titre
Intravenous antibiotic
Shunt removal within a few weeks’ replacement of shunt
Haemodialysis if ESRD
No PD because of chance of meningitis
ESRD if shunt removal is delayed
Other post infectious GN
Osteomyelitis and intra-abdominal abscess may cause glomeru-
lonephritis, urine analysis abnormalities and nephrotic syndrome.
Pneumonia caused by pneumococcus, mycoplasma pneumoniae
can cause immune complex induced glomerulonephritis, haematuria
and non-nephrotic proteinuria.
Neuraminidase (Thomsen Friedreich (T) antigen) producing pneumo-
coccus may cause haemolytic uremic syndrome .
Diffuse proliferative GN
Crescent common
Membranoproliferative GN and some C3 deposition only,
rarely Ig.
- Treatment of infection early and effectively.
Fluid, Electrolytes and
Acid-base Disorder 09
A. Fluid
The goals of intravenous (IV) fluid therapy are to prevent:
a. Dehydration.
b. Deficiencies of sodium and potassium.
c. Ketoacidosis.
d. Protein degradation.
2. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to IV fluid therapy, as the prescription
needs to be individualized to take into account the following:
a. Medical condition of the child.
b. Initial fluid, electrolyte and acid-base status.
c. Therapeutic goal.
d. Changes in the fluid, electrolyte and acid-base status with ongoing
IV fluid therapy and losses
*This method may not be useful for; i) Babies who are < 28 days old. ii)
Calculating oral maintenance fluid requirements. iii) Patients who are
4. Fluid requirement of an overweight patient is based on age and ideal body
weight (IBW) (kg):
a. Weight for 50% percentile for the patient’s age OR
b. Formula to get the IBW (in adolescent and adults)
i. Male: 50 + 2.3*(height in cm/2.5 – 60)
ii. Female: 45.5 + 2.3*(height in cm/2.5 – 60)5.
5. Maintenance fluid requirements for term neonates (< 28 days old):
5 (a) Maintenance fluid of well children (for normal hydration) < 40 kg:
0.45% saline with 5% dextrose, > 40 kg: 0.9% saline with 5% dextrose
6. Adjustment of maintenance fluid requirements may be needed in the
a. Factors affecting insensible water loss:
Ongoing losses:
Ongoing losses (e.g., from diarrhea, nasogastric suction, and drains)
should be measured and replaced regularly if the above combined
fluid deficit/maintenance approach fails to correct the dehydration.
Replacement may be based on each previous hour or 4-hour
period, depending on the situation.
Type of fluid used to replace ongoing losses depends on the
electrolyte composition of the fluid being lost. For example, nasogastric
suction losses should be replaced with IV 0.45% saline with KCl 10
mmol added to each 500 ml of 0.45% saline
B. Electrolytes
Male: solid muscle- 50%; water- 50%
Female: ↑fat and solid- 40%; water- 60%
In fetus- ˃75% is total body water (TBW), at birth TBW ~75%, early
infancy >60%, and after 1 year- 60% up to puberty.
Total body water: Male 60%, female 50% because of more fat
Blood- 8% of total body weight
Sodium (Na+) –
Normal range 135-145mmol/l
It is the determinant of plasma osmolality.
Minimum urine osmolality is 30-50 mOsm/L and maximum is 1200
Plasma osmolality contributed by Na+ is called tonicity.
Osmolality: 2 x (Na+) + glucose / 18 + BUN / 2.8, osmolality is
maintained to normal range of 285-295 mOsm/kg
Effective osmolality: 2 x (Na+) + glucose / 18
Normal plasma: 93% water by volume, 7% protein, lipids etc.
Decrease H2O in ECF leads ECF high Na+ which causes increase
plasma osmolality, thirst, high ADH binds to V2 receptor in collecting
duct causes increased cAMP leading to insertion of aquaporin 2 and
increase permeability leads increase H2O reabsorption in DCT.
Angiotensin II helps Na (with H2O) reabsorption and K+ excretion in
If hypernatremia persist > 24 hours leads brain generates an excess
of low molecular wt organic solvents such as sugar, alcohol, methylamines,
amino acids that help increase ICF; idiogenic osmoles, includes organic
solutes; inositol, taurine and glutamine which help to prevent dehydration of
brain cells but rapid correction of persistent increased Na+ can cause
significant brain edema and dehydration. Oncotic adaptation needs 2 days.
Hyponatraemia (Na+<135 mmol/l; Mild: 130-135mmol/L, Moderate:
125-130 mmol/L, Severe: < 125mmol/L))
Sudden decreased sodium; cerebral edema
Gradual reduced Na+; no edema but alternate adaptation and
inadaptation causes cellular dehydration that may cause central
pontine myelinolysis (CPM). So during correction of Na+, it should
not rise > 0.5 mEq/L (˃12 mEq/L/day), 8-10 mEq/L/day
Pseudohyponatremia (normal osmolality)
Redistributive hyponatremia (hyper-osmolar)
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Euvolemic hyponatremia
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Osmolality is low in pseudo, normal in true
Direct potentiometry by blood gas analyzer is useful
Calculated Na= Measured Na- Triglyceride (mg/dl) × 0.002
Calculated Na= Measured Na- plasma protein- 8 (gm/dl) × 0.025
Calculated Na= Measured Na+ 1.6 × glucose (mg/dl)-100/100
Hyperlipidemia, hyperproteinemia: Spurious low levels are
trivial, increase TG by 500 mg/dl and protein by 4gm will
decrease Na by 1gm/L
Hyperglycemia, iatrogenic (mannitol, sucrose, glycine)
Hypovolemic hyponatremia: (Simultaneous equal loss of Na
and water)
Extra-renal losses (Urine Na+< 20 mEq/L)
Gastrointestinal (emesis, diarrhea), skin (sweating or burns),
third space losses; decease volume leads to increase ADH
causing retention of water (bowel obstruction, peritonitis, sepsis),
dilute ORS
Renal loses (Urine Na+ ˃20 mEq/L; ± volume change irrespective
of volume status)
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), acute kidney injury (AKI),
chronic kidney disease (CKD)- dilutional hyponatremia
Diuretic – loop, thiazide
Diuretic (polyuric) stage of acute kidney injury (AKI)- nephrotic
syndrome, post obstructive diuresis, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA),
osmotic dieresis, polyuric phase of acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Mineralocorticoid deficiency/resistance: Low Na, high K+,
increase HCO3
Pseudohypoaldosteronism (CAH, Addison)
AR-Polycystic kidney disease, obstructive uropathy, UTI due
to tubular dysfunction
Cerebral salt wasting (high Hct, Increase BUN, increase
creatinine, low volume, urinary urea and uric acid is high): CNS
insult causing hyper secretion of B-type natriuretic peptide
causing polyuria, hypovolemia, decrease ADH. Treatment is
normal saline, NaCl, fludrocortisone.
