English B Paper 2 HL Markscheme

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Marking notes
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Notas para la corrección

November / Novembre / Noviembre de 2018

English / Anglais / Inglés B

Higher level
Niveau supérieur
Nivel superior

Paper / Épreuve / Prueba 2

14 pages/páginas
–2– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

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–3– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section A
Criterion A: Language

• How effectively and accurately does the student use language?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Command of the language is limited and generally ineffective.
1–2 A limited range of vocabulary is used, with many basic errors.
Simple sentence structures are sometimes clear.
Command of the language is generally adequate, despite many inaccuracies.
3–4 A fairly limited range of vocabulary is used, with many errors.
Simple sentence structures are usually clear.
Command of the language is effective, despite some inaccuracies.
5–6 A range of vocabulary is used accurately, with some errors.
Simple sentence structures are clear.
Command of the language is good and effective.
7–8 A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately, with few significant errors.
Some complex sentence structures are clear and effective.
Command of the language is very effective.
9–10 A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and effectively, with very few errors.
Complex sentence structures are clear and effective.


Word count
At HL, students are required to write a minimum of 250 words in section A and 150 words in
section B. Failure to write the minimum number of words will result in a [1 mark] penalty under
criterion A. There is no penalty for exceeding 400 words in section A or 250 words in section B: the
whole text should be taken into consideration in the award of marks.

Not all errors have the same importance, and examiners should bear this in mind. Some errors
affect the communication of meaning significantly, and others do not. Also, some errors indicate a
fundamental lack of command of the language, while others may simply indicate a moment of

SLIPS – mistakes at all levels of difficulty, but erratic and occasional – eg the candidate normally
forms past tenses well, but occasionally forgets “-ed”.

FLAWS – errors occur more regularly, particularly in certain structures – eg past tenses are formed
correctly quite often, but are not really reliable, and there may be basic confusions (eg past simple
versus present perfect).

GAPS – some structures are rarely correct, or simply don’t appear – eg the past tenses are
needed, but do not appear.

A good answer will have very few language gaps, if any, and slips or flaws very rarely affect
–4– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Criterion B: Message

• How clearly can the student develop and organize relevant ideas?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The message has not been communicated.
The ideas are irrelevant and/or repetitive.
The development of ideas is confusing; supporting details are limited and/or not
The message has been partially communicated.
The ideas are relevant to some extent.
The development of ideas is evident at times; supporting details are sometimes
The message has been communicated fairly well.
5–6 The ideas are mostly relevant.
The development of ideas is coherent; supporting details are mostly appropriate.
The message has been communicated well.
7–8 The ideas are relevant.
The development of ideas is coherent and effective; supporting details are appropriate.
The message has been communicated very well.
The ideas are relevant and effective.
The development of ideas is coherent and thorough; supporting details are highly

Note: When marking candidate responses, keep in mind that neither the accuracy of the
information presented, nor the validity of the candidates’ personal opinions, are being assessed.
Therefore, scripts that are factually inaccurate should not be marked down, provided they meet
the requirements of the task, and the ideas are sufficiently developed.
–5– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 1: Cultural diversity

You are currently attending a school in an English-speaking country, and a newly arrived refugee
has just joined your class. You interviewed this student about their first impressions of their new
home, and their hopes for the future. Write an article based on this interview to be published in
your school magazine. Do not simply write the words (transcript) of the interview.

• focuses poorly or unclearly on the impressions of the newly arrived refugee

• describes vaguely or not at all their impressions of their new home. “Home” may be
interpreted widely, from physical descriptions to comments on society and culture
• explains little about their hopes for the future
• establishes a weak progression of ideas
• uses few paragraphs or cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas

• focuses to some extent on the impressions of the newly arrived refugee

• describes superficially their impressions of their new home. “Home” may be
interpreted widely, from physical descriptions to comments on society and culture
5–6 • explains vaguely their hopes for the future
• establishes a limited progression of ideas
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to a limited extent to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses in general on the impressions of the newly arrived refugee

• describes in general terms their impressions of their new home. “Home” may be
interpreted widely, from physical descriptions to comments on society and culture
7–8 • explains quite clearly their hopes for the future
• establishes some progression of ideas
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices fairly effectively to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses consistently on the impressions of the newly arrived refugee

• describes in some detail their impressions of their new home. “Home” may be
interpreted widely, from physical descriptions to comments on society and culture
9–10 • explains clearly and in some detail their hopes for the future
• establishes a clear progression of ideas
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas
–6– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 2: Customs and traditions

The principal of your school is proposing to reduce the length of the school’s main holiday. This
matter will be debated at the next Parent Teacher Association meeting. As one of those invited
to present a student perspective, write the text of your opening speech to be given at the
meeting, either supporting or opposing the principal’s proposal.

