808D ADV FCT Man 0718 en-US
808D ADV FCT Man 0718 en-US
808D ADV FCT Man 0718 en-US
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The
notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage
have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
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If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of
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Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with
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Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products
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Standard scope
This manual only describes the functionality of the standard version. Extensions or changes made by the machine tool
manufacturer are documented by the machine tool manufacturer.
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Function Manual
2 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Table of contents
Preface................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Fundamental safety instructions ............................................................................................................................ 11
1.1 General safety instructions .................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples ...................................................................................... 12
1.3 Industrial security .................................................................................................................................. 12
2 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 13
3 Various interface signals (A2) ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Signals from PLC to NCK ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Access authorization ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.2 General signals ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Signals for digital drives, to axis/spindle ................................................................................................ 17
3.3 Signals from NCK to PLC ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 General signals ..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Signals for digital drives, from axis/spindle ............................................................................................ 18
3.4 Signals from PLC to HMI ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 Signals from HMI to PLC ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 User interface ........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.6.1 General (OF) ......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.2 PI service ASUP .................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6.3 Reading variables from the NCK area ................................................................................................... 21
3.6.4 Writing variables from the NCK area ..................................................................................................... 22
3.7 NC variable............................................................................................................................................ 23
3.8 Signals from PLC .................................................................................................................................. 25
4 Axis monitoring (A3).............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.1 Overview of monitoring functions .......................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Running monitoring ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.1 Contour monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.2 Position monitoring ................................................................................................................................ 27
4.2.3 Standstill monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.4 Clamping monitoring.............................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.5 Speed setpoint monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.6 Actual velocity monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Static limitation monitoring..................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.1 Limit switch monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.2 Hardware limit switches ......................................................................................................................... 31
4.3.3 Software limit switches .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.4 Supplementary conditions ..................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 Data table .............................................................................................................................................. 32
4.5.1 Machine data ......................................................................................................................................... 32
4.5.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 33
5 Continuous path mode, exact stop, and LookAhead (B1) ....................................................................................... 33
5.1 Brief description ..................................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 General.................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.3 Exact stop.............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.4 Continuous path mode .......................................................................................................................... 35
5.4.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 35
5.4.2 Velocity reduction according to overload factor ..................................................................................... 36
5.4.3 Jerk limiting along the path through velocity reduction .......................................................................... 37
5.4.4 Machine axis-specific jerk limiting ......................................................................................................... 37
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5.5 Compressor functions ........................................................................................................................... 37
5.6 LookAhead ............................................................................................................................................ 39
5.7 Data table.............................................................................................................................................. 41
5.7.1 Machine data ........................................................................................................................................ 41
5.7.2 Setting data ........................................................................................................................................... 41
5.7.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 41
6 Acceleration (B2)...................................................................................................................................................42
6.1 Acceleration profiles .............................................................................................................................. 42
6.2 Jerk limitation on interpolator level ........................................................................................................ 42
6.3 Jerk limitation in JOG mode .................................................................................................................. 42
6.4 Data table.............................................................................................................................................. 43
7 Gantry axes (G1) (PPU16x.3 only) .........................................................................................................................43
7.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................... 43
7.2 "Gantry axes" function........................................................................................................................... 43
7.3 Referencing and synchronizing gantry axes ......................................................................................... 46
7.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 46
7.3.2 Automatic synchronization .................................................................................................................... 50
7.3.3 Points to note ........................................................................................................................................ 51
7.4 Start-up of gantry axes .......................................................................................................................... 52
7.5 PLC interface signals for gantry axes.................................................................................................... 55
7.6 Miscellaneous points regarding gantry axes ......................................................................................... 56
7.7 Example ................................................................................................................................................ 56
7.7.1 Creating a gantry grouping.................................................................................................................... 56
7.7.2 Setting of NCK PLC interface ................................................................................................................ 57
7.7.3 Commencing start-up ............................................................................................................................ 58
7.7.4 Setting warning and trip limits ............................................................................................................... 60
7.8 Data table.............................................................................................................................................. 60
7.8.1 Machine data ........................................................................................................................................ 60
7.8.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 61
8 Axis couplings (M3) ...............................................................................................................................................62
8.1 Coupled motion ..................................................................................................................................... 62
8.1.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................... 62 Function ................................................................................................................................................ 62 Preconditions ........................................................................................................................................ 62
8.1.2 General functionality ............................................................................................................................. 62
8.1.3 Programming ........................................................................................................................................ 64 Definition and switch on of a coupled axis group (TRAILON) ............................................................... 64 Switch off (TRAILOF) ............................................................................................................................ 65
8.1.4 Effectiveness of PLC interface signals .................................................................................................. 65
8.1.5 Status of coupling.................................................................................................................................. 66
8.1.6 Dynamics limit ....................................................................................................................................... 66
8.1.7 Supplementary conditions ..................................................................................................................... 67
8.1.8 Examples .............................................................................................................................................. 67
8.2 Dynamic response of the coupled-motion axis ...................................................................................... 68
8.2.1 Parameterized dynamic limits ............................................................................................................... 68
8.2.2 Programmed dynamic limits .................................................................................................................. 68 Programming (VELOLIMA, ACCLIMA) ................................................................................................. 68 System variables ................................................................................................................................... 69
8.3 Data table.............................................................................................................................................. 69
8.3.1 Machine data ........................................................................................................................................ 69
8.3.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 69
9 Manual operation and handwheel traversal (H1).....................................................................................................70
9.1 General characteristics of traversing in JOG......................................................................................... 70
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9.2 Continuous travel .................................................................................................................................. 72
9.3 Incremental travel (INC) ........................................................................................................................ 73
9.4 Handwheel traversal in JOG.................................................................................................................. 74
9.5 Fixed point approach in JOG ................................................................................................................. 76
9.5.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 76
9.5.2 Functionality .......................................................................................................................................... 76
9.5.3 Parameter setting .................................................................................................................................. 78
9.5.4 Programming ......................................................................................................................................... 78
9.5.5 Supplementary Conditions .................................................................................................................... 78
9.5.6 Application example .............................................................................................................................. 79
9.6 Data table .............................................................................................................................................. 79
9.6.1 Machine data ......................................................................................................................................... 79
9.6.2 Setting data ........................................................................................................................................... 80
9.6.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 80
10 Auxiliary function outputs to PLC (H2) ................................................................................................................... 81
10.1 Brief description ..................................................................................................................................... 81
10.2 Programming of auxiliary functions ....................................................................................................... 82
10.3 Transfer of values and signals to the PLC interface .............................................................................. 82
10.4 Grouping of auxiliary functions .............................................................................................................. 83
10.5 Block-search response .......................................................................................................................... 84
10.6 Description of auxiliary functions ........................................................................................................... 84
10.6.1 M function .............................................................................................................................................. 84
10.6.2 T function............................................................................................................................................... 85
10.6.3 D function .............................................................................................................................................. 85
10.6.4 H function .............................................................................................................................................. 85
10.6.5 S function .............................................................................................................................................. 85
10.7 Data table .............................................................................................................................................. 85
10.7.1 Machine data ......................................................................................................................................... 85
10.7.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................... 86
11 Operating modes, program operation (K1) ............................................................................................................. 87
11.1 Brief description ..................................................................................................................................... 87
11.2 Operating modes ................................................................................................................................... 87
11.2.1 Operating modes ................................................................................................................................... 87
11.2.2 Mode change......................................................................................................................................... 88
11.2.3 Functional possibilities in the individual modes ..................................................................................... 88
11.2.4 Monitoring functions in the individual modes ......................................................................................... 89
11.2.5 Interlocks in the individual modes .......................................................................................................... 90
11.3 Processing a part program .................................................................................................................... 90
11.3.1 Program mode and part program selection ........................................................................................... 90
11.3.2 Start of part program or part program block .......................................................................................... 91
11.3.3 Part program interruption....................................................................................................................... 91
11.3.4 RESET command .................................................................................................................................. 92
11.3.5 Program control ..................................................................................................................................... 92
11.3.6 Program status ...................................................................................................................................... 93
11.3.7 Channel status ...................................................................................................................................... 93
11.3.8 Event-driven program calls .................................................................................................................... 94
11.3.9 Asynchronous subroutines (ASUPs) ..................................................................................................... 99
11.3.10 Responses to operator or program actions ......................................................................................... 101
11.3.11 Example of a timing diagram for a program run .................................................................................. 102
11.4 Program test ........................................................................................................................................ 102
11.4.1 General information on the program test ............................................................................................. 102
11.4.2 Program processing without axis movements (PRT) ........................................................................... 103
11.4.3 Program processing in single block mode (SBL) ................................................................................. 103
11.4.4 Program processing with dry run feedrate (DRY) ................................................................................ 104
11.4.5 Block search: Processing of certain program sections ........................................................................ 104
11.4.6 Skip part program blocks (SKP) .......................................................................................................... 106
11.4.7 Graphic simulation ............................................................................................................................... 107
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11.5 Timers for program execution time...................................................................................................... 108
11.6 Workpiece counter .............................................................................................................................. 109
11.7 Data table............................................................................................................................................ 110
11.7.1 Machine data ...................................................................................................................................... 110
11.7.2 Setting data ......................................................................................................................................... 111
11.7.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 111
12 Compensation (K3) ............................................................................................................................................. 113
12.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................. 113
12.2 Backlash compensation ...................................................................................................................... 114
12.3 Interpolatory compensation ................................................................................................................. 115
12.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 115
12.3.2 LEC ..................................................................................................................................................... 116
12.3.3 Angularity error compensation ............................................................................................................ 118
12.3.4 Direction-dependent leadscrew error compensation ........................................................................... 121 Description of functions ....................................................................................................................... 121 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 121 Example .............................................................................................................................................. 124
12.4 Following error compensation (feedforward control) ........................................................................... 126
12.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 126
12.4.2 Speed feedforward control .................................................................................................................. 127
12.5 Friction compensation (quadrant error compensation) ........................................................................ 127
12.5.1 General function description ............................................................................................................... 127
12.5.2 Supplementary conditions ................................................................................................................... 128
12.5.3 Friction compensation with a constant compensation value ............................................................... 128 Function activation .............................................................................................................................. 128 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 128
12.5.4 Friction compensation with acceleration-dependent compensation value........................................... 132 Description of functions ....................................................................................................................... 132 Function activation .............................................................................................................................. 132 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 133
12.5.5 Compensation value for short traversing blocks ................................................................................. 133
12.6 Data table............................................................................................................................................ 133
12.6.1 Machine data ...................................................................................................................................... 133
12.6.2 Setting data ......................................................................................................................................... 134
12.6.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 134
13 Kinematic transformation (M1) ............................................................................................................................. 134
13.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................. 134
13.2 TRANSMIT .......................................................................................................................................... 135
13.2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 135
13.2.2 TRANSMIT configuration .................................................................................................................... 136
13.3 TRACYL .............................................................................................................................................. 139
13.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 139
13.3.2 TRACYL configuration ........................................................................................................................ 141
13.3.3 Programming example, TRACYL ........................................................................................................ 144
13.4 Special features of TRANSMIT and TRACYL ..................................................................................... 145
13.5 Data table............................................................................................................................................ 146
13.5.1 Machine data ...................................................................................................................................... 146
13.5.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 146
14 Measurement (M5) .............................................................................................................................................. 146
14.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................. 146
14.2 Hardware requirements....................................................................................................................... 147
14.2.1 Probes that can be used ..................................................................................................................... 147
14.2.2 Probe connection ................................................................................................................................ 148
14.3 Channel-specific measuring ................................................................................................................ 148
14.3.1 Measuring mode ................................................................................................................................. 148
14.3.2 Measurement results........................................................................................................................... 148
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14.4 Measurement accuracy and functional testing .................................................................................... 149
14.4.1 Measuring accuracy ............................................................................................................................ 149
14.4.2 Probe functional test ............................................................................................................................ 149
14.5 Tool measuring in JOG........................................................................................................................ 150
14.6 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 152
14.6.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 152
14.6.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 152
15 Manual tool measurement (with the Y axis).......................................................................................................... 153
15.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 153
15.2 Preparations for measuring the tool manually (with the Y axis) ........................................................... 153
15.3 Measuring the tool manually (with the Y axis) ..................................................................................... 155
16 EMERGENCY OFF (N2) ..................................................................................................................................... 158
16.1 Brief description ................................................................................................................................... 158
16.2 EMERGENCY STOP sequence .......................................................................................................... 158
16.3 EMERGENCY STOP acknowledgment ............................................................................................... 159
16.4 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 160
16.4.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 160
16.4.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 160
17 Reference point approach (R1) ........................................................................................................................... 160
17.1 Fundamentals ...................................................................................................................................... 160
17.2 Referencing with incremental measuring systems .............................................................................. 162
17.3 Secondary conditions for absolute encoders ....................................................................................... 164
17.3.1 Calibrating absolute encoders ............................................................................................................. 164
17.3.2 Reference point approach with absolute encoders .............................................................................. 165
17.4 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 165
17.4.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 165
17.4.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 166
18 Spindle (S1)........................................................................................................................................................ 166
18.1 Brief description ................................................................................................................................... 166
18.2 Spindle modes ..................................................................................................................................... 167
18.2.1 Spindle modes ..................................................................................................................................... 167
18.2.2 Spindle control mode ........................................................................................................................... 168
18.2.3 Spindle oscillation mode ...................................................................................................................... 169
18.2.4 Spindle positioning mode .................................................................................................................... 170
18.3 Synchronization ................................................................................................................................... 173
18.4 Gear stage change .............................................................................................................................. 174
18.5 Programming ....................................................................................................................................... 177
18.6 Spindle monitoring ............................................................................................................................... 178
18.6.1 Spindle monitoring ............................................................................................................................... 178
18.6.2 Axis/spindle stationary ......................................................................................................................... 178
18.6.3 Spindle in setpoint range ..................................................................................................................... 178
18.6.4 Maximum spindle speed ...................................................................................................................... 179
18.6.5 Minimum/maximum speed for gear stage............................................................................................ 179
18.6.6 Max. encoder limit frequency............................................................................................................... 179
18.6.7 Target point monitoring........................................................................................................................ 180
18.7 Analog spindle ..................................................................................................................................... 180
18.8 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 181
18.8.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 181
18.8.2 Setting data ......................................................................................................................................... 182
18.8.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 182
19 Feedrates (V1).................................................................................................................................................... 183
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19.1 Path feedrate F ................................................................................................................................... 183
19.1.1 Path feedrate F ................................................................................................................................... 183
19.1.2 Feedrate with G33, G34, G35 (thread cutting) .................................................................................... 184
19.1.3 Feedrate for G63 (tapping with compensation chuck) ......................................................................... 185
19.1.4 Feedrate for G331, G332 (tapping without compensation chuck) ....................................................... 186
19.1.5 Feedrate for chamfer/rounding: FRC, FRCM ...................................................................................... 186
19.2 Rapid traverse G0 ............................................................................................................................... 187
19.3 Feedrate control .................................................................................................................................. 187
19.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 187
19.3.2 Feedrate disable and feedrate/spindle stop ........................................................................................ 188
19.3.3 Feedrate override via a machine control panel ................................................................................... 188
19.4 Data table............................................................................................................................................ 189
19.4.1 Machine/setting data ........................................................................................................................... 189
19.4.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 190
20 Tool: tool compensation (W1) .............................................................................................................................. 190
20.1 Tool and tool compensation overview ................................................................................................. 190
20.2 Tool ..................................................................................................................................................... 191
20.3 Tool offset ........................................................................................................................................... 191
20.4 Special handling of tool compensation ................................................................................................ 192
20.5 Data table............................................................................................................................................ 193
20.5.1 Machine data ...................................................................................................................................... 193
20.5.2 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 193
21 Contour handwheel ............................................................................................................................................. 194
22 Tool parameter: clearance angle.......................................................................................................................... 197
23 PLC axis control .................................................................................................................................................. 198
23.1 Brief description .................................................................................................................................. 198
23.2 Function interface................................................................................................................................ 198
23.2.1 User interface: Preparing the NC axis as PLC axis ............................................................................. 198
23.2.2 User interface: Functionality................................................................................................................ 199
23.2.3 Spindle positioning .............................................................................................................................. 200
23.2.4 Rotate spindle ..................................................................................................................................... 201
23.2.5 Oscillate spindle .................................................................................................................................. 202
23.2.6 Indexing axis ....................................................................................................................................... 204
23.2.7 Positioning axis metric ........................................................................................................................ 205
23.2.8 Positioning axis inch............................................................................................................................ 206
23.2.9 Positioning axis metric with handwheel override ................................................................................. 207
23.2.10 Positioning axis inch with handwheel override .................................................................................... 208
23.2.11 Rotate spindle with automatic gear stage selection ............................................................................ 209
23.2.12 Rotate spindle with constant cutting rate [m/min] ................................................................................ 210
23.2.13 Rotate spindle with constant cutting rate [feet/min] ............................................................................. 211
23.2.14 Error messages ................................................................................................................................... 212
23.3 Examples for positioning a PLC axis ................................................................................................... 213
24 Positioning axes (P2) (PPU16x.3 only)................................................................................................................. 215
24.1 Product brief........................................................................................................................................ 215
24.2 Positioning axis ................................................................................................................................... 217
24.3 Motion behavior and interpolation functions ........................................................................................ 218
24.3.1 Path interpolator and axis interpolator................................................................................................. 218
24.3.2 Autonomous singleaxis operations ..................................................................................................... 219
24.4 Positioning axis dynamic response ..................................................................................................... 222
24.5 Programming ...................................................................................................................................... 223
24.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 223
24.5.2 Revolutional feed rate in external programming.................................................................................. 225
24.6 Block change ...................................................................................................................................... 225
24.6.1 Block change ...................................................................................................................................... 225
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24.6.2 Settable block change time ................................................................................................................. 227
24.6.3 End of motion criterion with block search ............................................................................................ 230
24.7 Control by the PLC .............................................................................................................................. 230
24.8 Response with special functions ......................................................................................................... 231
24.8.1 Dry run (DRY RUN) ............................................................................................................................. 231
24.8.2 Single block ......................................................................................................................................... 231
24.9 Examples............................................................................................................................................. 231
24.10 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 232
24.10.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 232
24.10.2 Setting data ......................................................................................................................................... 232
24.10.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 232
25 Synchronous spindle (S3) ................................................................................................................................... 233
25.1 Brief description ................................................................................................................................... 233
25.1.1 Function............................................................................................................................................... 233
25.1.2 Synchronous mode.............................................................................................................................. 234
25.1.3 Prerequisites for synchronous mode ................................................................................................... 238
25.1.4 Selecting synchronous mode for a part program ................................................................................. 239
25.1.5 Deselecting the synchronous mode for the part program .................................................................... 240
25.1.6 Controlling synchronous spindle coupling via PLC .............................................................................. 241
25.1.7 Monitoring of synchronous operation................................................................................................... 243
25.2 Programming ....................................................................................................................................... 244
25.2.1 Definition (COUPDEF)......................................................................................................................... 244
25.2.2 Switch the coupling (COUPON, COUPONC, COUPOF) on and off .................................................... 246
25.2.3 Axial system variables for synchronous spindle .................................................................................. 247
25.2.4 Automatic selection and deselection of position control ...................................................................... 248
25.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 248
25.3.1 Response of the synchronous-spindle coupling for NC Start .............................................................. 249
25.3.2 Behavior of the synchronous-spindle coupling for reset ...................................................................... 250
25.4 Points to note ...................................................................................................................................... 250
25.4.1 Special features of synchronous mode in general ............................................................................... 250
25.4.2 Restore synchronism of the coupled-motion spindle ........................................................................... 251
25.4.3 Synchronous mode and NC/PLC interface signals .............................................................................. 253
25.4.4 Differential speed between leading and coupled-motion spindles ....................................................... 255
25.4.5 Behavior of synchronism signals during synchronism correction ........................................................ 259
25.4.6 Delete synchronism correction and NC reset ...................................................................................... 259
25.4.7 Special points regarding start-up of a synchronous spindle coupling .................................................. 259
25.5 Boundary conditions ............................................................................................................................ 262
25.6 Examples............................................................................................................................................. 263
25.7 Data table ............................................................................................................................................ 263
25.7.1 Machine data ....................................................................................................................................... 263
25.7.2 Setting data ......................................................................................................................................... 264
25.7.3 Interface signals .................................................................................................................................. 264
26 Safety Integrated ................................................................................................................................................ 265
26.1 Standards and regulations................................................................................................................... 265
26.1.1 General information ............................................................................................................................. 265 Aims .................................................................................................................................................... 265 Functional safety ................................................................................................................................. 265
26.1.2 Safety of machinery in Europe ............................................................................................................ 265 Machinery Directive ............................................................................................................................. 266 Harmonized European Standards ....................................................................................................... 266 Standards for implementing safety-related controllers......................................................................... 267 DIN EN ISO 13849-1 ........................................................................................................................... 268 EN 62061 ............................................................................................................................................ 268 Series of standards EN 61508 (VDE 0803) ......................................................................................... 269 Risk analysis/assessment ................................................................................................................... 270 Risk reduction...................................................................................................................................... 271 Residual risk ........................................................................................................................................ 271
26.1.3 Machine safety in the USA .................................................................................................................. 271 Minimum requirements of the OSHA ................................................................................................... 271
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 9 NRTL listing ........................................................................................................................................ 272 NFPA 79 ............................................................................................................................................. 272 ANSI B11 ............................................................................................................................................ 272
26.1.4 Machine safety in Japan ..................................................................................................................... 273
26.1.5 Equipment regulations ........................................................................................................................ 273
26.2 General information about SINAMICS Safety Integrated .................................................................... 273
26.3 System features .................................................................................................................................. 274
26.3.1 Certification ......................................................................................................................................... 274
26.3.2 Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................... 274
26.3.3 Probability of failure of the safety function (PFH value)....................................................................... 275
26.3.4 Response time .................................................................................................................................... 275
26.3.5 Residual risk ....................................................................................................................................... 275
26.4 Safety Integrated basic functions ........................................................................................................ 276
26.4.1 Safe Torque Off (STO) ........................................................................................................................ 276
26.4.2 Forced dormant error detection ........................................................................................................... 278
27 Special functions ................................................................................................................................................. 278
27.1 Multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI data ...................................................... 278
27.2 Calling an online help .......................................................................................................................... 280
27.2.1 The help system .................................................................................................................................. 280
27.2.2 Calling a machine manufacturer's help and manual............................................................................ 282
27.3 Calling a standard cycle with auxiliary functions ................................................................................. 286
27.4 Display function ................................................................................................................................... 287
27.5 Prog_Event function ............................................................................................................................ 289
27.6 Fast I/O ............................................................................................................................................... 290
27.7 Creating user cycles............................................................................................................................ 291
27.7.1 Creating the extended user text file..................................................................................................... 291
27.7.2 Creating the user cycle softkey index file ............................................................................................ 291
27.7.3 Creating the user cycle parameter file................................................................................................. 292
27.7.4 Creating the user cycle file .................................................................................................................. 293
27.7.5 Creating the user cycle alarm file ........................................................................................................ 295
27.7.6 Creating the user cycle bitmap file ...................................................................................................... 295
27.7.7 Transferring the desired files to the control system ............................................................................. 295
27.7.8 Calling the created user cycle ............................................................................................................. 298
27.7.9 Editing the user cycle screens ............................................................................................................ 300
27.8 Using the machine manufacturer's machine data descriptions ........................................................... 300
27.9 Using the machine manufacturer's R variable names ......................................................................... 301
27.10 Generating user dialogs using customized EasyXLanguage scripts ................................................... 302
27.10.1 Scope of functions............................................................................................................................... 302
27.10.2 Fundamentals of configuration ............................................................................................................ 303
27.10.3 Configuration files (EasyXLanguage scripts) ...................................................................................... 304
27.10.4 Structure of configuration file .............................................................................................................. 306
27.10.5 Language dependency........................................................................................................................ 306
27.10.6 XML identifier ...................................................................................................................................... 306 General structure ................................................................................................................................ 306 Instruction/identifier description ........................................................................................................... 307 System variables ................................................................................................................................. 328 Color coding ........................................................................................................................................ 329 Special XML syntax............................................................................................................................. 329 Operators ............................................................................................................................................ 329 Generating softkey menus and dialog forms ....................................................................................... 330
27.10.7 Generating user menus....................................................................................................................... 355 Creating processing cycle forms ......................................................................................................... 355 Substitution characters........................................................................................................................ 357
27.10.8 Addressing components...................................................................................................................... 358 PLC addressing .................................................................................................................................. 358 Addressing NC variables..................................................................................................................... 359 Generating NC/PLC addresses during the runtime ............................................................................. 360 Addressing drive components ............................................................................................................. 360 Addressing machine and setting data ................................................................................................. 361
Function Manual
10 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 Addressing the user data..................................................................................................................... 361 Creating typical menus in user dialogs by addressing components .................................................... 362
27.10.9 Predefined functions ............................................................................................................................ 368
27.11 Hot keys .............................................................................................................................................. 394
27.12 Playing a slide show ............................................................................................................................ 395
27.13 Defining the service planner ................................................................................................................ 397
27.14 Using the machine manufacturer's startup screen and machine logo ................................................. 399
27.15 Configuring the operating area after startup ........................................................................................ 402
27.16 CNC lock function ................................................................................................................................ 402
27.16.1 Function overview................................................................................................................................ 402
27.16.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 403
27.16.3 Restrictions.......................................................................................................................................... 403
27.16.4 Protection from manipulation ............................................................................................................... 404
27.16.5 Creating the activation file ................................................................................................................... 404
27.16.6 Importing the activation file .................................................................................................................. 405
27.16.7 Extending the CNC lock function ......................................................................................................... 407
27.16.8 Deactivating the CNC lock function ..................................................................................................... 408
27.16.9 Replacing a defective control system hardware (PPU) and/or CF card ............................................... 409
27.16.10 OEM PIN forgotten .............................................................................................................................. 410
27.16.11 Other information ................................................................................................................................. 411
27.17 Switching geometry axes..................................................................................................................... 412
27.18 Cycle protection ................................................................................................................................... 413
27.18.1 Encrypting cycle file(s)......................................................................................................................... 414
27.18.2 Handling the encrypted cycles............................................................................................................. 416
28 Licensing in the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED .................................................................................................. 417
28.1 Activating the optional functions .......................................................................................................... 417
28.2 Internet links ........................................................................................................................................ 419
28.3 Important licensing terms .................................................................................................................... 419
A Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................ 420
Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn can lead to injuries or death.
• Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
• Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or emergency off.
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1.2 Warranty and liability for application examples
Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration, equipment or any eventuality
which may arise. Application examples do not represent specific customer solutions, but are only intended to provide
support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated correctly. Application
examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when using, installing, operating and maintaining the
Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations (e.g. viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe operating states in your system that
may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
• Keep the software up to date.
• Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept for the
installation or machine.
• Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
• Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with suitable protection measures, e.g.
virus scanners.
• Protect the drive against unauthorized changes by activating the "know-how protection" drive function.
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2 Introduction
The following notation and abbreviations are used in this documentation:
● Programmable logic control (PLC) interface signals -> IS "Signal name" (signal data)
Example: IS "Feedrate override" (DB380x.DBB0)
The variable byte is located in the "to axis" range, x stands for the axis:
– 0: axis 1
– 1: axis 2
– n: axis n+1.
● Machine data -> MD MD_NR MD_NAME (description)
e.g.: MD30300 IS_ROT_AX (rotary axis)
● Setting data -> SD SD_NR SD_NAME (description)
e.g.: SD41200 JOG_SPIND_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for the spindle)
The machine and setting data are divided into the following areas:
Range Data area Meaning
200 - 9999 $MM_ Display machine data
10,000 - 19,999 $MN_ General machine data
20,000 - 28,999 $MC_ Channel-specific machine data
30,000 - 38,999 $MA_ Axis-specific machine data
41,000 - 41,999 $SN_ General setting data
42,000 - 42,999 $SC_ Channel-specific setting data
43,000 - 43,999 $SA_ Axis-specific setting data
Detailed explanations
● Detailed explanations for the machine/setting data and interface signals used can be found in the SINUMERIK 808D
ADVANCED Parameter Manual.
● Detailed explanations of the alarms which may occur can be found in the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Diagnostics
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3 Various interface signals (A2)
3.1 General
Brief description
This chapter describes the functionality of various interface signals which are of general relevance, but are not described in
the function-specific chapters.
The exchange of signals and data between the PLC user program and the NCK (numerical control kernel) or HMI (display
unit) is performed via various data areas. The PLC user program does not have to handle the exchange of data and signals.
From the user's point of view, this takes place automatically.
PLC/NCK interface:
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See the following table for the relationship between the two representations.
V Structure DB Structure
Access Example Example Access
Bit V38000002.1 DB3800.DBX2.1 Bit
Byte VB38000002 DB3800.DBB2 Byte
Word VW38000002 DB3800.DBW2 Word
Double Word VD38000004 DB3800.DBD4 Double word
Access authorization
Access to programs, data, and functions is user-oriented and controlled via protection levels. The control system provides a
concept of access levels for enabling data areas. You can view such information from the table below:
Access level Default password Target group
Siemens (level 0) - Reserved for Siemens
Manufacturer (level 1) SUNRISE Machine manufacturers
Reserved (level 2) - -
End user (levels 3-6) CUSTOMER End users
No password (level 7) - End users
This provides a multi-level safety concept for controlling access rights.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual, Section: Setting the password
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Cancellation of the "Axis/spindle disable" (edge change 1 → 0) does not take effect until the axis/spindle is stationary (i.e. an
interpolation setpoint is no longer present). The new movement begins with new specified setpoints. (E.g. new program
block with movement specifications in "AUTO" operating mode.)
Note: actual values vary between simulated and real axis!
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● As soon as the actual speed has reached the zero speed range, the drive controller enable is removed. Checkback
signal to PLC with IS "Speed controller active" (DB390x.DBX1.6) = 0 state. The drive enable of the drive is removed at
the latest after the time set in MD36620 SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME has expired.
● Notice: If the setting for the drive enable shutdown delay is too small the drive enable will be removed even though the
axis/spindle is still moving. The axis/spindle is then stopped abruptly with setpoint 0.
● The actual position value of the axis/spindle continues to be acquired by the control.
This axis/spindle state cannot be changed until after "Reset".
Interpolatory axis grouping:
All the axes traversing within the interpolatory axis grouping are stopped as soon as the drive enable signal is cancelled for
one of the axes.
The axes are brought to a standstill as described above. All axes in the geometry grouping are brought to a standstill with
rapid stop. Alarm 21612 "Controller enable reset during movement" is also triggered. Continued processing of the NC
program after this event is no longer possible.
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NCK alarm with processing stop present (DB3300.DBX4.7)
The control sends this signal to the PLC to indicate that at least one NCK alarm, which has interrupted or aborted the current
program run (processing stop), is active for the channel.
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A program with the program name (STRING) is administered. In the assignment list, the names for a maximum of 255
programs can be declared and assigned.
The use of the numbers is divided into the protection areas of the programs:
● 1 to 100: User area (end user protection level)
● 101 to 200: Machine manufacturer (machine manufacturer protection level)
● 201 to 255: SIEMENS (SIEMENS protection level)
"Program number" (DB1700.DBB1000) corresponds to the following IS:
● "Program has been selected" (DB1700.DBX2000.0)
● "Program selection error" (DB1700.DBX2000.1).
When a program number > 0 is written, the program selection is started by the PLC. As soon as the HMI detects a program
number > 0, it begins with the internal processing of this job and sets the program number (DB1700.DBB1000) to 0.
PLC waits until the acknowledgement signal from HMI is received: DB1700.DBX2000.0 or DB1700.DBX2000.1 and
evaluates this immediately. The acknowledge signals are available for one PLC cycle once they have been received and are
then automatically deleted by the PLC operating system.
Command (DB1700.DBB1001)
A command job is transferred from the PLC to the HMI.
Command Action
0 None
1 Save name of the selected program
2 Select program with saved program name
"Command" (DB1700.DBB1001) corresponds to the following IS:
● "Execute command" (DB1700.DBX2001.0)
● "Command execution error" (DB1700.DBX2001.1)
When a command > 0 is written, the job is started by the PLC. As soon as the HMI detects a command > 0, it begins with
the internal processing of this job and sets the command (DB1700.DBB1001) to 0.
PLC waits until the acknowledgement signal has been reached by HMI: DB1700.DBX2001.0 or DB1700.DBX2001.1 and
evaluates this immediately. The acknowledgement signals are available for one PLC cycle once they have been received
and are then automatically deleted by the PLC operating system.
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3.6 User interface
3.6.1 General (OF)
Communication jobs can be performed via the "NC services" PLC/NCK interface. The following services are available for
● Start program invocation services (PI services) in the NCK area (e.g. asynchronous subroutine (ASUP))
● Read variables from the NCK area
● Write variables from the NCK area
The activation of the respective service is performed via the global part of the interface. The parameterization of the
individual services is described below.
A job already started cannot be cancelled. If the "Start" signal is inadvertently reset before receiving the acknowledgement,
the result signals for this job are not refreshed; the job, however, is executed.
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Explanations regarding the pulse diagram:
1. Starting of the job by setting "Start" ("Job completed" and "Error in job" must be reset)
2. Job completed without errors (the results of the individual variables must still be evaluated)
3. Resetting "Start" after receiving the result
4. Signal change by PLC operating system
5. If the "Start" signal is reset inadvertently before receiving the result, the output signals are not refreshed without influence
on the internal execution of the function triggered
6. Error in job
You can also customize these two ASUPs by assigning the interrupt numbers 1 and 2 fixed program names from the PLC.
Prerequisite for this is the existence of the PLCASUP1_SPF or PLCASUP2_SPF programs in the CMA directory.
PI index Function
DB1200.DBB4001 = 1 Assignment of Interrupt 1 to the CMA_DIR/PLCASUP1_SPF program.
The interrupt has Priority 1.
DB1200.DBB4001 = 2 Assignment of Interrupt 2 to the CMA_DIR/PLCASUP2_SPF program.
The interrupt has Priority 2.
The following must be taken into account during the initialization:
● The PI service ASUP requires executing only once after a restart and is then retained.
● An initialization may only be performed when the channel is not active.
● If a "Ramp-up" program event has been configured, the initialization may only be started after the end of the program
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The range DB120x.DBB1008 ... 11 is not relevant for reading.
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The values to be written must be entered in the range DB120x.DBB1008...11 in the data type specific for the appropriate
If necessary, the values are converted (e.g. NCL floating-point values (64-bit) into the PLC format (32-bit) and vice versa). A
loss of accuracy results from the conversion from 64-bit to 32-bit REAL. The maximum accuracy of 32-bit REAL numbers is
approximately 107.
3.7 NC variable
Variable cuttEdgeParam
Compensation value parameters and cutting edge list with D numbers for a tool.
The meanings of the individual parameters depend on the type of the tool in question. Currently, totally 25 parameters are
reserved for each tool edge (but only a part of them is loaded with values). To be able to remain flexible for future extensions,
it is not recommended to use a fixed value of 25 parameters for calculation, but the variable value 'numCuttEdgeParams'
(variable index 2).
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For a detailed description of the tool parameters, please refer to Chapter "Tool Offset (Page 191)".
Variable cuttEdgeParam [r/w]
DB120x.DBB1000 1
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 (EdgeNo - 1) * numCuttEdgeParams + ParameterNo (WORD)
DB120x.DBW1004 T number (1...32000) (WORD)
DB120x.DBD1008 Write: Data to NCK variable x (data type of the variables: REAL)
DB120x.DBD3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: REAL)
Variable numCuttEdgeParams
Number of P elements of an edge
Variable numCuttEdgeParams [r]
DB120x.DBB1000 2
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 -
DB120x.DBW1004 -
DB120x.DBD1008 -
DB120x.DBW3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: WORD)
Variable linShift
Translation of a settable work offset (channel-specific settable frames)
They only exist if MD18601 MM_NUM_GLOBAL_USER_FRAMES > 0.
There are the frame indices:
● 0: ACTFRAME = current resulting work offset
● 1: IFRAME = current settable work offset
● 2: PFRAME = current programmable work offset
● 3: EXTFRAME = current external work offset
● 4: TOTFRAME = current total work offset = total of ACTFRAME and EXTFRAME
● 5: ACTBFRAME = current total base frame
● 6: SETFRAME = current 1st system frame (PRESET, scratching)
● 7: EXTSFRAME = current 2nd system frame (PRESET, scratching)
● 8: PARTFRAME = current 3rd system frame (TCARR and PAROT with orientable tool carrier)
● 9: TOOLFRAME = current 4th system frame (TOROT and TOFRAME)
● 10: MEASFRAME = result frame for workpiece and tool gauging
● 11: WPFRAME = current 5th system frame (workpiece reference points)
● 12: CYCFRAME = current 6th system frame (cycles)
The max. frame index is 12.
The value of numMachAxes is contained in the variable with variable index 4.
Variable linShift [r]
DB120x.DBB1000 3
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 Frame index * numMachAxes + axis number
DB120x.DBW1004 -
DB120x.DBD1008 -
DB120x.DBD3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: REAL)
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Variable numMachAxes
No. of the highest existing channel axis
If there are no gap between channels, this corresponds to the number of existing axes in the channel.
Variable numMachAxes [r]
DB120x.DBB1000 4
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 -
DB120x.DBW1004 -
DB120x.DBD1008 -
DB120x.DBW3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: WORD)
Variable rpa
R parameters
Variable rpa [r/w]
DB120x.DBB1000 5
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 R number + 1
DB120x.DBW1004 -
DB120x.DBD1008 Write: Data to NCK variable x (data type of the variables: REAL)
DB120x.DBD3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: REAL)
Variable actLineNumber
Line number of the current NC block:
● 0: Prior to program start
● -1: Not available due to error
● -2: Not available due to DISPLOF
Variable actLineNumber [r]
DB120x.DBB1000 6
DB120x.DBB1001 -
DB120x.DBW1002 -
DB120x.DBW1004 -
DB120x.DBD1008 -
DB120x.DBD3004 Read: Data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: DINT)
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4 Axis monitoring (A3)
4.1 Overview of monitoring functions
Overview of monitoring functions
● Motion monitoring functions
– Contour monitoring
– Position monitoring
– Standstill monitoring
– Clamping monitoring
– Speed setpoint monitoring
– Actual velocity monitoring
– Encoder monitoring functions
● Monitoring of static limits
– Limit switch monitoring
The principle on which the contour monitoring function works is the constant comparison of the measured actual position
value with that calculated from the NC position setpoint. For the precalculation of the following error, a model is used that
simulates the dynamics of the position control including feedforward control.
So that the monitoring function does not respond incorrectly on slight speed fluctuations (caused by changes of load) a
tolerance band is allowed for the max. contour deviation.
If the permissible actual value deviation entered in MD36400 CONTOUR_TOL (tolerance band contour monitoring) is
exceeded, an alarm is signaled and the axes are stopped.
Contour monitoring is active for axes and position-controlled spindles.
If the contour deviation is too large, this has the following effect:
● Alarm 25050 "Contour monitoring" is triggered
● The axis/spindle is brought to a standstill via a speed setpoint ramp with rapid stop (with open position control loop).
The braking ramp time is set in MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp time for error states).
● If the axis/spindle is involved in interpolation with other axes/spindles, these are brought to a standstill with rapid stop
with following error reduction (position setpoint = 0).
● Increase tolerance band of monitoring in MD36400
● The actual "servo gain factor" must correspond to the desired servo gain factor set via MD32200 POSCTRL_GAIN
(servo gain factor). With analog spindles: MD32260 RATED_VELO (rated motor speed) and MD32250 RATED_OUTVAL
(rated output voltage) must be checked.
● Check optimization of the speed controller
● Check smooth running of the axes
● Check machine data for traversing movements (feed override, acceleration, max. speeds, ... )
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4.2.2 Position monitoring
In order to ensure that an axis reaches the required position within the specified time, the timer that can be configured in
MD36020 POSITIONING_TIME (time delay exact stop
fine) is started at the end of each motion block (setpoint has reached target) and, when the timer runs out, a check made to
ascertain whether the axis has reached its setpoint within
the tolerance of MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine).
For details on "Exact stop coarse and fine" see Chapter "Continuous Path Mode, Exact Stop and Look-Ahead (Page 33)"
Relation between position, standstill, and clamping monitoring:
Positioning monitoring is always activated after the termination of motion blocks "according to the setpoint" (setpoint has
reached destination).
Position monitoring is active for axes and position-controlled spindles.
When the programmed "Exact stop limit fine" has been reached or a new setpoint has been output (e.g. for positioning
according to "Exact stop coarse" followed by a block change), the position monitoring is deactivated.
If the limit value for "Exact stop fine" has not yet been reached when the positioning monitoring time has elapsed, the
following action is performed:
● Output of alarm 25080 "Positioning monitoring"
● The affected axis/spindle is brought to a standstill using a rapid stop (with open position control loop) along a speed
setpoint ramp.
The braking ramp duration is set in
MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp duration for error states).
● If the axis/spindle is involved in interpolation with other axes/spindles, these are stopped using a rapid stop with following
error reduction (default for partial position setpoint = 0).
Cause of error/Remedy
● Position controller gain too low --> change machine data for position controller gain
MD32200 POSCTRL_GAIN (servo gain factor)
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● Positioning window (exact stop fine), position monitoring time, and position controller gain have not been coordinated -->
change machine data:
MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine),
MD36020 POSITIONING_TIME (exact stop fine delay time),
MD32200 POSCTRL_GAIN (servo gain factor)
Rule of thumb
● Positioning window large --> max. position monitoring time can be set to a relatively short value
● Positioning window small --> max. position monitoring time must be set to a relatively long value
● Position controller gain low --> max. position monitoring time must be set to a relatively long value
● Position controller gain high --> max. position monitoring time can be set to a relatively short value
The size of the positioning window affects the block change time. The smaller the tolerances that are selected, the longer
the positioning action will take, which in turn means a longer time before the next command can be executed.
At the end of a motion block (position setpoint has reached target), a check is made as to whether the axis is not more than
the distance specified in MD36060 STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance) away from its setpoint after the
configurable delay time in MD36040 STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME (standstill monitoring delay time) has expired. Otherwise,
an alarm will be triggered.
Standstill monitoring is always active after "Standstill monitoring delay time" active has expired, as long as no new travel
command is present.
Standstill monitoring is active on axes and position-controlled spindles.
When the monitoring function responds, it has the following effects:
● Alarm 25040 "Standstill monitoring" is triggered
● The affected axis/spindle is brought to a standstill with rapid stop (with open position control loop) along a speed setpoint
ramp. The braking ramp time is set in
MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of the braking ramp for error states).
● If the axis/spindle is involved in interpolation with other axes/spindles, these are stopped by rapid stop with following
error reduction (default for position partial setpoint = 0).
If the axis must be clamped once it has been positioned, the clamping monitoring function can be activated via IS "Clamping
in progress" (DB380x.DBX2.3).
This may be necessary as the axis can be forced further from the setpoint than the standstill tolerance permits during the
clamping process. The amount by which the axis may leave the command position is specified in MD36050
CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping tolerance for interface signal "Clamping active").
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Clamping monitoring is activated by the interface signal "Clamping active". It replaces standstill monitoring during clamping.
Clamping monitoring is active on axes and position-controlled spindles.
If the axis is pushed out of position beyond the clamping tolerance during clamping the following occurs:
● Alarm 26000 "Clamping monitoring" is triggered
● The affected axis/spindle is brought to a standstill with rapid stop (with open position control loop) along a speed setpoint
ramp. The braking ramp time is set in
MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of the braking ramp for error states).
● If the axis/spindle is assigned to an interpolatory grouping with other axes/spindles, then these are also braked by rapid
stop with following error reduction (default for partial position setpoint = 0).
Speed setpoint monitoring checks whether the setpoint specification does not exceed the maximum permissible drive speed
in MD 36210 CTRLOUT_LIMIT (maximum speed setpoint). If required, the speed is limited to this value and the axis/spindle
stopped and an alarm output.
The maximum speed for the axes (in percent) exceeds the speed at which the velocity in MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO is
reached (100%). This also determines the control margin.
On an analog spindle the maximum speed that can be output must not exceed the speed reached at the maximum setpoint
output voltage of 10 V (100%).
The speed setpoint consists of the speed setpoint of the position controller and the feedforward control parameter (if
feedforward control is active).
Speed setpoint calculation:
Speed setpoint monitoring is always active for axes and spindles.
The following occurs if the maximum speed setpoint value is exceeded:
● Alarm 25060 "Speed setpoint limiting" is triggered
● The affected axis/spindle is brought to a standstill using a rapid stop (with open position control loop) along a speed
setpoint ramp.
The braking ramp duration is set in MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (braking ramp duration for error states).
● If the axis/spindle is involved in interpolation with other axes/spindles, these are stopped using a rapid stop with following
error reduction (default for partial position setpoint = 0).
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In the machine manufacturer protection level, MD36220 CTRLOUT_LIMIT_TIME can be used to set a delay time, after
the expiration of which an alarm is output and the axes are brought to a standstill. The default value of this time is zero.
Using speed setpoint limiting will turn the control loop into a non-linear control loop. This generally causes contour deviations
if speed setpoint limiting is continued for an axis. A control margin must therefore be set.
Causes of errors
● A measuring circuit error or drive error is present.
● Setpoints are too high (accelerations, velocities, reducing factors).
● Obstacle in work area (e.g. positioning on a working table)
● Tachogenerator compensation has not been performed correctly for an analog spindle, or a measuring circuit error or
drive error is present.
This function monitors whether the actual velocity exceeds a permissible limit entered in MD36200 AX_VELO_LIMIT
(threshold value for velocity monitoring).
The actual velocity monitor is operative whenever the active measuring circuit activated via "Position measuring system 1"
interface signal (DB380x.DBX1.5) is supplying actual values, i.e. still operating below the limit frequency.
The actual velocity monitoring is active for axes and spindles.
If the "Threshold for velocity monitoring" is exceeded the following occurs:
● Alarm 25030 "Actual velocity alarm limit" is triggered
● The affected axis/spindle is brought to a standstill with rapid stop (with open position control loop) along a speed setpoint
ramp. The braking ramp time is set in MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (duration of the braking ramp for error
● If the axis/spindle is assigned to an interpolatory grouping with other axes/spindles, then these are also braked by rapid
stop with following error reduction (default for partial position setpoint = 0).
Troubleshooting tips
● Check actual values
● Check position control direction (control sense)
● Check MD36200 AX_VELO_LIMIT (threshold value for velocity monitoring)
● Check signal setpoint cable for analog spindles
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4.3.2 Hardware limit switches
Every axis has a hardware (HW) limit switch for each traversing direction, which prevents the slide from moving out of the
slide bed.
If the hardware limit switch is crossed, the PLC signals this to the NC via IS "Hardware limit switch plus/minus"
(DB380x.DBX1000.1 or .0) and the movement of all axes is stopped. The braking method can be specified via MD36600
BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (braking behavior at hardware limit switch).
HW limit switch monitoring is active after the control has started up in all modes.
● When a hardware limit switch is passed in either direction, alarm 21614 "Hardware limit switch + or -" is triggered.
● The axis is stopped according to the setting in MD36600 BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (braking behavior at hardware limit
● If the axis is assigned to an interpolatory grouping with other axes, then these are also stopped according to the method
selected in MD36600 BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (braking behavior at hardware limit switch).
● The direction keys in the approach direction are disabled.
● Reset
● Move in the opposite direction (in "JOG" mode)
● Correct the program
They are used to limit the maximum traversing range on each individual axis.
There are two pairs of software limit switches for each machine axis. They are defined in the machine axis system using the
following machine data:
MD36100 POS_LIMIT_MINUS (1st software limit switch minus)
MD36110 POS_LIMIT_PLUS (1st software limit switch plus)
MD36120 POS_LIMIT_MINUS2 (2nd software limit switch minus)
MD36130 POS_LIMIT_PLUS2 (2nd software limit switch plus)
● Software (SW) limit switch monitoring is activated after reference point approach in all modes.
● The position of the software limit switch can be approached.
● The 2nd software limit switch can be activated via the "2nd software limit switch plus/minus" interface signal
(DB380x.DBX1000.3 or .2) from the PLC. The change becomes active immediately. The 1st software limit switch
plus/minus is then de-activated.
● The SW limit switch monitoring does not function for endlessly turning rotary axes, i.e. if MD30310 ROT_IS_MODULO =
1. (Modulo conversion for rotary axis and spindle)
Based on the mode, different responses to an attempted software limit switch violation are possible:
● The block that would violate the software limits switches is not started. The previous block is terminated properly.
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● Program execution is terminated.
● Alarm 10720 "Software limit switch + or -" is signaled.
● The axis stops at the software limit switch position.
● Alarm 10621 "Axis at software limit switch + or -" is signaled.
● The direction keys in the approach direction are disabled.
Switching over the software limit switch:
If the current position lies behind the new software limit switch when the software limit switch is switched over, the axis is
decelerated with the maximum permissible axial acceleration. If an axis is involved in interpolation with other axes, these are
also decelerated. Then a contour violation may occur.
● Reset
● Move in the opposite direction (in "JOG" mode)
● Correct the program
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Number Identifier Name
32260 RATED_VELO Rated motor speed
32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL Axis acceleration
32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME [n] Equivalent time constant speed control loop for feedforward
36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE Exact stop coarse
36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE Exact stop fine
36020 POSITIONING_TIME Time delay exact stop fine
36030 STANDSTILL_POS_TOL Standstill tolerance
36040 STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME Delay time standstill monitoring
36050 CLAMP_POS_TOL Clamping tolerance with "Clamping active" interface signal
36060 STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL Maximum velocity/speed "Axis/spindle stationary"
36100 POS_LIMIT_MINUS 1. Minus software limit switch
36110 POS_LIMIT_PLUS 1. Plus software limit switch
36120 POS_LIMIT_MINUS2 2. Minus software limit switch
36130 POS_LIMIT_PLUS2 2. Plus software limit switch
36200 AX_VELO_LIMIT [n] Threshold value for velocity monitoring
36210 CTRLOUT_LIMIT[n] Maximum speed setpoint
36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMITn Encoder frequency limit
36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW Encoder limit frequency resynchronization
36310 ENC_ZERO_MONITORING [n] Zero mark monitoring
36400 CONTOUR_TOL Tolerance band contour monitoring
36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL High backlash values /
Maximum tolerance for actual position value changeover
36600 BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE Braking behavior at hardware limit switch
36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME Length of the braking ramp for error states
36620 SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME Cutout delay controller enable
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The second way is called "continuous path mode" and it attempts to avoid deceleration of the path velocity at the block
boundary in order to change to the next block with as little change of path velocity as possible.
"LookAhead" is a procedure in continuous path mode that achieves velocity control with LookAhead over several NC part
program blocks.
5.2 General
Machine axes that are related interpolatively must have the same dynamic response, i.e. the same following error at any
given velocity.
The term path axes refer to all machining axes which are controlled by the interpolator calculating the path points in such a
manner that:
● All the axes involved start at the same time
● All the axes involved travel with the correct velocity ratios
● All the axes reach the programmed target position at the same time
The acceleration rates of the individual axes may vary depending on the path, e.g. circular path.
Path axes can be geometry axes and special axes (e.g. workpiece turning axes that are involved in the workpiece machining
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Exact stop is not suitable if
● Exact traversing of the contour on the basis of the criterion (e.g. exact stop fine) can deviate from the programmed
contour in order to achieve faster machining.
● An absolutely constant velocity is required.
Exact-stop criteria
● Exact stop fine: G601
This criterion is applied to monitor whether the actual/setpoint position deviation of the axis has remained within a
specific distance. The value of the permissible distance is stored in MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine)
● Exact stop coarse: G602
Functions as exact stop fine, although the monitoring window is stored in MD36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop
coarse). To permit a faster block change than with the exact stop fine criterion, the exact stop coarse criterion is set to be
larger than the exact stop fine criterion.
