Year 7 Art Notes On The Principles of Design
Year 7 Art Notes On The Principles of Design
Year 7 Art Notes On The Principles of Design
1. Balance
2. Contrast
3. Pattern
4. Proportion
5. Emphasis
6. Variety
7. Unity
8. Rhythm & Movement
Balance- As you know, it is the visual weight of an art piece. Every piece of art has Balance.
The types of Balance are; Radial, Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Balance.
Contrast- It is achieved when opposite elements are arranged together. For example, light
and dark colours, smooth and rough textures, large and small shapes.
Pattern- Is a design created by a motif that repeats itself. They can be made by repeating
shape, line or colour.
Proportion- Or in other words Scale, is the size relationship between two or more objects, It
can be how the parts fit together to make a whole.
Emphasis- Creates a focal point that guides the eye to a specific element, what ‘grabs’ your
attention. This is usually utilised by colour, contrast, proportion and rhythm.
Variety- It is a principle of art that adds interest to an artwork. Straight lines next to curvy
lines, organic shapes among geometric shapes, bright colours next to dull colours.
Unity- It is achieved when separate parts work together in an art piece. Unity creates a
sense of harmony and wholeness by using similar elements and placing them in a way that
creates ‘oneness’.
Rhythm & Movement- Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through a work of art. It
can directed along lines, edges, shapes and colour. Rhythm, is created when one or more
elements are used repeatedly to create a feeling of movement. It creates a mood like music
or dancing.