Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

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Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

Suggestive Answers
Class – XII
English Core (Code: 301)
Term – II (2021 – 2022)
Time Duration: 2 hrs. Maximum Marks: 40



(i) Since the Reading Section focuses on testing a candidate’s ability to comprehend, no
deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation.
(ii) Marks should be awarded only if the answer reveals formation of a response to the

(iii) No marks to be awarded if a chunk/exact line/s is/are transcribed from the passage
without evidence of structure or semblance of coherent thought, in an attempt to pass off as a
1. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the nine
given below. (1 x 8)= 8 marks
i. - seagrass and other aquatic vegetation found in the area.
ii. - trunk-like upper lip
-unlike dolphins and other cetaceans, sea cows have two nostrils and
no dorsal fin

iii. The present crisis calls for mature judgment on the part of our leaders.
iv. Vulnerable
v. creating awareness among the people, involving the local communities.
vi. shallow tropical waters, sea grass, aquatic vegetation
vii. loss of seagrasses due to cyclones and high energy tidal storms
viii. - riding of speed-boats,
- conversion of coastal forests,
- high boat traffic,
- gill netting and dynamite fishing.
ix. Not sufficient to protect the wild life due to lack of implementation

(any other relevant point should be accepted)

2. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the
seven questions given below. (1 x 6)= 6marks

i. -millennials have a split opinion regarding WFH (work from home) in view of
shortcomings and perks it offers.

ii. 60% of the millennials found it difficult to balance household chores and
office work due to blurring boundaries between home and work.

(any other relevant point should be accepted)

iii. The survey found that, despite numerous significant positive aspects, the WFH
(Work from home) hampers productivity and results in mounted stress level.

(any other relevant point should be accepted)

iv. 55% of the survey participants reported working without colleagues as

unsatisfactory. Missing social interaction at work, with family and friends as a major
problem during the pandemic. In many, creativity driven fields missing team work
was a major challenge.


55% of the survey participants reported working without colleagues as


v. 80% of survey participants reported increased office work load as the most
common complaint and 48% of survey participants reported disturbance by family
members as the least common complaint about work from home.


The changes brought about by the pandemic are expected to have far reaching
changes in our lives and will shape our future significantly.

vi. WFH (Work from home) was not a mainstream option earlier and seen mostly as a
rare perk, but the onset of the pandemic forced the entire generation to WFH (Work
from home).

vii. Women employees face more difficulty in balancing household chores and office
work since they shoulder most of household caretaking.

This questions in this section address the following writing LOs:

1. convey ideas convincingly using appropriate layout as relevant

2) organize the content and structure the ideas logically, sequentially, cohesively

3) use a range of vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate to the content and the context
4) make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar

3. You are the famous journalist and writer Ravish Kumar, who has received an
invitation to be the chief guest for the inaugural reading event from the Principal
of St. Thomas Public School, Meerut. The school is organising a week-long Book
Fair as reading event. Draft a reply giving your consent for the same. Do not
exceed the word limit of 50 words.
(3 marks)

Content -2 Expression-1 Accuracy *

Value Points

• Reference to invitation 

• Acceptance of invitation 

• Confirmation of date, time and venue 

• Appreciation Comment on reading event

▪ Content (as listed in value points) –
1⁄2 mark *4=2 marks
▪ Expression- 1 mark

✓ full credit of 1 mark to be allotted if the functional language/ expressions has/ have been
used consistently, throughout.
✓ Partial credit of 1⁄2 mark to be allotted if the functional language/ expressions has/have been
used generally, in most places.
✓ No credit of marks if the functional language/ expressions has/ have been used sporadically/
not at all.

▪ Accuracy* - Deductions up to 1 mark from overall score

✓ Deduct 1⁄2 mark from total marks if all or either one of the following apply:
• has a few format inaccuracies 

• has a few inaccurate spellings and grammatical structures 

✓ Deduct 1 mark from total marks if all or either one of the following apply: 

• incorrect letter format/ has a fair number f format inaccuracies 

• has a total of 3 or more spelling/ grammatical errors 

4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)

A. You are Kashish/Kailash, residing at B-94, Bela Road, Dehradoon. You have
read the advertisement given below. You are qualified for the job. Write an
application in 120 – 150 words along with resume.