Block change depending on exact-stop criteria:
Interpolator end
Interpolator end is achieved when the interpolator has calculated the setpoint velocity of the axes from zero for an
interpolation cycle. However, the actual positions of the path axes have not reached the target (following error).
Irrespective of continuous-path mode or the active exact-stop criteria for the exact-stop function, "interpolator end" transfers
the auxiliary functions present in the block to the PLC if they are to be output after the end of motion.
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Implicit exact stop
In some cases, an exact stop needs to be generated in continuous path mode to allow the execution of subsequent actions.
In such situations, the path velocity is reduced to zero.
● If auxiliary functions are output before the traverse motion, the previous block is only terminated when the selected
exact-stop criterion is fulfilled.
● If auxiliary functions are to be output after the traverse motion, they are output after the interpolator end of the block.
● If an executable block contains no travel information for the path axes, the previous block is terminated on reaching the
selected exact stop criterion.
● A block is terminated on interpolator end if the following block contains the changeover of the acceleration profile
● If the function "Empty buffer" (STOPRE) is programmed, the previous block is terminated when the selected exact stop
criterion is reached.
This function lowers the path velocity in continuous path mode until the nontangential block transition can be traversed in
one interpolation cycle whilst respecting the deceleration limit and taking an overload factor into account. With the reduced
velocity, axis-specific jumps in velocity are produced with a nontangential contour at the block transition. The jump in velocity
prevents the path velocity dropping to zero. This jump is performed if the axial velocity was reduced with the axial
acceleration to a velocity from which the new setpoint can be reached with the jump.
The magnitude of the setpoint jump can be limited using an overload factor. Because the magnitude of the jump is axial, the
minimum jump of the path axes which are active during the block change is considered during block transition. With a
practically tangential block transition, the path velocity is not reduced if the permissible axial accelerations are not exceeded.
In this way, very small angular changes in the contour can be overtraveled directly.
Overload factor
The overload factor restricts step changes in the machine axis velocity at the block transition. To ensure that the velocity
jump does not exceed the maximum load on the axis, the jump is derived from the acceleration of the axis. The overload
factor indicates the extent by which the acceleration of the machine axis, which is set in MD32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis
acceleration), may be exceeded for an IPO cycle.
The velocity jump is the product of: axis acceleration * (overload factor-1) * interpolator cycle. The overload factor is 1.2.
Factor 1.0 means that only tangential transitions with finite velocity can be traversed. For all other transitions, the velocity is
reduced to zero by changing the setpoint.
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Selection and deselection of velocity reduction
Continuous-path mode with velocity reduction according to overload factor can be selected modally in every NC part
program block by means of program code G64 (BRISK active, not SOFT).
Continuous path mode G64 can be
● interrupted non-modally when exact stop G9 is selected,
● de-selected when exact stop G60 is selected.
With the jerk limiting along the path, another method of influencing the continuous-path mode is introduced. While the
"Velocity reduction according to overload factor" function limits the rate of velocity change, the "Jerk limitation on path"
function described here limits the acceleration changes (jerks).
When sections of the contour consisting of blocks (e.g. circle straight line transitions) are machined, step changes in the
acceleration rate occur at the block transition in continuous path mode.
Reducing jerk
The severity of such jerks can be reduced by decreasing the path velocity at transitions between blocks containing different
degrees of curvature. A smoother transition is thus achieved between the contour sections.
Jerk limit
The user specifies the maximum jerk, which may occur on a path axis during a block transition, with MD32432
PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM (maximum axis-specific jerk of a path axis at the block transition).
Jerk limiting at block transitions becomes active if continuous path mode is programmed with G64 and SOFT acceleration
characteristics. MD32432 PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM must contain a positive value.
The axis-specific machine data MD32431 MAX_AX_JERK[..] can be used to set individual changes in acceleration for each
machine axis, like those that can already be set for acceleration limits in machine data MD32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL.
MD32431 MAX_AX_JERK acts on the axes interpolated by the path if SOFT (smooth acceleration curve) is active within a
A basic distinction is made between the axis acceleration curve within a block and at the transition between two blocks.
The deployment of axis-specific machine data for the path offers the following advantages:
● Immediate allowance is made in the interpolation for the dynamic response of the axes, which can then be fully utilized
for each axis.
● Jerk limitation for separate axes is performed not just in linear blocks, but also in curved contours.
Please refer to Chapter "Acceleration (Page 42)" for more information on the subject of "jerk limiting".
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The compressor function COMPCAD can generate one polynomial block from theoretically any number of linear and circular
blocks. The polynomial blocks have constant velocity and acceleration at the block transitions. Corners that are desirable are
identified as such and taken into account.
The maximum tolerable deviation of the calculated path to the programmed points can be specified using machine data for
all compressor functions. In contrast to COMPON and COMPCURV, the specified tolerances are not used in different directions in
neighboring paths with COMPCAD. In fact, COMPCAD attempts to achieve - under similar conditions - also similar deviations from
the programmed points.
The common objective of compressor functions is to optimize the surface quality and machining speed by achieving
continuous block transitions and increasing the path length for each block.
COMPCAD is very CPU time and memory-intensive. It is recommended that COMPCAD is only used there where surface
improvements were not successful using measures in the CAD/CAM program.
● The position data in the blocks to be compressed can be realized as required, e.g. X100, X=AC(100), X=R1*(R2+R3)
● The compression operation is then interrupted by every other command, e.g. auxiliary function output, in and between
the blocks to be compressed.
NC block compression is only available for the milling versions of the control system.
The following machine and setting data must be set for the parameterization of the NC block compression:
Channel-specific machine data
Number Identifier $MC_ Meaning
MD20170 COMPRESS_BLOCK_PATH_LIMIT Maximum traversing length of NC block for compression
MD20172 COMPRESS_VELO_TOL Maximum permissible deviation from path feed for compression
MD20482 COMPRESSOR_MODE Setting the mode of operation of the compressor
Channel-specific setting data
Number Identifier $SC_ Meaning
SD42470 CRIT_SPLINE_ANGLE Corner limit angle for COMPCAD
SD42475 COMPRESS_CONTUR_TOL Maximum permissible contour deviation with compression
Corner limit angle and compressor function COMPCAD
The corner limit angle for COMPCAD set via the setting data SD42470 $SC_CRIT_SPLINE_ANGLE is only used as an
approximate measure for corner detection. By evaluating the plausibility, the compressor can also identify flatter block
transitions as corners and larger angles as outliers.
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Recommended settings for retroactive machine data
When using the compressor function, the following settings are recommended for the retroactive machine data on the
compressor function:
Number Identifier Recommended value
(FIFO buffer size for execution from external source)
(G641/G642 irrespective of the overload factor)
(maximum number of axis polynomials per block)
(number of memory elements for limiting the path velocity)
(number of memory elements for displaying the arc length function)
(number of NC blocks for the block preparation)
(number of blocks for the block preparation)
MD32310 $MA_MAX_ACCEL_OVL_FACTOR <Value for G64 opera-
(overload factor for axial velocity jumps) tion>
Switch on
Compressor functions are activated using the modal G commands COMPON, COMPCURV or COMPCAD.
To further improve the surface quality, the functions G642 (rounding function) and SOFT (jerk limitation) can be used. The
commands must be written together at the beginning of the program.
Program code Comment
PROC ...
N10 COMPCAD SOFT G642 ; Activating the COMPCAD compressor
N20 G01 X... Y... Z... F... ; Traversing blocks 1 ... n
N1000 COMPOF ; Deactivation of the compressor
N1010 RET
All compressor functions are deactivated using the COMPOF command.
The programming of the compressor functions is described in:
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual (Milling)
5.6 LookAhead
LookAhead is a procedure in continuous path mode (G64) that achieves velocity control with LookAhead over several NC
part program blocks beyond the current block.
Without LookAhead: If the program blocks only contain very small paths, a velocity per block is achieved that permits
deceleration of the axes at the block end point without violating acceleration limits. This means that the programmed velocity
was not actually reached although a sufficient number of prepared blocks with virtually tangential path transitions were
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With the LookAhead function: It is possible to plan the acceleration and deceleration phase with approximately tangential
path transitions over several blocks in order to achieve a higher feedrate with shorter distances. Deceleration to velocity
limits is possible with LookAhead such that violation of the acceleration and velocity limit is prevented.
Comparison of the G60 and G64 velocity behavior with short travels in the blocks:
Operating principle
LookAhead functionality is available only for path axes, but not for the spindle.
For safety reasons, the velocity at the end of the last prepared block must initially be assumed to be zero because the next
block might be very small or be an exact-stop block and the axes must have been stopped by the end of the block. With a
series of blocks with high set velocity and very short paths, the speed can be increased in each block depending on the
velocity value currently calculated by the LookAhead function in order to achieve the required set velocity. After this it can be
reduced so that the velocity at the end of the last block considered by the LookAhead function can be zero. This results in a
sawtooth-shaped velocity profile which can be avoided by reducing the set velocity for the number of blocks considered by
the LookAhead function (fixed value).
Velocity profiles
In addition to the fixed, plannable velocity limitations, LookAhead can also take account of the programmed velocity. This
makes it possible to achieve a lower velocity by applying LookAhead beyond the current block.
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5.7 Data table
5.7.1 Machine data
Number Identifier Name
18360 MM_EXT_PROG_BUFFER_SIZE FIFO buffer size for execution from external source (DRAM)
20170 COMPRESS_BLOCK_PATH_LIMIT Maximum traversing length of NC block for compression
20172 COMPRESS_VELO_TOL Maximum permissible deviation from path feed for compression
20482 COMPRESSOR_MODE Compressor mode
20490 IGNORE_OVL_FACTOR_FOR_ADIS G641/G642 independent of the overload factor
28060 MM_IPO_BUFFER_SIZE Number of NC blocks in IPO buffer (DRAM)
28070 MM_NUM_BLOCKS_IN_PREP Number of NC blocks for block preparation (DRAM)
28520 MM_MAX_AXISPOLY_PER_BLOCK Maximum number of axis polynomials per block
28530 MM_PATH_VELO_SEGMENTS Number of storage elements for limiting path velocity in block
28540 MM_ARCLENGTH_SEGMENTS Number of storage elements for arc length function representation
per block
29000 LOOKAH_NUM_CHECKED_BLOCKS Number of blocks considered by the LookAhead function
32310 MAX_ACCEL_OVL_FACTOR Overload factor for axial velocity jumps
32431 MAX_AX_JERK Maximum axis-specific jerk for path movement
32432 PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM Maximum axis-specific jerk for path movement at block transition
33100 COMPRESS_POS_TOL Maximum deviation with compensation
36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE Exact stop coarse
36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE Exact stop fine
36020 POSITIONING_TIME Delay time exact stop fine
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6 Acceleration (B2)
6.1 Acceleration profiles
Abrupt acceleration changes
With the v/t-linear control of the axis velocity that is normally applied, the motion is controlled such that the acceleration rate
changes abruptly over time. With the discontinuous, stepped acceleration, jerk-free starting and braking of the axes is not
possible, but a time optimized velocity/time profile can be implemented.
Path-related jerk limitation is available for interpolating path axes in operating modes "AUTO" and "MDA". The SOFT and
BRISK acceleration profiles can be used in traverse modes exact stop G9, G60, continuous path modes G64, and with
LookAhead. The profiles are also active with the dry run feedrate function. With alarms that trigger a rapid stop, both
acceleration profiles are inactive.
Further information about velocity, acceleration and jerk whilst traversing in continuous path mode and at block transitions
can be found in Chapter "Continuous Path Mode, Exact Stop and LookAhead (B1)".
We recommend setting the following machine data for each axis with the same values: MD32431 MAX_AX_JERK and
MD32432 PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM (maximum axis-specific jerk for path movement at block transition)
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Jerk limitation can be determined for specific axes. The acceleration response corresponds with the SOFT acceleration
profile of path-related jerk limitation. This limitation cannot be deselected for the axes in the relevant modes.
The axes for which jerk limitation is to be programmed can be selected with MD32420 JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE.
The permissible axis-specific maximum jerk is stored in MD32430 JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK.
Gantry axes
Gantry axes are mechanically grouped machine axes. Because of this mechanical coupling, gantry axes are always
traversed in unison. The control occurs through the "gantry axes" function.
The machine axis that is directly traversed is called the leading axis. The machine axis that is traversed in synchronism with
it is called the synchronized axis. Together, the leading axis and synchronized axis form a gantry axis grouping.
The difference between the actual positions of the leading axis and synchronized axis is monitored continuously. When the
actual position value of the synchronized axis deviates too much from that of the leading axis, the control automatically
brings all axes in the gantry grouping to a standstill in order to prevent any damage to the machines.
Two feed drives are required to traverse the gantry on large gantry-type milling machines, i.e. one drive with its own position
measuring system on each side. Owing to the mechanical forced coupling, both drives must be operated in absolute
synchronism to prevent canting of mechanical components.
A gantry axis grouping consisting of a leading axis and synchronized axis can be defined.
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Example: Gantry-type milling machine with a gantry axis grouping (X and X1)
The purpose of the "gantry axes" function is to control and monitor machine axes which are rigidly coupled in this way.
The following terms are frequently used in this functional description:
Gantry axes
Gantry axes comprise one pair of axes, the leading axis and the synchronized axis. As these axes are mechanically coupled,
they must always be traversed simultaneously by the NC. The difference between the actual positions of the axes is
monitored continuously. The axes in a gantry grouping are either all linear axes or all rotary axes.
Gantry axis grouping
A total of one gantry connection can be defined. Each gantry grouping consists of one leading axis and one synchronized
The gantry axis grouping defines which synchronized axis is controlled by which leading axis, based on machine data
settings. The leading axis and synchronized axis cannot be traversed separately.
Leading axis
The leading axis is the gantry axis that exists from the point of view of the operator and programmer and, thus, can be
influenced like a standard NC axis. The axis name of the leading axis identifies all axes in the gantry axis grouping.
Synchronized axis
A synchronized axis is the gantry axis whose set position is continuously derived from the motion of the leading axis and is,
thus, moved synchronously with the leading axis. From the point of view of the programmer and operator, the synchronized
axis "does not exist".
Each axis in the gantry grouping must be set so that it can take over the function of the leading axis at any time, i.e.
matching velocity, acceleration and dynamic response settings.
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The "gantry axes" function can be subdivided into the following functional units:
● Setpoint generation of synchronized axis
● Monitoring of actual value difference
● Referencing and synchronizing the leading axis and synchronized axis
The "Gantry trip limit exceeded" IS is also output if the gantry grouping is jammed (no servo enable, gantry grouping in
"Hold" state).
The monitoring functions are deactivated while the grouping is operating in "Follow-up" mode.
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Extended monitoring
An extended monitoring function can be activated with the following machine data:
MD37150 GANTRY_FUNCTION_MASK (gantry functions)
Closed-loop control
The dynamic control response settings for the coupled gantry axes must be identical (see Section "Start-up of gantry axes
(Page 52)"). This ensures that in normal operation, the leading and synchronized axes move in positional synchronism, even
during acceleration and braking.
Load effects are compensated by the appropriate drive of the leading or synchronized axis.
Disturbance characteristic
When a disturbance occurs which causes shutdown of one gantry axis owing, for example, to cancellation of the controller
enabling signal (example: EMERGENCY OFF), the coupled gantry axes are also shut down.
Mechanical coupling of gantry axes
If the gantry axes remain mechanically coupled, there is a risk of damage to the machine when the leading or synchronized
axes are traversed in this operating state!
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Gantry synchronization
All gantry axes must first be referenced and then synchronized after the control system is switched on. During gantry
synchronization, all gantry axes approach the reference position of the gantry grouping in the decoupled state.
The reference position of the gantry grouping for referencing the gantry axes corresponds to the reference position of the
leading axis:
MD34100 REFP_SET_POS (reference point value/destination point for distance-coded system)
Otherwise, the reference position is the current actual position of the leading axis.
These operations for referencing and synchronizing the gantry axes are executed automatically in accordance with a special
Referencing process
The flowchart for referencing gantry axes using an incremental measuring system is as follows:
Section 1:
Referencing of the leading axis
Axis-specific referencing of the gantry axes is started by the active machine function REF when the leading axis interface
signal is sent from the PLC user program:
DB380x.DBX0004.7/.6 (traversing key plus/minus)
The leading axis approaches the reference point (operational sequence as for reference point approach).
The appropriate synchronized axis traverses in synchronism with the leading axis. Interface signal
"Referenced/synchronized" of the leading axis is output to indicate that the reference point has been reached.
Section 2:
Referencing the synchronized axis
As soon as the leading axis has approached its reference point, the synchronized axis is automatically referenced (as for
reference point approach).
The dependency between the leading axis and synchronized axis is inverted in the control for this phase so that the leading
axis now traverses in synchronism with the synchronized axis. IS "Referenced/synchronized" of the synchronized axis is
output to indicate that the reference point has been reached. The gantry axis dependency then reverts to its previous status.
Section 3:
Gantry synchronization
Once all axes in the gantry grouping have been referenced, they must be synchronized with the defined reference position.
The actual position of each gantry axis is first compared to the defined reference position of the leading axis.
The next step in the operating sequence depends on the difference calculated between the actual values of the leading and
synchronized axes:
● difference is smaller than the gantry warning limit:
Gantry synchronization is started automatically (provided that IS "Automatic synchronization locking" has not been set).
The message "Synchronization in progress gantry grouping x" is output during this process.
All gantry axes traverse at a specific position value in the decoupled state at the velocity set in the machine data:
MD34040 REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (shutdown speed)
The position value is defined by the leading axis:
MD34100 REFP_SET_POS (reference point for incremental system)
The absolute encoders and distanced-coded encoders of the leading axis will be set to the current actual position of the
leading axis or to the reference point by the following machine data:
MD34330 REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER (distancecoded linear measuring system without destination point)
For this operation, the axes traverse at the same velocity as set for reference point approach:
MD34070 REFP_VELO_POS (reference point positioning velocity)
As soon as all gantry axes have reached their target position (ideal position), IS "Gantry grouping is synchronized" is set
to "1" followed by reactivation of the gantry axis coupling. The position actual value of all axes in the gantry grouping
must now be identical. The gantry synchronization process is now complete.
● Difference is higher than the gantry warning limit for the synchronized axis:
IS "Gantry synchronization read to start" is set to "1" and the message "Wait for synchronization start of gantry grouping
x" is output. The gantry synchronization process is not started automatically in this case, but must be started explicitly by
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the operator or from the PLC user program. The process is initiated by IS "Start gantry synchronization" on the leading
axis. The signal is set on the leading axis. The operational sequence is then the same as that described above.
The following flowchart illustrates the referencing and synchronization processes.
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Synchronization process
A synchronization process is always required in the following cases:
● after the reference point approach of all axes included in a grouping,
● if the axes become desynchronized (see below).
Automatic synchronization can be locked by the leading axis by means of the following interface signal:
DB380x.DBX5005.5 (automatic synchronization locking)
This always makes sense if no axis enabling signal has yet been issued for the axes. In this case, the synchronization
process should also be started explicitly with the interface signal:
DB380x.DBX5005.4 = 1 (start gantry synchronization)
Loss of synchronization
The gantry grouping becomes desynchronized (DB390x.DBB5005 = 0) if:
● The gantry axes were in "Follow-up" mode
● The reference position of a gantry axis is lost, e.g. during "Parking" (no measuring system active)
● A gantry axis is re-referenced (DB390x.DBB0000 = 0)
● The gantry grouping was separated (MD37140 = 1)
In cases where the gantry grouping has lost synchronization during operation as the result of a disturbance, then the gantry
synchronization process can be restarted directly by means of IS "Start gantry synchronization" (condition:
DB390x.DBB0000 = 1 for all axes in the gantry grouping). In this case, the synchronizing axes traverse the current actual
position of the leading axis in the decoupled state.
If an EMERGENCY OFF occurs while a gantry grouping is moving, and is then rescinded, and both axes have drifted apart
less than the standstill tolerance of the following axis, then the gantry grouping will automatically synchronize. It no longer
needs to go in the BA REF.
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Allowance for deviations in distance between the zero mark and the reference point must be made for specific axes via the
machine data:
● MD34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST (reference point distance)
● MD34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference point offset/absolute offset)
The following interface signal blocks automatic synchronization in all modes except "REF.POINT" mode:
DB380x.DBX5005.5 (automatic synchronization locking)
If automatic synchronization is to be activated, DB380x.DBX5005.5 must be set to "0".
Following this, one of the axes in the gantry grouping must be switched from follow-up mode to position-controlled mode.
This is achieved with the interface signals:
DB380x.DBX0001.4 = 1 (follow-up mode)
DB380x.DBX0002.1 = 1 (servo enable)
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7.3.3 Points to note
Channelspecific referencing
Gantry axes can also be referenced on a channel-specific basis:
DB3200. DBX0001.0 (activate referencing)
The value of the leading axis machine data is used for the axis sequence during channel-specific referencing:
MD34110 REFP_CYCLE_NR (axis sequence for channel-specific referencing)
After the reference point of the leading axis has been reached, the synchronized axis is referenced first as described above.
Absolute encoder
During the synchronization compensatory motion, all the axes in the gantry axis grouping (in the decoupled state) also
traverse to the reference point value of the leading axis, which is defined in the following machine data:
MD34100 REFP_SET_POS (reference point value/destination point for distance-coded system)
The absolute encoders and distance-coded encoders of the leading axis will be set to the current actual position of the
leading axis or to the reference point value; either of these options is set using the following machine data:
(distance-coded linear measuring system without destination point)
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7.4 Start-up of gantry axes
General information
Owing to the forced coupling which is normally present between leading and synchronized gantry axes, the gantry axis
grouping must be commissioned as if it were an axis unit. For this reason, the axial machine data for the leading and
synchronized axes must always be defined and entered jointly.
If the synchronized axis is being overloaded by the leading axis due to reduced dynamics, this is acknowledged with alarm
Special points to be noted with regard to starting up gantry axes are described below.
The control must then be switched off and then on again because the gantry axis definition and the trip limit values only take
effect after power ON.
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● MD32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME (equivalent time constant speed control loop for precontrol)
The following control parameters must be set to the same value for the leading axis and synchronized axis:
● MD32400 AX_JERK_ENABLE (axial jerk limitation)
● MD32410 AX_JERK_TIME (time constant for the axial jerk filter)
● MD32420 JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE (basic setting for axial jerk limitation)
● MD32430 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK (axial jerk)
Dynamics matching
The leading axis and the coupled synchronized axis must be capable of the same dynamic response to setpoint changes.
The same dynamic response means: The following errors are equal in magnitude when the axes are operating at the same
The dynamic response adaptation function in the setpoint branch makes it possible to obtain an excellent match in the
response to setpoint changes between axes, which have different dynamic characteristics (control loops). The difference in
equivalent time constants between the dynamically "weakest" axis and the other axis in each case must be specified as the
dynamic response adaptation time constant.
When the speed feedforward control is active, the dynamic response is primarily determined by the equivalent time constant
of the "slowest" speed control loop.
Leading axis:
Synchronized axis:
Time constant of dynamic response adaptation for synchronized axis:
MD32910 DYN_MATCH_TIME [n] = 5 ms - 3 ms = 2 ms
(time constant of dynamic response adaptation)
Dynamic response adaptation must be activated axially with the following machine data:
MD32900 DYN_MATCH_ENABLE (dynamic response adaptation)
Checking dynamic response adaptation:
For the purpose of fine tuning, it may be necessary to adjust servo gain factors or feedforward control parameters slightly to
achieve an optimum result.
+ → →
This difference must be applied as the reference point offset:
MD34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST (reference point distance)
MD34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR (reference point offset/absolute offset)
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Synchronizing gantry axes
The gantry synchronization process must be activated with IS "Start gantry synchronization" (see Section "Referencing and
synchronizing gantry axes (Page 46)"). Once the axes have been synchronized (IS "Gantry grouping is synchronized" = 1),
the dimensional offset between the leading and synchronized axes must be checked to ensure that it equals 0. Corrections
may need to be made in the machine data mentioned above.
Generally, the start of the function generator, measuring functions and AM setup triggers the virtual axes to abort upon error
Special cases
If individual axes have to be activated, the gantry groups must be temporarily canceled. As the second axis no longer travels
in synchronism with the first axis, the activated axis must not be allowed to traverse beyond the positional tolerance.
If the gantry grouping is canceled, the following points must be noted:
● Always activate the traversing range limits and set them to the lowest possible values (position tolerance)
● Synchronize the gantry grouping first if possible and then execute a POWER-ON-RESET without referencing the axes
again. This ensures that the traversing range limits always refer to the same position (i.e. that which was valid on power
● Avoid using the step-change function. Position step changes are only permissible if they stay within the permitted
● Always use an offset of 0 for the function generator and measuring function in contrast to the recommendations for
normal axes.
● Set the amplitudes for function generator and measuring function to such low values that the activated axis traverses a
shorter distance than the position tolerance allows. Always activate the traversing range limits as a check (see above).
As a supplement to the more general description given here of features of start-up and dynamic control response of
drives, a complete example of a concrete constellation defined on the basis of its machine data can be found in Chapter
"Example (Page 56)".
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Start-up support for gantry groupings
The commissioning functions of the function generator and measuring functions are assigned parameters via PI services. All
parameterized axes commence traversing when the following key on the MCP panel is pressed in "JOG" mode:
A window is displayed in the "Measuring function and function generator in gantry grouping" operator interface. Two
amplitude values, each with an offset and bandwidth, must be entered in this window. The first amplitude value applies to
the measuring axis and the second to the other coupled axes.
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Either the "Follow-up" state (IS of one gantry axis = 1) or the "Stop" state (IS of all gantry axes = 0) is activated for all gantry
axes, depending on interface signal:
DB380x.DBX0001.4 (follow-up mode)
b) Axial interface signals from axis to PLC (NCK → PLC)
Each of the axial, axis-to-PLC interface signals for the synchronized axis and the leading axis is always set on an axis-
specific basis and output to the PLC.
When the leading axis is being traversed, the interface signals are also set for the synchronized axis:
DB390x.DBX0004.6/.7 (traverse command minus/plus)
Handwheel override
An overriding motion by means of the handwheel can only be applied to the leading axis in coupled axis mode. In this case,
the synchronized axes traverse in synchronism with the leading axis.
The PRESET function can only be applied to the leading axis. All axes in the gantry grouping are reevaluated internally in
the control when PRESET is activated. The gantry axis then loses their reference and synchronization:
DB390x.DBX5005.5 = 0 (gantry grouping is synchronized)
Position display
The position actual value display shows the actual values of both the leading axis and the synchronized axes. The same
applies to the service display values in the system data operating area.
7.7 Example
7.7.1 Creating a gantry grouping
The individual steps involved in the process are explained below using an example constellation:
● Setting up a gantry grouping
● Referencing its axes
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● Aligning any offsets
● Synchronizing the axes involved
Machine axis 1 = gantry leading axis, incremental measuring system
Machine axis 3 = gantry synchronized axis, incremental measuring system
The following MD describes the output values. Individual settings must be corrected or added later according to the
information below.
An automatic synchronization process during axis referencing must first be disabled in order to prevent any damage to
grouping axes that are misaligned.
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Disabling of automatic synchronization
The PLC user program sets the following IS:
● For the leading axis (axis 1):
NCK-PLC interface DB380x.DBB5005 relative to leading axis:
The following steps must be taken:
● Select "REF.POINT" operating mode
● Start referencing for the leading axis (axis 1)
● Wait until message "10654 Channel 1 Waiting for synchronization start" appears.
At this point, the NCK has prepared the leading axis for synchronization.
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NCK-PLC interface DB390x.DBB5005: Leading axis ready for synchronization:
This MD is effective after POWER ON. To avoid having to perform a POWER ON in advance, this value can also be
entered in the following machine data:
MD34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST (reference point distance)
The MD is then valid after a RESET.
● Start referencing again for axis 1 with the modified machine data
● Wait until message "10654 Channel 1 Waiting for synchronization start" appears
● At this point, the NCK has prepared axis 1 for synchronization and sends the same interface signal as shown in the
image above:
● Examine actual positions of machine. Case A or B might apply:
Possible results of referencing the leading axis:
If Case A applies, the synchronization process can be started immediately. See step "Start synchronization". If Case B
applies, the offset "diff" must be calculated and taken into account:
● Measuring of diff
● By using two appropriate, right-angled reference points R and R" in the machine bed (at the right of the image), the
difference in position can be traversed in JOG. The diff offset can then be read as the difference in the position display.
The diff offset must be entered in the machine data of axis 3 (synchronized axis):
Continue with Step 1 (see above).
● Start gantry synchronization. PLC sets:
DB380x.DBX5005.4 = 1 (start gantry synchronization)
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7.7.4 Setting warning and trip limits
As soon as the gantry grouping is set and synchronized, the following machine data must still be set to correspond:
MD37110 GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING (gantry warning limit)
MD37120 GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR (gantry trip limit)
Proceed as follows
● Set the machine data for all axes with a large value to begin with:
MD37120 GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR (gantry trip limit)
● Set a very small value in the machine data:
MD37110 GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING (gantry warning limit)
When you put a heavy, dynamic strain on the axes, always be careful to re-enter the self-canceling alarm "10652
channel %1 axis %2 gantry warning limit exceeded".
● Now increase MD37110.
Do this until the alarm no longer appears. The interface indicates the status specified below. (That must occur in the
appropriate window, according to production.)
● Enter the value calculated for the warning limit + a small buffer value for safety purposes in machine data MD37120:
The same procedure must be followed when commissioning a gantry grouping in which the axes are operated by linear
motors and associated measuring systems.
The error limits entered into machine data MD37110 and MD37120 are considered to be additional tolerance values for the
actual-value difference of the leading axis and following axis if the IS "Gantry is synchronous" is not present (e.g. to be
resynchronized after canceling alarms without the gantry grouping).
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Number Identifier Name
34040 REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER[0] Creep velocity
34070 REFP_VELO_POS Reference point start velocity
34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST[0] Reference point approach distance
34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR[0] Home position offset
34100 REFP_SET_POS[0]...[3] Reference point value
34110 REFP_CYCLE_NR Axis sequence for channel-specific referencing
34330 REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER[0] Distancecoded linear measuring system without destination
36012 STOP_LIMIT_FACTOR[0]...[5] Exact stop coarse/fine factor and zero speed
36030 STANDSTILL_POS_TOL Zero speed tolerance
37100 GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE Gantry axis definition
37110 GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING Gantry warning limit
37120 GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR Gantry trip limit
37130 GANTRY_POS_TOL_REF Gantry trip limit for referencing
37140 GANTRY_BREAK_UP Invalidate gantry axis grouping
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8 Axis couplings (M3)
8.1 Coupled motion
8.1.1 Brief description Function
The "coupled motion" function enables the definition of simple axis links between a leading axis and a coupled-motion axis,
taking into consideration a coupling factor.
Coupled motion has the following features:
● Any axis of the NC can be defined as a leading axis.
● Any axis of the NC can be defined as a coupled-motion axis with a specific coupling factor.
● The leading axis and coupled-motion axis or axes together form a coupled axis group.
● Any number of coupled-motion axes can be assigned to a leading axis.
● Traversing movements of the leading axis are executed in synchronism on all coupled-motion axes based on the
coupling factor.
● Coupled-motion axes can be moved independently of the leading axis while the coupling is active.
● With programming instructions in the part program, the leading and coupled-motion axes of a coupled axis group are
defined and the coupling switch on/switch off is performed.
● Coupled motion is also possible in some manual modes such as JOG, REF.POINT, and JOG INC. Preconditions
The "Coupled motion" function is a fixed component of the NC software.
For this function, the following restrictions apply:
● The maximum number of coupled axis groups, which is specified in MD18450 and MD18452, is limited to four.
● A coupled axis group can consist of any combination of linear and rotary axes or a combination of spindles.
● No more than one leading axes can be assigned to each coupled-motion axis.
● A coupled-motion axis cannot be the leading axis of a further coupled axis group.
Leading axes
Any axis of the NC, including simulated axes, can be used as the leading axis.
Coupled-motion axes
Any axis of the NC can be used as the coupled-motion axis.
Coupling factor
The ratio in which the coupled-motion axis moves in relation to the leading axis is specified via the coupling factor.
Coupling factor K = motion of the coupled-motion axis / motion of the leading axis
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Negative coupling factors (motion of the coupled-motion axis in the opposite direction) are also permitted.
Coordinate system
The motion of a coupled-motion axis is executed in the machine coordinate system (MCS) or in a coordinate system derived
from a kinematic transformation of the MCS.
Coupled motion can be activated/deactivated only via the part programs, as shown below:
Activate: Part program → Deactivate: Part program
Operating modes
Coupled motion is effective in "AUTO", "MDA" and "JOG" modes.
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Danger of injury due to no coupling of the coupled-motion axis
When the coupled-motion axis is referenced, the coupling to the leading axis is cancelled. If you execute referencing
immediately with the leading axis, that is, without changing "REF.POINT" mode, the coupled-motion axis does not
traverse with the leading axis, which can result in the danger of injury to unprotected persons or damage to unsecured
• Make sure that you cancel the coupling to the leading axis before executing referencing with the coupled-motion
Response to NC Start
The behavior of the coupled axis groups during NC Start depends on the setting in the machine data:
MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK (definition of initial control settings for NC Start)
Bit Value Meaning
8 0 Coupled axis groups are maintained in NC Start.
1 Coupled axis groups are phased out in NC Start.
8.1.3 Programming
Syntax: TRAILON(<coupled-motion axis>, <leading axis>, [<coupling factor>])
Effectiveness: modal
Coupled-motion axis: Type: AXIS
Range of values: All defined axis and spindle names in the channel
Leading axis: Type: AXIS
Range of values: All defined axis and spindle names in the channel
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Coupling factor: The ratio of the traversing movement of the coupled-motion axis to the leading axis is speci-
fied via the optional coupling factor:
Coupling factor = Path of the coupled-motion axis / path of the leading axis
A negative coupling factor results in motion in opposite directions for the leading and cou-
pled-motion axis.
Type: REAL
Range of values: ± (2,2 * 10-308 … 1,8 * 10+308)
Default value: +1.0
Coupled-motion spindle failing to reach the set speed
When the "Coupled motion" function is used for spindles, the speed of the leading spindle is limited to MD35130 (maximum
speed in the speed control mode); the speed of the coupled-motion spindle is limited to MD35135 (maximum speed in the
position control mode). The default value 0 of MD35135 indicates that 90% of the value of MD35130 becomes the maximum
speed in the position control mode. As a result, when the coupling factor is greater than 0.9, the coupled-motion spindle
cannot reach the set speed due to the speed limit specified in MD35135.
• In this case, set MD35135 to an appropriate value to reach the desired speed of the coupled-motion spindle.
Program code Comment
TRAILON(V,Y,2) ; Definition and switch on of the coupling of the
coupled-motion axis V with leading axis Y. The
coupling factor is 2.
Syntax: TRAILON(<coupled-motion axis>, <leading axis>)
TRAILOF(<coupled-motion axis>)
Effectiveness: modal
Coupled-motion axis: Type: AXIS
Range of values: All defined axis and spindle names in the channel
Leading axis: Type: AXIS
Range of values: All defined axis and spindle names in the channel
Program code Comment
TRAILOF(V,Y) ; Deactivation of the coupling of the coupled-motion axis V to leading
axis Y.
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● DB380x.DBX4.0/1 (activate handwheel)
● DB380x.DBX4.3 (feed stop)
● …
This allows the speed to be changed for the independent motion of a coupled-motion axis using a feedrate override or a
DRF offset to be defined using the handwheel in "AUTO" and "MDA" modes.
Leading axis
When a coupled axis group is active, the interface signals (IS) of the leading axis are applied to the appropriate coupled-
motion axis via the axis coupling, that is
● A position offset or feed control action of the leading axis is applied via the coupling factor to effect an appropriate
position offset or feed control action in the coupled-motion axis.
● Shutdown of the leading axis as the result of an interface signal (for example, axis-specific feed stop, axis inhibit, servo
enable, etc.) causes the corresponding coupled-motion axis to shut down.
Tracking (DB380x.DBX1.4)
Activation of tracking for an axis is done via the PLC program by setting the following NC/PLC interface signals:
DB380x.DBX2.1 = 0 (controller enable)
DB380x.DBX1.4 == 1 (tracking mode)
When activating the tracking mode for a coupled axis group, the specified NC/PLC interface signals must be set
simultaneously for all axes (leading and coupled-motion axes) of the coupled axis group.
If the tracking mode is activated for the leading axis only, a permanent offset results within the coupling.
Whether and which axis is a leading or a coupled-motion axis can be seen from the following NC/PLC interface signals and
system variables:
DB390x.DBX5003.0 (leading axis/spindle active)
DB390x.DBX5003.1 (coupled-motion axis/spindle active)
$AA_COUP_ACT [axis name] (See Section "Status of coupling (Page 66)")
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8.1.7 Supplementary conditions
Alignment of the position control parameters of the leading axis and the coupled-motion axis can be performed via a
parameter set changeover.
8.1.8 Examples
Example 1
Example of an NC part program for the axis constellation shown in the above figure:
Program code Comment
TRAILON(W,Z,-1) ; Activation of the coupled axis group
G0 Z10 ; Infeed Z and W axes in opposite axial directions
TRAILOF(W,Z) ; Deactivation of the coupled axis group
Example 2
The dependent and independent movement components of a coupled-motion axis are added together for the coupled
motion. The dependent component can be regarded as a coordinate offset with reference to the coupled-motion axis.
Program code Comment
N01 G90 G0 X100 U100 ;
N02 TRAILON(U,X,1) ; Activation of the coupled axis group
N03 G1 F2000 X200 ; Dependent movement of U, Upos=200, UTrail=100
N04 U201 ; Independent movement, Upos=U201, UTrail=100
N05 X250 ; Dependent movement of U, Upos=U251, UTrail=150
N06 G91 U100 ; Independent movement, Upos=U351, UTrail=150
N07 G90 X0 ; Dependent movement of U, Upos=U101, UTrail=-100
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8.2 Dynamic response of the coupled-motion axis
8.2.1 Parameterized dynamic limits
The dynamics of the coupled-motion axis is limited with the following machine data values:
MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (Maximum axis acceleration)
The reduction is effected on the overall dynamics of the axis, that is, on the sum of the axis component from overlay and
During POWER ON the values of VELOLIMA and ACCLIMA are initialized to 100%.
Mode change
The dynamic offsets remain valid only on transition from "AUTO" to "JOG" mode.
The validities of the (VELOLIMA and ACCLIMA) dynamic offsets after RESET depend on the setting in the channel-specific
machine data:
MD22410 $MC_F_VALUES_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET (F Function is active even after RESET)
Value Meaning
0 The values of VELOLIMA[FA] and ACCLIMA[FA] are set to 100% after RESET.
1 The last programmed values of VELOLIMA[FA] and ACCLIMA[FA] are also active after RESET.
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68 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 System variables
For the geometry axis, channel axis, machine axis and spindle, the following readable system variables are available in the
part program:
Identifier Data type Description Unit
$PA_ACCLIMA[n] REAL Acceleration offset set with ACCLIMA[Ax] %
$PA_VELOLIMA[n] REAL Velocity offset set with VELOLIMA[Ax] %
Main run
$AA_ACCLIMA[n] REAL Acceleration offset set with ACCLIMA[Ax] %
$AA_VELOLIMA[n] REAL Velocity offset set with VELOLIMA[Ax] %
Reading the main run variables, implicitly triggers a preprocessing stop.
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Number Bit Name
DB390x.DBX2001 .5 Spindle in setpoint range, differential speed
DB390x.DBX2001 .6 Speed limit exceeded, total speed
DB390x.DBX2001 .7 Actual direction of rotation clockwise, total speed
DB390x.DBX5002 .2 Actual value coupling
DB390x.DBX5002 .4 Overlaid movement
DB390x.DBX5002 .5 Velocity warning threshold
DB390x.DBX5002 .6 Acceleration warning threshold
DB390x.DBX5003 .0 Leading axis/spindle active
DB390x.DBX5003 .1 Coupled-motion axis/spindle active
DB390x.DBX5003 .3 Coupled-motion axis accelerated
DB390x.DBX5003 .5 Maximum velocity reached
DB390x.DBX5003 .6 Maximum acceleration reached
Traversing possibilities
Traversing the axes can be done via the traverse keys of a connected machine control panel (manual travel) or via
connected handwheels (handwheel jogging).
All machine axes can be traversed simultaneously using keys (with an appropriate version of a user-specific machine control
panel) or via handwheel, depending on the number of handwheels connected. If several machine axes are moved
simultaneously, there is no interpolatory relation.
Coordinate systems
The user has the option of traversing axes in the coordinate systems:
● Machine coordinate system (MCS); machine axes manually traversable
● Workpiece coordinate system (WCS); geometry axes manually traversable
Machine functions
Variants exist for manual traverse (the so-called machine functions):
● Continuous traversal
● Incremental traversing (INC, preset number of traversing increments). An increment is evaluated with 0.001 mm if the
basic system setting is metric.
The PLC user program transfers a user-specific machine function queued at the machine control interface to the relevant
PLC/NCK interface. Here the axis-specific NCK/PLC interface should be used for a machine axis/spindle, and the channel-
specific NCK/PLC interface should be used for a geometry axis or valid for all axes/spindles and geometry axes: Signals in
the operating mode range (see also following section).
Handwheel jogging
The axes can also be traversed via the handwheel in MCS or WCS. Incremental traversing (INC...) must be set to evaluate
the handwheel pulses (see Section "Handwheel traversal in JOG (Page 74)").
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Traversing the geometry axes
If workpieces whose workpiece coordinate system is not parallel to the machine coordinate system are being machined
(inclined clamping, programmed rotation active in the contour), traversing can be done along the axes of the workpiece
coordinate system via the traverse keys or handwheel. In the stopped state, switch from operating mode "AUTO" to "JOG"
and traverse a geometry axis instead of a machine axis. Depending on the active rotation of the workpiece coordinate
system, between one and three machine axes move.
If a machine axis is traversed, this cannot also be moved via the traverse keys of a geometry axis. The traversing motion of
the machine axis must first have been completed - otherwise alarm 20062 "Axis already active" is output. Two geometry
axes can be traversed simultaneously with the handwheels 1 and 2.
A separate, channel-specific PLC interface supplies geometry axes.
The velocity of the axes/spindle during manual traverse in JOG is defined by the following default values:
● For linear axes with the general SD41110 JOG_SET_VELO (JOG velocity with G94) or for rotary axes with SD41130
JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for rotary axes) or SD41200 JOG_SPIND_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for the
● If the corresponding SD is zero, the appropriate axis-specific MD32020 JOG_VELO (conventional axis velocity) applies.
In this case, the value of the assigned machine axis is used for geometry axes: X->X1, Y->Y1, Z->Z1 (for default setting).
Velocity override
The velocity at which axes traverse in JOG can also be influenced by the axis-specific feedrate override switch for machine
axes, provided that axis-specific IS "Override active" (DB380x.DBX0001.7) is set. If the switch is set at 0%, the axis is not
traversed - even if IS "Override active" is not set.
The channel-specific feedrate override switch applies to geometry axes, or, in the case of rapid traverse override, the rapid
traverse override switch.
The activated spindle override switch applies to the spindle.
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The maximum axis acceleration is defined with the axis-specific MD32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL. The acceleration can also be
set via a preset characteristic curve in "JOG" mode. The possible settings are described in Chapter "Acceleration (B2)
(Page 42)".
PLC interface
A separate PLC interface (DB3200.DBB1000, ff or DB3300.DBB1000, ff ) exists for geometry axes (axes in WCS) that
contains the same signals as the axis-specific PLC interface.
When the spindle is traversed manually, the PLC interface signals between the NCK and PLC have the same effect as for
machine axes. Interface signals "Position reached with fine or coarse exact stop" are only set if the spindle is in position
In the case of interface signals that are only spindle-specific, while the spindle is traversing in JOG, the following should be
● The following PLC interface signals to the spindle have no effect:
– IS "Invert M3/M4" (DB380x.DBX2001.6)
– IS "Set direction of rotation ccw" or "Set direction of rotation cw" (DB380x.DBX2002.7 or .6)
– IS "Oscillation speed" (DB380x.DBX2001.5)
● The following PLC interface signals from the spindle are not set:
– IS "Actual speed cw" (DB390x.DBX2001.7)
– IS "Spindle in setpoint range" (DB390x.DBX2001.5)
A reset causes the manual traverse motion (axis/spindle) to be terminated with brake ramp.
The following limitations are active for manual travel:
● Software limit switches 1 or 2 (axis must be referenced)
● Hardware limit switches
The control ensures that the traversing movement is aborted as soon as the first valid limitation has been reached. Velocity
control ensures that deceleration is initiated early enough for the axis to stop exactly at the limit position (e.g. software limit
switch). Only when the hardware limit switch is triggered does the axis stop abruptly with "rapid stop".
An alarm is output when the corresponding limit is reached. The control automatically prevents further movement in this
direction. The traversing keys and the handwheel have no effect in this direction.
The software limit switches are only active if the axis has previously been referenced.
The function for retracting an axis that has approached the limit position depends on the machine manufacturer. For more
details, see the machine manufacturer's documentation.
For further information on working area limits and hardware and software limit switches see Chapter "Axis monitoring (A3)
(Page 26)".
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Continuous mode in "JOG" mode can also be selected via the PLC interface (IS "Machine function: continuous"). The PLC
defines via the "INC inputs in mode group range active" interface signal (DB2600.DBX0001.0) the signal range within which
INC/continuous signals are delivered to the NCK:
DB2600.DBX0001.0 = 1 → in the operating mode range: DB3000.DBB0002,
valid for all axes
DB2600.DBX0001.0 = 0 → in the geometry axis / axis range:
DB3200.DBB1001, DB3200.DBB1005,
DB3200.DBB1009, DB380x.DBB0005
Settable increments
The operator can set different increment sizes:
● Fixed increments whose increment sizes are common to all axes: INC1, INC10, INC100, INC1000 (only via IS:
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● A variable increment (INCvar). The increment setting for the variable increment can also be made for all axes using
general SD41010 JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE (size of the variable increment for INC/handwheel).
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The traversing path/velocity produced by rotation of the handwheel is dependent on the following factors:
● Number of handwheel pulses received at the interface
● Active increment (machine function INC1, INC10, INC100, ... )
An increment is evaluated with 0.001 mm if the basic system setting is metric.
● Pulse weighting of the handwheel using general MD11320 HANDWH_IMP_PER_LATCH (handwheel pulses per locking
The velocity results from the pulses generated by the handwheel and the pulse evaluation: Traverse path per time unit. This
velocity is limited by the value in the axis-specific MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO.
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9.5 Fixed point approach in JOG
9.5.1 Introduction
The machine user can use the "Approach fixed point in JOG" function to approach axis positions defined using machine data
by actuating the traversing keys of the Machine Control Panel or by using the handwheel. The traveling axis comes to a
standstill automatically on reaching the defined fixed point.
Typical applications are, for example:
● Approaching a basic position before starting an NC program.
● Travel towards tool change points, loading points and pallet change points.
● The "Approaching fixed point in JOG" can be activated only in "JOG" mode.
The function cannot be enabled in "JOG-REPOS" and JOG-REF sub-modes and in JOG in "AUTO" mode.
● The axis to be traversed must be referenced.
● A kinematic transformation may not be active.
● The axis to be traversed must not be a synchronized axis of an active coupling.
● No ASUPs are executed.
9.5.2 Functionality
Procedure in "Approaching fixed point in JOG"
● Selection of "JOG" mode
● Enabling the "Approach fixed point in JOG" function
● Traversing of the machine axis with traverse keys or handwheel
The PLC sets the interface signal after the "Approach fixed point in JOG" function is selected:
"JOG - Approach fixed point" (DB380x.DBX1001.0-2)
The number of the fixed point to be approached is output using bit 0 - 2 in binary code. The NC confirms activation with the
following interface signal as soon as the function takes effect:
"JOG - Approaching fixed point active" (DB390x.DBX1001.0-2)
The actual traversing is started with the traverse keys or the handwheel in the direction of the approaching fixed point.
The selected machine axis traverses till it comes to an automatic standstill at the fixed point.
The corresponding NC/PLC interface signal is sent on reaching the fixed point with "Exact stop fine":
"JOG - Approaching fixed point reached" (DB390x.DBX1001.3-5)
This display signal is also reported if the axis reaches the fixed point position in the machine coordinate system using other
methods (e.g. NC program, synchronized action) at the setpoint end, and comes to a standstill at the actual-value end within
the "Exact stop fine" tolerance window (MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE)
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Movement in the opposite direction
The response while traversing in the opposite direction (i.e. in the opposite direction to the one used when approaching the
fixed point) depends on the setting of bit 2 in the following machine data:
MD10735 JOG_MODE_MASK (settings for "JOG" mode)
Traversing in the opposite direction is only possible if bit 2 is set.
Traversing in the opposite direction is blocked if bit 2 is not set, and the following channel status message is output if an
attempt is made (using the traversing keys or the handwheel) to traverse in the opposite direction to the one used when
approaching the fixed point:
"JOG: <Axis> direction blocked"
To avoid the alarm message, the machine user should proceed as follows:
1. Cancel the current traverse movement with residual distance deletion.
2. Activate fixed point approach for another fixed point and start the operation after the axis comes to a standstill.
Features of spindles
A spindle changes to the positioning mode on actuating the "Approaching fixed point in JOG" function. The closed loop
position control is active and the axis can traverse to the fixed point.
If a zero mark has not been detected, the following alarm message is output (as with axis operation):
Alarm 17810 "Channel %1 axis %2 not referenced"
As a spindle must also be a modulo rotary axis at all times, the same conditions apply for direction observation as for
modulo rotary axes (refer to the paragraph "Features of modulo rotary axes")
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9.5.3 Parameter setting
"Approaching fixed point with G75" constitutes an exception here. In this case, it is also possible to approach two fixed-point
positions with one setting (MD30610 = 0).
9.5.4 Programming
System variables
The following system variables that can be read in the part program and in the synchronous actions for the "Approach fixed
point" function are available.
System variable Description
$AA_FIX_POINT_SELECTED [<Axis>] Number of fixed point to be approached
$AA_FIX_POINT_ACT [<Axis>] Number of the fixed point on which the axis is currently
Frames active
All active frames are ignored. Traversing is performed in the machine coordinate system.
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9.5.6 Application example
A rotary axis (machine axis 4 [AX4]) is to be moved to Fixed Point 2 (90 degrees) with the "Approaching fixed point in JOG"
Parameter setting
The machine data for the "Approaching fixed point" function of machine axis 4 are parameterized as follows:
MD30610 NUM_FIX_POINT_POS[AX4] = 4 4 fixed points are defined for machine axis 4.
MD30600 FIX_POINT_POS[0,AX4] = 0 1st Fixed point of AX4 = 0 degree
MD30600 FIX_POINT_POS[1,AX4] = 90 2nd Fixed point of AX4 = 90 degree
MD30600 FIX_POINT_POS[2,AX4] = 180 3rd Fixed point of AX4 = 180 degree
MD30600 FIX_POINT_POS[3,AX4] = 270 4th Fixed point of AX4 = 270 degree
Initial situation
Machine axis 4 is referred and is in Position 0 degree. This corresponds to the 1st fixed point and is output via the following
NC/PLC interface signal:
DB390x.DBX1001.0 = 1 (bit 0 - 2 = 1)
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Number Identifier Name
32420 JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE Enable for axis-spec. jerk limitation
32430 JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK Axis-specific jerk
35130 GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT[0]...[5] Maximum velocity for gear stage/spindle
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Number Bit Name
DBB380x.DBX0000 - Feed override
DB380x.DBX0000 .7 Override active
DB380x.DBX0002 .2 Delete distance-to-go
DB380x.DBX0004 .1, .0 Activate handwheel (2, 1)
DB380x.DBX0004 .4 Traversing-key lock
DB380x.DBX0004 .5 Rapid traverse override
DB380x.DBX0004 .7 or .6 Traversing keys plus or minus
DB380x.DBX0005 .0 to .6 Machine function INC1 up to continuous in axis range
DB380x.DBX1002 .0 to .2 Activated fixed-point approach in JOG (binary coded: fixed point 1 to 4)
DB390x.DBX0000 .7/.6 Position reached with coarse/fine exact stop
DB390x.DBX0004 .1, .0 Handwheel active (2, 1)
DB390x.DBX0004 .7 or .6 Traverse command plus or minus
DB390x.DBX0005 .0 to .6 Active machine function INC1 to continuous
DB390x.DBX1001 .0 to .2 Fixed-point approach in JOG active (binary coded)
DB390x.DBX1001 .3 to .5 Fixed point reached (binary coded)
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10.2 Programming of auxiliary functions
General structure of an auxiliary function
Letter[address extension]=Value
The letters which can be used for auxiliary functions are: M, S, H, T, D, F.