Juvenile nephronophthisis, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney
disease (ARPKD), tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN), renal tubular
acidosis (RTA-II)
Euvolemic hyponatremia (Urine Na+ ˃20 mEq/L)
PEM: Na and urea are breakdown product of protein
Syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone (SIADH): Central
Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
Water intoxication (increase water drinking, hypotonic fluid,
iatrogenic, dilute bottle feeding, swimming, child abuse, drowning,
tap water enema)
Post surgery (increased ADH, decrease tonicity, intravenous fluid)
Glucocorticoid deficiency
Desmopressin acetate
Antidepressant medication
Psychogenic polydipsia
Exercise-induced hyponatremia
Diarrhea and diuretic are two common cause
Hypervolemic hyponatremia (Urine Na+< 10 mEq/L)
Increase ADH causes retention of water, decrease Na (dilutional);
retention of Na, H20 (low urine Na, <30meq/L- renal mechanism to
Increase aldosterone causes small rise of Na
Heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Acute, chronic kidney injury, CKD
Capillary leak caused by sepsis, dengue
Hypoalbuminemia caused by gastrointestinal disease (protein- losing
It is a dire emergency
Correction: Day-1; 10 mmol/L, day-2; 8 mmol/L
Na+ deficit = (130 - S.Na+) x 0.6 x kg, it is not recommended for rapid
correction, because of chance of central pontine myelinolysis, flash
pulmonary edema. Then treat with desmopressin if severe hypovolemic
Maintain fluid 5% DNS; 1.25 to 1.5 times that normal maintenance
Concentration of Na+
In N/S: 154 mEq Na+ /L
In 3% N/S: 513 mEq Na+ / L
In urgency/ symptomatic: NaCl: 3% at 4-6 ml/kg over 10-15 minute,
if no improvement repeat.
Stop if Na+> 125 mEq/L rest deficit correction over next 48 hour.
Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Replacement of volume by isotonic saline (0.9% saline) to
establish euvolemia- 20 ml/kg over 20 minutes, repeat if needed
Volume repletion removes stimulus for ADH and allow free water
Replacement of ongoing losses with appropriate fluid
Reassess, repeat IV N/S
Calculate 24 hr fluid need: maintenance + deficit + acute loss /
ongoing loss
Subtract isotonic fluid already given in bolus
Give remaining fluid over 24 hr using ½ NS + 20mmol /L KCL (if K+
is low)
Euvolemic hyponatremia
Syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone (SIADH)
Fluid restriction- mainstay of therapy
Rx of underlying cause
Furosemide: I/V
Vasopressin receptor antagonist – conivaptan, tolvaptan
Hypothyroidism, cortisol deficiency → specific hormone therapy
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Water and salt restriction
Vasopressin antagonist- tolvaptan
Optimal treatment of underlying cause
Normal saline(NS) : Albumin + diuretic
Renal failure: dialysis
Heart failure: diuretics I/V furosemide 2-4 mg/kg even 10 mg/kg
Invariably hyperosmolality exists
Na+> 145 mEq/L; true H2O deficit, increase H2O loss, more Na+
In increased Na+ (>150 mEq/L); → proportional H2O loss;
increase antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and increased thirst
Hemorrhage (subdural, subarachnoid, ventricular)- water moves
out of cell; decreased brain volume; tearing of the veins. CSF
protein increased.
Thrombosis in venous sinuses.
>160 mEq/L: Neurological features may develop
Hypernatremia always associated with ↑glucose and ↓ calcium.
Excessive sodium
Shock with dehydration: 10-20 ml/kg NS or 5% albumin over 20-30
If oliguric dehydration 0.45% NS
If euvolemic 0.23% NS (baby saline) with caution
Calculate free water deficit = weight x 0.6 (1-145) x S. Na + level
It is equivalent to 3-4 ml of water per kg of each 1 mEq of Na+ that
exceed current level of 145 mEq/L
Rapid correction can cause central pontine/extra pontine myelinolysis so
reduce ˂10 mEq/L of Na+ day
Correct underlying cause
If no dehydration, typical fluid: 5% dextrose (5%DNS) + ½ NS
(with 20 mEq/L KCL unless contraindicated)
Concomitant hypokalemia give- KCl
If diarrhea: cholera saline and ORS
Hypocalcemia found in 10%, so correct it.
Serum Na > 180 mmol/L is an indication for dialysis.
Potassium (K+)
Mild: 5.5-6.5 mEq/L
Moderate: 6.5-8 mEq/L
Severe: > 8 mEq/L
Causes of hyperkalemia (mostly insufficient renal excretion)
Spurious: high K+ (factitious)
In vein puncture
Prolonged torniquet test
Jerking while transport can cause hemolysis
Thrombocytosis (for every 1 lac K+ increase by 0.15 mEq/L)
Clinching of fist
Delay in processing blood
Cold storage
Storage at high temperature
Familial pseudohyperkalemia (K+ release from RBC due to
genetic abnormality)
Transcellular shift
Type-I Diabetes mellitus(DM), diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Dehydration and increased osmolality
Strenuous exercise
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (autosomal dominant, mutated Na
channel, episodic cellular K+ release with paralysis)
Malignant hypertension
Digitalis intoxication
Tissue necrosis
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I: AD, defect in Na channel causing
low volume, decrease Na, high K+, high H+, low HCO3. Severe
failure to thrive, diarrhea, recurrent pneumonia, mitharia rebon like
rash begin in infancy may remit in adulthood.
Increased intake/release from damage cell
Transfusion of old blood
Rhabdomyolysis, TLS
Severe exercise
GI bleeding
Low excretion:
Acute kidney injury (AKI ), premature
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Type IV renal tubular acidosis (RTA)
Lupus nephritis
Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI), ACEi, ARB, NSAID, trimethoprim,
K+ sparing diuretics, COX-2 inhibitor, heparin
Chronic TIN
Aldosterone deficiency
Primary- Addison’s disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Gordon syndrome
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type II: AD, WNKI 4 mutation; Increase
volume, hypertension, hyperkalemia, hyperchloremia, acidosis.
Treatment with thiazide
Aldosterone resistance
Obstructive uropathy, Bartter syndrome
Renal transplant
K+ sparing diuretics
Very low birth weight(VLBW)
Clinical features:
Acute: Neuromuscular, cardiac
Chronic; Asymptomatic; better tolerated
Neuromuscular: Muscle weakness, fatigue, paresthesia, low bowel
syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, paralysis, skeletal muscle, trunk, extremities,
respiratory muscles and urinary retention
Cardiac: SVT, VT, heart block
Muscle cramp
Low BP
Arrythmia/cardiac arrest: in digitalis receiving underlying cardiac
Oliguria, diarrhea
Serum potassium
Aldosterone, renin
Urine spot/timed K+:Creatinine ratio
Underlying cause-
CBC, uric acid
Creatinine phosphokinase (CPK), Ca+- rhabdomyolysis, etc.
