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original article
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels are a strong inverse predictor of From the Heart Research Institute, Sydney
cardiovascular events. However, it is not clear whether this association is main- (P.B.); the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medi-
cal College of Cornell University, New York
tained at very low levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. (A.M.G.); the State University of New
York Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn
METHODS (J.C.L.); Pfizer, New York (J.M., M.S.);
the Center for Human Nutrition, Univer-
A post hoc analysis of the recently completed Treating to New Targets (TNT) study sity of Texas Southwestern Medical Cen-
assessed the predictive value of HDL cholesterol levels in 9770 patients. The primary ter, Dallas (S.M.G.); the Academic Medi-
outcome measure was the time to a first major cardiovascular event, defined as cal Center, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam (J.J.P.K.); the Division of Car-
death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal non–procedure-related myocardial in- diovascular Disease, University of Ala-
farction, resuscitation after cardiac arrest, or fatal or nonfatal stroke. The predictive bama, Birmingham (V.B.); and the Insti-
relationship between HDL cholesterol levels at the third month of treatment with tut Pasteur, Lille, France (J.-C.F.). Address
reprint requests to Dr. Barter at the Heart
statins and the time to the first major cardiovascular event was assessed in univariate Research Institute, 145 Missenden Rd.,
and multivariate analyses and was also assessed for specific LDL cholesterol strata, Camperdown, NSW 2050, Australia, or at
including subjects with LDL cholesterol levels below 70 mg per deciliter (1.8 mmol barterp@hri.org.au.
per liter). *Participants in the Treating to New Targets
(TNT) study are listed in the Appendix.
N Engl J Med 2007;357:1301-10.
The HDL cholesterol level in patients receiving statins was predictive of major cardio- Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
vascular events across the TNT study cohort, both when HDL cholesterol was con-
sidered as a continuous variable and when subjects were stratified according to
quintiles of HDL cholesterol level. When the analysis was stratified according to LDL
cholesterol level in patients receiving statins, the relationship between HDL choles-
terol level and major cardiovascular events was of borderline significance (P = 0.05).
Even among study subjects with LDL cholesterol levels below 70 mg per deciliter,
those in the highest quintile of HDL cholesterol level were at less risk for major car-
diovascular events than those in the lowest quintile (P = 0.03).
In this post hoc analysis, HDL cholesterol levels were predictive of major cardiovascu-
lar events in patients treated with statins. This relationship was also observed among
patients with LDL cholesterol levels below 70 mg per deciliter. (ClinicalTrials.gov
number, NCT00327691.)
opulation studies have consistent- the American College of Cardiology guidelines
ly shown that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) as a reasonable target for therapy in patients with
cholesterol levels are a strong, independent coronary heart disease or other forms of athero-
inverse predictor of cardiovascular disease.1-5 In sclerotic disease.18
the Framingham Heart Study, HDL cholesterol This post hoc analysis of the TNT trial exam-
level was more potent as a risk factor for coronary ined the relationship between the frequency of
heart disease than was the level of low-density major cardiovascular events and HDL cholesterol
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.4 An analysis of data levels in a population of patients with clinically
from four large studies concluded that each in- evident coronary heart disease who were being
crease of 1 mg per deciliter (0.03 mmol per liter) treated with statins. It also investigated whether
in HDL cholesterol is associated with a decrease any observed relationship was maintained when
of 2 to 3% in the risk of future coronary heart LDL cholesterol was reduced below 70 mg per
disease.6 deciliter.
Intervention trials using statins to lower LDL
cholesterol have consistently shown substantial Me thods
reductions in major cardiovascular events in the
treated groups.7-13 Furthermore, the magnitude of The TNT trial was a randomized, double-blind,
the reduction in events is a function of the extent parallel-group, multicenter clinical trial, the de-
of LDL cholesterol lowering, with each decrease sign of which has been described in detail previ-
of 40 mg per deciliter (1.0 mmol per liter) in LDL ously.16,19 The trial was sponsored by Pfizer and
cholesterol corresponding to a 24% reduction in developed by the steering committee (see the Ap-
major cardiovascular events.13 However, in all the pendix) in collaboration with the sponsor. The
statin trials, there remains a substantial residual trial data were retained by the sponsor.
