CV Khawla - Alzoubi Final Version 2016
CV Khawla - Alzoubi Final Version 2016
CV Khawla - Alzoubi Final Version 2016
Contact information
Work Address Cell Phone
Qatar University, EE Dept., Al 31010315
Tarfa, Doha 2713, Qatar Email
Professional Highlights
- Teaching experience of more than 7 years
- Multi-disciplinary research experience and background
- Recipient of Best Paper Award
- Awarded many scholarships and Honors
- Successful in securing funding (Co-Investigator for “Automatic Adjustment Oxygen Supplement System”
- Published eight academic papers in international conferences
- Excellent innovation and leadership skills
Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland-Ohio, USA Aug 2007 - Aug 2010
Computer Engineering, GPA:3.8/4.0
Dissertation title: “Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch (NEMS) for Ultra-
Low Power Portable Embedded System Applications: Analysis, Design,
Modeling, and Circuit Simulation “
Committee Members: Professor Daniel Saab(adviser), Professor Massood
Tabib-Azar(Co-Adviser), Professor Francis Merat, and Professor Michael
Undergraduate Courses:
C++ programming language, Numerical Analysis, Digital Logic Design, 8085 Microprocessor, 8088 Processor
and Interfacing, Networking, Database Management Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Control Automation(1)
and (2), Image Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Systems Communication, Computer Graphics
(OpenGL), Data Structures, Software Engineering, System Programming, Electronic Circuits, Electromagnetic
Teaching Experience
Lecturer, EE Department, Qatar University Augest,2015- Present
-Teaching the following course and Labs
1. Numerical Methods Course (GENG 300)
2. Digital Systems Design Lab (ELEC 262)
3. Embedded Systems Lab (ELEC 367)
Part-Time Professor, Embedded System Development( Graduate) Program May,2015- Augest,2015
Conestoga College, Kitchener, ON, Canada
- Teaching the following courses and labs
1. Advanced DSP course for Embedded Systems (EECE 8030)
2. Advanced DSP Lab
3. Hardware/Software Interfacing course (CNT 8000)
4. Hardware/Software Interfacing Lab using STM32F303xx Microcontroller
Teaching Assistant (TA), CWRU, Cleveland, Ohio-USA Sept 2009 - May 2010
- Delivered tutorials, and graded students’ assignments for the following
undergraduate and graduate courses:
o Logic Control Design
o HDL (Hardware Description Language)
Full-Time Lecturer, Computer Engineering Dept., Yarmouk University, Irbid- Sept 2004 - Aug 2007
- Taught and participated in teaching courses for graduate students in the Embedded
Systems Master Program, including:
1. Introductory courses ( C++ language, and Linux)( CE 510)
Duration: two semesters, Number of Students: 45 -50
2. Advanced Operating System course(CE 560)
Duration: one semester, Number of Students: 45-50
3. Various lab sessions for various courses, including: Verilog, FPGA, Embedded
systems, Real-Time Embedded Systems, and Advanced Operating Systems
−Monitored more than 25 undergraduate students during their training fields (CO-
−OP (CPE 500)) at different locations in Amman and Irbid (cities)
−Supervised more than 30 students in their senior graduation projects. Some of the
students’ graduation projects(CPE 598A):
1. Web-based student election system
2. Image processing algorithm for edge detection and image enhancement
3. Computer based Radio System
4. Hardware encryption system
5. Online Doctor System
6. Implementing a 16-bit Microprocessor using hardware description
Teaching Assistant, Computer Engineering Dept. Yarmouk University, Ibid- Feb 2002 – Jul 2003
- Taught, prepared, and assessed various undergraduate students’ labs, including:
Research Experience
Post-Doctoral Fellow/Researcher, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, May 2013- Present
Adviser: Professor Omar Ramahi
- Leading the research and development of “Portable Automated Intelligent System
for Continuous Oxygen Monitoring and Adjustment Oxygen Delivery for Hypoxic
Patients” project
Visiting Scholar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada July 2012 - Apr 2013
- Prepared, wrote, and submitted research proposals:
o Near-Field Ground Penetrating Radar System (GPRs) for Millimetres Crack
Detection in Waterproofed Concrete Bridge Decks
RA, CWRU Fellowship, DARPA’s NEMS Project, Cleveland, Ohio,USA Sept 2008 - Aug 2010
NEMS Processor and Micro-Controller Project, Advisors: Professor Daniel Saab,
(CWRU University) and Professor Massood Tabib-Azar (University of Utah)
- Conducted an intensive literature review for CMOS technology trends
- Explored emerging technologies that have been investigated to overcome CMOS
limitations in Nanometer regime.
- Understood NEMS switches in terms of operation modes, types, physical
quantities, physical phenomena, and device characteristics.
- Designed NEMS Switches with highly attractive characteristics by adjusting the
switch physical quantities: dimensions, structure, and materials; through the
understanding of the device‘s physical phenomena, considering the fabrication
- CMOS Nanometer Technology Certification, Professor Sarwup Baunih,CWRU, Cleveland, Ohio,USA
- COMSOL Multi-Physics Certification, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2008
- Teaching Series Certification, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2013
Technical Skills
Synthesis & Simulation Tools: Synopsys, Altera Software, Mentor Graphics Tools, COMSOL,
LTSpice, Eagle PCB Board Design and Layout,
Labview, Simulink (Matlab)
Programming Languages: C/ C++, Java, Pascal, HTML, Java script, MATLAB, Mathematica
Scripting Languages: ksh, csh and bash
Hardware Description Languages: VHDL, Verilog
Assembly Language: MASM/TASM
Database and Operating Systems: SQL, ASP, Linux, Unix, Windows, Kernel/device drivers
Daniel G. Saab
Associate Professor Prof.Saab was my academic adviser and was
Case Western Reserve University Supervising my PhD dissertation work at
Cleveland OH – 44106 CWRU.
001-216- 368 2494