The address extension must be an integer. The square brackets can be omitted when an address extension is specified
directly as a numeric value.
The value is defined differently for the individual auxiliary functions:
● INT= integer
● REAL= fractional decimal number (floating point)
The table below introduces the programming of auxiliary functions:
Func- Address extension Value Explanation Number
tion (integer) per block
Meaning Area Area Type Meaning max
M Spindle no. 1-2 0-99 INT Function Specific numbers are 5
assigned a fixed func-
S Spindle no. 1-2 0-±3.4028 ex 38 REAL Spindle 1
H Any 0 - 99 ±3.4028 ex 38 REAL Any Functions have no 3
effect in the NCK; only
to be implemented on
the PLC
T - - 0-32000 INT Tool selection 1
D - - 0-9 INT Tool offset D0 deselection, default 1
selection D1
F - - 0,001-999 999,999 REAL Path feedrate 1
A maximum total of 10 auxiliary functions may be programmed in one block. Alarm 14770 "Auxiliary function incorrectly
programmed" is output when the specified length for address extension of value is exceeded or when the wrong data type is
used. The following table shows some programming examples for H functions.
If the admissible number of auxiliary functions per block is exceeded, alarm 12010 is issued.
For the programming examples of H functions, see the table below:
Programming Output of H function to the PLC
H5 H0=5.0
H=5.379 H0=5.379
H17=3.5 H17=3.5
H5.3=21 Error, alarm 14770
Block change
A new auxiliary function output from the NCK to the PLC is only possible after the PLC has acknowledged all transferred
auxiliary functions. Auxiliary functions are present in the user interface for at least one PLC cycle. A block is considered as
completed when the programmed movement has been completed and the auxiliary function has been acknowledged. To do
so, the NCK stops the part program processing if necessary to ensure that no auxiliary functions are lost from the PLC user
program's point of view.
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If several auxiliary functions with different output types (prior, during, at end of motion) are programmed in one motion block,
then they are output individually according to their output type.
In a block without axis movements or SPOS movement of the spindle, the auxiliary functions are all output immediately in a
Continuous-path mode
A path movement can only remain continuous if auxiliary function output takes place during the movement and is
acknowledged by the PLC before the path end is reached, see Chapter "Continuous Path Mode (Page 35)".
Interface signals
Transfer of the signals from NCK to the PLC.
You can define a maximum of 64 auxiliary function groups. A maximum of 64 auxiliary functions can be assigned to these 64
auxiliary function groups. This number does not include auxiliary functions (group 1 to 3) that are pre-assigned as standard.
The actual number of auxiliary functions that are to be assigned must be entered in the NCK-specific MD11100
AUXFU_MAXNUM_GROUP_ASSIGN (number of the auxiliary functions distributed to the AUXFU groups). To do so, the
password for protection level 1 must be set. Then, the control must be turned off and on again. Now, the subsequent
machine data with an index n greater than zero are available and additional values can be entered.
An allocated auxiliary function is defined in the following machine data:
● MD22000 AUXFU_ASSIGN_GROUP[n] (auxiliary function group)
● MD22010 AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type)
● MD22020 AUXFU_ASSIGN_EXTENSION[n] (auxiliary function extension)
● MD22030 AUXFU_ASSIGN_VALUE[n] (auxiliary function value)
User-defined groups
The other (user-defined) groups are issued with the movement.
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Configuring example:
Distribute 8 auxiliary functions to 7 groups:
Group 1: M0, M1, M2 (M17, M30) - by default, should be kept
Group 2: M3, M4, M5 (M70) - by default, should be kept
Group 3: S functions - by default, should be kept
Group 4: M78, M79
Group 5: M80, M81
Group 6: H1=10, H1=11, H1=12
Group 7: all T functions
Password for protection level 1 is set.
Make entry in MD11100 AUXFU_MAXNUM_GROUP_ASSIGN=8.
Then turn off the control and turn it on again or perform the control start-up through the softkey and define the remaining
machine data with a subsequent restart of the control.
The table below shows the examples of entries into the machine data:
Index n MD22000 MD22010 MD22020 MD22030
0 4 M 0 78
1 4 M 0 79
2 5 M 0 80
3 5 M 0 81
4 6 H 1 10
5 6 H 1 11
6 6 H 1 12
7 7 T 0 -1
If the auxiliary functions are to be collected during the block search, they must be assigned to an auxiliary function group!
You can use the M functions to enable the various switching operations on the machine per part program.
Scope of functions
● Five M functions per part program block are possible.
● Value range of M functions: 0 to 99; integer number
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● Permanent functions have already been assigned to some of the M functions by the control manufacturer (see the
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual). The functions not yet assigned fixed functions are
reserved for free use of the machine manufacturer.
10.6.2 T function
The T function can be used to make the tool required for a machining operation available through the PLC. Whether a tool
change is to be performed directly with the T command or with a subsequent M6 command can be set in
The programmed T function can be interpreted as tool number or as location number.
Scope of functions
One T function per part program block is possible.
T0 is reserved for the following function: remove the current tool from the tool holder without loading a new tool.
10.6.3 D function
The D function is used to select the tool offset for the active tool. Tool offsets are described in detail under:
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
10.6.4 H function
The H functions can be used to transfer different values from the part program to the PLC. The meaning can be chosen by
the user.
Scope of functions
● Three H functions per part program block are possible.
● Value range of the H functions: Floating data (as calculating parameter R)
● Address extension 0 to 99 (H0=... to H99=...) possible
10.6.5 S function
The S function is used to determine the speed for the spindle with M3 or M4. For turning machines with G96 (constant
cutting speed) the cutting value is specified.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
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Number Identifier Name
22020 AUXFU_ASSIGN_EXTENSION[n] Auxiliary function extensions
22030 AUXFU_ASSIGN_VALUE[n] Auxiliary function values
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11 Operating modes, program operation (K1)
11.1 Brief description
Program operation
The execution of part programs or part program blocks in "AUTO" or "MDA" mode is referred to as program operation.
During execution, the program sequence can be controlled by PLC interface signals and commands.
A channel constitutes a unit in which a part program can be executed.
A channel is assigned an interpolator with program processing by the system. A certain mode is valid for it.
The SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED control system has one channel.
The required operating mode is activated by the interface signals in the DB3000.DBB0000. If several modes are selected at
the same time the priority of the operating modes is as follows:
● JOG (high priority): The axes can be traversed manually with the handwheel or the traversing keys. Channel-specific
signals and interlocks are not observed.
● MDA: Program blocks can be processed
● AUTO (lower priority): Automatic processing of part programs
Feedback signal
The active operating mode is displayed by the interface signals in the DB3100.DBB0000.
A stop signal can be issued with the following interface signals
● IS "NC stop" (DB3200.DBX0007.3)
● IS "NC stop axes plus spindles" (DB3200.DBX0007.4)
● IS "NC stop at block limit" (DB3200.DBX0007.2)
Depending on the interface signal used, either only the axes or in addition the spindles of the channels are stopped or the
axes at block end.
The active part program is aborted by the IS "Reset" (DB3000.DBX0000.7).
The following actions are executed when the IS "Reset" is triggered:
● Part program preparation is stopped immediately.
● Axes and spindles are stopped.
● Any auxiliary functions of the current block not yet output, are no longer output.
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● The block indicator is reset to the beginning of the relevant part program.
● All Reset alarms are deleted from the display.
● The reset is complete as soon as IS "Channel status Reset" (DB3300.DBX0003.7) is set.
Ready to run is displayed by IS "808D Ready" (DB3100.DBX0000.3).
A changeover to another operating mode is requested and activated via the interface.
The mode is not changed internally until the IS "Channel status active" (DB3300.DBX0003.5) is no longer present.
In the "Channel status Reset" (IS: DB3300.DBX0003.7, e.g. after pressing the "Reset key") one can switch from any
operating mode into another.
In the "Channel status interrupted" (IS: DB3300.DBX0003.6) only a conditional changeover is possible (see following table).
If one leaves AUTO to change to JOG, one must return to AUTO again or press "Reset". Thus a change AUTO-JOG-MDA is
made impossible. The same applies for MDA from which one may change neither directly nor indirectly to AUTO, provided
the Reset state is present.
The table shows the possible operating mode changes depending on the current operating mode and the channel state
("Channel in reset" or "Channel interrupted").
previously viously
To Reset Interrupt Reset Interrupt Interrupt Reset Interrupt
Possible mode changes are shown by an "X".
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Mode of operation AUTO JOG MDA
Functions 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 5 3 1 2 3 6 7
Reference point approach via part sb sb
program command (G74)
s: Function can be started in this status
b: Function can be processed in this status
1: Channel in reset
2: Channel interrupted
3: Channel active
4: Channel interrupted JOG during AUTO interruption
5: Channel interrupted JOG during MDA interruption
6: Channel active JOG in MDA during MDA interruption
7: Channel active JOG in MDA
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11.2.5 Interlocks in the individual modes
Overview of interlocks
Different interlocks can be active in the different operating modes.
The following table shows which interlocks can be activated in which operating mode and in which operating state.
Mode of operation AUTO JOG MDA
Functions 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 5 3 1 2 3 6 7
General interlocks
808D Ready x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Mode change disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Channel-specific interlocks
Feed stop x x x x x x x
NC Start disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Read-in disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Axis-specific interlocks
Spindle disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Controller disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Axis disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Spindle-specific interlocks
Controller disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Spindle disable x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x: Interlock can be activated in this status
1: Channel in reset
2: Channel interrupted
3: Channel active
4: Channel interrupted JOG during AUTO interruption
5: Channel interrupted JOG during MDA interruption
6: Channel active JOG in MDA during MDA interruption
7: Channel active JOG in MDA
Channel control
The Program mode can be controlled even while being executed via interface signals from the PLC. These can be either
mode group specific or channel specific interface signals.
The channel reports its current program operation status to the PLC with interface signals.
A part program can be selected only if the relevant channel is in the Reset state.
The part program can be selected via:
● Operator input (machining/program management operating area)
– Selection of a program via the program number in "Program list" (see the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED
Programming and Operating Manual)
– Reselection of an active program via the PLC-HMI interface (see Section "Signals from HMI to PLC (Page 19)")
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11.3.2 Start of part program or part program block
The START command can only be executed in "AUTO" and "MDA" modes. For this purpose, the channel must be in the
"Channel status reset" (DB3300.DBX0003.7) or "Channel status interrupted" (DB3300.DBX0003.6).
Execution of command
The part program or part program block is automatically processed and IS "Channel status active" (DB3300.DBX0003.5)
and IS "Program status running" (DB3300.DBX0003.0) are set.
The program is processed until the end of the program has been reached or the channel is interrupted or aborted by a STOP
or RESET command.
The START command is not effective if the prerequisite is not fulfilled. Then one of the following interrupts occurs: 10200,
10202, 10203
Channel status
The STOP command is executed only if the channel concerned is in the "Channel active" status (DB3300.DBX0003.5).
STOP commands
There are various commands which stop processing of the program and set the channel status to "interrupted":
● IS "NC Stop at block limit" (DB3200.DBX0007.2)
● IS "NC stop" (DB3200.DBX0007.3)
● IS "NC Stop axes plus spindle" (DB3200.DBX0007.4)
● IS "Single block" (DB3200.DBX0000.4)
● Programming command "M0" or "M1" and corresponding activation
Execution of command
After execution of the STOP command, IS "Program status stopped" (DB3300.DBX0003.2) and the IS "Channel status
interrupted" (DB3300.DBX0003.6) are set. Processing of the interrupted part program can continue from the point of
interruption with another START command.
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The following actions are executed when the STOP command is triggered:
● Part program processing is stopped at the next block limit (with NC stop at block limit, M0/M1 or single block), processing
is stopped immediately with the other STOP commands.
● Any auxiliary functions of the current block not yet output, are no longer output.
● The axes are stopped with subsequent stop of the part program processing.
● The block indicator stops at the point of interruption.
The RESET command (IS "Reset" (DB3000.DBX000.7)) can be executed in every channel state. This command is aborted
by another command.
A RESET command can be used to interrupt an active part program or part program blocks. After execution of the Reset
command, IS "Channel status reset" (DB3300.DBX0003.7) and the IS "Program status aborted" (DB3300.DBX0003.4) are
The part program cannot be continued at the point of interruption. All axes in the channel are at exact stop.
The following actions are executed when the RESET command is triggered:
● Part program preparation is stopped immediately.
● All axes and if appropriate spindles are braked.
● Any auxiliary functions of the current block not yet output, are no longer output.
● The block indicator is reset to the beginning of the part program.
● All alarms are cleared from the display if they are not POWER ON alarms.
The user can control part program processing via the user interface. In "AUTO" operating mode, certain functions can be
selected after you perform the following operations, whereby some functions act on interface signals of the PLC.
These signals are merely selection signals from the user interface. They do not activate the selected function.
These signal states must be transferred from the PLC user program to another area of the data block to activate the
selected functions. With program control by the PLC the signals are to be set directly (see the table below).
Function Selection signal Activation signal Checkback signal
SKP skip block DB1700.DBX0001.0 DB3200.DBX0002.0
DRY dry run feedrate DB1700.DBX0000.6 DB3200.DBX0000.6
ROV rapid traverse override DB1700.DBX0001.3 DB3200.DBX0006.6
SBL -single block coarse - -
SBL -single block fine - -
Single block User-specific DB3200.DBX0000.4
M1 programmed stop DB1700.DBX0000.5 DB3200.DBX0000.5 DB3300.DBX0000.5
PRT program test DB1700.DBX0000.7 DB3200.DBX0001.7 DB3300.DBX0001.7
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11.3.6 Program status
Program states
The status of the selected program is displayed in the interface in "AUTO" and "MDA" operating modes. If "JOG" operating
mode is selected when the program is stopped, then the "interrupted" program status is displayed there or on reset also
The following program states are available in the control system:
● IS "Program status aborted" (DB3300.DBX0003.4)
● IS "Program status interrupted" (DB3300.DBX0003.3)
● IS "Program status stopped" (DB3300.DBX0003.2)
● IS "Program status running" (DB3300.DBX0003.0)
Channel status
The current channel status is signaled at the interface for the channel. The PLC can then trigger certain responses and
interlocks configured by the manufacturer depending on the status at the interface. The channel status is displayed in all
operating modes.
The following channel status are available:
● IS "Channel status reset" (DB3300.DBX0003.7)
● IS "Channel status interrupted" (DB3300.DBX0003.6)
● IS "Channel status active" (DB3300.DBX0003.5)
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For the effect on channel status, see the table below:
Resulting channel status
Reset Interrupted Active
IS "Reset" X
IS "NC Stop" X
IS "NC stop at block limit" X
IS "NC stop axes and spindles" X
IS "Read-in disable" X
IS "Feed stop, channel-sp." X
IS "Feed stop, axis-sp." X
Feed override = 0 %
IS "Spindle stop" X
M2 in the block X
M0/M1 in the block X
IS "Single block" X
Auxiliary functions output to PLC but not yet X
In the case of certain events, an implied user program is to start. This allows the user to activate the initial settings of
functions or carry out initialization routines by part program command.
The call of this user program in the SW version 4.6 (in this manual) is not compatible with that in the SW version 4.4.
Event selection
MD20108 PROG_EVENT_MASK (event-driven program call) can be used to specify which of the following events is to
enable the user program:
● Bit0 = 1: Part program start
● Bit1 = 1: Part program end
● Bit2 = 1: Operator panel reset
● Bit3 = 1: Power up (of the NC control)
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Sequence Command Boundary conditions Comments
(must be satisfied before the
3 MD20112 START_MODE_MASK Initialization sequence with
4 /_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE1MA.SPF and as a subroutine Implied call of the path name as
/_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE_MA.SPF a subroutine
5 None Processing of the data part of
the main program
6 None Processing of the program part
of the main program
Part program end
For the sequence at part program end, see the table below:
Sequence Command Boundary conditions Comments
(must be satisfied before the
1 Channel selection: Reset status None Select channel and mode
Operating mode selection: AUTO or
AUTO and overstoring or
2 NC Start Block with end of part program Block is changed
3 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated:
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, Reset sequence with evaluation
4 /_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE1MA.SPF and as an ASUP Implied call of the path name
5 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated: The G code reset position
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, Reset sequence with evaluation continues to be specified with
MD20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE machine data
Operator panel reset
For the processing sequence in operator panel reset, see the table below:
Se- Command Boundary conditions Comments
quence (must be satisfied before the
1 Selection of channel and mode: Initial state: Any mode, any Select mode / channel status
any channel status from
any state
2 Reset
3 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated:
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, Reset sequence with evaluation
4 /_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE1MA.SPF and as an ASUP Implied call of the path name as
5 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated: The G code reset position con-
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, Reset sequence with evaluation tinues to be specified with ma-
MD20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE chine data
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For the sequence with power up, see the table below:
Sequence Command Boundary conditions Comments
(must be satisfied before the
1 Reset after power up
2 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, after ramp up:
MD20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE Reset sequence with evaluation
3 /_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE1MA.SPF and as an ASUP Implied call of the path name
4 MD20110 RESET_MODE_MASK, Control activated: The G code reset position
MD20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES, Reset sequence with evaluation continues to be specified with
MD20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE machine data
You must put the manufacturer cycles CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF in the folder CMA.DIR.
The two manufacturer cycles are corresponding jump markers prepared; therefore CYCPE1MA is jumped to at the
beginning of PROG_EVENT.SPF and CYCPE_MA is jumped to at the end.
Chronological sequences
For part program start and part program end:
Time sequence of VDI signals DB3300.DBB0003 ("Program status" and "Channel status") when processing a part program
with an event-driven program call for part program start and part program end:
Time sequence of the interface signals for program status and channel status (1):
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Time sequence of the interface signals for program status and channel status (2):
IS DB3300.DBX0003.4 ("Program status aborted") and DB3300.DBX0003.7 ("Channel status reset") are only received if
CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF have been completed.
Neither IS DB3300.DBX0003.4 ("Program status aborted") nor DB3300.DBX0003.7 ("Channel status reset") are received
between the program end and the start of the program event.
This is also the case between an operator panel reset and the start of the program event.
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The response to read-in disable and single-block processing can be controlled separately through the machine data
MD20106 PROG_EVENT_IGN_SINGLEBLOCK (Prog events ignore the single block) and
MD20107 PROG_EVENT_IGN_INHIBIT (Prog events ignore the read-in disable).
CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF cause a block change despite single block without a further start when
Bit 0 = 1 is set, after Part program start event
Bit 1 = 1 is set, after Part program end event
Bit 2 = 1 is set, after Operator panel reset event
Bit 3 = 1 is set, after Ramp-up event
Bit 4 = 1 is set, after First start after search run event
CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF cause a block change despite read-in disable when
Bit 0 = 1 is set, after Part program start event
Bit 1 = 1 is set, after Part program end event
Bit 2 = 1 is set, after Operator panel reset event
Bit 3 = 1 is set, after Ramp-up event
Bit 4 = 1 is set, after First start after search run event
The following constraint applies for Bit 0 == 1 (program event after part program start):
If the program event ends with the part program command "RET", then RET always leads to an executable block
(analogous to M17).
There is no new behavior for Bit 0 == 0, i.e. RET is interpreted in the interpreter and does not lead to an "executable
No sequences for start/end of part program are passed:
● If a user ASUP is started from the reset status, the described sequences for the event for start/end of part program are
not passed.
● Settable Prog-Event properties
Machine data MD20109 PROG_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTIES can be used to define further properties of "event-driven
program calls" for specific channels:
– Bit0 = 0: An ASUP started from the RESET channel state is followed by an "event-driven program call" as in earlier
– Bit0 = 1: An ASUP started from the RESET channel state is not followed by an "event-driven program call"
With the Part program start:
/_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE1MA.SPF and /_N_CMA_DIR/CYCPE_MA.SPF are executed as subroutines. CYCPE1MA.SPF and
CYCPE_MA.SPF must be ended with M17 or RET. A return by means of REPOS command is not permitted and triggers
alarm 16020 "Repositioning not possible".
Error with operator panel reset or after ramp-up:
If EMERGENCY STOP or an operating mode / NCK error is still present when the operator panel is reset or after rampup,
then CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF will only be processed after EMERGENCY STOP has been acknowledged or
the error has been acknowledged in the channel.
Assignment example
Event programs
Example for call by all events
MD20108 PROG_EVENT_MASK = 'H0F' (event-driven program call),
i.e. call of CYCPE1MA.SPF and CYCPE_MA.SPF during part program start, part program end, operator panel reset and
Sequence for part program start
N 10 R100 = 0 ; Transfer parameters for machining cycles
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N 20 M17
Sequence for part program end and operator panel reset
N10 R20 = 5
N30 M17
Sequence for powerup
N10 $SA_SPIND_S[Ax4] = 0 ; Speed for spindle start through virtual interface
N30 M17
Recommendation for MD11450 with block search:
MD11450 SEARCH_RUN_MODE = ’H7’ (search parameterization)
Bit 0 = 1:
With the loading of the last action block after block search, the processing is stopped and the VDI signal "Last action block
active" is set. Alarm 10208 is not output until the PLC requests this by setting the VDI signal "PLC action ended".
Application: PLC starts an ASUP after block search.
Bit 1 = 1:
Automatic ASUP start after output of the action blocks. Alarm 10208 is not output until the ASUP is completed.
Bit 2 = 1:
Output of the auxiliary functions is suppressed in the action blocks. The spindle programming that accumulated during the
block search can be output at a later point in time (e.g. in an ASUP).
The program data for this is stored in the following system variables:
It is possible to activate two different ASUPs (PLCASUP1_SPF and PLCASUP2_SPF) from the PLC via the ASUP interface
area. Before an asynchronous subroutine (ASUP) can be started from the PLC, it must have been assigned to an interrupt
number by an NC program or by the PI service ASUP (see DB1200.DBB4000).
Once prepared in this way, it can be started at any time from the PLC. The NC program running is interrupted by the ASUP.
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Only one ASUP can be started at one time. If the start signal for both ASUPs is to be set to logical 1 in a PLC cycle, the
ASUPs are started in the sequence INT1 and then INT2.
The start signal must be set to logical 0 by the user once the ASUP has been completed or if an error has occurred.
The control system provides two default ASUPs for the PLC. ASUP1 is used for manual tool changing and ASUP2 is used
for the manual machine of the workpiece on a turning machine with the Manual Machine Plus function.
You can also use your own ASUPs as required. To do so, you must first place your programs (PLCASUP1.SPF and
PLCASUP2.SPF) in the manufacturer cycle directory (N:\CMA), and then set "PI index" (DB1200.DBB4001) to 1 (ASUP1)/2
The call of the ASUP PI service must have been completed before an ASUP may be started.
The initialization is performed via the ASUP PI service.
Starting an ASUP
The time sequence of an ASUP is shown in the following pulse diagram in the example of PLCASUP1.SPF. You can see
from the table which interface signals are of relevance for PLCASUP2.SPF.
For the assignment of the signals to the pulse diagram, see the table below:
Signal Address - PLCASUP1_SPF Address - PLCASUP2_SPF
Start DB3400.DBX0000.0 DB3400.DBX0001.0
Being executed DB3400.DBX1000.1 DB3400.DBX1001.1
Completed DB3400.DBX1000.0 DB3400.DBX1001.0
Error DB3400.DBX1000.3 DB3400.DBX1001.3
Interrupt no. not allocated DB3400.DBX1000.2 DB3400.DBX1001.2
Pulse diagram for PLCASUP1_SPF:
The behavior of the ASUP can be influenced via the following standard machine data.
● MD11602 ASUP_START_MASK (ignore stop reasons for ASUP)
The machine data specifies which stop reasons are to be ignored for an ASUP start.
Recommended: MD11602 = 'H7'
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● MD11604 ASUP_START_PRIO_LEVEL (priority, as of which MD11602 is effective)
This machine data specifies the ASUP priority as of which machine data MD11602 ASUP_START_MASK is to be
applied. MD11602 is applied from the level specified here up to the highest ASUP priority level 1.
Recommended: MD11604 = 2
● MD20116 IGNORE_INHIBIT_ASUP (execute interrupt program in spite of read-in disable)
In spite of set read-in disable, an assigned user ASUP is processed completely for the interrupt channel with the set bit.
Bit 0 is assigned to interrupt channel 1 (PLCASUP1)
Bit 1 is assigned to interrupt channel 2 (PLCASUP2)
The machine data is effective only if MD11602 ASUP_START_MASK Bit2 = 0
● MD20117 IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_ASUP (execute interrupt program completely in spite of single block)
In spite of selected SBL processing mode, an assigned user ASUP is processed completely
for the interrupt channel with the set bit.
Bit 0 is assigned to interrupt channel 1 (PLCASUP1)
Bit 1 is assigned to interrupt channel 2 (PLCASUP2)
The machine data is effective only if
The following table shows the channel and program states that result after certain operator and program actions.
The left-hand side of the table shows the channel and program states and the mode groups from which the initial situation
can be selected. Various operator/program actions are listed on the right-hand side of the table, the number of the situation
after the action has been carried out is shown in brackets after each action.
Situation Channel status Program status Active mode Operator or program action
(Situation after the action)
R U A N U Switchgear A A M J
1 x x x RESET (4)
2 x x x RESET (5)
3 x x x RESET (6)
4 x x x NC Start (13); mode change
(5 or 6)
5 x x x NC Start (14); mode change
(4 or 6)
6 x x x Direction key (15); mode change
(4 or 5)
7 x x x NC Start (14)
8 x x x NC Start (15)
9 x x x NC Start (13); mode change
(10 or 11)
10 x x x NC Start (16); mode change
(9 or 11)
11 x x x Direction key (17); mode change
(9 or 10)
12 x x x NC Start (13); mode change
(10 or 11)
13 x x x NC Stop (12)
14 x x x NC Stop (7); at block end (5)
15 x x x NC Stop (8); at JOG end (6)
16 x x x NC Stop (10); at block end (10)
17 x x x NC Stop (11); at JOG end (11)
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Channel status: Program status: Operating modes:
R: aborted N: aborted A: AUTO
U: interrupted U: interrupted M: MDA
A: running S: stopped J: JOG
A: running
Several control functions are available for testing a new part program. These functions are provided to reduce danger at the
machine and time required for the test phase. It is possible to activate several program test functions simultaneously.
The following test options are described here:
● Program processing without axis movements
● Program processing in single-block mode
● Program processing with dry run feedrate
● Processing of certain program sections
● Skipping certain program parts
● Graphic simulation
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11.4.2 Program processing without axis movements (PRT)
The part program can be started and processed with active "Program test" function via the IS "NC Start"
(DB3200.DBX0007.1), i.e. with auxiliary function outputs, dwell times. Only the axes/spindles are simulated. The software
limit switch safety function continues to be valid.
The position control is not interrupted, so the axes do not have to be referenced when the function is switched off.
The user can check the programmed axis positions and auxiliary function outputs of a part program.
Program processing without axis motion can also be activated with the function "Dry run feedrate".
This function is selected via the following softkey on the HMI:
As a checkback for the active program test, "PRT" is displayed in the status line on the user interface and the IS "Program
test active" (DB3300.DBX0001.7) is set in the PLC.
The user can execute a part program block-by-block to check the individual machining steps. Once the user decides that an
executed part program block is functioning correctly, he/she can call the next block. The program is advanced to the next
part program block via IS "NC Start" (DB3200.DBX0007.1).
When the function "single block" is activated, the part program stops after every program block during processing. In this
case the activated single block type must be observed.
Single-block type
The following different types of single block are provided:
● Single block, coarse
With this type of single block, the blocks that initiate actions (traversing motions, auxiliary function outputs, etc.) are
processed individually. If tool radius compensation is active (G41,G42), processing stops after every intermediate block
inserted by the control. Processing is however not stopped at calculation blocks as these do not trigger actions.
● Single block, fine
With this type of single block, all blocks of the part program (even the pure computation blocks without traversing motions)
are processed sequentially by NC Start.
"Single block coarse" is the default setting after switching on.
In a series of G33 blocks single block is effective only if "dry run feedrate" is selected.
The selection signal normally comes from a user machine control panel.
This function must be activated by the PLC user program via the IS "Activate single block" (DB3200.DBX0000.4).
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The preselection whether "Single block coarse" or "Single block fine" type is made in the user interface in the "Program
control" menu.
The checkback signal that single block mode is active is displayed in the relevant "SBL" field on the operator interface.
Because of the single block mode, as soon as the part program processing has processed a part program block:
● The following interface signals are set:
– IS "Channel status interrupted" (DB3300.DBX0003.6)
– IS "Program status stopped" (DB3300.DBX0003.2)
● The following interface signals are reset:
– IS "Channel status active" (DB3300.DBX0003.5)
– IS "Program status running" (DB3300.DBX0003.0)
The part program can be started via IS "NC Start" (DB3200.DBX0007.1). When the function is active, the traversing
velocities programmed in conjunction with G1, G2, G3, CIP, and CT are replaced by the feed value stored in SD42100
DRY_RUN_FEED. The dry run feedrate also replaces the programmed revolutional feedrate in program blocks with G95.
However, if the programmed feedrate is larger than the dry run feedrate, then the larger value is used.
Damage to the workpiece or machine tool
Workpieces may not be machined when "dry run feedrate" is active because the altered feedrates might cause the
permissible tool cutting rates to be exceeded and the workpiece or machine tool could be damaged.
Operation with dry run feedrate is selected via the following operations in the "AUTO" mode:
IS "Dry run feedrate" (DB1700.DBX0000.7) is set on selection of the function. In addition, the required dry run feedrate must
be entered via the following softkey on the HMI:
The checkback signal that dry run feedrate is active is displayed in the relevant "DRY" status line on the user interface.
To set the program run to a certain block (target block) of a part program, the block search function can be used. It can be
selected whether or not the same calculations are to be performed during the block search up to the target block as would
be performed during normal program operation.
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After the target block is reached, the part program can be started via IS "NC Start" (give 2x) (DB3200.DBX0007.1). If
necessary there is an automatic compensating movement of the axes to start or end positions of the target block. Execution
of the remaining program then continues.
Pay attention to a collision-free start position and appropriate active tools and other technological values! If necessary, a
collisionfree start position must be approached manually with JOG. Select the target block considering the selected block
search type.
The block search is selected in "AUTO" mode on the user interface.
The search run can be activated with corresponding softkey for the following functions:
● Block search with calculation to contour
Is used in any circumstances in order to approach the contour. On NC Start, the start position of the target block or the
end position of the block before the target block is approached. This is traversed up to the end position. Processing is
true to contour.
● Block search with calculation to block end point
Is used in any circumstances in order to approach a target position (e.g. tool change position). The end position of the
target block or the next programmed position is approached using the type of interpolation valid in the target block. This
is not true to contour. Only the axes programmed in the target block are moved.
● Block search without calculation.
Is used for a quick search in the main program. No calculations are performed. The internal controller values indicate the
status valid before the search. Whether the program can be executed subsequently depends on the program and must
be decided by the operator. This search run is suitable for a fast syntax check of a new program.
Interface signal
In the PLC, the following interface signals are set according to a time sequence (see figure):
● "Block search active" (DB3300.DBX0001.4)
● "Action block active" (DB3300.DBX0001.3)
● "Approach block active" (DB3300.DBX0000.4)
The "Approach block active" is only enabled with "Block search with calculation on contour" because a separate
approach block is not generated with "Block search with calculation at block end point" (the approach block is the same
as the target block).
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After "Block search with calculation at block end point", automatic repositioning is not performed between "Last action block
active" and continuation of part program processing by NC Start. The start point of the approach movement is the current
axis position on NC Start; the end point results from the processing of the part program.
Action blocks
Action blocks contain the actions accumulated during "block search with calculation", e.g. auxiliary function outputs, and tool
(T, D), spindle (S) and feed programming commands.
During "block search with calculation" (contour or block end point), actions such as M function outputs are accumulated in
so-called "action blocks". These blocks are output on an NC Start after "Search target found".
The action blocks also activate the accumulated spindle programming (S value, M3/M4/M5, SPOS). The PLC user program
must ensure that the tool can be operated and, if necessary, the spindle programming is reset via the IS "Spindle reset"
Supplementary condition
The approach movement "Search with calculation to block end point" is performed using the type of interpolation valid in the
target block. This should be G0 or G1, as appropriate. With other types of interpolation, the approach movement can be
aborted with an alarm (e.g. circle end point error on G2/G3).
For further information about the block search function, refer to the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and
Operating Manual.
When testing or breaking in new programs, it is useful to be able to disable or skip certain part program blocks during
program execution.
Skipping part program blocks:
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The skip function is selected through the user interface in the following menu:
IS "Skip block selected" (DB1700.DBX0002.0) is set when the function is selected. In addition, a slash "/" must be written
before the blocks to be skipped (see figure). This however does not activate the function.
This function is activated via IS "Activate skip block" (DB3200.DBX0002.0).
The checkback signal that the "Skip block" function is active is displayed in the relevant "SKP" status line on the user
In "AUTO" operating mode a selected and opened program can be simulated graphically on the screen of the control unit.
The movements of the programmed axes are recorded as line diagram after an NC start.
The graphic simulation can be reached for the selected program through the following operations:
→ Open a program →
Here the IS "Simulation active" (DB1900.DBX0000.6) is set and reset again on leaving the program editing operating area or
via the following softkey on the HMI:
Due to numerous operating possibilities a complete workpiece, or else only enlarged details of it, can be displayed on the
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
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11.5 Timers for program execution time
Timers are provided under the "program execution time" function and these can be used for monitoring technological
processes in the program or only in the display. These timers are read-only.
There are timers that are always active. Others can be deactivated via machine data.
The contents of the timers are visible on the screen after you perform the following operations:
→ → →
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● Power on time = $AN_POWERON_TIME
The cycle time is also visible in the information line of the "AUTO" window of the machining operating area.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
You can input values ranging from 0 to 999999999 in the workpiece counters.
All the input values become valid only after you confirm them with the following hardkey:
The following channel-specific machine data can be used to control counter activation, counter reset timing, and counting
● MD27880 PART_COUNTER (activation of workpiece counters)
● MD27882 PART_COUNTER_MCODE (workpiece counting with user-defined M command)
● Number of workpieces required (workpiece target):
In this counter, you can define the number of workpieces at which the actual workpiece counter $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is
reset to zero.
MD27880 PART_COUNTER (Bit 0) can be used to generate display alarm 21800 "Required number of workpieces
reached" and to output IS "Required number of workpieces reached" (DB3300.DBX40001.1).
● Total number of workpieces produced (total actual):
The counter specifies the total number of all workpieces produced since the start time.
● Number of actual workpieces (current actual):
This counter registers the number of all workpieces produced since the start time. The counter is automatically reset to
zero (on condition that $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS is not equal to 0) when the required number of workpieces
($AC_REQUIRED_PARTS) has been reached.
● Number of workpieces specified by the user:
This counter allows the user to make workpiece counting in accordance with their own definition. The alarm output can
be defined for the case of identity with $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS (workpiece target). The user must reset the counter.
The first output of the M command for counting after the user reset the counter applies as the start point. This M command is
set in MD27880 PART_COUNTER or MD27882 PART_COUNTER_MCODE for the relevant counter.
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The contents of the counters are visible on the screen after you perform the following operations:
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Number Identifier Name
20116 IGNORE_INHIBIT_ASUP Execute user ASUPs completely in spite of reading
20117 IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_ASUP Process user ASUPs completely in spite of single-block
20700 REFP_NC_START_LOCK NC-Start disable without reference point
21000 CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST Circle end point monitoring constant
20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES Reset G groups
20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE G code basic setting at RESET
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Number Bit Name
DB3000.DBX0000 .4 Mode change disable
DB3000.DBX0000 .7 RESET
DB3000.DBX0001 .2 Machine function REF
DB3100.DBX0000 .0 Active mode "AUTO"
DB3100.DBX0000 .1 Active mode "MDA"
DB3100.DBX0000 .2 Active "JOG" mode
DB3100.DBX0000 .3 808D READY
DB3100.DBX0001 .2 Active machine function REF
Channel signals
Number Bit Name
DB3200.DBX0000 .4 Activate single block
DB3200.DBX0000 .5 Activate M01
DB3200.DBX0000 .6 Activate dry run feed
DB3200.DBX0001 .0 Activate referencing
DB3200.DBX0001 .7 Activate program test
DB3200.DBX0002 .0 Block skip
DB3200.DBX0006 .0 Feed disable
DB3200.DBX0006 .1 Read-in disable
DB3200.DBX0006 .2 Delete distance-to-go
DB3200.DBX0006 .3 Delete UP number of passes
DB3200.DBX0006 .4 Program level abort
DB3200.DBX0006 .6 Rapid traverse override active
DB3200.DBX0006 .7 Feed rate override active
DB3200.DBX0007 .0 NC Start disable
DB3200.DBX0007 .1 NC Start
DB3200.DBX0007 .2 NC Stop at block limit
DB3200.DBX0007 .3 NC stop
DB3200.DBX0007 .4 NC Stop axes plus spindles
DB3200.DBX0007 .7 Reset
DB3300.DBX0000 .3 Action block active
DB3300.DBX0000 .4 Approach block active
DB3300.DBX0000 .5 M00/M01 active
DB3300.DBX0000 .6 Last action block active
DB3300.DBX0001 .0 Referencing active
DB3300.DBX0001 .4 Block search active
DB3300.DBX0001 .5 M2 / M30 active
DB3300.DBX0001 .7 Program test active
DB3300.DBX0003 .0 Program status: Running
DB3300.DBX0003 .2 Program status: Stopped
DB3300.DBX0003 .3 Program status: Interrupted
DB3300.DBX0003 .4 Program status: Aborted
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Number Bit Name
DB3300.DBX0003 .5 Channel status: Active
DB3300.DBX0003 .6 Channel status: Interrupted
DB3300.DBX0003 .7 Channel status: Reset
DB3300.DBX4001 .1 Workpiece target reached
DB1700.DBX0000 .5 M01 selected
DB1700.DBX0000 .6 Dry run feed rate selected
DB1700.DBX0001 .3 Feed rate override selected for rapid traverse
DB1700.DBX0001 .7 Program test selected
DB1700.DBX0002 .0 Skip-block selected
DB1900.DBX0000 .6 Simulation active
ASUP signals
Number Bit Name
DB3400.DBX0000 .0 INT1 Start
DB3400.DBX0001 .0 INT2 Start
DB3400.DBX1000 .0 ASUP ended INT1
DB3400.DBX1000 .1 ASUP is being executed
DB3400.DBX1000 .2 Interrupt no. not allocated
DB3400.DBX1000 .3 ASUP version not possible
DB3400.DBX1001 .0 ASUP ended INT2
DB3400.DBX1001 .1 ASUP is being executed
DB3400.DBX1001 .2 Interrupt no. not allocated
DB3400.DBX1001 .3 ASUP version not possible
12 Compensation (K3)
12.1 Brief description
The following axis-specific compensation functions can be activated for the control system:
● Backlash compensation
● Interpolatory compensation
– leadscrew error and measuring system error compensation (LEC)
● Following error compensation (speed feedforward control)
● Friction compensation (quadrant error compensation)
These compensation functions can be set for each machine individually with axis-specific machine data.
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Position display
The normal actual-value and setpoint position displays ignore the compensation values and show the position values of an
ideal machine. To view the compensation values, perform the following operations:
+ → →
Then navigate to the item "Abs. compens. value meas. system 1".
To compensate for backlash, the axis-specific actual value is corrected by the amount of backlash every time the
axis/spindle changes direction.
This quantity can be entered for each axis/spindle at the commissioning phase in MD32450 BACKLASH (backlash
Backlash compensation is always active in all operating modes after reference point approach.
Positive backlash
The encoder leads the machine part (e.g. table). Since the actual position acquired by the encoder also leads the real actual
position of the table, the table travels too short a distance (see diagram below). The backlash compensation value must be
entered as a positive value here (= normal case).
Positive backlash (normal case):
Negative backlash
The encoder lags behind the machine part (e.g. table); the table then travels too far. The correction value entered is negative.
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12.3 Interpolatory compensation
12.3.1 General
Compensation value: The difference between the axis position measured by the position actual-value encoder and the
required programmed axis position (= axis position of the ideal machine). The compensation value is often also referred to
as the correction value.
Interpolation point: A position of the axis and the corresponding offset value.
Offset table: Table containing interpolation points
Compensation table
Because dimensional deviations between the leadscrew pitch and the measuring system directly affect the accuracy of
workpiece machining, they must be compensated for by the relevant position-dependent compensation values. The
compensation values are derived from measured error curves and entered in the control in the form of compensation tables
during installation. A separate table must be created for each compensation relation.
The compensation values and additional table parameters are entered in the compensation tables using special system
The compensation tables can be output via the serial interface on the HMI through the following operations, and then
loaded back following editing:
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Linear interpolation between the interpolation points:
12.3.2 LEC
The leadscrew error compensation / measuring system error compensation (LEC) is an axis-specific compensation.
The principle of the LEC is to modify the axis-specific position actual value by the assigned compensation value in the
interpolation cycle and to apply this value to the machine axis for immediate traversal. A positive compensation value causes
the corresponding machine axis to move in the negative direction.
The magnitude of the compensation value is not limited and is not monitored. In order to avoid impermissibly high velocities
and accelerations caused by compensation, small compensation values must be selected. Large compensation values can
cause other axis monitoring functions to output alarms (e.g. contour monitoring, velocity setpoint limitation).
● The compensation values are stored in the NC user memory and active (after POWER ON).
● The function has been activated for the relevant machine axis
(MD32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE [0] = 1).
● The axis has been referenced (IS "Referenced/synchronized 1" DB390x.DBX0.4 set).
As soon as these conditions have been fulfilled, the axis-specific actual value is altered by the compensation value in all
modes and traversed by the machine axis immediately.
If the reference is then lost, e.g. because the encoder frequency has been exceeded (IS "Referenced/synchronized 1" =0),
compensation processing is de-activated.
Compensation table
The position-related compensation values are stored in the form of system variables for the relevant axis in the
compensation table. Up to 200 interpolation points (N = 0...199) are possible.
The following measuring-system-specific parameters must be set for the table (see figure "Compensation table parameters
(system variables for LEC)"):
● Compensation value for interpolation point N in compensation table:
$AA_ENC_COMP [0,N,AXi]= ...
where: AXi = machine axis name, e.g. X1, Y1, Z1; N = interpolation point index
For every individual interpolation point (axis position) the compensation value must be entered in the table. The
magnitude of the compensation value is not limited.
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The first and last compensation values remain active over the entire traversing range; i.e. these values should be set to
"0" if the compensation table does not cover the entire traversing range.
When the compensation values are entered, it is important that all interpolation points within the defined range be
assigned a compensation value (i.e. there should be no gaps). Otherwise, the compensation value that was left over
from previous entries at these positions is used for these interpolation points.
Table parameters that contain position data are interpreted through MD10240 SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC=0 in
The position data can be automatically re-calculated by performing a manual switchover.
The compensation table can only be loaded when MD32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE=0 has been set. The value "1"
causes the compensation to be activated and write protection to be applied (output alarm 17070).
The following example shows compensation value inputs for machine axis X1 as a program.
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,0,X1]=0.0 ; 1st compensation value (interpolation point 0) +0 mm
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,1,X1] = 0.01 ; 2nd compensation value (interpolation point 1) +10 mm
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,2,X1]=0.012 ; 3rd compensation value (interpolation point 2) +12 mm
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,120,X1]=0.0 ; last compensation value (interpolation point 120)
Values for more than 125 interpolation points result in alarm 12400 "Element does not exist".
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Compensation table parameters (system variables for LEC):
The angularity error compensation is a main-spindle-specific compensation used for the rotary positioning angle on lathes.
The magnitude of the compensation value is not limited and is not monitored. In order to avoid impermissibly high velocities
and accelerations caused by compensation, small compensation values must be selected. Large compensation values can
cause other axis monitoring functions to output alarms (e.g. contour monitoring, velocity setpoint limitation).
● The compensation values are stored in the NC user memory and active (after POWER ON).
● The function has been activated for the main spindle (MD32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE [0] = 1).
● The main spindle has been referenced (IS "Referenced/synchronized 1" DB390xDBX0.4 set).
As soon as these conditions have been fulfilled, the main-spindle-specific actual value is altered by the compensation value
in all modes and traversed by the main spindle immediately.
If the reference is then lost, e.g. because the encoder frequency has been exceeded (IS "Referenced/synchronized 1" =0),
compensation processing is deactivated.
Compensation table
The position-related compensation values are stored in the form of system variables for the main spindle in the
compensation table. Up to 200 interpolation points (N = 0...199) are possible.
The maximum possible interpolation points are entered in the axis-specific machine data MD38000
The first and last compensation values remain active over the entire traversing range; i.e. these values should be set to
"0" if the compensation table does not cover the entire traversing range.
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● Distance between interpolation points: $AA_ENC_COMP_STEP[0,AXi]= ...
The distance between interpolation points defines the distance between the compensation values in the relevant
compensation table.
● Starting position: $AA_ENC_COMP_MIN[0,AXi]= ...
The starting position is the main spindle position at which the compensation table for the main spindle begins
(interpolation point 0).
The compensation value for the starting position is $AA_ENC_COMP[0,0,AXi].
The compensation value of interpolation point 0 is used for all positions smaller than the starting position (exception:
table with modulo function).
● End position: $AA_ENC_COMP_MAX[0,AXi]= ...
The end position is the main spindle position at which the compensation table for the main spindle ends (interpolation
point k < 200).
The compensation value for the end position is $AA_ENC_COMP[0,k,AXi)]
The compensation value of interpolation point k is used for all positions larger than the end position (exception: table with
modulo function). Compensation values which are greater than k are inactive.
● Compensation with modulo function: $AA_ENC_COMP_IS_MODULO[0,AXi] = 1
When compensation with modulo function is activated, the compensation table is repeated cyclically; that is, the
compensation value at position $AA_ENC_COMP_MAX (interpolation point $AA_ENC_COMP[0,k,AXi]) is immediately
followed by the compensation value at position $AA_ENC_COMP_MIN (interpolation point $AA_ENC_COMP[0,0,AXi]).
For the main spindle it is therefore suitable to program 0° ($AA_ENC_COMP_MIN) as the starting position and 360°
($AA_ENC_COMP_MAX) as the end position. In this case both compensation values must be entered directly.
When the compensation values are entered, it is important that all interpolation points within the defined range be
assigned a compensation value (i.e. there should be no gaps). Otherwise, the compensation value that was left over
from previous entries at these positions is used for these interpolation points.
Table parameters that contain position data are interpreted with MD10240 SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC=0 in inches.
The position data can be automatically re-calculated by performing a manual switchover.
The compensation table can only be loaded when MD32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE=0 has been set. The value "1"
causes the compensation to be activated and write protection to be applied (output alarm 17070).
The following example shows the position value sampling with a laser interferometer as an automatic positioning program
executed on the main spindle.
● Angularity error compensation range: 0° to 360°
● Interval between interpolation points: 30°
SPOS=0 ; spindle rotary to 0 degree position
M01 ; wait for start
SPOS=355 ; spindle rotary to 355 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=0 ; spindle rotary to 0 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=30 ; spindle rotary to 30 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=60 ; spindle rotary to 60 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=90 ; spindle rotary to 90 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=120 ; spindle rotary to 120 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=150 ; spindle rotary to 150 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=180 ; spindle rotary to 180 degree position
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 119
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=210 ; spindle rotary to 210 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=240 ; spindle rotary to 240 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=270 ; spindle rotary to 270 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=300 ; spindle rotary to 300 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=330 ; spindle rotary to 330 degree position
G4F5 ; wait for 5 second
SPOS=IC(30) ; spindle rotary 30 degree
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=IC(5) ; spindle rotary 5 degree
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=IC(-5) ; spindle rotary -5 degree
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=330 ; spindle rotary to 330 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=300 ; spindle rotary to 300 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=270 ; spindle rotary to 270 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=240 ; spindle rotary to 240 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=210 ; spindle rotary to 210 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=180 ; spindle rotary to 180 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=150 ; spindle rotary to 150 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=120 ; spindle rotary to 120 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=90 ; spindle rotary to 90 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=60 ; spindle rotary to 60 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=30 ; spindle rotary to 30 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
SPOS=0 ; spindle rotary to 0 degree position
G4F1 ; wait for 1 second
M30 ; program finish
The following example shows compensation value inputs for the main spindle as a program MSP_COM.mpf.
;Machine axis 4 ; main spindle address
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,0,AX4]=0 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0°)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,1,AX4]=0.03666666 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 1 angle interval)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,2,AX4]=0.02861111 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 2 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,3,AX4]=0.01638888 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 3 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,4,AX4]=0.04361111 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 4 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,5,AX4]=0.02833333 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 5 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,6,AX4]=0.00833333 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 6 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,7,AX4]=0.02527777 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 7 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,8,AX4]=0.01055555 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 8 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,9,AX4]=-0.00311111 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 9 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,10,AX4]=0.02194444 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 10 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,11,AX4]=0.01194444 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 11 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP[0,12,AX4]=0 ; compensation value (minimum angle 0° + 12 angle intervals)
$AA_ENC_COMP_STEP[0,AX4]=30 ; angle interval between interpolation points 30°
$AA_ENC_COMP_MIN[0,AX4]=0 ; compensation starts at 0°
$AA_ENC_COMP_MAX[0,AX4]=360 ; compensation ends at 360°
$AA_ENC_COMP_IS_MODULO[0,AX4]=1 ; compensation with modulo function
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Make sure that you execute the above part program for compensation value inputs in "AUTO" mode on the control system.
Restarting the control system and then approaching the reference point after the part program is executed completely makes
the compensation values effective.
The part program can only be executed when MD32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE=0 has been set. The value "1" causes the
compensation to be activated and write protection to be applied (output alarm 17070).
The "direction-dependent LEC" function does not become active until the following conditions are fulfilled:
● The function has been activated for the relevant machine axis (compensation axis):
MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE[<AXi>] = 1
● The compensation values are stored in the static user memory and are active (after POWER ON).
● Evaluation of the relevant compensation table has been enabled:
SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE _ENABLE[<t>] = 1
● The current measuring system of the base and compensation axes has been referenced:
DB31, ... DBX60.4 or 60.5 =1 (referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)
As soon as these conditions have been fulfilled the setpoint position of the compensation axis is altered in all modes with
reference to the setpoint position of the base axis and the corresponding compensation value and is then immediately
traversed by the machine axis.
If the reference is then lost, e.g. because the encoder frequency has been exceeded (DB31, ... DBX60.4 or 60.5 = 0),
compensation processing is deactivated.
The activation of the compensation can be checked using a reference measurement, e.g. using the laser interferometer or in
the simplest case, using the service display of the particular axis. Commissioning
The measurement for determining the leadscrew error should only be carried out during the first commissioning if, in the
machine data, the traversing directions of the axes in relation to the machine coordinate system have been correctly set.