India Food Processing Unit, Delhi, requires the following staff:

Food technologist: 2 years degree/diploma in food technology having 1-2 years lab
Receptionist: Young female candidates fluent in English with good communication
skills and proficiency in computer/Net surfing with 2-3 years of experience.
Please send your detailed resume within seven days to:
Managing Director, IFPI, B-12, Barakhamba, New Delhi

Content -2 Expression-2 Accuracy -1

Value points- Content

• Covering Letter 

• Reference to the advertisement 

• Conveying suitability for the position 

• Submission of application 

• Resume / Bio data as separate enclosure 

• Profile of self 

• Educational Qualifications 

• Any other relevant information 

Descriptors for Content

NOTE-Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match. If one or
more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.
2 marks
✓ All points included
✓ Well-developed with sustained clarity
11⁄2 marks
✓ Almost all points incorporated
✓ Reasonably well-developed
1 mark
✓ Some points incorporated
✓ Fair attempt at developing ideas with some impact on clarity of response
1⁄2 mark
✓ Most of the points of the given task not incorporated
✓ Limited awareness of task development
Expression -2 marks

Marks Descriptors for Expression

NOTE-Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match.
If one or more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.
2 • Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with
appropriate layout of a formal letter viz. addresses, salutation, subscription, and

• Carefully structured content with organised paragraphing presented

• Highly effective register (formal tone and vocabulary), relevant and
appropriate sentences for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively. 

11⁄2 • Frequent clarity of expression most of the times, layout of a formal letter
largely accurate. 

• Ideas generally well sequenced and related to the given topic maintaining
cohesion of ideas. 

• Range of vocabulary is mostly relevant and conveys the overall meaning and
the purpose of the writing. 

1 • Inconsistent style, expression sometimes awkward, layout of a formal letter

basically accurate.
• Sequencing of ideas is somewhat clear and related to the given topic
attempting to maintain a general overall cohesion. 

• Range of vocabulary is limited but manages to convey the overall meaning
and the purpose of the writing. 

1# • Expression unclear, layout partially followed affecting the format of the


• Poor sequencing of ideas but ideas are related to the given topic in a
disjointed manner 
exhibiting a lack of coherence of ideas. 

• Very limited vocabulary or copying from the question. 

Accuracy -1 mark

Descriptors for Accuracy

1 mark
✓ Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor
errors, that do not impede communication.
1⁄2 mark

✓ Spelling, punctuation and grammar display some errors spread across, causing minor
to the message communicated.
No credit

✓ Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar, impeding communication.

B. After Russia attacked Ukraine and launched a military operation on February

26,2022, a crisis situation emerged to bring back Indian students studying in
Ukraine. You are Praveen Chaudhary/ Maasooma Ghazal, a staff reporter of an
Indian national daily. You have been asked to cover the homecoming of Indian
students, studying in Ukraine. Write a report in 120-150 words.

Value Points

• what - Russia attacked Ukraine 

• when & where- 
launched a military operation on February 26,2022
• details of causes/reasons0- Ukraine is one of the favoured destinations for
medical education, many Indian students are studying there. 

• miserable plight of the Indian students studying in Ukraine 

• Operation Ganga to bring back students stranded in Ukraine via Romania and

• Any other valid relevant information 

Descriptors for Content
NOTE-Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL
descriptors match. If one or more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level

2 marks
✓ All points included
✓ Well-developed with sustained clarity
11⁄2 marks
✓ Almost all points incorporated
✓ Reasonably well-developed
1 mark
✓ Some points incorporated
✓ Fair attempt at developing ideas with some impact on clarity of response
1⁄2 mark
✓ Most of the points of the given task not incorporated
✓ Limited awareness of task development
Expression -2 marks

Marks Descriptors for Expression

NOTE-Dedicated marks at a level are to be awarded only if ALL descriptors match. If
one or more descriptors do not match, the marks are awarded at a level lower.

2 • Highly effective style capable of conveying the ideas convincingly with

appropriate layout of a formal letter viz. addresses, salutation, subscription, and

• Carefully structured content with organised paragraphing presented

• Highly effective register (formal tone and vocabulary), relevant and
appropriate sentences for conveying the ideas precisely and effectively. 

11⁄2 • Frequent clarity of expression most of the times, layout of a newspaper report
largely accurate. 

• Ideas generally well sequenced and related to the given topic maintaining
cohesion of ideas. 

• Range of vocabulary is mostly relevant and conveys the overall meaning and
the purpose of the writing. 

1 • Inconsistent style, expression sometimes awkward, layout of a newspaper report

basically accurate.
• Sequencing of ideas is somewhat clear and related to the given topic
attempting to maintain a general overall cohesion. 

• Range of vocabulary is limited but manages to convey the overall meaning and
the purpose of the writing. 

