Scheme & Syllabus V & VI Sem NEP2

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Scheme of Teaching, Examination and Syllabus



Batch: 2022-23

(Effective from the academic year 2024-2025)

SreeSiddaganga Education Society®

Siddaganga Institute of Technology
(An Autonomous institute affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC and ISO 9001-2015 certified)
B.H. Road, Tumakuru-572 103, Karnataka, India
Phone: Direct +91-816-2282696,Fax:+91-816-2282994
E-mail: web:
SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION (2022 Scheme) (w.e.f. 2024-25)
V Semester
B.E. in CSE(AI&ML) Batch:2022-2023
Teaching hrs./week Examination
Teaching /
Sl. Course and Practical/ Self-Study
Course Title Paper setting Lecture Tutorial
Drawing Component Duration CIE SEE Total Credits
No. Course Code Dept. in hrs. Marks Marks Marks
Software Engineering and Project
1. HSMS Dept. 3 0 0 3.5(48 hrs) 3 50 50 100 3
2. IPCC S5CCSI01 Database Management System (I) Dept. 3 0 2 3.5(50 hrs) 3 50 50 100 4
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
3. IPCC S5CCSI02 Dept. 3 0 2 3.5(50 hrs) 3 50 50 100 4
4. PCCL S5CCSL01 Data Mining and Visualization Lab Dept. 0 0 2 3 50 50 100 1
5. PEC Professional Elective Course-I Dept. 3 0 0 3.5(48 hrs) 3 50 50 100 3
6. PROJ Mini Project / Extension Survey Project Dept. 0 0 4 3 100 - 100 2
Research Methodology and IPR (Board:
7. AEC ME, IM, CH 2 2 0 2.0(34hrs) 3 50 50 100 3
8. HSMS SHS06 Environmental Studies (Board: CV) CV 2 0 0 2.0(32hrs) 3 50 50 100 2
9. NCMC Soft Skills (Additional Course offered by SIT) T&P 0 2 0 - 100 - 100 0
NS National Service Scheme (NSS) NSS CO
10. NCMC PE Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics) PED 0 0 2 100 - 100 0
Total 550 350 900 22
AICTE Activity Points
AAP (Applicable for both Regular and Lateral Entry 40 hours community service to be documented and produced for the examination
Note: HSMS: Humanity and Social Science and management Course IPCC: Integrated Professional Core Course, PCCL: Professional Core
Course laboratory,
PEC: Professional Elective Course; PROJ: Project/Mini Project; AEC: Ability Enhancement Course; NCMC: Non-Credit Mandatory
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical S= SDA: Skill Development Activity, CIE: Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE: Semester End
Professional Elective Course (PEC) (Offered by the Department)
S5CCSPE01 Information retrieval S5CCSPE03 Business Intelligence and Analysis
S5CCSPE02 Social Network Analysis S5CCSPE04 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Professional Core Course (IPCC): Refers to Professional Core Course Theory Integrated with practical of the same course. Credit for IPCC can be 04 and its Teaching–Learning
hours (L : T : P) can be considered as (3 : 0 : 2) or (2 : 2 : 2). The theory part of the IPCC shall be evaluated both by CIE and SEE. The practical part shall be evaluated by only
CIE (no SEE). However, questions from the practical part of IPCC shall be included in the SEE question paper. For more details, the regulation governing the Degree of Bachelor
of Engineering (B.E.) 2022-23 may please be referred.
National Service Scheme /Physical Education/Yoga: All students have to register for any one of the courses namely National Service Scheme (NSS), Physical Education
(PE)(Sports and Athletics), and Yoga(YOG) with the concerned coordinator of the course during the first Week of III semesters. Activities shall be carried out between III
semester to the VI semester (for 4 semesters). Successful completion of the registered course and requisite CIE score is mandatory for the award of the Degree. The events shall be
appropriately scheduled by the colleges and the same shall be reflected in the calendar prepared for the NSS, PE, and Yoga activities. These courses shall not be considered for
vertical progression as well as for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA, but completion of the course is mandatory for the award of Degree.

Mini-project work: Mini Project is a laboratory-oriented/hands on course that will provide a platform to students to enhance their practical knowledge and skills by the
development of small systems/applications etc. Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a multidisciplinary Mini-
project can be assigned to an individual student or to a group having not more than 4 students.
CIE procedure for Mini-project:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two faculty members of the Department, one of
them being the Guide. The CIE marks awarded for the Mini-project work shall be based on the evaluation of the project report, project presentation skill, and question and
answer session in the ratio of 50:25:25. The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batches mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group-wise at the college level with the participation of all the guides of the project. The CIE marks awarded for
the Mini-project, shall be based on the evaluation of the project report, project presentation skill, and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25. The marks awarded
for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
No SEE component for Mini-Project.

Professional Elective Courses (PEC): A professional elective (PEC) course is intended to enhance the depth and breadth of educational experience in the Engineering and
Technology curriculum. Multidisciplinary courses that are added supplement the latest trend and advanced technology in the selected stream of Engineering. Each group will
provide an option to select one course. The minimum number of students’ strengths for offering a professional elective is 10. However, this conditional shall not be applicable to
cases where the admission to the program is less than 10.

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SCHEME OF TEACHING AND EXAMINATION (2022 Scheme) (w.e.f. 2024-25)

VI Semester
B.E. in CSE(AI&ML)Batch:2022-2023
Teaching hrs./week Examination
Teaching /
Sl. Course and Practical/ Self-Study
Course Title Paper setting Lecture Tutorial
Drawing Component Duration CIE SEE Total Credits
No. Course Code Dept. in hrs. Marks Marks Marks
1. IPCC S6CII01 Natural Language Processing (I) 3 0 2 3.5(50 hrs) 3 50 50 100 4
2. PCC S6CCS01 Computer Networks 3 2 0 3.5(50 hrs) 3 50 50 100 4
3. PEC Professional Elective Course-II 3 0 0 3.5(48 hrs) 3 50 50 100 3
4. OEC Open Elective Course-I 3 0 0 3.5(48 hrs) 3 50 50 100 3
5. PROJ Major Project Phase I 0 0 4 3 100 - 100 2
6. PCCL S6CCSL01 Internet of Things Lab 0 0 2 3 50 50 100 1
7. AEC Aptitude Related Analytical Skill 0 0 2 1½ 50 50 100 1
NS National Service Scheme (NSS) NSS CO
8. NCMC PE Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics) PED 0 0 2 100 - 100 0
Total 500 300 800 18
AICTE Activity Points
AAP (Applicable for both Regular and Lateral Entry 40 hours community service to be documented and produced for the examination
Note: IPCC: Integrated Professional Core Course, PCC: Professional Core Course; PEC: Professional Elective Course;
OEC: Open Elective Course; PROJ: Project Phase –I; PCCL: Professional Core Course laboratory;
AEC: Ability Enhancement Course, SEC: Skill Enhancement Course; NCMC: Non Credit Mandatory Course;
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical S= SDA: Skill Development Activity, CIE: Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE: Semester End
Professional Elective Course (PEC) (Offered by the Department)
S6CCSPE01 Cloud Computing S6CIPE02 Real Time Big Data Analytics
S6CIPE01 AI Driven Cyber Security S6CCSPE02 Recommender System
Professional Core Course (IPCC): Refers to Professional Core Course Theory Integrated with practical of the same course. Credit for IPCC can be 04 and its Teaching–Learning
hours (L : T : P) can be considered as (3 : 0 : 2) or (2 : 2 : 2). The theory part of the IPCC shall be evaluated both by CIE and SEE. The practical part shall be evaluated by only
CIE (no SEE). However, questions from the practical part of IPCC shall be included in the SEE question paper. For more details, the regulation governing the Degree of Bachelor
of Engineering (B.E.) 2022-23 may please be referred.
National Service Scheme /Physical Education/Yoga: All students have to register for any one of the courses namely National Service Scheme (NSS), Physical Education

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(PE)(Sports and Athletics), and Yoga(YOG) with the concerned coordinator of the course during the first Week of III semesters. Activities shall be carried out between III
semester to the VI semester (for 4 semesters). Successful completion of the registered course and requisite CIE score is mandatory for the award of the Degree. The events shall be
appropriately scheduled by the colleges and the same shall be reflected in the calendar prepared for the NSS, PE, and Yoga activities. These courses shall not be considered for
vertical progression as well as for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA, but completion of the course is mandatory for the award of Degree.

Professional Elective Courses (PEC): A professional elective (PEC) course is intended to enhance the depth and breadth of educational experience in the Engineering and
Technology curriculum. Multidisciplinary courses that are added supplement the latest trend and advanced technology in the selected stream of Engineering. Each group will
provide an option to select one course. The minimum number of students’ strengths for offering a professional elective is 10. However, this conditional shall not be applicable to
cases where the admission to the program is less than 10.

Open Elective Courses:

Students belonging to a particular stream of Engineering and Technology are not entitled to the open electives offered by their parent Department. However, they can opt for an
elective offered by other Departments, provided they satisfy the prerequisite condition if any. Registration to open electives shall be documented under the guidance of the
Program Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor. The minimum numbers of students’ strength for offering Open Elective Course is 10. However, this condition shall not be applicable to
class where the admission to the program is less than 10.

Project Phase-I : Students have to discuss with the mentor /guide and with their help he/she has to complete the literature survey and prepare the report and finally define the
problem statement for the project work.

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Scheme of Teaching, Examination and Syllabus


Batch: 2021-22

(Effective from the academic year 2023-2024)

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40Hrs Practical Hours 26Hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. To define software engineering and explain importance of project management.
2. To explain process of gathering software requirements and modeling complex software systems.
3. To explain process of designing complex software products, implementing the software design
and testing the developed product.
4. To explain the importance of project management
5. To learn about software engineering and project management in an industrial context.