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Carrying out commissioning
1. Specify the number of compensation interpolation points
Each axis should be assigned to one compensation table each for the positive and negative traversing directions. The
number of compensation interpolation points is defined using the following machine data:
MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[<t>] (maximum number of interpolation points for sag compensation)
with: <t> = Index of compensation table
Permissible range: 0 ≤ t < 7
User data loss
ALARM 4400 is output when changing MD18342:
"Reorganization of the buffered memory!"
In order that an automatic memory configuration is possible but keeping all of the data that has been entered up until
now, no system boot (POWER ON) must be executed without first performing a series machine startup.
MD18342 [0] = 11; 11 interpolation points for the 1st table, e.g. positive traversing direction, X axis
MD18342 [1] = 11; 11 interpolation points for the 2nd table, e.g. negative traversing direction, X axis
MD18342 [2] = 21; 21 interpolation points for the 3rd table, e.g. positive traversing direction, Y axis
MD18342 [3] = 21; 21 interpolation points for the 4th table, e.g. positive traversing direction, Y axis
MD18342 [61] = ...; number of interpolation points for the 62nd table
2. Perform the series machine startup:
– Generate an NC archive with the entries in MD18342 [<t>].
– Read-in the generated NC archive.
Note: The NC memory is configured as a result.
The compensation tables are now available.
3. Generate the tables with compensation values for the particular axes and traversing directions as part program (see
section "Example (Page 124)": Program "BI_SSFK_MESS_AX1_X.MPF").
4. Execute the part program with compensation values in the control.
"AUTO" mode > select program > cycle start
Each time before reading-in the compensation tables, the following parameters should always be set to 0 and then to
activate, always be set to 1:
MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE[<AXi>] (enable sag compensation) = 0 → 1
SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE _ENABLE[<t>] (enable the compensation table) = 0 → 1
The backlash should always be set to 0:
MD32450 $MA_BACKLASH [<e>] (backlash) = 0
with: <e> = Position measuring system
The use of the program template "BI_SSFK_TAB_AX1_X.MPF" (see section "Example (Page 124)") automates these
tasks. When manually entering machine data, the generally applicable "Activate MD" or "Reset" should be observed.
As described in step 5, the compensation table is downloaded into the program memory as an executable program and is
then transferred into the previously configured memory area of the control using cycle start. This procedure can be repeated
for each table to ensure transparency. However, it is also possible to download all tables in an initialization step. The
compensation values become active after MD32710[<AXi>] = 1 and a mandatory power POWER ON.
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Table parameters
The position-related compensations for the particular direction as well as additional table parameters in the form of system
variables should be saved in the compensation table:
● $AN_CEC[<t>,<N>] (compensation value for interpolation point <N> of compensation table [<t>])
● $AN_CEC_INPUT_AXIS[<t>] (basic axis)
● $AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS[<t>] (compensation axis)
For the "direction-dependent LEC", the basis and compensation axis are identical.
System of units
Table parameters containing position information are automatically converted when the system of units is changed (change
The position information is always interpreted in the current measuring system. Conversion must be implemented externally.
Automatic conversion of the position data can be configured as follows:
With this setting, the following axial machine data is activated:
● MD32711 $MA_CEC_SCALING_SYSTEM_METRIC (measuring system for sag compensation)
The measuring system for all tables effective for this axis is set in this machine data. Hereby, all position entries are
interpreted together with the calculated total compensation value in the configured measuring system. External conversions
of position information are no longer necessary with a measuring system change.
To avoid excessive velocities and acceleration rates on the machine axis as a result of applying sag compensation, the total
compensation value is monitored and limited to a maximum value.
The maximum possible total compensation value for sag compensation is defined on an axis-for-axis basis using the
machine data:
● MD32720 $MA_CEC_MAX_SUM (maximum compensation value for sag compensation)
If the determined total compensation value is greater than the maximum value, then a corresponding alarm is output.
Program processing is not interrupted. The compensation value output as an additional setpoint is limited to the maximum
Further, changing the total compensation value is also axially limited:
● MD32730 $MA_CEC_MAX_VELO (velocity change for sag compensation)
The specified value acts as a factor and is referred to the maximum axis velocity (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
An appropriate alarm is signaled when the limit value is exceeded. Program processing is not interrupted. The path not
covered because of the limitation is made up as soon as the compensation value is no longer subject to limitation.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 123 Example
The direction-dependent compensation tables of the X axis are shown in detail for a three-axis machine in the following
Number of compensation interpolation points:
MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[0] = 11 (Table 1: Axis X, positive traversing direction)
MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[1] = 11 (Table 2: Axis X, negative traversing direction)
Interpolation points
Table <t> [0,<N>]
Number of interpola- MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[0] = 11
tion points
Interpolation point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Position X -585 -527 -469 -411 -353 -295 -237 -179 -121 -63 -5
Setpoint posi- Deviation Checking measurement
Position Comp. No. Measurement Direction + Direction - Direction + Direction -
position [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
$AN_CEC_MIN[<t>] -585 0 -585 0.0000 0.0020 0.0000 -0.0008
1 -527 0.0010 0.0017 -0.0005 -0.0001
2 -469 0.0040 0.0053 -0.0001 -0.0009
3 -411 0.0034 0.0061 0.0001 -0.0009
4 -353 0.0013 0.0030 -0.0005 -0.0006
5 -295 0.0004 0.0016 -0.0002 -0.0003
6 -237 0.0016 0.0027 -0.0004 -0.0007
7 -179 0.0026 0.0043 -0.0004 -0.0004
8 -121 -0.0010 0.0026 0.0000 -0.0011
9 -63 -0.0023 0.0000 -0.0011 -0.0003
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The following program "BI_SSFK_TAB_AX1_X.MPF" includes the value assignments for the parameters of the two
compensation tables (positive and negative traversing direction) of the X axis:
;direction-dependent LEC
;1st axis MX1
;Table 1 - positive traversing direction
;Table 2 - negative traversing direction
$MA_CEC_ENABLE[AX1]=0 ;compensation OFF
$SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[0]=0 ;lock Table 1
$SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[1]=0 ;lock Table 2
$AN_CEC[0,0]=0 ;1st compensation value (interpolation point 0)
$AN_CEC[0,1]=0.001 ;2nd compensation value (interpolation point 1)
$AN_CEC[0,2]=0.004 ;3rd compensation value (interpolation point 2)
$AN_CEC[0,3]=0.0034 ;4th compensation value (interpolation point 3)
$AN_CEC[0,4]=0.0013 ;5th compensation value (interpolation point 4)
$AN_CEC[0,5]=0.0004 ;6th compensation value (interpolation point 5)
$AN_CEC[0,6]=0.0016 ;7th compensation value (interpolation point 6)
$AN_CEC[0,7]=0.0026 ;8th compensation value (interpolation point 7)
$AN_CEC[0,8]=-0.001 ;9th compensation value (interpolation point 8)
$AN_CEC[0,9]=-0.0023 ;10th compensation value (interpolation point 9)
$AN_CEC[0,10]=-0.0031 ;last compensation value (interpolation point 10)
$AN_CEC_INPUT_AXIS[0]=(AX1) ;basic axis
$AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS[0]=(AX1) ;compensation axis
$AN_CEC_STEP[0]=58.0 ;interpolation point distance
$AN_CEC_MIN[0]=-585.0 ;compensation starts
$AN_CEC_MAX[0]=-5.0 ;compensation ends
$AN_CEC_DIRECTION[0]=1 ;Table applies for positive traversing directions
$AN_CEC_MULT_BY_TABLE[0]=0 ;no multiplication (not relevant here)
$AN_CEC_IS_MODULO[0]=0 ;compensation without modulo function
$AN_CEC[1,0]=0.002 ;(interpolation point 0)
$AN_CEC[1,1]=0.0017 ;(interpolation point 1)
$AN_CEC[1,2]=0.0053 ;(interpolation point 2)
$AN_CEC[1,3]=0.0061 ;(interpolation point 3)
$AN_CEC[1,4]=0.003 ;(interpolation point 4)
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$AN_CEC[1,5]=0.0016 ;(interpolation point 5)
$AN_CEC[1,6]=0.0027 ;(interpolation point 6)
$AN_CEC[1,7]=0.0043 ;(interpolation point 7)
$AN_CEC[1,8]=0.0026 ;(interpolation point 8)
$AN_CEC[1,9]=0.000 ;(interpolation point 9)
$AN_CEC[1,10]=-0.0012 ;(interpolation point 10)
$AN_CEC_INPUT_AXIS[1]=(AX1) ;basic axis
$AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS[1]=(AX1) ;compensation axis
$AN_CEC_STEP[1]=58. ;interpolation point distance
$AN_CEC_MIN[1]=-585.0 ;compensation starts
$AN_CEC_MAX[1]=-5.0 ;compensation ends
$AN_CEC_DIRECTION[1]=-1 ;Table applies for negative traversing directions
$AN_CEC_MULT_BY_TABLE[1]=0 ;no multiplication (not relevant here)
$AN_CEC_IS_MODULO[1]=0 ;compensation without modulo function (only for rotary axes)
$MA_CEC_ENABLE[AX1]=1 ;compensation ON
$SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[0]=1 ;enable Table 1
$SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[1]=1 ;enable Table 2
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Optimization of control loop
The feedforward control is set on an axis/spindle-specific basis. First of all, the current control loop, speed control loop and
position control loop must be set to an optimum for the axis/spindle.
Parameter assignments
The feedforward control parameters must then be assigned to the relevant axis/spindle and then entered in the machine
data (see next section).
In order to achieve a correctly set speed feedforward control, the equivalent time constant of the speed control loop must be
determined exactly and entered as machine data MD32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME (equivalent time constant of the
closed speed control loop) during commissioning.
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12.5.2 Supplementary conditions
Switch off setpoint-related compensations
The following compensations affect the position setpoint and must be switched off before the measurement of the axes
involved in the circularity test:
Direction-dependent leadscrew error compensation:
MD32710 $MA_CEC_ENABLE[ <axis> ] = 0
The general enabling of the friction compensation is via:
MD32490 $MA_FRICT_COMP_MODE[ <axis> ] = 1
The activation of the friction compensation with constant compensation value is via:
● MD32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE[ <axis> ] = 1 (friction compensation ON)
● MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE[ <axis> ] = 0 (adaptation OFF)
The following parameters are calculated for friction compensation with constant compensation value:
● MD32520 $MA_FRICT_COMP_CONST_MAX (maximum compensation value)
For friction compensation with constant compensation value, the parameterized value is injected as compensation value.
● MD32540 $MA_FRICT_COMP_TIME (friction compensation time constant)
The compensation value is injected via a DT1 filter. The compensation value decays according to the parameterized time
constants. Commissioning
Circularity test
It is recommended that the circularity test be used for the commissioning of the friction compensation with constant injected
value, as described above. The commissioning sequence is divided into the following steps:
1. Perform circularity test without friction compensation
2. Perform circularity test with friction compensation and initial parameter values
3. Perform circularity tests with friction compensation and modified parameter values
4. Complete circularity tests with friction compensation and optimized parameter values
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The following figure shows a typical example of quadrant transitions without friction compensation:
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Compensation value too large
Too large a compensation value (MD32520) in the circularity test is indicated by overcompensation of the contour deviations
at the quadrant transitions.
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Time constant too large
Too large a time constant (MD32540) in the circularity test compensates the contour deviations at the quadrant transitions.
(Requirement: The optimum compensation value has already been determined.) However, with too large a time constant,
the compensation value applies too long and results in an overcompensation at the next circular contour.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 131
Acceleration-dependent compensation value
If the compensation value proves to be acceleration-dependent, the "friction compensation and adaptation" described below
can be injected in a following step.
The general enabling of the friction compensation is via:
MD32490 $MA_FRICT_COMP_MODE[ <axis> ] = 1
The activation of the friction compensation with adaptation characteristic is performed via:
● MD32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE[ <axis> ] = 1 (friction compensation ON)
● MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE[ <axis> ] = 1 (adaptation characteristic OFF)
Function Manual
132 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 Commissioning
To determine the characteristic parameters, the optimum compensation value Δnopt must be determined at various operating
points of the specified dynamic response range. See Section "Commissioning (Page 128)". A sufficiently large number of
measured values for large path velocities and small circle radii is particularly important.
For the evaluation of the determined value pairs, it is recommended that these are displayed graphically:
Δnopt = f(a), with Δnopt = optimum compensation value and a = acceleration at the quadrant transitions.
The parameters of the adaptation characteristic determined from the measurement results must then be entered in the
machine data.
Characteristic parameters
Acceleration values
The acceleration which arises at the quadrant transitions of the axis changing direction is calculated as follows:
a = v2 / r, with v = path velocity and r = circle radius
The path velocity and therefore the axial acceleration a can be varied simply via the feedrate override switch.
The acceleration values a1, a2 and a3 determined as characteristic parameters must be entered in the following machine
data. The following condition must be satisfied: a1 < a2 < a3
● MD32550 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ACCEL1 (acceleration value 1)
● MD32560 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ACCEL2 (acceleration value 2)
● MD32570 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ACCEL3 (acceleration value 3)
Compensation values
The compensation values Δnmin, Δnmax determined as characteristic parameters must be entered in the following machine
● MD32520 $MA_FRICT_COMP_CONST_MAX (maximum compensation value)
● MD32530 $MA_FRICT_COMP_CONST_MIN (minimum compensation value)
If satisfactory results cannot be obtained for very small path velocities, the computational resolution may have to be
• MD10200 $MA_INT_INCR_ PER_MM (computational resolution for linear positions)
• MD10210 $MA_INT_INCR_PER_DEG (computational resolution for angular positions)
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 133
Number Identifier Name
18342 MM_CEC_MAX_ POINTS[t] Maximum number of interpolation points of sag compen-
32450 BACKLASH[0] Backlash
32490 FRICT_COMP_MODE Type of friction compensation
32500 FRICT_COMP_ENABLE Friction compensation active
32510 FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE Friction compensation adaptation active
32520 FRICT_COMP_CONST_MAX Maximum friction compensation value
32530 FRICT_COMP_CONST_MIN Minimum friction compensation value
32540 FRICT_COMP_TIME Friction compensation time constant
32550 FRICT_COMP_ACCEL1 Adaptation acceleration value 1
32560 FRICT_COMP_ACCEL2 Adaptation acceleration value 2
32570 FRICT_COMP_ACCEL3 Adaptation acceleration value 3
32580 FRICT_COMP_INC_FACTOR Weighting factor for friction compensation value for short
traversing motion
32630 ACTIVATION_MODE Feedforward control can be activated from the program
32700 ENC_COMP_ENABLE[0] Interpolatory compensation active
32710 CEC_ENABLE Enabling of sag compensation
32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME[0]...[5] Equivalent time constant of the speed control loop
36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL Backlash compensation partial section
38000 MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS[0] Interpolation points for encoder/spindle compensation
(LEC ) (for display only)
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134 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Machine prerequisite
The lathe must be equipped with a C axis-capable main spindle. A second spindle must be able to drive the milling tool.
When used with TRACYL, the milling machine must be equipped with a rotary table that is capable of interpolating with the
other axes.
The TRANSMIT and TRACYL functions are configured using separate machine data sets and switched on or off by means
of special instructions in the program.
With the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED, a maximum of two kinematic transformations (TRANSMIT, TRACYL) may be
configured and one of them may be activated using the program.
13.2.1 Overview
Face-end milling of turned parts with TRANSMIT:
Activation/de-activation of TRANSMIT
The TRANSMIT function is activated in the program with
● TRANSMIT in a separate block and de-activated with
● TRAFOOF in a separate block
TRAFOOF deactivates any active transformation function.
Programming - principle
N10 G0 X... Z... SPOS=... ; starting positions, spindle in position control
N20 G17 G94 T... ; plane, feed type, select milling tool
N30 SETMS(2) ; switchover: master spindle is now the milling spindle
N50 G1 G41 F200 X... Y... Z... M3 S... ; milling of the face with milling tool radius compensa-
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N90 G40 ...
N100 TRAFOOF ; switch off TRANSMIT
N110 G18 G95 T... ; switch back to turning
N120 SETMS ; master spindle is main spindle
The movement of the machine axes XM and CM produces the contour on the face-end of the turned part with the milling
cutter in accordance with the X-Y path programmed (straight or circular path). The programmed Z axis (infeed) continues to
be traversed as the Z axis.
Machine data
The names of the machine data, channel axes and geometry axes from the general machine data ($MN_AXCONF...) and
channel-specific machine data ($MC_AXCONF...) are also used for a transformation.
The geometry axis assignments specified in MD20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB only apply when the transformation
is de-activated. Additional assignments are specified for a transformation.
The assigned machine axis names, channel axis names and geometry axis names must differ:
Exception for TRANSMIT:
The axis names of MD20060 and MD20080 (geometry and channel axes) can be the same, e.g. X, Y, Z. No Y axis exists
here outside the transformation.
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The control is informed of the position of the tool zero point in relation to the origin of the coordinate system declared for
TRANSMIT. The MD has three components for the three axes of the Cartesian coordinate system.
Assignment of axis components:
TRANSMIT_BASE_TOOL_1[2]=Tz (see following figure)
Position of tool zero in relation to origin of the Cartesian coordinate system (center of rotation):
Pole traversal continuous
Traversal of pole
The pole is defined as the center of rotation at point X=0, Y=0 of TRANSMIT plane (X machine axis intersects the center of
In the vicinity of the pole, small positional changes in the geometry axes X, Y generally result in large changes in the
machine rotary axis position (exception: path only results in a movement of the XM axis).
Workpiece machining operations close to the pole are therefore not recommended since these may require sharp feedrate
reductions to prevent overloading of the rotary axis. Avoid selecting TRANSMIT when the tool is positioned exactly on the
pole. Ensure that the path of the tool center point does not travel through the X0/Y0 pole.
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● Channel axis names in channel
● Initial setting of master spindle in channel
TRANSMIT transformation type:
● Definition of transformation 1 in channel
MD24100 TRAFO_TYPE_1=256
● Axis assignment for the 1st transformation in the channel
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[0] = 1
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[1] = 3
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[2] = 2
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[3]=0
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[4]=0
● Assignment of geometry axes to channel axes for transformation 1
Special TRANSMIT settings:
● Offset of rotary axis
● Sign of rotary axis
● Vector of base tool
Setting data for the special treatment of the tool offset (only when required):
● Change of tool length component for change of plane
● Assignment of the tool length offset independent of tool type
Settings for second spindle (milling spindle of the lathe):
● MD30300 IS_ROT_AX[AX4]=1
● MD30310 ROT_IS_MODULO[AX4]=1
A special handling of milling tools on lathes with respect to length compensation is possible.
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13.3.1 Overview
Standard lathe (without Y machine axis)
Machining grooves on a cylinder surface with X-C-Z kinematics:
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Extended machine kinematics
The YM linear axis is also available to enable the machine kinematics requirements to be met (see above). This is arranged
perpendicular to XM and ZM respectively and, with these, forms a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system.
This type of kinematics is typical for milling machines and makes it possible to machine grooves where the groove wall and
groove base are mutually perpendicular – provided the milling tool diameter is less than the groove width (groove wall offset).
These grooves can otherwise only be machined using milling tool diameters which fit precisely.
Activation/deactivation of TRACYL
The TRACYL function is activated in the program with
● TRACYL(d) in a separate block and deactivated with
● TRAFOOF in a separate block
d - machining diameter of the cylinder in mm
TRAFOOF deactivates any active transformation function.
Programming - principle
; without YM axis
; the geometry axes X, Y, Z are programmed
N10 G0 X... Z... SPOS=... ; starting positions, spindle in position control
N20 G19 G94 T... ; plane, feed type, select milling tool
N30 SETMS(2) ; switchover: master spindle is now the milling spindle
N40 TRACYL(24.876) ; switch on TRACYL, diameter: 24.876 mm
N50 G1 F200 X... M3 S... ; feed, switch on milling spindle
N600 G41 F200 Y... Z... ; milling of the cylinder surface with milling tool radius compensation
N90 G40 ...
N100 TRAFOOF ; switch off TRACYL
N110 G18 G95 T... ; switch back to turning
N120 SETMS ; master spindle is main spindle
The movement of the machine axes ZM and CM produces this contour on the peripheral surface of the cylindrical workpiece
with the milling cutter in accordance with the Y-Z path programmed (straight or circular). The programmed X axis (infeed)
continues to be traversed as the X axis.
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Peripheral surface of cylinder G19 (Y-Z plane):
OFFN address
Distance of groove side wall from the reference contour (also see "TRACYL programming example")
Programming: OFFN=...; Distance in mm
As a rule, the groove center line is programmed. OFFN determines the groove width when the milling radius compensation
is active (G41, G42). Set OFFN=0 once the groove has been completed.
The assigned machine axis names, channel axis names and geometry axis names must differ:
Exception for TRACYL:
The axis names of MD20060 and MD20080 (geometry and channel axes) can be the same for the TRACYL transformation
(e.g. X, Y, Z.), if no Y axis exists outside the transformation. This is usually the case for lathes.
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MD24210 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[n] Channel axes for transformation 2
MD24220 TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_2[n] Geometry axes for transformation 2
*) =512/513 without/with YM axis
Required assignment of channel axes for TRACYL transformation in machine data MD24110:
Configuration without YM axis:
TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[0]= Channel axis number of axis radial to rotary axis
TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[1]= Channel axis number of rotary axis
TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[2]= Channel axis number of axis parallel to rotary axis
Configuration without existing YM axis:
TRAFO_AXES_IN_1[3] Channel axis number of axis parallel to peripheral cylinder surface
and perpendicular to rotary axis (→ YM axis)
If the rotary axis rotates in an anti-clockwise direction on the X-Y plane opposite to the positive Z axis, then the MD must
be set to 1, otherwise to 0.
Direction of rotation for MD value =1:
The control is informed of the position of the tool zero point in relation to the origin of the coordinate system declared for
TRACYL. The MD has three components for the three axes of the Cartesian coordinate system.
Assignment of axis components in MD24920:
– TRACYL_BASE_TOOL_1[2]=Tz (see following figure)
Position of tool zero in relation to machine zero:
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● Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis
● Geometry axis names in channel
● Machine axis number valid in channel
● Name of channel axis in the channel
● Initial setting of master spindle in channel
TRACYL transformation type for second transformation:
● Without groove wall offset (no YM axis)
MD24100 TRAFO_TYPE_2=512
● Axis assignment in channel
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[0]=1
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[1]=3
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[2]=2
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[3]=0
MD24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2[4]=0
● Assignment of geometry axes to channel axes
Special TRACYL settings:
● Offset of rotary axis
● Sign of rotary axis
● Vector of base tool
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Setting data for the special treatment of the tool offset (only when required):
● Change of tool length component for change of plane
● Assignment of the tool length offset independent of tool type
Settings for second spindle (milling spindle of the lathe):
● MD30300 IS_ROT_AX[AX4]=1
● MD30310 ROT_IS_MODULO[AX4]=1
A special handling of milling tools on lathes with respect to length compensation is possible.
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TRACYL is used for the milling of grooves on a peripheral cylinder surface. During this process, the "Path I" and "Path II"
sections are processed using different OFFN values.
CC is the channel axis name of the rotary axis, milling radius of T1, D1: 8.000 mm
G54 G94 ; set offset compensation and feedrate mode
G1 X50 Z50 F1000 ; move to a safe position
T11 D1 ; tool selection
DIAMOF ; programming in radius mode
TRACYL(40) ; transformation selection, reference diameter
; for surface: diameter 40 mm
SETMS(2) ; enable the second spindle as main spindle
S2000M4 ; rotate the milling cutting tool
G19 ; machining plane is cylinder surface Y/Z
R1=20 ; start point
LL: ; loop start
G1 X=R1 F200 ; X move to position with feedrate 200 mm/min
G41 OFFN=-3 ; tool radius compensation left of contour
; define groove wall offset
Y10 ; Y move to position 10
Z-50 ; Z move to position -50
Y70 ; Y move to position 70
G41 OFFN=-3 ; tool radius compensation left of contour
; define groove wall offset
Y10 ; Y move to position 10
Z10 ; Z move to position 10
R1=R1-0.2 ; cutting depth for each step is 0.2 mm
IF R1>15 GOTOB LL ; cutting depth is 5 mm
G40 Y0 ; turn off compensation function
TRAFOOF ; turn off TRACYL function
G1 X50 Z50 F1000 ; move to safe position
M30 ; program finish
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Operating modes, operating mode changeover
● The program processing with TRANSMIT/TRACYL is performed in "AUTO" mode.
● It is possible to interrupt "AUTO" mode and change over to JOG. When returning to "AUTO" mode, the operator must
ensure a problem-free repositioning of the tool.
● Axes cannot be referenced when a transformation is active.
14 Measurement (M5)
14.1 Brief description
Channel-specific measuring
A measurement mode is programmed in a part program block (with or without DDTG). A trigger event (edge of the probe) is
defined additionally, which will trigger the measurement process. The instructions apply to all axes programmed in this
particular block. The program with the measurement process in "AUTO" mode is executed and can be employed for
workpiece or tool measuring.
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The exact operating instructions are contained in the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual.
The automatic measuring function is supported only on a milling machine.
In order to measure tool and workpiece dimensions, a touch-trigger probe is required that supplies a constant signal (rather
than a pulse) when deflected.
The probe must operate virtually bounce-free. Most sensors can be adjusted mechanically to ensure that they operate in this
Different types of probes supplied by a variety of manufacturers are available on the market. Probes are therefore divided
into three groups according to the number of directions in which they can be deflected (see figure below).
Bidirectional probe
This probe type is handled in the same way as a mono probe in milling and machining centers.
Mono-directional probe
This probe type can be used, with only a few restrictions, to take workpiece measurements on milling and machining centers.
The spindle must be capable of being positioned with the SPOS NC function if the measurement is to be carried out in
different axis directions/axes. The probe must therefore be aligned according to the measuring task.
Switching performance
The signal level of the connected probe (deflected/non-deflected condition) must be communicated to the control via the
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14.2.2 Probe connection
The probe for the control system is connected to pin4 (DI1) and pin5 (DI2) of X21. The actually used pin is determined by
the relevant macro command. Thus, all measuring inputs of the axis drive modules are operated whose axes are involved in
measuring. For the probe, use an external voltage (24 V) whose reference potential should be connected to X21, pin 10.
To ensure optimum interference immunity when connecting probes, lines must be used.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
If a GEO axis (axis in the WCS) is programmed in a measuring block, the measured values are stored for all current GEO
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PLC service display
The measuring signal can be controlled via the following operations:
+ → →
IS "Probe 1 activated" (DB2700.DBX0001.0).
The current measuring status of the axis is shown by the IS "Measurement active" (measuring block with this axis running).
The propagation time of the measuring signal is determined by the hardware used. The delay times are in the µs range plus
the probe response time.
The measurement uncertainty is calculated as follows:
Measurement uncertainty = measuring signal propagation time x traversing velocity
Correct results can only be guaranteed for traversing velocity where not more than one triggering signal arrives per position
controller cycle.
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N40 R[R12]=$AA_MW[X] ;Read measured value in workpiece ;coordinates
N50 R12=R12+1
N60 IF R12<11 GOTOB ANF ;Repeat 10 times
N65 M0
N70 M02
N80 FEHL1: MSG ; Probe not switching
N90 M0
N95 M02
The measurement results R1 to R10 can be read after selecting the parameter display.
The tool is "re-measured", not its wear.
Softkeys and templates are provided for use by the user in "JOG" mode. This supports the user during tool measuring.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
The PLC user program must be created with the necessary sequences. The functionality is not available beforehand.
Extreme caution must be taken when approaching the probe. The probes only have a limited deflection path. They will be
damaged or destroyed if this is exceeded! Observe the machine manufacturer's instructions!
In particular, the approach speed should be reduced to such an extent that the probe can always be stopped promptly.
"Rapid traverse override" may not be active.
The screen forms provided and the sequence depend on the technology. Accordingly, the following used tool types can be
Milling technology
● Milling tool (geometry length 1 and geometry radius)
● Drill (geometry length 1)
Tool offsets
The screens initially include the active tool T and the active offset number D for the target of the measurement result entry. A
different tool can be specified by the PLC via the interface, or the user can enter a different tool T and/or offset number D.
If a tool or an offset number different to the active values has been entered, this must first be made known to the NC for
working after measurements have been made with this tool/tool offset, e.g. by programming and start in "MDA" mode. Only
then can the control unit calculate the correct tool offsets.
A tool length compensation is automatically entered into the GEO component of the active/specified tool offset D of the
active/specified tool, and the associated "wear" and "adapter" components are deleted.
When measuring the cutter radius it is assumed that no further offset is applied to the axes of the cutter radius level (values
in the axes of the "adapter" component and GEO lengths 2 and 3 are equal to zero). The result for the radius is entered in
the "geometry" component. The associated "adapter" and "wear" components of both axes of the level are deleted.
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The tool measuring probe is a touch probe at a fixed location or is swiveled into the working area by means of a mechanical
device. If the probe plate is of rectangular design, the edges should be aligned parallel to the axis. The tool/calibration tool is
traversed against the measuring probe. The probe must be calibrated before a measurement is taken. This means that the
precise probe triggering points in relation to the machine zero are known.
The internal sequence is the same as in measuring. The measuring results, however, are stored in the data for the probe
triggering points - not in the tool offsets.
The internal NC programs for measuring or calibrating are configured so that measuring is carried out with the rising edge of
the probe.
Measuring sequence
"JOG" mode is selected. The measuring feed is entered. The probe is calibrated or the precise measuring trigger points are
1. Depending on the tool type, the measuring sequence is controlled via this softkey and fur-
ther softkeys.
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3. HMI recognizes switching of the probe and outputs the change mode to "AUTO", IS com-
mand "AUTOMATIC mode" (DB1800.DBX0000.0) after the traverse key has been released
(immediately after handwheel jog). PLC transfers this to the NCK (DB3000.DBX0000.0).
"AUTO" mode is set to active by the NCK (IS "Active mode AUTOMATIC"
(DB3100.DBX0000.0)) and is displayed in the HMI screen. PLC cancels the IS "Feed disa-
ble (DB3200.DBX0006.0). The HMI then outputs the IS "Mode change disable"
(DB1800.DBX0000.4) to the PLC. If the PLC recognizes this signal (is only applied for one
PLC cycle), the PLC outputs the IS "Mode change disable" (DB3000.DBX0000.4) to the
NCK. An NC measuring program has been loaded to the NCK by the HMI. This is activated
now. The automatic direction of approach to the probe and the traverse path including the
safety clearance is calculated in this measuring program.The HMI outputs the command to
start the measuring program to the PLC via the IS "Start measuring in JOG"
(DB1800.DBX0000.6). The signals in the V1800 area are only applied for a single PLC
cycle. The IS "Start measuring in JOG" is therefore stored intermediately in the PLC. The
NC measuring program is launched by the PLC by outputting the IS "NC START"
(DB3200.DBX0007.1) to the NCK.
4. The axis is repositioned by the NC program, the probe is approached again, and finally
retracted. The HMI then transmits the command to switch back to "JOG" mode
(DB1800.DBX0000.2) to the PLC. The "Change mode disable" interface signal
(DB3000.DBX0000.4) is then reset by the PLC. The PLC outputs "JOG" mode
(DB3000.DBX0000.2) to the NCK and the NCK returns the IS "JOG mode active"
(DB3100.DBX0000.2) to the NCK.
After measuring or probe calibration is complete the function can be deselected via the following softkey:
This also resets the IS "Measuring in JOG active" (DB1700.DBX0003.0). It is also reset when the operating area is exited.
The automatic program can be cancelled via IS "Reset" (DB3000.DBX0000.7) or measuring in JOG can be closed via the
following softkey:
This also cancels any set IS "Feed disable" (DB3200.DBX0006.0) and IS "Change mode disable" (DB3000.DBX0000.4) or
intermediately saved signals.
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Number Bit Name
DB1800.DBX0000 .1 "MDA" mode (request by HMI)
DB1800.DBX0000 .2 "JOG" mode (request by HMI)
DB1800.DBX0000 .4 Change mode disable (request by HMI)
DB1800.DBX0000 .6 Start measuring in JOG (request by HMI)
DB1800.DBX0001 .2 REF machine function (request by HMI)
HMI signals (from PLC to HMI)
DB1900.DBD 5004 Tool number for tool measuring in JOG (input by PLC)
General (from NCK to PLC)
DB2700.DBX0001 .0 Probe 1 is actuated
Axis/spindle-specific (from axis to PLC)
DB390x.DBX0002 .3 Measurement active
The function of manual measuring with the Y axis is supported only on a turning machine.
15.2 Preparations for measuring the tool manually (with the Y axis)
Configuring Drive Bus addresses
The Drive Bus address of the corresponding drive is properly set (p0918 = 12). For more information about how to configure
Drive Bus addresses, see the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual.
→ →
3. Set the machine data 10000[1] to MY1.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 153
4. Press this softkey to open the channel machine data window and set the following machine
• 20050[1] = 2
• 20050[2] = 3
• 20060[1] = Y
• 20070[1] = 2
• 20070[2] = 3
• 20070[3] = 4
• 20080[1] = Y
• 20080[2] = Z
• 20080[3] = SP
5. Press this softkey to activate the value changes. Note that the control system restarts to ac-
cept the new values and the additional axis can be displayed in the system.
→ →
8. Use these softkeys to switch to the data set for axis MY1.
9. Use this softkey or the cursor keys to search for the following machine data and assign the
desired values:
• 30130[0] = 1
• 30240[0] = 1 (incremental encoder) or 4 (absolute encoder)
• 31020[0] = encoder resolution (= 2500: incremental encoder; = 2048: absolute encoder)
• 34200[0] = 1 (incremental encoder) or 0 (absolute encoder)
10. Press this softkey to open the drive data list.
11. Use these softkeys to switch to the data set for axis MY1.
12. Use this softkey or the cursor keys to search for the drive parameter p29000. Enter the motor
ID of the motor connected to axis MY1. You can find the motor ID on the motor rating plate.
13. Press this softkey to activate the value changes. Note that the control system restarts to ac-
cept the new values.
14. If necessary, you can also tune the drive performance for the Y axis. For more information,
see the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual. Note that you must perform
the reference point approach for the Y axis first before you start the drive tuning.
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15.3 Measuring the tool manually (with the Y axis)
Operating sequence
Measuring the X axis of the tool
1. Select the machining operating area.
2. Switch to "MDA" mode and enter "SPOS=0" in the program editor window to fix the spindle.
5. Use the handwheel to move the tool to approach the workpiece and cut the surface of the
workpiece for about 1 mm along the Y axis. Then retract the tool along the Y axis.
Make sure you do not move the tool along the X axis afterwards.
6. Switch to "MDA" mode and continue to enter "SPOS=180" in the program editor window.
8. Repeat Steps 3 to 5.
9. Measure the distance between the two cutting surfaces machined in the previous steps with
a calliper.
10. Select the offset operating area.
11. Press the alphabetic key <X> or proceed through the following method to open the window
for measuring the tool in the X direction:
Move the cursor to the input field for Length X with the cursor keys and then press this soft-
12. Enter the distance measured in Step 9 in the input field, for example, 48.
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13. Press this softkey to confirm your input. The system calculates the offset and enters it in the
geometry input field of the currently active tool automatically.
2. Switch to "MDA" mode and enter "SPOS=0" in the program editor window to fix the spindle.
5. Use the handwheel to move the tool to approach the workpiece and cut the surface of the
workpiece for about 1 mm along the X axis. Then retract the tool along the X axis.
Make sure you do not move the tool along the Y axis afterwards.
6. Switch to "MDA" mode and continue to enter "SPOS=180" in the program editor window.
8. Repeat Steps 3 to 5.
9. Measure the distance between the two cutting surfaces machined in the previous steps with
a calliper.
10. Select the offset operating area.
11. Press the alphabetic key <Y> or proceed through the following method to open the window
for measuring the tool in the Y direction:
Move the cursor to the input field for Length Y with the cursor keys and then press this soft-
12. Enter the distance measured in Step 9 in the input field, for example, "48".
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13. Press this softkey to confirm your input. The system calculates the offset and enters it in the
geometry input field of the currently active tool automatically.
2. Select a suitable override feedrate and use the handwheel to move the tool to scratch the
required workpiece edge (or the edge of the setting block, if it is used) along the Z axis.
3. Select the offset operating area.
4. Press the alphabetic key <Z> or proceed through the following method to open the window
for measuring the tool in the Z direction:
Move the cursor to the input field for Length Z with the cursor keys and then press this soft-
5. Enter the distance between the tool tip and the workpiece edge in the input field, for exam-
ple, "0". (This value is the thickness of a setting block if it is used.)
6. Press this softkey to confirm your input. The system calculates the offset and enters it in the
geometry input field of the currently active tool automatically.
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16.1 Brief description
It is the duty of the machine manufacturer to observe national and international standards (see the notes on standards in the
following paragraph). The control system supports the machine manufacturer in the implementation of the EMERGENCY
STOP function in accordance with the specifications in this Description of Functions. The responsibility for the EMERGENCY
STOP function (its triggering, execution and acknowledgment) rests exclusively with the machine manufacturer.
Particular reference should be made to the following standards for the EMERGENCY STOP function:
• EN ISO 12100-1
• EN ISO 12100-2
• EN 418
• EN 60204-1
Sequence in the NC
The predefined (in EN 418) sequence of internal functions that are implemented to obtain the EMERGENCY STOP state is
as follows in the control system:
1. Part program execution is interrupted. All axes and spindles are braked along a braking ramp defined in MD36610
2. The IS "808D READY" (DB3100.DBX0000.3) is reset.
3. The IS "EMERGENCY STOP active" (DB2700.DBX0000.1) is set.
4. Alarm 3000 is set.
5. On expiry of a delay that is set for specific axes/spindles in MD36620 SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (shutdown delay,
controller enable), the controller enable is cancelled. It must be noted that MD36620 must be specified at least as long as
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Sequence on the machine
The sequence of EMERGENCY STOP functions on the machine is determined solely by the machine manufacturer.
Attention should be paid to the following in connection to the sequence on the NC:
● The sequence of operations in the NC is started with IS "EMERGENCY STOP" (DB2600.DBX0000.1). When the axes
and spindles have come to a halt, the power supply must be interrupted, in compliance with EN 418.
● The PLC I/O is not affected by the sequence in the NC. If individual outputs are required to attain a particular state in the
event of an EMERGENCY STOP, the machine manufacturer must include functions for this purpose in the PLC user
The interruption of the power feed to the equipment is the responsibility of the machine manufacturer.
If the internal functions in the NC should not be executed in the predetermined sequence in the event of an
EMERGENCY STOP, then IS EMERGENCY STOP (DB2600.DBX0000.1) may not be set at any time up to the point that
an EMERGENCY STOP defined by the machine manufacture in the PLC user program is reached. As long as the
EMERGENCY STOP interface signal has not been set and no other alarm is active, all interface signals are effective in
the NC. Any EMERGENCY STOP state defined by the manufacturer can therefore be assumed.
The PLC user program must switch the PLC I/O to the correct state for operation of the machine.
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The EMERGENCY STOP state cannot be reset solely by IS "Reset" (DB3000.DBX0000.7) (see diagram above).
Power off/on
Power off/on (POWER ON) cancels the EMERGENCY OFF state unless IS "EMERGENCY OFF" (DB2600.DBX0000.1) is
still set.
Output cam
An output cam for referencing may be required for linear axes, and its signal has the following tasks:
● Selection of the direction of travel when approaching the zero mark (synchronized pulse)
● Selection of the zero mark, where required.
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A BERO (inductive proximity switch) can be deployed as the encoder for the synchronized pulse (instead of the zero mark of
the position encoder) (preferred for rotary axes, spindles). Here connection is made to the control system via pin6 (DI3) of
terminal X21.
A BERO proximity switch can be used only when an analog spindle drive is connected through the PPU interface X54 (no
V70 spindle drive is connected) and a motor encoder is connected through the PPU interface X60.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual
Special features
● Referencing is aborted with "Reset" interface signal (DB3000.DBX0000.7). All axes that have not reached their reference
point by this time are considered to be not referenced. IS "Referencing active" is reset and alarm 20005 is signaled.
● Working area limiting and software limit switches are not active for non-referenced machine axes.
● The defined axis-specific accelerations are observed at all times during referencing (except when alarms occur).
● The reference point approach can be started only with the direction key for the direction stored in
MD20700 REFP_NC_START_LOCK = 1 prevents a part program from being started (alarm output) if not all required axes
are referenced.
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17.2 Referencing with incremental measuring systems
Time sequence
The referencing sequence for incremental measuring systems can be subdivided into three phases:
1. Phase: Traversing to the reference cam
2. Phase: Synchronization with the zero mark
3. Phase: Traversing to the reference point
Referencing sequence with incremental measuring system (example):
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Different motion sequences during referencing:
Referencing type Synchronizing pulse Motion sequence
(zero mark, BERO)
With reference cam (MD34000 Synchronizing pulse before cam,
REFP_CAM_IS_ACTIVE = 1) reference coordinate before synchro-
nizing pulse = without reversal:
E = 0)
If the machine axis does not come to a halt at the reference cam (interface signal "Reference point approach delay"
(DB380x.DBX1000.7) is reset), alarm 20001 is output. Alarm 20001 can occur if the reference cam is too short and the
machine axis travels over it when decelerating in phase 1.
If the reference cam extends to the end of travel of the axis, an inadmissible starting point for referencing (after the cam) can
be excluded.
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Reference cam adjustment
The reference cam must be calibrated exactly. The following factors influence the response time of the control when
detecting the reference cam ("Reference point approach delay" interface signal):
● Switching accuracy of the reference cam switch
● Delay of the reference cam switch (NC contact)
● Delay at the PLC input
● PLC cycle time
● Internal processing time
Practice has shown that the signal edge of the reference cam, which is required for synchronizing, is aligned between two
synchronized pulses (zero marks). This can be achieved by:
● Reference axis
● In "JOG" mode, traverse the axis to half the path length between the two zero marks. This path is independent of the
pitch of the leadscrew S and the gear ratio n (e.g. S=10 mm/rev, n=1:1 produces a path of 5 mm).
● Calibrate the cam switch so that switching is done at exactly this position (IS "Reference point approach delay"
● Alternatively, the value of MD34092 REFP_CAM_SHIFT can be changed instead of moving the cam switch.
Failure to protact the machine due to the incorrectly calibrated reference cam
If the reference cam is not calibrated precisely, an incorrect synchronizing pulse (zero mark) may be evaluated. In this
case, the control assumes an incorrect machine zero and moves the axes to incorrect positions. Software limit switches
act on incorrect positions and are therefore not able to protect the machine.
• Calibrate the reference cam correctly.
Calibration time
The calibration process determines the offset between the machine zero and the encoder zero and stores it in a non-volatile
memory. Normally, calibration need only be performed once, i.e. during first commissioning. The control then knows the
value and can calculate the absolute machine position from the encoder absolute value at any time. This status is identified
by MD34210 ENC_REFP_STATE=2.
The offset is stored in MD34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR.
The calibration process must be repeated in the following situations:
● After mounting/removal or replacement of encoder or of motor with built-in encoder.
● After change of an existing gear unit between motor (with absolute encoder) and load.
● Generally speaking, every time the mechanical connection between the encoder and load is separated and not
reconnected in exactly the same way.
The control may not always recognize the need for recalibration. If it detects such a need, it sets MD34210 to 0 or 1. The
following is detected: changeover to another gear speed with a different gear ratio between the encoder and load.
In all other cases, the user must overwrite MD34210.
Data backup
When machine data is backed up, the status of MD34210 ENC_REFP_STATE is also saved.
By loading this data set, the axis is automatically deemed calibrated!
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If the data set has been taken from another machine (e.g. series startup), calibration must still be carried out after loading
and activating the data.
Parameter assignment
Traversing movement release
If for a machine axis with adjusted absolute value encoder as active measuring system, reference point traversing is
activated (manually in the JOG-REF mode or automatically via the part program instruction G74), the machine axis travels
depending on the parameterized traversing movement release.
Value Meaning
0 Traversing is enabled.
When reference point approach is initiated, the machine axis moves to the reference point position. When reach-
ing the reference point position, the reference point approach is completed.
1 Traversing is not enabled.
After the activation of the reference point travel, the machine axis does not travel and the reference point travel
is immediately completed.
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Number Identifier Name
34110 REFP_CYCLE_NR Axis sequence for channel-specific referencing
34210 ENC_REFP_STATE[0] Status of absolute encoder
34220 ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO[0] Absolute encoder range for rotary encoders
36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT[0] Encoder frequency limit
36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW[0] Encoder limit frequency resynchronization
36310 ENC_ZERO_MONITORING[0] Zero mark monitoring
18 Spindle (S1)
18.1 Brief description
Spindle functions
Depending on the machine type the following functions are possible for a spindle controlled by the NC:
● Input of a direction of rotation for the spindle (M3, M4)
● Input of a spindle speed (S)
● Spindle stop, without orientation (M5)
● Spindle positioning (SPOS=)
(position-controlled spindle required)
● Gear change (M40 to M45)
● Thread cutting/tapping (G33, G34, G35, G331, G332, G63)
● Revolutional feedrate (G95)
● Constant cutting rate (G96)
● Position encoder assembly on the spindle or on the spindle motor
● Spindle monitoring for min. and max. speed.
● Dwell time in spindle revolutions (G4 S)
An "enabled" spindle can be used instead of a controlled spindle. However, a spindle speed (S) is then not entered via the
program but, for example, manually (gearbox) at the machine. This does not permit programming of speed limits. The
following is possible via the program:
● Input of a direction of rotation for the spindle (M3, M4)
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● Spindle stop, without orientation (M5)
● Tapping (G63)
If the spindle has a position encoder, the following functions are also available:
● Thread cutting/tapping (G33, G34, G35)
● Revolutional feedrate (G95)
If the spindle is enabled, the setpoint output for the spindle via MD30130 CTRLOUT_TYPE = 0 must be suppressed.
Spindle modes
The spindle can have the following modes:
● Control mode, see Section "Spindle control mode (Page 168)"
● Oscillation mode, see Section "Spindle oscillation mode (Page 169)"
● Positioning mode, see Section "Spindle positioning mode (Page 170)"
● Axis mode
● Tapping without compensating chuck, see also Chapter "Feed (Page 183)"
Switching between spindle modes:
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Switching between spindle modes
● Control mode ---> oscillation mode
The spindle changes to oscillation mode if a new gear stage has been specified using automatic gear stage selection
(M40) in conjunction with a new S value or by M41 to M45. The spindle only changes to oscillation mode if the new gear
stage is not equal to the current actual gear stage.
● Oscillation mode ---> control mode
When the new gear stage is engaged, the IS "Oscillation mode" (DB390x.DBX2002.6) is reset and the spindle is
switched to control mode with the IS "Gear changed" (DB380x.DBX2000.3). The last programmed spindle speed (S
value) is reactivated.
● Control mode ---> positioning mode
To stop the spindle from rotation (M3 or M4) with orientation or to reorient it from standstill (M5), SPOS, SPOSA, and
M19 are used to switch to positioning mode.
● Positioning mode ---> control mode
SPCOF, M3, M4, M5, and M41-45 are used to change to control mode if the orientation of the spindle is to be terminated.
The last programmed spindle speed (S value) is reactivated.
● Positioning mode ---> oscillation mode
If the orientation of the spindle is to be terminated, M41 to M45 can be used to change to oscillation mode. When the
gear change is complete, the last programmed spindle speed (S value) and M5 (control mode) are reactivated.
● Positioning mode ---> tapping without compensation chuck
Tapping without compensation chuck (thread interpolation) is activated via G331/G332. SPOS must first be used to set
the spindle to position-controlled operation.
A spindle position actual value sensor is absolutely essential for M3/M4/M5 in conjunction with revolution feedrate (G95, F in
mm/rev or inch/rev), constant cutting rate (G96, G97), thread cutting (G33).
The spindle can always be stopped with the IS "Delete distance-to-go / Spindle Reset".
CAUTION: The program continues at G94! With G95 the axes stop due to the missing feedrates as does the program
run if G1, G2, ... is active.
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18.2.3 Spindle oscillation mode
Oscillation time
The oscillation time for oscillation mode can be defined in a machine date for each direction of rotation:
● Oscillation time in M3 direction (referred to as t1 in the following):
● Oscillation time in M4 direction (referred to as t2 in the following):
Block change
If the spindle has been changed over to oscillation mode, IS "Change gear" (DB390x.DBX2000.3) is set, part program
processing is stopped. A new block is not executed. If oscillation mode is terminated using the IS "Gear switched"
(DB380x.DBX2000.3), the execution of the part program is continued. A new block is executed.
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Block change following oscillation mode:
Special features
● The acceleration is defined by MD35410 SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL (acceleration during oscillation).
● If the IS "oscillation speed" (DB380x.DBX2002.5) is reset, the oscillation stops. However, the spindle remains in
oscillation mode.
● The IS "Gear changed" should always be used for terminating gear stage change.
● The IS "Reset" (DB3000.DBX0000.7) does not terminate oscillation mode.
● If an indirect measuring system is used, synchronization is lost. The spindle is re-synchronized the next time the zero
mark is crossed.
Option for aborting: Set IS "Delete distance-to-go / Spindle Reset" (DB380x.DBX0002.2).
Block change
The block change is carried out when all functions programmed in the block have reached their end criterion (e.g. axis
traverse completed, all auxiliary functions acknowledged by PLC) and the spindle has reached its position (IS "Exact stop
fine" for spindle (DB390x.DBX0000.7)).
A spindle position actual value encoder is absolutely essential.
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Positioning from rotation
Positioning from rotation at different speeds:
Phase 1: Spindle rotates at a lower speed than the encoder limit frequency. The spindle is synchronized. It is set to control
mode. Process continues with Phase 2.
Phase 1a: Spindle rotates at a lower speed than the position control activation speed. The spindle is synchronized. It is set
to control mode. The rest of the sequence is possible via 4a.
Phase 1b (not shown): Spindle rotates at a speed higher than the encoder limit frequency. The spindle is not synchronized
initially, but is then synchronized when the rotation speed falls below the speed defined by the encoder frequency in
MD36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (% value of MD36300). Sequence continues with Phase 2.
Phase 2: When the SPOS command takes effect, the spindle starts to decelerate with the acceleration stored in MD35200
GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL until it reaches the position control activation speed.
Phase 3: When the position-control activation speed stored in MD35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO is reached:
● The position control is activated.
● The distance-to-go (to target position) is calculated. (easier from Phase 1a)
● The acceleration is switched to MD35210 GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL. (acceleration in position control mode)
(always active below the position control activation speed)
Phase 4: The spindle brakes from the calculated "braking point" with MD35210 GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL to the
target position.
Phase 5: The position control remains active and stops the spindle in the programmed position. The IS "Position reached
with exact stop fine" (DB390x.DBX0000.7) and "... coarse" (DB390x.DBX0000.6) are set if the distance between the spindle
actual position and the programmed position (spindle setpoint position) is less than the settings for the exact stop fine and
coarse limits (respectively defined in MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE and MD36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE).
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Positioning with stopped, non-synchronized spindle:
Phase 1: Programming SPOS accelerates the spindle with the acceleration in MD35210 GEAR_STEP_ POSCTRL_ACCEL
(acceleration in position control mode) until the maximum speed entered in MD35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO (position
control activation speed) is reached.
The direction of rotation is defined by MD35350 SPIND_POSITIONING_ DIR (direction of rotation during positioning from
standstill), if no input results from SPOS programming (ACN, ACP, IC). The spindle is synchronized with the next zero mark
of the position actual value encoder.
Phase 2: When the spindle is synchronized, the position control is activated. The spindle rotates at the maximum speed
stored in MD35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO until the braking start point calculation identifies the point at which the
programmed spindle position can be approached accurately with the defined acceleration.
Phase 3: At the brake application point, the spindle is braked down to standstill with the acceleration set in
MD35210 GEAR_STEP_ POSCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in position control mode).