ECG changes: Normal in spurious hyperkalemia
K (mEq/L) ECG findings
5.5-6.5 Tall peaked T wave, prolonged PR interval
6.5-8 Increased PR interval, P-flattening, QRS- progressive
widening, ST elevation
˃8 QRS merge with T forming sine wave, VF, asystole
Clinical feature:
Acute: Neuromuscular, cardiac
Chronic: Renal, glycosuria, decrease growth
Hypoactive gut (constipation at 2.5 mEq/L)
Alkalosis: shallow respiration- respiratory paralysis (low k+ with
metabolic alkalosis: a. with low chloride: vomiting, NG suction, low
chloride formula, diuretic, b. with high chloride and normal BP:
Bartter syndrome, Gitelman syndrome, c. high chloride with high
BP: CAH [Adenoma], renovascular disease, Cushing syndrome,
Liddle syndrome, renal tumor)
Cardiovascular system(CVS) : Increased digitalis toxicity, arrythmia-
thready pulse
Muscle: weakness, cramps, lethargy, paralysis, ileus, retention
Chronic hypokalemic nephropathy- polyuria, polydipsia due to
decrease urinary concentrating ability, failure to thrive
Hypokalemia: causes increase renal NH4 production- worsens
hepatic encephalopathy
Severe hypokalemia- kidney damage by interstitial nephritis and
renal cyst.
Chronic hypokalemia- like RTA, Bartter syndrome- poor linear growth
Spurious exclusion by ECG, spot urinary K+, Spot urine K+/Cr ratio, Fe
K+ (fractional excretion of K+)
Deficit: K+ required. = 0.6 x weight (kg) x (4 - measured level)
Preferred- Per oral safe (3-4 mmol/kg/day; starting dose 1-2m Eq/kg/day;
maximum 60 mEq/kg/day) - potassium carbonate, acetate, citrate- 2-4
mEq/kg/day max. Span K+ tablet: 600mg (K=8 mmol/kg), Syp. KCL
(potchlor, Electro K)
Intravenous- only symptomatic + ECG changes, paralytic ileus
KCL- 0.5-1 ml with N/S given over 1 hr (max 40 mEq)
Maximum infusion rate is 0.2 mmol/kg/hr to 0.4 mmol/kg/hr
In diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)- acidosis- redistribution occur, so in
correction of decrease K+ ; may have rebound raised K+
Acidosis with hypokalemia: K+ acetate citrate
With hypophosphatemia: K+ phosphate
Serum K+
> 3 mmol- KCl- 1 ml in 100 ml N/S,
2-3 mmol- KCl- 1.5 ml in 100 ml N/S
< 2 mmol- KCl- 2 ml in 100 ml N/S
K+= [3-measured K+× wt (kg) × 0.04]
Never give fast IV and concentration of K+ in IV fluid should not
exceed 60 mEq/L in peripheral vein and 80 mEq/L in central vein
Monitor by ECG and serum K+ level
Concomitant hypomagnesemia should be corrected as it causes
Treat underlying cause
Food: Beans, citrous food, coconut, potato
Should not be use with bicarbonate which may aggravate redistribution
and low K+
Hypokalemia should be corrected prior to acidosis correction.
Function of Ca:
1. Stabilization of cell membrane.
2. Signaling e.g., muscle contraction
3. Neurotransmitter and hormone (PTH) release
4. Co factor in clotting
5. Stabilization of skeletal and dental structure
Calcium (Ca) exists in three forms in plasma:
1) Calcium bound to protein (40 %)
2) Ionized calcium (48 %)
3) Complexed with anions like phosphate, citrate, and bicarbonate
(12 %).
Normal value: 8.5-10.5 mg/dl
Bone, intestine, and kidney are key organs involved in Ca homeostasis
and is regulated principally by PTH and 1, 25 (OH) 2 D and to a lesser
extent by calcitonin.
Preterm newborn – serum Ca < 7 mg/dl (1.75 mmol/l) or ionized Ca
< 1 mmol/l
Term newborn – serum Ca < 8 mg/dl (2 mmol/l) or ionized Ca < 1.1
Children – serum Ca < 8.5 mg/dl (2.12 mmol/l) or ionized Ca < 50
% of serum Ca
Vitamin D deficiency or impaired metabolism: Nutritional, VDDR,
BMD of CKD, AKI, NS (Ca binding protein loss)
Hypoparathyroidism: DiGeorge syndrome, CHARGE association,
PTH gene mutations, calcium sensing receptor (CASR) abnormality
– gain of function mutations or antibodies to the receptors, hypo-
magnesemia, neck surgery/post-parathyroidectomy
Pseudohypoparathyroidism type IA, IB, II
Redistribution of plasma Ca: Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), hyper-
phosphatemia, hungry bone syndrome, acute pancreatitis.
Infants of diabetic mother
Birth trauma
Birth asphyxia
Hypomagnesemia: Mg is cofactor for PTH secretion
Activating mutation of CaSR (autosomal dominant)
Poor calcium intake: Parenteral nutrition, presence of dietary calcium
chelators, malabsorption
Drugs - furosemide, steroids, phenytoin, phenobarbitone, rifampicin,
Massive blood transfusion
Albumin infusion
Candidiasis, subcapsular cataracts, basal ganglia calcifications, extra-
pyramidal symptoms, enamel hypoplasia, papilledema
Features of rickets
Latent signs (signs of Chvostek and Trousseau)
Ventricular arrhythmia, congestive heart failure.
Dry skin, eczema
Hair loss, brittle nail
Enamel hypoplasia
Serum ionized calcium, phosphate, magnesium, albumin, alkaline
phosphatase, electrolytes, creatinine
ABG, 25 OHD, iPTH, ECG, renal USG
Urine analysis
Symptomatic hypocalcemia: 1–2 ml/kg/dose of 10 % calcium gluconate
IV diluted to twice the volume in dextrose under cardiac monitoring
for bradycardia and repeat every 6–8 h. Once the symptoms have
resolved, oral supplements can be initiated at 50–100 mg/kg/day
of elemental calcium in 3–4 divided doses. Extravasation can
cause severe skin injury.
Treatment of underlying cause of hypocalcemia.
Serum calcium >12 mg/dl (>3 mmol/l), total corrected Ca > 2.6
Severe hypercalcemia >15 mg/dl (3.75 mmol/l).
Increase parathormone (PTH):
Primary - Adenoma, multiple endocrine neoplasia, calcium-sensing
receptor mutation (loss of function).
