PSYC1010 Lecture 2 Emily Freeman-1
PSYC1010 Lecture 2 Emily Freeman-1
PSYC1010 Lecture 2 Emily Freeman-1
Physical development
• Provide an overview of different research areas
Lecture • Lots of topics covered briefly
Objectives • Provide awareness of the different areas
• Greater detail in the next two years
Learning Outcomes
After today you should be able to:
1. Describe the key issues of developmental psychology
2. Distinguish between and describe 4 common research designs used in developmental psychology
3. Describe physical development across the lifespan
a) Discuss the effect of physical development on psychological functioning
Issues in Developmental
Nature and
• Which has the strongest influence?
• Are they both equal?
• What do we mean by nature and nurture?
Nature refers to:
• Genetically and biologically based maturation
• Maturation means biologically based changes that follow an
orderly sequence
• Crawl -> Stand -> Walk
• Babble -> Words -> Short Phrases
• Most humans follow the same patterns, in the same sequence, at
around the same ages
refers to:
• Environmental influences including:
• Physical environment
• Family
• Society
• Educational
• Socioeconomic
It’s not a competition!
• “Nature provides a fertile field for development, but this field requires cultivation.”
• Environmental events turn genes on and off
• Focus is now more around the interaction and correlated action between genes and the environment
• Eg genes and environment might each have an effect, but the combination of both has an even stronger effect
• Anxiety disorders
• Eg genes can influence environments people choose/experiences they are exposed to
• Genetic predisposition to avoiding social situations -> experience fewer social situations -> social anxiety disorders
• Experience-Independent
• Experiences, environmental input aren’t required for the behaviour to develop
• Maturation examples
• Experience-Dependent
• Behaviour or response doesn’t occur until experience some form of environmental input (visual, physical, auditory etc)
• Experience-Expectant
• Genetically predisposed behaviour, that only begins once the environment provides the conditions needed for the behaviour to
be experienced
Newborn Face Preferences
• Experience-independent?
• Faces are important social stimuli, innate predisposition to look at faces even without experience
• Evidence from studies with babies <5 days old, <1 hour old, minutes old!
• Experience-dependent?
• Later problems with face recognition if children missed early face exposure
• Experience-expectant?
• Visual system has evolved to process faces, without experience in viewing faces, this aspect of the visual system won’t
Critical & Sensitive Periods
• Critical Periods:
• Periods of time when experiences may be crucial to our developmental outcomes
• Missing an experience, or detrimental experiences may mean we won’t develop a skill or function, or it could be
• Sensitive Periods
• Similar, but not as decisive for development
• Skill/function development may be able to be later improved
Evidence for Critical Periods
• Initial evidence from embryology
• Teratogens: harmful agents that affect the developing embryo and foetus
• Exposure at very specific time points
• Many animal species show evidence of critical periods
• Eg Goslings are biologically prepared to follow whatever moving object they see upon hatching (hopefully their parent!)
• Our nervous system is primed for periods of synaptic growth and equally importantly, for periods of synaptic
Perceptual Narrowing
• Exposure to language and sensitivity to language sounds begins before infants babble or speak
• Perceptual narrowing occurs:
• Stronger connections for language infants are exposed to
• Weakening perceptual sensitivity to other languages
Measuring Perceptual Narrowing
The impact of deprivation
• A number of cases of severe deprivation / limited social interaction
• Eg Genie and language acquisition / Children from Romanian Orphanages later adopted by UK families
• Some never develop certain skills
• Some acquire skills rapidly, but plateau
• The longer the critical periods are missed, the fewer developmental gains are made
The impact of early abuse
• Australian Temperament Project (N=1000)
• Young people who had experienced multiple forms of maltreatment and victimisation were more likely to suffer depression at
23-24 years of age than those who were not maltreated
• Past Clinical PhD Student’s project
• Young people who had experienced multiple early life stressors were more likely to have working memory problems as adults
• Importantly, resilience and adaptiveness can attenuate these effects
Developmental Changes
• Is development staged or continuous?
• Discrete Stages Idea:
• Behaviour in each stage is qualitatively and quantitatively different
• EG Abstract thinking in adolescence is a novel development that reflects the maturation of the frontal cortex
• Continuous Idea:
• Steady and gradual change
• EG rebellious behaviour in adolescence may reflect the slow learning of expressing independent behaviour over previous years
• Likely both:
• Stages are more apparent in childhood, when the nervous system is maturing
• Adult development is more continuous
Research Designs
Single Age Group Studies
• Good to learn more about a particular point in time
• Can 3-year-olds do this task?
• How is father-child rough-and-tumble play quality related to preschool children’s emotion regulation?
• Limited in developmental scope
• Doesn’t provide information on developmental changes
Longitudinal Studies
• One group tested across multiple time points
• Allows for examination of changes over time
• Increased statistical power as looking at differences within individuals
• The perceptual narrowing video is an example with two time-points
• Still only one age group so can’t look at generational differences
• Can be costly
• Can have problems with attrition
Sequential Studies
• Combine the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs
• Look at changes over time, for multiple cohorts
Recent Cultural
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) guidelines
• Parents asked to lie infants on their backs to sleep
• Infants are taking longer to walk and crawl
• Can lead to plagiocephaly (flattening of the head)
• ‘Tummy time’ is advised during waking hours as a possible solution
• Appears between 6-10 months
• The experience of moving around can affect cognition and perception
• Is the visual cliff experiment about fear of heights? Or better depth perception?
Babies on the Brink
• Physical growth is fairly complete
• Changes are gradual and subtle
• Ages 18-28 – weight increase
• 30s: deterioration of muscular strength and sensory abilities
• Use it or loose it (both muscles and mental abilities)
• Huge individual differences in pace and extent
Changes in
• Women
• Menopause in 40s or 50s lasting several years
• Australian women average start is 51yrs
• Minority experience problematic symptoms
• Men
• More gradual
• No major change in reproduction
• Reductions in testosterone
• Changes in physical appearance
• Wrinkles, grey hair, hair loss
• Reduced sensitivity to visual contrasts
• Can contribute to accidents
• Harder to perceive steps, longer to adapt in the dark
• Hearing loss
• Especially to high frequency sounds
Later Years
• Huge individual variability
• Many people remain healthy and function well in later years
• Stereotypes and ageism is an issue
• By 2064, Australia is predicted to have 9.6 million people aged over 65 years old