Phase 4: The spindle has reached the target point and is stationary. The position control is active and stops the spindle in
the programmed position. The IS "Position reached with exact stop fine" (DB390x.DBX0000.7) and "... coarse"
(DB390x.DBX0000.6) are set if the distance between the spindle actual position and the programmed position (spindle
setpoint position) is less than the settings for the exact stop fine and coarse limits (MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE and
The spindle travels to the programmed end point optimally in terms of time. Depending on the appropriate secondary
conditions, the operational sequences in phases 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or 1 - 3a - 4a are executed.
Phase 1: SPOS will switch the spindle to position control mode. The acceleration from
MD35210 GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in the position control mode) is activated. The direction of rotation
is determined by the relevant distance-to-go (type of path setting with SPOS).
The speed entered in MD35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO (position control activation speed) is not exceeded. The
traversing path to the end point is calculated. If the end point can be accessed immediately from this phase, Phase 3a, 4a
continues instead of Phase 2.
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Phase 2: Acceleration has been performed up to the speed set in MD35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO (position control
activation speed). The brake application point calculation identifies when the programmed spindle position (SPOS=...) can
be approached with the acceleration defined in MD35210 GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL.
Phase 3 and Phase 4: The sequence for "Deceleration" and "Position reached" is the same as for non-synchronized
Spindle reset
The positioning process can be aborted with the IS "Delete distance-to-go/spindle reset" (DB380x.DBX0002.2). However,
the spindle remains in positioning mode.
● In positioning mode the spindle speed override switch continues to be valid.
● Positioning (SPOS) is cancelled with "Reset" or "NC stop".
18.3 Synchronization
Why synchronize?
The control must be synchronized with the position measurement system on the spindle so that the control knows the exact
0 degree position when switched on. Only a synchronized spindle is capable of thread cutting or positioning.
For axes, this process is referred to as referencing, see Chapter "Reference point approach (R1) (Page 160)".
A BERO proximity switch can be used only when an analog spindle drive is connected through the PPU interface X54 (no
V70 spindle drive is connected) and a motor encoder is connected through the PPU interface X60.
Synchronization possibilities
When the spindle is switched on, the spindle can be synchronized as follows:
● The spindle is started with a spindle speed (S function) and a spindle rotation (M3 or M4), and synchronized with the next
zero mark of the position measurement system or with the BERO signal. The 0 degree position is shifted by MD34080
Only use MD34080 for shifting the 0 degree position. Monitoring with MD34060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST should be
set to two spindle revolutions (720 degrees).
● Programming SPOS=... from various states (refer to Section "Spindle positioning mode (Page 170)")
● In "JOG" mode, the spindle is started in speed control mode with the direction keys and synchronizes with the next zero
mark of the position measurement system or the BERO signal.
Value acceptance
When synchronizing the spindle, the associated reference point from MD34100 REFP_SET_POS[0] (default value = 0) is
transferred and a possible shift of the reference point. These shifts (machine data) act irrespective of the connected
measurement system and are described in Chapter "Reference point approach (R1) (Page 160)".
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If a speed is then reached that is below the encoder limit frequency in MD36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (% value of
MD36300), the spindle automatically synchronizes with the next zero mark signal. You can achieve this by programming a
lower S value, changing the spindle speed override switch, etc.
In the following case, however, the position measuring system must be re-synchronized: the position measurement encoder
is on the motor, a BERO (distance sensor for synchronization signals) is mounted to the spindle and the gear stage is
changed. The synchronization is triggered internally when the spindle is rotating in the new gear stage.
M41 to M45
The gear stage can be permanently defined in the part program with M41 to M45. If a gear stage is defined by M41 to M45,
which is different than the current (actual) gear stage, the IS "Change gear" (DB390x.DBX2000.3) and the IS "Set gear
stage A" to "...C" (DB390x.DBX2000.0 to .2) are set. The programmed spindle speed (S) then refers to this permanently
defined gear stage. If a spindle speed exceeding the maximum speed of the permanently defined gear stage is programmed,
the speed is limited to the maximum speed of this gear stage and the IS "Programmed speed too high" (DB390x.DBX2001.1)
is enabled. If a speed is programmed lower than the minimum speed of this gear stage, the speed is raised to this speed.
The IS "Setpoint speed increased" (DB390x.DBX2001.2) is then enabled.
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M40 in the part program causes the gear stage to be selected automatically by the control. The control checks which gear
stage is possible for the programmed spindle speed (S function). If the suggested gear stage is not equal to the current
(actual) gear stage, the IS "Change gear" (DB390x.DBX2000.3) and the IS "Set gear stage A to C" (DB390x.DBX2000.0
to .2) are enabled.
The automatic gear stage selection function initially compares the programmed spindle speed with the minimum and
maximum speed of the current gear stage. If the comparison is positive, a new gear stage is not defined. If the comparison is
negative, the comparison is performed on each of the gear stages (starting with gear stage 1) until the result is positive. If
the comparison in the 5th gear stage is also not positive, no gear stage change is triggered. If necessary the speed is limited
to the maximum speed of the current gear stage or increased to the minimum speed of the current gear stage, and the IS
"Setpoint speed limited" (DB390x.DBX2001.1) or IS "Setpoint speed increased" (DB390x.DBX2001.2) is enabled.
Example for speed ranges for automatic gear stage selection (M40):
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The following figure shows the typical time sequence for the gear stage change.
Gear stage change with stationary spindle:
Parameter set
One parameter set each is provided for each of the five gear stages. The appropriate parameter set is activated through the
IS "Actual gear stage A" to "...C" (DB380x.DBX2000.0 to .2).
It is assigned as follows:
Index n PLC interface, Data of the data set Contents
CBA coding
0 - Data for axis mode
1 000 Data for 1st gear stage Servo gain factor,
001 monitoring functions,
speed, acceleration,
2 010 Data for 2nd gear stage etc.
3 011 Data for 3rd gear stage
4 100 Data for 4th gear stage
5 101 Data for 5th gear stage
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The machine data included in a parameter set are marked specifically in Section "Machine data (Page 181)". The following
machine data is added per gear stage for each parameter set index n (n=1 -> 1st gear stage of the spindle, etc.):
18.5 Programming
The spindle can be set for the following functions:
● G95 Revolutional feedrate
● G96 S... LIMS=... Constant cutting rate in m/min, upper speed limit
● G97 Cancel G96 and freeze last spindle speed
● G33, G331, G332 Thread cutting, tapping
● G4 S ... Dwell time in spindle revolutions
M3 CW spindle rotation
M4 CCW spindle rotation
M5 Spindle stop, without orientation
S... Spindle speed in rpm, e.g. S300
SPOS=... Spindle positioning, e.g. SPOS=270 -> at position 270 degrees.
The block change is only performed when the spindle is in position.
SPOS=DC(Pos) The direction of motion is retained for positioning while in motion and the position approached.
When positioning from standstill, the position is approached via the shortest path.
SPOS=ACN(Pos) The position is always approached with negative direction of motion. If necessary, the direction of
motion is inverted prior to positioning.
SPOS=ACP(Pos) The position is always approached with positive direction of motion. If necessary, the direction of
motion is inverted prior to positioning.
SPOS=IC(Pos) The traversing path is specified. The direction of traversing is obtained from the sign in front of
the traversing path. If the spindle is in motion, the direction of traversing is inverted if necessary
to allow traversing in the programmed direction.
M40 Automatic gear stage selection for the spindle
M41 to M45 Select gear stage 1 to 5 for the spindle
SPCON Position control on
SPCOF Position control off
M70 Position control on
LIMS=... Programmable maximum spindle speed for G96
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18.6 Spindle monitoring
18.6.1 Spindle monitoring
Speed ranges
The spindle monitoring functions and the currently active functions (G94, G95, G96, G33, G331, G332, etc.) define the
admissible speed ranges of the spindle.
Ranges of spindle monitoring functions/speeds:
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18.6.4 Maximum spindle speed
Max. speed
MD35130 GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT defines the maximum speed for the gear stage. In the gear stage engaged, this
set speed can never be exceeded. When the programmed spindle speed is limited, the IS "Set speed limited"
(DB390x.DBX2001.1) is enabled.
Minimum speed
MD35140 GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT defines the minimum speed for the gear stage. It is not possible that the speed
falls below this (set) speed if an S value is programmed, which is too small. Then, the IS "Setpoint speed increased"
(DB390x.DBX2001.2) is enabled.
The minimum gear stage speed is operative only in spindle open loop control mode; the speed of the gear stage can only fall
below the minimum limit through:
● Spindle override 0 %
● M5
● S0
● IS "Spindle stop"
● Remove IS "Controller enable"
● IS "Reset"
● IS "Spindle reset"
● IS "Oscillation speed"
● IS "NCSTOP axes and spindle"
● IS "Axis/spindle disable"
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If the encoder limit frequency is exceeded, the IS "Referenced/synchronized" DB390x.DBX0000.4) is reset for the
measurement system and IS "Encoder limit frequency 1 exceeded" (DB390x.DBX0000.2) is enabled.
If the maximum encoder limit frequency has been exceeded and the speed subsequently falls below the encoder frequency
in MD36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (% value of MD36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT), the spindle is automatically synchronized
with the next zero mark or the next BERO signal.
During positioning (the spindle is in "positioning mode"), the system monitors the distance from the spindle (with reference to
the actual position) to the programmed spindle set position (target point).
Two limit values can be defined as incremental path (starting at the spindle set position) in the following machine data.
● MD36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop limit coarse)
● MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop limit fine)
Regardless of the two limit values, the positioning of the spindle is always as accurate as the connected spindle
measurement encoder, the backlash, the transmission ratio, etc.
Exact stop zones of a spindle for positioning:
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18.8 Data table
18.8.1 Machine data
Number Identifier Name
20090 SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND Master spindle
30134 IS_UNIPOLAR_OUTPUT[0] Setpoint output is unipolar
30300 IS_ROT_AX Rotary axis
30310 ROT_IS_MODULO Modulo conversion
30320 DISPLAY_IS_MODULO Position display
31050 * DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM[n] Denominator load gearbox
31060 * DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA[n] Numerator load gearbox
32200 * POSCTRL_GAIN [n] Servo gain factor Kv
32810 * EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME [n] Equivalent time constant speed control circuit for feedforward
34040 REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER Reference point creep speed
34060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST Monitoring of zero mark distance
34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST Reference point distance/destination point for distancecoded
34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR Reference point offset/absolute offset, distancecoded
34100 REFP_SET_POS Reference point value
34200 ENC_REFP_MODE Referencing mode
35000 SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX Assignment of spindle to machine axis
35010 GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE Gear stage change possible
35040 SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET Spindle active after reset
35100 SPIND_VELO_LIMIT Maximum spindle speed
35110 * GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO[n] Maximum speed for gear change
35120 * GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO[n] Minimum speed for gear change
35130 * GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT[n] Maximum speed of gear stage
35140 * GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT[n] Minimum speed of gear stage
35150 SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL Spindle speed tolerance
35200 * GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL[n] Acceleration in speed control mode
35210 * GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL[n] Acceleration in position control mode
35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO Position control activation speed
35310 SPIND_POSIT_DELAY_TIME[n] Positioning delay time
35350 SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR Positioning direction of rotation for a nonsynchronized spindle
35400 SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO Reciprocating speed
35410 SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL Oscillation acceleration
35430 SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR Starting direction during oscillation
35440 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CW Oscillation time for M3 direction
35450 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CCW Oscillation time for M4 direction
35500 SPIND_ON_SPEED_AT_IPO_START Feed enable with spindle in setpoint range
35510 SPIND_STOPPED_AT_IPO_START Feed enable with stationary spindle
36060 STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL Threshold velocity "Axis/spindle stationary"
36200 * AX_VELO_LIMIT [n] Threshold value for velocity monitoring
36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT Encoder limit frequency
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Number Identifier Name
36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW Encoder limit frequency resynchronization
36720 DRIFT_VALUE Drift basic value
The machine data marked with * is contained in the parameter set for a gear stage.
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Number Bit Name
DB390x.DBX2001 .0 Speed limit exceeded
DB390x.DBX2002 .7 Active spindle control mode
DB390x.DBX2002 .6 Active spindle mode oscillation mode
DB390x.DBX2002 .5 Active spindle positioning mode
DB390x.DBX2002 .3 Tapping with compensation chuck active
DB390x.DBX2002 .0 Constant cutting rate active (G96)
19 Feedrates (V1)
19.1 Path feedrate F
19.1.1 Path feedrate F
The feedrate F is the path velocity of the tool along the programmed workpiece contour. The individual axis velocities
therefore result from the portion of the axis path in the overall distance to be traversed.
The feedrate F is effective for the interpolation types G1, G2, G3, CIP, and CT and is retained in a program until a new F
word is written.
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Interface signals
If the revolutional feedrate is active, IS "Revolutional feedrate" (DB3300.DBX0001.2) is set.
If the G96/G332 function is active, the IS "Constant cutting rate active" (DB390x.DBX2002.0) is set for the spindle.
● If no F word is programmed at G1, G2, G3, ..., alarm 10860 is issued. An axis movement is not possible. However,
please note: SD42110 DEFAULT_FEED!
● If F0 is programmed, alarm 14800 is issued.
● If G95 is active and the spindle is stationary, an axis movement is not possible. No alarm is issued.
● If the "Dry run feedrate" function is activated and the program is started, the feedrates programmed in combination with
G1, G2, G3, CIP, CT will be replaced by the feedrate value stored in SD42100 DRY_RUN_FEED, see Section "Program
processing with dry run feedrate (DRY) (Page 104)".
● The velocity of the traversing movement of an axis in "JOG" mode is determined by the machine data/setting data.
Axis velocity
With respect to G33, G34, or G35 threads, the axis velocity for the thread length results from the set spindle speed and the
programmed pitch. However, the maximum axis velocity defined in MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO cannot be exceeded.
The feedrate F is not relevant. It is, however, kept in the memory.
The axis velocity, e.g. for a cylinder thread, results from the set spindle speed (S) and programmed pitch (K):
Fz [mm/min] = speed S [rev/min] * pitch K [mm/rev]
For G34 and G35 the pitch change in mm/rev2 is programmed under the F address.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
● The spindle speed override switch must remain unchanged during thread machining (tapping).
● The feedrate override switch is irrelevant in a block with G33, G34, G35.
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If the available path for run-in or run-out is limited, it may be necessary to reduce the spindle speed so that this path is
sufficient. In this case, the run-in and run-out paths can be specified separately in the program to achieve favorable cutting
values and short machining times or to simplify the handling of this issue.
If no values are specified, the values from the setting data (SD) apply. The specifications in the program are written in
SD42010 THREAD_RAMP_DISP[0] ... [1].
If this path is not sufficient for traversing at the configured axis acceleration, the axis is overloaded in terms of acceleration.
Alarm 22280 ("Programmed run-in path too short") is then issued for the thread run-in. The alarm is purely for information
and has no effect on part program execution.
The run-out path acts as an approximate distance at the end of the thread. This achieves a smooth change in the axis
movement when retracting.
DITS= ...: Run-in path of the thread
DITE= ...: Run-out path of the thread
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
Only paths, and not positions, are programmed with DITS and DITE.
With the part program instructions, the setting data SD42010 THREAD_RAMP_DISP[0], ...[1] defines the following
acceleration response of the axis during thread cutting ([0]-run-in, [1]-run-out):
● SD42010 = < 0 to -1:
Starting/braking of the feedrate axis at configured acceleration rate. Jerk according to current BRISK/SOFT programming.
● SD42010 = 0:
Abrupt starting/braking of the feedrate axis on thread cutting.
● SD42010 = > 0:
The thread run-up/deceleration distance is specified. To avoid technology alarm 22280, the acceleration limits of the axis
must be observed in case of very small run-in and run-out paths.
DITE acts at the end of the thread as an approximate distance. This achieves a smooth change in the axis movement.
Feedrate F
In the case of G63 it is necessary to program a feedrate F. It must be suitable for the selected spindle speed S (programmed
or set) and for the pitch of the drill:
Feedrate F [mm/min] = speed S [rev/min] x pitch [mm/rev]
The compensation chuck absorbs possible path differences of the drill axis to a limited extent.
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SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
Axis velocity
With respect to G331/G332 tapping, the axis velocity for the thread length results from the effective spindle speed S and the
programmed pitch. However, the maximum axis velocity defined in MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO cannot be exceeded.
The feedrate F is not relevant. It is, however, kept in the memory.
Interface signal
If the G331/G332 function is active, the IS "Tapping without compensation chuck active" (DB390x.DBX2002.3) is set for the
The tapping may only be carried out without a compensation chuck if an exact dynamic adjustment of the spindle and the
relevant axis has been performed. With G331/G332 the parameter set n (0...5) of the axis becomes effective automatically.
This parameter set also applies to the current gear stage of the spindle (M40, M41 to M45 - see also Chapter "Spindle (S1)
(Page 166)").
In general, the axis is adjusted to the slower spindle.
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
You can insert the chamfer (CHF or CHR) or rounding (RND) elements into a contour corner. If you wish to round several
contour corners sequentially by the same method, use "Modal rounding" (RNDM).
You can program the feedrate for the chamfer/rounding with FRC=... (non-modal) or FRCM= ... (modal). If FRC/FRCM is not
programmed, the normal feedrate F is applied.
FRC=... Non-modal feedrate for chamfer/rounding
Value > 0: Feedrate in mm/min (G94) or mm/rev. (G95)
● F, FRC, FRCM are not active when a chamfer is traversed with G0. If the feedrate F is active for chamfer/rounding, it is
by default the value from the block which leads away from the corner. Other settings can be configured via machine data
● A maximum of three blocks without corresponding information may be put between two blocks containing traversing
information for chamfer/rounding (axes of the plane). In the case of more blocks without axis information in the plane and
existing instructions for inserting chamfer or rounding, an alarm is triggered.
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19.2 Rapid traverse G0
The rapid traverse movement G0 is used for rapid positioning of the tool, but not for direct workpiece machining. All axes
can be traversed simultaneously. This results in a straight path.
For each axis, the maximum speed (rapid traverse) is defined in machine data MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO. If only one axis
traverses, it uses its rapid traverse. If, for example, two axes are traversed simultaneously, the path velocity (resulting
velocity) is selected to achieve the maximum possible path velocity under consideration of both axes.
If, for example, two axes have the same maximum velocity and also travel the same path, the path velocity = 1.41 * max.
axis velocity.
The feedrate F is not relevant for G0. It is, however, kept in the memory.
The active function is displayed with ROV in the status line. HMI to PLC sets the IS "Feedrate override for rapid traverse
selected" (DB1700.DBX0001.3). The PLC user program must place this signal on the IS "Rapid traverse override active"
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19.3.2 Feedrate disable and feedrate/spindle stop
The "Feed disable" or "Feed/spindle stop" brings the axes to a standstill. The path contour is maintained (exception: G33
Feed disable
The channel-specific interface signal "Feed disable" (DB3200.DBX0006.0) will stop all axes (geometry and special axes) in
all operating modes.
This feed disable is not effective if G33 is active; it is, however, active with G63, G331, G332.
Spindle stop
The "Spindle stop" interface signal (DB380x.DBX0004.3) is used to stop the spindle.
"Spindle stop" is active with G33 and G63.
Contour deviations = thread error!
The operator can use the feedrate override switch to increase or decrease the path feedrate relative to the programmed
feedrate in percent with immediate effect. The feedrates are multiplied by the override values.
An override between 0 and 120% can be programmed for the path feedrate F.
The rapid traverse override switch is used to reduce the traversing velocity when testing a part program.
An override between 0 and 100% can be programmed for the rapid traverse.
The spindle override can be used to modify the spindle speed and the cutting rate (with G96). The override can be between
50 and 120%.
The override is not permitted to exceed the machine specific acceleration and speed limits or generate a contour error.
The override acts on the programmed values before limits intervene.
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The interface for the override (value) is supplied by a machine control panel via the PLC to the NC and it is Gray-coded.
An active feedrate override acts on all path axes. An active rapid traverse override acts on all axes traversing with rapid
If there is no dedicated rapid traverse override switch, the feedrate override switch can be used. In this case, feedrate
overrides above 100% are limited to 100% for rapid traverse override.
The override to be active can be selected via the PLC or operator panel.
If the selection is made using the operator panel (display: ROV), the IS "Feedrate override for rapid traverse selected"
(DB1700.DBX0001.3) is set and must be transferred by the PLC user program to the IS "Rapid traverse override active"
(DB3200.DBX0006.6). The value itself is to be transferred by the PLC user program from a machine control panel to the IS
"Rapid traverse override" (DB3200.DBB0005).
The channel-specific feedrate and rapid traverse overrides are inactive if G33, G63, G331 and G332 are active.
Spindle override
One enable signal and one byte for the spindle override factor in percent are available on the PLC interface for each spindle:
● IS "Spindle override" (DB380x.DBB2003)
● IS "Override active" (DB380x.DBX0001.7)
The additional signal IS "Feedrate override for spindle valid" (DB380x.DBX2001.0) allows the PLC user program to
determine that the value of the IS "Feedrate override" (DB380x.DBB0000) should apply.
The spindle override is active with G33, but it should not be actuated for reasons of accuracy; also active with G331, G332.
In the case of G63, the spindle override is set to a fixed value of 100%.
Override active
The set override values are effective in all operating modes and machine functions. This applies if the IS "Rapid traverse
override active", "Feedrate override active" or "Override active" are set.
An override factor of 0% acts as a feedrate disable.
Override inactive
When the override is inactive (i.e. the above interface signals are set to "0"), the override factor "1" is used internally for all
switch positions (except from the 1st position), i.e. the override is 100%.
The 1st switch position of the Gray-coded interfaces for the value represents a special case. In this case, the override factor
of the 1st switch position is also used if the IS "Rapid traverse override active", "Feedrate override active", "Override active"
are not set. Thus 0% is issued as the override value for axes (acts the same as "Feed disable"). The following applies to the
spindle if the IS "Override active" is not set: Override value 50%.
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Number Identifier Name
20201 CHFRND_MODE_MASK Specifications regarding the chamfer/rounding behavior
Axis-specific machine data
32000 MAX_AX_VELO Maximum axis velocity
35100 SPIND_VELO_LIMIT Maximum spindle speed
Channel-specific setting data
42100 DRY_RUN_FEED Dry run feedrate
42010 THREAD_RAMP_DISP Acceleration behavior of the feedrate axis when thread
42110 DEFAULT_FEED Default value for path feed
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– Definition of a tool with a maximum of nine cutting edges (offset blocks) through D number
– Cutting edge is described by tool parameters:
Tool type
Geometry: Length/radius
Wear: Length/radius
Cutting edge position (for turning tools)
● Tool change selectable: Immediately with T command or through M6
● Tool radius compensation
– Compensation active for all interpolation types: linear and circular
– Compensation at outer corners selectable: transition circle (G450) or equidistant intersection (G451)
– Automatic detection of outer/inner corners
SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Programming and Operating Manual
20.2 Tool
Select a tool
A tool is selected in the program with the T function. Whether the new tool is immediately loaded with the T function or with
M6 depends on the setting in MD22550 TOOL_CHANGE_MODE (new tool offset with the M function).
Value range of T
The T function can assume integer values from T0 (no tool) to T32000 (tool with the number 32000).
Up to 64 tools can be stored in the control system simultaneously.
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20.4 Special handling of tool compensation
Tool compensation (offset) can be handled as follows.
The modified setting data will become effective with the next cutting edge selection.
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For representation in tables, it is assumed that geometry axes 1 to 3 are named X, Y, Z. The axis order (1st, 2nd and 3rd
geometry axis) but not the axis identifier determines the assignment between an offset and an axis.
● The influence of these two setting data only refers to tool lengths. The tool radius is not affected.
● If SD42940 TOOL_LENGTH_CONST is set not equal to 0 and the value in SD42950 TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE is 1 or 2,
the related table for the assigned tool type (milling or turning tool) applies in SD42940.
The active tool with the active D number always behaves as a turning tool in the length compensation (-> SD42950 =2).
The length assignment is performed in all planes G17 to G19 as for G18 (-> SD42940=18):
Length 1 -> X axis
Length 2 -> Z axis
If Y axis exists: Length 3 -> Y axis
The tool radius acts according to the actual tool type and the active plane.
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Number Bit Name
DB2500.DBX1000 .6 M6
DB3200.DBX0013 .5 Deactivate workpiece counter
21 Contour handwheel
When the function is activated, the feedrate of path and synchronized axes can be controlled via a handwheel in "AUTO"
and "MDA" modes.
For the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED, the contour handwheel function is available as an option that is under license.
The feedrate in mm/min is dependent on the following:
● The number of pulses supplied by the selected handwheel within one period
● Pulse evaluation of the handwheel via the machine data: MD11322 $MN_CONTOURHANDWH_IMP_PER_LATCH
(contour handwheel pulses per detent position)
● The activated increment (INC1, 10, 100, etc.)
● The distance weighting of an increment of the first available geometry axis: MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT
(evaluation of an increment for INC/handwheel)
● The programmed feedrate (resultant velocity can be higher)
The actual handwheel velocity must be equal to or smaller than 1.26 times the programmed feedrate.
The feedrate is not dependent on the following:
● The programmed feedrate mode (mm/min, mm/rev.)
● The rapid traverse velocity for G0 blocks
● The override (position 0% is effective, i.e. zero speed)
Traversing direction
The traversing direction depends on the direction of rotation:
● Clockwise
– Results in travel in the programmed direction
If the block-change criterion (IPO end) is reached, the program advances to the next block (response identical to G60).
● Counterclockwise
– Results in travel opposite to the programmed direction
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Here, the axes can only traverse to the appropriate block start. Pulses are not collected if the handwheel continues to
rotate. In this case, alarm 20085 is triggered, indicating that the traverse direction or overtravel of beginning of a block is
not allowed.
2. Make sure the axes have been referenced, and then open the desired part program contain-
ing "FD=0" in "AUTO" or "MDA" mode, for example:
3. Select "HANDWHEEL" operating mode, and assign the handwheel to the first geometry
axis. For more information about handwheel assignment, see Section "Handwheel traversal
in JOG (Page 74)".
4. Press this key on the MCP. When the block runs to "FD=0", you can control the feedrate of
path and synchronized axes via a handwheel.
"FD=0" applies to the current block only. After the contour handwheel is deactivated, the feedrate programmed in the
previous block applies. If no feedrate was programmed in the previous blocks, a corresponding alarm is output.
"FD" and "F" cannot appear in the same NC block (triggers an alarm).
* The signal state of DB3300 is set by NC automatically, and cannot be changed in PLC.
When the contour handwheel is activated, it can also be simulated. After activation via interface signal DB3200.DBX14.3
(contour handwheel simulation), the feedrate is no longer defined by the contour handwheel. The programmed feedrate is
used instead.
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The direction for simulation is also defined via an interface signal DB3200.DBX14.4 (negative direction simulation contour
handwheel). When the simulation is deselected or the direction is changed, the current movement is decelerated using a
braking ramp.
Address (PLC → NCK) Signal state Corresponding to ... (NCK → PLC)
DB3200.DBX14.3 =1: contour handwheel simulation on -
=0: contour handwheel simulation off
DB3200.DBX14.4 =1: negative direction for contour handwheel -
=0: direction as programmed for contour
handwheel simulation
You can simply modify PLC subroutine 37 (MCP_NCK) network 41 as follows in the default PLC program to realize desired
contour handwheel function:
Input signals Description Output signals Description
ConHw_Key Define the contour handwheel at ConHw_LED Define the contour handwheel at
the MCP key the MCP LED
SimConHw_Key Define the simulation contour SimConHw_LED Define the simulation contour
handwheel at the MCP key handwheel at the MCP LED
NegDir- Define the negative direction for NegDir- Define the negative direction for
SimConHw_Key simulation contour handwheel at SimConHw_LED simulation contour handwheel at
the MCP key the MCP LED
For example, if you desire to control the contour handwheel via the MCP key K7, you can set the address of signal
ConHw_Key to DB1000.DBX1.7 and the address of signal ConHw_LED to DB1100.DBX1.7.
After you edit the default PLC program as above and download it to the control system, you can use the contour handwheel
by activating it via the MCP key K7 and then executing a part program containing "FD=0".
The contour handwheel function remains active as long as the MCP key defined for contour handwheel is activated. In this
case, FD=0 always applies. The programmed feedrate programmed applies only after the block containing "FD=0" runs out
and the contour handwheel key is deactivated.
The override is effective as for NC program execution.
Boundary conditions
● Requirements
Fixed feedrate, dryrun feedrate, thread cutting, or tapping must not be selected.
● Limit values
The acceleration and velocity of the axes are limited to the values defined in the machine data.
● Interruption of traversing movement
On a cycle stop, the function remains selected but the handwheel pulses are not summated and are ineffective.
Requirement: MD32084 $MA_HANDWH_STOP_COND bit 2 = 1
A selected DRF function also has a path-override action.
● Channel-specific deletion distance-to-go
This causes the movement triggered by the contour handwheel to be aborted; the axes are decelerated and the program
is restarted with the next NC block. The contour handwheel then becomes effective again.
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22 Tool parameter: clearance angle
Certain turning cycles, in which traversing motions with tool clearance are generated, monitor the tool clearance angle of the
active tool for possible contour violations.
Value range
The angle (0 to 90° with no leading sign) is entered in this tool parameter as the tool clearance angle.
Tool clearance angle of the turning tool during relief cutting:
To activate this tool parameter on the HMI, set bit 18 of MD19730[0] to 1 (MD19730[0] = 40000H).
Currently, the clearance angle function can work only when the optional Manual Machine Plus function is licensed and
If a tool clearance angle of zero is entered, relief cutting is not monitored in the turning cycles.
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23 PLC axis control
23.1 Brief description
The PLC can control axes/spindles via data blocks of the user interface; the axis/spindle is specified by its DB number:
● DB380x interface PLC → NCK (at axis/spindle)
● DB390x interface NCK → PLC (from axis/spindle)
with axis index x: 0 ≤ x ≤ max. axis index; axis index = axis number - 1
The following functions are supported:
● Positioning axes
● Spindle positioning
● Rotate spindle
● Oscillate spindle
● Indexing axes
For more information, see Chapter "Spindle (S1) (Page 166)".
The axis to be controlled must be assigned to the PLC (PLC axis). An axis can be interchanged between NC and PLC using
the user interface "Axis interchange" (DB380x.DBB8/DB390x.DBB8).
Function start
Each function is activated by the positive edge of the corresponding "Start" signal. This signal must remain a logical "1" until
the function has been positively or negatively acknowledged (e.g. using Position reached = "1" or Error = "1"). The signal
"Positioning axis active" = "1" indicates that the function is active and that the output signals are valid.
It is not possible to interrupt the function by resetting the start signal, but only via other interface signals (using the axis-
specific signal Delete distance to go/spindle reset, DB380x.DBX2.2).
The axis interface returns axis status signals that may need to be evaluated (e.g. exact stop, travel command, → DB390x).
If the axis/spindle is being traversed via the NC program when the PLC axis control is called (travel command present), then
the function is only started after this traversing motion has ended. No error code is output in this situation.
Axis disable
With the axis disable set, an axis controlled via PLC axis control will not move. Only a simulated actual value is generated.
(Behavior as with NC programming).
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Status signals from axis/spindle (excerpt)
DB390x Signals from axis/spindle (NCK → PLC) [r]
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBB8 PLC axis/ Neutral Axis inter- New type NC axis/
spindle axis/ change requested spindle
spindle possible from PLC
To activate the interface signals, the machine data MD30350 $MA_SIMU_AX_VDI_OUTPUT must be set for each required
axis during the simulation.
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DB380x Signals to PLC axis (PLC → NCK) [r/w]
DBB3002 Automatic Constant Direction of - Handwheel Traversing Distance Distance
gear selec- cutting rate rotation as override dimension, condition, condition,
tion for M4 inches (not shortest incremental
metric) distance (IC)
DBB3003 Indexing - - - - - Distance Distance
position condition, condition,
abs. pos. abs. neg.
direction direction
DBD3004 Position (REAL, with indexing axis: DINT)
DBD3008 Feedrate velocity (REAL), if < 0, the value is taken from machine data POS_AX_VELO
The bits of the distance conditions and the direction of rotation definition define the particular positioning or traversing mode,
only one of the bits must be set:
Meaning Distance condition to be set
Positioning absolute No mode bit set
Positioning incremental DBB3002.0 = 1
Positioning shortest distance DBB3002.1 = 1
Positioning absolute, positive approach direction DBB3003.1 = 1
Positioning absolute, negative approach direction DBB3003.0 = 1
Direction of rotation as for M4 DBB3002.5 = 1
The remaining bits are used to specify and start the particular function, these function bits as well as position and velocity
are explained in more detail for the individual functions.
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DB390x NCK → PLC status signals Remark
DBX3000.7 Positioning axis active 1 when Start = 1. Also 1 when override = 0 or posi-
tion setpoint reached.
DBX3000.6 Position reached 1: Position setpoint reached with "Exact stop fine"
DBX3000.0 Spindle cannot be started
DBX3000.1 Error while traversing 1: Error during traversing, evaluate the error number
in DBB3003
DBB3003 Error number
DBX1.4 Axis/spindle stationary 1: If n < nmin
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DB380x PLC → NCK control signals Remark
DBX3001.5 Stop spindle rotation -
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DB380x PLC → NCK control signals Remark
DBD3004 Setpoint gear stage MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE =
0 - 5: Oscillation
0: Oscillation
1: Oscillation with gear stage change M41
2: Oscillation with gear stage change M42
3: Oscillation with gear stage change M43
4: Oscillation with gear stage change M44
5: Oscillation with gear stage change M45
DBD3008 Feedrate velocity When oscillating, no significance. The oscillation
speed is taken from machine data MD35400
DBX3000.5 Start spindle oscillation It is not permissible that the start directly follows a
DBX3001.5 Stop spindle oscillation stop. The stop must first be reset (both 0).
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① The function is activated by the user with a positive edge of Start.
Note: this is possible only when the Positioning axis active signal is reset.
② Messages Positioning axis active and Position reached are signaled back, Position reached is in this case irrele-
vant and is therefore not shown.
③ The user stops spindle oscillation by resetting Start and setting Stop.
④ The spindle stops and the Spindle stationary signal is set.
⑤ The user then resets Stop.
⑥ Reset of Stop causes Positioning axis active to be reset.
⑦ Stop is reset in the user program and Start is again set, incorrectly, in the same PLC cycle. This means that Posi-
tioning axis active is not reset, but...
⑧ ...the Axis cannot be started signal is set (error number 106).
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① The function is activated by the user with a positive edge of Start.
Note: this is possible only when the Positioning axis active signal is reset.
② Messages Positioning axis active and Position reached are signaled back. Position reached is in this case irrele-
③ The user stops spindle oscillation by resetting Start and setting Stop.
④ The spindle stops and the Spindle stationary signal is set.
⑤ The user then resets Stop.
⑥ Reset of Stop causes Positioning axis active to be reset.
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① First function activation using positive edge of Start.
② Positioning axis active = 1 shows that the function is active and that the output signals are valid. Position reached
and Axis stationary are possibly withdrawn.
③ Positive acknowledgment Position reached = 1 and Positioning axis active = 1
④ Reset of function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
⑤ Signal change via function
⑥ Positioning is aborted after you delete distance-to-go, and the signal duration is min. 1 PLC cycle.
⑦ Signals Position reached and Error are set, and the error number can be read (in this case, 30).
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① First function activation using positive edge of Start.
② Positioning axis active = 1 shows that the function is active and that the output signals are valid. Position reached
and Axis stationary are possibly withdrawn.
③ Positive acknowledgment Position reached = 1 and Positioning axis active = 1
④ Reset of function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
⑤ Signal change via function
⑥ Positioning is aborted after you delete distance-to-go, and the signal duration is min. 1 PLC cycle.
⑦ Signals Position reached and Error are set, and the error number can be read (in this case, 30).
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① First function activation using positive edge of Start.
② Positioning axis active = 1 shows that the function is active and that the output signals are valid. Position reached
and Axis stationary are possibly withdrawn.
③ Positive acknowledgment Position reached = 1 and Positioning axis active = 1
④ Reset of function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
⑤ Signal change via function
⑥ Positioning is aborted after you delete distance-to-go, and the signal duration is min. 1 PLC cycle.
⑦ Signals Position reached and Error are set, and the error number can be read (in this case, 30).
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① First function activation using positive edge of Start.
② Positioning axis active = 1 shows that the function is active and that the output signals are valid. Position reached
and Axis stationary are possibly withdrawn.
③ Positive acknowledgment Position reached = 1 and Positioning axis active = 1
④ Reset of function activation after receipt of acknowledgment
⑤ Signal change via function
⑥ Positioning is aborted after you delete distance-to-go, and the signal duration is min. 1 PLC cycle.
⑦ Signals Position reached and Error are set, and the error number can be read (in this case, 30).
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① Function activated by user with a positive edge of Start.
② Messages Positioning axis active and Position reached are signaled back. Position reached is in this case irrele-
③ The user stops spindle rotation by resetting Start and setting Stop.
④ The spindle stops and the Spindle stationary signal is set.
⑤ The user then resets Stop.
⑥ Reset of Stop causes Positioning axis active to be reset.
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① Function activated by user with a positive edge of Start.
② Messages Positioning axis active and Position reached are signaled back. Position reached is in this case irrele-
③ The user stops spindle rotation by resetting Start and setting Stop.
④ The spindle stops and the Spindle stationary signal is set.
⑤ The user then resets Stop.
⑥ Reset of Stop causes Positioning axis active to be reset.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 211
① Function activated by user with a positive edge of Start.
② Messages Positioning axis active and Position reached are signaled back. Position reached is in this case irrele-
③ The user stops spindle rotation by resetting Start and setting Stop.
④ The spindle stops and the Spindle stationary signal is set.
⑤ The user then resets Stop.
⑥ Reset of Stop causes Positioning axis active to be reset.
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Error number Meaning
Decimal Hex
107 6B Reference mark not found (alarm number1) 22051)
108 6C No transition from speed control to position control (alarm number1) 22050)
109 6D Reference mark not found (alarm number1) 22051)
110 6E Velocity/speed is negative
111 6F Setpoint speed is zero
112 70 Invalid gear stage
115 73 Programmed position has not been reached
117 75 G96/G961 is not active in the NC
118 76 G96/G961 is still active in the NC
120 78 Axis is not an indexing axis (alarm number1) 20072)
121 79 Indexing position error (alarm number1) 17510)
125 7D DC (shortest distance) not possible (alarm number1) 16800)
126 7E Absolute value minus not possible (alarm number1) 16820)
127 7F Absolute value plus not possible (alarm number1) 16810)
128 80 No transverse axis available for diameter programming (alarm number1) 16510)
130 82 Software limit switch plus (alarm number1) 20070)
131 83 Software limit switch minus (alarm number1) 20070)
132 84 working area limitation plus (alarm number1) 20071)
133 85 working area limitation minus (alarm number1) 20071)
134 86 Frame not permitted for indexing axis
135 87 Indexing axis with "Hirth toothing" is active (alarm number1) 17501)
136 88 Indexing axis with "Hirth toothing" is active and axis not referenced (alarm number1) 17503)
137 89 Spindle operation not possible for transformed spindle/axis (alarm number1) 22290)
138 8A The corresponding effective coordinate-system-specific working area limit plus violated for the axis
(alarm number1)20082)
139 8B The corresponding effective coordinate-system-specific working area limit minus violated for the axis
(alarm number1)20082)
200 C8 System alarm number1) 450007
1) For more information about the alarm description, see the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Diagnostics Manual.
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Positioning via the PLC user interface
• DB3803.DBX8.7 = 1: request
PLC axis
• DB3803.DBX8.0 = 1: request
NC axis
DB3803.DBX3002.0 = 1: distance
condition, incremental (IC)
• DB3803.DBX3003.0 = 1: dis-
tance condition, absolute nega-
tive direction (ACN)
• DB3803.DBX3003.1 = 1: dis-
tance condition, absolute posi-
tive direction (ACP)
• DB3803.DBX3002.1 = 1: dis-
tance condition, shortest dis-
tance (DC)
Result: The PLC axis traverses to the position setpoint (value set in DB3803.DBD3004).
Positioning with the predefined indexing position table
You can proceed through the following operations on the PPU to define the indexing position table:
+ → → →
● Define the number of positions in MD10900 INDEX_AX_LENGTH_POS_TAB_1;
● Enter the value of each position in MD10910 INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_1.
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• DB3803.DBX8.7 = 1: request
PLC axis
• DB3803.DBX8.0 = 1: request
NC axis
Result: The PLC axis traverses to the fifth position set in MD10910[4].
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 215
● Axis for loader (also multi-axis)
● Axis for tool changer
● Axis for sleeve assembly / end support
The axes for the workpiece machining are called path axes. Within the channel they are guided by the interpolator such that
they start simultaneously, accelerate, reach the end point and stop together.
Axes for auxiliary movements are traversed independently of the path axes at a separate, axis-specific feedrate. In the past,
many of these axes were moved hydraulically and started by an auxiliary function in the part program. With the closed-loop
axis control implemented in the NC, the axis can be addressed by name in the part program and its actual position displayed
on the screen.
"Additional positioning axis/auxiliary spindle" option
Axes for auxiliary movements must not be interpolating ("full-value") NC axes. Auxiliary movements may also be carried out
using special axes, which can be obtained using the "Additional positioning axis/auxiliary spindle" option. This optional
function is available on PPU16x.3 only.
Functional restrictions
Optional positioning axes/auxiliary spindles have fewer functions. The following functions are not possible:
• Using the axis as a path axis, geometry axis, or special path axis
• Incorporating the axis into the geometry axis grouping (GEOAX)
• Rigid thread cutting and tapping
As standard, axes are defined as interpolating axes:
MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK bit 8 = 0
If an axis is to be operated as a positioning axis/auxiliary spindle with reduced functionality, the value for bit 8 must be set to
MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK bit 8 = 1
The "positioning axes" function makes it easier to integrate axes for auxiliary movement into the control system:
● during programming:
The axes are programmed together with the axes for workpiece machining in the same part program, without having to
sacrifice valuable machining time.
There are special (POS, POSA) traversing instructions.
● during program testing/start-up:
Program testing and start-up are performed simultaneously for all axes.
● during operation:
Operation and monitoring of the machining process commence simultaneously for all axes.
● during PLC configuring/commissioning:
No allowance has to be made on PLC or external computers (PCs) for synchronization between axes for machining and
axes for auxiliary movements.
● during system configuring:
A second channel is not required.
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The programmed end position of a positioning axis has been reached when the end-of-motion criterion FINEA, COARSA or
IPOENDA is fulfilled.
Motion synchronization
Positioning axes permit movements to be activated from the same machining program and such movements to be
synchronized at block limits (type 1) or at explicit points by means of a WAITP command (type 2).
Axis types
Positioning axes can be linear axes and rotary axes.
Positioning axes can also be configured as indexing axes.
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Independence of positioning axes and path axes
The mutual independence of positioning and path axes is ensured by the following measures:
● No shared interpolation
● Each positioning axis has a dedicated axis interpolator
● Dedicated feedrate override for each positioning axis
● Dedicated programmable feedrate
● Dedicated "axis-specific delete distance-to-go" interface signal
Positioning axes are dependent in the following respects:
● A shared part program
● Starting of positioning axes only at block boundaries in the part program
● With rapid traverse movement G0 path axes traverse as positioning axes in one of two different modes
● No rapid traverse override
● The following interface signals act on the entire channel and therefore on positioning axes:
– DB3200.DBX7.1 (NC start)
– DB3200.DBX7.3 (NC stop)
– DB3200.DBX7.7 (reset)
– DB3200.DBX6.1 (read-in disable)
● Alarms specific to program and channel also deactivate positioning axes.
● Program control (dry run feed, program test, DRF, ... etc.) also act on positioning axes
● Block search and single block also act on positioning axes.
● The last block with a programmed end-of-motion criterion that was processed in the search run serves as a container for
setting all axes.
● Group 1 (modal movement commands) of the G commands (i.e. G0, G1, G2, ...) does not apply to positioning axes.
The following are typical applications for positioning axes:
● Single-axis loaders
● Multi-axis loaders without interpolation (PTP → point-to-point traversing)
● Workpiece feed and transport
Other applications are also possible:
● With G0 workpiece delivery and workpiece transport can travel to their end points independently of one another.
● On machines with several machining processes in sequence: Significant reduction in individual machining steps due to
block change in the braking ramp of the single-axis interpolation.
Positioning axes are not suitable for multi-axis loaders that require interpolation between the axes (path interpolator).
Path interpolator
Every channel has a path interpolator for a wide range of interpolation modes such as linear interpolation (G1), circular
interpolation (G2/G3), and spline interpolation.
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Axis interpolator
Each channel has axis interpolators in addition to path interpolators. The maximum number corresponds to the maximum
number of existing channel axes.
If a positioning axis is programmed, an axis interpolator starts in the control with straight line interpolation G1. This axis
interpolator runs independently of the path interpolator until the programmed end position of the positioning axis has been
There is no time relationship between the path interpolator and the axis interpolator, nor between the axis interpolators.
Path control mode (G64) is not possible with positioning axes.
The programmed end position of a positioning axis has been reached when the end-of-motion criterion FINEA, COARSA or
IPOENDA is fulfilled.
Single PLC axes, command axes started via static synchronized actions or asynchronous reciprocating axes can be
interpolated independently of the NC. An axis/spindle interpolated by the main run then reacts independently of the NC
program with respect to:
● NC stop
● Alarm handling
● Program control
● End of program
Boundary conditions
Axes/spindles currently operating according to the NC program are not controlled by the PLC.
Command axis movements cannot be started via non-modal or modal synchronized actions for PLC-controlled
axes/spindles. Alarm 20143 is signaled.
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● A reset is performed in the channel ⇒
This process is asynchronous to control acceptance by the PLC. The two previously mentioned alternatives can occur or
the axis is assigned to the channel and is reset.
Boundary conditions
Axes/spindles, traversed by an NC program, cannot be transferred to the PLC. Axes/spindles, which are traversed by static
synchronized actions or as oscillating axis, as neutral axis, concurrent positioning axis or command axis, can be transferred.
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Use case 2: Stop axis/spindle
The following traversing motion of the axis/spindle controlled from the main run is stopped:
● PLC axis
● Asynchronous oscillating axis
● Command axis by static synchronized action
● Superimposed motion $AA_OFF,DRF handwheel traversal, online tool offset and external work offset.
Following axis movements of the axis/spindle are not stopped.
Description of the sequence:
● PLC → NC: Request to stop the axis/spindle
DB380x.DBX5004.6 = 1 (stop along braking ramp)
● NC: Brakes the axis along a ramp.
● NC confirms the execution:
– DB390x.DBX0.6 = 1 (exact stop coarse)
– DB390x.DBX0.7 = 1 (exact stop fine)
– DB390x.DBX3.2 = 0 (axis stop active)
– DB390x.DBX4.6/.7 = 0 (traversing command minus/plus)
– Axis status interrupted with system variable $AA_SNGLAX_STAT == 3
Result: The axis/spindle is stopped.
Following axis movements
Following axis movements can only be suppressed when the leading axis stops.
Retraction motion
Retraction motion triggered by the "Extended stop and retract" function cannot be stopped.
Function Description, Special Functions; Extended Stop and Retract (R3)
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Boundary conditions
In the following cases, the request to continue is ignored:
● The axis/spindle is not controlled by the PLC.
● The axis/spindle is not in the stopped state.
● An alarm is pending for the axis/spindle.
In conjunction with a channel reset, no axis-specific machine data is active for axes controlled from the PLC.
Feedrate override
The path and positioning axes have separate feedrate overrides. Each positioning axis can be influenced by its own axis-
specific feedrate override.
Revolutional feedrate
In JOG mode the behavior of the axis/spindle also depends on the setting of SD41100 JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional
feedrate when JOG active).
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● If this setting data is active, an axis/spindle is always moved with revolutional feedrate MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO
(revolutional feedrate with JOG) or MD32040 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID (revolutional feedrate with JOG with rapid
traverse overlay) as a function of the master spindle.
● If the setting data is not active, the behavior of the axis/spindle depends on SD43300
$SA_ASSIG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (revolutional feedrate for positioning axes/spindles)
● If the setting data is not active, the behavior of a geometry axis on which a frame with rotation is effective depends on the
channel-specific setting data SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE. (In the operating mode JOG, revolutional
feedrate for geometry axes on which a frame with rotation is effective.)
24.5 Programming
24.5.1 General
The maximum number of positioning axes that can be programmed in a block is limited to the maximum number of available
channel axes.
Positioning axes are defined using the following parameters:
● Axis type: Positioning axis type 1, type 2 or type 3
● End point coordinates (in absolute dimensions or in incremental dimensions)
● Feedrate for linear axes in [mm/min], for rotary axes in [degrees/min]
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Example: Positioning axis type 1
Program code Comment
POS[Q1]=200 FA[Q1]=1000 ; Axis Q1 with feedrate 1000mm/min at Position 200.
Within a part program, an axis can be a path axis or a positioning axis. Within a movement block, however, each axis must
be assigned a unique axis type.
Block change
The block change can be adjusted for positioning axis types 1 and 2 with:
FINEA=<axis name> or
FINEA[<axis name>]
COARSEA=<axis name> or
COARSEA[<axis name>]
IPOENDA=<axis name> or
IPOENDA[<axis name>]
In Type 3 positioning axis, the block change within the brake ramp of the single interpolation can be set with:
IPOBRKA=<axis name> or
IPOBRKA(<axis name>[,<instant in time*>])
* Instant in time of the block change, referred to the braking ramp as a %
Coordination (WAITP)
The coordination command WAITP enables you to designate a position in the NC program where the program is to wait until
an axis programmed with POSA in a previous NC block has reached its end position.
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Program code Comment
N10 G01 G90 X200 F1000 POSA[Q1]=200
N15 X400
N20 WAITP(Q1) ; The program processing is stopped automatically until Q1 is
at position.
N25 X600 POS[Q1]=300 ; Q1 is a positioning axis of Type 1 (feedrate FA[Q1] from
block N10).
N30 X800 Q1=500 ; Q1 is path axis (path feed F1000 from block N10).
An explicit reference must be made to any axis for which the program is to wait.
Program code Comment
N10 G01 G90 X200 F1000 POSA[Q1]=200 FA[Q1]=500
N15 X400
N20 WAITP(Q1) ; The program processing is
stopped automatically until Q1
is at position.
N25 X600 POS[Q1]=300 ; Q1 is a positioning axis of
Type 1 (feedrate FA[Q1] from
block N10).
N30 X800 Q1=500 ; Q1 is path axis (path feed
F1000 from block N10).
Tool offset
A tool length compensation for positioning axes can be implemented by means of an axial zero offset, allowing, for example,
the positioning path of a loader to be altered. An example where the axial zero offset might be used in place of the tool
length compensation is where a loader containing tools of various dimensions has to bypass an obstacle.
End of program
The program end (program status selected) is delayed until all axes (path axes + positioning axes) have reached their
programmed end points.
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Type 1: Block-related positioning axis
● The block change is performed as soon as all path and positioning axes have reached their respective programmed
end-of-motion criterion:
– Path axes: G601, G602, G603
– Positioning axes: FINEA, COARSA, IPOENDA
● Programming the positioning axis: POS[<axis>]
Continuous path mode
Continuous path mode across block limits (G64) is only possible if the positioning axes reach their end-of-motion criterion
before the path axes (in the diagram above, this is not the case).
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24.6.2 Settable block change time
Type 3: Conditional block-related positioning axis
● The block change is performed as soon as all path and positioning axes have reached their respective programmed
end-of-motion criterion:
– Path axes: G601, G602, G603
– Positioning axes: IPOBRKA
● Programming the positioning axis:
– N(x) IPOBRK(<axis>[,<instant in time>]) ;own block
– N(x+1) POS[<axis>]
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Block change criterion: "Braking ramp" (IPOBRKA)
If, when activating the block change criterion "brake ramp", a value is programmed for the optional parameter <instant in
time>, then this becomes effective for the next positioning motion and is written into the setting data synchronized to the
main run. If no value is specified for the block change instant in time, then the actual value of the setting data is effective.