Primary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism (e.g., chronic kidney disease)
Excess vitamin D: Hypervitaminosis D, sarcoidosis, granulomatous
diseases (Wegener’s, Crohn’s disease), tuberculosis, lymphoma,
Factors releasing Ca from bone: Thyrotoxicosis, immobilization, SLE
Drugs: Thiazides, lithium, calcium and vitamin D supplements, vitamin A
Inherited Ca sensing receptor (CaSR) loss of function
Idiopathic infantile hypercalciuria
Others: Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia, William’s syndrome, milk
alkali syndrome, Addison’s/Cushing’s disease
Clinical features:
Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, constipation, poor feeding
Cardiac: Hypertension, arrhythmias, shortened QT interval
Neurological: Hypotonia, poor activity, psychiatric disturbances, coma
Renal: Polyuria, polydipsia, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, distal
renal tubular acidosis, acute renal injury
Ocular: Band keratopathy, conjunctival and palpebral calcification
Others: weakness, anorexia, bone pain
Serum ionized calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase (ALP),
parathormone (PTH), 25 vit D
Calcium × phosphate product
Renal function test(RFT)
USG of thyroid
Calcium creatinine ratio
Corrected calcium = Measured Ca (mmol/L) + 0.02 [40-albumin)
36-s albumin
Serum Ca +
1. Loss by kidney: ATN, TIN, diuretic, CNI, aminoglycoside
2. Decreased absorption in gut: PEM, diarrhea
3. Endocrine: IDM, hyperaldosteronism, hypoparathyroidism, hyper-
4. Hungry bone syndrome, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, IUGR.
Hungry bone syndrome occurs following parathyroidectomy,
thyroidectomy and correction of severe metabolic acidosis.
5. Acute pancreatitis
6. PPI long use with diuretics
Hypercalciuric hypomagnesemia
Barter type 5 due to gene CaSR (AD) and type 3 due to CLCNKB (Ca, Na,
K wasting)
Acute 0.1- 0.2 mmol/kg if 10% MgSO4 (0.25- 0.5 ml/kg)
Chronic: 0.2 mmol/kg/day PO TDS
Causes: a) Decreased renal excretion - CKD, AKI, nephrotic
b) Increased production- Tumor lysis, rhabdomyolysis, acidosis
c)Endocrine- Thyrotoxicosis, glucocorticoid deficiency, acromegaly
Clinical feature: Non specific
Symptom of hypocalcemia
Treatment of causes
Plasma PO4 < 1.2 mmol/L in infants and <0.8 mmol/L in adolescents
a) increased renal loss: vit D deficiency, hyperparathyroidism,
Fanconi syndrome, TIN, hypophosphatemic rickets, post renal
b) increased calcium uptake: refeeding syndrome, alkalosis, DKA
c) decrease absorption – vit D deficiency, malabsorption
d) corticosteroid excess
non specific
Decrease ATP: weakness, lethargy, paresthesia
Metabolic acidosis
Diarrhea- HCO3 loss; lactic acidosis, decrease tissue perfusion
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) - HCO3 loss, H+ retention
Diabetic keto acidosis (DKA)–Increase organic acid
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)-Decrease excretion of H +
Acute kidney injury (AKI) -decrease excretion of H+; decrease
bicarbonate, albumin, sulphate, urate, both causes mixed effect
and normal anion gap and metabolic acidosis
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)–Decrease excretion of H +
Toxin- salicylate overdose, methylene, ethylene glycol
Lactic acidosis due to tissue hypoxia, occurs in shock, severe
anemia, liver failure, disseminated malignancy, metformin, inborn
error of metabolism.
Surgical intestinal damage
Interstitial nephritis
Ketoacidosis- by DM, starvation, alcoholic, acute glomerulonephritis,
chronic kidney disease
Poisoning- salicylate, ethylene glycol
Anion gap:
The anion gap is the difference between the measured cation
(Na+) and the measured anions (Cl− + bicarbonate). The anion
gap is also the difference between the unmeasured cations (K+,
magnesium, calcium) and the unmeasured anions (albumin,
phosphate, urate, sulfate)
Blood anion gap: Na+ – (Cl- + HCO₃-)
Normal: 14-18 mEq/L, range 12-20 mEq/l
˂12 mEq/l means absence of anion gap, ˃ 20 means presence of
anion gap (e.g., lactic acidosis, IEM)
May results from unmeasured anion primarily phosphate,
sulphate, acidic protein and also by nonvolatile acid (lactic)
Can be measured by difference between the unmeasured cations
(K+, Mg+ and Ca+) and anions (urate, albumin, sulphate and phosphate)
Every mEq of reduced HCO3ˉ causes equal amount of chloride
increment hence anion gap remains same.
Urinary anion gap [(urinary Na+ + K+)- urinary Cl)]: It is positive in
distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), it measures NH4.
Normal urinary anion gap 30-35 mEq/l
For hypoalbuminemia: For each 10 g/L reduction of serum albumin
decrease A:G by 2.5 mmol/L
Corrected AG = AG +2.5× [4.0- measured albumin g/dl]
Clinical Features:
Acute acidosis: Rapid deep breathing (Kussmaul)
Chronic acidosis: Nausea, vomiting, poor weight gain, weakness
Abdominal pain
Stupor, coma due to decrease brain metabolism
Reduces cardiac contractility and cardiac output
Arterial vasodilatation and hypotension
Resistance to effect of catecholamine (at pH < 7.2)
Decreased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen and hence tissue
Impaired leukocyte, lymphocyte function
Stimulates interleukins and increases inflammation
Hyperkalemia, decrease in ionized calcium levels
Clinical features of underlying disease
Urinary anion gap: (urine Na+K)- (urine Cl-)
It is caused by NH₄, it is not routinely measured, chloride concentration
of urine, provides an approximate estimation of NH₄ excretion.
Extra renal loss of HCO₃ˉ: Increase NH4 excretion and increase
urinary anion gap
HCO₃ loss from gut- decrease urinary anion gap
Required when HCO3 < 18 mEq/l and pH <7.15
HCO3 deficit= 0.3 x wt (kg) x (desired- actual HCO3). It applies
for half correction
IV correction if HCO3 is < 12 mmol/l
In acidosis due to hypovolemia target correction is 15 mmol/l,
volume replacement will correct rest.
In RTA correction upto 25 mmol/l is desirable.
In DKA correct acidosis if pH <7.0 and target pH is 7.1
7.5% NaHCO3 2-3 mEq/kg/dose diluted with twice volume of
IV fluid or 1:1 volume
Oral base therapy is given to children with chronic metabolic
acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate tablets are available for older
Lactic acidosis- O2 inhalation
Treatment of cause
Complications of sodium bicarbonate therapy: hyperosmolality,
hypernatremia, hypokalemia, decrease in ionized calcium, intracerebral
acidosis, and shift of oxygen dissociation curve resulting in worsening
of tissue hypoxia and worsening of intracellular acidosis.
Tris-Hydroxymethyl Aminomethane (THAM): THAM is a weak
alkali that reduces arterial [H+] without producing CO₂. It is an
alternative to bicarbonate therapy especially if acidosis is associated
with severe hypernatremia and high PCO₂. However, there are
few studies regarding its efficacy.