• takes a largely confused or unclear position either supporting or opposing the

principal’s proposal
• focuses poorly on the question as to whether the length of the school’s main holiday
3–4 should be reduced
• presents weak arguments, with little or no support
• has little or no overall structure of argument
• uses few paragraphs or cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas

• takes a vague or inconsistent position either supporting or opposing the principal’s

• focuses loosely on the question as to whether the length of the school’s main holiday
should be reduced
• presents limited general arguments, perhaps supported with examples
• has a vague overall structure of argument
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to a limited extent to structure the
development of ideas

• takes a reasonably clear position either supporting or opposing the principal’s

• focuses reasonably effectively on the question as to whether the length of the
school’s main holiday should be reduced
7–8 • presents fairly developed arguments, quite well supported with examples
• has an overall structure of argument, suggesting a progression of ideas
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices fairly effectively to structure the
development of ideas
• may mention opposing arguments for rebuttal purposes

• takes a clear and precise position either supporting or opposing the principal’s
• focuses consistently and effectively on the question as to whether the length of the
school’s main holiday should be reduced presents developed arguments, well
supported with examples
• has a clear overall structure, demonstrating a progression of ideas uses paragraphing
and cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas effectively
• may effectively use opposing arguments for rebuttal purposes
–7– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 3: Health
You recently attended a one-day workshop organized by your student council entitled: “Health
and Wellness for Students”. Write an email to a friend in which you describe the activities you
participated in and evaluate their benefits.

• focuses poorly on the workshop: there is much irrelevant email chat

• describes unclearly or not at all the activities the author participated in
3–4 • evaluates in limited or confused terms the benefits of the activities (or the workshop
as a whole), providing little argument or evidence
• uses few paragraphs or cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas

• focuses to some extent on the workshop: there is some irrelevant email chat
• describes imprecisely the activities the author participated in
5–6 • evaluates in loose general terms the benefits of the activities (or the workshop as a
whole), providing undeveloped assertions and perhaps a little evidence
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to a limited extent to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses quite clearly on the workshop: there is not much irrelevant email chat
• describes in general terms the activities the author participated in
• evaluates fairly clearly the benefits of the activities (or the workshop as a whole),
providing arguments and some evidence
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices fairly effectively to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses consistently principally and clearly on the workshop: there is very little
irrelevant email chat
• describes in some detail the activities the author participated in evaluates clearly the
9–10 benefits of the activities (or the workshop as a whole), providing developed arguments
and well-chosen evidence
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices effectively to structure the development of
–8– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 4: Leisure
A recent national survey has found that a majority of teenagers believe online gaming should be
classed as a sport. Write a blog entry in which you discuss to what extent you agree with this
view, giving reasons for your opinion.

• does not really explain the context - there is little or no mention of the survey
• does not discuss what might be meant by ‘sport’
• does not really focus on the extent of agreement with the claim; no clear point of view
3–4 is provided. (Opposing viewpoints for rebuttal purposes are probably not mentioned at
• gives few, or confused, reasons for the views expressed
• uses few paragraphs or cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas

• explains the context vaguely by mentioning the survey in passing

• discusses in vague or confused ways what might be meant by ‘sport’
• focuses vaguely on the extent of agreement with the claim; a point of view may be
suggested, but not very clearly. (Opposing viewpoints for rebuttal purposes may be
little used or unclear)
• gives some basic reasons for the views expressed, if not always clearly
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to a limited extent to structure the
development of ideas

• explains the context simply by describing the survey in basic terms

• discusses to some extent what might be meant by ‘sport’
• focuses fairly competently on the extent of agreement with the claim; and provides a
point of view. (Opposing viewpoints may be used for rebuttal purposes, in limited
7–8 ways)
• gives reasonably clear and coherent reasons for the views expressed
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices fairly effectively to structure the
development of ideas