The time at which the block change can be realized is specified as a percentage of the braking ramp:
● 100% = start of the braking ramp
● 0% = end of the braking ramp, the same significance as block change criterion IPOENDA
IPOBRKA(<axis>[,<instant in time>])
IPOBRKA: Block change criterion: Deceleration ramp
Effective: Modal
<axis>: Channel axis name (X, Y, ....)
<instant in time>: Time of the block change, referred to the braking ramp as a %:
• 100% = start of the braking ramp
• 0% = end of the braking ramp, the same significance as IPOENDA
Type: REAL
IPOBRKA is deactivated for the corresponding access when an axis end-of-motion criterion (FINEA, COARSEA , IPOENDA ) is
next programmed for the axis.
Supplementary conditions
Premature block change
A premature block change is not possible in the following cases:
● Oscillating axis
During oscillation with partial infeed, the block-specific oscillation motion must remain active until the axis with partial
infeed has reached its final position.
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● Handwheel
For handwheel input, the last set end-of-motion criterion applies.
Changing the axis state
The axis for which a block change occurred within the braking ramp can only be programmed in the following block in the
same axis state.
When the axis state changes, for example, to POSfollowed by SPOS, the last programmed end-of-motion criterion FINEA,
COARSEA, IPOENDA is active. This also applies in the following cases:
Block change criteria "braking ramp" in the part program
Program code Comment
; Default setting is effective.
N10 POS[X]=100 ; Positioning motion from X to position 100.
; Block change criterion: "Exact stop fine"
N20 IPOBRKA(X,100) ; Block change criterion: "Braking ramp", 100% = start of the braking
N30 POS[X]=200 ; The block is changed as soon as the X axis starts to brake.
N40 POS[X]=250 ; Axis X does not brake at position 200, but moves further to position
250. As soon as the axis starts to brake, the block is changed.
N50 POS[X]=0 ; Axis X brakes and returns to position 0,
the block change is realized at position 0 and "exact stop fine".
N60 X10 F100 ; Axis X traverses as path axis to position 10.
N70 M30
Block change criterion "braking ramp" and "tolerance window" in the part program
Program code Comment
; Default setting is effective.
N10 POS[X]=100 ; Positioning motion from X to position 100.
Block change criterion: "Exact stop fine"
N20 IPOBRKA(X,100) ; Block change criterion: "Braking ramp", 100% = start of the braking
N21 ADISPOSA(X,1,0.5) ; Tolerance window: 1 = setpoint position, tolerance = 0.5
N30 POS[X]=200 ; The block is changed as soon as the X axis starts to brake.
N40 POS[X]=250 ; Axis X does not brake at position 200, but moves further to position
250. As soon as the axis starts to brake, the block is changed.
N50 POS[X]=0 ; Axis X brakes and returns to position 0,
the block change is realized at position 0 and "exact stop fine".
N60 X10 F100
N70 M30
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Block change criterion "braking ramp" and "tolerance window" in synchronized action
In the technology cycle:
Program code Comment
FINEA ; End-of-motion criterion: "Exact stop fine"
N10 POS[X]=100 ; The technology cycle block change is realized if the X axis has
reached position 100 and "exact stop fine" is reached.
N20 IPOBRKA(X,100) ; Block change criterion, activate "braking ramp",100% = start of the
braking ramp.
N21 ADISPOSA(X,2,0.3) ; Tolerance window: 2 = actual position, tolerance = 0.3
N30 POS[X]=200 ; Technology cycle block change is realized as soon as the X axis starts
to brake and the actual position of the X axis >= 199.7.
N40 POS[X]=250 ; X axis does not brake at position 200, but moves further to position
250. As soon as the X axis starts to brake and the position of the X
axis >= 249.7, the block change is realized in the technology cycle.
N50 POS[X]=0 ; Axis X brakes and returns to position 0,
the block change is realized at position 0 and "exact stop fine".
N60 M17
IPOBRKA(X) could also be written into the N20 blocks without specifying the instant in time, if the corresponding value has
already been entered into the setting data:
For two action blocks with end-of-motion criteria for three axes:
Program code Comment
N01 G01 POS[X]=20 POS[Y]=30
IPOENDA[X] ; Last programmed IPOENDA end-of-motion crite-
N02 IPOBRKA(Y, 50) ; Second action block for the Y axis IPOENDA
N03 POS[Z]=55 FINEA[Z] ; Second action block for the Z axis FINEA
N04 $A_OUT[1]=1 ; First action block for output as digital
N05 POS[X]=100 ;
N06 IPOBRKA(X, 100) ; Second action block for the X axis IPOBRKA
... ; For all programmed end-of-motion criteria
TARGET: ; Block search target
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24.8 Response with special functions
24.8.1 Dry run (DRY RUN)
The dry run feedrate is also effective for positioning axes unless the programmed feedrate is larger than the dry run feedrate.
Activation of the dry run feed entered in SD42100 $SA_DRY_RUN_FEED can be controlled with SD42101
For more information, see Chapter "Feedrates (V1) (Page 183)".
24.9 Examples
Motion behavior and interpolation functions
In the following example, the two positioning axes Q1 and Q2 represent two separate units of movement. There is no
interpolation relationship between the two axes. In the example, the positioning axes are programmed as type 1 (for
example, in N20) and type 2 (for example, in N40).
Program example
Program code
N10 G90 G01 G40 T0 D0 M3 S1000
N20 X100 F1000 POS[Q1]=200 POS[Q2]=50 FA[Q1]=500
N30 POS[Q2]=80
N40 X200 POSA[Q1] = 300 POSA[Q2]=200] FA[Q1]=1500
N50 X300 POSA[Q2]=300
N60 POS[Q1]=350
N70 X400
N75 WAITP[Q1, Q2]
N80 G91 X100 POS[Q1]=150 POS[Q2]=80
N90 M30
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 231
24.10 Data table
24.10.1 Machine data
Number Identifier Name
18960 POS_DYN_MODE Type of positioning axis dynamic response
20730 G0_LINEAR_MODE Interpolation behavior with G0
30460 BASE_FUNCTION_MASK Axis functions
32060 POS_AX_VELO Feedrate for positioning axis
32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL Maximum axis acceleration
32430 JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK Maximum axial jerk for positioning axis movements
32431 MAX_AX_JERK Maximum axial jerk for path movements
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Number Bit Name
DB390x.DBX0004 .6 Travel command minus
DB390x.DBX0004 .7 Travel command plus
DB390x.DBX1002 .5 Positioning axis
DB390x.DBX5002 .7 Emergency retraction active
"Generic Coupling 'CP-BASIC'" option
You can obtain the "synchronous spindle" function by activating the "Generic Coupling 'CP-BASIC'" option. This optional
function is available for the turning variant of the control system only.
Memory configuration
Memory space reserved in dynamic NC memory for the "synchronous spindle" function is defined in machine data:
MD18450 $MN_MM_NUM_CP_MODULES (maximum allowed number of CP coupling modules)
MD18452 $MN_MM_NUM_CP_MODUL_LEAD (maximum allowed number of CP master values)
It's recommended that the expected maximum values, which can be expected simultaneously for this machine in its
maximum configuration, are already be set during commissioning.
Possible applications
Rear side machining
One application option is, for example, the reverse side machining in a double-spindle lathe with on-the-fly transfer of the
workpiece from the position-synchronous leading spindle to the coupled-motion spindle (or vice versa), without having to
decelerate down to standstill.
Multi-edge machining (polygonal turning)
The "synchronous spindle" function provides the basis for multi-edge machining (polygonal turning) through specification of
an integer gear ratio kÜ between the leading spindle and the coupled-motion spindle.
The assignment of the leading spindle to the coupled-motion spindle of synchronous spindles can be parameterized
channel-specifically via machine data or flexibly defined via part program commands.
Part program commands are used to select/deselect the synchronous operation of a pair of synchronous spindles.
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25.1.2 Synchronous mode
<axial expression>: can be:
- Axis name
- Spindle name
<axis name>: C (if spindle has the name "C" in axis operation.)
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<spindle name>: Sn, SPI(n) where n = spindle number
<spindle number>: 1, 2, ... according to the spindle number defined in
(coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle, offset): Offset = read programmable offset of the coupled-motion
spindle using system variables
$P_COUP_OFFS[Sn] Programmed position offset of the synchronous spindle
Synchronous mode
Synchronous mode (also referred to as “synchronous spindle operation”) is another spindle operating mode. Before
synchronous mode is activated, the coupled-motion spindle must have been switched to position control. Synchronous
operation is activated for the coupled-motion spindle when the coupling is activated. As soon as the coupling is deactivated,
the coupled-motion spindle switches back to open-loop control mode.
As soon as synchronous operation is active for the coupled-motion spindle, the following interface signal is reported to the
IS "synchronous mode" (DB390x.DBX2002.4) = 1.
Coupling options
Synchronous spindle couplings can be defined as
● Permanently configured via channel-specific machine data
(hereinafter referred to as "permanently configured coupling") as well as
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 235
● Freely defined using language commands (COUP...) in the part program
(hereafter referred to as "user defined coupling")
. The following variants are possible:
1. A fixed configuration for a coupling can be programmed via machine data. In addition, a second coupling can be freely
defined via the part program.
2. No coupling is configured via machine data. In this case, the couplings can be user-defined and parameterized via the
part program.
Transformation ratio
The transformation ratio is programmed with separate numerical values for numerator and denominator (transformation ratio
parameters). It is therefore possible to specify the transformation ratio very exactly, even with rational numbers.
In general:
kÜ = transformation ratio parameter for numerator : transformation ratio parameter for denominator = Ünumerator : Üdenominator
The value range of the transformation ratio parameter (Ünumerator, Üdenominator) is virtually unlimited in the control.
The transformation ratio parameters for the coupling configured via machine data can be defined in channel-specific
SD42300: COUPLE_RATIO_1[n]. In addition, the transformation ratio can be altered with language command
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COUPDEF(coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle, Ünumerator, Üdenominator ,...). The values entered in the setting data is not
overwritten in this case (default settings).
The transformation ratio for the coupling defined via the NC part program can only be input with language command
COUPDEF (...).
The new transformation ratio parameters take effect as soon as the COUPDEF command has been processed.
For further programming commands for synchronous spindle couplings, please see Section "Programming (Page 244)".
Coupling characteristics
The following characteristics can be defined for every synchronous spindle coupling:
● Block change behavior
The condition to be fulfilled for a block change can be defined on activation of synchronous operation or on alteration of
the transformation ratio or the defined angular offset when the coupling is active:
– Block change takes place immediately
– Block change in response to "fine synchronism"
– Block change in response to "coarse synchronism"
– Block change for IPOSTOP (that is, after setpoint-end synchronism)
– Check of the synchronism conditions at an arbitrary moment with WAITC.
● Type of coupling between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
The position setpoint or the actual position value of the leading spindle can be used as the reference value for the
coupled-motion spindle. The following coupling types can therefore be selected:
– Setpoint coupling (DV)
Use in position controlled operation. The control dynamic response of both spindles should coincide as far as
possible. Preferably, the setpoint coupling should be used.
– Actual value coupling (AV)
Application if no position control of the leading spindle is possible or with great deviation of the control characteristics
between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle. The setpoints for the coupled-motion spindle are
derived from the actual values of the leading spindle. The quality of synchronism is worse with a varying spindle
speed than with the setpoint coupling.
– Speed coupling (VV)
Internally, the velocity coupling is a setpoint coupling. The requirements for the coupled-motion spindle and leading
spindle are lower. Position control and measuring systems are not required for the coupled-motion spindle and
leading spindle.
The position offset between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle is undefined.
The selection of the relevant coupling characteristics for the configured coupling is made using machine data (see Section
"Configuration (Page 248)") and for the user defined coupling using the COUPDEF language command (see Section "Definition
(COUPDEF) (Page 244)").
In addition, coupling characteristics "type of coupling" and "block change response" can be altered for the permanently
configured coupling by means of language command COUPDEF.
Superimposed motion
In synchronous operation, the synchronous spindle copies the movement of the leading spindle in accordance with the
programmed transformation ratio.
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At the same time, the synchronous spindle can also be traversed with overlay so that the coupled-motion spindle and
leading spindle can operate at a specific angular position in relation to one another.
The overlaid traversing movement of the coupled-motion spindle can be initiated in various ways:
● Programmable position offset of the coupled-motion spindle for AUTO and MDA:
– The COUPON and SPOS language commands can be used for active synchronous operation to change the position
reference between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle (see Section "Selecting synchronous mode for
a part program (Page 239)").
● Manual position offset of the coupled-motion spindle:
– In JOG (JOG continuous or JOG incremental) mode
Superimposition of the coupled-motion spindle using the handwheel or with plus or minus traversing keys when
synchronous operation is active.
– In AUTO and MDA modes
Superimposition of the coupled-motion spindle with handwheel using DRF offset
As soon as the coupled-motion spindle executes the overlaid traversing movement, IS "overlaid movement"
(DB390x.DBX5002.4) is set to the 1 signal.
The overlaid movement is executed optimally in terms of time at the maximum possible coupled-motion spindle speed with
COUPON. With an offset change by means of SPOS, the positioning velocity can be specified with FA[Sn] and manipulated by
an override (can be selected through IS "feedrate override valid for spindle" DB380x.DBX2001.0).
For more information about specifying the position speed with FA[Sn], see Chapter "Spindle (S1) (Page 166)".
Setpoint correction
The setpoint correction of the system variable $AA_COUP_CORR[Sn] impacts on all subsequent coupled-motion spindle
programming in the same way as a position offset and corresponds to a DRF offset in the MCS.
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When position control is activated, the maximum setpoint speed of the leading spindle is automatically limited to 90%
(control reserve) of the maximum speed. The limitation is signaled via IS "setpoint speed limited" (DB390x.DBX2001.1).
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of no significance with interval-coded systems.
MD34080 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST reference point distance/target point
with interval-coded systems,
MD34090 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR reference point offset / absolute offset with interval coding.
Range of POSCS: 0 ... 359.999°.
For more information, see Chpater "Reference point approach (R1) (Page 160)".
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Deactivation positions POSCS and POSLS match the actual positions of the coupled-motion spindle and leading spindle
respectively referred to the defined reference point value.
Range of POSCS, POSLS: 0 ... 359,999°.
For more information, see Chapter "Reference point approach (R1) (Page 160)".
"Disable synchronization"
The synchronization motion for the coupled-motion spindle is suppressed using the axial signal IS "disable synchronization"
When the main run advances to a block containing part program instruction COUPON (coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle,
offset), the following interface signal is evaluated for the coupled-motion spindle:
IS "disable synchronization" (DB380x.DBX5007.5).
● For IS "disable synchronization" (DB380x.DBX5007.5) = 0, the position offset is traversed through as before.
● For IS "disable synchronization" (DB380x.DBX5007.5) = 1, only the continuous velocity synchronism is established. The
coupled-motion spindle does not execute any additional movement.
The coupling then responds analogously to a programmed COUPON(<coupled-motion spindle>,<leading spindle>).
Special features
For the IS "disable synchronization" (DB380x.DBX5007.5) offset motion of the coupled-motion spindle cannot be controlled
that was generated as follows:
● Synchronized actions
These functions are controlled by VDI signal IS "feedrate stop/spindle stop" (DB380x.DBX4.3).
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Synchronized state reached
Whenever a state of synchronism has been reached, the following two VDI signals are set regardless of whether
synchronization has been disabled or not:
IS "synchronism coarse" (DB390x.DBX5002.1) and
IS "synchronism fine" (DB390x.DBX5002.0)
Further block changes after COUPON are not prevented by suppression of synchronization.
Block change behavior after COUPON
Program code Comment
; IS "Disable synchronization"
; set (DB380x.DBX5007.5) = 1 for S2
N51 SPOS=10 SPOS[2]=10 ; positions correspond to an offset
; of 0°
N52 COUPDEF(S2,S1,1,1,"FINE","DV")
N53 COUPON(S2,S1,77) ; actual offset of 0 degrees is retained
; no coupled-motion spindle movement,
; VDI signals
; IS "synchronism coarse"
; (DB390x.DBX5002.1) and
; IS "synchronism fine"
; (DB390x.DBX5002.0)
; are set and the block change
; is enabled.
N54 M0
N99 M30
Read offset
The following system variables can be used to read three different position offset values of the coupled-motion spindle from
the part program and synchronized actions. The variable $P_COUP_OFFS[Sn] is only available in the part program.
Description NC variable
Programmed position offset of the synchronous spindle $P_COUP_OFFS[Sn]
Position offset of synchronous spindle, setpoint end $AA_COUP_OFFS[Sn]
Position offset of synchronous spindle, actual value end $VA_COUP_OFFS[Sn]
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25.1.7 Monitoring of synchronous operation
Fine/coarse synchronism
In addition to conventional spindle monitoring operations, synchronous operation between the coupled-motion spindle and
leading spindle is also monitored in synchronous mode.
IS "fine synchronism" (DB390x.DBX5002.0) or IS "coarse synchronism" (DB390x.DBX5002.1) is transmitted to the PLC to
indicate whether the current position (AV, DV) or actual speed (VV) of the coupled-motion spindle lies within the specified
tolerance window.
When the coupling is switched on, the signals "coarse synchronism" and "fine synchronism" are updated when setpoint
synchronism is reached.
The size of the tolerance windows is set with machine data of the coupled-motion spindle. Reaching of the synchronism is
influenced by the following factors:
● AV, DV: Position variance between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
● VV: Difference in speed between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
Threshold values
The relevant position or velocity tolerance range for the coupled-motion spindle in relation to the leading spindle must be
specified in degrees or 1 rev/min.
● Threshold value for "coarse synchronism"
axis spec. MD37200: AV, DV: COUPLE_POS_TOL_COARSE
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 243
● Threshold value for "fine synchronism"
axis spec. MD37210: AV,DV: COUPLE_POS_TOL_FINE
Speed/acceleration limits
In synchronous mode, the speed and acceleration limit values of the leading spindle are adjusted internally in the control in
such a way that the coupled-motion spindle can imitate its movement, allowing for the currently selected gear stage and
effective speed ratio, without violating its own limit values.
For example, the leading spindle is automatically decelerated to prevent the coupled-motion spindle from exceeding the
maximum speed in order to maintain synchronism between the spindles.
25.2 Programming
Coupling commands with leading-spindle programming
Command Function
COUPDEF(coupled-motion spindle, leading Define coupling or change for configured coupling
spindle ...)
COUPON(coupled-motion spindle, leading Switch the coupling on
spindle, POSCS)
COUPONC(coupled-motion spindle, leading Activate coupling with transfer of the currently effective speed of the
coupled-motion spindle
COUPOF(coupled-motion spindle, leading Switch the coupling off
COUPOFS(coupled-motion spindle, leading Deactivate coupling with stop of the coupled-motion spindle
spindle, POSCS)
COUPDEL (coupled-motion spindle, lead- Delete coupling
ing spindle)
COUPRES (coupled-motion spindle, lead- Reactivate configured coupling data
ing spindle)
Coupling commands without leading-spindle programming
Command Function
COUPOF(coupled-motion spindle, leading Switch the coupling off
COUPOFS(coupled-motion spindle, POSCS) Deactivate coupling with stop of the coupled-motion spindle
COUPDEL(coupled-motion spindle) Delete coupling
COUPRES(coupled-motion spindle) Reactivate configured coupling data
Programmable couplings
The number of couplings can be programmed as often as desired depending on the axes available. This number results
from the number of axes/spindles less one for the master. Furthermore, one coupling can also be configured via machine
data as in earlier SW versions.
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The other coupling parameters must only be programmed when they need to be changed. The last valid status remains
applicable for non-specified parameters.
The individual coupling parameters are explained below:
● coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle: Spindle name for coupled-motion and leading spindles
For example: S1, SPI(1), S2, SPI(2)
The valid spindle number must be assigned in the axis-specific MD35000 $MA_SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX of a
machine axis.
● Tnumerator, Tdenominator: Transformation ratio parameters for numerator and denominator
The transformation ratio is specified in the form of numeric values for numerator and denominator (see Section
"Synchronous mode (Page 234)").
The numerator must always be programmed. If no denominator is specified, then its value is always assumed to be "1.0".
● Block change behavior
This parameter allows you to select when the block change should take place when synchronous operation is selected:
NOC: Block change is enabled immediately
FINE: Block change in response to "fine synchronism"
COARSE: Block change in response to "coarse synchronism"
IPOSTOP: Block change for IPOSTOP (that is, after setpoint-end synchronism)
The block change response is specified as a character string (that is, with quotation marks).
The block change response can be specified simply by writing the letters in bold print. The remaining letters can be entered
to improve legibility of the part program but they are not otherwise significant.
If no block change response is specified, then the currently selected response continues to apply.
With the programmable synchronism test markers WAITC, the replacement with new blocks is delayed until the
parameterized synchronism is reached.
● Coupling type
DV (Desired Values): Setpoint coupling between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
AV (Actual Values): Actual value coupling between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
VV (Velocity Values): Speed coupling between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle
If no coupling type is specified, then the currently selected type continues to apply.
The coupling type may only be changed when synchronous operation is deactivated!
COUPDEF (SPI(2), SPI(1), 1.0, 1.0, "FINE", "DV")
COUPDEF (S2, S1, 1.0, 4.0)
COUPDEF (S2, SPI(1), 1.0)
Default settings
The following default settings apply to user-defined couplings:
● ÜNumerator=1.0
● ÜDenominator =1.0
● Block change response = IPOSTOP (block change enabled with setpoint synchronism)
● Type of coupling = DV (setpoint coupling)
Delete couplings
Language command "COUPDEL" is used to delete user-defined couplings.
COUPDEL (coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle)
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COUPDEL impacts on an active coupling, deactivates it and deletes the coupling data. Alarm 16797 is therefore meaningless.
The coupled-motion spindle adopts the last speed. This corresponds to the behavior associated with COUPOF(coupled-motion
spindle, leading spindle).
Basically, it is always possible to write WAITC. If the spindle indicated is not active as coupled-motion spindle, the command
for this spindle is without effect.
If no synchronism condition is indicated, the check is always performed for the synchronism condition
programmed/configured on the respective coupling, at least for the setpoint synchronism.
WAITC(S2, "Fine"),
WAITC(S2, ,S4, "Fine")
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3. COUPONC(coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle)
When activating with COUPONC, the previous programming of M3 S... or M4 S... is adopted. A difference in speed is
transferred immediately. An offset position cannot be programmed.
By programming COUPON(coupled-motion spindle, leading spindle, POSCS) or SPOS when synchronous operation is already
active, the angular offset between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle can be changed.
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Reading the programmed angular offset
The position offset last programmed between the coupled-motion spindle and the leading spindle can be read in the NC part
program by means of the following axial system variables:
$P_COUP_OFFS[<axial expression>]
After cancellation of the servo enable signal when synchronous operation and follow-up mode are active, the position offset
applied when the controller is enabled again is different to the originally programmed value.
$P_COUP_OFFS only returns the value originally programmed. $AA_COUP_OFFS and $VA_COUP_OFFS return the
current value. The programmed offset can be recreated with NST DB380x.DBX5007.4 (resynchronization).
Position control is retained if the leading spindle is in positioning mode or axial mode or was in position-controlled spindle
mode using SPCON.
25.3 Configuration
One synchronous-spindle coupling can be configured for each channel.
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The table below gives the machine data required for the configuration.
Number Name: $MC_ Function
MD21300 COUPLE_AXIS_1[<n>] Machine axes of the synchronous-spindle coupling:
• <n> = 0: Machine axis number of the coupled-motion spindle
• <n> = 1: Machine axis number of the leading spindle
Machine axis numbers in accordance with: MD20070
$MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED (machine axes in the channel)
Machine axis numbers == 0: No coupling configured. The following system data
is then not relevant.
Note: The machine axes configured for the synchronous-spindle coupling cannot
be changed using program commands.
MD21320 COUPLE_BLOCK_ Block change release after activating the synchronous operation 1):
CHANGE_CTRL_1 • Immediately
• On reaching "Synchronism fine"
• On reaching "Synchronism coarse"
• On reaching "Synchronism setpoint"
Note: No change protection1), the block change release can be changed with the
COUPDEF command.
MD21310 COUPLING_MODE_1 Coupling type 1):
• Actual value coupling
• Setpoint value coupling
• Speed coupling
Note: No change protection1), the coupling type can be changed for deactivated
coupling with the COUPDEF command.
MD21330 COUPLE_RESET_ Behavior of the synchronous-spindle coupling with regard to NC Start, NC Stop
MODE_1 and Reset.
MD21340 COUPLE_IS_WRITE_ Change protection for coupling
The table below gives the setting data required for the configuration.
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Programmed synchronous-spindle coupling
Response MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK
Maintain coupling Bit 10 = 0
Deselect coupling Bit 10 = 1
Control dynamics
When using the setpoint coupling, the position control parameters of the coupled-motion spindle and leading spindle (for
example, KV factor) should be matched with one another. If necessary, different parameter blocks should be activated for
speed control and synchronized mode. The control parameters of the coupled-motion spindle may differ from position control,
feedforward control and parameter block, as also in the uncoupled case, set using MD30455
$MA_MISC_FUNCTION_MASK (see Section "Special points regarding start-up of a synchronous spindle coupling
(Page 259)").
Due to the improved control system dynamic response it provides, feedforward control for the coupled-motion and leading
spindles in synchronous mode is always active.
It can, however, be deselected for the coupled-motion and leading spindles with axis-specific MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE.
If MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE is set to zero, there are function limitations. Position control can no longer be activated in
motion with SPCON. SPOS, M19 or SPOSA are therefore not possible. The NC part program cannot deactivate the
feedforward control for the coupled-motion and leading spindles with FFWOF.
The feedforward control mode (speed or torque feedforward control) is defined in axis-specific MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE
(see also Chapter "Compensation (K3) (Page 113)").
Multiple couplings
If the system detects that a coupling is already active for a coupled-motion or leading spindle when the synchronous mode is
activated, then the activation process is ignored and an alarm message is generated.
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Examples of multiple couplings:
● A spindle is acting as the coupled-motion spindle for several leading spindles
● Coupling cascade (a coupled-motion spindle is a leading spindle of an additional coupling)
Response to alarms
In the case of an alarm, which occurs during synchronous operation, and acts as alarm response "withdraw control enable"
and "activate follow-up mode" in the control, the ongoing control behavior is the same as the behavior due to NC/PLC
interface signals:
● DB380x.DBX2.1 = 0 (controller enable)
● DB380x.DBX1.4 = 1 (follow-up mode)
(See Section "Synchronous mode and NC/PLC interface signals (Page 253)")
By resynchronizing via the NC/PLC interface signal:
DB380x.DBX5007.4 = 0 → 1 (resynchronization)
If the programmed offset is restored (see Section "Restore synchronism of the coupled-motion spindle (Page 251)").
When synchronous operation is active for a block search, then it is recommended that only block search type 5, "block
search via program test" (SERUPRO), is used.
Basic procedure
If the coupled-motion and leading spindles have fallen out of synchronism, or failed to synchronize at all, synchronism can
be restored between them by the following measures:
1. Set the axis enable signals and cancel synchronization disable signal if this has been set.
2. Start coupled-motion spindle resynchronization with the NC/PLC interface signal:
DB380x.DBX5007.4 (resynchronization)
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Only after the resynchronization process is complete can the setpoint-end synchronism be fully restored.
3. Wait until the coupled spindles have synchronized.
Enable resynchronization
Setting the enabling signals closes the coupling at the current actual positions. The two following NC/PLC interface signals
are set:
DB390x.DBX5002.1 (coarse synchronism)
DB390x.DBX5002.0 (fine synchronism)
The following requirements must be fulfilled for resynchronization to work:
● The axis enabling signal must be set for the coupled-motion spindle.
● The PLC must not set any synchronization disables for the coupled-motion spindle:
DB380x.DBX5007.5 (disable synchronization)
Response of synchronous signals during additional movements for the coupled-motion spindle
The superimposed component is calculated to establish the synchronism signals.
Program code Comment
N51 SPOS=0 SPOS[2]=90
N52 OUPDEF(S2,S1,1,1,"FINE","DV")
N53 COUPON(S2,S1,77)
N54 M0 ; Offset=77°, "coarse", "fine" synchronous run
signals exist.
N55 SPOS[2]=0 FA[S2]=3600 ; Difference in speed, synchronism signals
"coarse", "fine" are reported
N56 M0 ; (note tolerances, see above)
; Offset=0°, "coarse", "fine" synchronous run
signals exist.
N60 M2=3 S2=500 ; difference in speed, synchronism signals
"coarse", "fine" are reported.
; offset undefined, synchronism signals
"coarse", "fine" are reported.
N65 M0 ; (Note tolerances, see above)
The axis enable signals can be canceled to interrupt a movement overlaid on the coupled-motion spindle (for example,
SPOS). This component of the movement is not affected by IS "NC/PLC interface signal" DB380x.DBX5007.4
(resynchronization), but is restored by the REPOS operation.
Supplementary condition
IS DB380x.DBX5007.4 (resynchronization) has any effect only if there is a defined offset position between the coupled-
motion spindle and leading spindle.
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This is the case following COUPON with offset positions such as COUPON(...,77) or SPOS, SPOSA, M19 for the coupled-motion
spindle with a closed coupling..
It is recommended for synchronous spindles during a block search, to write the DB380x.DBX2.1 interface signal (controller
enable) always together for CS and LS. If this is not done, the block search, for example, stops after a CS machining
because the controller enable of the LS is not pending.
Synchronism error
If the DB380x.DBX2.1 interface signal (controller enable) is canceled for the CS after Spindle Stop without the coupling
being deactivated beforehand, then any synchronism error resulting from external intervention will not be compensated
when the "controller enable" is activated again. This causes any programmed angular relationship between CS and LS to be
The angular relationship can be restored by resynchronizing: DB380x.DBX5007.4 = 1 (resynchronization)
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Follow-up mode (DB380x.DBX1.4)
For follow-up operation, the set position is regularly set to the current actual position:
DB380x.DBX1.4 == 1 (follow-up operation) AND DB380x.DBX2.1 == 0 (controller enable)
⇒ Cyclic: Set position = actual position
DB380x.DBX1.4 (follow-up operation) is relevant only for DB380x.DBX2.1 == 0 (controller enable)
It is recommended to switchover the position measuring system for CS and LS only for deselected synchronous operation.
It is recommended to resynchronize the position measuring system of the LS only for deselected synchronous operation.
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Resynchronize (DB380x.DBX5007.4)
CS: Restoring the programmed angular offset
If synchronism between CS and LS is lost or not performed, the programmed angular offset can be restored.
● Requirement: DB380x.DBX5007.4 = 1 (resynchronization)
● Acknowledgment: DB380x.DBX5003.4 == 1 (synchronization running)
If superimposed traversing movements are to be precluded, they must be locked out by measures in the PLC user program.
NC Start (DB3200.DBX7.1)
(See Section "Response of the synchronous-spindle coupling for NC Start (Page 249)")
NC Start after NC Stop does not deselect synchronous operation.
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Basic requirements for differential speed programming:
● Synchronous spindle functionality is required.
● The dynamic response of the coupled-motion spindle must be at least as high as that of the leading spindle. Otherwise,
the system may suffer from reduced quality, for example, rigid tapping without a compensating chuck G331/G332.
● The differential speed must be programmed in the channel in which the coupled-motion spindle is also configured. The
leading spindle can be programmed in a different channel.
● The differential speed must be enabled for the coupled-motion spindle by the PLC via IS "enable overlaid movement"
(DB380x.DBX5002.4). If the enable signal has not been set, alarm 16771 "Channel% Following axis% Overlaid
movement not enabled" is output. This alarm is cleared when IS "enable overlaid movement" (DB380x.DBX5002.4) is set
or the coupling is opened.
Positioning motion such as SPOS, SPOSA, M19 and axis motion do not have to be enabled.
The differential speed does not therefore affect the coupling process.
The coupled-motion or leading spindle cannot change gear stages while a coupling is active.
Deactivate coupling
If the coupling is deactivated, the coupled-motion spindle continues to rotate at the speed corresponding to the sum of both
speed components. The spindle behaves as if it had been programmed with the speed and direction transferred from the
other spindle. When deactivating, there are no differences to the previous behavior.
Differential speed
A differential speed results from the renewed programming of the coupled-motion spindle (in the example, S2=...) or M2=3,
M2=4 in speed control mode during an active synchronous spindle coupling or by adopting the speed of the coupled-motion
spindle for COUPONC.
Speed S... must also be re-programmed with direction of rotation M3 or M4. Otherwise alarm 16111 "Channel% Block%
Spindle% No speed programmed" is displayed.
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Even if a differential speed has been programmed, the coupled-motion spindle remains under position control if this is
required by the coupling.
The axial VDI interface signal NC → PLC IS "Superimposed motion" (DB390x.DBX5002.4) is set when the differential speed
programming creates setpoints in addition to the coupling setpoints.
IS PLC to the NC
Influence on coupled-motion spindle via PLC interface
The effect of the axial VDI interface signals on the coupled-motion spindle with differential speed in speed control mode is
described below:
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25.4.5 Behavior of synchronism signals during synchronism correction
Spindle start-up
The leading and coupled-motion spindles must be started up initially like a normal spindle. For more information about the
appropriate procedure, see Chapter "Spindle (S1) (Page 166)".
The following parameters must then be set for the synchronous spindle pair:
● The machine numbers for the leading and coupled-motion spindles
(for permanently configured coupling with channel-specific machine data MD21300 $MC_COUPLE_AXIS_1[n])
● The required coupling mode (setpoint, actual value or speed coupling)
(for permanently configured coupling with channel-specific machine data MD21310 $MC_COUPLING_MODE_1[n])
● The gear stage(s) of the coupled-motion spindle and leading spindle for synchronous operation
● The following coupling properties are still applicable for permanently configured synchronous spindle coupling:
– Block change response in synchronous spindle operation:
– Coupling cancellation response:
– Write-protection for coupling parameters:
– Transformation parameters for synchronous spindle coupling:
Command behavior of the coupled-motion and leading spindles for setpoint coupling
In order to obtain the best possible synchronism in setpoint couplings, the coupled-motion and leading spindles must have
the same dynamic response as the response to setpoint changes. The axial control loops (position, speed and current
controllers) should each be set to the optimum value so that variances can be eliminated as quickly and efficiently as
The dynamic response adaptation function in the setpoint branch is provided to adapt different axis dynamic responses
without loss of control quality (see also Chapter "Compensation (K3) (Page 113)"). The following control parameters must
each be set optimally for the coupled-motion and leading spindles:
● KV factor (MD32200 $MA_POSCTRL_GAIN)
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● Feedforward control parameters
Behavior during loss of synchronism:
● Axis-specific MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE
We recommend setting the feedforward control mode of the coupled-motion axis to speed feedforward control with Tt
symmetrization MD32620 = 3.
This feedforward control mode can be further optimized for a more secure symmetrization process by changing the axis-
specific machine data:
Machine data Meaning
MD32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME Equivalent time constant speed control loop for feedforward
MD37200 COUPLE_POS_TOL_COURSE Threshold value for "coarse synchronism"
MD37210 COUPLE_POS_TOL_FINE Threshold value for "fine synchronism"
MD37220 COUPLE_VELO_TOL_COURSE Velocity tolerance 'coarse'
MD37220 COUPLE_VELO_TOL_FINE Velocity tolerance 'fine'
In such cases, higher threshold values for the synchronism signals and larger position and/or speed tolerances result in
more stable results.
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● MD32400 $MA_AX_JERK_ENABLE (axial jerk limitation)
● MD32402 $MA_AX_JERK_MODE (filter type for axial jerk limitation)
● MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME (time constant for the axial jerk filter)
● MD32412 $MA_AX_JERK_FREQ (blocking frequency of the axial jerk filter)
● MD32414 $MA_AX_JERK_DAMP (damping of the axial jerk filter)
● MD32420 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE (release jerk limitation)
● MD32430 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK (axial jerk)
Coupled-motion spindle: Automatic parameterization of the control parameters
The control parameters of the coupled-motion spindle can be set as follows using this machine data:
Bit 5=0: Synchronous spindle coupling, coupled-motion spindle:
Position control, feedforward control and parameter block are set for the coupled-motion spindle.
Bit 5=1: Synchronous spindle coupling:
The control parameters of the coupled-motion spindle are set as in an uncoupled scenario.
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Actual value coupling
In an actual value coupling (AV), the drive for the coupled-motion spindle must be considerably more dynamic than the
leading spindle drive. The individual drives in an actual value coupling are also set optimally according to their dynamic
An actual value coupling should only be used in exceptional cases.
Speed coupling
The velocity coupling (VV) corresponds internally to a setpoint coupling (DV), but with lower dynamic requirements of the
coupled-motion and leading spindles. A position control servo loop is not required for the coupled-motion spindle and/or
leading spindle. Measuring systems are not required.
For more information about the different versions of the generic coupling, see Chapter "Axis couplings (M3) (Page 62)".
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25.6 Examples
Programming example
Program code Comment
; Leading spindle = master spindle = spindle 1
; Coupled-motion spindle = spindle 2
N05 M3 S3000 M2=4 S2=500 ; Master spindle rotates at 3000 rpm
; Coupled-motion spindle: 500 rpm
N10 COUPDEF (S2, S1, 1, 1, "No", "Dv") ; Def. of coupling, can also
; be configured
N70 SPCON ; Include leading spindle in the position control
; (setpoint value coupling).
N75 SPCON(2) ; Bring coupled-motion spindle into closed-loop posi-
tion control
N80 COUPON (S2, S1, 45) ; On-the-fly coupling to offset position = 45 degrees
N200 FA [S2] = 100 ; Positioning speed = 100 degrees/min
N205 SPOS[2] = IC(-90) ; Traverse with 90° overlay in negative direction
N210 WAITC(S2, "Fine") ; Wait for "fine" synchronism
N212 G1 X.., Y.. F... ; Machining
N215 SPOS[2] = IC(180) ; Traverse with 180° overlay in positive direction
N220 G4 S50 ; Dwell time = 50 revolutions
; of master spindle
N225 FA [S2] = 0 ; Activate configured velocity (MD)
N230 SPOS[2] = IC (-7200) ; 20 rev. with configured velocity
; in neg. direction
N350 COUPOF (S2, S1) ; On-the-fly decoupling, S = S2 = 3000
N355 SPOSA[2] = 0 ; Stop the coupled-motion spindle at zero degrees
N360 G0 X0 Y0
N365 WAITS(2) ; Wait for spindle 2
N370 M5 ; Stop the coupled-motion spindle
N375 M30
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 263
Number Identifier Name
32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME Equivalent time constant speed control loop for feedfor-
ward control
34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST Reference point approach distance
34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR Reference point offset
34100 REFP_SET_POS Reference point value
35000 SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX Assignment of spindle to machine axis
37200 COUPLE_POS_TOL_COARSE Threshold value for "Coarse synchronism"
37210 COUPLE_POS_TOL_FINE Threshold value for "Fine synchronism"
37220 COUPLE_VELO_TOL_COARSE Speed tolerance "coarse" between leading and coupled-
motion spindles
37230 COUPLE_VELO_TOL_FINE Speed tolerance "fine" between leading and coupled-
motion spindles
37240 COUP_SYNC_DELAY_TIME Delay time actual value synchronism
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26 Safety Integrated
26.1 Standards and regulations
26.1.1 General information Aims
Manufacturers and operating companies of equipment, machines, and products are responsible for ensuring the required
level of safety. This means that plants, machines, and other equipment must be designed to be as safe as possible in
accordance with the current state of the art. To ensure this, companies describe in the various standards the current state of
the art covering all aspects relevant to safety. When the relevant Standards are observed, this ensures that state-of-the-art
technology has been utilized and, in turn, the erector/builder of a plant or a manufacturer of a machine or a piece of
equipment has fulfilled his appropriate responsibility.
Safety systems are designed to minimize potential hazards for both people and the environment by means of suitable
technical equipment, without restricting industrial production and the use of machines more than is necessary. The
protection of man and environment must be assigned equal importance in all countries, which is it is important that rules and
regulations that have been internationally harmonized are applied. This is also designed to avoid distortions in the
competition due to different safety requirements in different countries.
There are different concepts and requirements in the various regions and countries of the world when it comes to ensuring
the appropriate degree of safety. The legislation and the requirements of how and when proof is to be given and whether
there is an adequate level of safety are just as different as the assignment of responsibilities.
The most important thing for manufacturers of machines and companies that set up plants and systems is that the legislation
and regulations in the country where the machine or plant is being operated apply. For example, the control system for a
machine that is to be used in the US must fulfill local US requirements even if the machine manufacturer (OEM) is based in
the European Economic Area (EEA).
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The EU Directives are equal. This means that if several Directives apply for a specific piece of equipment or device, the
requirements of all of the relevant Directives apply (e.g. for a machine with electrical equipment, the Machinery Directive and
the Low-Voltage Directive apply).
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application of a particular standard may not be mandatory provided that all the safety requirements of the applicable EU
directives are fulfilled.
The application areas of EN ISO 13849-1, EN 62061, and EN 61508 are very similar. To help users make an appropriate
decision, the IEC and ISO associations have specified the application areas of both standards in a joint table in the
introduction to the standards. EN ISO 13849-1 or EN 62061 should be applied depending on the technology (mechanics,
hydraulics, pneumatics, electrics, electronics and programmable electronics), risk classification and architecture.
Type Systems for executing safety-related control EN ISO 13849-1 EN 62061
A Non-electrical (e.g. hydraulic, pneumatic) X Not covered
B Electromechanical (e.g. relay and/or basic Restricted to the designated All architectures and max. up
electronics) architectures (see comment to SIL 3
1) and max. up to PL = e
C Complex electronics (e.g. programmable Restricted to the designated All architectures and max. up
electronics) architectures (see comment to SIL 3
1) and max. up to PL = d
D A standards combined with B standards Restricted to the designated X
architectures (see comment See comment 3
1) and max. up to PL = e
E C standards combined with B standards Restricted to the designated All architectures and max. up
architectures (see comment to SIL 3
1) and max. up to PL = d
F C standards combined with A standards or C X X
standards combined with A standards and B See comment 2 See comment 3
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 267
Type Systems for executing safety-related control EN ISO 13849-1 EN 62061
"X" indicates that the point is covered by this standard.
Comment 1:
Designated architectures are described in Annex B of EN ISO 13849-1 and provide a simplified basis for the quantification.
Comment 2:
For complex electronics: Using designated architectures in compliance with EN ISO 13849-1 up to PL = d or every archi-
tecture in compliance with EN 62061.
Comment 3:
For non-electrical systems: Use components that comply with EN ISO 13849-1 as sub-systems.
DIN EN ISO 13849-1 and machinery directive
Since May 2007, DIN EN ISO 13849-1 has been harmonized as part of the Machinery Directive. EN 62061
EN 62061 (identical to IEC 62061) is a sector-specific standard subordinate to IEC/EN 61508. It describes the
implementation of safety-related electrical machine control systems and looks at the complete life cycle, from the conceptual
phase to decommissioning. The standard is based on the quantitative and qualitative analyses of safety functions, whereby
it systematically applies a top-down approach to implementing complex control systems (known as "functional
decomposition"). The safety functions derived from the risk analysis are sub-divided into sub-safety functions, which are then
assigned to real devices, sub-systems, and sub-system elements. Both the hardware and software are covered. EN 62061
also describes the requirements placed on implementing application programs.
A safety-related control system comprises different sub-systems. From a safety perspective, the sub-systems are described
in terms of the SIL claim limit and PFHD characteristic quantities.
Programmable electronic devices (e.g. PLCs or variable-speed drives) must fulfill EN 61508. They can then be integrated in
the controller as sub-systems. The following safety-related characteristic quantities must be specified by the manufacturers
of these devices.
Safety-related characteristic quantities for subsystems:
● SIL CL: SIL claim limit
● PFHD: Probability of dangerous failures per hour
● T1: Lifetime
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Simple sub-systems (e.g. sensors and actuators) in electromechanical components can, in turn, comprise sub-system
elements (devices) interconnected in different ways with the characteristic quantities required for determining the relevant
PFHD value of the sub-system.
Safety-related characteristic quantities for subsystem elements (devices):
● λ: Failure rate
● B10 value: For elements that are subject to wear
● T1: Lifetime
For electromechanical devices, a manufacturer specifies a failure rate λ with reference to the number of operating cycles.
The failure rate per unit time and the lifetime must be determined using the switching frequency for the particular application.
Parameters for the sub-system, which comprises sub-system elements, that must be defined during the design phase:
● T2: Diagnostic test interval
● β: Susceptibility to common cause failure
● DC: Diagnostic coverage
The PFHD value of the safety-related controller is determined by adding the individual PFHD values for subsystems.
The user has the following options when setting up a safety-related controller:
● Use devices and sub-systems that already comply with EN ISO 13849-1, IEC/EN 61508, or IEC/EN 62061. The standard
provides information specifying how qualified devices can be integrated when safety functions are implemented.
● Develop own subsystems:
– Programmable, electronic systems and complex systems: Application of EN 61508 or EN 61800-5-2.
– Simple devices and subsystems: Application of EN 62061.
EN 62061 does not include information about non-electric systems. The standard provides detailed information on
implementing safety-related electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic control systems. EN ISO 13849-1 must be
applied for non-electric systems.
Function examples
Details of simple sub-systems that have been implemented and integrated are now available as "functional examples".
EN 62061 and machinery directive
IEC 62061 has been ratified as EN 62061 in Europe and harmonized as part of the Machinery Directive.
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Another recent development with respect to EN 61508 is its system approach, which extends the technical requirements to
include the entire safety installation from the sensor to the actuator, the quantification of the probability of hazardous failure
due to random hardware failures, and the creation of documentation covering all phases of the safety-related lifecycle of the
E/E/PES. Risk analysis/assessment
Risks are intrinsic in machines due to their design and functionality. For this reason, the Machinery Directive requires that a
risk assessment be performed for each machine and, if necessary, the level of risk reduced until the residual risk is less than
the tolerable risk. To assess these risks, the following standards must be applied:
EN ISO 12100-1 "Safety of Machinery - basic terminology, general principles for design"
EN ISO 13849-1 "Safety-related parts of control systems"
EN ISO 12100-1 focuses on the risks to be analyzed and the design principles for minimizing risk.
The risk assessment is a procedure that allows hazards resulting from machines to be systematically investigated. Where
necessary, the risk assessment is followed by a risk reduction procedure. When the procedure is repeated, this is known as
an iterative process. This can help eliminate hazards (as far as this is possible) and can act as a basis for implementing
suitable protective measures.
The risk assessment involves the following:
● Risk analysis
– Determines the limits of the machine (EN ISO 12100-1)
– Identification of the hazards (EN ISO 12100-114)
– Estimating the level of risk (EN 1050 Paragraph 7)
● Risk evaluation
As part of the iterative process to achieve the required level of safety, a risk assessment is carried out after the risk
estimation. A decision must be made here as to whether the residual risk needs to be reduced. If the risk is to be further
reduced, suitable protective measures must be selected and applied. The risk assessment must then be repeated.
Iterative process for achieving safety:
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Risks must be reduced by designing and implementing the machine accordingly (e.g. by means of controllers or protective
measures suitable for the safety-related functions).
If the protective measures involve the use of interlocking or control functions, these must be designed according to EN ISO
13849-1. For electrical and electronic controllers, EN 62061 can be used as an alternative to EN ISO 13849-1. Electronic
controllers and bus systems must also comply with IEC/EN 61508.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 271 NRTL listing
To protect employees, all electrical equipment used in the USA must be certified for the planned application by a "Nationally
Recognized Testing Laboratory" (NRTL) certified by the OSHA. NRTLs are authorized to certify equipment and material by
means of listing, labeling, or similar. Domestic standards (e.g. NFPA 79) and international standards (e.g. IEC/EN 61508 for
E/E/PES systems) are the basis for testing. NFPA 79
Standard NFPA 79 (Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery) applies to electrical equipment on industrial machines with
rated voltages of less than 600 V. A group of machines that operate together in a coordinated fashion is also considered to
be one machine.
For programmable electronics and communication buses, NFPA 79 states as a basic requirement that these must be listed if
they are to be used to implement and execute safety-related functions. If this requirement is fulfilled, then electronic controls
and communication buses can also be used for Emergency Stop functions, Stop Categories 0 and 1 (refer to NFPA 79 Like EN 60204-1, NFPA 79 no longer specifies that the electrical energy must be disconnected by
electromechanical means for emergency stop functions.
The core requirements regarding programmable electronics and communication buses are:
system requirements (see NFPA 79 9.4.3)
1. Control systems that contain software-based controllers must:
● In the event of a single fault
– cause the system to switch to a safe shutdown mode
– prevent the system from restarting until the fault has been rectified
– prevent an unexpected restart
● Offer the same level of protection as hard-wired controllers
● Be implemented in accordance with a recognized standard that defines the requirements for such systems.
2. IEC 61508, IEC 62061, ISO 13849-1, ISO 13849 2 and IEC 61800-5-2 are specified as suitable standards in a note.
Underwriter Laboratories Inc. (UL) has defined a special category for "Programmable Safety Controllers" for implementing
this requirement (code NRGF). This category covers control devices that contain software and are designed for use in
safety-related functions.
A precise description of the category and a list of devices that fulfill this requirement can be found on the Internet at the
following address:
http://www.ul.com → certifications directory → UL Category code/ Guide information → search for category "NRGF"
TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. is also an NRTL for these applications.
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ISO/IEC number JIS number Comment
ISO13849- 2 JIS B 9705-1
IEC 60204-1 JIS B 9960-1 Without annex F or route map of the
European foreword
IEC 61508-0 to -7 JIS C 0508
IEC 62061 JIS number not yet assigned
In addition to the requirements of the guidelines and standards, company-specific requirements must be taken into account.
Large corporations in particular (e.g. automobile manufacturers) make stringent demands regarding automation components,
which are often listed in their own equipment specifications.
Safety-related issues (e.g. operating modes, operator actions with access to hazardous areas, EMERGENCY STOP
concepts, etc.) should be clarified with customers early on so that they can be integrated in the risk assessment/risk
reduction process.
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26.3 System features
26.3.1 Certification
The safety function of the SINAMICS V70 drive system meets the following requirements:
● Category 3 according to ISO 13849-1:2015
● Performance Level (PL) d to EN ISO 13849-1:2015
● Safety integrity level 2 (SIL 2) to IEC 61508
In addition, the safety function of SINAMICS V70 has been certified by independent institutes. An up-to-date list of certified
components is available on request from your local Siemens office.
Risk minimization through Safety Integrated
Safety Integrated can be used to minimize the level of risk associated with machines and plants.
However, safe operation of a system or machine based on Safety Integrated is only possible if the following preconditions
are fully satisfied:
• The machine builder (OEM) precisely knows and observes this technical user documentation - including the
documented limitations, safety information and residual risks.
• The machine builder (OEM) carefully and professionally designs, constructs and configures the system/machine. This
must then be verified through careful and thorough acceptance tests by qualified personnel and the results
• The machine builder (OEM) implements and validates all the measures required in accordance with the
system/machine risk analysis by means of the programmed and configured Safety Integrated functions or by other
The use of Safety Integrated does not replace the machine/plant risk assessment carried out by the machine manufacturer
as required by the EC machinery directive.
In addition to using Safety Integrated functions, further risk reduction measures must be implemented.
Danger to life as a result of inactive Safety Integrated functions while powering up
The Safety Integrated functions are only activated after the system has completely powered up. System startup is a critical
operating state with increased risk. When accidents occur, this can result in death or severe injury.
• Stay completely away from any hazardous areas while the system powers up.
• For vertical axes, check that the drives are in a no-torque state.
Regulations from EN 60204-1
The Emergency Stop function must bring the machine to a standstill according to STO.
The machine must not restart automatically after emergency stop.
