Assessment of Core competencies-Age-Based

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The Kenya National Examinations Council


Age-based Pathway
By the end of the session, the participant should be able to:

a) Define competency as envisaged in learning;

b) List the core competencies outlined in the BECF;
c) Explain the role of core competencies in learning.
Suggested Learning
1. In pairs, discuss the
a) meaning of competency.
b) benefits of core
2. Make a presentation to the
What is the
Competency is the ability to apply
meaning of appropriate knowledge, skills,
competence attitudes and values to
successfully perform a task.

CBA therefore, focuses on the

assessment of learner’s ability to
apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values in real life situations.
Core Competencies in the BECF

1: Communication A learner who is able to;

and Collaboration Listen

Critique Ask questions

Show confidence Pay attention

Speak clearly

Write clearly
Communication and Collaboration
Suggested learning activities:
1. In pairs, discuss the
• meaning of communication and collaboration;
• linkage between communication and
• benefits of communication and collaboration;
• teacher’s role in developing communication
and collaboration skills;
• indicators of communication and collaboration.
2. Develop a task to assess
communication and collaboration.
Communication and Collaboration

Communication is the Collaboration is the

process of transferring process of two or more
information from a people working together
sender to a recipient, to realize shared goals.
whether verbally or Collaborative learning is
non-verbally. designed to help learners
learn from each other.
Improves relationships
among learners.
5 Teaches how to think
2 Improves knowledge
critically and quickly.
acquisition and retention.
6 Promotes listening to
3 Turns learning into a truly
criticism and advice.
active process (the learner
demonstrates 7 Develops public speaking
understanding, defends a and active listening skills.
point and convinces others). 8
Makes learners understand
4 Promotes learning from
how to address a problem,
others’ viewpoints. Benefits of present solutions, and decide
Communication the best course of action.
Skills of communication
There are four skills of communication:
1. Listening 3. Reading

2. Speaking 4. Writing
Pays attention to the Asks questions for clarity.
person who is speaking.

Repeats what is

Keeps eye contact/turns to face the

direction of the communicator. Shows interest by nodding or
by smiling at appropriate times.
Confident. Engages the

Speaking Has clarity of
Uses gestures and
Takes turns in
facial expressions
Visualizes/ creates
pictures in the mind.
Summarizes texts.

Predicts information. Reading Infers

Indicators information.

Asks the right Answers questions

questions. from a text.
Spells words correctly.
Writes clearly

Ensures fluency
Uses appropriate
Writing in sentences.

Uses appropriate Presents organized

vocabulary. work.
Appreciates efforts
Shares information
of others.
with others.
Listens to others.
Shows interest in
working together with Collaboration Cooperates with
others to achieve a Indicators others.
common goal.
Shows respect
Asks the right towards others.
Is self-motivated.
Sample Assessment of communication and
1. In your groups, click on the link and discus the
Sample tool for assessing communication and
collaboration skills.
2. Select a learning area of your choice in the
curriculum design, identify a suggested
learning experience and develop a tool for
assessing communication and collaboration.
3. Present in the plenary.
2: Critical Thinking A learner who is able to;

and Problem
Work well
Solving Be Creative with people
Ask questions
Pay attention
Solve Problems

Come up with
alternative solutions

Generate ideas
SESSION 2: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Session Outcomes:
By the end of the session, the participant should be able to:
explain the meaning of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
as a competency;
explore the benefits of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
in learning;
Outline the indicators of critical thinking and problem solving;

develop a task to assess Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

Suggested Learning Activities
In groups
1. explain the meaning of Critical Thinking and
Problem Solving;
2. explore the benefits of Critical Thinking and
Problem Solving;
3. outline the indicators of Critical Thinking
and Problem Solving;
4. develop a task to assess Critical Thinking
and Problem Solving.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
What is Critical Thinking
and Problem Solving
Problem-solving is the
ability to identify and
describe problems, cope
Critical thinking refers to ability to with complexities,
come up with solutions for reason, argue and make
problems or issues faced in real life
sound decisions.
situations. This is done by defining
the problem, gathering information,
sorting, organizing, classifying and
analysing materials and data.
This core competency enables learners to:

look at both work well with

sides of an issue; other people;

think of the
fastest method be creative as
to reach a goal; they solve
Benefits of critical
thinking and problem problems.
identifies a problem
tries alternative ways
or challenge;
to solve a problem;

seeks clarification
Indicators of
from the teacher,
peers, critical thinking accepts alternative
views from other
guardians/parents; and problem
shows flexibility and
adapts to different reflects and
situations; assesses self.
Assessing critical thinking and problem solving
1. Select a learning area of your choice in the
curriculum design, identify a suggested
learning experience and develop a tool for
assessing critical thinking and problem
2. Present in the plenary.
3. Click the link and discuss an example of a tool
for assessing critical thinking and problem solving
3: IMAGINATION A learner who ;
CREATIVITY Shows Curiosity

