Mervin Ligan
Mervin Ligan
Mervin Ligan
Laboratory Exercise # 1
Soil Science 1
(Principle of Soil Sampling)
I. Introduction
Every area is different, when it comes to soil type and nutrients content in soil. Soil
sampling and testing can show you chemical factors important for winter wheat production.
Careful soil sampling and sample handling is essential for accurate fertility recommendations.
Samples must accurately reflect the fertility of the soil, so that analysis, interpretation, and
recommendations correctly represent the nutrient status of the entire field.
Soil sample is very important to us and especially for the farmers to know what nutrient
does the soil have and what nutrients does it lack. Soil sampling are important to us and to
farmers to how to improve the quality of the soil and lastly to know what crops are applicable
to be raised in that kind of areas and that can be more productive.
II. Objectives
This exercise is conducted with the following objectives:
2. Relate the importance of soil samples gathered in relations to soil fertility and crop yield.
2. Divide the farm according to the crops, type of soil (sandy, clayey, or loamy) and topography
(flat, slopping, or hill). Collect samples separately from the different soil unit areas and place
them in separate containers.
3. Brush away stones, rubbish, trash, or glass on the surface of the land.
4. Using the shovel, push it down the surface of top soil to a depth of approximately 15cm and
get a slice of soil sample 2cm thick and 5cm wide. Place this in 1 container.
5. Get similar samples at random from as many as 10 sites and mix them in a container. Get a
composite soil samples of about 1 kilo to represent the soil unit area.
6. For areas to be devoted to orchard, for instance citrus orchard, get subsoil sample from
below the 25cm down from where the topsoil sample will be taken. A composite subsoil sample
is also required for fruit trees / permanent crop.
For fruit trees, soil samples should be taken directly below the rim of the crow of the tree.
0 to 25cm depth for shallow rooted plants like rice, corn, and vegetables. 25 to 30 1cm depth
for fruit trees/permanent crops like coconut.
7. Air dry the soil samples by spreading them in old newspaper or mats under the shade or
indoor. Be sure to avoid contaminations among the samples and keep them away from dirt or
foreign matters specially cigarette ash. Divide representatives soil samples into 4. Remove soil
sample 1 and 3 retain soil sample 2 and 4. Repeat the process 4 times until you obtain 1 kilo
8. When air-dried, get at least 1 kilo from each composite soil sample and place it separately in
a plastic bag. One kilo air-dried soil is equivalent to 3 cans of condensed milk full of soil.
9. Label the bags properly and send them to the nearest soil laboratory.
IV. Discussion
When we conducted this activity we exerted more time and efforts for gathering data,
we just form a letter Z using the straw and we dig or we make 3 holes by using shovel , in every
hole we get 3 sample the top soil , middle , and the bottom and each of them we put in a plastic
or a container though in conducting this activity is not easy because of the root of the citrus but
still we finished it before the time and I observed that the location where did we assigned is
clay .
This publication provides information on techniques of soil sampling and analysis for
horticulture and agriculture. Soils are sampled to determine physical conditions, fertility
(nutrient) status, and chemical properties that affect their suitability as plant growing media.
Through a combination of field and greenhouse research, analytical methods have been
developed which provide quantitative estimates of plant-available nutrients. Field research
determines the optimum soil test levels for various nutrients for specific soil and crop
combinations. Optimum fertilizer practices can be determined by knowing the optimum test
level of each nutrient for a specific crop and soil, and by knowing how much fertilizer is
required to change soil test values.
Soil Analyses
After soil samples are received at a laboratory, a number of tests can be performed. A
general understanding of soil testing will help you know how the results can be interpreted and
to appreciate the accuracy of analytical results.
