Physiotherapy in Palliative Care - 20100208162712
Physiotherapy in Palliative Care - 20100208162712
Physiotherapy in Palliative Care - 20100208162712
Palliative Care
Presented by: Danae Hiebert
Physiotherapist, Riverview Health Centre
1. Focus and Role of Physio
2. Receiving a Referral
3. Initial Assessment
4. Treatment:
Bed exercises
Passive Range of Motion / Stretching
Respiratory Physio
Modalities – TENS
5. Other Interventions
6. Discharge Planning
7. Occupational Therapy Role
8. Challenges
9. Conclusion
10. References
Physiotherapy in
palliative care is focused
on providing maximum
comfort for the patient
while maintaining the
highest level of physical
function in the face of
disease progression
Editorial – Do Physiotherapists
Have a Role in Palliative Care?
“World Health Organization principles of palliative
care (WHO, 1990):
Affirm life and regard dying as a normal process
Neither hasten nor postpone death
Provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms
Integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient
Offer a support system to help patients live as actively as
possible until death
Offer a support system to help family members cope during
the patient’s illness and their bereavement”1 p.5
Study – OT and PT in Hospice –
The Facilitation of Meaning, QOL
and Well-being (2004)
Key Points (continued):
“smaller number of home exercises improves
compliance and performance” 2 p.122
“therapist recognition and affirmation of extreme
effort put forth by patient….great impact on their
sense of worth” 2 p.125
“recognize and discuss changes” 2 p.125 related to
decline in function
Holistic care by therapist is important
Receiving a Referral
On Palliative Care physiotherapy works on a
referral basis, either from Doctor or Nursing.
Review chart and shift report
Liase with team (Nursing, MD, HCA)
Initial Assessment
Determine patient’s current physical strength
and functioning
Determine patient and/or caregiver’s goals
with physiotherapy treatment
May go in with OT for initial visit if we both
have received a referral
Chart documentation on initial assessment
Walking is the most functional exercise
Will assess need for mobility aid (2 or 4 wheeled
walker or cane)
Many benefits:
Reduces stiffness / relaxes tight muscles
“change of scenery”
Bed Exercises
Used if patient can not ambulate, or used for
additional exercises if they can ambulate
Includes Passive ROM, Active ROM and bed
General bed exercises (see sample) or
specific bed exercises
Handout provided to patient
Exercises also shown to family / caregiver so
they can help
Bed Exercises
“Goals of PROM / AROM:
Minimize muscle wasting
Minimize contractures
Maintain joint and connective tissue mobility
Decrease restlessness
Assist circulation and vascular dynamics
Help maintain patient awareness of movement
Can give caregivers feeling of purpose if they can help with
the exercises
Develop coordination and motor skills for functional
activities (AROM)” 5 p.34-38
Passive ROM / Stretching
This may be included in bed exercises
If patient has contractures / risk of developing
contractures or muscle tension
May also be done to relieve discomfort caused by lack of
PROM is generally done to every major joint in the upper
and lower extremity
Stretching will be done to more specific tight musculature
Involve family / caregiver
WILL NOT: prevent muscle atrophy, increase strength
or endurance, or assist in circulation to the extent that
active and voluntary muscle contraction does.
Transfer assessments are done often on the
palliative care unit
Will work with patient to improve transfer as
best as we can
Nursing does initial assessment and will
contact physio if there are complications or
difficulty with the transfer
Transfers range from:
Independent (I)
Sit-to-stand mechanical lift (SARAlift)
SARA lift 3000
2 caregivers need to be
present to operate the lift
Patient must be able to
put weight through both
legs, hold on with one
arm, and able to follow
simple directions.