risk in the treated groups. The steering committee proposed and designed
One explanation for this may relate to the pres the analysis of HDL cholesterol data. The analysis
ence of a low baseline level of HDL cholesterol, was performed by one of the authors, who was em
which has been shown in several trials to remain ployed by the sponsor. All the data and analyses
predictive of major cardiovascular events, even dur were made available to the steering committee
ing treatment with statins.14 In a recent pooled without restriction. All steering-committee mem-
analysis of four trials of statins, the moderate bers participated in the writing and critical ap-
increase in HDL cholesterol levels seen with these praisal of the manuscript. The steering committee
drugs correlated with regression of coronary assumes overall responsibility for the integrity of
atherosclerosis.15 These findings have added sup- the data, the accuracy of the data analyses, and
port to the proposition that HDL cholesterol lev- the completeness of the material reported.
els should be considered as therapeutic targets
independent of the lowering of LDL cholesterol Patient Population
levels. However, it could also be argued that if Subjects eligible for inclusion were men and wom-
LDL cholesterol levels are reduced to very low en aged 35 through 75 years with clinically evident
levels, low HDL cholesterol levels may no longer coronary heart disease, defined as a previous myo-
be relevant. To date, this view has remained un- cardial infarction, previous or current angina with
tested. objective evidence of atherosclerotic coronary
In the Treating to New Targets (TNT) trial heart disease, or a previous coronary revascular-
(ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00327691), 2661 ization procedure. The major exclusion criteria
subjects achieved an LDL cholesterol level below were statin hypersensitivity, current liver disease,
70 mg per deciliter (1.8 mmol per liter) while nephrosis, pregnancy, uncontrolled risk factors
receiving statin therapy.16 This target originally for coronary heart disease, a coronary heart dis-
was proposed as an optional treatment goal in ease event or revascularization procedure within
very-high-risk patients with coronary heart dis the preceding month, congestive heart failure, un-
ease in an update to the National Cholesterol explained creatine kinase levels greater than six
Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III times the upper limit of normal, any non-skin
(NCEP-ATP III) guidelines,17 and it has now been cancer, malignant melanoma, other survival-limit
proposed by the American Heart Association and ing disease, and immunosuppressive treatment.
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Patients According to Quintile of HDL Cholesterol Level at Month 3.*
HDL lipoproteins) declined slightly with increasing Cardiovascular Events According to Quintile
HDL cholesterol levels (P<0.001). The prevalence of HDL Cholesterol Level
of diabetes in the lowest quintile of HDL choles- The expected 5-year risk of major cardiovascular
terol levels was double that in the highest quin- events was determined for each quintile of HDL
tile. There were no significant differences in any cholesterol level in patients receiving statins across
of these baseline characteristics between the two the entire TNT trial cohort. In the univariate mod-
atorvastatin treatment groups within each HDL el, the event rate was reduced by 40% in the high-
cholesterol group. est quintile relative to the lowest. When the anal-
Events (%)
to 0.95). The risk of major cardiovascular events 6
differed significantly across HDL cholesterol quin-
tiles (P = 0.04).
The relationship between HDL cholesterol lev- 2
els in patients receiving statins and the frequency
of major cardiovascular events seen in the overall 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
cohort was also apparent in each of the two ator- (<38) (38 to <43) (43 to <48) (48 to <55) (≥55)
vastatin treatment groups. The incidence of major Quintile of HDL Cholesterol Level (mg/dl)
cardiovascular events was substantially lower in No. of Events 204 220 169 188 157
the group receiving 80 mg of atorvastatin per day
than in the group receiving 10 mg per day in all B
quintiles. However, in each treatment group, the 12 10 mg of atorvastatin 80 mg of atorvastatin
9 Q2 0.85 (0.57–1.25)
8 Q3 0.57 (0.36–0.88) LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol had a signifi-
Q4 0.55 (0.35–0.86) cantly greater risk of major cardiovascular events
Q5 0.61 (0.38–0.97)
than did subjects in the lowest quintile (hazard
Events (%)
5 ratio, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.32 to 2.51).