Hemodialysis is another option for correcting a metabolic acidosis
and it is an appropriate choice in patients with renal insufficiency,
especially if significant uremia or hyperkalemia is also present.
Long term therapy for acidosis is needed for RTA, CKD, IEM
Short term in AKI, AGN
In diabetic ketoacidosis, insulin and IV fluid correct acidosis,
NaHCO₃ is not used because of hypervolemia. It is also true for
lactic acidosis.
NaHCO3 tablet 600 mg contains 137 mg Na = 6 mmol Na + 6 mmol
Shohl’s solution = 1 mmol Na + 1 mmol citrate ( 3 mmol HCO 3) per
Metabolic alkalosis
A. Chloride responsive (urine Cl- ˂ 15 mEq/l): Cl loss is greater than
Na, K loss with low volume.
Persistent vomiting
Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Congenital primary/secondary hyperaldosteronism
Barttar/Gitelman/Liddle syndrome; chloride losing diarrhoea
NG suction
Renal loss of H+
Loop diuretic: Decrease volume, increase RAAS, high Na, low
K+ causes increase HCl excretion and alkalosis. Initially urinary
Cl increases (>20meq/L), later low (<15meq/L)
Sweat loss in cystic fibrosis
Post hypercapnia
Intracellular shift of H+ - ¯ K+
B. Chloride resistance (urine Cl- ˃ 20 mEq/l)
With hypertension- Adrenal adenoma, congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH), renovascular hypertension, cushing syndrome
With normal BP- Bartter syndrome, Gitelman syndrome, HCO-3
administration, hypoalbuminemia
Emesis- Increase hydrochloric acid (HCL) loss (also water/volume
loss)- Increased HCO3 (citrate, blood transfusion) in blood (maintain
by renal tubule)
Volume depletion
Decreases GFR- Decrease HCO3 filtration
Increase Na+ and HCO3 reabsorption on PCT by renin angiotensin
and aldosterone (RAAS)
Increased aldosterone causes H+ and HCO3 reabsorption in
collecting tubule (CT).
Hypokalemia occurs because of gastric loss and urinary loss by
Aldosterone shifts K+ to cell
Diuretics causes volume depletion which activates RAAS.
Diuretics causes increase delivery of Na into distal convoluted
tubule (DCT) and collecting tubule (CT) causing hypokalemia.
Alkalemia compensated PCO2 by decreasing ventilatory drive
causing hypoxia
Alkalemia increases Ca+ binding with albumin so decreases Ca+
causes tetany
Clinical Features
Symptomatic when ionized Ca+ is low: Neuromuscular irritability-
numbness, tingling, tetany, cardiac arrythmia
High BP in raised mineralocorticoid hormone
Volume depletion features like low pulse and low BP, capillary
filling ˃ 3 sec
Hypokalemic features
Features of hypoxia
Mild metabolic alkalosis (HCO₃ > 28 mEq to < 36 mEq/l): asymp-
Moderate metabolic alkalosis (HCO₃ 36–42 mEq/l): paresthesia,
weakness, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, muscle cramps,
lethargy, hyporeflexia, muscular irritability
Severe metabolic alkalosis: (HCO₃ >45–50 mEq/l): arrhythmias,
tetany, seizures, delirium, stupor
Complications: hypoventilation, hypoxemia, difficulty in weaning
from ventilator, increased digoxin toxicity, worsening of hepatic
Features of hypokalemia: muscle weakness, paralytic ileus, arrhythmias
HCO3 / blood gas analysis
Urinary Cl <10 meq/L- chronic volume depletion, increase (>20meq/L)
in diuretic induced
Unexplained, significant raised HCO 3 – rule out compensatory
respiratory alkalosis
Rx of underlying cause.
Normal saline ± KCl for volume replacement
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI)- decrease HCl secretion
Replace potassium (KCl)
Arginine hydrochloride- in chloride (Cl) resistant alkalosis
Acetazolamide- decreases HCO3 reabsorption in proximal
convoluted tubule (PCT) and hence HCO3 loss
Nasogastric replacement (NG) of NaCl
Treatment of Bartter syndrome: oral K + and K+ sparing diuretics
Gitelman: Magnesium per oral or intravenous.
Respiratory alkalosis
Causes: Anxiety
Fever, toxemia
Asthma exacerbation
Mild pulmonary edema
Increase in ventilation
Respiratory muscle fatigue
Mx: Rx of cause
Weight Descriptor Definition
8 Seizure Recent onset, exclude metabolic, infectious or drug causes
8 Psychosis Altered ability to function in normal activity due to severe disturbance
in the perception of reality. Includes hallucinations, incoherence,
marked loose associations, impoverished thought content, marked
illogical thinking, or bizarre, disorganized, or catatonic behavior.
Exclude uremia and drug causes
8 Organic brain syndrome Altered mental function with impaired orientation, memory, or other
intellectual function, with rapid onset and fluctuating clinical features,
inability to sustain attention to the environment, plus at least 2 of the
following: Perceptual disturbances, incoherent speech, insomnia or
daytime drowsiness, or increased or decreased psychomotor activity.
Exclude metabolic, infectious, or drug causes
8 Visual disturbance Retinal changes of SLE: Includes cytoid bodies, retinal hemorrhages,
serous exudate or hemorrhages in the choroid, or optic neuritis.
Exclude hypertension, infection, or drug causes
8 Cranial nerve disorder New onset of sensory or motor neuropathy involving cranial nerves.
8 Lupus headache Severe, persistent headache, may be migrainous, but must be
nonresponsive to narcotic analgesia
8 Cerebrovascular accident New onset cerebrovascular accident(s). Exclude arteriosclerosis
8 Vasculitis Ulceration, gangrene, tender finger nodules, periungual infarction,
splinter hemorrhages, or biopsy or angiogram proof of vasculitis
4 Arthritis ≥2 joints with pain and signs of inflammation: Tenderness, swelling or
4 Myositis Proximal muscle aching/weakness, associated with elevated creatine
phosphokinase or aldolase or electromyogram changes or a biopsy
showing myositis
4 Urinary casts Heme-granular or red blood cell casts
4 Hematuria > 5 RBC/hpf. Exclude stones, infection or other causes
4 Proteinuria >0.5 g/24 hours
4 Pyuria > 5 WBC/hpf. Exclude infection
2 Rash Inflammatory type rash
2 Alopecia Abnormal, patchy, or diffuse loss of hair
2 Mucosal ulcers Oral or nasal ulcerations
2 Pleurisy Pleuritic chest pain with pleural rub or effusion, or pleural thickening
2 Pericarditis Pericardial pain with at least 1 of the following: Rub, effusion, or
electrocardiogram or echocardiogram confirmation
2 Low complement Decrease in CH50, C3, or C4 below the lower limit of normal for
testing laboratory
2 Increased DNA binding Increased DNA binding by Farr Assay above the normal range
1 Fever 1 >38°C. Exclude infectious causes
1 Thrombocytopenia Platelets <100 × 109/L. Exclude drug causes
1 Leukopenia WBC <3 × 109/L. Exclude drug causes
Obstructive Uropathy
Common types:
Meatus: Stenosis, phimosis, preputial adhesion.
