Rohini 15605697794
Rohini 15605697794
Rohini 15605697794
Aircraft Parking Area, also known as airport apron, is the area of an airport
where the aircrafts are parked, loaded, unloaded, refueled or boarded. It is a restricted
area where access is controlled, there are 6 types of apron namely Simple, Linear,
Curvilinear, Open, Pier and Satellite.
1. Offers ease of access and short walking distances for passengers from the transit
area to the aircraft contact gates
2. Terminal can be expanded further by extending the current terminal linearly or
developing another linear terminal with connectors
The apron and gates are the locations at which aircraft park to allow the
loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, as well as for aircraft servicing and
preflight preparation prior to entering the airfield and airspace.
The five major aircraft parking types are nose-in parking, angled nose-in,
angled nose-out, parallel parking, and remote parking. Most large jet aircraft at
commercial service airports park nose-in to gates at the terminal and connect directly
to the terminal building by loading bridges.
Aircraft are able to enter nose-in parking spaces under their own power,
and tend to be pushed out by an aircraft tug and oriented so that they may
move forward on the apron without coming into contact with any other
structures. The primary advantage to nose-in parking is that it requires less
physical space for aircraft than any other aircraft parking type. The majority of
commercial service airports, particularly those with large volumes of jet aircraft
operations, have primarily nose-in parking.
With nose-in pa rk ing, o nly the fro nt-e ntry do or o n the a ircra ft is
use d for boa rd ing, because the rear doors are typically too far from the
terminal building to extend a lo a d i n g b r id g e . T h is h a s s o me , b u t n o t a n
e n t ir e ly s ig n i f ic a n t , i mp a c t o n th e efficiency of passenger boarding and
Nose-in parking
Nose in parking.
A parking position near the terminal building as shown in the illustration. Normal
ly, aircraft park in this position under their own power but they have to be towed back f
or starting and taxiing out. Many operators, when authorized by their regulatory authorit
y, can be “powered back” using the airplane power plant and reverse thrust.
Angled nose-in brings aircraft as close to the terminal building as possible while
maintaining enough maneuvering room so that aircraft may exit the parking space
under its own power.
Aangled nose-out brings aircraft slightly farther from the terminal building
than nose-in and angled nose- in parking, because the blast from jets or large
propellers has the potential of causing damage to terminal buildings if too close to the