4 The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL choles-
3 terol at month 3 was also predictive of major
2 cardiovascular events (Fig. 3B). After adjustment,
1 subjects in the quintile with the highest ratio
0 were at significantly greater risk of major cardio-
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
(<37) (37 to <42) (42 to <47) (47 to <55) (≥55) vascular events than were those in the quintile
Quintile of HDL Cholesterol Level (mg/dl)
with the lowest ratio, with a hazard ratio after
adjustment for potential confounders of 1.72
No. of Events 57 50 34 34 35
No. of Patients 473 525 550 569 544 (95% CI, 1.26 to 2.35).
Figure 2. Multivariate Analysis of the Relationship between Major Continuous HDL Cholesterol Levels
C Events and Quintiles
AUTHOR: Barter of HDL CholesterolRETAKELevels.
Events (%)
for levels during statin treatment), smoking sta- 6
tus (P = 0.55 for baseline levels, P = 0.64 for levels
during statin treatment), body-mass index (P = 0.13 4
Table 2. Relationship between HDL Cholesterol Levels and the Risk of Major Cardiovascular Events.
Relative Risk
Variable No. of Subjects No. of Events (95% CI)* P Value
Baseline HDL cholesterol†
Model 1 9956 974 1.1 (0.4 to 1.8) 0.002
Model 1 and baseline ratio of apolipoprotein B 9917 971 0.4 (−0.7 to 1.5) 0.46
to apolipoprotein A-I
Model 2‡ 9732 938 1.1 (0.4 to 1.7) 0.003
* The relative risk is for changes in HDL cholesterol levels in increments of 1 mg per deciliter.
† Model 1 is adjusted for treatment, sex, age, smoking status, body-mass index, systolic blood pressure, baseline LDL
cholesterol level, baseline triglyceride level, glucose level measured after an overnight fast, and the presence or absence
of a history of diabetes, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.
‡ Model 2 is for HDL cholesterol levels at month 3 of the trial and is adjusted for treatment, sex, age, smoking status,
body-mass index, systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose level, LDL cholesterol level at month 3, triglyceride level at
month 3, and the presence or absence of a history of diabetes, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease, and hy-
highly predictive of the risk of major cardiovascu- the effect of the LDL cholesterol level achieved in
lar events. A similar result was observed for the patients receiving therapy was taken into account,
ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol. These the role of HDL cholesterol was less marked,
results are consistent with previous studies.20-23 though still of borderline significance. The rela-
There are several limitations of this study that tionship remained significant even in patients
should be considered when evaluating our find- whose LDL cholesterol level was less than 70 mg
ings. The groups of patients defined by quintile per deciliter.
of HDL cholesterol level were not similar with re Supported by Pfizer.
spect to other cardiovascular risk factors (Table 1), Dr. Barter reports receiving consulting fees from Pfizer and
AstraZeneca, lecture fees from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Merck,
and there may have been other differences that and grant support from Pfizer. Dr. Gotto reports receiving con-
were not evaluated but that could have influenced sulting fees from Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Arisaph Pharma-
the results of the analysis. We did not measure ceuticals, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Kowa, Schering-
Plough, Novartis, and Reliant Pharmaceuticals, receiving lecture
waist circumference or insulin levels in our study fees from Pfizer, Merck, Schering-Plough, Reliant Pharmaceu-
population, and thus we cannot determine to ticals, and Sanofi-Aventis, and testifying before the Food and
what degree the observed effect of HDL choles- Drug Administration on behalf of Johnson & Johnson–Merck.
Dr. LaRosa reports receiving consulting fees from Pfizer, Bayer,
terol level may be due to the coincidence of a low and Merck and lecture fees from Pfizer. Dr. Maroni and Mr.
HDL cholesterol level with the metabolic syn- Szarek report being employees of Pfizer and owning equity in
drome. This relationship is suggested in our data Pfizer. Dr. Grundy reports receiving consulting fees from
Pfizer, Merck, Kos Pharmaceuticals, Abbott, Schering-Plough,
by the fact that most of our study subjects who Fournier Pharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Daiichi Sankyo, Sanofi-
had low HDL cholesterol levels were also obese Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, and AstraZeneca and grant
and had elevated plasma triglyceride levels. support from Kos Pharmaceuticals, Abbott, and Merck. Dr.
