BIT 7th Semester Syllabus - Removed
BIT 7th Semester Syllabus - Removed
BIT 7th Semester Syllabus - Removed
Course Description:
This course introduces the concepts of project management concepts. It also emphasizes on
evaluation, estimation, planning, risk management, managing people, managing contract and
quality, activity planning, resource allocation.
Course Objectives:
To familiarize the students in choosing the best alternatives in managing projects with respect to
risk and to provide them knowledge about different project management tools and techniques.
Course Contents:
Points Mark II; COSMIC Full Function Points; COCOMO II: A Parametric Productivity Model;
Cost Estimation, Staffing Pattern, Effect of Schedule Compression, Caper Jones Estimating Rules
of Thumb
Unit 10: Managing People in Software Environments and working in teams (4 Hrs.)
Introduction; Selecting the Right Person for the Job, Motivation, Stress Management, Health and
Safety, Some Ethical and Professional Concerns; Organization and Team Structures; Coordination
Dependencies; Dispersed and Virtual Teams; Communication Genres; Communication Plans;
Laboratory Works:
The laboratory works should focus on different CASE tools regarding project management,
Scheduling, estimation, software configuration management, risk management. The students
should prepare a report on a case study focusing on cost benefit analysis, earned value analysis,
risk analysis
1. Software Project Management 6th edition; Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited;
Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell, Rajib Mall
2. Introduction to Software Project Management & Quality Assurance, Darrel Ince, I. Sharp,
M. Woodman, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Software Project Management: A Unified Framework, Walker Royce, Addison-Wesley,
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