When Safety Integrated functions are deactivated, an automatic restart is permitted under certain circumstances depending
on the risk analysis (except when emergency stop is reset). An automatic start is permitted when a protective door is
closed, for example.
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Danger to life when the system powers up after hardware and/or software has been changed or replaced
After hardware and/or software components have been modified or replaced, it is only permissible for the system to run up
and the drives to be activated with the protective devices closed. Changes to the system that have not been thoroughly
tested can initiate undesirable functions. For persons in the hazardous area, this can result in death or severe injury.
• Carry out the following tests after a change or replacement:
– A complete acceptance test
– A partial acceptance test
– A simplified function test
• Before personnel may re-enter the hazardous area, the drives MUST be tested to ensure that they exhibit stable control
behavior by briefly moving them in both the plus and minus directions (+/–).
• Ensure that nobody is in the hazardous area during the test.
• When switching on, carefully observe that Safety Integrated functions are only available and can only be selected after
the system has completely powered up.
Probability of failure
The probability of the failure of safety functions must be specified in the form of a PFH value (Probability of Failure per Hour)
in accordance with IEC 61508, IEC 62061, and ISO 13849-1:2015. The PFH value of a safety function depends on the
safety concept of the drive unit and its hardware configuration, as well as on the PFH values of other components used for
this safety function.
Corresponding PFH values are provided for the SINAMICS V70 drive system, depending on the hardware configuration
(number of drives, control type, number of encoders used). The various integrated safety functions are not differentiated.
The PFH values can be requested from your local sales office.
Danger to life as a result of hardware faults relating to the intrinsic principle: PFH value
Due to the intrinsic potential of hardware faults, electrical systems are subject to additional residual risk, which can be
expressed by means of the PFH value.
• Take into account these residual risks when designing your machine and where necessary apply suitable
Danger to life when a drive moves when two power transistors simultaneously fail (breakdown of depletion layer)
The simultaneous breakdown of depletion layer of two power transistors (one in the upper and the other offset in the lower
inverter bridge) in the inverter may cause the drive to move briefly. This can result in accidents leading to death or severe
• Take suitable measures to prevent unexpected drive movement, for example, by using a brake equipped with safety
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26.4 Safety Integrated basic functions
26.4.1 Safe Torque Off (STO)
In conjunction with a machine function or in the event of a fault, the "Safe Torque Off" (STO) function is used to safely
disconnect the torque-generating energy feed to the motor.
When the function is selected, the drive unit is in a "safe status". The switching on inhibited function prevents the drive unit
from being restarted.
The two-channel pulse suppression function integrated in the Motor Modules/Power Modules is a basis for this function.
Unexpected movement of machines caused by inactive safety functions
The motor can undesirably move once the energy feed has been disconnected, e.g. coasting down.
• Take appropriate measures to ensure that the motor does not undesirably move in this case.
Closing delay of the holding brake
The closing signal (low level) of the holding brake is output 30 ms after the STO is triggered.
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Control circuit interfaces - drive side
Type Illustration Signal Description
Safe Torque Off (STO) STO 1 STO 1: coast down
interfaces STO + STO +: 24 VDC
STO 2 STO 2: coast down
Control power input +24 V Power supply 24 VDC (without brake: -15% to
interfaces 1) +20%, with brake: -10% to +10% )
M Power supply 0 VDC
Maximum connectable cross-section: 1.5 mm2
1) Maximum current consumptions without brake power supply and with brake power supply are respectively 1 A and 3 A.
Using the STO function
The STO1, STO+ and STO2 are short connected at the factory setting.
When the STO function is to be used, you must remove the short-circuit stick before connecting the STO interfaces. If you
do not need to use it any more, you must reinsert the short-circuit stick; otherwise, the motor will not run.
The wiring for factory setting and using the STO function is shown as follows:
If "Safe Torque Off" is selected and de-selected through one channel within 2 seconds, the pulses are suppressed without a
message being output.
Restart after the "Safe Torque Off" function has been selected
1. Deselect the function in each monitoring channel via the input terminals.
2. Issue drive enable signals.
3. Switch the drive back on.
– 1/0 edge at input signal "ON/OFF1"
– 0/1 edge at input signal "ON/OFF1" (switch on drive)
4. Operate the drives again.
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Response time for the "Safe Torque Off" function
The worst response time for the STO function is 5 ms.
Forced dormant error detection or test of the switch-off signal paths for Safety Integrated Basic Functions
The forced dormant error detection function at the switch-off signal paths is used to detect software/hardware faults at both
monitoring channels in time and is automated by means of activation/deactivation of the "Safe Torque Off" function.
To fulfill the requirements of ISO 13849-1:2015 regarding timely error detection, the two switch-off signal paths must be
tested at least once within a defined time to ensure that they are functioning properly. This functionality must be
implemented by means of forced dormant error detection function, triggered either in manual mode or by the automated
A timer ensures that forced dormant error detection is carried out as quickly as possible.
8760 hours for the forced dormant error detection.
Once this time has elapsed, an alarm is output and remains present until forced dormant error detection is carried out.
The timer returns to the set value each time the STO function is deactivated.
When the appropriate safety devices are implemented (e.g. protective doors), it can be assumed that running machinery will
not pose any risk to personnel. For this reason, only an alarm is output to inform the user that a forced dormant error
detection run is due and to request that this be carried out at the next available opportunity. This alarm does not affect
machine operation.
Examples of when to carry out forced dormant error detection:
● When the drives are at a standstill after the system has been switched on (POWER ON).
● When the protective door is opened.
● At defined intervals.
● In "AUTO" mode (time and event dependent)
The timer will be reset if the associated forced dormant error detection is executed. The corresponding alarm is not
The forced dormant error detection procedure of Safety Function (STO) always has to be executed through the terminals.
27 Special functions
27.1 Multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI data
In the control system, the machine manufacturer's HMI data will support multiple languages in an easy way.
You can access the following HMI data screen with the operations:
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There are the following three types of multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI data:
● No multi-language support
● Single file
● Multiple files
No multi-language support
This is the case for:
● Customized bitmaps
● User cycle bitmap file
● User cycle softkey index file
● User cycle parameter file
● EasyXLanguage scripts
In all languages, the same files are used since multi-language support for these files are unnecessary.
Single file
This is the case for:
● User cycle alarm file
● Extended user text file
● OEM MD description file
● PLC alarm texts
● OEM R variable name file
● Service planner task name file
For these files, the machine manufacturer can easily import or export all language files without changing the system
language. Files in different languages are distinguished by the file name. For example, for PLC alarm texts, the file name will
be in the format of:
wherein, <LANG> stands for the real language abbreviations.
Never contain any upper case in the file name; otherwise, the file name cannot be recognized by the control system.
A file in the incorrect file name format cannot be identified by the control and thus will not be active on the control.
Multiple files
This is the case for:
● OEM online help
● OEM manual
● OEM slide show
For these files, the machine manufacturer can prepare all files for a certain language in a folder with the name <LANG>,
which stands for the real language abbreviations, and then copy them to the desired folder on the control.
A folder in the incorrect folder name format cannot be identified by the control and thus will not be active on the control.
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Country code table
The following table provides different language codes for your reference.
Language Code Language Code
Simplified Chinese chs 1) Italian ita
Traditional Chinese cht Korean kor
Czech csy Dutch nld
Denish dan Polish plk
German deu Portuguese ptb
English eng 1) Rumanian rom
Spanish esp Russian rus
Finnish fin Swedish sve
French fra Turkish trk
Hungarian hun
1) Default languages already loaded on the control in the scope of delivery
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280 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
② Calls the machine manufacturer-developed PDF manual
Continues search for the next term that matches the search criteria
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Searches for a term in the current topic
Continues search for the next term that matches the search criteria
Continues search for the next term that matches the search criteria
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282 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
To create your own online help, you must use the existing help file format, as shown below:
You must end the text by pressing the Enter key; otherwise the online help does not work properly.
The table below gives the detailed information about the commands you can use in your help texts:
Command Description
#{XE "BookmarkName"} Creates a bookmark named BookmarkName. The command
must be followed by an HL command, which will be used as
description in the help index. These bookmarks will be dis-
played in the help content list.
#{HL{depth}} Defines a headline. The parameter {depth} defines the
{depth} = 1 - 5 headline depth.
#{NPAGE} Starts a new help page.
#{BOOKMARK "BookmarkName"} Sets a hidden bookmark named BookmarkName, which
occurs in the help index. It can be used in the XREF com-
mand to create a hyperlink.
#{XREF "BookmarkName"}{file name}{Display text of hyper- Creates a hyperlink in the help text. The destination Book-
link} markName can be a bookmark created via the BOOKMARK
or XE command.
#{BITMAP "no_ref.bmp"} Inserts a bitmap in the text.
#{SCOLOR {color}} Changes the color of the following text to the specified one
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 283
3. Select the system data operating area.
4. Open the "USB" window through the following softkey operations:
5. Press this hardkey to select the desired <LANG> folders, and then copy the folders with the
following softkey:
6. Find the folder for storing the online help files through the following operations, and press
this key to open it:
→ →
8. Then you can view your own online help through the following operations:
→ → →
For more information about the key operations in this window, see Section "The help system
(Page 280)".
9. Exit the online help.
: returning to the operating area where you stay before calling the help
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Calling a machine manufacturer's manual
1. • Create the file for a manual on your PC. The file name must be oemmanual.pdf.
• Save the files in the following path in a USB stick:
– For the turning variant: ...\<LANG>\turning\manual
– For the milling variant: ...\<LANG>\milling\manual
wherein, <LANG> = language code of the language used for the online help. For more
information, see Section "Multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI
data (Page 278)".
2. Insert the USB stick into the USB interface at the front of the PPU.
3. Select the system data operating area.
4. Open the "USB" window through the following softkey operations:
5. Press this hardkey to select the desired<LANG>folders, and then copy the folders with the
following softkey:
6. Find the folder for storing the manual file through the following operations, and press this
key to open it:
→ →
For more information about the key operations in this window, see Section "The help system
(Page 280)".
9. Exit the manual.
Poor performance of the system
• Do not upload a machine manufacturer's manual of a large size; otherwise, the system performance will be reduced.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 285
27.3 Calling a standard cycle with auxiliary functions
You can call user cycles with M codes or T codes. With this function, you can perform operations such as changing machine
M codes or T codes for calling user cycles must not be in the same program segment.
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Variables Descriptions
$C_T Programming tool number.
$P_TOOLP is inactive when the program code T calls a tool changing cycle that is
defined with MD10717. The tool number is then represented with "$C_T".
$TC_DP1[Tool number, 1] Tool type
$TC_DP3[Tool number, 1] Tool's geometrical parameter: tool length 1
$TC_DP6[Tool number, 1] Tool's geometrical parameter: tool radius
$TC_DP12[Tool number, 1] Tool wear: the direction of length 1
$TC_DP15[Tool number, 1] Tool wear: the direction of radius
$TC_DP24[Tool number, 1] Tool's dimension:
0: normal
1: oversize
$TC_DP25[Tool number, 1] Number of the tool turret
_TM[n] Global user data (integral)
_ZSFR[n] Global user data (float)
Since this data has been used in the Siemens standard technology cycles, ensure
that there is no conflict with the technology cycles when you are using this data.
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The procedure for calling the time counter is as follows:
1. Select the offset operating area.
2. Press these two softkeys in succession. Then the time counter is displayed, counting the
following time periods:
1. Enter "AUTO" mode and select the machining operating area.
2. After you press this softkey, the time counter is displayed, counting the following time peri-
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The procedure for calling the workpiece counter is as follows:
1. Select the offset operating area.
2. Press these two softkeys in succession. Then the workpiece counter is displayed, counting
the following parts:
1. Enter "AUTO" mode and select the machining operating area.
2. Press these two keys in succession.
Then the workpiece counter is displayed, counting the following parts:
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 289
27.6 Fast I/O
Hardware description
The FAST I/O interface (X21) provides 3 digital inputs and 1 digital output:
Illustration Pin Signal Description Variable
4 DI1 Fast input 1 with address DB2900.DBX0.0 $A_IN[1]
5 DI2 Fast input 2 with address DB2900.DBX0.1 $A_IN[2]
6 DI3 Fast input 3 with address DB2900.DBX0.2 $A_IN[3]
7 DO1 Fast output 1 with address DB2900.DBX4.0 $A_OUT[1]
Relevant parameters
MD No. Name Meaning Value
10366 HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTIN[0] Hardware assignment for the fast inputs 10101
10368 HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTOUT[0] Hardware assignment for the fast outputs 10101
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290 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
In a part program, you can set or reset the fast output via its corresponding variable. The system variable is $A_OUT[1].
For example:
Naming rule
Here "<LANG>" refers to the language denotation, for example, eng.
For more information, see Section "Multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI data (Page 278)".
83000 "User%nCycles" // 2*9 ⇒ two lines, each line with nine-character space
83001 "CYCLE100" // 9 ⇒ one line with nine-character space
83020 "DIA short description" // 21 ⇒ one line with 21-character space
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 291
Parameters Value range Significance
x 5 The fifth horizontal key.
y 1 to 8 The first to eighth vertical key in the first level.
z 1 to 8 The first to eighth vertical key in the second level.
\$identifier\ - The softkey identifier defined in the extended user text file.
bitmap(cycle) - The bitmap for the cycle screen. The bitmap name must be followed with the user
cycle name which will display in the upper left corner of the cycle screen.
S5.0.0\$83000\ ⇒ define a softkey (with the identifier 83000) at the fifth horizontal key.
S5.1.0\$83001\CN1(CYCLE100) ⇒ define a softkey (with the identifier 83001) at the first vertical key in the first level after
pressing the fifth horizontal key; CN1.bmp is used for the CYCLE100 screen.
S5.2.0\$83002\CN2(CYCLE101) ⇒ define a softkey (with the identifier 83002) at the second vertical key in the first level after
pressing the fifth horizontal key; CN2.bmp is used for the CYCLE101 screen.
Note that you can also define different pictures for the
5 Separator /
6 Default value Value is missing in the cycle if no entry is made.
7 Separator /
8 Short parameter text $ + the identifier (the short description of the selected
parameter, which will display in the upper left corner of the
parameter screen; defined in the extended user text file)
9 End of variable definition )
10 Start of description [
11 Parameter name Text preceding the input field; a maximum of five charac-
ters in length
12 End of description ]
13 Parameter-specific image /B + bmp file name (without file extension)
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Separators, start and end identifiers must always be entered.
The bits 4, 6, and 13 can be left blank.
If no texts are stored with the $ identifier, three question marks appear in the associated fields on the screen.
(R/0 99999.999//$83020)[DIA]
(R/0 99999.999//$83021)[DIAF]
(R/-9999.999 99999.999//$83022)[STAP]
(R/-9999.999 99999.999//$83023)[ENDP]
(R/0 99999.999//$83024)[MID]
(R/0 99999.999//$83025)[UX]
(I/*0 1 2/0/$83026)[MACH]/B CN1
(R/1 99999.999/1/$83027)[VRT]
Naming rule
Here "xxx" refers to the cycle number. It must not exceed four digits..
The name of a user cycle must not be same with that of a standard Siemens cycle. It is recommend to use a cycle number
with the range of 100 to 800.
Programming example
Create the program with a wordpad or notepad.
As a cycle screen always also transfers values as call parameters to the user cycle, the transfer interface is defined as
PROC is a keyword followed by the cycle name with the cycle number. All the transfer parameters for the screen are
contained within brackets with the data type and name separated by commas.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 293
G90 G0 X=VAR1 Z=STAP+2
G90 G0 Z=STAP+2
IF R104<=R103 GOTOB LL2
G90 G0 X=DIA+2
G90 Z=STAP+2
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27.7.5 Creating the user cycle alarm file
The user cycle alarm file is required to display alarm numbers and alarm messages for user cycles.
Naming rule
Here "<LANG>" refers to the language denotation, for example, eng.
For more information, see Section "Multi-language support for the machine manufacturer's HMI data (Page 278)".
65000 "Current tool position is incorrect" // 34 ⇒ one line with 34-character space
65001 "DIAF is bigger than DIA" // 23 ⇒ one line with 23-character space
If 16 colors are not sufficient for the display, you can also use 24-bit color depth bitmaps.
3. Select the desired user cycle file (for example, CYCLE100.SPF) and then press this softkey
to copy the file.
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Transferring the bitmap file
1. Press this softkey to switch to the USB storage directory.
2. Select the desired bitmap file(s) (for example, cn1.bmp, cn2.bmp...) and then press this
softkey to copy the file(s).
Note that you can use the following key to select multiple files:
4. Find the folder for storing the user cycle files through the following operations, and press
this key to open it:
→ →
5. Press this key to open the following user cycle bitmap file folder:
2. Locate the user cycle alarm file (for example, alc_eng.txt) and press this softkey to copy the
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4. Find the following user cycle alarm file folder and press this key to open it:
6. Press this softkey when a message appears prompting you to restart the HMI. The new
data will be active after the HMI restarts successfully.
3. Select the cov.com and sc.com files and then press this softkey to copy the files.
Note that you can use the following key to select multiple files:
5. Find the folder for storing the user cycle files through the following operations, and press
this key to open it:
→ →
6. Press this softkey to replace the following empty files:
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7. Press this softkey when a message appears prompting you to restart the HMI. The new
data will be active after the HMI restarts successfully.
3. Locate the extended user text file (for example, almc_eng.txt) and press this softkey to copy
the file.
4. Find the folder for storing the extended user text file through the following operations, and
press this key to open it:
→ →
6. Press this softkey when a message appears prompting you to restart the HMI. The new
data will be active after the HMI restarts successfully.
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2. Select the desired part program and press this key to open it in the program editor.
Then you can see the softkey you define at the fifth horizontal softkey, for example:
3. Press this softkey to open the lower-level menu for calling user cycles, for example:
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 299
4. Press this softkey to open the window for CYCLE100, for example:
5. Set the parameters as desired, and press this softkey to confirm and return to the program
editing screen. Then you can find CYCLE100 inserted in your program.
3. Press this softkey and all machine data available for editing is listed.
5. Press this softkey to activate the input field at the bottom of the screen and enter the de-
sired description text, for example:
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6. Confirm your entry with this softkey or the following key:
After you have modified the description of at least one MD on the control system, you can find an OEM MD description file
(.txt) which contains the manufacturer's MD descriptions edited under the current system language. You can access this file
through the following operations:
+ → → → →
An OEM MD description file is language-dependent. You can copy the file in the desired language to your computer using a
USB memory stick for backup or batch editing of the machine data descriptions.
4. Use the cursor keys to select an R variable and enter the desired name in the name input
field, for example:
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 301
After you have defined at least one R variable name on the control system, you can find an OEM R variable name file (.txt)
which contains the manufacturer's R variable names defined under the current system language. You can access this file
through the following operations:
+ → → → →
An OEM R variable name file is language-dependent. You can copy the file in the desired language to your computer using
a USB memory stick for backup or batch editing of the R variable names.
All dialog forms can be designed on a language-neutral basis. In such cases, the system reads out the texts to be displayed
from the accompanying language database.
The defined XML instructions offer the following properties:
● Display dialogs containing the following elements:
– Softkeys
– Variables
– Texts and Help texts
– Graphics and Help displays
● Call dialogs by performing the following operation:
– Pressing the (start) softkeys
● Restructure dialogs dynamically by performing the following operations:
– Editing and deleting softkeys
– Defining and designing variable fields
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302 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
– Inserting, exchanging, and deleting display texts (language-dependent or language-neutral)
– Inserting, exchanging, and deleting graphics
● Initiate operations in response to the following actions:
– Displaying dialogs
– Inputting values (variables)
– Selecting a softkey
– Exiting dialogs
● Exchange data between dialogs
● Operate variables as follows:
– Read (NC, PLC, and user variables)
– Write (NC, PLC, and user variables)
– Combine with mathematical, comparison, or logic operators
● Execute the following functions:
– Subprograms
– File functions
– PI services
● Apply protection levels according to user classes
The valid elements (tags) for the script language are described in Section "XML identifier (Page 306)".
The following section is not intended as a comprehensive description of XML (Extensible Markup Language). Please refer to
the relevant specialist literature for additional information.
Configuration files
The defining data for new user interfaces are stored in configuration files. These files are automatically interpreted and the
result displayed on the screen. Configuration files are not stored in the software supplied and must first be set up and loaded
by the user.
Example configuration files (EasyXLanguage scripts) are included in the ...\examples\SINUMERIK_808D\easyXL folder of
the Toolbox.
An XML editor or another form of text editor can be used to generate the configuration files.
The configuration file name is case-insensitive.
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Configured start softkeys can be used to create a further menu tree behind the start menu:
Start menu
Pressing this key on the PPU calls the start menu, which is defined by the name "main" in the "xmldial.xml"
file. The start menu is used to initiate your own operating sequences.
You can use the "main" menu to link your own dialogs or additional softkey bars so that they can be loaded
and used for executing additional actions.
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Dependencies of files for configuring user dialogs
Loading configuration
Make sure that you copy the generated configuration files to the following path from a USB stick directly or from a network
drive via Ethernet connection:
+ → → → → →
When a script file "xmldial.xml" is available in the folder above, you can call the start menu in the user-defined operating
After the initial copying process, reset the control system through the following operations:
+ → → →
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Example of a user dialog on the HMI
The configured softkey menus are displayed when the user-defined operating area is called. This enables the user to
operate the dialog forms which have been configured.
A configuration file consists of the following elements:
● Description of the "main" start menu with start softkeys
● Definition of dialogs
● Definition of variables
● Description of the blocks
● Definition of softkey bars
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FORM name ="Hello_World">
The language offers the following instructions for executing conditional instructions and loop controls:
● For loop
● While loop
● Do while loop
● Conditional processing
● Switch and case instructions
● Operator controls in a dialog form
● Softkey descriptions
● Define variables
For a detailed description of instructions, see Instruction/identifier description (Page 307).
Attribute values that are in quotation marks "<...>" should be replaced by the currently used expressions.
<DATA_LIST action="read/write/append" id="<list name>">
is programmed as follows:
<DATA_LIST action="read/write/append" id="my datalist">
<CONTROL_RESET resetnc="TRUE" />
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 307
Tag identifier Meaning
CREATE_CYCLE_EVENT If the parser starts to process the tag CREATE_CYCLE, initially, the message
<CREATE_CYCLE_EVENT> is sent to the active form. This message can be used for
preparing the cycle parameters, before the parser generates the NC operation from the
parameter list and the generation rule.
<type_cast name="P1" type="int"/>
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Tag identifier Meaning
DATA The tag enables the NC, PLC, GUD and drive data to be directly written to.
The Addressing components (Page 358) section contains details on address formation.
• name
Variable address
Tag value:
All alphanumeric terms are approved as tag values. If a value is to be written from a local
variable directly, the $ replacement operator preceding the name of the local variable
should be used.
<DATA name="<variable name>"> value </DATA>
<DATA name = "plc/mb170"> 1 </DATA>
<LET name = "tempVar"> 7 </LET>
<!— the contents of the local variables "tempVar" are written to
bit memory byte 170 →
<DATA name = "plc/mb170">$tempVar</DATA>
DATA_LIST The tag enables the listed drive and machine data to be saved or restored.
Addresses are listed in lines. Section "Addressing components (Page 358) " describes
how addresses are formed.
Up to 20 temporary data lists can be created.
• action
read – the values of the listed variables are stored in a temporary memory
append – the values of the listed variables are added to an existing list
write – the backed up values are copied to the relevant machine data
• id
<DATA_LIST action="<read/write/append>" id="<list name>">
NC/PLC address compilation
<DATA_LIST action ="read" id="<name>">
<DATA_LIST action ="write" id="<name>" />
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 309
Tag identifier Meaning
DO_WHILE Do while loop
WHILE (Test)
The Do while loop comprises a block of instructions and a condition. The code in the
instruction block is executed first, then the condition is applied. If the condition is true, the
function executes the code section again. This is continually repeated until the condition is
<DATA name = "PLC/qb11"> 15 </DATA>
<CONDITIION> "plc/ib9" == 0 </CONDITION>
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE The tag includes an XML script file.
Contrary to the INCLUDE tag, read-in is first only realized when executing the corre-
sponding operation.
For large projects, the use of the tag reduces the load time of the customer area and/or
the cycle support. Further, the average level of resources is reduced, as not all of the
dialogs are always called during a session.
<DYNAMIC_INCLUDE src="path name"/>
ELSE Instruction for situations where the condition has not been met (IF, THEN, ELSE)
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Tag identifier Meaning
FOR For loop
for (initialization; test; continuation) instruction(s)
The For loop is executed as follows:
1. Evaluation of the expression initialization (INIT).
2. Evaluation of the expression test (CONDITION) as a Boolean expression.
If the value is false, the For loop is exited.
3. Execution of the following instructions.
4. Evaluation of the expression continuation (INCREMENT).
5. Continue with 2.
All the variables within the INIT, CONDITION, and INCREMENT branches are declared
and initialized outside the FOR loop.
<LET name = "count">0</LET>
<OP> count = 0</OP>
<OP> count = count + 1 </OP>
<OP> "plc/qb10" = 1+ count </OP>
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 311
Tag identifier Meaning
FORM The tag contains the description of a user dialog. The relevant tags are described in the
section on generating menus and dialog forms.
<FORM name="<dialog name>" color="#ff0000">
• color
Background color of the dialog form (color coding, see Section "Color coding
(Page 329)")
– Default white
• name
Whether the font of the dialog form is of the true type (optional)
• true
The font of the dialog form is of the true type regardless of the value of machine data
• false
The font of the dialog form is set via bit 0 of MD1113 (default)
– Bit 0 = 0: the fixed type font is used for text display (default)
– Bit 0 = 1: the true type font is used for text display
<FORM name="dialog name" truetypefont="true">
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Tag identifier Meaning
FORM Continued You can define how the images in a form will be displayed on the screen with a resolution
of 800x600 pixels, that is, adapt the image size to the screen, by setting bit 1 of MD1113.
This function is applicable only when the script file is copied to the control system with a
screen resolution of 800x600 pixels.
• Bit 1 = 0: the image is automatically scaled up by a factor of 1.25 (default)
• Bit 1 = 1: the original image size is kept without automatic scaling
IF Conditional instruction (IF, THEN, ELSE)
The THEN and ELSE tags are enclosed in the IF tag.
The condition that is executed in the CONDITION tag follows the IF tag. The further pro-
cessing of the instructions depends upon the result of the operation. If the function result
is true, then the THEN branch is executed and the ELSE branch is skipped. If the result of
the function is false, the parser executes the ELSE branch.
<CONDITION> Condition != 7 </CONDITION>
Instruction for the case: Condition fulfilled
Instruction for the case: Condition not fulfilled
Or simplified as follows (cannot be used for addresses that require quotation marks):
<IF CONDITION>="Condition != 7">
Instruction for the case: Condition fulfilled
Instruction for the case: Condition not fulfilled
<CONDITION> "plc/mb170" != 7 </CONDITION>
<OP> "plc/mb170" = 7 </OP>
<OP> "plc/mb170" = 2 </OP>
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 313
Tag identifier Meaning
INCLUDE The instruction includes an XML description.
(see also DYNAMIC_INCLUDE in this table)
• src
<?INCLUDE src="<Path name>" ?>
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Tag identifier Meaning
LET The instruction creates a local variable under the specified name.
Using the attribute dim (dimension) single or two-dimensional fields can be created. The
field index addresses the individual field elements.
For a two-dimensional field, initially the line index is specified and then the column index.
• Single-dimensional field:
Indices 0 to 4
• Two-dimensional field:
• name
Variable name
• type
The variable type can be an integer (INT), unsigned integer (UINT), double
(DOUBLE), float (FLOAT), string (STRING), or STRUCT. The variable type can also
be a structure defined with typedef. If there is no type instruction specified, the system
creates an integer variable.
<LET name = "VAR1" type = "INT" />
• permanent
If the attribute is set to true, then the variable value is saved permanently. This attrib-
ute is only effective for a global variable.
• dim
The following number of field elements must be specified. For a two-dimensional field,
the second dimension is specified after the first dimension separated by a comma.
A field element is accessed via the field index, which is specified in square brackets
after the variable name.
name[index] or name[row,column]
– Single-dimensional field: dim="<Number of elements>"
– Two-dimensional field: dim="<Number of lines>,<number of columns>"
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 315
Tag identifier Meaning
LET Continued Example:
One-dimensional field:
<let name="array" dim="10"></let>
Two-dimensional field:
<let name="list_string" dim="10,3" type="string"></let>
A variable can be initialized with a value.
<LET name = "VAR1" type = "INT"> 10 </LET>
If values comprising NC or PLC variables are saved in a local variable, the assignment
operation automatically adapts the format to that of the variables which have been loaded.
• Pre-assignment for a string variable:
Texts containing more than one line can be assigned to a string variable if the format-
ted text is transferred as a value. If a line is to end with a line feed <LF> (line feed) ,
the characters "\\n" should be added at the end of the line.
Fields (Arrays):
<let name="list" dim="10,3">
Values made up of the machine data or subroutines can be assigned to a variable using
the assignment operation "=".
A variable remains valid until the end of the higher-level XML block.
Variables which are to be available globally should be created directly after the DialogGUi
The following must be observed for a dialog box:
• The message processing opens the corresponding tag.
• The tag is closed after the message has been executed.
• All variables within the tag are deleted when closing.
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Tag identifier Meaning
LET Continued Variable type struct:
This variable type contains a composition of variables that can be addressed using the
structure name. A structure can contain all variable types and structures.
Within the structure, a variable is declared with the "element" tag. The attributes of the
tags and the initialization correspond to the attributes and initialization of the let instruc-
LET Continued Access to a variable of the structure is via the structure name and variable name. Both
names are separated by a point operator.
Structure_name.variable_name = value;
<let name="info" type="struct">
info.id = 1;
= _T"0034 45634";
Initialization of structures:
Structures can be initialized when the variables are created by specifying an initial value
for each structure element. In an array of structures, each structure must be separated
from the others by braces.
MSG The operator component shows the message which is indicated in the tag.
<MSG text ="my message" />
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Tag identifier Meaning
MSGBOX The instruction opens a message box whose return value can be used for branching.
<MSGBOX text="<Message>" caption="<caption>" retvalue="<variable
name>" type="<button type>" />
• text
• retvalue
1 – OK
• type
Acknowledgment options:
<MSGBOX text="Test message" retvalue="result" type="BTN_OK" />
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318 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
OP The tag executes the specified operations.
The operations listed in Section "Operators (Page 329)" can be executed.
For the purpose of accessing the NC, PLC, and drive data, the complete variable name
should be placed in quotation marks. Section "Addressing components (Page 358) " de-
scribes how addresses are formed.
PLC: "PLC/MB170"
NC: "NC/Channel/…"
<LET name = "tmpVar" type="INT"> </LET>
<OP> tmpVar = "plc/mb170" </OP>
<OP> tmpVar = tmpVar *2 </OP>
<OP> "plc/mb170" = tmpVar </OP>
More than one equation can be used within an operation tag. A semicolon marks the end
of the instruction.
x = x+1;
y = y+1;
<LET name="buffer" type="string"></LET>
<OP> buffer = _T"unformatted value R0= " +
"nck/Channel/Parameter/R[0]" + _T" and " + _T"$$85051" + _T" for-
matted value R1 " + _F%9.3f"nck/Channel/Parameter/R[1]" </OP>
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 319
Tag identifier Meaning
Instructions can be moved within an equation.
Move left "<<" operator
The << function moves bits to the left. You can specify the value and the number of move
increments directly or with a variable. If the limit of the data format is reached, the bits will
be moved beyond the limit without an error message being issued.
Execution rule
Execution from left to right; '+' and '-' have priority over '<<' and '>>'
<op> idx = idx << 2 </op>
<op> idx = 3 + idx << 2 </op>
<op> idx = idx >> 2 </op>
<op> idx = 3+idx >> 2</op>
POWER_OFF A message prompts the operator to switch the machine off. The message text is perma-
nently saved in the system.
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Tag identifier Meaning
PRINT The tag outputs a text in the dialog line or copies the text to the variable specified.
If the text contains formatting identifiers, the variable values are inserted at the appropri-
ate places.
<PRINT name="Variable name " text="text %Formatting "> Variable, …
<PRINT text="text %Formatting"> Variable, … </PRINT>
• name
The character "%" causes the variable specified as the value to be formatted.
%[Flags] [Width] [.decimal places] type
• Flags:
Optional character for defining output formatting:
– Right-justified or left-justified ("-") for left-justified
– Add leading zeros ("0")
– Fill with blanks
• Width:
The argument defines the minimum output width for a non-negative number. If the
value to be output has fewer places than the argument defined, the missing spaces
are filled with blanks.
• Decimal places:
With floating-point numbers, the optional parameter defines the number of decimal
• Type:
The type character defines which data formats are transferred for the print instruction.
These characters need to be specified.
– d: Integer value
– f: Floating-point number
– s: String
PRINT Continued Values:
Number of variables whose values are to be inserted into the text.
The variable types must match the corresponding type identifier for the formatting instruc-
tion and must be separated from one another with a comma.
Output of a text in the information line
<PRINT text="Infotext" />
Output of a text with variable formatting
<LET name="trun_dir"></LET>
<PRINT text="M%d">trun_dir</PRINT>
Output of a text in a string variable with variable formatting
<LET name="trun_dir"></LET>
<LET name="str" type="string" ></LET>
<print name="str" text="M%d ">trun_dir</print>
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Tag identifier Meaning
PROGRESS_BAR The tag opens or closes a progress bar. The bar is displayed below the application win-
<PROGRESS_BAR type="<true/false>"> value </ PROGRESS_BAR>
• type = "TRUE" - opens the progress bar
• type = "FALSE" - closes the progress bar
• min
• Value
<PROGRESS_BAR type="true" min="0" max="101" >20<
/PROGRESS_BAR>......<PROGRESS_BAR type="false" >100<
SEND_MESSAGE The tag sends a message with two parameters to the active form, which is processed in
the tag message.
<send_message>1, 0</send_message>
<CASE value="1">
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322 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
SHOW_CONTROL The visibility of a control can be controlled using the tag.
<SHOW_CONTROL name="<name>" type="<type>" />
• name
<SHOW_CONTROL name="myEditfield" type="false" />
<SHOW_CONTROL name="myEditfield" type="true" />
SLEEP The tag interrupts script execution for the specified period. The interruption time is ob-
tained from the transferred value multiplied by the time base.
<SLEEP value="Interruption time" />
Wait time, 30 * time base.
<SLEEP value="30" />
STOP Interpretation is canceled at this point.
SWITCH The SWITCH instruction describes a multiple choice. A term is evaluated once and com-
pared with a number of constants. If the expression matches the constants, the instruc-
tions are executed within the CASE instruction.
The DEFAULT instruction is executed when none of the constants match the expression.
<CASE value="Constant 1">
<CASE value="Constant 2">
THEN Instruction if the condition has been fulfilled (IF, THEN, ELSE)
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Tag identifier Meaning
TYPE_CAST The tag converts the data type of a local variable.
<type_cast name="variable name" type=" new type" />
• name
Variable name
• type
The new data type is assigned to the variable. The variable value is also converted to
the new data type.
TYPEDEF A new identifier for a data type can be defined with the “typedef” tag. This has the benefit
for the structure definitions that the data type can be defined once and then used as a
data type in a LET instruction.
The identifier and type are expected as attributes.
The parser supports only the specification of structure definitions.
In the type definition, a variable is declared with the “element” tag. The attributes of the
tag correspond to the attributes of the let instruction.
After definition, the identifier can be used as a data type for the LET instruction.
<typedef name="my_struct" type="struct">
<element name="id" type="int" />
<element name="name" type="string" />
<element name="phone" type="string" />
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324 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
TYPEDEF Continued Some predefined functions expect variables of structure type RECT, POINT, or SIZE as
the call parameter. These structures are defined in the file struct_def.xml.
<typedef name="StructRect" type="struct" >
<element name="left" type="int">0</element>
<element name="top" type="int">0</element>
<element name="right" type="int">0</element>
<element name="bottom" type="int">0</element>
<typedef name="StructPoint" type="struct" >
<element name="x" type="int">0</element>
<element name="y" type="int">0</element>
<typedef name="StructSize" type="struct" >
<element name="width" type="int">0</element>
<element name="height" type="int">0</element>
WAITING The tag waits for the component to undergo a hot restart after an NC or drive reset.
• WAITINGFORNC = "TRUE" - the system waits for the NC to restart
<CONTROL_RESET resetnc = "true"/>
<WAITING waitingfornc = "true"/>
WHILE (Test)
The While loop executes a sequence of instructions repeatedly while a condition is met.
This condition is tested before the sequence of instructions is executed.
<CONDITION> "plc/ib9" == 0 </CONDITION>
<DATA name = "PLC/qb11"> 15 </DATA>
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Tag identifier Meaning
XML_PARSER The “XML_PARSER” tag can be used to parse XML files.
The parser interprets an XML file and calls defined call-back functions. Each call-back
function belongs to a predefined event. The programmer can process the XML data within
this function.
Predefined events:
• start document
The parser opens the document and starts parsing.
• end document
The parser closes the document.
• start element
The parser has found an element and creates a list with all attributes and attribute val-
The value of the name attribute contains the path to the XML file.
To assign events to the call-back functions, the following properties must be specified:
The value of an attribute defines the name of the call-back function.
<XML_PARSER name="f:\appl\xml_test.xml">
<!-- standard handler -->
<property startElementHandler="startElementHandler" />
<property endElementHandler="endElementHandler" />
<property charactersHandler="charactersHandler" />
<!-- optional handler -->
<property errorHandler="errorHandler" />
<property documentHandler="documentHandler" />
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326 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
XML_PARSER Continued The parser also supplies variables so that the call-back functions can access the event
Function parameters
tag_name - tag name
num - number of attributes found
System variables
$xmlAttribute String array that contains the 0-num attribute name range.
$xmlValue String array that contains the 0-num attribute value range.
<function_body name="startElementHandler" return="true"
parameter="tag_name, num">
<print text="attribute name %s"> $xmlAttribute[0]</print>
<print text="attribute value %s"> $xmlValue [0]</print>
Function parameters
tag_name - tag name
<function_body name="endElementHandler" parameter="tag_name">
<print text="name %s"> tag_name </print>
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Tag identifier Meaning
XML_PARSER Continued charactersHandler:
System variables
$xmlCharacters String with data
$xmlCharactersStart Always 0
$xmlCharactersLength Number of bytes
<function_body name="charactersHandler" return="true" >
<print text="chars %s"> $xmlCharacters </print>
Function parameters
state 1 start document, 2 end document
System variables
$xmlErrorString Contains the invalid line (system variable)
<function_body name="errorHandler" >
<print text="error %s">$xmlErrorString</print>
Call-back result:
$return If 1 (true), the parser continues parsing the file
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328 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
System variable Description Tags where valid
$mouse_event.type Contains the structures for handing over mouse event pa- MOUSE_EVENT
$mouse_event.x rameters
$mouse_event.button Operators
The operation instruction processes the following operators:
Operator Meaning
= Assignment
== Equal to
<, < Less than
>, > Greater than
<=, <= Less than or equal to
>=, >= Greater than or equal to
| OR operation in bits
|| Logic OR operation
&, & AND operation in bits
&&, && Logic AND operation
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 329
Operator Meaning
/ Division
! Not
!= Not equal to
Operation instructions are processed from left to right. It may make sense to place terms in parentheses under certain
circumstances in order to define the priority for executing subterms.
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330 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
FORM This tag contains the description of a user dialog.
• color
Background color of the dialog box (for color coding, see Section "Color coding
(Page 329)")
• name
Whether the font of the dialog form is of the true type (optional)
FORM continued Dialog messages:
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 331
Tag identifier Meaning
FORM continued
<TEXT xpos = "23" ypos = "34">R - Parameter 1</TEXT>
<TEXT xpos = "23" ypos = "54">R - Parameter 2</TEXT>
<TEXT xpos = "23" ypos = "74">R - Parameter 3</TEXT>
INIT Dialog box message
The tag is executed immediately after the dialog box is generated. All the input elements and
hotlinks for the dialog form should be created here.
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332 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
KEY_EVENT Dialog message
The tag KEY_EVENT can be integrated in the form to evaluate keyboard events. The sys-
tem sends the MF2 keyboard code to the active form if the tag is available in a form. If the
variable $actionresult is not set to zero, the system then subsequently processes the key-
board event.
The keyboard code is provided in the variable $keycode as an integer value.
The character entered into the variable exclude_key should be filtered-out of the input
<text xpos = "8" ypos = "84">data stream</text>
<text xpos = "8" ypos = "104">exclude key</text>
<LET name="excl_keycode" type="string"/>
<OP>excl_keycode = exclude_key</OP>
<type_cast name="excl_keycode" convert="int" />
<PRINT text="%d %d">$keycode, excl_keycode</PRINT>
<CONDITION>$keycode == excl_keycode</CONDITION>
<op> $actionresult = 0</op>
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Tag identifier Meaning
MESSAGE Dialog message
If the Send_message operation is executed in the script, then the parser processes the tag
message. Values P1 and P2 are provided in the variables $message_par1 and $mes-
sage_par2 (see the "SEND_MESSAGE" tag).
<LET name="user_selection" />
<CASE value="1">
<OP> user_selection = $message_par2 </OP>
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334 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
SEND_MESSAGE The tag sends a message with two parameters to the active form, which is processed in the
tag message (see also MESSAGE).
<LET name="user_selection" />
<CASE value="1">
<OP> user_selection = $message_par2 </OP>
FOCUS_IN Dialog box message
The tag is called if the system places the focus on a control. To identify the control, the sys-
tem copies the name of the control into variable $focus_name and the value of the attribute
item_data into variable $focus_item_data.
This message can be used, for example, to output images depending on the focus position.
<PRINT text="focus on filed:%s, %d">$focus_name,
$focus_item_data </PRINT>
PAINT Dialog box message
The tag is executed when the dialog box is displayed. All the texts and images which are to
be displayed in the dialog box should be specified here.
Further, the tag is executed if the system identifies that parts of the dialog box are to be
redisplayed. For example, this can be initiated by closing high-level windows.
TIMER Dialog box message
The tag is executed cyclically.
Each form is assigned a timer. The tag is executed within a period less than 100 ms.
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Tag identifier Meaning
CAPTION The tag contains the title of the dialog box.
This tag should be used within the INIT tag.
<CAPTION>my first dialogue</CAPTION>
CLOSE Dialog box message
This tag is executed before the dialog box is closed.
CLOSE_FORM The tag closes the active dialog.
This instruction is only necessary if the dialog is opened by the MMC command and the user
is offered a softkey function to close the dialog. Generally, dialogs are automatically man-
aged and do not have to be explicitly closed.
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336 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL The tag is used to generate control elements.
<CONTROL name = "<control name>" xpos = "<X position>" ypos = "<Y
position>" refvar = "<NC variable>" hotlink = "true" format = "<for-
mat>" />
• name
The identifier simultaneously represents a local variable, and must not be used a multiple
number of times in the form.
• xpos
Field type
If field type combobox is selected, the expressions to be displayed must also be as-
signed to the field.
The combo box saves the index of the currently selected text in the variable belong-
ing to the control (see the attribute refvar).
– progressbar
The valley value and peak value properties can be used to adapt the value range to
the data to be displayed.
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Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL Continued • fieldtype
– graphicbox
The field type generates a 2D broken line graphic control. Using the tag <ITEM> a
graphical element can be inserted into the control. Parameters width and height
specify the width and height of the box.
After the control has been created, additional elements can be inserted using the
functions loadItem, addItem or insertItem. Parameter itemdata is not evaluated for
this control.
<control name= "c_gbox1" xpos = "250" ypos="24" width="240"
height="356" fieldtype="graphicbox" refvar="val" hotlink="true"
<property ORDINATE="Y sinus" />
<property ABSCISSA="time *100 ms" />
CONTROL continued • fieldtype
– listbox
Using the tag <ITEM> a list box element can be inserted in the list box.
The ITEM attribute value allows this element to be assigned a unique value.
Parameters width and height specify the width and height of the list box.
After the control has been created, additional list box elements can be inserted using
the function addItem, insertItem or loadItem. Parameter itemdata is not evaluated for
this control.
– itemlist
The field type generates a static control, which displays the corresponding identifier
instead of numerical values.
A user-specific integer value can be assigned to the attribute. This value is given as part
of the FOCUS_IN message for identifying the focus field.
• refvar
Identifier of the reference variable that can be linked to the field (optional).
• hotlink = "TRUE" " If the value of the reference variable changes, then the field is auto-
matically updated (optional).
• format
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338 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL continued Attributes:
• font
The attribute defines the processing format of the specified variable. This attribute must
be used when accessing a PLC float variable, as the access is realized by reading a
double word.
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Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL continued Example:
<CONTROL name = "button1" xpos = "10" ypos = "10" fieldtype = " com-
bobox ">
If any integer value is to be assigned to an expression, the attribute value = "value" should
be added to the tag.
Rather than consecutive numbers, the control variable now contains the item's assigned
<CONTROL name = "button1" xpos = "10" ypos = "10" fieldtype = " com-
bobox ">
<ITEM value = "10">text1</ITEM>
<ITEM value = "20">text2</ITEM>
<ITEM value = "12">text3</ITEM>
<ITEM value = "1">text4</ITEM>
Example of a progress bar:
<CONTROL name = "progress1" xpos = "10" ypos = "10" width = "100"
fieldtype = "progressbar" hotlink = "true" refvar =
<PROPERTY min = "0" />
<PROPERTY max = "1000" />
Example, list box:
<let name="item_string" type="string"></let>
<let name="item_data" ></let>
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340 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL Continued Changing the control after creation
A control tag changes the properties of an existing control after it has been created. The tag
must be specified with the name of the control to be changed and the new properties. It can
be executed only within a form tag. The following properties can be changed:
• xpos
• ypos
• width
• height
• color_bk
• color_fg
• access level
• fieldtype
• itemdata
• min
• max
• default
The reference variable cannot be modified. If a property is to be changed by triggering by a
softkey event, the send message tag must transfer this request into the form context. The
message tag is used to acquire the message.
When the script file in an earlier software version is used, check display completeness for a
control due to the changed behavior of the control.
CONTROL Continued Example:
<menu name = "main">
<open_form name = "attrib_form" />
<softkey POSITION="3">
<send_message>1, 0</send_message>
<softkey POSITION="4">
<send_message>2, 0</send_message>
<form name="attrib_form">
<control name="c_p0" xpos="60" ypos="70" width="272" />
<case value="1">
<control name="c_p0" fieldtype="static" />
<case value="2">
<control name="c_p0" fieldtype="edit" />
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Tag identifier Meaning
CONTROL Continued The following properties can be changed in an operation statement. For this purpose, the
control name and property have to be specified. The property has to be separated by a point
from the control name.
• xpos
• ypos
• width
• height
• color_bk
• color_fg
• access level
• fieldtype
• itemdata
• min
• max
• default
• disable
• tooltip
• font
• factor
<let name="value" />
<let name="w" />
<let name="h" />
<menu name = "main">
<open_form name = "attrib_form" />
<softkey POSITION="3">
c_move.xpos = 300;
value = c_move.xpos;
h = c_move.height;
w = c_move.width;
<form name="attrib_form">
<control name="c_move" xpos="$xpos" ypos="124" />
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342 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
DATA_ACCESS The tag controls the behavior of the dialog forms when user inputs are being saved.
The behavior should be defined within the INIT tag.
If the tag is not used, inputs are buffered in each case.
Exception: Controls for which the hotlink attribute is set to true are always written to and
read directly.
• type = "TRUE" – the input values are not buffered. The dialog form copies the input val-
ues to the reference variables directly.
• type = "FALSE" – the values are only copied to the reference variable with the
<DATA_ACCESS type = "true" />
EDIT_CHANGED Dialog box message
This tag is called if the contents of an edit control have changed.
To identify the control, the system copies the name of the control into variable $focus_name
and the value of the attribute item_data into variable $focus_item_data.
<print text="index changed filed:%s, %d"> $focus_name, $fo-
cus_item_data </print>
INDEX_CHANGED Dialog box message
The tag is called, if the operator changes the selection of a combo box.
To identify the control, the system copies the name of the control into the variable
$focus_name and the value of the attribute item_data into the variable $focus_item_data.
A reference variable assigned to the control, has not been aligned to the control variable at
this point in time and contains the index of the previous selection of the combo box.
<print text="index changed filed:%s, %d"> $focus_name, $fo-
cus_item_data </print>
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Tag identifier Meaning
MENU The tag defines a menu containing the softkey description and the dialog to be opened.
• name
Menu name
<MENU name = "<menu name>">
<open_form …>
NAVIGATION This tag defines the menu to be called. It can be used within a softkey block, a menu block,
and in a form. If a variable name is assigned to the tag as its value, the parser will activate
the menu stored in the variable.
In a menu block, the navigation is at the position in the instruction. Subsequent instructions
are no longer executed.
<menu name = "main">
<softkey POSITION="1">
<caption>sec. form</caption>
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344 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
OPEN_FORM The tag opens the dialog form given under the name.
• name
<OPEN_FORM name = "<form name>" />
<menu name = "main">
<open_form name = "main_form" />
<softkey POSITION="1">
<caption>main form</caption>
<form name="main_form">
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Tag identifier Meaning
PROPERTY This tag can be used to define additional properties for an operator control.
• max = "<maximum value>"
• min = "<minimum value>"
• default = "<pre-assignment>"
• factor = "conversion factor"
• color_bk = "<background color coding>"
• color_fg = "<font color coding>"
• password = "<true>" - entered character is displayed with "*"
• disable = "<true/false>" - locks/permits the input in an edit control
• transparent= "Transparent color of a bitmap"
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346 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
SOFTKEY The tag defines the properties and responses of a softkey.
• position
Number of the softkey. 1-8 horizontal softkeys, 9-16 vertical softkeys
The following attributes become effective from:
• type
Defines the property of the softkey.
user_controled - The script defines how the softkey is displayed
toggle_softkey - The softkey is displayed alternating between pressed and not pressed
• refvar
Should only be used in conjunction with toggle_softkey .
Reference variable, into which the actual softkey property is copied.
A variable, type "String" should be specified, which includes the properties pressed, not
pressed or locked (see tag state).
• picture
Using the attribute, a bitmap can be output left justified on the softkey. The complete
path name should be specified.
The number of text characters that can be displayed is reduced to the width of the bit-
The following additional actions can be defined within the softkey block:
• picturealignment
The image orientation is specified by this attribute.
The image is aligned with the left side of the softkey by default.
The following values can be specified for alignment:
– top
Top edge
– bottom
Bottom edge
– left
Left edge
– right
Right edge
– center
• caption
Softkey text
• state
Should only be used in conjunction with user_controlled .
The tag assigns the required softkey display to the system.
<state type="<state>" />
The following strings can be specified:
– notpressed
The softkey is displayed as being not pressed.
– pressed
The softkey is displayed as being pressed.
– disabled
The softkey is locked and is displayed in gray.
• navigation
• update_controls
• function
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 347
Tag identifier Meaning
SOFTKEY continued Syntax:
Standard softkey:
<state type="<softkey state>" />
<softkey position = "<1>">
Script-controlled softkey:
<softkey position = "<1>" type="<user_defined>" >
<state type="<softkey state>" />
Toggle softkey:
<softkey position = "<1>" type="<toggle_softkey>" refvar="<variable
name>" >
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348 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
SOFTKEY continued Example:
The following additional actions can be defined within the softkey block:
• navigation
• update_controls
• function
SOFTKEY_CANCEL The tag defines the response of the softkey "Cancel".
The following additional actions can be defined within the softkey block:
• navigation
• update_controls
• function
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Tag identifier Meaning
SOFTKEY_BACK The tag defines the response of the softkey "Back".
The following additional actions can be defined within the softkey block:
• navigation
• update_controls
• function
SOFTKEY_ACCEPT The tag defines the response of the softkey "Accept".