1# • Expression unclear, layout partially followed affecting the format of the

newspaper report.

• Poor sequencing of ideas but ideas are related to the given topic in a disjointed
exhibiting a lack of coherence of ideas. 

• Very limited vocabulary or copying from the question. 

Accuracy -1 mark

Descriptors for Accuracy

1 mark
✓ Spelling, punctuation and grammar consistently/largely accurate, with occasional minor
errors, that do not impede communication.
1⁄2 mark

✓ Spelling, punctuation and grammar display some errors spread across, causing minor
to the message communicated.
No credit

• Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar, impeding communication.

Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each. (2 x 5)= 10 marks
Content -1 Expression-1
Value Points
i. - Edla treated the peddler as if he was a captain
- The peddler got the power to clear himself
- Message-Love and kindness are powerful reformers

ii. - The peasants used to pay Indigo as rent to the British Landlords
- Synthetic Indigo was developed meanwhile
- British Landlords wanted money as compensation

iii. - gallant and fearless

- Prancing on the screen

iv. - ever lasting

- Leaves an indelible print on our mind
- Like fountain of immortal drink

v. – Happy end of the story

- Derry saves Mr. Lamb to his handicap
- Both become good friends
- (any reasonable answer should be accepted)

vi. – was no longer a passive listener, became inquisitive

- Asked questions, cross-checked facts from mother or father
- Insisted that Skunk’s story - ended on a happy note

LONG QUESTIONS No. 6 (i-iii) (ANY TWO - 4 marks each)

Content 2 Expression & Accuracy 2
✓ Use the given descriptors to mark the LQs. For CONTENT and EXPRESSION
✓ If the response does not justify all points of a level, the response is marked down.
DESCRIPTORS FOR CONTENT (with reference to value points) MARK

• Sustained, clear, well-developed personal response to the task

• Well-developed and justified arguments/evidence for the characters

• Largely, a reasonably well-developed personal response to the task 1

• Clear justification with arguments/evidence for the characters 

• Fairly competent personal response to the task 1

• Clear justification with restricted arguments/evidence for the characters

• Limited awareness of the task 

• Limited justification or relevant arguments/evidence for the 
DESCRIPTORS FOR EXPRESSION (Coherence & Cohesion + Accuracy) MARKS
• Carefully structured content with a beginning, middle and end with highly 2
relevant ideas presented cohesively. 

• Highly effective vocabulary usage, relevant and appropriate sentences for
conveying the ideas precisely and effectively. 

• Spelling, punctuation and grammar are almost always accurate
• Ideas generally well sequenced and related to the given topic maintaining
overall cohesion of ideas.
• Range of vocabulary suffices in large parts to convey the overall idea and

• Spelling, punctuation and grammar mostly accurate, with occasional minor
errors but does not impede communication

• Ideas sequenced fairly well and related to the given topic, sometimes 1
maintaining cohesion of ideas.
• Range of vocabulary is limited and conveys a basic idea of the overall meaning
• Spelling, punctuation and grammar fairly accurate, with occasional minor errors
but does not impede communication
• Poor sequencing of ideas; though related to the given topic, expressed in a 1/2
disjointed manner exhibiting a lack of coherence of ideas. 

• Very limited expected/ topical vocabulary as per question asked 

• A lot of errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar that impede 


6 (i). Give evidences from the story ‘The Rattrap’ to bring out the differences in the
character of the ironmaster and his daughter?

Value Points

• ironmaster and his daughter-totally different

• iron master-proud man
• mistook peddler as an old regimental comrade
• tried to help him out of his sense of pride
• realized mistake-peddler to be dishonest
• warned him of calling the sheriff
• worried about his silver spoons
• On the other hand, the ironmaster’s daughter
• kind lady-wanted to help the peddler
• treated him with respect
• her kind nature-changed the peddler
• made him a good person.

6. (ii). Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans’ having the last laugh?

Value Points

• Governer reached the hotel – Evans Surrendered

• Evans disclosed his plan

• despite security arrangements- hint from question paper

• Role of Mc Leery, German tutor and friends

• escaped fourth time also

• had final victory- last laugh

6. (iii) How does beauty lead to ‘a sleep full of sweet dreams’ and does such a sleep
help us?

Value Points

• bower- full of sweat dreams and healthy breathing

• refreshes and gives peace of mind
• relieves-trials and tirbulations of life
• remove the sadness from dark spirits
• sound sleep- good health
• restful sleep promotes mental well being

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