Urethra: Posterior/anterior urethral valve, stricture, polyp, diverticulum
Bladder: Bladder neck hypertrophy, neuropathic bladder.
Ureterovesical junction obstruction: Congenital obstruction.
Ureter: Stricture, calculi, vascular obstruction, ureterocele, primary
Pelviureteric junction: Congenital pelviureteric junction obstruction,
kinks, bands, adhesion, calculi, aberrant vessels.
Calyx: Infundibular stenosis, calculi, tuberculosis.
Obstruction causes dilatation of the upper part leads to hydro-
nephrosis that causes thinning of renal parenchyma, also repeated
infection which leads to scarring of renal parenchyma.
Chronic obstruction causes chronic kidney disease (CKD), proteinuria,
Acute obstruction: Low glomerular filtration rate (GFR) e.g.; acute
kidney injury.
“Brodel effect”: High inserting ureter, into dilated pelvis leading to
a marked obstruction and long stenotic ureteral segment
Clinical feature
Lower urinary tract symptoms:
Straining at urine
Full bladder
Palpable kidney
Sense of incomplete voiding
Poor stream
No sense of full bladder (neuropathic bladder)
Pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJ Obs.) features
Recurrent abdominal pain
Dietle’s crisis: mass resolve with passage of large amount of
urine with electrolyte abnormality
Recurrent UTI
Renal tubular acidosis (distal)
Acute obstruction: Acute kidney injury
Chronic untreated: chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Features of etiology
Favorable prognosis
Normal USG at 12-24 week of gestation
Creatinine <0.8 to 1mg/dL after bladder decompression, 75% maintain
normal function
Visualization of corticomedullary junction
Unfavorable prognosis in
Oligohydramnios in utero
Creatinine >1mg/dL after bladder decompression, all progress to ESRD
Bilateral cortical cyst
HDN at <24 weeks of intrauterine time
Diurnal incontinence > 5yr old child, possible due to uninhibited
contraction of bladder
Poor bladder compliance
Polyuria- due to distal RTA
Antenatal hydronephrosis
Antenatal hydronephrosis is defined as renal pelvic diameter ≥ 5 mm at
any gestational age and requires post-natal evaluation.
Antenatal HDN is detected on USG in 1-5% of all pregnancies.
Transient hydronephrosis is due to unilateral or bilateral narrowing of
PUJ that resolves in 3rd trimester, no further evaluation is needed.
VUR can be bilateral in 60%, usually milder grades resolve
Multicystic kidney disease is non communicating, non-functional
kidney tissue which undergo atrophy.
Abdominal mass due to enlarged kidney: PUJ obstruction or multicystic
dysplastic kidneys
Palpable bladder and/or poor stream and dribbling: posterior urethral
valve in a male infant
Abnormalities in the spine and lower limb with patulous anus: neurogenic
Single umbilical artery: congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary
tract (CAKUT), particularly VUR
Examination for other associated congenital anomalies: VACTERL
association, prune belly syndrome, branchial-renal-oto syndrome,
and retinal-renal syndrome.
Deformities secondary to oligohydramnios: hip dislocation, talipes equinovarus
and potter facies, comprising a receding chin, low set ears, hyper-
telorism with epicanthic folds, and a compressed broad flat nose.
Figure 14.2: SFU grading
HDN mimickers
Large renal cyst
Figure 15.3: An approach to postnatal management of antenatally detect-
ed hydronephrosis
Clinical feature:
Abdominal pain (dull constant pain or severe spasmodic pain),
UTI, pyonephrosis
Gross hematuria
Dietl’s crisis- refers to abdominal pain and palpable renal mass
which resolves with passage of large amounts of urine
Antenatal unilateral hydronephrosis (APD > 20 mm)
Pelvis rupture
Unilateral congenital non obstructive dilatation (HDN)
Renal cyst
Ultrasonography of kidney and urinary bladder with post voidal
residual with mean cystic capacity, grading of hydronephrosis.
Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) or voiding cysto-urethrogram
(VCUG): for lower tract urethra bladder and to exclude ipsilateral
VUR present in 10-15%.
Dynamic renal scintigraphy (dynamic renogram with split renal function,
DTPA/MAG3) – MAG 3 is better.
MRU/CTU: better for ureteric pathology
MAG-3: better for kidney
Urine routine microscopy (R/M/E), culture sensitivity and colony
count (C/S and C/C)
Serum creatinine
Biomarkers of uteropelvic/pelviureteric junction obstruction: In urine
and serum
Monocyte chemotactic peptide (MCP-1)
Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 (MIP-1a)
Osteopontin (OPN)
Neutrophil-gelatin associated lipocalin (NGAL)
Cystatin C
B2 –Microglobulin
Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)
KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule 1)
TGF β (transforming growth factor beta)
VUJ dysfunction:
Any dilated ureter >7mm, without VUR and poor drainage on MAG3
Ureteric dilatation improves spontaneously in 1/3rd, remain static
in further 1/3rd.
Protocol of f/up is same as PUJ dysfunction.
British association of Pediatric Urologist recommends intervention
Distal ureter is > 10 mm and child has febrile UTI and pain.
Differential function is < 40%
Differential function drops by >10% on serial isotope scan
Dilatation progresses to > 15 mm even asymptomatic
Cystoscopy, ureteric stenting and dilatation is intervention of choice
Ureteric reimplementation if stenting fails.
Ureterovesical junction obstruction (VUJ obstruction)
(obstructive megaureter)
Antenatal hydronephrosis
LUT symptoms
Bed wetting
Proteinuria, HTN (reflux nephropathy)
The classical features on antenatal scanning include oligohydramnios,
bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter, a thick-walled bladder and a
dilate posterior urethra, renal dysplasia and pulmonary hypoplasia
Tubular damage with dysfunction may cause hyponatremia acidosis
with hyperkalemia
Potter facies
Walnut like mass in suprapubic area, urinary ascites.
Tubular damage may cause hyponatremia, hypokalemia and acidosis.
Secondary VUJ obstruction develops because of bladder wall thickening.
Renal damage in posterior urethral valve is due to
Bladder dysfunction
Chronic VUR
Persistent/recurrent obstruction
Hypertension by RAAS activation.
Endoscopy: urethroscopy, cystoscopy
MCU with RGU
Urine/R/E C/S
Creatinine and other biomarkers
Treatment of PUV
Post urethral valve (PUV): With cold knife fulguration/ electro- fulguration
(cautery); cystoscopic resection at 5, 7 and 12 clock positions by pediatric
resectoscope at 1st week of life. Appropriately sized resectoscope for
term, pre-term, infant.