Soils supply most of the mineral nutrition for higher plants through the plant’s root
system. The root system extracts nutrients from the soil over a long period of time; two to
three Figure 1. On the left: dividing and sampling scheme for a sloped field with distinct upper,
middle, and lower areas. Circles represent sub-sample locations which are composited for each
of the three areas. On the right: grid-sampling a field. Each sample is analyzed separately to
evaluate field variability. months for most annual crops, years for perennial crops. In contrast, a
soil test determines the soil’s nutrient supplying capacity by mixing soil for only a few minutes
with a strong extracting solution (often an acid or a combination of acids). The soil reacts with
the extracting solution, releasing some of the nutrients. The solution is filtered and assayed for
the concentration of each nutrient. The nutrient concentration is then related to field
calibration research that indicates the yield level reached with varying soil nutrient
concentrations. This method works very well for some nutrients, but is less accurate for others,
for example those nutrients supplied largely from organic matter (OM) decomposition such as
nitrogen and sulfur. This is primarily due to the difficulty of estimating or predicting the rate at
which OM will decompose and release these nutrients in plant-available forms.
Individual analyses included in a ‘standard’ or ‘routine’ soil test varies from laboratory to
laboratory, but generally include soil pH, and available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). They
sometimes also include available calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), salinity, and often include
an analysis of OM content and soil texture. Most laboratories offer nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), and
micronutrient analyses for additional cost.
The methods used to test soils vary depending on chemical properties of the soil. For
example, tests used for measuring soil P are quite different in the acidic soils common in the
southeastern U.S. than those used in the alkaline soils of the southwest. Analysis of
southwestern soils with methods tailored for acidic soils will provide erroneous results.
Therefore, it is important to be aware of the methods used by test labs, and to select methods
that are regionally appropriate. Local laboratories will generally use methods appropriate for
your soils and your laboratory should provide you with test method information. A listing of
local soil test laboratories may be found in the University of Arizona publication, “Laboratories
Conducting Soil, Plant, Feed or Water Testing” (AZ1111)
garden/az1111.pdf .
Nitrogen (N)
Nitrogen analyses are not difficult to conduct, but interpreting results can be
problematic. This is because a major portion of soil N is contained in the soil OM. Plant
availability of organic N is dependent on OM breakdown, which is difficult to estimate.
Therefore analyses of “total N”, a sum of all forms of soil N, including organic N, are not
routinely conducted. Instead, N in the nitrate form (NO3 -N) is assayed. Nitrate is directly
available to plants, so this test provides an indication of short term N availability. However, NO3
-N can be quickly lost from soil, either leached past the rooting zone, or lost to the atmosphere
in gaseous forms.
Nitrate analyses can provide an accurate determination of the N available to plants at
the time of soil sampling, although this may not provide reliable information concerning N
availability later in the growing season. If soil N analysis is to be used for making fertilizer
recommendations, soil samples should be collected either shortly before planting time or
during the growing season.
The extractant used to remove NO3 -N from the soil is not particularly important because of its
high solubility. Some laboratories extract NO3 -N from soil with a salt solution, such as
potassium chloride (KCl). However, other laboratories in the southwestern U.S. measure NO3
-N in the same extract used to measure soil P (see below) to reduce analysis costs. Results from
these two kinds of extractants are
directly comparable.
Phosphorus (P) Most soil P is tightly bound to soil particles or contained in relatively
insoluble complexes. The P-containing complexes in alkaline soils are very different than those
in neutral or acidic soils. The amount of P removed during soil extraction is very much
dependent on the nature of P complexes and on the specific extractant used, so it is critical that
P extractants be matched to soil properties.
The Olsen or bicarbonate extractant, a dilute sodium bicarbonate solution, is used to
extract P from calcareous, alkaline, and neutral soils, and is appropriate for Arizona soils. In
contrast, most other P extractants, such as the Mehlich extractants, are suited for acidic soils,
and may not be suitable for arid-region soils. If an appropriate extractant is selected, P analysis
is a reliable and useful soil test. On a soil test report, the analysis may be reported as PO4 -P.
