Zuo 2021
Zuo 2021
Zuo 2021
1007/s12206-021-04 -y
Correspondence to: Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing
Mingjie Dong University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Citation: Abstract This study presents a novel four-degrees-of-freedom parallel gripper with poten-
Zuo, S., Li, J., Dong, M. (2021). Design, tial application to industrial automation. The gripper adopts a parallel grasping mode on objects
modeling, and manipulability evaluation of and can independently complete in-plane horizontal and vertical motions and in-hand twisting
a novel four-DOF parallel gripper for
dexterous in-hand manipulation. Journal motion. Kinematic and dynamic models of the gripper–object system are developed. The con-
of Mechanical Science and Technology trollable internal force acting on the object is calculated to obtain the minimum driving
35 (7) (2021) 3145~3160. force/torque. An energy-based manipulability index is developed on the basis of the derived
solutions. The numerical simulation includes a comparison between the MATLAB model and
the ADAMS model to verify the motion forms of the parallel gripper and the rationality of ana-
Received May 7th, 2020 lytical modeling studies. Manipulability performance is evaluated along the transportation path
Revised March 22nd, 2021 of the object. Results indicate that the gripper can achieve horizontal transmission to supple-
Accepted April 15th, 2021 ment the workspace of a robotic arm, and it exhibits relatively better performance in in-hand
manipulation and in-plane vertical transmission.
† Recommended by Editor
Ja Choon Koo
1. Introduction
As the end effector of a robotic system, the full range of capabilities of a robotic gripper de-
termines the realization of key functionalities in the automation industry to a certain extent, in-
cluding grasping and in-hand manipulation [1, 2]. Thus, significant research effort has been
exerted throughout the past few decades to develop grasping devices and solve corresponding
grasping problems. To date, various grasping devices can be divided into two major categories:
anthropomorphic hands and industrial grippers [3, 4].
Inspired by the fact that human workers can accomplish complicated tasks by using their
hands, traditional dexterous robotic hands (e.g., BarrettHand [5], DLR hand [6], and Gifu hand
II [7]) have been developed with the following features: a multi-fingered structure, a fully actu-
ated driving mode, a sophisticated sensor environment, and a complicated control scheme [8].
These features enable them to mimic the functionality of human hands. Subsequently, under-
actuated robotic hands have been introduced as affordable alternatives to minimize the weight
of a device, the cost of manufacture, and the difficulty of control [9]. By using passive elements
and compliant joints instead of the active hand–object contact mode used by traditional dexter-
ous robotic hands, adaption capability is imparted to underactuated robotic hands, allowing
them to exhibit extremely proficient power grasp performance, even for objects with uncertain
sizes and shapes [9]. Among various types of underactuated robotic hands, the pulley-tendon
mechanism has been selected by most researchers for transmitting motion between the motors
and joints of a hand [10-17]. In addition to the tendon-driven mechanism, linkage mechanisms
(e.g., four-bar linkage [18-20], five-bar linkage [21, 22], and parallelogram [23, 24] mechanisms)
are popular options for researchers when designing actuation technology due to the excellent
© The Korean Society of Mechanical
Engineers and Springer-Verlag GmbH structural variability of these mechanisms [25-27] and their convenience when being combined
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021 with other structures (e.g., cam [19], pulley-belt [28], and gear [29, 30] mechanisms).
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
In accordance with the aforementioned statement, consider- grasping operation can be realized on lightweight materials,
able research has been conducted to enrich the structure of such as fabric, glass, and carbon [51], and high-load applica-
the finger and optimize the performance of an underactuated tions by using gecko-like adhesive [52, 53]. In addition, pneu-
hand. Notably, the use of underactuation and complex flexure matic grippers have also attracted the attention of researchers
joints complicates the derivation of kinematic solutions and the due to their inherent low cost and simple control [54, 55]. To
establishment of kinematic models [31, 32], making the plan- handle sensitive objects and avoid product damage, a noncon-
ning and control of the manipulation task challenging and likely tact procedure was achieved using grippers based on Ber-
resulting in a steady-state error [33]. During the grasping proc- noulli’s principle [56-58]. The function of these grippers focuses
ess, the configuration of the hand tends to change from the on stable gripping, and thus, all dexterous operations are ac-
initial grasp pose to an equilibrium state (i.e., certain displace- complished via the combined robotic arm, increasing time con-
ment is imposed on the object); this reconfiguration phenome- sumption, workspace utilization, and safety problems.