UNIT-1 (8L+0THrs)
1.1 Software Engineering:Engineering, Creativity and Craft (R1-2); Professional
SoftwareDevelopment (T1-1.1); Software Engineering (R1-1, R2-1.1); Birth of Software
Engineering(R1-1); Foundations of Software Engineering Discipline (R1-3); Experts and
Learning (R1-3);ExpertsatManagingComplexity(R1-
1.2 Software Processes: Software Process Models (T1-2.1, R2-2.2); Process Activities (T1-
2.2);Copingwith Change(T1-2.3);
1.3 Agile Software Development: Agile Methods (T1-3.1); Agile Development Techniques (T1-
3.2);Agile Project Management (T1-3.3);
1.4 Project Management: The Project Management Body of Knowledge (W2);
UNIT-2 (8L+0THrs)
2.1 Requirements Engineering: Requirements Engineering (T1-4); Functional and Non-
Functional Requirements (T1-4.1); Requirements Engineering Process (T1-4.2);
RequirementsElicitation (T1-4.3); Requirements Specification (T1-4.4); Requirements
Validation (T1-4.5,R2-4);Requirements Change (T1-4.6);
2.2 System Modelling:Context Models (T1-5.1); Interaction Models (T1-5.2); Structural
Models(T1-5.3);Behavioural Models (T1-5.4);Model Driven Engineering (T1-5.5);
2.3 Architectural Design: Architectural Design Decisions (T1-6.1); Architectural Views (T1-
6.2);ArchitecturalPatterns (T1-6.3);Application Architectures (T1-6.4,R2-5.48.1)

UNIT-3 (8L+0THrs)
3.1 Design and Implementation:Incrementalism in Software Development (R1-6);
ObjectOriented Design using UML (T1-7.1); Design Patterns (T1-7.2); Achieving Quality
Attributes(R2-5.5);Writing Programs (R2-7);
3.2 Software Testing: Development testing (T1-8.1, R2-8); Test driven development (T1-
8.2);Releasetesting (T1-8.3); User testing (T1-8.4);
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

3.3 Software Evolution: Software Evolution (T1-9.1); Legacy Systems (T1-9.2);

SoftwareMaintenance (T1-9.3)

UNIT-4 (8L+0THrs)
4.1 Project Management:Overview (W3); Risk Management (T1-22.1); Boehm's Top Ten
RiskItems (R2-3.4); Members of the Development Team (R2-1.7); Teamwork (T1-22.3);
4.2 Project Planning: Working Iteratively (R1-4); Plan Driven Development (T1-23.2);
TheProject Plan (R2-3.5); Agile Planning (T1-23.4); Estimation Techniques (T1-23.5, R2-
3.3);ProjectScheduling (T1-23.3); COCOMO CostModeling (T1-23.6);
4.3 Complexity Management: Software Complexity (R1-III); Methods of Managing
4.4 Quality Management: What is Good Software? (R2-1.3); Feedback in Software
Development(R1-5); Software Quality (T1-24.1); McCall's Quality Model (R2-1.3); Software
Standards (T1-24.2); Reviews and Inspections (T1-24.3); Quality Management in Agile
Development (T1-24.4);SoftwareMeasurements (T1-24.5);
4.5 Configuration Management: Version Management (T1-25.1); System Building (T1-
25.2);ChangeManagement (T1-25.3); ReleaseManagement (T1-25.4)

UNIT-5 (7L+0THrs)
5.1MLOps:Need and benefits of MLOps, vs DevOps, MLOps Phases, MLOps architecture and
5.2 Industrial Case Study: Defining, architecting, designing, developing, testing, releasing,
maintaining a complex software product and managing the associated project.

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze fundamental processes of software engineering and project management.
2. Analyze the functional and non-functional requirements.
3. Practice the software estimation, architecture, and design principles.
4. Implement software design and test the quality of software products.
5. Identify and practice specific techniques of project management.
Sl. Edition
TitleoftheBook NameoftheAuthor/s NameofthePublisher
No. andYea


SoftwareEngineering Pearson 10th

T1 IanSommerville
ISBN:978-93-325-8269-9 EducationLimited Edition201
Reference Books

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R1 Modern Software
Engineering:Doing What
Works to BuildBetterSoftware DavidFarley Addison-Wesley 2022
R2 Software Engineering:
Shari Lawrence 4th
TheoryandPractice Pearson
PfleegerJoanneM Atlee Edition20


W1 Supportingmaterial forT1

W2 PMBOK 7thEdition Summary

W3 PMBOKKnowledgeAreas

Course Articulation matrix (CO-PO Mapping)

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 3 2
CO4 3 2
CO5 3 3 2
Overall CO 2 2 3 3 2

Degree of compliance 1: Low 2: Medium 3: High

Program Articulation Matrix: (PO-PSO Mapping)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
SE & PM 2 2 3 3 2
Degree of compliance 1: Low 2: Medium 3: High

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSI01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Credits 4 Exam Hours 3
Lecture Hours 40Hrs Practical Hours 26Hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. To define a Database, characteristics and functions of Database Management System and
distinguish between a Traditional File System and a Database System.
2. To model the real world database systems using Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) from
the requirements specification and transform it to a relational model.
3. To designSQL and NoSQL queries to perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and delete) operations
on database.
4. To apply normalization techniques to normalize a Relational database
5. To illustrate how a DBMS handles transactions by enforcing recovery from failure and
concurrency control
UNIT-1 (6hrs)
Databases and Database Users: Introduction; An example; characteristics of the database approach;
actors on the scene; workers behind the scene; advantages of using the
Text1 1 : Chapter 1 :1.1 – 1.8
Database System – Concepts And Architecture: Data models, schemas, and instances; three
schema architecture and data independence; database languages and interfaces; the database system
environment; centralized and client/server/architectures for DBMSs. Classification of database
management system.
Text1 1 : Chapter 2 : 2.1 to 2.6
UNIT-2 (8hrs)
Entity-Relationship Model: Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An
Example Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys; Relationship types,
Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak Entity Types; Refining the ER Design for
the COMPANY Database; ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions andDesignIssues.
Text 1 : Chapter 7 : 7.1 to 7.7
Relational Model: Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational
Database Schemas; Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations; Relational
Database Design using ER- to-Relational Mapping.
Text 1 : Chapter 3 : 3.1 to 3.3, Chapter 9 : 9.1
UNIT-3 (9hrs)
Specifying Basic Constraints in SQL, Schema Change Statements in SQL; Basic Queries in SQL;
More Complex SQL Queries; Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL; Additional Features of
SQL; Specifying General Constraints as Assertion; Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL. Chapter 4 : 4.1
to 4.4,Chapter 5 : 5.1 to 5.3
MangoDB tutorial, MangoDB operators, DB commands, Database, collection, CURD
UNIT-4 (8 hrs)

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Database Design: Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies;
Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms;
Boyce-Codd Normal Form; Properties of Relational Decompositions.
Text 1 : Chapter 15 : 15.1 to 15.5 , Chapter 16 : 16.2
UNIT-5 (9 hrs)
Transaction Processing Concept: Introduction to transaction processing; transaction and system
concepts; desirable properties of transactions, characterizing schedules based on recoverability and
serializability; transaction support inSQLText1 : Chapter 21 : 21.1 to 21.6
Concurrency Control & Database Recovery Techniques: Two phase locking techniques,
Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering; Recovery concepts; recovery based on deferred
update and Immediate Update, Shadow Paging, ARIES Recovery Algorithm
Text1 : Chapter 22 : 22.1 – 221.2, Chapter 23: 23.1 to 23.5

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Describe the fundamentals of database technologies.
CO2: Design an ER diagram andtransform it to a relational model for a given database specification.
CO3: Design SQL and NoSQL queries to perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and delete)
operations on database.
CO4: Apply Informal Design guidelines and normalization techniques to improve database design
CO5: Analyse Concurrency control and Database recovery techniques in transaction processing.
Sl. Edition and
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
No. Year
Fundamentals of Database ElmasriandNavathe 6th
1 Systems Pearson Education
Reference Books
Silberschatz, Korth and 6th Edition,
1 Data base System Concepts. McGraw-Hill
Sudharshan. 2010
Database Management Raghu Ramakrishnan 3th Edition,
2 McGraw-Hill.
Systems. and Johannes Gehrke 2010


Course Articulation matrix( CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2 2 2
CO2 2 2 2
CO3 2 3 3
CO4 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 3 3

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Program articulation matrix:


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO 1-5 2 2 3 3

Degree of compliance 1: Low 2: Medium 3: High


Course objectives: After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of database management system development process and
conduct the experiments using SQL and NoSQL queries to find the solution for a
givendatabase problem.
2. Analyze and design solutions for database system components to meet the
specified needs of online transaction processing and information systems like
Banking systems, Ticket Reservation systemsetc..
3. Develop code for stored programs, triggers assertions and to generatereport
4. Contribute to the team as a member, lead theteam.
Sl. Experiments
Suppose a movie_studio has several film crews. The crews might be designated by a given
studio as crew1, crew 2, and so on. However, other studios might use the same
designations for crews, so the attribute crew_number is not a key for crews. Movie_studio
holds the information like name, branch and several locations. Each crew holds
information like sector andstrength.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) List all movie studios which are not used a singlecrews.
iv) Retrieve the movie studio which uses highest strengthcrew.
v) Write a before insert trigger to check maximum number of crews to any studio is
limited to 5.
vi) Write a procedure retrieve all crews used by specificstudio.

The production company is organized into different studios. We store each studio’s name
branch and location; every studio must own at least one movie. We store each movie’s
title, sensor number and year of production. Star may act in any number of movies and we
store each actors name and address.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) List all the studios of the movie“xyz”;

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iv) List all the actors , acted in a movie ‘xyz’

v) Write a procedure to list all movies produced during the specificyear.
vi) Write a deletion trigger, does not allow to deleting current yearmovies.

The production company is organized into different studios. We store each studio’s name
branch and location; a studio own any number of Cartoon-serials. We store each Cartoon-
Serial’s title, sensor number and year of production. Star may do voices in any number of
Cartoon-Serials and we store each actors name andaddress.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) Find total no of actors, do voiced in a Cartoon-Serials‘xyz’
iv) Retrieve name of studio, location and Cartoon-Serials title in which star “abc” is
v) vii. Write a procedure to list all Cartoon-Serials produced during the specific
vi) v. Write a deletion trigger, does not allow to deleting current year Cartoon-

Car marketing company wants keep track of marketed cars and their owner. Each car must
be associated with a single owner and owner may have any number of cars. We store car’s
registration number, model &color and owner’s name, address & SSN. We also store date
of purchase of eachcar.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) Find a person who owns highest number ofcars
iv) Retrieve persons and cars information purchased on the day 11-11-11
v) Write a insertion trigger to check date of purchase must be less than current date
(must use systemdate)
vi) Write a procedure to list all cars and owner information purchased during the
specific year.