Reflux (70% unilateral, 30% bilateral) bladder dysfunction, renal dysplasia
(valve bladder dysfunction) to be treated with IV antibiotic for urosepsis,
correction of acidosis, dehydration.
Urosepsis/too sick child non availability of resectoscope and skill
hand should have cystostomy. Cystostomy is temporary, poor choice
Percutaneous nephrostomy and high loop ureterostomy is temporary
But ultimately fulguration should be done.
Catheter may not enter into bladder
Diversion (Mitrofanoff, ileal conduit)
Intrauterine (2nd trimester) Rodeck vesicoamniotic shunt improves
patient survival, reduces CKD load, may be technically difficult can
have complication like preterm labor, premature rupture of
membrane, chorioamnionitis with fetal loss.
Urine electrolyte predicting good Rodeck vesicoamniotic shunt
outcome are:
Urine Na < 10 mmol/L
Urine chloride < 90 mmol/L
Urine osmolarity < 210 mmol/L- Means normal fetal tubular
reabsorption of Na and Cl and ability to concentrate urine
Circumcision reduces UTI by >80%.
Grades 1-2
Antibiotics prophylaxis until 1 year old and restart antibiotic prophylaxis
if breakthrough febrile UTI.
Grades 3-5: Antireflux surgery. It consists of reimplantation of
ureter into another site of bladder (neocystostomy) in oblique manner
with a bladder mucosal flap at its opening, so that urine does not
leak back while bladder contracts. Reported good success rate is
Antibiotic prophylaxis until 5 years old, consider surgery if break-
through febrile UTI
Beyond 5 years, prophylaxis continued if there is bowel bladder
Endoscopic correction of VUR by subureteric transurethral endoscopic
injection (STING) of dextranomer or hyaluronic acid copolymer
(Deflux) and its modification hydrodistension implantation technic
Success rate in grade I 78%, grade II 72%, grade III 63%, grade
IV and V 51%. Overall success rate is 68%.
Endoscopic submucosal injection of deflux in intramural segment
of ureter for grade IV and V is an alternative. Success rate for
correction is 83%
Cure rates per ureter for grade I and II is 78%, grade III > 72%,
grade IV 63% and grade V 1%.
Indication of continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
Age ≤ 2 years with dilating VUR (grade III-V), until at least 2 years
after a febrile UTI
Age > 2 years with dilating VUR (grade III-V) and febrile UTI,
until at least 2 years after a febrile UTI
Recurrent UTI and non-dilating VUR (grade I-II), until 2 years
after a febrile UTI
Bladder Diverticulum
Outpouching of bladder mucosa through bladder wall
May be acquired or congenital
Bladder outlet obstruction
Neuropathic bladder
Prune belly syndrome
Ehlers Danlos syndrome
C/F: LUT symptom
Renal impairment
Treatment: Excision of diverticulum and ureter reimplantation
Dilation of terminal part of ureter
Usually inside the bladder may be outside
Ureterocele is bilateral in 10-15%, associated with duplex kidney
in 80-90% and ectopic ureter in 75%, majority need surgical
May be single kidney/duplex kidney-duplication in 100% girls and
50% of boys with ureterocele.
Duplicated one drains upper nonfunctional dysplastic moiety
Obstruction and hydroureteronephrosis is possible
Reflux is possible in opposite side
Dx-Cobra head appearance in IVU, VCUG and USG are diagnostic
Ectopic ureter may displace bladder and may appear as ureterocele (pseudo
Endoscopic deroofing
Reimplantation of ureter in VUR
Excision and reimplantation of ureter if obstruct bladder outline
(laparoscopic, robotic, open)
The ureteric diameter more than 8 mm
Aperistaltic common
Classification- 1. obstructed, 2 refluxing, 3. obstructed and refluxing,
4. neither obstructing or refluxing
It is bilateral in 25%
Opposite kidney is absent or dysplastic in 10-50%
Figure 14.5: Megaureter classification
Spina bifida
Tethered spinal cord
Neurogenic bladder
Ectopic ureter
Bladder diverticulum
Periureteral fibrosis
Tumor compression
Aberrant vessels
1. Groin pain
2. Hematuria
3. UTI
MRU/CTU better
Excision of obstructing lower segment of ureter and reimplantation.
HDN takes years to resolve.
Nephroureterectomy if split renal function is less than 5-10%, severe
urosepsis, stone or increasing HDN.
Prune belly syndrome: 1:40000 male, cause of 1-2.6% of CKD
1. Deficiency of abdominal wall, undescended testis,
2. Oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia.
3. Massive dilatation of urinary tract (ureter, bladder, urethra) secondary
to dysplasia
4. VUR, patent urachus, urachal cyst
5. PUV, obstruction at PUJ and VUJ
6. Malrotation of gut and heart
7. Empty hypoplastic scrotum, invariably infertile.
8. Poor bladder contraction, significant PVR
9. Telepes equinovarus, congenital dislocation of hip
10. Wrinkles lax abdominal wall
Inv: MAG 3, MRU
Vesicostomy and other diversions.
Abdominal wall reconstruction
30% reaches ESRD
Blood Pressure Levels for Boys by Age and Height Percentile
BP Classification/Interpretation
BP is classified by systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP)
percentiles for age/sex/height. If SBP or DBP >90th percentile, repeat
twice at same office visit before interpreting result.
Serum anion gap Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-) Normal value 6-12 mEq/L
Free water deficit Total body water × (Na+ Total body water=
concentration / 140) - 1 0.6 × wt (kg)
Fractional excretion of Na+ Urine Na+ × plasma creatinie <1% in volume contraction
plasma Na+ × urine creatinine with appropriate renal Na+
Change in sodium concentration (infusate Na+ - serum Na+) ÷ Infusate Na+: concentration
following infusion of 1L solution (TBW + 1) of Na+ in fluid infused
Table continued
Appendix 6 (continued)
Preparation Dosage Formulation Remarks
Calcium 45–65 mg of 250, 500 mg 1,000 mg = 22.3 mEq base.