Opera Lift
Comparable to Hoyer Lift
Must have 2 people
present to operate lift
Respiratory Physiotherapy
If breathing or lung issues, respiratory
techniques may be used
Breathing Education:
Relaxation techniques
Pursed Lip Breathing
Postural Education
Stretches / Breathing Exercises
Pacing Techniques
Effective coughing techniques / Huffing
Respiratory Physiotherapy
Postural Drainage and Pummeling
Both are done with extreme caution and only if
specifically requested by MD
May help patients who are having trouble
coughing up secretions
Caution especially with cancer patients who may
have possible rib metastases
Encourage fluid intake and huffing throughout
Respiratory Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists are trained in using pulse
Will monitor oxygen saturations throughout
any breathing techniques or mobilization
Will also monitor breathing patterns and
levels of distress
RPE (rating of perceived exertion) 1-10 scale
Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation
Heat (Hot pack, Parrafin Wax bath)
Cold packs
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Applications: muscle strengthening, pain
relief, wound healing
Pain control is the most common application
of TENS especially in palliative care
Depolarizes nerves: Action Potential
Methods of TENS
Conventional TENS (high rate)
Acupuncture-like TENS
Burst mode
Conventional TENS
A-beta nerves can be stimulated by
Conventional TENS
100-150 pps
Only effect is while machine is on, so can be
used 24 hours a day, or when pain is most
May have lasting effects by interrupting the
“pain-spasm cycle”
Conventional TENS
Acupuncture-like TENS
Electrical stimulation may stimulate the
production and release of endorphins /
Studies have shown that endorphin /
enkephalin levels are raised after application
Most effective at frequencies <10 pps
Acupuncture method of TENS can cause this
Acupuncture-like TENS
Method may feel more sharp / uncomfortable
Can produce a forceful muscle contraction
Effects can last 4-5 hours after a 20-30
minute session
Half-life of endogenous opiates released is
approx. 4.5 hours
Treatment >30 minutes may produce DOMS
Burst TENS
Stimulation is delivered in “bursts” or
Contraindications to TENS
Cardiac pacemakers or arrythmias
Placement over carotid sinus
Over areas of venous or arterial thrombosis
or thrombophlebitis
During pregnancy – over or around the
abdomen or low back
OTHER Interventions
Slings / braces
Acute Ortho, eg: Hip replacements
Measure and order TEDS
Positioning issues
Exercise equipment:
Reciprocal pulleys
Discharge Planning
Assess need for mobility aid (walker / cane)
and provide purchase / rental information
Discuss lay-out of home
Stairs? Rail? Will practice before they go
OT is more involved in discharge planning
(home equipment)
Occupational Therapy Role
Wheelchairs (custom / speciality / adaptations)
Splinting / Bracing
Adaptive Tools (cutlery / comb, etc.)
Cognitive Assessments (Cognistat)
Home assessments / adaptations
Discharge planning and equipment recommendations
(ie: tub bench, raised toilet seat)
Assessments in ILU (independent living unit)
May not see physical gains like you would in
any other area of physio
Providing motivation / comfort to patient’s can
be just as, or more, rewarding
1. Hoskins Michel, T. (2001), Editorial – Do Physiotherapists have
a role in palliative care? Physiotherapy Research International,
6(1) iii-iv.
2. Pizzi, M.B., Briggs, R. (2004). Occupational and Physical
Therapy in Hospice. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 20 (2)
3. Montagnini, M., Lodhi, M., Born, W. (2003). The Utilization of
Physical Therapy in a Palliative Care Unit. Journal of Palliative
Medicine, 6(1).
4. Oldervoll, L.M., Loge, J.H., Paltiel, H., Asp, M.B., Vidvei, U.,
Wiken, A.N., Hjermstad, M.J., Kaasa, S. (2006). The Effect of a
Physical Exercise Program in Palliative Care: A Phase II Study.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 31(5) 421-430.
5. Kisner, C., Allen Colby, L. (2002) Therapeutic Exercise –
Foundations and Techniques 4th Edition. F.A. Davis Company,
Philedelphia, PA
6. Pauls, J.A., Reed, K.L. (2004), Quick Reference to Physical
Therapy 2nd Edition, Pro-Ed, Austin, Texas
7. Cameron, M.H. (2003), Physical Agents in Rehabilitation – From
Research to Practice, Saunders, St.Louis, Missouri
8. Knezic, N., Blouw, L. (2000) ‘Physiotherapy Role in Palliative
Care’, Physio Connection, 10, No 2, pp.1 and 9
9. Knezic, N. (1999) Physiotherapy in Palliative Care Presentation
(Written for Presentation to Medical Rehabilitation Students).