Free Lime
Free lime is a measure of soil carbonates (salts of CO3 2-). When combined with an
acid, carbonates release gaseous CO2 . The test usually performed for soil carbonates is semi-
quantitative. A weak acid solution is applied to the soil sample, and the degree of ‘fizzing’ or
release of CO2 gas is determined visually and categorized as ‘none’, ‘low’, ‘medium’, or ‘high’.
Sulfur (S)
Sulfur, like N, may be contained primarily in the soil OM, but plants absorb only the
inorganic sulfate (SO4 2-) form. Measuring total soil S does not provide a good estimate of S
plant availability because rates of release from OM cannot be accurately predicted. Instead, S in
the sulfate form is a more common measure. Sulfate can be extracted from the soil with several
extractants, including water or weak salt solutions. Analysis of SO4 -S is relatively easy, but it
usually provides a measure of immediately available S, and not the soil’s long-term ability to
provide S to a growing plant. Some desert soils contain large quantities of sulfates, in which
case sulfate analysis gives a good indication of the soil’s ability to supply S.
Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), and Zinc (Zn) — Micronutrient analysis is
optional at most laboratories. Most laboratories in our region use a DTPA-TEA
(diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid - triethanolamine) extractant which uses the chelating
agent DTPA to extract available Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn from soils.
Analyses of these micronutrients are probably less accurate for predicting the likelihood
of plant deficiencies or of crop responses to supplemental application of these nutrients than
analyses of macronutrients such as K, Ca, and Mg because of 1) the influence of dynamic soil
conditions, and 2) the importance of genetically controlled plant micronutrient uptake
mechanisms. For example, Mn availability can change substantially if soil drainage status is
altered, becoming more available in waterlogged soils, and less available in dry soils. Iron
availability is also affected by soil moisture and irrigation practices. Furthermore, availability of
Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn are greatly affected by soil pH, so soils may need to be re-tested if soil pH is
significantly altered. Soil testing can not reliably predict the effects of altering management
practices on availability of these nutrients. Additionally, plants vary considerably in their ability
to extract metal micronutrients from soil. For example, it is not unusual for a tropical plant to
exhibit iron deficiency while an adjacent desert adapted plant does not, even though soil
conditions are identical for both plants.
Boron (B)
— The most common method of extracting B from soils is with hot water. This is an accurate
test, but soil B levels can change rapidly. Boron is highly water soluble and can quickly be
leached from the rooting zone, or moved laterally during monsoon rainfall events. Therefore,
extractable soil B provides estimates of plant availability that are less reliable than those of
many other nutrients, not because of shortcomings with the analytical method, but because of
rapid B movement in the soil.
Molybdenum (Mo)
— Few laboratories conduct soil Mo analysis. Molybdenum is present at very low levels in most
soils, much lower than most of the other nutrients, making an accurate determination difficult.
Most plants have a low requirement for Mo, and slight differences in soil Mo levels can impact
plant performance. Therefore soil tests for Mo are of limited use and are seldom conducted.
Soil analyses can provide information that is important for maximizing nutrient use
efficiency and agricultural productivity. A historical record of soil properties provided by long-
term soil testing is useful for determining the effectiveness of fertilizer management strategies
in maintaining soil fertility and sustainable agricultural productivity. Soil testing is also a useful
tool for indentifying the causes of nutrient related plant growth problems.
Soil sampling is the critical first step in a soil testing program. The second is selection of a
laboratory that will utilize analysis procedures appropriate for regional soils and conditions.
However, an understanding of the accuracy and limitations of individual procedures and of the
meaning of soil test results is essential. This publication provides information on these
components of a soil testing program. The last steps, interpreting soil analysis values and
developing a fertilizer management program, are crop specific and sometimes dependent on
additional soil and climatic properties, and are beyond the scope of this documents.
VI. Answer and Questions
Farmers must need to conduct soil sampling in his or her farm to know if the soil ph of his or
her farm are/is acidic or not. To know what plant should they planted in that place on in his or
her farm and to know what nutrients needed for plants and what nutrients does soil lack.
The advantage of doing soil sampling in a farm is to know what crops does farmer raised in the
kind of land or farm.
VII. References
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