ESR SoilPropLab
ESR SoilPropLab
ESR SoilPropLab
Teacher Name:
2. Identify an unmentioned variable that the researchers should maintain at a constant level in
their experimental design.
One important variable to keep constant is the depth of the soil samples, which
should be collected at 6 inches. This helps ensure that the soil composition and
moisture levels remain consistent.
3. Evaluate the validity of a researcher's assertion that Aridisols exhibit the highest clay
content among the five soil types, providing reasoning to support or refute the claim.
The claim that Aridisols have the highest clay content among the five soil types is
incorrect. Aridisols usually have low moisture and can vary in texture, often
containing more sand and silt than clay. On the other hand, Mollisols, found in
temperate grasslands, have the highest water-holding capacity and typically contain
more organic matter and clay.
4. Suggest which soil type would be most suitable for cultivating crops with high water
requirements, such as corn.
Mollisol soil, which is found in temperate grasslands, is great for growing crops that
need a lot of water, like corn, because it can hold a lot of water (19%).
Experimental Design
The soil I chose to examine is
My hypothesis is:
Mollisol will demonstrate a high water-holding capacity and nutrient levels conducive to
crop growth.
The dependent variable is Water-holding capacity, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels.
Briefly describe how you would use the materials listed to design an experiment to test the soil for
its chemical and physical properties.
To test the soil's chemical and physical properties:
Percolation Rate
1. Set up the ring stand and position the metal ring approximately 2/3 of the way up. Suspend
the funnel in the metal ring and place the beaker below to collect dripping liquid.
2. Fold your filter paper into quarters and open one pocket. Place the filter paper in the funnel.
3. Pour dry sand into the filter paper/funnel until it is no more than halfway full.
4. Measure 20 mL of water in the graduated cylinder.
5. Start the timer as you begin to pour the entire 20 mL of water through the sample, and time
how long it takes for the entire 20 mL to move through the sample. If water is still dripping
after 60 seconds, stop the timer and remove the beaker.
6. Measure the amount of water in the beaker using the graduated cylinder. Calculate the
percolation rate (in mL/s) and record it in the appropriate table in your lab notebook.
Dispose of the sample and filter.
7. Repeat steps 2–6 with your dry clay sample and your dry soil sample.
Soil Description
Mollisol is dark brown or black because it has a lot of organic matter form decomposed
plants. It has a loamy texture with a mix of sand, silt, and clay. pH is around 6.5 which is
good for growing many crops such as corn. It is rich is nitorgenphosphrous. and
Sample Time to Percolate (in Amount of water (in Percolation Rate (in
s) mL) mL/s)
Clay 30 20 0.67
Sand 15 20 1.33
Sand 40 40
Silt 30 30
Clay 30 30
1. You used the soil triangle to identify the soil texture of your sample. Describe the
components of your soil that contributed to its texture.
My soil is made up of 40% sand, 30% silt, and 30% clay, which gives it a loamy
texture. This texture helps with good drainage and keeps nutrients in the soil.
2. Explain how the soil texture you determined for your sample is related to the percolation
rate you calculated for the sample.
The loamy texture of the soil helps it hold water well while also allowing for good
drainage, which is great for plant roots.
3. Explain why it is important that the soil samples are dry before using this method to
measure the percolation rate.
It's important to have dry soil samples before measuring the percolation rate
because wet soil can affect the results and give an incorrect idea of how much
water the soil can hold.
1. If a farmer were to grow crops in the same type of soil you examined, predict whether they
will likely need to irrigate very frequently, less frequently, or an average amount. Provide
evidence to support your claim using the soil’s CEC, water-holding capacity, and texture.
If a farmer grows crops in Mollisol, they will probably need to water less often
because it holds a lot of water (19%) and has a loamy texture that keeps
moisture well.
2. Based on the data you collected, explain how a farmer with the same type of soil could
amend their soil to ensure that their crops receive an appropriate amount of water.
To help their crops get enough water, a farmer with Mollisol can add organic
matter like compost to the soil. This will improve how well the soil holds water
and provides nutrients.
3. Using the data you collected in Table 2, select a crop from the data table below that might
be successfully grown in your area given the characteristics of your soil sample (nutrient
levels and pH). Justify your selection with reasoning.
Based on the data, I recommend corn as a good crop for this area because it
needs medium nitrogen levels, which my soil sample has, and its preferred pH
range of 6.0-7.0 matches my soil's pH of 6.5.
4. Corn is the largest cash crop in the United States. Corn requires a pH of 6–7 and medium to
high nitrogen levels.
a. Make a claim, with evidence, about your soil sample’s effectiveness at growing corn.
My soil sample's effectiveness at growing corn is promising, as it has a
suitable pH and nitrogen level that aligns with corn's requirements.
b. Suggest to a farmer with soil similar to your sample what actions they might take to
grow corn or to increase their corn crop yield.
A farmer with soil like mine could boost corn crop yield by adding more
organic matter and keeping an eye on irrigation to make sure the soil stays
moist, especially during dry spells.