Kastelein reports receiving consulting fees and lecture fees
In summary, this analysis from the TNT trial from Pfizer, Merck, Schering-Plough, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers
evaluated the effect of HDL cholesterol levels in Squibb, and Daiichi Sankyo. Dr. Bittner reports receiving con-
patients with clinically evident coronary heart sulting fees from Pfizer, Reliant Pharmaceuticals, CV Thera-
peutics, and Novartis and grant support from Pfizer, Athero-
disease who were receiving statin therapy to re- Genics, Kos Pharmaceuticals, and Merck. Dr. Fruchart reports
duce LDL cholesterol levels. Across the entire receiving consulting fees from Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, and
study cohort in multivariate analysis, HDL choles- Fournier Pharma and lecture fees from Pfizer, Merck, Schering-
Plough, Reliant Pharmaceuticals, and Sanofi-Aventis. No oth-
terol levels were a significant inverse predictor er potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re-
of subsequent major cardiovascular events. When ported.
The following persons participated in the TNT Study: Steering Committee: J. LaRosa (chair), Brooklyn, NY; P. Barter, Sydney; J.-C.
Fruchart, Lille, France; A.M. Gotto, New York; H. Greten, Hamburg, Germany; S.M. Grundy, Dallas; D. Hunninghake, Minneapolis; J.
Kastelein, Amsterdam; J. Shepherd, Glasgow, Scotland; D. Waters, San Francisco; N. Wenger, Atlanta; End-Points Committee: L. Cohen
(chair), New Haven, CT; J.-M. LaBlanche, Lille, France; H. Levine, Boston; U. Sechtem, Stuttgart, Germany; F. Welty, Boston; Data and
Safety Monitoring Board: C. Hennekens (chair), Miami; V. Brown, Atlanta; R. Carmena, Valencia, Spain; R. D’Agostino, Boston; S.
Haffner, San Antonio, TX; E. Leitersdorf, Jerusalem, Israel; Investigators (numbers of patients undergoing randomization in parenthe-
ses): Australia (608) — C. Aroney, P. Barter, J. Bradley, D. Colquhoun, A. Dart, M. d’Emden, J. Lefkovits, R. Minson, G. Nelson, R.
O’Brien, P. Roberts-Thomson, A. Thomson, D. Sullivan, P. Thompson; Austria (29) — H. Drexel, H. Sinzinger, F. Stockenhuber; Belgium
(300) — P. Chenu, G. Heyndrickx, J. Van Cleemput, A. Van Dorpe, W. Van Mieghem, P. Vermeersch; Canada (1052) — M. Arnold, R.
Baigrie, J. Bergeron, C. Gagné, J. Davignon, J. Ducas, J. Genest, L. Higginson, G. Hoag, J. Bonet, A. Ignaszewski, L. Leiter, S. LePage,
P. Ma, M. McQueen, D. Mymin, B. O’Neill, B. Sussex, P. Theroux, G. Tremblay, W. Tymchak, J. Warnica; France (207) — P. Attali, J.
Bonnet, L. Caster, R. Constans, J. Demarcq, I. Ginon, J. Leymarie, J. Mansourati, J. Ollivier, F. Paillard, J. Ponsonnaille; Germany (144)
— U. Beil, H. Fritz, D. Hüwel, W. Huppertz, W. Liebscher, K. Schussmann, E. Steinhagen-Thiessen; Ireland (53) — B. Buckley, P. Crean;
Italy (75) — A. Branzi, P. Fioretti, G. Gensini, N. Mininni, G. Pinelli, E. Uslenghi; the Netherlands (788) — R. Anthonio, J. Bonnier, H.
Crijns, H. Dohmen, P. Dunselman, M. Galjee, B. Hamer, J. Hoorntje, J. Jukema, A. Oude-Ophuis, H. Plokker, J. Posma, J. Ruiter, M.