• explains the context effectively by describing the survey clearly

• discusses effectively what might be meant by ‘sport’
• focuses methodically on the extent of agreement with the claim; and provides a clear
9–10 point of view. (Opposing viewpoints may be used for rebuttal purposes, effectively)
• gives detailed, lucid reasons for the views expressed
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices effectively to structure the development of
–9– N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 5: Science and technology

Your local government has recently banned all petrol and diesel vehicles from your city centre,
allowing access only to electric vehicles. As a local resident, you have been invited to give
feedback on this scheme by submitting a report. Write the report, describing the impact this
scheme has had on the community, and suggesting modifications.

• focuses poorly or unclearly on the impact of the scheme that only allows electric
vehicles access to the city centre
• describes vaguely or not at all the effects this scheme has had on the community
3–4 • suggests very little modification, with little or no explanation. (If no modifications are
suggested, this should be clearly justified in relation to the success of the already
existing scheme)
• uses few paragraphs or cohesive devices to structure the development of ideas

• focuses to a limited extent on the impact of the scheme that only allows electric
vehicles access to the city centre
• describes superficially the effects this scheme has had on the community
• suggests limited modifications, with vague explanations. (If no modifications are
suggested, this should be clearly justified in relation to the success of the already
existing scheme)
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices to a limited extent to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses quite clearly on the effects of the scheme that only allows electric vehicles
access to the city centre
• describes in general terms the impact this scheme has had on the community
• suggests modifications, with loose general explanations. (If no modifications are
suggested, this should be clearly justified in relation to the success of the already
existing scheme)
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices fairly effectively to structure the
development of ideas

• focuses consistently and clearly on the impact of the scheme that only allows electric
vehicles access to the city centre
• describes in some detail the effects this scheme has had on the community
• suggests modifications, with concise effective explanations. (If no modifications are
suggested, this should be clearly justified in relation to the success of the already
existing scheme)
• uses paragraphing and cohesive devices effectively to structure the development of
– 10 – N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Criterion C: Format

• How correctly does the student produce the required text type?
• To what extent are the conventions of text types appropriate?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The text type is not recognizable.
Conventions appropriate to the text type are not used.
The text type is hardly recognizable or is not appropriate.
Conventions appropriate to the text type are very limited.
The text type is sometimes recognizable and appropriate.
Conventions appropriate to the text type are limited.
The text type is generally recognizable and appropriate.
Conventions appropriate to the text type are evident.
The text type is clearly recognizable and appropriate.
Conventions appropriate to the text type are effective and evident.

To gain maximum marks [5], all of the bulleted conventions must be applied.
To gain [3], more than half of the conventions must be applied.

Expected conventions of the text type are as follows:

Question 1: Interview
• will adopt an informal to semi-formal register
• will have a relevant headline/title
• will have an introduction and a conclusion
• will use a style aimed at involving and interesting the reader
• will refer to the interview, including direct quotations and/or reported speech; it will not be a
verbatim transcript.

Question 2: Speech
• will adopt a semi-formal register perhaps with flashes of informality
• will adopt an appropriately serious tone
• will address the audience and keep contact with them throughout, eg use of “we” and “you” etc
• will set out to catch the audience’s attention at the beginning, and leave a clear impression at
the end
• will include speech rhetoric eg rhetorical questions, repetition etc.

Question 3: Email
• will adopt a consistently informal or semi-formal register
• will adopt a friendly, familiar style
• will maintain clear sense of address to a specific person
• will have appropriate opening salutations
• will have appropriate closing salutations.

N.B.: Some limited use of textese (eg “4” for “four/for” and “u” for “you”) and/or emoticons is
– 11 – N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Question 4: Blog entry

• will adopt a semi-formal to informal register
• will have an engaging title for the entry itself – ie not just the general name for the blog overall
• will use first person statement and/or narration
• will show awareness of the reader, eg through direct address, a lively and interesting style etc
• will include standard blog techniques, eg references/links to other entries, invitation to
comment etc.