Is able to Focus Generate ideas


Solves problems Makes things


Session outcomes:
By the end of the session, the participant should be able to:
1. explain the meaning of Creativity and Imagination as a
2. explore the benefits of Creativity and Imagination in
3. discuss teacher’s role in Creativity and Imagination;
4. outline the indicators of Creativity and Imagination;
5. develop a task to assess Creativity and Imagination.
Suggested learning activities
In pairs,
a) discuss meaning of Creativity and
b) explore the benefits of Creativity and
c) outline indicators of Creativity and
d) develop a task to assess Creativity and
Imagination and Creativity
What is
and Creativity
Imagination is the ability to form
mental picture of something that one
has not seen or experienced while
creativity is the ability to come up with
new ways of solving problems or doing
makes learners Promotes
curious. independence.
2. 5.
Improves ability Improves one’s
to focus on an self-esteem.
issue. 6.
3. It is a life
Reinforces skill.
problem Benefits of
solving ability. Imagination and
creativity in learning
observes the
spends time sky and
outdoors for explains what comes up with
discovery; is seen; new ways of doing
makes drawings on Indicators of
various surfaces; develops new
imagination and skills.
models clay creativity
Create using
into a variety of
Improvise materials locally available
for different materials
Assessing imagination and creativity

1. Select a learning area of your choice in the

curriculum design, identify a suggested learning
experience and discuss the indicators that
exhibit imagination and creativity.
Assessing imagination and creativity

1. Select a learning area of your choice in

the curriculum design, identify a
suggested learning experience and
discuss the indicators that exhibit
imagination and creativity.
2. Click the link below:
Sample tool for assessing imagination and
4: CITIZENSHIP A learner who;

Follows rules Cares for


Participates in Appreciates
community culture
What is

Citizenship is the state of being vested

with the rights, privileges, and duties of
a citizen. It also implies being a member
of a country and behaving in a manner
that is expected of you by people living
in the same country.
deal with situations develop self-
of conflict in a confidence in dealing
rational way; with challenges in life;
understand the 4.
consequences of be conscious of
their actions, and their social and
those of the adults moral duties and
around them; Benefits of responsibilities in
Imagination and the society.
creativity in learning
adheres to is sensitive to
regulations/respects environmental
authority/adults. conservation.

exhibits love for Indicators of accommodates

own country. others.
Participates in A learner with the Appreciates
competency of
community diverse cultures.
Identifies symbols
is familiar with the of unity.
immediate environment.
Assessing Citizenship
1. You are taking learners for a visit to the
National Museum of Kenya. In your group,
a) discuss the indicators of citizenship that
are likely to be exhibited by learners
during the visit.
b) prepare a tool to assess citizenship during
the visit
2. Present in the plenary.
3. Click on the link below
Sample tool for assessing citizenship
5: Digital Literacy A learner who;

Uses digital devices

Takes photos

Accesses the internet

SESSION 5: Digital Literacy
Session outcomes
By the end of the session, the participants should be
able to:
1. define Digital Literacy as a competency;
2. explain the benefits of Digital Literacy in learning;
3. explain teacher’s role in developing Digital Literacy
4. outline the indicators of Digital Literacy;
5. develop a task to assess Digital Literacy.
Suggested Learning Activities
1. In pairs, brainstorm the meaning of
Digital Literacy.
2. In pairs, discuss benefits of Digital
3. In pairs, discuss teacher’s role in
developing Digital Literacy skills.
4. In pairs, discuss indicators of Digital
5. In groups, develop a task to assess
Digital Literacy.
Digital Literacy
What is
Digital literacy can be described as having
the knowledge, skills and behaviours which
are necessary to effectively and safely use a
wide range of digital content and devices.
Such devices include mobile phones, smart
phones, tablets, laptops and desktops
among others.
operates digital creates patterns and
devices; drawings with digital devices;

communicates and takes

collaborates using Indicators of photographs and
digital devices; digital literacy records videos;
A learner with the
competency of digital
uses the internet; literacy observes safety
when using digital
plays digital games; devices.
Assessing Digital literacy
1. Click the link below for the
Sample tool for assessing digital literacy
2. Below is a suggested learning experience:
In groups, learners are guided to use digital
devices and visual aids to observe and identify
pars of the digestive system.
3. Using the suggested learning experience, prepare a
tool for assessing digital literacy.
Assessing Digital literacy
1. Click the link below for the
Sample tool for assessing digital literacy
2. Below is a suggested learning experience:
In groups, learners are guided to use
digital devices and visual aids to
observe and identify pars of the digestive
3. Using the suggested learning experience,
prepare a tool for assessing digital
6: LEARNING TO A learner who;
Is self