carbonate elemental calcium/ tablets Side effects: constipation,
kg/24 h PO ÷ QID hypercalcemia,
hypomagnesemia, nausea,
vomiting, headache, and
confusion. Administer with
plenty of fluids. As a
phosphorus-lowering agent,
administer with meals
Calcium 0.5 ml/kg/dose, 10 % solution 1 ml = 100 mg calcium
gluconate slow IV. Max IV gluconate = 9 mg elemental
infusion rates: IV Ca. Slow infusion and
push: Do not monitor for bradycardia and
exceed 100mg/min hypotension
(1ml/min). IV
infusion: 120–240
mg/kg/h (1.2–2.4
Calcidiol Children < 20 kg: 0.25, 0.5 microg Monitor plasma levels of
(alphacalcidiol): 0.05 ug/kg/d. 1 mg calcium, phosphorus,
1 hydroxycho- Children > 20 kg alkaline phosphatase, and
lecalciferol body: 1 ug/d parathyroid hormone. Side
effects: polydipsia, polyuria,
constipation, hypotonia,
metastatic calcification,
headache, vomiting
Calcitriol Renal failure: 0.25 ug, 0.5 microg Active and most potent
(1,25dihydroxy- 0.01–0.05 ug/ vitamin D metabolite
cholecalciferol) kg/24 h available. Side effects same
as calcidiol
Appendix 8 Normal values for serum creatinine
Age Range (mg/dl)
Cord 0.6 – 1.2
Newborn 0.3 – 1.0
< 3yrs 0.17 – 0.35
3-5 years 0.26 – 0.42
5-7 years 0.29 – 0.48
7-9 years 0.34 – 0.55
9-11 years 0.35 – 0.64
11-13 years 0.42 – 0.71
13-15 years 0.46 – 0.81
Adult male 0.7 – 1.3
Adult female 0.6 – 1.1
A Congenital oligomeganephronia 25
ABPM 317 Contrast enhanced voiding ultrasonogra-
Acetazolamide 274 phy 554
Acidification of urine2 CoQ10 related mitochodropathies 168
ADAMTS13 362 COVID vaccines 399
Aldosterone deficiency 254 Cr-EDTA 560
Anion gap 267 Cystatin C 380
Antenatal hydronephrosis 405 Cystic tumors 440
Apparent mineralocorticoid excess 330 Cystinosis 452
Ask-upmark kidney 25 D
Barrington nucleus 520 Deferment of Immunization 396
Bicarbonate loading test 459 Denys-Drash syndrome 151
BOLD MRI 559 Detrusor overactivity 544
Bosniak classification 440 Development of kidney 13
Botulinum 526 Dietl’s crisis 410
Bowed leg 484 Difficult to treat steroid sensitive disease
Bowel bladder diary 523 126
BP index 317 Dipping 317
Brodel effect 402 Drug-associated immune complex
Burosumab 487 vasculitis 177
DSE 534
C Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry 482
Calciphylaxis 388
Captopril renography 566 E
Caroli disease 425 EAST syndrome (SeSAME syndrome)
Causes of recurrent gross hematuria 96 466
Chlorambucil 139 Ectopic Kidney28
Chronic Valsalva 528 Eculizumab 374
Churg Strauss syndrome 200 EDOUF 539
CIMT (carotid intima-media thickness test) 335 Endoscopic deroofing 420
Cinacalcet 487 Enuresis risoria 543
cloudy urine 59 Eponymous syndromes 433
CNI 140 Euvolemic hyponatremia 248
Cobra head appearance 420 Evaluation for HTN (MONSTER) 334
factitious syndrome by proxy 57 Klotho 478
Fanconi Syndrome 452 L
Fanconi syndrome 461 Leech method 523
Filtration Barrier 05 Leigh syndrome 169
fMRU 559 Lesch Nyhan syndrome 500
Fresier syndrome 167 L-FABP-Liver type fatty acid binding
FRIED 251 protein 291
Liddle syndrome 330
Liddle’s syndrome 274
Galloway and Mowat syndrome 169
Lipoprotein apheresis 157
Gammopathy 113
Loin mass 419
Gitelman’s syndrome 274 Looser zones 482
Glomerular and tubular proteinuria 60
Glomerular cysts 430
MAHA 370
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 15
Masked HTN 317
Glomerulocystic kidney disease (GCKD) 446
McIsaac Criteria 94
Glomerulocystic kidney disease 423
Medullary cystic dysplastic kidney26
Goodpasture syndrome 102 Medullary Sponge Kidney 26
Gordon syndrome 330 Megaureter 421
H Membranous Nephropathy (MN) 119
Haploinsufficiency 362 Meningocele closure 548
Holding maneuver 521 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) 157
Hungry bone syndrome 488 MEST-C Score 189
Micky-Mouse 54
Hyper filtration injury 377
Micropenis 34
Hypercaloric diet 172
Midstream urine 40
Hyperkalemia 253
Mirabegron 526
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 253
Mitrofanoff 549
Hypervolemic hyponatremia 248 Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) 434
Hypomagnesemia 264 Multicystic kidney 406
Hypospadias 33 Multilocular cystic nephroma 429
Hypovolemic hyponatremia 248
I Nail patella syndrome 168
Ileal conduit 549 Nail Patella syndrome 443
Infective endocarditis 96 Nail-Patella syndrome 151
IVC collapsibility index 129 NC grade1 568
J Nephronophthisis 431
Jogger’s hematuria 55 Neuromodulator 526
Juxtaglomerular apparatus 06 NGAL 291
O Rodeck vesicoamniotic shunt 415
Ochoa 543 ROS 401
Ofatumumab 142 S
Ofatumumab 156 Sacral nerve stimulation 530
Onuf nucleus 521 Schwartz and Bartter clinical criterion 246
Oscillometric device 316 Serum biomarkers 213
Pectus excavatum 480 SIADH 246
PEX 373 Simple renal cyst (SRC) 434
Phimosis (Non-retactile foreskin) 35 Simple renal cyst 25
Pierson syndrome 168 Single kidney 23
Pierson’s syndrome 151 Snellen classification 564
Plasmapheresis (PEX) 108 spinal reflex 10
PLCE 1 168 St. vincents courtesy 521
Pneumococcal vaccine 147 Syndromic cysts 426
Propiverine 526 T
prune belly syndrome 35 Thomsen Friedreich (T) antigen 99
Prune belly syndrome 422 Thomsen-Friedenreich Antigen- T antigen 363
Q Tolterodine 526
Quick-Wee method 40 Tris-Hydroxymethyl Aminomethane
(THAM) 269
R Trospium 526
Rachitic rosary 480 TTP 363
Radionuclide cystography (RNC) 567
Reabsorptive Hypercalciuria 499 Urinary biomarkers 213
Urodynamic study 550
Red diaper syndrome 60
Uroflow study 524
Red eye syndrome 388
Uroflowmetry 546
Reflux nephropathy 413
Uromodulin 443
Refractory KD 196
Urotherapy 524
Renal angina index 293
Renal dysplasia 25 V
Renal hypoplasia 25 Vaccination 395
Renal physiology 14 Varicella 145
Renal solute load (RSL) 233 Vasopressin antagonist 248
Renal tubular buffer system20 Vesicoureteric reflux 417
Renal tubular dysgenesis 26 W
Renal tubule with syndrome 448 Washout/excretory phase 565
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone (RAAS) system 18 Water deprivation 470
Resistant HTN 317 White coat hypertension 317
Rituximab 141, 155 Williams syndrome 437