Question 5: Report
• will adopt a semi-formal to formal register
• will have a title
• will use a neutral/objective style, eg presents ideas with minimal embellishment (if any)
• will have a clearly structured layout, eg a clear introduction, sub-headings, short brief
paragraphs/sections, etc
• will have a conclusion or recommendation.
– 12 – N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Section B
Criterion A: Language

• How effectively and accurately does the student use language?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Command of the language is limited and generally ineffective.
1–2 A limited range of vocabulary is used, with many basic errors.
Simple sentence structures are sometimes clear.
Command of the language is generally adequate, despite many inaccuracies.
3–4 A fairly limited range of vocabulary is used, with many errors.
Simple sentence structures are usually clear.
Command of the language is effective, despite some inaccuracies.
5–6 A range of vocabulary is used accurately, with some errors.
Simple sentence structures are clear.
Command of the language is good and effective.
7–8 A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately, with few significant errors.
Some complex sentence structures are clear and effective.
Command of the language is very effective.
9–10 A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and effectively, with very few errors.
Complex sentence structures are clear and effective.


Word count
At HL, students are required to write a minimum of 250 words in section A and 150 words in
section B. Failure to write the minimum number of words will result in a [1 mark] penalty under
criterion A. There is no penalty for exceeding 400 words in section A or 250 words in section B: the
whole text should be taken into consideration in the award of marks.

Not all errors have the same importance, and examiners should bear this in mind. Some errors
affect the communication of meaning significantly, and others do not. Also, some errors indicate a
fundamental lack of command of the language, while others may simply indicate a moment of

SLIPS – mistakes at all levels of difficulty, but erratic and occasional – eg the candidate normally
forms past tenses well, but occasionally forgets “-ed”.

FLAWS – errors occur more regularly, particularly in certain structures – eg past tenses are formed
correctly quite often, but are not really reliable, and there may be basic confusions (eg past simple
versus present perfect).

GAPS – some structures are rarely correct, or simply don’t appear – eg the past tenses are
needed, but do not appear.

A good answer will have very few language gaps, if any, and slips or flaws very rarely affect
– 13 – N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

Criterion B: Argument

• How skillfully does the student develop ideas?

• How clear and convincing is the argument?
• To what extent does the student react to the stimulus?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The development of ideas is very poor, and the argument is unclear and
The structure of the argument is vague and confusing.
The ideas are irrelevant.
The development of ideas is poor, and the argument is rarely clear and
The structure of the argument is sometimes apparent.
The ideas are sometimes relevant.
The development of ideas is sometimes good, and the argument has some clarity
and is sometimes convincing.
The structure of the argument is evident.
The ideas are generally relevant.
The development of ideas is good and methodical; the argument is clear and
fairly convincing.
The structure of the argument is coherent and organized.
The ideas are well expressed and relevant.
The development of ideas is very good and methodical; the argument is
The structure of the argument is consistently coherent and organized.
The ideas are very well expressed, relevant and engaging.
– 14 – N18/2/ABENG/HP2/ENG/TZ0/XX/M

6. “Advertising is legalized lying”

H G Wells

• addresses poorly or not at all the central issue of the morality of advertising
• provides little or no explanation of what the paradoxical phrase “legalized lying” is
taken to mean
3–4 • presents an unclear or contradictory view of the statement: whether agreeing or
disagreeing, or expressing mixed feelings about a complex subject
• provides reasons for the viewpoint that are not developed clearly
• links arguments very poorly or not at all

• addresses in loose general terms the central issue of the morality of advertising
• provides a vague attempt at explanation of what the paradoxical phrase “legalized
lying” is taken to mean
5–6 • presents an imprecise or confused view of the statement: whether agreeing or
disagreeing, or expressing mixed feelings about a complex subject
• provides reasons for the viewpoint that are only developed clearly in part
• links arguments unclearly and ineffectively at times

• addresses broadly the central issue of the morality of advertising

• provides some explanation of what the paradoxical phrase “legalized lying” is taken to
7–8 • presents quite a clear view of the statement: whether agreeing or disagreeing, or
expressing mixed feelings about a complex subject
• provides reasons for the viewpoint that are generally developed fairly clearly
• links arguments reasonably clearly and effectively

• addresses directly the central issue of the morality of advertising

• provides a coherent explanation of what the paradoxical phrase “legalized lying” is
taken to mean
9–10 • presents a clear and coherent view of the statement: whether agreeing or
disagreeing, or expressing mixed feelings about a complex subject
• provides reasons for the viewpoint that are clearly explained and well-supported
• links arguments clearly and effectively

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