Organizes Is creative
Session outcomes
By the end of the session, the participant should be
able to:
1. explain the meaning of Learning to Learn as a
2. discuss the benefits of Learning to Learn in the learning
3. explain teacher’s role in developing Learning to Learn;
4. outline the indicators of Learning to Learn;
5. develop a task to assess Learning to Learn.
Suggested Learning Activities
1. In pairs, discuss the meaning of Learning
to Learn.
2. In pairs, discuss the benefits of Learning
to Learn.
3. In pairs, discuss teacher’s role in
developing Learning to Learn.
4. In pairs, outline indicators of Learning to
5. In groups, develop a task on Learning to
Learning to Learn
Learning to Learn
Learning to learn is the ability to pursue and
persist in learning, to organise one’s own
learning by the effective management of time
and information, both individually and in
Learning to Learn
1. It engages learners to build on prior learning
and life experiences.
2. It enables learners to apply knowledge and
skills in a variety of contexts at home, at work,
in education and training.
3. It allows learners to become more effective,
flexible and self-organized in a variety of
What is
Learning to
Learning to Learn
Learning to learn is the ability to pursue
and persist in learning, to organise
one’s own learning by the effective
management of time and information,
both individually and in groups.
1. It engages learners to
build on prior learning
and life experiences.

3. It allows learners to
2. It enables learners to become more
apply knowledge and effective, flexible
skills in a variety of and self-organized
contexts at home, at in a variety of
work, in education contexts.
and training. Benefits of Learning to
Self disciplined collaboratively
Reflects on own
work and adjusts
Organizes their accordingly
own learning
Indicators of Develops new
Shares what they learning to learn relationships.
have learned A learner with a
competency of Seeks advice,
learning to learn
information, and
support when
Assessing learning to learn
1.Click the link below
Sample tool for assessing leaning to learn.
2.The following are some indicators of leaning to
a) Self disciplined
b) Works collaboratively
c) Organizes their own learning
d) Shares what they have learnt
Assessing learning to learn…cont’d
e) Reflects on own work and adjusts accordingly
f) Learns independently
g) Motivated to learn continuously
h) Seeks advice, information and support as
Assessing learning to learn
1. Click the link below
Sample tool for assessing leaning to learn.
2. The following are some indicators of leaning to learn:
a) Self disciplined a) Reflects on own work and
b)Works collaboratively adjusts accordingly
c) Organizes their own b) Learns independently
learning c) Motivated to learn
d)Shares what they have continuously
learned d) Seeks advice, information and
support as appropriate
Assessing learning to learn……….cont’d

3. In your groups, create a learning

experience you can use to develop the
above attributes of learning to learn in
4. Using the learning experience created,
develop a tool for assessing the core
competency of learning to learn.
7: Self efficacy A learner who is a;

A leader confident

SESSION 7: Self efficacy
Session outcomes:
By the end of the session, the participant should be
able to:
1. define self-efficacy as a competency;
2. explain the benefits of self-efficacy in learning;
3. explain teacher’s role in developing self-efficacy;
4. explain the indicators of self-efficacy;
5. develop a task to assess self-efficacy;
Suggested learning activities
1. In pairs, participants discuss definition of self-
2. In pairs, participants explore benefits of self-
3. In pairs, participants discuss teacher’s role in
developing self-efficacy in the learners.
4. In pairs, participants outline indicators of self-
5. In groups, participants develop a task to assess
What is

Self-efficacy is a person’s belief
about his or her capabilities to
perform tasks or assignments
that can change and transform
his or her life.
undertake 3.
difficult set themselves
tasks; challenging
goals and
2. maintain a
deeply strong
engross in commitment to
activities; them;
Benefits of Self-efficacy
improves in
believes in own persistence,
the level of
capabilities; commitment, and
shows interest in
learning activities; embraces
Indicators of challenging tasks;
has self-esteem
self-efficacy demonstrates
and confidence;
A learner with a
competency of
has developed Self-efficacy
self-awareness; recovers quickly from
portrays a sense disappointments and
of self-worth; setbacks.
Assessing self-efficacy
1. Click the link below
Sample tool for assessing self-efficacy
2. Select a learning area of your choice in the
curriculum design, identify a suggested learning
experience and discuss the indicators that
exhibit self efficacy.
3. Using the learning experience identified,
develop a tool for assessing self efficacy.

Pertinent relating to the matter at

hand; relevant.

Contemporary living or occurring in

the present

Issue important topic or problem for

debate or discussion.

Pertinent And Contemporary Issues (PCIs) are problems

currently affecting people or places and are unresolved.
PCIs are designed and addressed in CBC to ensure that
education is relevant.
Children like adults, are faced with legal,
technological, social, cultural, political and
economic challenges in society.

It is important that these challenges are

addressed for the overall wellbeing of the
5. From the curriculum design,
a) identify a strand or learning experience
that addresses a PCI(s);
b) develop an assessment tool to assess
the learners on the PCI(s).
Assessment of PCIs
1. Identify the target PCI
2. Define the indicators of PCI(s) as per the learning experience
or task
3. Infuse the PCI(s) in the learning experience or task taking
into consideration the local contexts.
Suggested learning activity
From the curriculum design,
a) identify a strand or learning experience of your choice;
b) identify and infuse the target PCI(s) in the learning
experience or task.

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