The following additional actions can be defined within the softkey block:
• navigation
• update_controls
• function
TEXT The tag is used to display a text in the specified position.
<TEXT xpos = "<X position>" ypos = "<Y position>"> Text </TEXT>
• xpos
Text to be displayed
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350 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
IMG The tag is used to display an image in the specified position. The BMP and PNG image
formats are supported.
<IMG xpos = "<X position>" ypos = "<Y position>" name = "<name>" />
<IMG … xrot="angle X axis" yrot=" angle Y axis " zrot=" angle Z axis
" />
• xpos
Transparent color of the bitmap (see Section "Color coding (Page 329)"):
IMG Continued Example:
The image is rotated through 34 degrees around the Z axis:
<img xpos = "5" ypos = "23" name = "f:/appl/pic3.bmp" height="355"
width="550" zrot="34" color_bk="#ffffff" >
If the image display is to differ from the original size, the dimensions can be defined using
the attributes width and height.
• width
Width in pixels
• height
Height in pixels
<IMG xpos = "20" ypos = "40" name = "f:/appl/test.bmp" />
<IMG xpos = "5" ypos = "23" name = "f:/appl/test.bmp" height =
"355" width = "550"/>
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 351
Tag identifier Meaning
BOX The tag draws a rectangle at the specified position, colored as indicated.
<BOX xpos = "<X position>" ypos = "<Y position>" width = "<X exten-
sion>" height = "<Y extension>" color = "<Color code>" />
• xpos
• name = "Name of the function body"
• return = "Variable name for saving the result of the function"
List of variables to be transferred to the function body. The variables must be separated by a
comma. A maximum of 10 parameters can be transferred.
It is also possible to specify constants or text expressions as call parameters. The identifier
_T should be placed at the start as a means of identifying text terms.
<FUNCTION name = "<function name>" />
Calling function expects a return value
<FUNCTION name = "<function name>" return = "<Variablenname>" />
Parameter transfer
<FUNCTION name = "<function name>"> var1, var2, var3 </FUNCTION>
<FUNCTION name = "<function name>"> _T"Text", 1.0, 1 </FUNCTION>
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352 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
FUNCTION_BODY Function body
The tag contains the function body of a subfunction. The function body needs to be pro-
grammed within the DialogGui tag.
• name = "Name of the function body"
• parameter = "Parameter list" (optional)
The attribute lists the transfer parameters that are required. The parameters must be
separated by a comma.
When the function body is called, the values of the parameters specified in the function
call are copied to the transfer parameters listed.
• return = "true" (optional)
If the attribute is set to true then the local variable $return is created. The function's re-
turn value which is forwarded to the calling function on quitting the function should be
copied to this variable.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 353
Tag identifier Meaning
FUNCTION_BODY contin- Example:
ued <function_body name = "test" parameter = "c1,c2,c3" return = "true">
<LET name = "tmp">0</LET>
<OP> tmp = c1+c2+c3 </OP>
<OP> $return = tmp </OP>
<LET name = "my_var"> 4 </LET>
<function name = "test" return = " my_var "> 2, 3,4</function>
<print text = "result = %d"> my_var </print>
REQUEST The tag is used to add a variable to the cyclic reading service (hotlink). As a consequence,
the access time to variables, which are not linked to the control, is reduced.
If a function is to be called automatically when a value changes, then the name of the func-
tion should be specified as an additional attribute.
This tag is only processed within the INIT operation.
• name
Address identifier
• function
Function name
<REQUEST name = "<NC-Variable>" />
<request name ="plc/mb10" />
Function Manual
354 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Meaning
UPDATE_CONTROLS The tag runs a comparison between the operator controls and the reference variables.
• type
= TRUE – data is read from the reference variables and copied to the operator controls.
= FALSE – Data is copied from the operator controls to the reference variables.
<UPDATE_CONTROLS type = "<Direction>"/>
< UPDATE_CONTROLS type="false"/>
<FORM name = "cycle100_form" type= "CYCLE">
The NC_INSTRUCTION tag contains the cycle call to be generated. All cycle parameters should be reserved using space
<FORM name = "cycle100_form" type= "CYCLE">
<NC_INSTRUCTION refvar= "cyc_string" >Cycle100 ($p1, $p2, $p3)</ NC_INSTRUCTION>
The CREATE_CYCLE tag prepares the values saved in the space retainer variables and generates the NC instruction.
This is then copied to the specified variable.
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 355
Tag identifier Description
NC_INSTRUCTION This tag is used to define the NC instruction to be generated.
All listed cycle parameters are automatically created as string variables of the
FORM and are available to the FORM.
• refvar
<NC_INSTRUCTION> NC instruction with placeholders </
<let name="cyc_string" type="string"> Cycle100(0, 1000,
<FORM name = "cycle100_form" type= "CYCLE">
<NC_INSTRUCTION refvar= "cyc_string" >Cycle100($p1, $p2,
Function Manual
356 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Tag identifier Description
CREATE_CYCLE The tag generates an NC block, whose syntax is defined by the value of the
Before generating the NC instruction, the parser calls the
CYCLE_CREATE_EVENT tag of the FORM. This tag can be used to calculate
the cycle parameters.
If a reference variable is specified, the instruction copies the generated call into
this variable.
<create_cycle refvar="name" />
• refvar
<LET name="cyc_string" type="string"> Cycle100(0, 1000,
<close_form />
<CREATE_CYCLE refvar= "cyc_string" />
<close_form />
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 357
<control name = "edit2" xpos = "322" ypos = "$my_ypos" refvar="nck/Channel/Parameter/R[2]"
Address x:
Valid S7-200 address identifier
Bit addressing:
b – Bit number
<data name = "plc/mb170">1</data>
<data name = "i0.1"> 1 </data>
<op> "m19.2" = 1 </op>
Function Manual
358 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 Addressing NC variables
Addressing the NC variables starts with the path section nck.
This section is followed by the data address; its structure should be taken from the SINUMERIK 828D List Manual NC
variable and interface signals under the following link:
<LET name = "tempStatus"></LET>
<OP> tempStatus ="nck/channel/state/chanstatus" </OP>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 359
Variable address Meaning Remarks
nck/Nck/ChannelDiagnose/poweronTime[u1] Time elapsed since the last normal power-
on (unit: min)
nck/Channel/State/actProgNetTime[u1] Run time of a selected program (unit: s)
nck/Channel/State/reqParts[u1] Required parts to be counted
nck/Channel/State/actParts[u1] Parts actually counted
Nck/Channel/Parameter/R[n] R parameters
"$$$variable name"
<PRINT name="var_adr" text="plc/DB9000.DBW%d"> 2000</PRINT>
<OP> "$$$var_adr" = 1 </OP>
Function Manual
360 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Alternatively, the drive index can be read from a local variable using $<variable name> "substitution characters".
for instance DO$local variable
<DATA name = "drive/dc/p1460[do1]">1</DATA>
Indirect addressing:
<LET name = "driveIndex">1</LET>
<DATA name = "drive/dc/p1460[do$driveIndex]">1</DATA>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 361
Addressing the global user data
Addressing starts with the path section gud, followed by the specification of the area CHANNEL. This address section is
followed by the specification of the GUD areas:
GUD areas Assignment
sgud Siemens GUD
mgud Machine manufacturer GUD
ugud User GUD
Then enter the GUD name. If an array is to be addressed, the name is
followed by the array subscript in square brackets.
<data name ="gud/channel/mgud/syg_rm[0]">1</data>
<op>"gud/channel/mgud/syg_rm[0]" = 5*2 </op>
Function Manual
362 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
User dialog and XML file examples
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 363
HMI Syntax Used identifiers and their meanings
<control name="InputField1" xpos="489"
⑤ CONTROL: defines the desired control elements.
ypos="54" height="16" width="40"
refvar="nck/Channel/State/actDNumber" hot-
link="true" format="%2d" />
</init> INIT: defines the desired input elements and hotlinks
for the dialog form
</form> FORM: defines the description of the desired user
Generating the XML file for creating the machine operating menu
General information
● Type of addressed components: PLC data
● Menu function on the HMI: making machine settings by addressing the PLC data to operate the machine.
User dialog and XML file examples
Function Manual
364 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
HMI Syntax Used identifiers and their meanings
<state type="notpressed" />
</menu> MENU: defines the start menu containing the softkey
description and the dialog to be opened.
<form name="Setting"> FORM: defines the description of the desired user
② PAINT: defines the desired texts and images which
<text xpos="15" color="#000000" are to be displayed in the dialog box.
ypos="60">Switch Fixture</text>
<init> INIT: defines the desired input elements and hotlinks
for the dialog form
<caption>Machine operation set-
③ CAPTION: defines the title of the desired dialog box.
<control name="Toggle1" xpos="346"
④ CONTROL: defines the desired control elements.
ypos="60" height="16" width="80"
refvar="plc/db1400.dbx9.0" hotlink="true"
<item value="1">Vacuum</item>
<item value="0">Pneumatic</item>
</init> INIT: defines the desired input elements and hotlinks
for the dialog form
</form> FORM: defines the description of the desired user
Generating the XML file for creating the parameter setting menu
General information
● Type of addressed components: machine and setting data
● Menu function on the HMI: making settings for frequently used Z axis parameters
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 365
User dialog and XML file examples
Pressed ⇒
Function Manual
366 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
HMI Syntax Used identifiers and their meanings
<softkey position="2"
<state type="pressed" />
<softkey_back type="user_controlled">
<state type="notpressed" />
<softkey position="12">
<msgbox text="This operation will restart
② MSGBOX: opens the desired message box whose
the NCK, drive and HMI. Are you sure to con- return value can be used for branching.
tinue?" caption="1" retvalue="var2"
<control_reset resetnc="true"/>
<waiting waitingfornc="true"/>
</softkey> SOFTKEY: defines the properties and responses of
the desired softkeys.
</menu> MENU: defines the start menu containing the softkey
description and the dialog to be opened.
<form name="Parameter"> FORM: defines the description of the desired user
③ PAINT: defines the desired texts and images which
<TEXT xpos="10" ypos="30" co- are to be displayed in the dialog box.
lor="#000000">Axial jerk</TEXT>
<init> INIT: defines the desired input elements and hotlinks
for the dialog form
<caption>Z axis-specific machine data set-
④ CAPTION: defines the title of the desired dialog box.
<DATA_ACCESS type="true"/>
⑤ CONTROL: defines the desired control elements.
<CONTROL name="III" xpos="350" ypos="30"
height="20" width="75" fieldtype="edit"
refvar="$MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK[AX3]" hot-
</init> INIT: defines the desired input elements and hotlinks
for the dialog form
</form> FORM: defines the description of the desired user
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 367
27.10.9 Predefined functions
The script language offers various string processing and standard mathematical functions. The function names listed below
are reserved and cannot be overloaded.
Function name Description
ncfunc.cap.read The function copies a value from the specified address into a local
variable. If the read operation was error-free, then the return variable
contains the value zero.
<function name="ncfunc.cap.read" return="error">
lokale variable, "address"</function>
<let name="error"></let>
<function name="ncfunc.cap.read" return="error"> 3,
<condition>error != 0</condition>
<break />
ncfunc.cap.write The function writes a value into the specified variable. If the write
operation was error-free, then the return variable contains the value
<function name="ncfunc.cap.write" return="error">
local variable or constant, "address"</function>
<let name="error"></let>
<function name="ncfunc.cap.write" return="error">
0, "drive/cu/p0009"</function>
<condition>error != 0</condition>
<break />
Function Manual
368 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
ncfunc.pi_service Jobs can be transferred to the NCK using the program invocation
(PI) service.
If the service has been executed error-free, the function returns the
value 1 in the return variable.
Block search
<function name="ncfunc.pi_service" return="return
var"> pi name, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5
• name - function name
• return- Name of the variable in which the execution result is
– Value == 1 – job executed successfully
– Value == 0 – faulty job
Tag values:
• pi name - Name of the PI service (string)
• var1 tovar5 - PI specific arguments
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 369
Function name Description
ncfunc.pi_service Continued Arguments:
No arguments
No arguments
• Creating a tool – tool number 3
<function name="ncfunc.pi_service">_T"_N_CREATO",
<function name="ncfunc.pi_service">_T"_N_DELECE", 5,
Function Manual
370 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
ncfunc.chan_pi_service The function executes a PI service in a channel-related manner. The
channel number is passed after the PI service name. This is followed
by all other call parameters.
channel - Channel number
<function name="ncfunc.chan_pi_service" re-
turn="error"> _T"_N_SETUFR", channel, …</function>
<let name="chan" >1</let>
<function name="ncfunc.chan_pi_service" re-
turn="error"> _T"_N_SETUFR", chan</function>
<function name="ncfunc.displayresolution" re-
turn="dislay_res" />
<let name="dislay_res" type="string"></let>
<function name="ncfunc.displayresolution" re-
turn="dislay_res" />
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 371
Function name Description
ncfunc.password This function sets or deletes a password level.
• Set password:
<function name="ncfunc.password">password
<let name="password"type="string"></let>
Delete password:
<function name="ncfunc.password" > _T"" </function>
control.formcolor This function provides the text or background color of the dialog box
as string.
Color coding (see Section "Color coding (Page 329)")
• BACKGROUND – request color value of the background
• TEXT – request color value of the text (foreground)
<function name="control.formcolor" re-
<let name="bk_color" type="string"></let>
Function Manual
372 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
control.localtime The function copies the local time in a field with 7 array elements.
The name of the variable is expected as call parameter.
The following is stored in an array element:
• Index 0 - year
• Index 1 - month
• Index 2 - weekday
• Index 3 - day
• Index 4 - hour
• Index 5 - minute
• Index 6 - second
<function name
<!-- index
0 = Year
1 = Month
2 = Day of week
3 = Day
4 = Hour
5 = Minute
6 = Second
<let name="time_array" dim="7" />
<function name
string.cmp Two strings are compared with one another from a lexicographical
The function gives a return value of zero if the strings are the same,
a value less than zero if the first string is smaller than the second
string or a value greater than zero if the second string is smaller than
the first string.
str1 - string
str2 - comparison string
<function name="string.cmp" return ="<int var>" >
str1, str2 </function>
<let name="rval">0</let>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog.</let>
<let name="str2" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog.</let>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 373
Function name Description
string.icmp Two strings are compared from a lexicographical perspective (the
comparison is not case-sensitive).
The function gives a return value of zero if the strings are the same,
a value less than zero if the first string is smaller than the second
string or a value greater than zero if the second string is smaller than
the first string.
str1 - string
str2 - comparison string
<function name="string.icmp" return ="<int var>" >
str1, str2 </function>
<let name="rval">0</let>
str1 - string
nCount - number of characters
<function name="string.left" return="<result
string>"> str1, nCount </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog.</let>
<let name="str2" type="string"></let>
Function Manual
374 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
string.right The function extracts the last nCount character from string 1 and
copies this to the return variable.
str1 - string
nCount - number of characters
<function name="string.right" return="<result
string>"> str1, nCount </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog.</let>
<let name="str2" type="string"></let
str1 - string
iFirst - start index
nCount - number of characters
<function name="string.middle" return="<result
string>"> str1, iFirst, nCount </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog.</let>
<let name="str2" type="string"></let
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 375
Function name Description
string.length The function gives the number of characters in a string.
str1 - string
<function name="string.length" return="<int var>">
str1 </function>
<let name="length">0</let>
string - string variable
find string - string to be replaced
new string - new string
<function name="string.replace"> string, find
string, new string </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog. </let>
Function Manual
376 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
string.remove The function removes all the substrings found.
string - string variable
remove string - substring to be deleted
<function name="string.remove"> string, remove
string </function>
<let name="index">0</let>
string - string variable
index - index (zero based)
insert string - string to be inserted
<function name="string.insert"> string, index, in-
sert string </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts.
<let name="str2" type="string">a brown dog</let>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 377
Function name Description
string.delete The function deletes the defined number of characters starting from
the start position specified.
string - string variable
start index - start index (zero based)
nCount - number of characters to be deleted
<function name="string.delete"> string, start in-
dex , nCount </function>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts.
string - string variable
find string - string to be found
startindex – start index (optional)
<function name="string.find" return="<int val>">
str1, find string </function>
<let name="index">0</let>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog. </let>
<function name="string.find" return="index"> str1,
_T"brown" </function>
Index = 2
<function name="string.find" return="index"> str1,
_T"brown", 1 </function>
Function Manual
378 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
string.reversefind The function searches the transferred string for the last match with
the substring.
If the substring is found, the function provides the index to the first
character (starting with zero) or, failing this, -1.
string - string variable
find string - string to be found
startindex – start index (optional)
<function name="string.reversefind" return="<int
val>"> str1, find string </function>
<let name="index">0</let>
<let name="str1" type="string">A brown bear hunts a
brown dog. </let>
<function name="string.reversefind" return="index">
str1, _T"brown" </function>
Index = 21
<function name="string.reversefind" return="index">
str1, _T"brown", 10 </function>
Index = 2
string.trimleft The function trims the starting characters from a string.
str1 - string variable
<function name="string.trimleft" > str1 </function>
<let name="str1" type="string"> test trim
<function name="string.trimleft" > str1 </function>
str1 = "test trim left"
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 379
Function name Description
string.trimright The function trims the closing characters from a string.
str1 - string variable
<function name="string.trimright" > str1
<let name="str1" type="string"> test trim right
<function name="string.trimright" > str1
str1 = "test trim right"
sin The function calculates the sine of the value transferred in degrees.
double - angle
<function name="sin" return="<double val>"> double
<let name= "sin_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="sin" return="sin_val"> 20.0
cos The function calculates the cosine of the value transferred in de-
double - angle
<function name="cos" return="<double val>"> double
<let name= "cos_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="cos" return="cos_val"> 20.0
Function Manual
380 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
tan The function calculates the tangent of the value transferred in de-
double - angle
<function name="tan" return="<double val>"> double
<let name= "tan_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="tan" return="tan_val"> 20.0
arcsin The function calculates the arcsine of the value transferred in de-
double - x in the range from -PI/2 to +PI/2
<function name="arcsin" return="<double val>"> dou-
ble </function>
<let name= "arcsin_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="arcsin" return="arcsin_val"> 20.0
arcos The function calculates the arccosine of the value transferred in
double - x in the range from -PI/2 to +PI/2
<function name="arcos" return="<double val>"> dou-
ble </function>
<let name= "arccos_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="arccos" return="arccos_val"> 20.0
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 381
Function name Description
arctan The function calculates the arctan of the value transferred in de-
double - arctan of y/x
<function name="arctan" return="<double val>"> dou-
ble </function>
<let name= "arctan_val" type="double"></let>
<function name="arctan" return="arctan_val"> 20.0
File processing
doc.readfromfile The function reads the contents of the specified file into a string vari-
The number of characters to be read can optionally be specified as a
second parameter.
return - name of the local variable
progname - file name
number of characters - number of characters to be read in bytes
<function name="doc.readfromfile" return="<string
var>"> progname, number of characters </function>
<let name = "my_var" type="string" ></let>
NC file system
<function name="doc.readfromfile" return="my_var">
_T"n:\mpf\test.mpf" </function>
CompactFlash card
<function name="doc.readfromfile" return="my_var">
_T"f:\appl\test.mpf" </function>
Function Manual
382 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
doc.writetofile The function writes the contents of a string variable to the file speci-
progname - file name
str1 - string
<function name="doc.writetofile" > progname, str1
<let name = "my_var" type="string" > file content
NC file system
name="doc.writetofile">_T"n:\mpf\test.mpf", my_var
CompactFlash card
name="doc.writetofile">_T"f:\appl\test.mpf", my_var
<function name="doc.writetofile">_T".\test.mpf",
my_var </function>
doc.remove The function removes the file specified from the directory.
progname - file name
The file name is case-sensitive for a file on the CF card.
<function name="doc.remove" > progname </function>
NC file system
<function name="doc.remove">_T"n:\mpf\test.mpf"
CompactFlash card
<function name="doc.remove">_T"f:\appl\test.mpf"
<function name="doc.remove">_T".\test.mpf"
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 383
Function name Description
doc.loadscript The function copies a dialog description embedded in a part program
into the specified local variable.
The call parameters to be specified are the program name, the dialog
name, and a variable for storing the main menu name. If the name of
the dialog description was found in the part program, the return vari-
able contains this description. If the content of the variable is stored
in a file, the script can be executed with an indirect call.
The system provides a script that extracts the dialog description from
the active part program and activates the dialog. This script can be
called in an MMC command to activate the screen associated with
the part program.
<function name="doc.loadscript" re-
turn="<name of script variable>">progname,
_T"dialog part name", main menu </function>
return - variable in which the extracted script is stored
progname - full path to the program. (The path name can be passed
to the function in DOS notation.)
main menu - the menu name found is copied into this variable
dialog part name - tag name in which the dialog description is em-
<function name="doc.loadscript" re-
turn="contents">prog_name, _T"main_dialog", en-
Function Manual
384 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
doc.exist If the file exists, the function returns the value 1.
progname - file name
The file name is case-sensitive for a file on the CF card.
<function name="doc.exist" return="<int_var>" >
progname </function>
<let name ="exist">0</let>
NC file system
<function name="doc.exist" re-
turn="exist">_T"n:\mpf\test.mpf" </function>
CompactFlash card
<function name="doc.exist" re-
turn="exist">_T"f:\appl\test.mpf" </function>
progname - file name
<function name="ncfunc.select"> progname
NC file system
<function name="ncfunc.select"> _T"n:\mpf\test.mpf"
CompactFlash card
<function name="ncfunc.select">
_T"f:\appl\test.mpf" </function>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 385
Function name Description
ncfunc.bitset The function is used to manipulate individual bits of the specified
The bits can either be set or reset.
<function name="ncfunc.bitset" refvar="address"
value="set/reset" > bit0, bit1, … bit9 </function>
refvar - specifies the name of the variable, in which the bit combina-
tion should be written
value – bit value, value range 0 and 1
The bit numbers starting with zero should be transferred as function
A maximum of 10 bits per call can be modified.
<function name="ncfunc.bitset"
refvar="nck/Channel/Parameter/R[1]" value="1" > 0,
2, 3, 7 </function>
<function name="ncfunc.bitset"
refvar="nck/Channel/Parameter/R[1]" value="0" > 1,
4 </function>
control.delete The function deletes the specified control.
<function name="control.delete"> control name
name – function name
control name – name of the control
<function name="<control.delete>"> _T"my_editfield"
Function Manual
386 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
control.additem The function inserts a new element at the end of the list.
The function is only available for the control types "listbox" and
<function name="control.additem"> control name,
item </function>
name – function name
control name – control name
item - expression to be inserted
itemdata - integer value; defined by the user
<let name ="itemdata">1</let>
<op> item_string = _T"text1" </op>
<function name="control.additem">_T"listbox1",
item_string, itemdata
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 387
Function name Description
control.insertitem The function inserts a new element at the specified position.
The function is only available for the control types "listbox" and
<function name="control.insertitem"> control name,
index, item, itemdata </function>
name – function name
control name – control name
index – position starting with zero
item - expression to be inserted
itemdata - integer value; defined by the user
<let name ="itemdata">1</let>
<op> item_string = _T"text2" </op>
<function name="control.insertitem">_T"listbox1",
1, item_string, itemdata </function>
control.deleteitem The function deletes an element at the specified position.
The function is only available for the control type "listbox".
<function name="control.deleteitem"> control name,
index </function>
name – function name
control name – control name
index– index starting at 0
<function name="control.deleteitem">_T"listbox1",
Function Manual
388 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
control.loaditem The function inserts a list of expressions into the control.
The function is only available for the control types "listbox" and
<function name="control.loaditem"> control name,
list </function>
name – function name
control name – control name
list- string variable
<let name="item_string" type="string"></let>
<let name="plotlist" type="string"></let>
<print name ="item_string"
text="p; %f; %f; %f; %f\n">s_z, s_x</print>
<op>plotlist = plotlist + item_string</op>
<print name ="item_string"
text="l; %f; %f; %f; %f\n">s_z, s_x, e_z, e_x
<op>plotlist = plotlist + item_string</op>
<op> s_x = e_x </op>
<op> s_z = e_z</op>
<op> e_x = s_x + 10 </op>
<op> e_z = s_z - 100 </op>
<print name ="item_string"
text="l; %f; %f; %f; %f\n">s_z, s_x, e_z, e_x
<op>plotlist = plotlist + item_string</op>
<function name="control.loaditem">_T"gbox",
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 389
Function name Description
control.empty The function deletes the contents of the specified list box or graphic
box controls.
<function name="control.empty"> control name,
name – function name
control name – control name
control.getfocus The function supplies the name of the control, which has the input
<function name="control.getfocus" re-
turn="focus_name" />
name – function name
return – a string variable should be specified, into which the control
name is copied.
<let name>="focus_field" type="string"></let>
<function name="control.getfocus" re-
control.setfocus The function sets the input focus to the specified control.
The control name should be transferred as text expression of the
<function name="control.setfocus"> control name
name – function name
control name – name of the control
<function name="control.setfocus"
Function Manual
390 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
control.getcurssel For a list box, the function supplies the cursor index.
The control name should be transferred as text expression of the
<function name="control.getcurssel" retvar="var">
control name </function>
<let name>="index"></let>
<function name="control.getcurssel"
control.setcurssel For a list box, the function sets the cursor to the appropriate line.
The control name should be transferred as text expression of the
<function name="control.setcurssel" > control name,
<let name>="index">2</let>
<function name="control.setcurssel"
control.getitem For a list box, the function copies the contents of the selected line to
the specified variable.
A string variable should be specified as reference variable.
The control name should be transferred as text expression of the
<function name="control.getitem" return="var"> con-
trol name, index </function>
<let name>="index">2</let>
<let name>="item" type="string"></let>
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 391
Function name Description
control.getitemdata For a list box, the function copies the user-specific allocated value of
an element to the specified variable.
For an edit control, the function copies the user-specific allocated
value (item_data) to the specified variable.
An integer variable should be specified as reference variable.
The control name should be transferred as text expression of the
<function name="control.getitemdata" return="var">
control name, index </function>
<let name>="index">2</let>
<let name>="itemdata"></let>
<function name="bitmap.dim" >name, variable type
name - file path
variable type - variable name of a variable of type SIZE
<let name="bmp_size" type="size" />
<function name="hmi.screen_resolution" >vari-
alble type </function>
hmi.get_hmi_resolution The function copies the screen resolution used by SINUMERIK Op-
erate back into a variable with structure type StructSize. To define
the type, file struct_def.xml must be included in the project.
<function name="hmi.get_hmi_resolution" >varia-
ble type </function>
Function Manual
392 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Function name Description
hmi.get_caption_heigt The function returns the title bar height in pixels.
<function name="hmi.get_caption_heigt" re-
turn="<return var>" />
return - integer variable
abs This function returns the absolute value of the specified number.
<function name="abs" return="var"> value
sdeg The function converts the specified value into degrees.
<function name="sdeg" return="var"> value
srad The function converts the specified value into RADian.
<function name="srad" return="var"> value
sqrt The function calculates the square root of the specified value.
<function name="sqrt" return="var"> value
round The function rounds of the transferred number to the specified num-
ber of decimal places. If the number of decimal places is not speci-
fied, then the function rounds off the number, taking into account the
first decimal place.
<function name="round" return="var"> value, nDeci-
malPlaces </function>
floor The function supplies the largest possible integer value, which is less
than or equal to the transferred value.
<function name="floor" return="var"> value
ceil The function supplies the smallest possible integer value, which is
greater than or equal to the transferred value.
<function name="ceil" return="var"> value
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 393
Function name Description
log The function calculates the logarithm of the specified value.
<function name="log" return="var"> value
log10 The function calculates the common (decadic) logarithm of the speci-
fied value.
<function name="log10" return="var"> value
pow The function calculates the value "ab".
<function name="pow" return="var"> a, b </function>
min The function compares the transferred value and returns the lower of
the values.
<function name="min" return="var"> value1, value2
max The function compares the transferred value and returns the higher
of the values.
<function name="max" return="var"> value1, value2
random The function returns a pseudo random number.
<function name="random" return="var" </function>
Function Manual
394 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Key combination Description
<ALT> + <M> Opens the alarm operating area:
• +
<ALT> + <H> Calls the online help system
<ALT> + <L> Enables input of lowercase letters, with the following icon displayed in the tip area:
<ALT> + <S> Applicable only when the user interface language is Chinese
Calls the input method editor for entering Chinese characters
<=> Calls the pocket calculator.
Note that this function is not applicable in "MDA" mode.
<CTRL> + <B> Selects text in program blocks
<CTRL> + <C> Copies the selected text
<CTRL> + <D> Shows pre-defined slides on the screen
<CTRL> + <P> Captures screens
<CTRL> + <R> Restarts the HMI
<CTRL> + <S> Exports start-up archives and action logs to a USB stick
Increases the screen backlight brightness
<CTRL> +
Decreases the screen backlight brightness
<CTRL> +
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 395
2. Store all the images in a folder on a USB memory stick, and name the folder with the corre-
sponding language code, for example, "chs" for Chinese, "eng" for English. For more infor-
mation about other available language codes, see Section "Multi-language support for the
machine manufacturer's HMI data (Page 278)". Note that a slide show in a non-standard
language works only if this language is loaded on the control system.
3. Insert the USB stick into the USB interface on the front panel of the PPU.
4. Select the system data operating area.
5. Locate the folder(s) containing the slides under the USB directory through the following
softkey operations:
6. Select the folder(s) and press this softkey to copy.
8. Select the HMI data folder and press this key to open it.
11. Paste the copied folder(s) containing the slides with this softkey.
Function Manual
396 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
12. Now you can press this key combination to play your own slide show.
You can set the time interval of the slide show with MD9001 TIME_BTWEEN_SLIDES. This parameter can be found through
the following operations:
+ → → →
⑤ Number of warnings that can be acknowledged by the operator before an alarm message is output for the last time
⑥ Time until the interval expires in hours. The remaining time cannot be edited.
4. Press this softkey to open the dialog box for creating a new task.
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 397
6. Press this softkey to confirm your settings, and the new maintenance task displays on the
7. You can also select the vertical softkeys as required in the service planning window to com-
plete the following operations:
Acknowledges the selected task which has been completed
After you have created at least one maintenance task on the control system, you can find a task name file (.txt) which
contains the name(s) of all maintenance task(s) created under the current system language. You can access this file through
the following operations:
+ → → → →
A task name file is language-dependent. You can copy the file in the desired language to your computer using a USB
memory stick for backup or batch editing of the maintenance task descriptions.
Function Manual
398 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
27.14 Using the machine manufacturer's startup screen and machine logo
Using the machine manufacturer startup screen
The control system uses the Siemens startup screen as follows by default. If necessary, you can use your own startup
5. Select the file with cursor keys and press this softkey to copy the file.
7. Select the HMI data folder and press this key to open it.
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 399
8. Move the cursor to the folder highlighted as follows:
10. Press this softkey to replace the default startup screen file with your own file.
11. Press these two keys to restart the HMI. Then you can see your own startup screen during
+ the startup of the control system.
To restore the default startup screen, delete the customized bitmap file (startup.bmp) from the control system.
Function Manual
400 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
Proceed as follows to use your own machine logo:
1. Prepare the image of your own machine logo in BMP format. To achieve the best display
effect, the recommended image size is 153*24 pixels. Name the image "mtbico.bmp" and
save it on a USB memory stick.
2. Insert the USB stick into the USB interface on the front panel of the PPU.
3. Select the system data operating area.
4. Locate the machine logo file under the USB directory through the following softkey opera-
5. Select the file with cursor keys and press this softkey to copy the file.
7. Select the HMI data folder and press this key to open it.
10. Press this softkey to replace the default machine logo file with your own machine logo file.
11. Press these two keys to restart the HMI. Then you can see your own machine logo in the
+ machining operating area.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 401
To restore the default display of "SIEMENS" logo, delete the customized bitmap file (mtbico.bmp) from the control system.
Operating sequence
1. Select the system data operating area.
2. Open the window for setting the startup operating area through the following softkey opera-
3. Use the cursor keys to select the desired operating area in the following window:
4. Press this softkey to confirm your setting, and the configured operating system will display
after the control system restarts.
It's machine manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that the CNC lock function works properly and reliably.
License certificate
The company that created the CNC lock function (machine manufacturer or dealer) must retain the license certificate for
this option (CoL).
This certificate can be used as legitimation for SIEMENS should the PIN be forgotten. The owner of the certificate (CoL)
can have the machine unlocked.
The machine manufacturer can use the CNC lock function and the encrypted file that is created with the commissioning tool
Access MyMachine (AMM) to activate a lock date in the control system. This allows the use of the machine to be limited to
Function Manual
402 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
the time until the lock date is reached. The NC start of the control system is locked when the lock date is exceeded. An NC
program being processed in "AUTO" mode at this time is not interrupted.
The CNC lock function can be lengthened or deactivated with an additional encrypted file. The machine manufacturer sends
this file to the end user if the user has fulfilled the agreed obligations.
27.16.2 Requirements
The following preconditions must be met for using the CNC lock function:
● The option of the CNC lock function must be activated with a license key. For more information about how to activate the
optional functions, see Section "Activating the optional functions (Page 417)".
● A PLC project (of type 808D PPU15x/PPU16x) especially adapted to your machine tool must be downloaded into the
control system with PLC Programming Tool. The compatibility mode must be deactivated. The default PLC program
should never be used together with the CNC lock function. For more information about downloading a PLC project, see
the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual.
● The AMM tool must be installed on your computer. For more information about AMM installation, see the SINUMERIK
808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual.
27.16.3 Restrictions
The CNC lock function supports the business model with time-limited use. This protects against unauthorized use beyond
the set interval. The direct access to the CNC, however, makes it possible to circumvent the function. The CNC lock function
does not offer an absolute protection against manipulation. Unauthorized use of the machine is precluded by locking "AUTO"
mode of the CNC. Because a running automatic program cannot be interrupted, this can extend the runtime beyond the lock
date. All other functions of the SINUMERIK control system remain available.
To permit the CNC lock function to act, support of the machine manufacturer is required. Consequently, the following note
and supplementary conditions must be observed when the CNC lock function is used.
The CNC lock function is based on a connection of the PLC project to the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED control system.
The control system consists of a combination of Panel Processing Unit (PPU) and CF card with system software.
Supplementary conditions
Circumvention of the CNC lock function due to improper operations
Any of the following operations allow circumvention of the CNC lock function:
• Using an unlocked PLC project
• Using the default PLC project
• Reimplementing the PLC project of the machine tool
• Applying no password protection to the PLC project, or failing to keep the password secret
To avoid the circumvention, do as follows:
• Never give the PLC project to the customer without saved OEM PIN.
• Never reimplement the PLC project.
• Never run your machine tool with the default PLC project delivered with the control system.
• Always use the password protection of the program organization units in the PLC of the control system (activation in
PLC Programming Tool is possible), which prevents users from copying the machine-specific know-how and using it in
their own PLC user program, and then replacing the PLC user program with the PLC user program of the machine
manufacturer that contains the PLC key of the CNC lock function. The password of the PLC project must be kept
● Manipulation attempts and/or inconsistencies can lead to the CNC lock function causing a machine standstill.
● The use of the CNC lock function may require additional service calls of the machine manufacturer or dealer at the
customer site.
● To provide better protection, each machine must be given its own OEM PIN.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 403
● Before setting up the lock function for the first time, the setting up engineer must correctly set the date and the time in the
control system. If the date lies in the past, then the operating time of the machine extends corresponding to the
difference to the real date.
● The CNC lock function is built on the real-time clock of the control system. The maintenance-free design of the control
system can cause the time of day to be lost. The CNC lock function performs a computerized numerical plausibility check
of the time of day. This check can be impaired by power loss to the real-time clock. In this case, the time without power
supply is ignored.
● A software malfunction can cause unintentional locking of the control system.
The CNC lock function uses a cryptographic technique. When first marketed, the technique used corresponds to state-of-
the-art technology. As time goes by, the probability that this technique will be able to be bypassed (manipulated) increases.
3. Click this button in the displayed dialog box to proceed to the next step.
Function Manual
404 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
4. Enter the data required in the dialog box, for example:
① The software version 4.7 SP4 must be selected for the SINUMERIK 808D
ADVANCED control system.
② The serial number of the CF card can be found on the PPU HMI through the following
+ → → → →
③ The serial number of the hardware (PPU) can be found on the PPU rating plate.
④ The OEM PIN must be limited to 8 to 32 English characters and contain a mixture of
upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters (spaces are not al-
lowed). The machine manufacturer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of
the OEM PIN.
⑤ The machine manufacturer must set a date when the NC start is locked for the control
5. Click this button to save the activation data in the form of .clc file.
The OEM PIN increases the protection against manipulation of the CNC lock function.
The OEM PIN is stored by the system when activating the CNC lock function in the PLC user program. The OEM PIN cannot
be viewed, changed or deleted by the user in the PLC user program.
Before importing the activation file into the control system, the machine manufacturer must set the time and date of the
control system correctly, because the time of activating the CNC lock function is saved as the start value for monitoring.
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 405
2. Select the system data operating area.
3. Press this key to view the extended softkeys.
4. Open the license key dialog box through the following softkey operations:
→ →
5. Check and make sure the screen displays as follows, which indicates the CNC lock option
is licensed and set properly:
7. Select the target directory and press this key to enter it.
8. Find the desired activation file and press this softkey to import.
If no error occurs when importing the activation file, the CNC lock function is active in the
control system. You can find the lock date being displayed on the HMI screen, for example:
Function Manual
406 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
If an error occurs when importing the activation file, an error-specific alarm will be issued. The state of the CNC lock function
remains unchanged.
We recommend that the machine manufacturer creates a complete commissioning archive over all control system
components after commissioning the machine and activating the CNC lock function. This ensures data consistency for the
CNC lock function. If necessary, this commissioning archive can be used to recommission the control system without
requiring a service call to reactivate the CNC lock function.
+ → → →
The process of creating an activation file for extending the CNC lock function is almost the same as that for activating the
CNC lock function (see Section "Creating the activation file (Page 404)"), except that the button must be
clicked at step 3.
Importing the activation file
The new activation file must be imported into the control system to extend the CNC lock function. The machine manufacturer
can import the new activation file directly or send the file to the end user who transfers the file to the control system. For
more information about how to import the activation file, see Section "Importing the activation file (Page 405)".
If no error occurs when importing the activation file, the CNC lock function with the new lock date is active in the control
system. You can find the extended lock date being displayed on the HMI screen, for example:
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 407
If an error occurs when importing the activation file, an error-specific alarm will be issued. The state of the CNC lock function
remains unchanged.
3. Click this button in the displayed dialog box to proceed to the next step.
Note: The serial numbers of the CF card and the PPU as well as the OEM PIN must match
the values used when the CNC lock function was activated initially. For more information,
see Section "Creating the activation file (Page 404)".
5. Click this button to save the deactivation data in the form of .clc file.
Function Manual
408 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
If no error occurs when importing the deactivation file, the CNC lock function is deactivated. You can find the CNC lock
status as follows:
If an error occurs when importing the deactivation file, an error-specific alarm will be issued. The state of the CNC lock
function remains unchanged.
We recommend that the end user creates a complete commissioning archive over all control system components after
deactivating the CNC lock function. If necessary, this commissioning archive can be used to recommission the control
system without re-deactivating the CNC lock function.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 409
Creating the activation file
The following data is required to create the activation file:
● Serial number of the new CF card
● Serial number of the new control system (PPU)
● Lock date in accordance with the status of the CNC lock function (last lock date or new lock date)
The OEM PIN is newly created here according to the creation rules mentioned earlier.
For more information about how to create an activation file with AMM, see Section "Creating the activation file (Page 404)".
If an error occurs when importing the activation file, an error-specific alarm will be issued. The state of the CNC lock function
remains unchanged.
For more information about how to obtain the serial numbers of the CF card and of the control system (PPU), see Section
"Creating the activation file (Page 404)".
The software version of the CNC software can be found on the PPU HMI through the following operations:
+ → → →
The machine manufacturer or dealer receives from the Hotline the activation file to unlock the machine. The unlocking acts,
however, only on the hardware of the control system (PPU). The PLC project is not unlocked. For this reason, the original
PLC project appropriate for the machine must be available.
Further information concerning the procedure can be obtained from the Siemens Hotline.
Function Manual
410 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
27.16.11 Other information
Project file
The AMM tool can be used to create an unencrypted project file (.ucls) that contains the following data:
● Serial number of the CF card
● Serial number of the hardware (PPU)
● Creation date
● Lock date
Proceed through the following steps to create the unencrypted project file:
1. Start Access MyMachine on your computer.
2. Select the following menu command:
4. Click this button to save the data in the form of .ucls file.
Clicking this button allows you to reimport the unencrypted data stored in the project file.
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 411
Shorter service life
After NC restart, a future date set earlier than the lock date reduces the service life until the lock date. If a date equal to or
later than the lock date is set, alarm 8064 is issued and the NC start disabled.
Make sure you set the date correctly prior to NC restart.
Further information
● Online help for the communication tool Access MyMachine (AMM)
● Online help for PLC Programming Tool
The GEOAX command is formatted as follows:
GEOAX(n, channel axis name) ; Activation of the geometry axis switchover
GEOAX() ; Deactivation of the geometry axis switchover
Function Manual
412 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
n = 1 to 3: number of the geometry axis to which a channel axis is assigned
Channel axis name: name of the channel axis that is assigned to a geometry axis
● MD10000[4] = MZ2
● MD20080[0] = X1
● MD20080[1] = Y1
● MD20080[2] = Z1
● MD20080[4] = Z2
The following takes the workpiece machining process shown in the above figure for example to show how to switch
geometry axes.
GEOAX() ; basic configuration of the geometry axis active
G0 X0Y0Z0 ; channel axis Z1 used as the third geometry axis Z by
GEOAX(3, Z2) ; channel axis Z2 used as the third geometry axis Z
G0 Z100 ; tool movement command for axis Z called on axis Z2;
then Z2 moves to Z100 in the WCS
GEOAX(3, Z1) ; channel axis Z1 used as the third geometry axis Z
G0 Z100 ; tool movement command for axis Z called on axis Z1;
then Z1 moves to Z100 in the WCS
GEOAX() ; geometry axis switchover deactivated
The assigned channel axis names and geometry axis names must differ; otherwise alarm 14414 "GEOAX function: incorrect
call" is triggered.
The GEOAX command is used for switching a geometry axis. For an additional axis, you can switch it with the GEOAX
command only after assigning a geometry axis to the additional axis.
The GEOAX command is used for switching an existing geometry axis when the control system is powered on, but not for
creating a new geometry axis.
The GEOAX() command is used for calling the basic configuration of a geometry axis, that is, restoring its original
configuration status before the GEOAX command is called. Failing to call the GEOAX() command after calling the GEOAX
command keeps the operation of geometry axis switchover still active even when you execute another part program.
You require the software option "Lock MyCycles" (article number: 6FC5800-0AP54-0YB0) in order to use this function.
With cycle protection function, cycles can be encrypted and then protected in the control after you encrypt the cycle files
(.SPF) with Access MyMachine (AMM) tool and transfer the generated encrypted cycle files (.CPF) to the control.
In order to protect the manufacturer's know-how, any type of view is inhibited for cycles with cycle protection. If service is
required, the machine manufacturer must provide the unencrypted cycle.
This type of encryption is in compliance with export restrictions and embargo regulations.
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 413
End user
When using encrypted cycles of a machine manufacturer, if problems occur, then only the service department of the
machine manufacturer should be contacted.
Machine manufacturer
When using encrypted cycles, the machine manufacturer must ensure that original, unencrypted cycles are archived with the
appropriate version management.
● The option "Lock MyCycles" must be activated with a license key. For more information about how to activate the
optional functions, see Section "Activating the optional functions (Page 417)".
● The AMM tool must be installed on your computer. For more information about AMM installation, see Section "Installing
the software tools" in the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED Commissioning Manual.
Function Manual
414 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
3. Right-click the file to open the context menu and select the cycle encrypting function as fol-
Alternatively, you can select this function via the main menu:
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 415
4. Select the following encryption option from the dialog box:
After the encryption process completes successfully, the following message appears and an
encrypted cycle file is generated in the same directory as the original file. The name of the
new created file is "Original file name.CPF".
Function Manual
416 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
28 Licensing in the SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED
28.1 Activating the optional functions
The following optional functions can be purchased for the control system:
● Additional axis
● Additional positioning axis/auxiliary spindle *
● Contour handwheel
● Bidirectional leadscrew error compensation
● Generic Coupling 'CP-BASIC' (for the turning variant of the control system only)
● Manual Machine Plus (for the turning variant of the control system only)
● Lock MyCycles
● Transmit/Tracyl
● Gantry (BASIC) *
● CNC lock
* This optional function is available on PPU16x.3 only.
Before activating the Manual Machine Plus function, make sure that MD20050 is set to default.
The control system with PPU16x.3 supports up to three additional axes (configured as standard NC axes or positioning
axes) for the turning variant and two for the milling variant. The control system with PPU15x.3 only supports one additional
axis configured as standard NC axis for the turning variant only.
To use a purchased option, you must first activate it with a license key on the control system. After you purchase the desired
option(s), you can obtain the corresponding license key from the Web License Manager.
Operating sequence
1. Select the system data operating area.
2. Press this key to view the extended softkeys.
3. Open the dialog box for entering the license key through the following softkey operations:
→ →
Then you can find the serial number of the CF card in the following dialog box:
8. Press this softkey to open the window of available options. You can find the licensing status
in this window, for example:
If you have licensed one or more additional axes, you can find the number of the licensed
axes in the column of licensing status. For other licensed options, a "☑" symbol displays in
this column.
Note: The last option (see below) in this window indicates the variant information and the
licensing status of your control system, for example:
In case of any problems with the licensing status of your control system, contact Siemens
service personnel.
9. Set the licensed options.
• For the additional axes, enter a number as required in the setting column and press the
following key:
Function Manual
418 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
10. Press this softkey to restart the NCK, so that the licensed options are activated.
To use the CNC lock function, further activation operations are required after the CNC lock option is activated. For more
information, see Section "CNC lock function (Page 402)".
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6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 419
Term Description
Hardware serial number The hardware serial number is a permanent part of the CompactFlash card system. It is used
to identify a control system uniquely. The hardware serial number can be determined by:
• CoL (see: Certificate of License > "Note")
• HMI user interface (perform the following operations on the PPU)
+ → → →
• Printing on the CompactFlash card system
License key The license key is the "technical representative" of the sum of all the licenses that are as-
signed to one particular piece of hardware, which is uniquely marked by its hardware serial
Option One option is a SINUMERIK software product that is not contained in the basic version and
which requires the purchase of a license for its use.
Product A product is marked by the data below within the license management of SINUMERIK soft-
ware products:
• Product designation
• Article number
• License number
A Appendix
System variable list
System variable Description
$AA_FIX_POINT_SELECTED [<Axis>] Number of fixed point to be approached
$AA_FIX_POINT_ACT [<Axis>] Number of the fixed point on which the axis is currently
$P_PROG_EVENT Event-driven program call active
$P_SEARCH_S Search run: speed, cutting rate
$P_SEARCH_SDIR Block search: programmed direction of spindle rotation in
part program
$P_SEARCH_SGEAR Search run: Gear stage M code
$P_SEARCH_SPOS Search run: Spindle position, path
$P_SEARCH_SPOSMODE Search run: Position approach mode
$AA_ENC_COMP_MIN EEC table: Starting position
$AA_ENC_COMP_MAX EEC table: End position
$AA_ENC_COMP EEC table: Compensation value
$AN_CEC[<t>,<N>] Compensation value for interpolation point <N> of com-
pensation table [<t>]
$AN_CEC_INPUT_AXIS[<t>] Basic axis
$AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS[<t>] Compensation axis
$AN_CEC_STEP[<t>] Interpolation point distance
$AN_CEC_MIN[<t>] Initial position
$AN_CEC_MAX[<t>] End position
$AN_CEC_DIRECTION[<t>] Direction-dependent compensation
$AN_CEC_IS_MODULO[<t>] Compensation with modulo function
$AC_MEA[1] Query measurement job status signal
$AA_MM[axis] Access to measured value in the machine coordinate
system (MCS)
Function Manual
420 6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018
System variable Description
$AA_MW[axis] Access to measured value in the workpiece coordinate
$C_T Cycle parameter for address T
$P_ISTEST Program testing status; boolean variable
$P_SEARCH Program searching status; boolean variable
$P_SEARCHL Program searching status; real numbers: 1-, 2-, 3-
$P_TOOLNO Tool number in the spindle turret
$P_TOOLP Programming tool number
$C_T Programming tool number
$P_TOOLP is inactive when the program code T calls a
tool changing cycle that is defined with MD10717. The tool
number is then represented with "$C_T".
$TC_DP1[Tool number, 1] Tool type
$TC_DP3[Tool number, 1] Tool's geometrical parameter: tool length 1
$TC_DP6[Tool number, 1] Tool's geometrical parameter: tool radius
$TC_DP12[Tool number, 1] Tool wear: the direction of length 1
$TC_DP15[Tool number, 1] Tool wear: the direction of radius
$TC_DP24[Tool number, 1] Tool's dimension:
0: normal
1: oversize
$TC_DP25[Tool number, 1] Number of the tool turret
_TM[n] Global user data (integral)
_ZSFR[n] Global user data (float)
Since this data has been used in the Siemens standard
technology cycles, make sure that there is no conflict with
the technology cycles when you are using this data.
$AC_OPERATING_TIME Total time for running programs in "AUTO" mode
$AC_CYCLE_TIME Run time of a selected program
$AC_CUTTING_TIME Cutting time (G01, G02, G03) of a selected program
$AN_SETUP_TIME Time elapsed since the last power-on with default values
$AN_POWERON_TIME Time elapsed since the last normal power-on
$AC_REQUIRED_PARTS Required parts to be counted
Activated by setting MD27880 BIT0 = 1:
• BIT 1 = 0: if "Part count" = "Parts required", alarm or
interface DB3300.DBX4001.1 = 1
$AC_TOTAL_PARTS Total number of counted parts
Activated by setting MD27880 BIT 4 = 1:
• BIT 5 = 0: M02/M30 increases "Parts in total" to "1"
• BIT 5 = 1: the M code defined by MD27882 increases
"Parts in total" to "1"
• BIT 6 = 0/1: the counter does not work when "Program
test" is inactive
Function Manual
6FC5397-7EP40-0BA4, 07/2018 421
System variable Description
$AC_ACTUAL_PARTS Parts actually counted
Activated by setting MD27880 BIT 8 = 1:
• BIT 9 = 0: M02/M30 increases "Parts in total" to "1"
• BIT 9 = 1: the M code defined by MD27882 increases
"Parts in total" to "1"
• BIT 10 = 0/1: the counter does not work when "Pro-
gram test" is inactive
$A_OUT Digital output
$AA_COUP_ACT [axis name] Current coupling state of the coupled-motion axis/spindle
$AA_ACCLIMA Main run acceleration correction set with ACCLIMA
$AA_VELOLIMA Main run speed correction set with VELOLIMA
$PA_ACCLIMA Preprocessing acceleration correction set with ACCLIMA
$PA_VELOLIMA Preprocessing speed correction set with VELOLIMA
$AC_PLTBB Path length from the beginning of the block in the BCS
$AC_PATHACC Path acceleration for real-time events
$AC_PATHJERK Path jerk for real-time events
$AC_PATHN Normalized path parameter
$AC_PLTEB Path length to the end of the block in the BCS
$AA_SNGLAX_STAT Display status of a PLC-controlled axis
$AA_MOTEND Current motion end criterion for single-axis interpolation
$P_COUP_OFFS [coupled-motion spindle] Programmed offset of the synchronous spindle
$AA_COUP_OFFS [coupled-motion spindle] Position offset for synchronous spindle (setpoint)
$VA_COUP_OFFS [coupled-motion spindle] Position offset for synchronous spindle (actual value)
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot
be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any
necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Division Digital Factory
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