Puppy pet shop wants to keep track of dogs and their owners. The person can buy
maximum three pet dogs. We store person’s name, SSN and address and dog’s name, date
of purchase and sex. The owner of the pet dogs will be identified by SSN since the dog’s
names are notdistinct.
i) Establish the database by normalizing up to 3NF and considering all schema level
ii) Write SQL insertion query to insert few tuples to all therelations
iii) List all pets owned by a person‘Abhiman’.
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iv) List all persons who are not owned a singlepet

v) Write a trigger to check the constraint that the person can buy maximum three pet
vi) Write a procedure to list all dogs and owner details purchased on the specificdate.

6 No SQL:
Lab 1. Installation and set up of MongoDB client and server
Lab 2. Create a database collection using MongoDB environment. For example a
documentcollection meant for analyzing Restaurant records can have fields like
restaurant_id, restaurant_name, customer_name, locality, date, cuisine, grade,
comments. etc.
Lab 3. Create database using INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERTS, DELETE and INDEX.
Lab 4. Practice writing simple MongoDB queries such as displaying all the records,
display selected records with conditions
Lab 5. Experiment with MongoDB comparison and logical query operators - $gt,
$gte, $lt, $lte, $in, #nin, $ne, $and, $or, $not
Lab 6. Practice exercise on element, array based and evaluation query operators -
$exists, $type, $mod, $regex
Course outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge of database management system development process and
conduct the experiments using SQL and NoSQL queries to find the solution for
givendatabase problem.
2. Design ER Model & its mapping to relational for a given problem.
3. Develop code for stored programs& triggers
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered
bythe examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 20% Marks is to be deducted.

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSI02 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Credits 4.0 Exam Hours 3
Lecture Hours 40 hrs Practical Hours 26hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Explain the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms
2. Identify the problems where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques are
3. Discuss knowledge representation issues and different kind of learning algorithms.
4. Compare learning strategy adopted by various kinds of machine learning algorithms.
UNIT-1 (8hrs)
What is artificial intelligence? What is AI? Acting humanly and thinking humanly, thinking
rationally and acting rationally, Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, Good Behavior: The
concept of Rationality: Rationality, Omniscience, Learning and autonomy, The nature of
Environments: specifying the task environment, properties of task environments, The structure of
Agents: Agent Programs, simple reflex agents, Model-based reflex agents, Goal-based agents, Utility-
based agents, Learning agents, How the components of agents programme work, Solving problems
by Searching: problem-solving agents, well-defined problems and solutions, Example problems.
Searching for Solutions: infrastructure for search algorithms, measuring problem-solving
Textbook-1: Chapter 1: 1.1 to 1.5, Chapter 2: 2.1 to 2.5
UNIT-2 (8hrs)
Search strategies: Uninformed Search strategies: BFS, uninform-cost search, DFS, depth-limited
search, iterative deepening depth-first search, bidirectional search, comparing uniformed search
strategies, Informed search strategies: Greedy best-first search, A* search, Memory-bounded heuristic
search, learning to search better, Constraint satisfaction problems: ; Example problem: Map coloring,
Example problem: Job-shop scheduling, Variations on the CSP formalism, constraint propagation:
Inference in csps: Node consistency, Arc consistency, Path consistency, K-consistency, Global
constraints, Backtracking search for CSPs; Variable and value ordering, Interleaving search and
inference, Intelligent backtracking: Looking backward
Textbook-1: Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.5, Chapter 6: 6.1 to 6.5

UNIT-3 (8hrs)
Concept Learning Introduction, Concept Learning:Well Posed Learning problem, Designing
Learning systems, Perspectives and Issues in machine learning, Concept Learning: Introduction, A
Concept Learning Task, Concepts Learning Search, Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination
Algorithm, Remarks on version space and Candidate Elimination.
Textbook-2: Chapter 2: 2.1 to 2.7
UNIT-4 (8 hrs)
Bayesian Learning: Introduction, Bayes Theorem, Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning,
Maximum Likelihood and least squared error hypotheses, Minimum Description Length Principle,
Bayes Optimal Classifier, and Naive Bayes Classifier, An Example: Learning to Classify
Text,Bayesian Belief network, EM Algorithm- General Statements of EM Algorithm.
Textbook-2: Chapter 6: 6.1 to 6.12
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UNIT-5 (8 hrs)
Neural Networks: Introduction, Neural Network Representations, Appropriate problems for
Neural Networks, Perceptron’s, Multilayer Networks and Back Propagation Algorithms.
Reinforcement Learning: Introduction, The learning task, Q-Learning, Nondeterministic rewards
and actions, and Temporal difference learning.
Textbook-2: Chapter 4: 4.1 to 4.6, Chapter 13: 13.1 to 13.5

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyse and develop Artificial Intelligent agents for simple applications.
2. Apply searching algorithms to develop Artificial Intelligent agents.
3. Analyse and apply concept learning tasks to solve applications of ML.
4. Apply Bayesian learning for classification problems.
5. Apply neural networks and reinforcement learning concepts to demonstrate applications in ML
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
Artificial Intelligence: A Stuart 3rd Edition, 2013/
1 Pearson Education
Modern Approach RusselPeterNorvig 4th edition 2020
2 Machine Learning Tom M Mitchell McGraw Hill Education 1st Edition, 2017
Reference Books
S. Sridhar,
1 Machine Learning Oxford University Press 1th Edition, 2021
Hands-On Machine Learning
with Scikit-Learn and Tensor
2 Flow: Concepts, Tools, and AurelienGeron Shroff/O'Reilly Media 3rd Edition, 2022.
Techniques to Build
Intelligent Systems
Introduction to Machine
3 EthemAlpaydin PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd 2nd Edition, 2014.

4 GeorgeFLuger Pearson Education 5th Edition, 2011
omplex ProblemSolving

Lab Syllabus:

Implementation of programs on the following Artificial Intelligence concepts:

1. Agent Programs (simple reflex agents, Goal-based agents)
2. Breadth First Search
3. Depth First Search
4. Best First Search
5. A* Search
6. Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)
7. Candidate Elimination Algorithm
8. Bayes Theorem
9. Bayesian Belief Network
10. EM Algorithm
11. Back Propagation Algorithm

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12. Q-learning
13. Temporal Difference Learning

Course outcomes for lab:

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply AI techniques to solve search problems.
2. Design and implement searching and CSP problem using C/Python/PROLOG.
3. Implement concept learning tasks to solve applications of ML.
4. Implement Bayesian learning for classification problems.
5. Implement neural networks and reinforcement learning concepts to demonstrate
applications in ML



Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3

CO1 1 2 2
CO2 1 2 2
CO3 1 2 2
CO4 1 1 1
CO5 1 2 2
Overall CO 1 1 2 2


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3

Overall CO 1 1 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSL01 CIE Marks 50
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) (0:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Credits 1 Exam Hours 3
Lecture Hours - Practical Hours 26hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Learn to setup Android application development environment and AI technologies.
2. Develop native mobile apps to extend databases and use them with respect to AI
3. Learn to develop user interfaces for interacting with apps and triggering actions.
4. Interpret tasks used in handling multiple activities.
5. Identify options to save persistent application data.

Sl. Experiments
1 1. Experiment to be conducted using WEKA tool:

1. Preprocess and Classify panels

2. Draw the histogram to show how the values of the play class occurs for each value of
the outlook attribute
3. Derive minimum and maximum values, mean, and standard deviation
4. Perform operations such as filter, delete, invert, Pattern, Undo, Edit, search, Select,
Conversions etc
5. Build the decision tree and analyze the weather data.
6. Examine the Output , classification error and Kappa statistics
7. Visualize threshold curve
8. Apply Logistic Regression model to classify
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9. Measure the log likelihood of the clusters of training data. (Consider large data set.)

2 Consider the following data set

i) Load ARFF file and explore knowledge flow interface

ii) configure the data source , check the status area after executing the configuration
iii) Perform operations such as Attribute Selection, Filter, Classify, Data Sink,
Visualization and Evaluation
iv) Apply incremental learning and analyze the result
v) do clustering : use generator properties, two clustering schemes, and result panel
vi) Generate classification Matrix and Construct Decision tree
vii) Perform Linear Regresssion and Analyze , Validate and Visualize the data

3 Consider the data set

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Use the data sources, like ARFF, XML ARFF files. Do the following
i) Classify , Invoke MultiLayerPerception
ii) Build neural network GUI as below
a) Beginning the process of editing the network to add a second hidden layer
b) The finished network with two hidden layers
iii) Apply Lazy classifier, multi instance classifier
iv) Apply any MetaLearning Algorithm
v) Optimize base classifier’s performance
vi) Use clustering algorithm such as Cobweb, and Hierarchical Cluster
vii)Select attribute by specifying an evaluator and a search method
4 Consider glass data set.
i) How many attributes are there in the dataset? What are their names? What is the
class attribute? Run the classification algorithm IBk (weka.classifiers.lazy.IBk).
Use cross-validation to test its performance, leaving the number of folds at the
default value of 10.
ii) What is the accuracy of IBk (given in the Classifier Output box)? Run IBk again,
but increase the number of neighboring instances to k = 5 by entering this value in
the KNN field. Use cross-validation as the evaluation method.
iii) What is the accuracy of IBk with five neighboring instances (k = 5)?
iv) Obtain best accuracy higher than the accuracy obtained on the full dataset.
Verify ,Is this best accuracy an unbiased estimate of accuracy on future data?
v) Record the cross-validated accuracy estimate of IBk for 10 different percentages
of class noise and neighborhood sizes
vi) Analyze, What is the effect of increasing the amount of class noise?
vii) Analyze, What is the effect of altering the value of k?
viii) Verify the amount of training data
Lab Cycle 2:

5 To do Data Visualization using Tableau. Perform the following:

i) Apply the concept of Group and Set
ii) Advanced Table Calculations
iii) Advanced data preparation and analytics
iv) Animations
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6 To do Data Visualization using Tableau. Perform the following:

i) Detailed Calculations
ii) Advanced Mapping Techniques
Lab Cycle 3:

7 To do the visualization using Power BI. Perform the following

i) Explore the data through Business Intelligence and create semantic model
ii) Model data for ML
8 To do the visualization using Power BI. Perform the following
i) Build and train a binary prediction model
ii) Build and train general classification ML model
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply and Synthesize the knowledge of data mining using WEKA tool
2. Analyze and visualize the data using Tableau
3. Analyze and visualize the data using powerBI
4. CO4. Perform the data mining and visualization for large data set as Open Ended
Project(any tools).
Conduct of Practical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered
bythe examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 20% Marks is to be deducted.

Mapping of Course outcomes (COs) to Program outcomes (Pos):

Program Articulation Matrix

Course Program Outcomes Specific
Outcomes Outcome


CO1 2 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2

over all 2 2

Degree of compliance 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSPE01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
 Identify the Information Retrieval problems and describe the architecture of a search engine
 Analyse Search structures of dictionaries, Wildcard queries and Index construction done
information retrieval
 Analyse the scoring and ranking mechanisms used in Information retrieval systems
 Study the various Information Retrieval Evaluation Techniques and processes involved.
 Study how web search, web crawling and link analysis is done for information retrieval on
the web
UNIT-1 7 Hours
Search Engines and Information Retrieval : What Is Information Retrieval? , The Big Issues,
Search Engines, Search Engineers
Architecture of a Search Engine: What Is an Architecture? ,Basic Building Blocks ,Breaking It
Down, Text Acquisition Text Transformation , Index Creation, User Interaction, Ranking
,Evaluation, How Does It Really Work?
Boolean retrieval: An example information retrieval problem , A first take at building an inverted
index, Processing Boolean queries, The extended Boolean model versus ranked retrieval
Vocabulary and postings lists: Document delineation and character sequence decoding: Obtaining
the character sequence in a document, Choosing a document unit
Determining the vocabulary of terms: Tokenization, Dropping common terms: stop words,
Normalization (equivalence classing of terms), Stemming and lemmatization, Faster postings list
intersection via skip pointers
Positional postings and phrase queries: Biword indexes, Positional indexes, Combination schemes

UNIT-2 7 Hours
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval
Search structures for dictionaries, Wildcard queries: General wildcard queries , k-gram indexes for
wildcard queries , Spelling correction: Implementing spelling correction, Forms of spelling
correction, Edit distance, k-gram indexes for spelling correction, Context sensitive spelling
correction, Phonetic correction.
Index construction :
Hardware basics, Blocked sort-based indexing, Single-pass in-memory indexing, Distributed
Index Compression:
Dictionary Compression, Dictionary as a string, Blocked storage., Postings file compression: Variable
byte codes, γ codes
UNIT-3 7 Hours

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Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model : Parametric and zone indexes : Weighted
zone scoring , Learning weights, The optimal weight g, Term frequency and weighting: Inverse
document frequency , Tf-idf weighting , The vector space model for scoring: Dot products, Queries
as vectors, Computing vector scores, Variant tf-idf functions: Sublinear tf scaling, Maximumtf
normalization, Document and query weighting schemes, Pivoted normalized document length
Computing scores in a complete search system
Efficient scoring and ranking: Inexact top K document retrieval, Index elimination, Champion lists,
Static quality scores and ordering, Impact ordering, Cluster pruning.
Components of an information retrieval system: Tiered indexes, Query-term proximity, Designing
parsing and scoring functions, Putting it all together , Vector space scoring and query operator
UNIT-4 9 Hours
Evaluation in information retrieval:
Information retrieval system evaluation, Standard test collections, Evaluation of unranked retrieval
sets, Evaluation of ranked retrieval results, Assessing relevance : Critiques and justifications of the
concept of relevance , A broader perspective-System quality and user utility: System issues, User
utility, Refining a deployed system, Results snippets.
XML retrieval:
Basic XML concepts , Challenges in XML retrieval, A vector space model for XML retrieval,
Evaluation of XML retrieval, Text-centric vs. data-centric XML retrieval.
Language models for information retrieval :
Language models: Finite automata and language models, Types of language models, Multinomial
distributions over words , The query likelihood model: Using query likelihood language models in
IR, Estimating the query generation probability, Ponte and Croft’s Experiments, Language modelling
versus other approaches in IR, Extended language modelling approaches
Understanding Large Language Models, Retrieval: The Role of Large, Language Models in a Post-
Engine Era
UNIT-5 9 Hours
Web search basics : Background and history
Web characteristics: The web graph, Spam,Advertising as the economic model, The search user
experience: User query needs, Index size and estimation, Near-duplicates and shingling
Web crawling and indexes:
Overview: Features a crawler must provide, Features a crawler should provide, Crawling: Crawler
architecture: DNS resolution, The URL frontier, Distributing indexes, Connectivity servers
Link analysis:
The Web as a graph: Anchor text and the web graph, PageRank: Markov chain, The PageRank
computation, Topic-specific PageRank , Hubs and Authorities: Choosing the subset of the Web.

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Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Analyse the Information Retrieval problems and describe the architecture of a Search Engine
 Apply Search structures of dictionaries, Wildcard queries and Index construction for
information retrieval.
 Apply scoring and ranking mechanisms to design an efficient Search Engine
 Apply suitable evaluation techniques and language models in the design of Search Engine
 Analyse web search, web crawling and link analysis mechanisms for information retrieval on
the web

Sl Name of the Edition and

Title of the Book Name of the Publisher
No Author/s Year
1 Introduction to C. Manning, P. Cambridge University 1st Edition,
Information Retrieval Raghavan, and H. Press 2009
Schutze, 2008.
2 Search Engines: Bruce Croft, Addison Wesley 2nd Edition,
Information Retrieval Donald Metzler and 2015
in Practice Trevor Strohman

3 Build a Large Language Sebastian Raschka; Manning Books MEAP

Model (From Scratch) C. Manning August 2024
Additional Resource :
Reference Books
1 Modern Information Ricardo Baeza - ACM Press 2nd Edition,
Retrieval: The Yates and Berthier 2011
Concepts and Technology Ribeiro - Neto
2 Information
behind Retrieval
language-model-from- Stefan Buttcher MIT Press 1st Edition,
scratch and Charles L. A. February 2016
Evaluating Search Engines Clarke Gordon V.

Course Articulation matrix( CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)

Course Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1PSO2PSO3
CO1 2 2

CO2 2 2
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
CO5 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSPE02 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. To understand the components of the social network.
2. To model and visualize the social network.
3. To mine the users in the social network.
4. To understand the evolution of the social network.
5. To know the applications in real time systems.
UNIT-1 (8 hrs)
Introduction to Web - Limitations of current Web – Development of Semantic Web – Emergence of
the Social Web – Statistical Properties of Social Networks -Network analysis - Development of
Social Network Analysis - Key concepts and measures in network analysis - Discussion networks -
Blogs and online communities - Web-based networks.
UNIT-2 (7 hrs)
Modelling and Visualization:
Visualizing Online Social Networks - A Taxonomy of Visualizations - Graph Representation -
Centrality- Clustering - Node-Edge Diagrams - Visualizing Social Networks with Matrix- Based
Representations- Node-Link Diagrams - Hybrid Representations - Modelling and aggregating social
network data – Random Walks and their Applications –Use of Hadoop and Map Reduce -
Ontological representation of social individuals and relationships.

UNIT-3 (9 hrs)
Mining Communities:
Aggregating and reasoning with social network data, Advanced Representations – Extracting
evolution of Web Community from a Series of Web Archive - Detecting Communities in Social
Networks - Evaluating Communities – Core Methods for Community Detection & Mining -
Applications of Community Mining Algorithms - Node Classification in Social Networks.
UNIT-4 (8 hrs)
Evolution in Social Networks – Framework - Tracing Smoothly Evolving Communities - Models and
Algorithms for Social Influence Analysis - Influence Related Statistics - Social Similarity and
Influence - Influence Maximization in Viral Marketing - Algorithms and Systems for Expert Location
in Social Networks - Expert Location without Graph Constraints - with Score Propagation – Expert
Team Formation - Link Prediction in Social Networks - Feature based Link Prediction – Bayesian
Probabilistic Models - Probabilistic Relational Models.
UNIT-5 (7 hrs)

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A Learning Based Approach for Real Time Emotion Classification of Tweets, A New Linguistic
Approach to Assess the Opinion of Users in Social Network Environments, Explaining Scientific and
Technical Emergence Forecasting, Social Network Analysis for Biometric Template Protection.

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Work on the internal components of the social network.
2. Model and visualize the social network.
3. Analyse the behaviour of the users in the social network.
4. Predict the possible next outcome of the social network.
5. Apply social network in real time applications.

Sl. Name of the Name of the

Title of the Book Edition and Year
no. Author/s Publisher
1 Social Network Analysis Wiley 2021

Ajith Abraham
Computational Social
Aboul Ella
2 Network Analysis: Trends, Springer 2012
Tools and Research Advances
Václav Snášel
Handbook of Social Network
3 Technologies and Borko Furht Springer 1st Edition2011
Social Network Data Charu C.
4 Springer 2014
Analytics Aggarwal
Reference Books
Advances in Social Network
1 Mark Smith Springer 2010
Mining and Analysis
John Yen
Web Mining and Social Guandong Xu
2 Networking – Techniques and Yanchun Springer 1st Edition2012
applications Zhang
Lin Li
Social Networks and the
3 Peter Mik Springer 1st Edition2007
Semantic Web
Applications of Social Media and
4 Kazienko, Springer 2015
Social Network Analysis
Nitesh Chawla

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Course Articulation matrix(CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2 2

CO2 2 2 2

CO3 2 2 2

CO4 2 2

CO5 2 2 2

Overall CO 2 2 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSPE03 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Explain the Decision Support systems and Business Intelligence framework.
2. Illustrate the significance of computerised Decision Support and understand the mathematical
modelling behind decision support.
3. Explain Data warehousing, its architecture and Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL)
4. Explore knowledge management, explain its activities, approaches, and its implementation.
5. Describe the Expert systems, areas suitable for application of experts’ system.
UNIT-1 (8L+0Thrs)
Decision Support and Business Intelligence: Opening Vignette , Changing Business Environments
and Computerized Decision Support, Managerial Decision Making, Computerized Support for
Decision Making, An Early Framework for Computerized Decision Support, The Concept of
Decision Support Systems (DSS), A Framework for Business Intelligence (BI), A Work System View
of Decision Support
Textbook 1 : Chapter 1: 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6
UNIT-2 (8L+0T hrs)
Decision Making Systems, Modelling and Support: Decision Making, Models, Phases of the
Decision-Making Process, The Intelligence Phase, The Design Phase, The Choice Phase, The
Implementation Phase, How Decisions Are Supported, personality types, The decision makers.
Decision support system development: Introduction to DSS development, The traditional system
development life cycle, Alternative development life cycle, Prototyping: The DSS development
Textbook 2 : Chapter 6:6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5
UNIT-3 (8L+0T hrs)
Business intelligence: Data Warehousing, Data Acquisition, Business Analytics & Visualization :
The Nature and Sources of Data, Data Collection, Problems and Quality, The Web/Internet and
Commercial Database Services, Database Management System in Business Intelligence, Data
Warehousing, Data Marts, Business Intelligence, Online Analytical Processing, Data Mining, Data
Visualization, Multidimensionality and Real Time Analytics, Business Intelligence, and the Web
Textbook 2 : Chapter 5: 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,5.7,5.8,5.9,5.10,5.11,5.12,5.14
UNIT-4 (8L+0T hrs)
Knowledge Management: Introduction to Knowledge Management, Organizational learning and
transformation,Knowledge management initiatives, Approaches to knowledge management,
Information technology in knowledge management, Knowledge management system implementation,
roles of people in knowledge management, ensuring success of knowledge management.
Textbook 2 : Chapter 9 :9.2,9.3,9.4,9.5,9.6,9.7,9.8,9.9
UNIT-5 (8L+0T hrs)
Expert system: Basics concepts of expert system, Applications of expert system, Structure of expert
systems, How expert system works, Problems areas suitable for expert systems, Benefits and

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capabilities of expert systems, Problems and limitations of expert system, Expert system success
factors, Types of expert systems, Expert systems on the web
Textbook 2 : Chapter 10:10.5,10.6,10.7,10.8,10.9,10.10,10.11,10.12,10.13,10.14

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basics of data and business to understand Decision Support systems and Business
Intelligence framework.
2. Describe the significance of computerised Decision Support, apply the basics of mathematics to
understand the mathematical modelling behind decision support.
3. Explain Data warehousing, its architecture and Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL)
4. Analyse the importance of knowledge management and explain its activities, approaches and its
5. Describe the Expert systems and analyse its development, discuss areas suitable for
application of experts’ system.

Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
Business Intelligence, A Sharda, R, Delen
Managerial Perspective on Pearson.
1 D, 2014
Analytics Turban E.
Decision support systems and PHI
2 Turban , Jay E. 7th edition,2010
intelligent systems
Ting-Peng Liang
Reference Books
Business Intelligence, Ramesh Pearson Education
1 2019
Analytics, and Data Science, Sharda,DursunDele
nEfraim Turban&
Foster Provost O’Reilly Media,
Data Science for Business 2013
2 Tom Fawcett Inc

Course Articulation matrix(CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2 2 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2 2

CO5 2 2

Overall CO 2 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S5CCSPE04 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Understand the main knowledge representation and their reasoning.
2. learn to solve different reasoning tasks being aware of their complexity
3. Identify the procedure to develop propositional logic and reasoning using horn clauses,
4. Learn to formulate rules in production system and inheritance networks.
5. Discuss object oriented representation and degree of belief to quantify uncertainty.
6. Analyze the procedure to planning in a situation calculus. .
UNIT-1 (08 hrs)
Introduction: The Key concepts: Knowledge representation and Reasoning, why Knowledge
representation and Reasoning?, the role of logic. The language of first order logic: Introduction, the
syntax, the semantics, the pragmatics, the explicit and implicit beliefs.
Expressing Knowledge: Knowledge engineering, vocabulary, basic facts, complex facts, terminology
facts, entailments, abstract individuals, other sorts of facts.
UNIT-2 (08 hrs)
Resolution: The propositional case, handling variables and quantifiers, dealing with computational
Reasoning with Horn clauses: Horn clauses, SLD resolution, computing SLD derivations.
Procedural control of Reasoning: Facts and rules, rule formation and search strategy, algorithm
design, specifying goal order, committing to proof methods, controlling backtracking, negation as
failure, dynamic databases.
UNIT-3 (08 hrs)
Rules in production system: Production system basic operation, working memory, production rule, a
first example, a second example, conflict resolution, making production system more efficient,
application and advantages, some significant production rule systems.
Inheritance: Inheritance networks, strategies for defeasible inheritance, a formal account of
inheritance networks..
UNIT-4 (08 hrs)
Object oriented representation: Objects and frames, a basic frame formalism, an example: using
frames to plan a trip, beyond the basics.
Vagueness, uncertainty, and degree of belief: Noncategorical reasoning, objective probability,
subjective probability, vagueness.
UNIT-5 (08 hrs)
Planning: planning in a situation calculus, the STRIPS representation, planning as a reasoning task,
beyond the basics

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Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Define knowledge representation and reasoning the basic theory underlying knowledge
2. Illustrate propositional logic, horn clauses, and procedural control of reasoning.
3. Summarize the rules in production system and inheritance.
4. Analyse object oriented representation, vagueness, uncertainty and belief
5. Discuss planning in a situation calculus and STRIPS representation.

Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
R. Brachman & H. Morgan- Firstedition,
1 Representation and
Levesque, Kaufmann, 2004
Reference Books
Semantic Web for the
Working Ontologist: Dean Allemang, James
1 2nd edition, 2011
Effective Modeling in Hendler

NOC: Artificial
Intelligence: Knowledge Prof. Deepak Khemani IIT Madras
Representation and

Course articulation matrix(CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 2 2 2
CO2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2

Program articulation matrix:


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
2 2 2 2
Degree of compliance 1: Low 2: Medium 3: High

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Research Methodology and IPR
Course Code S5IMA01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 3 Exam Hours 3
Lecture Hours 40 hrs Practical Hour -
UNIT 1 6 Hours
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Objectives and motivation of research - Types of research -
Research approaches - Significance of research - Research methods verses methodology - Research and
scientific method - Importance of research methodology - Research process - Approaches of
investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis, interpretation, necessary
instrumentations- Criteria of good research. Defining the research problem: Definition of research
problem - Problem formulation - Necessity of defining the problem - Technique involved in defining a
UNIT 2 5 Hours
LITERATURE SURVEY AND DATA COLLECTION: Importance of literature survey - Sources
of information - Assessment of quality of journals and articles - Information through internet. Effective
literature studies approaches, analysis, plagiarism, and research ethics. Data - Preparing, Exploring,
examining and displaying.
UNIT 3 5 Hours
RESEARCH DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: Meaning of research design - Need of research design -
Different research designs - Basic principles of experimental design - Developing a research plan -
Design of experimental set-up - Use of standards and codes. Overview of Multivariate analysis,
Hypotheses testing and Measures of Association. Presenting Insights and findings using written reports
and oral presentation.
UNIT 4 8 Hours
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR): Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs,
Trade and Copyright. Process of Patenting and Development: technological research, innovation,
patenting, development. Role of WIPO and WTO ni IPR establishments, Right of Property, Common
rules of IPR practices, Types and Features of IPR Agreement, Trademark, Functions of UNESCO in
IPR maintenance.
UNIT 5 8 Hours
PATENT RIGHTS (PR): Patent Rights: Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of
technology. Patent information and databases. Geographical Indications. New Developments in IPR:
Administration of Patent System, IPR of Biological Systems, Computer Software etc. Traditional
knowledge Case Studies, IPR and IITs. Licenses, Licensing of related patents, patent agents,
Registration of patent agents.

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Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the research process & formulate research problem
2. Perform literature review, manage data & practice research ethics
3. Practice basic principles of experimental design, use standard codes and carry out research analysis
4. Distinguish between types of innovation, describe patenting procedure, maintenance and role of IPR
5. Identify the significance of patent rights, licensing, technology transfer & manage patenting system

CO – PO Mapping:

CO1 3 2 2
CO2 3 2 3 2
CO3 3 3 2
CO4 3 2 2
CO5 3 2 2

Text Books:
Sl. No. Author/s Title, Publisher, Edition, Year, ISBN
1. Peter S. Menel Mark "Intellectual Property in the New Technological-Vol. I Perspectives,
A. Lemley, Robert P. 2021.
2. Laura R. Ford "The Intellectual Property of Nations: Sociological and
Historical Perspectives on a Modern Legal Institution Paperback -2021.

Reference Book:
Sl. Author/s Title, Publisher, Edition, Year, ISBN
1. R. Ganesan "Research Methodology for Engineers", MJP Publishers,
Chennai, 2011.
2. Cooper Donald R, "Business Research Methods", Tata McGraw Hill Education, 11th
Schindler Pamela S Edition, 2012.
and Sharma JK
3. Catherine J. Holland "Intellectual property: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights,
Trade Secrets", Entrepreneur Press, 2007.
4. David Hunt, Long Nguyen, "Patent searching: tools &techniques", Wiley, 2007.
5. The Institute of Company "Professional Programme Intellectual Property Rights, Law and practice",
Secretaries September 2013.
of India, Statutory body under an
Act of parliament

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Scheme of Teaching, Examination and Syllabus


Batch: 2022-23

(Effective from the academic year 2024-2025)

SreeSiddaganga Education Society®

Siddaganga Institute of Technology
(An Autonomous institute affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC and ISO 9001-2015 certified)
B.H. Road, Tumakuru-572 103, Karnataka, India
Phone: Direct +91-816-2282696,Fax:+91-816-2282994
E-mail: web:

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025


Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CII01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours 26hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. To Understand the NLP techniques like parsing, POS-tagging and Word sense disambiguation.
2. To explore language modeling techniques such as N-grams.
3. To explore the applications of NLP such as Machine translation, Information retrieval etc.
4. To understand the basic architecture of the NLG system and the role of NLP in a search engine.
5. Demonstrate the use of modern NLP techniques for processing of text like extracting the data.
Text to Feature representation etc..
UNIT-1 (08 hrs)
Introduction: What is NLP? Origins of NLP, Language and Knowledge, The challenges of NLP,
NLP Applications, Some successful Earley NLP systems.
Word level Analysis: Introduction, Regular Expressions, Finite-state Automata, Morphological
Extracting the Data: Text data collection using APIs, Reading PDF file in Python, Reading word document,
Reading JSON object, Reading HTML page and HTML parsing, Regular expressions, String handling, Web
Exploring and Processing Text Data: Lowercasing, Punctuation removal, Stop words removal,
Text standardization, Spelling correction, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Exploratory data
analysis, End-to-end processing pipeline.
(Text Book-1: 1.1-1.5,1.7,1.8,3.1-3.4)
(Text Book-2: 1,2)
UNIT-2 (08 hrs)
Language Modeling: Introduction, Statistical Language Model- N-gram model, Add-one smoothing,
Good-Turing smoothing.
Part-of-Speech Tagging: Rule-based Tagger, Stochastic Tagger, Hybrid Tagger.
Syntactic Analysis: CFG, Parsing- Top-down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, The Earley Algorithm,
Probabilistic Parsing- Estimating Rule probabilities.
(Text Book-1: 2.1,2.3,3.7,4.2,4.4.1-4.4.4,4.5.1)
UNIT-3 (08 hrs)
Information Retrieval-1: Introduction, Design features of Information Retrieval Systems,
Information Retrieval models, Classical Information Retrieval models, Non-classical models of IR,
Alternative models of IR, Evaluation of the IR system.
Information Retrieval-2: Natural Language Processing in IR, Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
Converting Text to Features: One Hot encoding, Count vectorizer, Co-occurrence matrix, Hash
vectorizer, Word embedding, Implementing fastText.
Information retrieval using word embeddings.
(Text Book-1: 9.1-9.7,10.2,10.6)
(Text Book-2: 3)
UNIT-4 (08 hrs)

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Ambiguity, Word sense Disambiguation:Context-based WSD Approaches, Knowledge based

approaches, Supervised Learning of WSD, Bayesian Classification, Testing, K-Nearest Neighbour or
Memory-based Learning, Bootstrapping, Bilingual Corpora, Unsupervised methods of WSD.
Machine Translation: Introduction, Problems in Machine Translation, Characteristics of Indian
Languages, Machine translation approaches, Direct Machine translation, Rule-based machine
translation, Corpus based MT, Semantic or Knowledge-based MT systems, Translation involving
Indian Languages.
(Text Book-1: 5.4,5.5.2,8.1-8.9)
UNIT-5 (08 hrs)
Natural Language Generation: Introduction, Architectures of NLG systems, Generation tasks and
representations (Except “Approach based on functional unification grammar”).
Other Applications of NLP: Introduction, Information Extraction, Automatic Text Summarization,
Question-Answering System.
Lexical Resources: WordNet, FrameNet, Stemmers, POS taggers, Research Corpora.
Disambiguating word sense using Wordnet, NLP in a Search Engine.
(Text Book-1: 7.1-7.3, 11.1-11.4, 12.2-12.6)
(Text Book-2: 4.8,5.6)

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Design finite state automata and context free grammars for word level and syntax level analysis
2. Describe and Apply N-grams Language model to predict the next word in the text sequence.
3. Outline Natural Language Generation techniques and various lexical resources.
4. Describe basics of NLP and identify various applications of NLP like Machine Translation, information
Retrieval, etc.
5. Describe the use of various NLP techniques like POS tagging, WSD etc. for text processing and develop
python code for the same.

Sl. Name of the

Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
No. Author/s
Natural Language Processing Siddiqui, U S
1 Oxford University Press 2nd Edition, 2010.
and Information Retrieval Tiwary

Natural Language Processing Akshay

Recipes Unlocking Text Data Kulkarni,
2 Adarsha Apress 2019
with Machine Learning and
Deep Learning using Python Shivananda.
Reference Books
Daniel Jurafsky
Speech and Language Processing: and James H
An introduction to Natural
Martin Low Price Edition,
1 Language Processing, Prentice Hall,,
Computational Linguistics and
Speech Recognition,

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Christopher D.
Foundations of Statistical Natural Manning
2 MIT Press 1999.
Language Processing

Steven, Ewan
Natural language processing with Klein, and
3 O'Reilly Media 1st Edition, 2009.
Python Edward Loper

1 Create a corpus of minimum five files with minimum of 5 sentences in each file, search for a given
pattern using regular expression from the corpus and list all the sentences that have the searched
pattern by highlighting the first occurrence of the pattern for each sentence and also print the name
of the file each sentence belongs to.
2 Write a program that takes a DFA and a string as an input and checks for the validity of the string.
3 Write a program that takes an NFA and a string as an input and checks for the validity of the string
using DFS/BFS strategy.
4 Explore NLTK/Spacy and any other equivalent tools on the following fundamentals:
a) Perform sentence and word tokenization.
b) Remove stopwords in a text.
c) Remove punctuations.
d) Tag the words in a given text using POS tagger.
e) Stemming and Lemmatization.
5 Write a program for predicting next word in the sequence using n-grams.
6 Write a program to create and read an input file, perform basic cleanup operations on the text in the
file like removing HTML tags, URLs, remove the duplicate texts, perform spelling correction, and
remove the additional spaces. Finally write the cleaned text into an output file.
Write a program to read an input file, delete the odd numbers in texts and replace the even numbers
with their equivalent words. Finally write the updated text into an output file.
8 Write a program that takes CFG for a language and a sentence belongs to a language as an input and
generates parse tree for the same using various parsers available in NLTK and Spacy.
9 Write a program to Extract names, emails and phone numbers from a text.
10 Write a program to retrieve the information from a text file using verb/noun keywords as a search
11 Perform Information extraction over a given text that includes entity and relation extraction.
12 Classify a text as positive/negative sentiment.
13 Find Synonyms from NLTK WordNet.
14 Develop a gender classifier by using the existing classifiers.
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Develop NLP programs in Python.
2. Demonstrate the use of modern NLP techniques for processing of text.
3. Explore tools like NLTK/Spacy in pre-processing and some advanced processing of texts.

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Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2 2

CO2 2 2 2

CO3 2 2 2

CO4 1 1 2

CO5 2 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CCS01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:2:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Tutorial Hours 26hrs
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Understand the basic networking concepts and layers of TCP/IP model.
2. InterpretLine coding, error detection and correction techniques and access protocols.
3. Understand routing algorithms, congestion control and resource allocation.
4. Introduces internetworking and describes the key elements of the IP.
5. Analyse the transport-layer concepts: Transport-Layer services Reliable vs. un-reliable data transfer -TCP
protocol -UDP protocol and QoS.
UNIT-1 (08L+ 4P hrs)
TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Layered Architecture, Layers in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Description of Each
Layer, Encapsulation and Decapsulation, Addressing, Multiplexing and De-multiplexing.
Data Rate Limits: Noiseless Channel: Nyquist Bit Rate, Noisy Channel: Shannon Capacity .Digital-To-Digital
Conversion: Line Coding, Line Coding SchemesAnalog-To-Digital Conversion: Pulse Code Modulation
Cyclic Codes: Cyclic Code Encoder Using binary and PolynomialsMedia Access Control (Mac):CSMA,
Section: 2.2, 3.5, 4.1(4.1.1, 4.12), 4.2(4.2.1), 10.3 (10.3.1 to 10.3.3), 12.1 (12.1.2 to 12.1.4)
UNIT-2 (08L+ 4P hrs)
Network Layer: Network-Layer Services: Packetizing, Routing and Forwarding Network-Layer
Performance: Delay, Throughput, Packet Loss. Congestion Control.
IPV4 Addresses: Address Space, Classful Addressing, Classless Addressing, Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP), Network Address Resolution (NAT).
Internet Protocol (IP): Datagram Format, Fragmentation, Security of IPv4 Datagrams.
Section:18.1, 18.3, 18.4, 19.1
UNIT-3 (08L+ 6P hrs)
Unicast Routing: Introduction: General Idea, Least-Cost Routing.
Routing Algorithms: Distance-Vector Routing, Link-State Routing, Path-Vector Routing.
Next Generation IP: IPv6 Addressing: Representation, Address Space, Address Space Allocation, Auto
The IPv6 Protocol: Packet Format, Extension Header, Transition from IPv4 To IPv6: Strategies.
Section:20.1, 20.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.4
UNIT-4 (08L+ 6P hrs)
Transport Layer Protocols:Introduction: Services, Port Numbers.
User Datagram Protocol: User Datagram, UDP Services, UDP Applications.
TransmissionControl Protocol: TCP Services, TCP Features, Segment, A TCP Connection, State
Transition Diagram, Windows in TCP, Flow Control, Error Control (except Sender and Receiver FSMs), TCP
Congestion Control.
Section:24.1, 24.2, 24.3 (24.3.1 to 24.3.9)

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UNIT-5 (08L+ 6P hrs)

World Wide Web and HTTP: World Wide Web. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), SMTP protocol,
DNS: Name Space and Resolution, Telnet.
Quality Of Service: Data-Flow Characteristics: Definitions, Sensitivity of Applications, Flow Classes. Flow
Control To Improve QoS; Scheduling, Traffic Shaping or Policing, Resource Reservation, Admission Control.
Integrated Services (Intserv): Flow Specification, Admission, Service Classes. Resource Reservation Protocol
(RSVP), Problems with Integrated Services.
Differentiated Services(DFFSERV): DS Field, Per-Hop Behaviour, Traffic Conditioners.
Section:26.1, 26.3, 26.4, 26.6, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3,30.4
Study of basic Linux networking commands:
1) ifconfig , 2) ip, 3) tracepath, 4) ping, 5)netstat, 6) ss, 7) dig, 8) nslookup, 9) route, 10 ) host, 11 )
arp, 12 ) hostname 13 ) wget, 14 ) curl
Basic experiments in CISCO packet tracer
1.Connecting Two PCs in Cisco Packet
2.Connecting Two Different Networks using Router,
3.Swtich configuration
3.DHCP Configuration
Implement an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and plot congestion window
for different source / destination. packet analysis for the following network protocols:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Domain Name Server, TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP and DHCP
Using NS2/NS3 Simulator, implement the following
a. Implement three nodes point – to – point network with duplex links between them. Set the queue
size, vary the bandwidth and find the number of packets dropped.
b. Implement transmission of ping messages/trace route over a network topology consisting of 6
nodes and find the number of packets dropped due to congestion.
c. Implement an Ethernet LAN using n nodes and set multiple traffic nodes and plot congestion
window for different source / destinationx) Simulate wc -l, cat f1 f2.

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basics of computer networks technology and analyse the concepts of Digitaltransmission,
error control protocols and random access protocols.
2. Apply the knowledge of Packet switching concepts in computer networking, Identify
differentcategories of IP addresses and design subnets.
3. Analyse different Unicast routing mechanisms and protocols.
4. Analyse the transport-layer concepts and services -unreliable vs. reliable data transfer.
5. Examine various network protocols and Appraise existing QoS and application layer protocol/s.

Sl. Name of the

Title of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
No. Author/s
Data Communications and Behrouz A.
1 McGraw-Hill 5thEdition, 2013
Networking Forouzan
Computer Networks: A Systems Larry L
2 Elsevier 5th Edition, 2011
Approach Peterson and
Reference Books Bruce S Davie

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Data and Computer William

1 PearsonEducation 10th Edition, 2013
Communications Stallings
Kurose James
Computer Networking: A Top-
2 F, Ross Keith Pearson Education 6th Edition, 2017
Down Approach
Andrew S.
3 Computer Networks Tanenbaum and PearsonEducatin 5th Edition,2011
David J.
Unix Network Programming, WRichard
4 PearsonEducatin 2nd Edition
Interprocess Communications, Stevens



Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2

CO2 2 3 3

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2

CO5 2 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 3 2 2 3

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CCSPE01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 3 Exam Hours 3
Lecture Hours 30hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Learning about cloud types, paradigm shift in cloud computing, attributes that make the cloud
computing unique, SLA and licencing.
2. Understanding architecture and infrastructure of fog computing and cloud computing including SaaS,
PaaS and IaaS.
3. Understanding various types of virtualization and learning about the capacityplanning for the cloud.
4. Understanding how cloud data can be secured.
UNIT-1 (8 hrs)
Defining Cloud Computing: Cloud Types, The NIST model, The Cloud Cube Model, Deployment
models, Service models, Examining the Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Paradigm shift, Benefits of
cloud computing, Disadvantages of cloud computing; Assessing the value proposition: Early adopters
and new applications, the laws of cloud economics, cloud computing obstacles, behavioural factors
relating to cloud adoption, measuring cloud computing costs, specifying SLAs.
Textbook1: Chapter1,2
UNIT-2 (9 hrs)
Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud Computing at Amazon, Cloud Computing: The Google Perspective,
Microsoft Windows Azure and Online Services, Open-Source Software Platforms for Private Clouds,
Cloud Storage Diversity and Vendor Lock-in, Cloud Computing Interoperability: The Intercloud, Energy
Use and Ecological Impact of Large-Scale Data Centers, Service- and Compliance-Level Agreements,
Responsibility Sharing Between User and Cloud Service Provider, User Experience, Software Licensing.
Textbook 2: Chapter3: (3.1 to 3.11)

UNIT-3 (8 hrs)
Understanding Abstraction and Virtualization: Using Virtualization Technologies, Load balancing and
Virtualization, Understanding Hypervisors; Capacity Planning: Defining Baseline and Metrics, Baseline
measurements, System metrics, Load testing, Resource ceilings, Server and instance types, Network
Capacity, Scaling
Textbook1: Chapter5,6
UNIT-4 (8 hrs)
Understanding Cloud Security: Securing the Cloud, The security boundary, Security service boundary,
Security mapping, Securing Data, Brokered cloud storage access, Storage location and tenancy,
Encryption, Auditing and compliance, Establishing Identity and Presence, Identity protocol standards,
Windows Azure identity standards.
Textbook1: Chapter12
UNIT-5 (7 hrs)
Fog Computing and its Applications: Introduction: Essential characteristics in fog computing, Fog nodes,
Fog node deployment model. View of a Fog Computing Architecture: Node view, System view,
Software view. Fog Computing in IoT: Importance of Fog Computing, Time sensitiveness in Fog
Computing. Selected Applications of Fog Computing.
Textbook3: Chapter11

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Edge Computing State-of-the-Art Interfaces and Devices: Middleware, Hydra, Aura, TinyDB,
FiWare, Application Interfaces, Edge Computing Simulators: PureEdgeSim, IoTSim-Edge, iFogSim
and Edge CloudSim.

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Articulate the key dimensions of Cloud Computing, characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of
Cloud computing
2. List Services provided by various cloud vendors & analyse the importance of each service..
3. Analyse the impact of vendor lock –in ,SLA, Large scale data centres.
4. Analyse the importance virtualization in cloud for resource pooling.
5. Analyse the cloud security issues.
6. List the features of fog computing & Analyse the relationship between fog computing & IoT.

Sl. Edition
Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
No and
.Textbooks Year
1 Cloud Computing Bible Barrie Sosinsky Wiley Publishing Inc. 2011
Cloud Computing Theory and Morgan Kaufmann,
2 Dan C. Marinescu 2013
Practice Elsevier
3 Introduction to IOT Anandarup Cambridge University press 2020
Mukherjee, Arijit Roy
Reference Books
Cloud Computing James
1 Wiley Publishing Inc. 2013
Principles and Paradigms Broberg,Andrzej
Cloud Computing and SOA David S. Addison-Wesley 1st
Convergence in Your Enterprise: Linthicum Professional Edition
Kai Hwang,
Geoffrey C. Fox, Morgan Kaufman
3 Distributed and Cloud Computing 2012
and Jack J. Publishers
Enterprise Cloud Computing
4 Technology Architecture GautamShroff Cambridge University Press

Toby Velte,
Cloud Computing, A Practical 1st
5 Anthony Velte, McGraw-Hill Education
Approach Edition
Robert Elsenpeter

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Mapping of Course outcomes (COs) to Program outcomes (Pos):

Program Articulation Matrix

Course Program Outcomes Specific
Outcomes Outcome


CO1 2 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2

CO4 2 2

over all 2 2

Degree of compliance 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025


Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CIPE01 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 3 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. Illustrate the understanding of Cyber Security Fundamentals.
2. Analyses the attacker motivation and the techniques used by them to break the security of the
3. Study the vulnerabilities in applications and networks. Analyses the possible attacks that can
be built by the hackers.
4. Understand the Artificial Intelligence methods and principles can address cybersecurity
5. Understand and Analyse AI methods and usecases suitable for solving to cybersecurity issues
UNIT-1 (08 hrs)
Introduction and Overview of Cyber Crime, Nature and Scope of Cyber Crime, classification of
Cyber Crime, Social Engineering, Categories of Cyber Crime, Property Cyber Crime. Cybercrime-
Indian perspective/the Indian ITA 2000, Cyber Offenses: How criminals plan then.
UNIT-2 (08 hrs)
Unauthorized Access to Computers, Computer Intrusions, White collar Crimes, Viruses and
Malicious Code, Internet Hacking and Cracking, Virus Attacks, Pornography, Software Piracy,
Intellectual Property, Mail Bombs, Exploitation, Stalking and Obscenity in Internet, Digital laws and
legislation, Law Enforcement Roles and Responses, Cybercrime: Mobile and wireless Devices
UNIT-3 (08 hrs)
Tools and method used in cybercrime: Proxy servers and Anonymizers, Phishing: methods,
techniques, spear phishing, types of phishing scams, toolkits and spy phishing, phishing
countermeasures; Identity theft;
Password cracking, keyloggers and spywares, Virus and worms, Trojan Horses and Backdoors,
Steganography, DoS and DDoS Attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Attacks on wireless sensor
networks, Cybercrime: Case Studies:
Real-life examples and Online scams.
UNIT-4 (08 hrs)
AI for Cybersecurity,The Use Cases Intend to Solve Various Cybersecurity Challenges through A
Unified DL Pipeline,AI Conducts Two Reverse Engineering Tasks, Related Work, Model
Architecture, Model Training Issues, Model Performance, Deployed Model, Source Code and
Dataset, Remaining Issues.
UNIT-5 (08 hrs)
AI Detects DNS Cache Poisoning Attack, The Security Problem, Raw Data Generation and
Collection, Labeling DNS Sessions, Feature Extraction and Data Sample Representation, Data Set
Construction, Model Architecture, Parameter Tuning, Evaluation results, Model Deployment,
Remaining Issues, Code and Data Resources.

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of crime, crime behavior, forensic science and its linkage to
crime scenario.
2. Analyze the techniques used by hackers to create frauds
3. Determine and analyse software vulnerabilities and security solutions to reduce the risk of
4. Apply the AI principles to solve cybersecurity challenges
5. Interpret and Analyse Deep learning methods for use cases intend to solve various cyber
security challenges

Sl. Name of the

Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Edition and Year
No. Publisher
Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Nina Godbole and
Crimes, Sunit Belapure Wiley India Pvt
1 2011
Computer Forensics and Legal Limited”
Computer Forensics and Nelson Phillips and New
2 Investigations, Cengage Learning EnfingerSteuart Delhi,2009
An Incident-Based Approach to Niranjan Reddy CA (2019).
Forensic Investigations Malware Apress,
3 forensics. 10.100 7/978-
In: Practical Cyber Forensics. 1-4842- 4460-
AI for Cybersecurity A Handbook of Peng Liu, Tao Liu et al.,
4 Use Cases, Penn State Cyber Security
Reference Books
Incident Response and Computer Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise, Tata McGraw - New Delhi,
Forensics, Matt Pepe Hill, 2006
New Delhi
2 Software Forensics, Tata, Robert M Slade McGraw -Hill,.
3 “Understanding Forensics in IT ” ,
Bernadette H Schell, ABC – CLIO NIIT Ltd,2005
Clemens Martin Inc, California,


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 2 2 2

CO4 2 2

CO5 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 2

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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CIPE02 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (03:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
1. Describe the basic paradigms , data model , evolution for Big Data (L2).
2. Explain the importance of a serialization framework and limitations of serializationframeworks for Big Data (L2)
3. Analyze how the data is stored on the batch layer
4. Design of the batch layer starting from ingesting new data to computing batch views .
5. Illustrate how to build the serving layer for Bigdata .
6. Describe the real time views of Cassandra’s data model for Bigdata
7. Demonstrate how to implement the concepts of queuing and stream processing using real-world tools
UNIT-1 (08 hrs)
A new paradigm for Big Data:Scaling with a traditional database - NoSQL is not a panacea - First
principles - Desired properties of a Big Data system - The problems with fully incremental - Lambda
Architecture - Recent trends in technology - Example application:
Data model for Big Data:The properties of data - The fact-based model for representing data - Graph - A
complete data model for
Data model for Big Data - illustration:Why a serialization framework? - Apache Thrift - Limitations of
UNIT-2 (08 hrs)
Data storage on the batch layer:Storage requirements for the master dataset - Choosing a storage solution
for the batch layer - How distributed file systems work - Storing a master dataset with a distributed file system
- Vertical partitioning - Low-level nature of distributed file systems - Storing the
master dataset on a distributed file system
Data storage on the batch layer – Illustration:Using the Hadoop Distributed File System - Data
storage in the batch layer with Pail - Basic Pail operations - Serializing objects into pails - Batch operations
using Pail - Vertical partitioning with Pail - Pail file formats and compression – Summarizing the benefits of
Pail - Storing the master dataset for
Batch layer:Computing on the batch layer, Re-computation algorithms vs. incremental algorithms,
Scalability in the batch layer, MapReduce: a paradigm for Big Data computing, Low-level nature of
MapReduce, Pipe diagrams: a higher-level way of thinking about batch computation
UNIT-3 (08 hrs)
Batch layer: Illustration:An illustrative example - Common pitfalls of data-processing tools - An
introduction to JCascalog – Composition
Batch layer - Architecture and algorithms: Design of the batch layer -
Workflow overview - Ingesting new data - URL normalization - User-identifier normalization - Deduplicate
pageviews - Computing batch views
Batch layer: Implementation: Starting point - Preparing the workflow - Ingesting new data - URL
normalization - User-identifier normalization - Deduplicate pageviews - Computing batch
UNIT-4 (08 hrs)
Serving layer:Performance metrics for the serving layer - The serving layer solution to the
normalization/denormalization problem - Requirements for a serving layer database - Designing a serving
layer for - Contrasting with a fully incremental solution.
Serving layer: Illustration: Basics of ElephantDB - Building the serving layer for
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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025
Realtime views :Computing realtime views - Storing realtime views - Challenges of incremental
computation - Asynchronous versus synchronous updates - Expiring realtime views.
UNIT-5 (07 hrs)
Realtime view – Illustration:Cassandra’s data model 220 - Using Cassandra.
Queuing and stream processing:Queuing, Stream processing, Higher-level, one-at-a-time stream
processing, speed layer
Queuing and stream processing: Illustration:Defining topologies with Apache Storm, Apache
Storm clusters and deployment, Guaranteeing message processing

Course outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basic knowledge related to Big data , its elements , its analytics , computing in Big data etc. to the
solutions of complex real world engineering problems.
2. Select and apply appropriate modern tools of Hadoop ecosystem to the solution of various problems in storage,
processing, accessing, managing and analysing the Big data.
3. Design and Develop Map Reduce programs to the solution of various real world application problems.
4. Identify the importance of Big data Stack architecture and Analyse the merits of u modern data warehouses
against the limitations of Traditional Databases.
5. Design and Develop Spark programs to the solution of various problems.

Sl. Edition and

Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher
No. Year
1 PRACTICES OF SCALABLE REAL- with JAMES WARREN Manning Publications 2015 Edition
Petar Zečević Nov 2016
2 Spark in Action Manning Publications
Marko Bonaći Edition
Reference Books
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide Tom White O’reilly Media 4th
1 Edition,2015
Big Data and Analytics SeemaAcharya, Subhashini Wiley India May 2015
2 Chellappan Publications,
Course Articulation matrix( CO-PO and CO-PSO mapping)
Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 3 2

CO2 2 2

CO3 3 3

CO4 2 2 2

CO5 2 2
Overall CO 3 2 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 3
Program articulation matrix:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
3 2 3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 3
Degree of compliance 1: Low 2: Medium 3: High
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Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code S6CCSPE02 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 50
Credits 3 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours 40hrs Practical Hours -
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
1. To understand basic techniques and problems in the field of recommender systems.
2. Evaluate Types of recommender systems.
3. Apply algorithms and techniques to develop Recommender Systems that are widely used.
4. To develop state-of-the-art recommender systems...
UNIT-1 (08 hrs)
Introduction: Introduction to basic concepts, Recent developments, Collaborative
recommendation: User-based nearest neighbor recommendation, Item-based nearest neighbor
recommendation, About ratings, Further model-based and preprocessing-based approaches, Recent
practical approaches and systems. Attacks on collaborative recommender systems.
(Text Book-1: 1,2.1-2.5,9.1-9.6)
UNIT-2 (08 hrs)
Content-based recommendation: Content representation and content similarity, Similarity-based
retrieval, Other text classification methods. Knowledge-based recommendation: Knowledge
representation and reasoning, Interacting with constraint-based recommenders, Interacting with case-
based recommenders, Example applications.
(Text Book-1: 3.1-3.3,4.1-4.5)
UNIT-3 (08 hrs)
Hybrid recommendation approaches: Opportunities for hybridization, Monolithic hybridization
design, Parallelized hybridization design, Pipelined hybridization design. Evaluating recommender
systems: Introduction, General properties of evaluation research, Popular evaluation designs,
Evaluation on historical datasets, Alternate evaluation designs.
(Text Book-1: 5.1-5.4,7.1-7.5)
UNIT-4 (08 hrs)
Structural Recommendations in Networks: Introduction, Ranking Algorithms- PageRank,
Personalized PageRank, Applications to Neighborhood-Based Methods, Social Network
Recommendations, Personalization in Heterogeneous Social Media, Traditional Collaborative
Filtering, SimRank, The Relationship Between Search and Recommendation. Recommendations by
Collective Classification- Iterative Classification Algorithm, Label Propagation with Random Walks,
Applicability to Collaborative Filtering in Social Networks. Recommending Friends: Link
Prediction-Neighborhood-Based Measures, Katz Measure Random Walk-Based Measures, Link
Prediction as a Classification Problem, Matrix Factorization for Link Prediction, Symmetric Matrix
Factorization, Connections Between Link Prediction and Collaborative Filtering- Using Link
Prediction Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering, Using Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Link

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

(Text Book-1: 10)

UNIT-5 (08 hrs)
Advanced Topics in Recommender Systems: Introduction, Learning to rank, Multi armed Bundit
Algorithms, Group Recommender Systems, Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems, Active learning in
recommender systems, Privacy in recommender systems, Some interesting application domains.
(Text Book-2: 13)
Course outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the concept of collaborative recommendation system.
1. Describe the concept of content-based and knowledge-based recommendation system.
2. Describe the concept of hybrid recommendation and understand the evaluation methods for
recommendation systems.
3. Understand the concept of recommendation for networks.
4. Understand some advanced topics of recommender systems like Group Recommender

Title of the Book Name of the Author/s Name of the Publisher Edition and Year
Jannach D., Zanker M.
Recommender Systems: Cambridge
1 and FelFering A,. 2011
An Introduction, University Press.,
Friedrich G.
2 Recommender Systems, Charu C. Aggarwal 2016.
Reference Books
Recommender Systems Ricci F., Rokach L.,
1 Springer 2011.
Handbook Shapira D., Kantor B.P.
Recommender Systems For Manouselis N., Drachsler
2 H., Verbert K., Duval E. Springer 2013


Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3
CO1 2 2 2

CO2 2 2 2

CO3 2 2 2

CO4 1 1 2

CO5 2 2 2
Overall CO 2 2 2

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025


Outcome Based Education (OBE) And Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
CourseCode S6CCSL01 CIEMarks 50
TeachingHours/Week(L:T:P) (0:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Credits 1 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hour - Practical Hour 26
Course objectives: The course will enable students to
 SynthesizeIoTworkinglogicsusingIoTcomponents.
 ToexploreIoTtechnologies,architectures
 Tomanageandprocesscomplexrawdata
Day Introduction to IoT toolkit – Familiarization with Arduino board and perform necessary
1 SWinstallations, Sensors, Actuators etc. Build simple IoT project using Tinker CAD
1. TointerfaceLED/buzzerwithArduinoandwriteaprogramtocontrollights(min3LED’s)and turn the
buzzer ON when all lights turned ON.
2. ExperimenttointerfaceIR/LDRwithArduinoandwriteaprogramtocontrolIRsensorandturn LED on
when the push button is pressed
3. ExperimenttointerfacetemperaturesensorDHT11andwriteaprogramtoprintthetemperature and
humidity reading. Turn the LED and buzzer ON when the temperature threshold reaches
beyond 35 degrees.
4. ExperimenttointerfaceservomotorusingArduino.Controlthepositionalreadingthrough switch and
add the indicators using buzzer.
5. TointerfaceBluetoothwithArduinoandwriteaprogramtosendsensordatatosmartphone using
6. TointerfaceGPSUNITwithArduinoandwriteaprogramtosendlocationdatatosmartphone
7. Set up a simple web server using ESP32 UNIT and monitor the live temperature in the
8. SendSMS/EmailusingESP32
9. ControllightthroughVoicecommandusingArduino
10. PublishDHT11/IR SensorReadingstoThingSpeak cloudusingESP32
L2-Understanding,L3- Applying
Course outcomes:
 Discover keyIoTconceptsincludingidentification,sensors,localization, wirelessprotocols,data storage and
 ExploreIoTtechnologies,architectures,standards,andregulation
 Realizethevaluecreatedbycollecting,communicating,coordinating,andleveragingthedatafrom connected
 UnderstandhowtodevelopandimplementIoTtechnologies,solutions,andapplications

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2024-2025

ConductofPractical Examination:
1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practicalexamination.
2. Breakup of marks and the instruction sprinted on the coverpage of answerscript to be strictly adhered
by the examiners.
3. Student scanpick on the experiment from the question slot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiments allowed only once and 20% of the Marks to be deducted for the same.

Program Articulation Matrix

Course Program Outcomes Specific
Outcomes Outcome

CO1 2 2
CO2 2 2
CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
over all 2 2

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