GWWA Habitat Appalachian Abandoned Farms 130808 - Lo Res
GWWA Habitat Appalachian Abandoned Farms 130808 - Lo Res
GWWA Habitat Appalachian Abandoned Farms 130808 - Lo Res
Curtis Smalling
Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitats in the
Appalachian Region, which includes general information that applies
to all habitat types in this area. Users should refer to both documents
to develop a comprehensive management strategy for Golden-winged
Warbler. The following are guidelines and not absolute rules for the
creation of breeding habitat, thus prescriptions that fall outside the
numerical ranges presented can provide habitat, too. Consult a Gold-
en-winged Warbler or young forest habitat expert for assistance in
tailoring a management plan to your property.
Since the early 20th century, abandoned farmland has become an
important component of the Appalachian landscape. When crop and
pasture lands become inactive, they immediately begin succeeding
into their pre-agriculture state, which is often deciduous forest. The
span of time from field to forest takes decades, during which there is a
Figure 1. Typical early successional abandoned field in Appa-
period of years where the ratio of herbaceous vegetation, shrubs, and
lachian region.
young trees on a given site can potentially create habitat for breeding
Golden-winged Warblers (Figure 1). Without active management, this is a temporary condition that typically persists for less than a
Throughout the region there is an excellent opportunity, especially on private lands, to create habitat for Golden-winged War-
bler on abandoned farmlands. Perhaps the best opportunities exist on high elevation “balds” and poorly drained soils that are too
wet for pasture or crops.
Kyle Aldinger
• 30–70% tall shrubs and saplings (3–13 ft) unevenly distributed
as clumps
• herbaceous openings of mostly forbs with lesser proportions of
• overstory deciduous trees (5–15/acre) resulting in 10–30% can-
opy cover
• high habitat dispersion, making average distance among micro-
edges < 20 ft (see regional BMP guides for microedge definition)
Advancing or retarding succession to achieve an appropriate
successional stage can be difficult, and, in some cases, impractical. If
a given patch is still in a primarily herbaceous state or has become a
closed canopy forest, then the location might be better managed as
Figure 3. Good quality breeding habitat with clumped shrubs,
grassland or forest (see Deciduous Forests Appalachian supplement). herbaceous openings, and primary forest edge.
Table 1. Suggested management techniques to manipulate habitat conditions for Golden-winged Warbler.
Symptom Management Technique Description of Technique
Harvest selected canopy trees along existing edge to promote shrub
Timber Management
Lack of prominent growth and extend habitat into forest.
forest edge Plant fast growing native trees and shrubs in large clumps
Plant Desired Species
or adjacent to existing fencerows.
Mow within larger patches to create clumps with
Mechanical Treatment
herbaceous openings; target exotic shrubs.
Shrubs too evenly Use micro-burns to selectively remove shrubs;
Prescribed Burning or Grazing
distributed or too many graze cattle to reduce shrub density.
exotic shrubs Treat individual or groups of shrubs to create smaller clumps,
Herbicide Spot Treatments
target exotic species when present.
Restore Natural Disturbances Restore hydrology on wetland sites to kill shrubs and retard re-growth.
Create feathered edge through thinning;
Timber Management
Too few canopy trees retain select saplings and poles as future trees.
Plant Desired Species Plant fast growing native trees in clumps or throughout the patch.
Mechanical Treatment Ripping, disking; reduce frequency and/or intensity of mowing.
Too much herbaceous
Prescribed Burning or Grazing Reduce frequency and/or intensity of burning/grazing.
cover, too little shrub
cover Plant fast growing native shrubs in clumps;
Plant Desired Species
best to use multiple species that vary in height when mature.
• Golden-winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan,
• NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners in the Appalachian region,
• Golden-winged Warbler Habitat Best Management Practices for Forestlands in Maryland and Pennsylvania. American Bird Conservan-
cy. The Plains, VA, 26 pp.
Prepared by Ron Rohrbaugh, Kyle Aldinger, Amber Roth, Curtis Smalling, Petra Wood, and Sara Barker Swarthout with additional information from the
Golden-winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan.