SAP MM Notes Final
SAP MM Notes Final
SAP MM Notes Final
What is SAP?
SAP is an ERP tool or an application or a software.
3 Types of business.
1. MTS: Make to stock
You are making and selling. Ex.: Mobiles and clothes
2. MTO: Make to Order
Especially for us they are making (Giving order and making). Ex:
3. ETO: Engineer to order
Urban Clap people come and check AC is working or not and if any issues
give solution or troubleshoot. If any issue he will ask us to replace. This
order is called ETO. Same as mobile service centre or bike mechanic
shop service asks us to change something called ETO.
What is SAP?
Which supports each & every business process of company such as
Procurement of goods & service and delivering goods to customer &
finance manufacturing activities (Converting Raw materials to final
product), Logistic activities, warehouse management.
Why SAP?
SAP offers following advantages,
1. SAP is marketing leader in providing solution & Services to every
business available in the market.
2. The beauty of SAP is Integration of modules. (Integration = Combine).
3. Data Security.
4. SAP will capture each and every transaction taking place in company
from start to end.
Modules in SAP:
In SAP Each and every object is called module.
Each & Every business process of company will be treated as module in SAP.
In SAP we have technical and Business Modules.
The people who working in Function module are called Functional Consultants
and there is no coding knowledge is required.
The people who working in technical module like ABAP are called Technical
Consultants & developers and coding knowledge is required
List of Modules in SAP:
1. FI – Finance.
This Module helps in all financial Activities of company such as
AP – Account Payable
AR- Accounts receivable and Taxation.
2. CO – Controlling.
It Provides the information to management or to the decision makers to
understand where company money is spent.
3. MM – Material Management.
This Module helps in Company procurement activities, inventory
activities & Logistic invoice verifications.
4. QM – Quality Management.
This Module helps in Quality Check of company materials.
6. PP – Production Planning.
This Module helps in manufacturing of company’s final product.
7. PM – Plant Maintenance.
This Module helps in all maintenance activities of company.
8. PS – Project Systems.
This Module helps in Tracking of company projects budget.
9. WM – Warehouse Management.
This Module helps in Storing company material Physically.
10. HCM – Human Capital Management.
This Module helps in all HR activities of company.
1. Positive Testing.
2. Negative Testing.
3. Random testing.
4. Individual Module (Unit Testing).
5. Integrated Testing.
What is ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise’s resource planning & it’s a tool which supports every
business process of the company.
It is used by small sector industries to large sector industries based on
company size & strength.
If we want to run Enterprises company, we require 4M’s
1. Money,
2. Manpower
3. Machine and
4. Material.
And 4P,
1. Product,
2. Price,
3. Place
4. People.
To control all the activities with proper planning then we require Suitable ERP.
In market we have many ERP such as Oracle, JD, Edwards BAAN, PeopleSoft,
SAP, etc.
Why ERP?
1. It saves Time & Expense.
2. It provides real time information whenever we require (reports).
Golden Client
Testing Client
Development Server:
DEV server divides into multiple section clients.
Development Server will be used only by consultants to provide solution to
client requirement.
Every Dev server will have one golden client & one or more testing client
(depends on consultant)
Golden client will be used to provide the requirements.
Testing client will be used to test the client requirement.
Golden client & Testing client are just screen names.
Quality Server:
In Quality server client will do testing.
Production Server:
In Production Server Clients will enter live Business Data.
Production Server will be accessed only by clients.
New Password:
It is used to change the password of SAP but while changing we have to
remember two things,
• we can change password only once a Day.
• System will not accept last 5 used passwords.
Maintain username & PWD to login:
• In real time this will be given by Basis Consultants.
• Once we login to any server of SAP Systems will open default screen
called SAP easy access
• In DEV server easy access screen will be used by consultants for testing
• Quality server Easy Access will be used by clients for testing only.
• Prod server easy access screen will be used by client to enter live
business entry.
• Go to IMG (Implementation guide).
• Consultants will provide solution to client requirement in IMG screen of
development server – Golden client.
Whenever we consultants receive the requirement from client will divide into
3 types of data they use.
Client Requirement
Types of DATA
Organizational Data:
Organizing things in sequence.
Company/ Client: Reliance.
Business – Jio/Petroleum/footwear/trends.
Branches – HYD/BLR/Chennai.
Storage Location: Local Storage room like kitchen (manually need to check
where it is after system check).
WM - can check where it is including which rack / shelf or cupboard.
Define Plant:
Plant will be created by MM consultant but will be used by entire Logistics.
Plant is a place where business happens, or material manufacture happens
(Branch nearby).
Whether it’s a construction site, branch, stations, metro manufacturing units,
depos will be created as plant in SAP system by using below T. code or path
T-code: OX10
Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Logistic general ->
define/copy/delete check plant -> enter -> double click on define plant line ->
click on new entries -> plant (4 char), maintain plant name -> click on address
icon -> maintain address in detail -> enter and save
Maintain Storage location:
Storage location is always a part of plant. Each plant can have multiple storage
location to store different types of products.
Storage location is the place where plant materials are stored physically
T-code: OX09
Path: SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Material
management -> Maintain storage location -> enter -> give plant -> enter ->
new entries -> give storage location -> enter & save it.
Eg: 001 – Raw materials
002 – Finished product
003 – Consumables
004 – Other materials
T. code: MMNR
SPRO -> IMG -> logistics general -> material master -> basic settings -> material
types -> define number range for each material type -> enter -> we will get
maintenance screen -> click on maintain groups -> click on create icon -> give
group name (EX: raw material number range) -> give from no. and to number
range for both internal and external -> enter -> save.
Go back -> click control + F & give your material type -> enter -> click on
material type -> click on element/ group -> search your number range group
name -> double click on same group name -> save.
Sales Quality
Basic data 1 Accounting1 Costing1 MRP1 Warehouse1
org.1 management
Basic data 2 Accounting2 Costing2 MRP2 Warehouse2
Purchasing MRP3
order text
Plant data/
Plant data/
Client’s role in Material master:
Under this heading, we will learn how to create material but in real time
project, client will create the material and we consultants will provide training.
T. code: MM01 (create material)
Creation of material with MM views:
SAP Easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> material management ->
material master -> material -> create (general) -> MM01 -> enter
Create material initial screen:
1. Material: client while creating material, if they enter material code
manually in this field, then system will take external number range and if
we leave this field blank while creating material then system will take
internal number range.
2. Industry sector: In this field we have to select our client’s industry. If our
client’s industry is not available in the list, then we consultants can
customize new industry by using below T-code or path and by copying
standard “A”.
T. code: OMS3
SPRO -> IMG -> Logistics general -> material master -> field selection –>
define industry sector -> enter -> click on new entries -> give industry sector
(1 CHAR) -> maintain industry description -> give field reference ‘A’ -> enter
-> save.
3. Material type
5. Division
9. Size/ dimensions:
In this field we can maintain material size, if required.
** After maintaining all required field in material master, click on save icon to
save the material and system will generate material code at left bottom
Extension of material:
We will extend material for following ways.
1. Views extension
2. Organization levels extension
Tables in SAP:
The data maintained in SAP in any module will store in a data base (DB2,
ORACLE, HANA etc) in the form of tables.
Tables T. code: SE16N
MARA – Material general data
MARC – Material purchasing data (plant data)
MARD – Material storage data
MBEW – Material accounting data
MVKE – Material sales data
MAKT – Material Description
Vendor master data
Vendor is a supplier or seller or service provider. The information of vendor
like vendor name, address, purchasing info, accounting information
maintained in SAP system is called Vendor master data.
Vendor is an individual person or individual company or group of companies
who sell materials or who provides service.
We will have different types of vendors like regular vendor, fixed vendor or
one time vendor.
Business requirements
In real time project, company deal with different types of vendors such as
domestic, foreign, service, transportation etc. we consultants have to provide
solutions to differentiate types of vendors in SAP system.
Consultant role in vendor master:
Under this heading, we will learn how to provide solution to differentiate types
of vendors in SAP system.
After maintaining all the vendor screens, click on save icon to save the
vendor and system will generate a vendor code at left bottom of the screen.
Remaining T. codes of vendor:
XK07 – change vendor account group
XK99 – Mass maintenance
MKVZ – Vendor list
Tables of Vendor master:
LFA1 – Vendor general data
LFM1 – Vendor purchasing data
LFB1 – Vendor company code data
LFBK – Vendor bank details
Number ranges will be used to identify PIR in SAP system. Every material and
vendor combination system will generate a unique info record number.
When we are creating PIR with material code system will copy numbers from IL
group and if it is without material code then system will copy number range
from IN group, for both IL and IN we can assign internal and external number
range. (Same like material master)
T. code: OMEO
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> purchasing -> purchasing info record
-> define number ranges -> enter -> click on maintain groups -> click on create
icon -> give group name, give From and To number ranges for both external
and internal -> save -> go back -> click control + F, give IL or IN group -> click on
Element/ group -> search your number range group -> double click on your
number range group -> save.
Define field selection of Info record:
As we are aware, field selection will be used to manage fields of purchasing
info record.
SPRO -> IMG -> material management -> purchasing info record -> define
screen layout -> enter -> double click on ME11 line -> double click on field
selection group -> manage the fields of Info record -> go back -> save.
Source list
Activate Maintain
source list source list
P2P Cycle
Invoice Goods Purchase order
Payment Receipt
Verification (PO)
Note (GRN)
Stores/ WM Quality Reject
P2P Overview
Procurement process starts with purchase requisition and ends with goods
receipt and payments.
Whenever any department requires materials or services to fulfil their business
needs then they will raise a request document called Purchase Requisition
(PR). PR is an internal purchasing document which will be used to request
materials to purchasing dept. once purchasing dept receives the request then
they will search vendors (suppliers) in market called Source determination.
Once we got the source then we will raise price request to vendor called RFQ –
Request for quotation. RFQ will be created to vendor to know the price, terms
and conditions offered by vendor. Vendor will submit price, terms and
conditions in the form of a document called Quotation. Once we receive
quotations from multiple vendors then purchasing department will compare
the prices (quotations) to finalize the vendor. The process of comparing prices
and finalising vendor is called Price comparison statement. Once vendor is
finalised then the purchasing department will raise order called Purchase
order PO. Purchase order is a document issued by purchasing department to
the vendor for procurement of materials and services. In this PO we will
maintain materials requirement, quantity, delivery date, price and other terms
and conditions. Once vendor receives the order then based on delivery date,
they will deliver the goods to company and company will perform Goods
Receipt (GR). Once company receives the material physically then goods
Receipt will be posted in SAP. After GR immediately our quality department/
team will check the quality of material if everything looks ok then we will move
goods to storage location or if stock is not ok then we will reject the stock.
Vendor will submit invoice to company for payment called Invoice receipt (IR).
Company once receives the invoice then they will compare invoice with goods
receipt document and purchase order (3-way match) if all are matching then
they will submit the invoice to FI department for payment. Verifying invoice
before making payment is called logistics invoice verification (LIV).
Terms of material management:
MM deals with following terms
Components T. codes
Purchase requisition (PR) ME51N
Quotations ME47
Price comparison statement ME49
Purchase order (PO) ME21N
Goods Receipt MIGO
Invoice Receipt MIRO
Purchasing is one of the components in SAP MM (MM-PUR). Purchasing
concept will be used to procure materials and services from vendor/ supplier
to fulfil business requirements. The process of buying materials and services
from vendor or dealers is called purchasing.
Types of Purchasing:
We have below different types of purchasing in SAP MM
Types of purchasing
Special Procurement
Standard Procurement:
Procurement process is used to procure materials and services required by the
company from external vendor. In this standard procurement company orders
goods to vendor and vendor supplies the goods to company (one to one
relation). Standard procurement process flow is as below:
PO – Purchase Order
Scheduling Agreement
Structure of Purchasing document:
All purchasing document in SAP divides into multiple structure. They are:
1. Header data
2. Item overview
3. Item data
The data maintained at header level is applicable to whole document.
In Item overview we have to maintain list of materials to be procured.
The data maintained at item level is applicable only to particular line items.
Material to material item data will be different. For every material we need to
maintain item data.
Purchase Requisition
PR is the first purchasing document in SAP purchasing component.
It is an Internal document.
If any department in the company required materials or services then those
departments will raise request to the purchasing department in the form of a
document called PR – Purchase requisition to procure the same in the market.
PR can be Standard, Third party, Sub-contracting, Stock transfer order (STO),
Consignment and Services.
PR – Business requirements
Project requirement:
In real time project client’s internal departments will create purchase
requisitions. We consultants have to provide solution to differentiate
department wise PRs in SAP system. Example HR department, Sales,
Purchasing, Stores, Design, Manufacturing, Maintenance etc.
Consultant Role in PR
Under this heading we will learn consultant role in PR. They are:
1. Define document type
2. Define number ranges to PR document type
3. Field selection of PR
4. Item Categories
Define document types:
Document types differentiates types of PRs in SAP by generating PR number to
each PR. SAP has defined standard document type
NB – Standard purchase requisition
We consultants may use standard document type NB or we can customize new
document types by copying standard. In real time project, we will customize
below document types and these are just examples. Project to project
requirements may get change but the process is same.
ZSPR – Sales PRs
ZMFP – Manufacturing PR
ZSTR – Stores PR
ZMNT – Maintenance PR
ZPPR – Purchasing PR
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> Purchasing -> Purchase requisition ->
Define document types -> enter -> click on positions -> give standard
document type NB -> enter -> select NB line -> click on copy as icon -> give
your own document type (4 characters), maintain document type description
-> press enter key -> click copy all -> continue -> save
➢ Document type controls PR**
Types of controls by document type
1. It controls number range of PR
2. It manages fields of PR
3. It allows item category.
Define number range of PR:
Number range will be used to identify PRs in SAP system. In SAP standard we
can create & assign internal and external number range for each document
PR number range length is 10 digits.
T. code: OMH7
SPRO -> IMG -> Material management -> purchasing -> purchase requisition ->
define number ranges -> enter -> click on change intervals -> insert two line ->
give serial number (2 char), give From and To number range for both internal
and external -> enter -> save.
Go back to PR document type screen -> click on positions -> give your own
document type -> enter -> assign number range serials for both internal and
external -> save.
Define Field selection of PR
As we know the field selection will be used to manage the fields of PR. In SAP
standard each document type will have one field selection. SAP has designed
standard field selection or we can customize our own field selection based on
document type (if we customize document type then customize field selection
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> purchasing -> purchase requisition ->
define screen layout at document level -> click on position -> give standard
field selection NBB -> enter -> select NBB line -> click on copy as icon -> give
your own field selection (4 char), maintain description -> enter -> double click
on your own field selection -> double click on field selection group -> manage
fields of PR based on client’s requirements -> go back (2 times) -> save
Go back to PR document type screen -> click on position -> give your own
document type -> enter -> assign your own field selection -> save.
Item categories:
Item category differentiates types of procurements in SAP system. Item
categories will be calculated by document type. SAP has designed below
standard item categories for purchase and we consultants don’t have any
option of adding new item category.
Standard types of Item category
Blank – Standard
S – Third party
L – Sub-contracting
U – Stock transfer order (STO)
K – Consignment
D – Service
Client’s role in PR
Under this heading, we will learn how to create purchase requisition but in real
time project client’s end user will create purchase requisition and we
consultants will provide training.
Create standard Purchase Requisition
T. Code – ME51N
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> Logistics -> Material management ->
Purchasing -> Purchase requisition -> ME51N – Create -> enter
1. Select PR document type based on creation department
2. PR item overview:
Under this Item overview, we will maintain list of required material,
quantity along with below fields.
I. Item: In this field system will generate line-item serial numbers
II. A – Account assignment category: If we are procuring materials for
direct consumption (use) then we have to maintain account assignment
category. Please find below are few standard account assignment
A – Assets
C – Sales order
1 – Third party
E – Customer Individual requirements
F – Order
K – Cost centre
N – Network
P – Project
Q – Project, make to order
As of now leave this field blank because we are buying this material for
III. I – Item category: Leave this field blank (Blank – Standard)
IV. Material: In this field we have to maintain required material code.
V. Short text: In this field system will copy material description from
material master based on material.
VI. Quantity: In this field we have to maintain required quantity of
VII. UN – Unit of measurement: In this field system will copy base unit of
material from material master basic data1 view.
VIII. Delivery date: In this field we have to maintain material required date.
If we leave this field blank then system will take current date as delivery
date automatically.
IX. Material group: In this field system will copy material group from
material master.
X. Maintain Plant and Storage location.
XI. Purchasing group (PGr): This field will copy from material master
XII. Requisitioner (Requisnr): In this field we have to maintain PR requestor
PR Header Data:
The data maintained at header level is applicable to entire PR.
I. Text tab: In this tab, we can maintain any information in the form of
PR Item data:
The data maintained at item level is applicable to individual material, for every
material we have to maintain item data.
I. Material Data: In this tab, we have to maintain material details.
Quantity/ Date:
I. Quantity/ quantity ordered/ open quantity: In quantity field we will
maintain required quantity. When we covert PR into PO then PO
quantity will update automatically in quantity ordered field, remaining
quantity of PR after order will update in open quantity field.
II. Closed (Check box): If you want to close PR line item manually then
activate this field.
III. GR processing time: This field will copy from material master.
I. Valuation Price: In this field system will copy material price from
material master accounting-1 view.
II. Goods receipt: This field will be in disable mode always. This field will be
in active always based on item category. If this field is in active then
system will expect goods receipt entry.
III. Invoice receipt: If this field is in active then system will expect invoice
receipt entry.
Source of Supply:
Assign source of supply: If we click on this option then system will copy
vendors in following sequence.
QAL – SL – Contracts – PIR
Status tab: In this tab we can check PR current status.
Contact Person: In this tab we can check PR creator details and how it is
created. (Manually or automatically)
Text: In this tab, system will copy text from material master. We can add any
information here in the form of text.
Delivery address:
In this address vendor will deliver the materials. This address will copy from
plant address.
➢ After maintaining all the required fields and tabs, click on check icon if
system displays “No messages issued during check” then save the PR and
system will generate PR number at left bottom of screen.
T. Codes:
ME51N – Create Purchase requisition
ME52N – Change Purchase requisition
ME53N – Display Purchase requisition
ME54N – Release Purchase requisition (Individual)
ME55 - Release Purchase requisition - collectively
ME5A – List of PRs
ME5K – List of Account assignment PRs
ME5J – Project PRs
MEMASSRQ – Mass Maintenance
Tables of PR – SE16N
EBAN – General Purchase requisition
EBKN – Account assignment Purchase requisitions
PR Error:
➢ Account assignment mandatory for Material XXXXXXXXX
Solution for above error is as follows:
➢ Go to T. code OMS2
➢ Click on positions, give your material type and press enter key
➢ Select your material type line and double click on your Qty/ value updating
option (left side of the screen)
➢ Again, click on positions and give valuation area (plant) and press enter (2
➢ Activate Qty and value updating check boxes
➢ Press enter and save.
RFQ – Request for Quotations
RFQ is one of the external purchasing documents.
RFQ is a form of invitation sent to vendors through email, fax or telephone to
submit the price, terms & conditions for required material.
RFQ contains details of a required material, quantity, date of delivery and
quotation submission last date.
RFQ is used to know the Price, terms & conditions offered by the vendor for a
RFQ business requirements
In real time projects, clients request quotations to different types of vendors
such as domestic vendors (Domestic RFQs), Import vendor (Foreign RFQs),
Service RFQs etc. we consultants have to provide solution to differentiate
types of RFQs in SAP system.
RFQ – Consultant Role
1. Define document type
As discussed in PR, document type differentiates types of RFQs in SAP by
generating RFQ number to each RFQ. SAP has defined standard document
type: AN – RFQ
We consultants can use standard document type AN or we can customize
new document types by copying standard. In real time project we will use
below document types and these are just examples.
After requesting Quotations to vendor by issuing RFQ document, in reply to
RFQ vendor will submit quotations through email, fax, courier or directly
vendor will submit in company’s purchasing department.
Quotation contains price, terms & conditions of the material offering by the
vendor to company.
Use below T. code or path to maintain quotation in SAP
T. code: ME47
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> materials management ->
purchasing -> RFQ/ quotation -> Quotation -> ME47 – maintain -> enter -> give
RFQ number -> press enter key.
Maintain Quotation: Item overview:
➢ Select RFQ line item and click on “item conditions”.
➢ Maintain PB00 gross price. (PB00 represents gross price code).
➢ Maintain RA01 discount percentage. (RA01 represent discount in
➢ Maintain FRA1 freight charges in percentage.
Press enter key -> go back -> save
T. codes:
ME47 – Maintain/ Change Quotations
ME48 – Display Quotations
Price Comparison Statement
After receiving all the quotations from all the requested vendors then we will
use price comparison statement concept to compare quotations and finalize
the vendor. While comparing quotations, we can include discounts and
delivery costs (freight charges)
T. code: ME49
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> materials management ->
purchasing -> RFQ/ quotation -> Quotation -> ME49 – Price comparison ->
Price comparison list:
Give your purchasing organisation then give your RFQ number in quotation
field. (We can use multiple selection option)
Activate include discounts and include delivery cost check boxes. Press on
execute and check the price comparison statement.
Purchase Order (PO)
Purchase order is also called as order document. If we want to procure
material and services then we will place order to vendor in the form of a
document called Purchase Order.
Possibilities of creating PO:
In standard SAP we can create PO in following ways.
3. PO WRT Contracts
5. Manual creation of PO (W/o any reference)
Types of Purchase order in SAP:
We have below different types of Purchase orders in SAP standards.
1. Standard PO
2. Third party PO
3. Subcontracting PO
4. Consignment PO
5. Stock transfer order (STO)
6. Service order
Business requirements:
In real time project, client’s creates different types of purchase orders such as
standard PO, domestic PO, Import PO, third party PO, Subcontracting PO,
service PO, Consignment PO, STO etc. we consultants have to provide solution
to show PO differences in SAP system.
Consultant Role in Purchase Order
Define Document Type:
As discussed in PR and RFQ, document type will differentiate types of
purchases in SAP by generating different numbers to each purchase order.
SAP has defined standard document type NB for Purchase order and we
consultants can use standard document type or we can customise our own by
copying standard.
Realtime project document types examples of purchase order:
ZDMP – Domestic purchase
ZIMP – Import purchase
ZSC – Sub contracting purchase
ZTHP – third party purchase
ZSER – Service purchase
ZCON – Consignment PO
ZCAP – Capital Purchase
ZSPR – Spares Purchase
ZCPO – Consumables PO etc.
➢ Company to company PO types may be different
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management - > Purchasing -> purchase order ->
Define document types -> enter -> click on position -> give standard document
type NB -> enter -> select NB line -> click on copy as icon -> give your own
document type (4 char), maintain description of document type -> enter ->
click on copy all -> continue -> save.
➢ Document type controls purchase order.
Types of control by PO document types
1. It controls number ranges of PO
2. It controls field selection of PO
3. It allows Item category.
Define number range of PO:
As discussed in PR and RFQ, each document type will have 1 internal and 1
external number range. Number range will be used to identify the POs in SAP.
T. code: OMH6
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> Purchasing -> purchase order ->
define number range -> enter -> click on change intervals -> insert 2 lines ->
give number range serial numbers, from & To number ranges for both internal
and external (10 digits) -> enter -> save.
Go back to PO document type screen -> click on positions -> give your own
document type -> enter -> assign your number range serial numbers for both
internal and external -> save.
Define Field selections of PO:
As we are aware, field selections will be used to manage fields of PO. SAP has
defined standard field selection “NBF” for purchase order. We can use NBF or
we can customise new field selections by copying standard.
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> purchasing -> purchase order ->
Define screen layout at document level -> enter -> click on positions -> give
standard field selection “NBF” -> enter -> Select NBF line -> click on copy as
icon -> give your own field selection (4 char), maintain field selection
description -> enter -> double click on your own field selection -> double click
on field selection groups -> manage fields of PO -> go back (2 times) -> save.
Go back to PO document type screen -> click on position -> give your own
document type -> enter -> assign your own field selection to document type ->
enter and save.
Client’s Role in PO
Under this heading, we will learn how to create purchase order but in real time
project purchasing department end user will create the order and we
consultants have to provide training.
Creation of Purchase order (PO) WRT PR:
If we create purchase order WRT PR then system will copy data from PR to PO
screen and we can edit the data, if required and save the PO.
T. code: ME21N – Create purchase order
1. Go to t-code ME21N
2. Select document type based on type of purchase.
3. Maintain vendor code, to whom we are placing the order.
4. Maintain Purchasing organisation, purchasing group and company code.
-------------------------------------- Press ENTER ----------------------------------------
PO Item overview:
Drag item overview screen to right and maintain PR number -> press enter key.
➢ System will copy data from PR to PO.
➢ Maintain the required fields like purchase price, delivery dates and other
required fields -> click on check icon and save the PO.
1. We can create multiple Purchase orders (PO) WRT one PR till PR
becomes 0.
2. We can create one Purchase order (PO) WRT to multiple PRs if we are
buying all PR products with same vendor.
PO Item Overview:
Under this item overview we will maintain list of required materials, qty,
delivery date along with below detailed information.
1. Item: In this field system will generate line-item serial no’s automatically (Ex:
10, 20, 30…. etc)
A - Assets
C - Sales order
1 - Third Party
E - Customer individual requirement
F - Order
K - Cost centre
N - Network
P - Project
Q - Project, make to order.
As of now leave this field blank because we are buying this material for stock.
5. Material Description: In this field system will copy material description from
material master.
6. Maintain PO quantity
7. OUn - Order unit: In his field system will copy order unit from PIR or from
material master
11. Material group: In this field system will copy material group from material
12. Maintain plant and storage location.
13. Info record: In this field system will copy info record number automatically
if we maintain info record for the PO vendor and material. System will data
from info record to PO if info record is available
15. F - Free Items: If we are getting any materials free from vendor then
activate this field.
16. Purchase requisition and requisition item: In this field we will give PR
number if we want to create PO WRT PR.
17. Outline agreement and contracts item: In this field we will maintain
contacts number and contracts item if we want to create PO WRT contracts.
18. RFQ and RFQ item: In this field we will maintain RFQ and item number if
we want to create PO WRT RFQ.
19. Purchasing and item: In this field we will maintain PO number if we want
to Create PO WRT PO.
PO header data:
PO Item data:
We have to maintain PO item data for every material available in the purchase
1. Material data:
In this tab, we can check material information.
2. Quantity/ weighs:
In this tab we can maintain PO quantity which will copy to item overview
or vice-versa.
3. Delivery schedule:
In this tab, we can maintain multiple delivery dates for one material
along with quantity.
4. Delivery tab:
Over delivery, under delivery, unlimited delivery tolerance and 1st, 2nd, 3rd
These fields will copy from purchasing info record if it is available or else
from material master.
Stock type:
As we know we have 3 different types of stocks in MM.
I. Unrestricted stock
II. Quality stock
III. Blocked stock
Goods receipt: This field is in active which is copied from item category. If
this field is in active mode, then system will expect goods receipt for this
purchase order.
5. Invoice tab:
Invoice Receipt: If we activate this field then system will expect invoice
posting (MIRO) against this purchase order.
Final Invoice: If we activate this field then system will come to know that
we received final invoice from vendor.
GR Bsd.Inv: This field will copy from purchasing info record or from vendor
Tax code: In this field system will copy tax code from PIR or we can
maintain tax code here to calculate tax or tax code can be selected in
invoice screen.
6. Conditions tab:
In this tab, we will maintain material prices like gross price, discounts,
freight charges etc.
7. Texts tab:
In this tab, system will copy texts from material master, PIR & PR. We can
add new text here by selecting text types. We consultants can add new text
types to fulfil client requirements by using below path.
SPRO -> IMG -> materials management -> purchasing -> purchase order ->
text for purchase orders -> define text type for item text/ header text ->
enter -> continue -> click on new entries -> give serial number, maintain
text type -> enter and save
8. Address tab:
Vendor will deliver the materials to the address maintained in this tab. In
this tab address will copy from plant.
9. Confirmations tab:
Acknowledgement required:
This field will be copied from PIR or material master.
10.Condition control tab:
Print price: If we activate this field, then system will print material price on
print out.
After maintaining all required fields and tabs, now determine the output type.
Output determination:
** Click on check icon if there are no errors in PO then save it. System will
generate PO number at left bottom of the screen.
** After PO creation we will send PO to vendor via emails and vendors supply
goods to company. Company will perform GR. (Inventory management)
T. codes:
Tables – SE16N
Movement types
System will
System will
update MAP in Goods Receipt (GR) update PO status
acc view
** Moving average Price (MAP) – Material total value/ material total stock
(We can check this in accounting 1 view of material master)
Sometimes clients will request goods to vendor over phone based on priority.
In this case we will perform GR without PO after receiving physical goods from
1. Go to T. code MIGO
2. Select event goods receipt and reference document – others -> enter
3. Give document date and posting date
4. Go to material tab and maintain material code -> enter
5. Go to quantity tab and maintain GR quantity.
6. Go to where tab and maintain movement type – 501, plant and storage
7. Go to partners tab and maintain vendor code.
8. Go to batch tab and maintain date of manufacture. Batch number will
generate automatically when we click on check icon.
9. Activate item OK then check and post.
1. Check stock in T. code MMBE
2. GR w/o PO accounting entries are
BSX – Inventory A/c – Dr
GBB – Offsetting entry A/c – Cr
Opening stock entry:
Opening stock entry is also called as initial stock. Closing stock of non-SAP will
be the opening stock of SAP.
1. Go to T. code MIGO
2. Select event goods receipt and reference document – others -> enter
3. Give document date and posting date
4. Go to material tab and maintain material code -> enter
5. Go to quantity tab and maintain GR quantity, add stock value in Amount
in LC field.
6. Go to where tab and maintain movement type – 561, plant and storage
7. Go to batch tab and maintain date of manufacture. Batch number will
generate automatically when we click on check icon.
8. Activate item OK then check and post.
1. Check stock in T. code MMBE – MMBE
2. Initial stock upload accounting entries are
BSX – Inventory A/c – Dr
GBB – BSA – Initial stock A/c – Cr
Tables – SE16N
RESB – Reservation
• We can check reservation stock in T. code MMBE along with MB25.
SD Organisation Data:
1. Company (6 CHAR)
2. Company code (4 CHAR)
1 & 2: Here Organizational level will be created by FI consultants In
Realtime projects
3. Sales organization (4 CHAR)
4. Distribution channel (2 CHAR)
5. Division (2 CHAR)
6. Shipping point (4 CHAR)
3, 4, 5 & 6: These organizational levels will be created by SD
consultants in Realtime projects
Define sales organisation
Client’s sales department will be created as sales organisation in SAP. Sales
organisation will be used to sell products & services to the customers.
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> definition -> sales and distribution ->
define, copy, delete, check sales organisation -> enter -> double click on define
sales organisation line -> select 0001 sales organisation line -> click on copy as
icon -> give your own sales organisation (4 CHAR), maintain description ->
enter -> maintain sales organisation address in detail -> enter and save.
Define Distribution channel:
Distribution channel is used to send the goods and services to the customer.
SPRO -> IMG -> enterprise structure -> definition -> sales and distribution ->
define, copy, delete, check distribution channel -> enter -> double click on
define distribution channel -> click on new entries -> give distribution channel
(2 CHAR), maintain description -> press enter and save.
Division is same like material group. Material group is used for MM and
division is used for SD.
The materials with same features dividing individually is called division.
Ex: FG – finished goods, TG - Trading goods etc
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> definition -> logistics general -> define,
copy, delete, check division -> enter -> double click on define division -> click
on new entries -> give division (2 CHAR), maintain description -> press enter
and save.
Define shipping point:
Shipping point is a place/ location where goods & services are delivered to the
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> logistics execution -> define, copy,
delete, check shipping point -> enter -> double click on define shipping point ->
click on new entries -> give shipping point (4 CHAR), maintain description ->
maintain factory calender 01 -> click on address icon and maintain address
details -> press enter and save the shipping point.
Assignment of SD organisation structure
Assign sales organisation to company code:
We can assign multiple sales organisations to one company code.
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> assignment -> sales & distribution ->
assign sales organisation to company code -> enter -> click on positions -> give
your sales organisation -> enter -> assign company code -> enter & save.
Assign distribution channel to sales organisation:
We can assign multiple distribution channels under one sales organisation.
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> assignment -> sales & distribution ->
assign Distribution channel to sales organisation -> enter -> click on position ->
give your sales organisation and assign distribution channels -> enter & save.
Assign Division to sales organisation:
We can assign multiple divisions under one sales organisation.
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> assignment -> sales & distribution ->
assign division to sales organisation -> enter -> click on new entries -> give
sales organisation & assign division -> enter & save.
Set up sales area:
Sales area = sales organisation + distribution channel + division
SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise structure -> assignment -> sales & distribution -> set
up sales area -> enter -> click on new entries -> give sales organisation +
distribution channel + division -> enter & save.
Physical inventory
If material stock showing in books and physical stock lying in storage/
warehouse are not same due to various reasons like missing of GR, missing GI
entry in SAP etc. then we will use physical inventory concept to match both.
Once physical inventory is done, book stock and physical stock must be same.
Types of Physical inventory:
1. Periodic inventory (Once in a year)
2. Continuous inventory (every month materials will be counted)
3. Cycle counting (Slow moving, fasting moving)
4. Inventory sampling (random material)
Steps involved in physical inventory document:
1. Create physical inventory document (MI01)
2. Enter count result (MI04)
3. Post the difference (MI07)
Create Physical inventory document:
Under this heading we will add list of materials to be counted along with the
count date, plant, storage location & batch number
T. code: MI01
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> materials management ->
physical inventory -> physical inventory document -> MI01 – create -> enter
➢ Give document date (PI creation date)
➢ Give Planned count date
➢ Maintain plant and storage location
➢ Activate the required check boxes (Batch w. del flag check box is mandatory
in our practice)
➢ Press enter key
➢ Give material code which you want to count, maintain batch then enter and
T. codes:
MI01 – Create Physical inventory
MI02 – Change Physical inventory
MI03 – Display Physical inventory
Note: Once physical inventory is created storekeeper will count the physical
stock of a material on count date and they will maintain the count result in SAP
Enter the count result:
T. code: MI04
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> materials management ->
physical inventory -> inventory count -> MI04 -> enter
➢ Give physical inventory number and enter
➢ Maintain count result quantity, press enter and save.
T. codes:
MI04 – Enter count result
MI05 – Change count result
MI06 – Display count result/ check history
Note: If books stock and physical stock are not same then we will post the
difference to make both same.
Post the difference:
T. code: MI07
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> materials management ->
physical inventory -> difference -> MI07 – post -> enter
➢ Give physical inventory number and press enter
➢ Maintain reason for stock difference and save.
Movement types:
701 – Inventory difference (Books stock is less than physical stock)
702 - Inventory difference (Books stock is more than physical stock)
Split Valuation:
Split valuation will be used to maintain multiple prices (values) for one product
in one plant.
Ex: If we are buying products from external and manufacturing internally will
have different prices and if our clients want to capture both the prices then we
will go for split valuation concept.
Transfer Posting:
Transfer posting will be used to transfer goods from one plant to another or
one storage location to another or one stock type to another stock type etc.
In transfer posting, physical movement of goods is not mandatory. Transfer
posting will change the stock in SAP books.
Types of transfer postings:
Plant to plant
Transfer postings
Storage to storage
Material to material
From Destination
Material code will copy
Material Give material code
Give receiving plant,
Give plant, storage
storage location & press
location and supply
enter and then give
receiving batch
➢ Maintain transfer quantity
➢ Activate Item OK check box, check and post.
1. Check stock in T. code MMBE
2. Plant to plant accounting entries are as follows.
BSX - Inventory A/c – Dr.
BSX - Inventory A/c – Cr.
Storage to storage transfer posting:
If we are transferring stock from one storage location to another storage
location within the same plant then will go for storage location to storage
location transfer posting.
➢ Go to T. code MIGO -> select event transfer posting and reference
document as other -> give movement type 311 and press enter -> give
document and posting date -> maintain document header text (storage
location to storage location)
From Destination
Give material code,
Material code & plant
Material plant & storage
will copy automatically
Give transfer storage
Give storage location
From Destination
Maintain supply
Material Maintain Material code
material code
➢ Save
5. Schema groups:
Under this heading, we will create schema groups for vendor and the
purchasing organisation. Schema groups will help to trigger pricing procedure
in condition tab of purchasing documents.
T. codes:
MEK1 – Create condition record
MEK2 – Change condition record
MEK3 – Display condition record
Tables – SE16N
KONH – Conditions header
KONV – Conditions transaction data
KONP – Condition item
Special Procurement
The name itself indicates special procurement type procuring material either
internally or externally. In standard procurement, vendor supplies goods to
company after receiving purchase order but in special procurement case it is
not mandatory. sometimes goods will flow directly to customers, goods will be
received to plant within the company
Types of Special procurement:
1. Third party process
2. Stock transfer order (STO)
3. Sub-contracting process – job work process
4. Consignment process
5. Pipe line process
Sub-contracting Process:
Sub-contracting process is also called as job work in real time projects.
In sub-contracting process companies will send their own components (any
type of material) to outside vendor, outside vendor will convert those
components into another product (final product) and sends back to company.
Vendor will charge payment for converting components into final product.
(Another product)
Sub-contracting Process flow:
Sub-contracting Invoice Create
reconciliation receipt delivery
Consultant role in subcontracting process:
Set up sub-contract order:
Under this heading, we will assign delivery type supplying plant.
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> Purchasing -> Purchase order -> set
up sub-contract order -> enter -> click on new entries -> give supplying plant,
assign delivery type LB -> enter and save
End user steps involved in sub-contracting process:
1. Create BOM – CS01 (optional)
2. Create sub-contracting info record – ME11
3. Create PR – ME51N (optional)
4. Create Purchase order – ME21N
5. Goods issue to sub-contractor – MB1B/ MIGO
6. Create challan – J1IGSUBCON
7. Goods receipt (final product) – MIGO
8. Post vendor invoice – MIRO
9. Sub-contracting reconciliation – J1IGRECON
Create BOM (Bill of material):
Bill of material represents list of components & quantity required to produce
final product.
BOM is one of the master data in SAP PP module.
T. code: CS01
Go to t. code CS01 -> Give material (Final product), maintain plant and BOM
usage (1) -> enter.
Create material BOM: General item overview
➢ Maintain item category (L)
➢ Maintain components material code and maintain quantity.
➢ Press enter and save.
T. codes:
CS01 – Create BOM
CS02 – Change BOM
CS03 – Display BOM
Create sub-contracting Info record:
Sub-contracting info record will be created in combination of final product &
subcontracting vendor.
Go to T. code ME11 -> give sub-contract vendor, maintain material (final
product), maintain plant & purchasing organisation -> activate sub-contracting
info category -> enter.
System will copy data from vendor and material, if required make the changes
here which copies to purchase order automatically. Press enter and save the
info record.
Create sub-contracting purchase order:
We can create sub-contracting PO wrt PR or without any reference.
Consultant Role:
1. Define document type by copying standard NB.
2. Define and assign number ranges to document type.
3. Define, manage and assign field selection to document type by copying
standard NBF.
4. Item category – L
Client Role:
Create PO
Path to create PO:
1. Go to T. code – ME21
2. Select sub-contracting document type or standard NB
3. Maintain sub-contracting vendor code.
4. Maintain purchasing organisation, purchasing group and company code.
------------------------Press enter----------------------------------
Go to item overview or expand item overview:
1. Maintain Item category – L
2. Maintain material code (Final product)
3. Maintain quantity, delivery date
4. Maintain price (sub-contracting charges)
5. Give plant and storage location -> press enter
Sub-contracting PR to PO error:
Error – Not possible to determine any components
Solution: This above error will trigger in all sub-contracting PR’s or PO’s
because if we miss to maintain components list.
Go to material data tab in PR or PO then click on explore BOM if we maintain
BOM then from BOM components will copy otherwise click on components
option then maintain components (material codes), quantity and supplying
plant. Press enter and then go back.
Click on check icon and save the sub-contracting purchase order.
Goods issue to sub-contractor:
Under this heading, we will learn how to issue goods to sub-contractor with
reference to PO.
➢ Go to t. code MB1B
➢ Give document date and posting date.
➢ Maintain movement type 541 – goods issue to sub-contractor.
➢ Click on “To purchase order” icon and give sub-contracting PO number
then press enter.
System will display components list -> select components list -> click on
adopt + details icon -> maintain supplying batch number manually (we
will get batch number from t. code MMBE) -> press enter & save
**Note: Once sub-contracting goods issue is done then immediately system
will add a line called stock provided to vendor” in MMBE t. code along with
quantity provided.
Create delivery challan:
This T. code is designed only for Indian projects to create delivery challan.
Delivery challan is the supporting document for the components issued.
➢ This T. code is introduced only after GST implementation in India.
➢ Go to T. code J1IGSUBCON
➢ Give company code, maintain supplying plant, give material document
number (goods issue number)
➢ Activate create challan radio button and click on execute.
➢ Activate material document check box and click on create challan icon.
Note: We will take the help of ABAP to design challan print out. Once challan is
created, we will take the print out and will transport physical document to
subcontractor. Once sub-contractor receives the components then they will
convert into final products and sends back to company.
Once company receives final product, they will do GR for final product and will
inform about components consumption.
Goods Receipt (Final product):
➢ Go to T. code MIGO.
➢ Select event goods receipt and reference document as purchase order.
➢ Give subcontracting PO number and press enter.
➢ Maintain document and posting dates.
➢ Expand Final product & click on “+” icon.
➢ Click on final product line.
➢ Go to quantity tab and maintain final product received quantity.
➢ Where tab: Movement type 101 for final product received.
➢ Batch tab: system will generate batch number automatically for final
product. Maintain date of manufacture.
➢ Activate Item Ok.
➢ Click on component line item and go to quantity tab, maintain consumption
➢ Where tab: Movement type 543
➢ Batch tab: maintain goods issue batch number manually. (copy from 541
movement type)
➢ Click on Item OK check box.
➢ Click on check icon and post.
Note: Check stock in T. code MMBE for both final products and components.
Accounting entries:
BSX – Inventory A/c – Dr
WRX – GR/ IR Clearing A/c – Cr
BSX – Inventory A/c – Cr
GBB/ VBO – Stock consumption A/c – Dr
BSV – Change in stock A/c – Dr
FRL – SC charged A/c - Cr
Post vendor Invoice – MIRO
➢ Go to T. code MIRO
➢ Select transaction Invoice
➢ Maintain invoice date and posting date.
➢ Give invoice number in reference field in reference field and press enter.
➢ Go to PO reference tab, give sub-contracting PO number and press enter.
System will copy data from PO to invoice screen.
➢ Go back to basic data tab, select tax code VA/ V0 and activate calculate tax
check box. Copy balance and paste in amount field. If balance amount
becomes zero with its status in green colour, then simulate and post.
Sub-contracting Reconciliation:
Under this heading, end user will compare components issued (541 movement
type) and components consumed (543 movement type).
➢ Go to T. code J1IGRECON
➢ Give material document number (GR number) & maintain year.
➢ Activate first in first out (FIFO) and execute.
Consignment process:
In consignment process, vendor keeps his own materials in company’s location
but material ownership remains same with the vendor until the company uses
(withdraws) it. Once company uses the consignment stock then vendor will
request for payment and company should make payment.
Consignment Process flow:
Material Purchase Purchase Goods Own the Consignment
PIR requisition order WRT receipt stock from settlement
(optional) PR WRT PO consignment
Pipeline Process
Pipeline is one of the special procurements in SAP MM. the materials which
will flow through pipes, cables, wires etc are called pipeline materials.
Examples are electricity, water, gas etc., if we want to make pipeline material
payments through SAP system then we will use pipeline process.
Pipeline process flow:
Maintain PIR Goods issue
End user steps involved in pipeline process:
1. Create pipeline material by using material type PIPE – MM01
2. Create vendor or we can use existing vendor – XK01
3. Create PIR (Info category – PIPELINE) – ME11
4. Record the consumption – MIGO
5. Pipeline settlement – MRKO
7 6
Invoice to customer Vendor invoice to company
Customer Provides
4 Vendor
Vendor supply goods to customer
What happens in third party process:
1. Customers order goods to company and sales order will be created. (SD –
2. Purchase requisition will be created automatically once sales order is saved.
(SD/ MM)
3. Purchase order is created to the vendor. (MM – ME21N)
4. Invoice receipt from vendor. (MM/ FI – MIRO)
5. Invoice to customer. (SD – VF01)
Define customer master data:
Customer is one of the master data available in SD module. The information of
the customer maintained in SAP system is called customer master data.
Customer is an individual person or individual company or group of companies
who purchases materials & services.
Business requirements:
In real time, client deals with different types of customers such as domestic
customers, foreign customers (exports), service customers etc. we consultants
have to provide solutions to differentiate types of customers in SAP system.
(Same like vendor)
Consultant role:
Define account groups & field selections for customers:
Account groups will be used to differentiate types of customers in SAP system.
T. code: OVT0
SPRO -> IMG -> logistics general -> business partner -> customers -> control ->
define account groups and field selections for customers -> enter -> select
0001 line -> click on copy as icon -> give your own customer (4 CHAR), maintain
description (examples are ZDMC – domestic customers; ZEXP – Export
customer; ZSC – Service customer) -> Press enter -> double click on your own
customer account group -> double click on field status tabs -> double click on
field selections groups -> manage the fields of customer -> save
** Customer account group controls customer master.
Types of controls:
1. It controls number range of customers.
2. It manages field of customer.
3. It controls partner functions.
Define number range of customers:
T. code: OVZC
SPRO -> IMG -> logistics general -> business partner -> customer -> control ->
define and assign customer number ranges -> enter -> double click on define
number ranges for customer master -> click on change intervals -> insert line ->
give serial number, give from and to number range (either internal or external,
10 digits) -> enter and save
Go back (2 times) -> double click on assign number ranges to account group ->
click on position -> give your customer account group -> enter -> assign your
number range serial number -> press enter and save
Define customer partner functions:
If multiple people are involving in buying the product, then these people are
called partner functions. Partner functions represents the responsibility of
each partner.
SAP has defined below partner functions for customers.
SP* – Sold to party
SH – Ship to party
BP – Bill to party
PY – Payee
SPRO -> IMG -> Sales and distribution -> basic functions -> partner
determination -> set up partner determination -> enter -> double click on set
up partner determination for customer master -> click on new entries -> give
partner schema (4 CHAR), maintain description -> enter (2 times) -> select
partner schema line -> double click on partner functions in procedure -> click
on new entries ->
Partner functions Name No change Mandatory
SP Sold to party √ √
SH Ship to party √
BP Bill to party √
PY Payee √
->Save -> double click on partner determination procedure assignment -> click
on position -> give your own customer account group -> enter -> assign
customer partner schema -> enter and save -> double click on account groups
– function assignment -> click on new entries -> give your partner functions
and maintain account group -> press enter for every partner function -> save
Client Role in Customer master:
Creation of customer master data:
T. code: XD01
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> sales and distribution ->
master data -> business partner -> customer -> create – XD01 – complete ->
Create customer: initial screen
➢ Select document type
➢ Maintain company code
➢ Maintain sales organisation, distribution and division
➢ Press enter key
Create customer: General data
Address tab: In this tab, we have to maintain customer name, customer
address along with communication details.
➢ Press enter key.
➢ Click on company code, maintain recon. Account 140000.
➢ Press enter key
➢ Click on sales area data
Create customer: sales area data
➢ Maintain currency
➢ Maintain customer pricing procedure ‘1’
➢ Press enter key
➢ Click on shipping tab
➢ Maintain delivery priority ‘1’ and maintain shipping conditions ‘01’ (as soon
as possible)
➢ Billing documents tab: Maintain tax ‘1’
➢ Partner functions tab: In this tab, system will copy partner functions from
customer account group.
➢ Save the customer.
T. codes:
XD01 – Create customer
XD02 – change customer
XD03 – display customer
XD04 – Changes
XD05 – Block/ unblock customer
XD06 – flag for deletion
XD07 – change customer account group
XXD99 – mass maintenance
XCUST – customer list
Tables – SE16N
KNA1 – customer general data
KNB1 – customer company code data
KNVV – customer sales data
Sales order:
If we want to sell the goods to any customer then we have to create sales
Third party sales order:
Order type – OR (Standard type)
Item category for third party – TAS
Schedule line – CS
As we are aware in third party sales order automatic PR will generate to
purchase materials for customer SD consultant will do following configuration
to generate PR automatically.
In schedule line CS, SD consultants will assign PR document type, based on this
system will generate PR once sales order is saved.
T. code: VOV6
Go to T. code VOV6 -> click on position -> give schedule lines CS -> enter ->
double click on CS, maintain PR document type in order type field -> enter &
Creation of third-party sales order:
T. codes: VA01
SAP easy access screen -> SAP menu -> logistics -> sales and distribution ->
sales -> order -> VA01 – create -> enter
Create Sales order: initial screen
➢ Maintain order type ‘OR’
➢ Give sales organisation, distribution channel and division.
➢ Enter
Create standard order: overview
➢ Maintain customer number in sold to party field and press enter.
➢ Maintain material code, order quantity, maintain item category ‘TAS’.
➢ Press enter key
➢ Select the line item
➢ Click on ‘go to’ option in menu bar -> item -> click on schedule lines.
➢ Maintain schedule line CS
➢ Go back
➢ Click on edit option in menu bar -> click on incompletion log -> maintain
missing data -> complete data and if system gives the message document is
complete -> save the sales order
T. codes:
VA01 – Create sales order
VA02 – Change sales order
VA03 – Display sales order
VA05 – List of sales order
Tables – SE16N
VBAK – Sales order header data
VBAP – Sales order item data
How to check PR number in sales order:
As we are aware once we save the third-party sales order then system will
generate PR number automatically in schedule lines tab of sales order.
Go to T. code VA03 – display sales order -> give sales order number -> enter ->
double click on line item -> go to schedule lines tab and copy PR number ->
check in display mode ME53N.
Creation of third-party PO WRT PR:
T. code: - ME21N – Create Purchase order
1. Go to t. code ME21N
2. Select document type based on type of purchase (NB or new document
type for third-party)
3. Maintain vendor code to whom we are placing the order.
4. Maintain purchasing organisation, purchasing group and company code.
----------------------Press enter---------------------------
PO item overview:
Drag item overview screen to right and maintain PR number and press enter.
➢ System will copy data from PR to PO screen.
➢ Maintain the required fields like purchase price, deli very dates and other
required fields.
➢ Go to delivery tab and remove GR tick marks (in third-party no Gr concept)
➢ Go to Invoice tab remove GR Bsd. Inv. Tick mark.
➢ Click on check icon and save the PO.
1. In third-party process no goods receipt concept because goods are
delivered directly to company’s customer. Once goods are delivered,
vendor will raise the invoice receipt to company and company will enter
the same in SAP by using invoice receipt concept T. code – MIRO
2. Now SD end user will raise bill to customer by using T. code VF01.
Post vendor invoice:
➢ Go to T. code MIRO
➢ Maintain Invoice date & posting date.
➢ Maintain invoice number in reference field.
➢ Go to PO reference tab, give third-party PO number & press enter.
➢ System will copy data from PO to invoice screen directly.
➢ Go to basic data tab, select tax code VA and activate calculate tax check
➢ Copy balance and paste in amount field, if balance amount becomes zero
click on simulate and post.
Stock Transfer order – STO
It is one of the special procurement available in SAP MM. STO will be used to
transfer materials from one plant to another plant within company.
Types of STO’s:
In STO we have following two types
1. Intra STO
2. Inter STO
If materials are transferring from one plant to another plant within the same
company code, then it is called Intra STO.
If materials are transferring from one plant to another plant between 2
different company codes, then it is called Inter STO.
We can configure STO with MM and SD modules integration.
Process flow of Stock transfer order:
Outboard – PG1
1 delivery (post Billing 5 6
(OBD) goods
Receiving receipt GST
purchase 2 3 4
plant note Invoice
& Save.
2. Checking rule - 01
3. Delivery Type
NL – Intra STO; NLCC – Inter STO
4. Define STO document type by copying standard UB. (Same line NB)
Real time examples:
UB – Intra STO – NL
5. Define and assign number ranges to STO document type.
6. Define, manage and assign field selection to STO document type by copying
standard UBF. (Same like NBF)
7. Item Category – U
8. Assign delivery type, checking rule to document type:
Under this heading, we will assign delivery types to STO document types.
SPRO -> IMG -> Materials management -> Purchasing -> Purchase order ->
set up stock transfer order -> assign delivery type and checking rule -> enter
-> click on new entries -> give STO document type, supplying plant then
maintain delivery type, assign checking rule -> enter & save
9. Assign document type, one step procedure, underdeliver. Tolerance:
This step is completely an optional step if we want one step process then
configure this step and if you are going for 2 step process then leave this
What is 1 step procedure?
In one step procedure, when supplying plant issues the goods then
automatically GR is done in receiving plant.
What is 2 step procedure?
In two step procedure supplying plant issues the goods and receiving plant
will do GR manually by using T. code MIGO.
➢ In real time project maximum companies will use 2 step process.
SPRO -> IMG -> Material management -> purchasing -> purchase order ->
set up stock transfer order -> assign document, one-step procedure, under
deliver. Tolerance -> enter -> click on new entries -> give supplying plant,
receiving plant, maintain STO document type -> activate one step check box
-> enter & save
10.Define shipping point determination:
Go to T. code OVL2 -> click on new entries -> give shipping conditions ‘01’
(maintained in customer master), give loading group 0001 (maintained in
material master), give supplying plant & assign shipping point -> enter &
Note: There is no concept of vendor in STO process. We will have only
supplying and receiving plants.
➢ SD consultants will create a customer with receiving plant information and
they will assign to receiving plant.
Client Role in Stock Transfer Order
STO end user steps:
1. Extend material to both supplying and receiving plants.
2. Assign supplying plant to vendor for inter STO.
3. Create STO PR (optional) – ME51N
4. Create STO PO – ME21N
5. Create outbound delivery (OBD) – VL10B – (SD)
6. Edit delivery (Post goods issue) – VL02N – (SD)
7. Create Billing – VF01 – (SD)
8. Goods receipt by receiving plant (MIGO)
Assign supplying plant to vendor for inter STO:
Sometimes instead of using STO standard document type UB, we will use NB
document type for STO inter purchase orders. So, in NB document type system
will ask vendor code but in STO there is no vendor concept then in this case we
have to create a vendor with supplying plant information and we need to
assign a plant in a vendor.
Go to purchasing tab of vendor master -> click on extras in menu bar -> click on
add purchasing data -> maintain plant -> enter & save
Create Stock transfer order PO:
We can create PO WRT PR or without PR also.
➢ Go to T. code ME21N
➢ Select your document type UB or our own document type.
➢ Maintain supplying plant, maintain purchasing organisation, purchasing
group & company code
-------------------------------------Press enter--------------------------------
PO item overview
1. Give item category U
2. Maintain material code
3. Quantity
4. Delivery date
5. Receiving plant and storage location
6. Press enter key
7. Check the shipping tab in item level if it is available then only click on
check icon and save the PO.
** If shipping tab is not available in STO PO then don’t save the PO.
➢ Once supplying plant receives the order then they will create outbound
delivery. (OBD)
Create outbound delivery:
Outbound delivery will be created by sales end users by using below T. code
➢ Go to T. code VL10B
➢ Go to purchase order tab and give STO PO number
➢ Remove delivery date and execute.
➢ System will display PO line. Select PO line, click on background icon.
➢ Click on show/ hide delivery then system will display delivery number. Copy
the same. (Delivery number)
STO goods issue (PGI – Post goods issue):
In STO, goods issue (PGI) will be done by supplying plant sales end users.
➢ Go to T. code VL02N
➢ Give outbound delivery number and press enter
➢ Go to picking tab, maintain supplying storage location & picked quantity
same as delivery quantity, maintain supplying batch.
➢ Press enter key
➢ Click on post goods issue (PGI)
STO Accounting entries
In STO process accounting entries will not generate at the time of gods receipt
but accounting entries will generate at the time of goods issue. (PGI)
Accounting entries are
1. BSX – Inventory A/c – Dr
2. BSX – Inventory A/c – Cr
Create Billing:
Under this heading, we will create Performa invoice to send physical goods to
receiving plant.
Billing will be created by SD end users.
➢ Go to T. code VF01
➢ Select billing type F8
➢ Give billing date
➢ Give outbound delivery number in document field.
➢ Press enters (2 times) & save then again press enter (2 times)
• Once billing is created then physically goods will be transported to
receiving plant. Once receiving plant receives the goods physically then
they will perform goods receipt. (GR)
Goods receipt by receiving plant:
Under this heading, we will learn how to do GR with reference to delivery.
➢ Go to T. code MIGO
➢ Select event goods receipt and reference document outbound delivery.
➢ Give outbound delivery number and press enter.
➢ Go to quantity tab and maintain received quantity
➢ Activate item OK, check and post.
1. Check stock in T. code MMBE
2. No accounting entries will generate in STO GR.
3. STO movement type list
STO movement types list:
Mass Maintenance:
Mass maintenance concept will be used to update any data in multiple
documents at a time. In SAP for every topic, we have mass maintenance T.
MM17 – Material mass maintenance
XK99 – Vendor mass
PM √
PH √ √
• Continue.
6.2. Click on Release statuses -> Check the release indicators to release IDs
-> continue
6.3. Click on Classification -> maintain the characteristics value by using F4
key in keyboard -> click on next screen ->
6.4. Click on Release simulation -> continue -> save the release strategy
Clients testing in release strategy:
1. Create PO by using T. code ME21N
2. Maintain all required Fields.
3. Click on check icon if PO conditions are satisfying with release strategy
conditions, then system will add new tab called release strategy in PO
header level.
4. Save the PO.
How to Release PO:
In standard SAP we clients can approve purchase orders in following 2 ways.
1. Individual release – ME29N
2. Collective release – ME28
PO individual release:
1. Go to T. code ME29N
2. Click on other purchase order icon
3. Give your release purchase order number
4. Press enter key
5. Click on edit icon if PO is in display mode.
6. Go to release tab.
7. Click on release tick mark.
8. Save the purchase order to effect release (Approval)
• Individual release means we will approve single-single purchase orders.
PO collective release:
Collective release will be used mainly by managers and heads to release POs at
a time.
1. Go to T. code ME28
2. Give release code.
3. Execute and system will display all the approach pending POs
4. Single Click on every PO then click on release icon and save.