Trip, A. van Boven; South Africa (523) — A. Dalby, L. Disler, A. Doubell, J. King, E. Lloyd, J. Marx, P. Roux; Spain (525) — M. Anguita, C.
Brotons, C. Calvo, J. Cruz-Fernandez, F. Fernandez-Aviles, A. Fernandez-Cruz, I. Ferreira, E. Gonzalez, E. Lage, P. Mata, J. Mostaza, R.
Muñoz-Aguilera, E. Lopez de Sa, G. Pedro, G. Permanyer, A. Pozuelo, R. Querejeta, J. Ribera, E. Ros-Rahola, M. Vela; Switzerland (91)
— W. Angehrn, L. Kappenberger, T. Moccetti, H. Saner; United Kingdom (299) — D. Brydie, A. Chauhan, R. Greenbaum, H. Kadr, C.
Kaski, R. Mattu, W. McCrea, J. McMurray, D. Mikhailidis, A. Salmasi, N. Samani, M. Shiu, A. Timmis, S. Turley, J. Wictome; United
States (5309) — R. Abadier, S. Alexander, B. Asbill, J. Bagdade, B. Beard, J. Becker, V. Bittner, R. Blumenthal, M. Bolton, W. Bremner,
D. Brewer, C. Brown, K. Browne, J. Carstens, W. Cefalu, J. Chambers, J. Cohen, M. Collins, S. Crespin, M. Cressman, R. Curry, M.
Davidson, G. De Gent, J. de Lemos, P. Deedwania, D. Dixon, J. Duncan, C. East, D. Edmundowicz, B. Effron, M. Elam, M. Ettinger, R.
Feldman, D. Fiske, J. Forrester, G. Fraser, Z. Freedman, S. Freeman, V. Fonseca, D. Frid, K. Friday, J. Geohas, H. Ginsberg, A. Goldberg,
E. Goldenberg, D. Goldner, D. Goldscher, B. Gordon, S. Gottlieb, M. Grayson, R. Guthrie, J. Guyton, J. Haas, F. Handel, R. Hartman,
J. Henry, M. Hepp, R. Heuser, D. Herrington, M. Hibbard, C. Hjemdahl-Monsen, G. Hopkins, V. Howard, J. Hsia, D. Hunninghake, S.
Jafri, P. Jones, P. Kakavas, J. Kane, L. Keilson, E. Kerut, R. Kloner, R. Knopp, J. Kostis, L. Kozlowski, R. Krasuski, A. Kugelmass, K.
LaBresh, J. Larry, C. Lavie, B. Lewis, S. Lewis, M. Linton, P. Linz, R. Lloret, V. Lucarella, J. Maciejko, D. McElroy, J. McGhee, M. Mc-
Gowan, W. McGuinn, M. Melucci, J. Merillat, M. Michalski, D. Miller, L. Miller, M. Miller, M. Mirro, V. Miscia, J. Mossberg, B. Musa,
S. Nash, R. Nesto, M. Neustel, T. Noonan, J. O’Keefe, B. Olafsson, S. Oparil, T. Pearson, C. Pepine, G. Peterson, G. Pogson, K. Powers,
D. Rader, R. Reeves, J. Reusch, G. Revtyak, D. Robertson, J. Robinson, W. Robinson, M. Rocco, J. Robinson, J. Rodgers, R. Rosenson,
E. Roth, S. Sadanandan, K. Salisbury, D. Sato, J. Saucedo, E. Schaefer, H. Schrott, L. Seman, G. Schectman, C. Schmalfuss, D. Sch-
neider, B. Sobel, R. Schneider, S. Schwartz, P. Seigel, M. Seyal, S. Sharp, D. Shindler, D. Smith, D. Sprecher, L. Solberg, E. Sontz, J.
Stamper, E. Stein, V. Subbarao, A. Susmano, A. Talle, P. Thompson, J. Torelli, F. Torres, D. Triffon, G. Vetrovec, N. Vijay, W. Wicker-
meyer, K. Wool, M. Zakrzewski, S. Zarich, J. Zavoral, F. Zieve.
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