non may impede the precise execution of certain tasks [34]. Imparting self-dexterity (i.e., self-transmission and self-
Moreover, if the contact point is located in an inappropriate manipulation capabilities similar to those of anthropomorphic
position, then the object may lose contact with the fingertips hands) to the gripper may help address the aforementioned
(i.e., ejected from the physical phalanx [27, 34]), and thus, the issue. In a typical assembly line, assembly parts with random
grasp will fail. Furthermore, although the limited set of actua- postures are located in a feeding system constructed by a con-
tors and the elasticity of the finger facilitate the robustness of veyor belt. Changing undesired postures into target ones via a
grasps, the nature of the precision grasping task and dexterous gripper instead of a robotic arm and then fitting the slot for
in-hand manipulation is strongly affected [35]. In particular, packaging save time and workspace. In such case, the end
length limits exist on hand–object contact (i.e., tasks commonly effector should exhibit considerable in-hand dexterity to alter
perform at the fingertips) and stroke limits exist on the joints. the orientation of an object. Chen et al. [1] proposed a jaw-
Meanwhile, considering that the elastic forces of passive joints shaped robotic gripper with human-sized anthropomorphic
play an important role in determining and maintaining the equi- features; this gripper is suitable for precise in-hand posture.
librium position of a hand–object system, the range of motion The distance between two outer fingers and stable contact with
of the object and the shear force resistance capability of the the object between two inner grippers was achieved via two
hand are limited in certain directions [36], and the object may direct current motors and two four-bar links. In addition, two
even drop from the fingertips [33]. linear motors were arranged to control the relative position
In industrial applications, the primary objective is realizing between the inner and outer fingers. Precise twisting and posi-
production and assembling operations without increasing the tioning can be realized on this gripper by using this grasp
market value of an object; thus, the regular requirements for mechanism. Then, the effectiveness of the proposed gripper
the automation of functional end effectors are as follows: high was proven by experimental results [59]. The successful twist-
precision, good reliability, and sufficient generality [1, 2]. Such ing condition on each grasp frame was obtained via the dy-
industrial-oriented demand has produced industrial grippers, namic performance of this gripper and the corresponding pa-
which have been widely applied to different tasks in various rameter distribution was determined on the basis of experimen-
fields. Mechanical grippers achieve grasping via the friction tal data [60]. Rahman et al. [2-4] developed a reconfigurable
forces on the contact surface by using the fingers to touch the gripper with modular fingers; the number of fingers can be
objects. Actuating mechanisms arranged in this type of gripper adjusted in accordance with its target application. A five-bar
have various types, such as linage, gears, and cams [37, 38]. link was selected as the main structure of each finger to build a
Among which, parallel grippers that are designed on the basis stable platform for manipulation. Each finger was actuated by
of two pneumatically actuated fingers have achieved commer- four motors. Dexterity on any given plane and secure gripping
cial success, and they can be easily funded on the market [39]. capability were verified via experiments.
Vacuum suction cups can help hold flat objects in place on a Notably, ensuring a non-slipping and non-dropping move-
smooth and clean surface, and vacuum grippers have been ment of the object (i.e., a stable and reliable twisting motion)
proposed on the basis of these cups [40, 41]. Notably, achiev- while minimizing driving force/torque is a key issue in this type
ing an airtight seal and pressure difference requires good of gripper. When the length of the object’s radius becomes
alignment. Grippers equipped with a sensory feedback system smaller or larger, the aforementioned industrial grippers can no
(e.g., a vision system, a tactile unit, and encoders) can deter- longer maintain parallel grasping, resulting in failed twisting due
mine the position and feedback force and estimate the firm- to insufficient friction force, incorrect grasping position, or addi-
ness and grip of fragile objects; they are particularly suitable for tional tangential force produced by excessive force. To over-
the food industry [42-47], which involves products of various come this issue and supplement the selection of industrial
shapes and sizes. The design concept of soft fingertips was grippers, the current study proposes a four-degrees-of-freedom
proposed to improve the precision and efficiency of grasping a (4-DOF) parallel gripper with a symmetrical structure. In this
wide variety of objects. A typical example is the universal grip- gripper, the parallelogram mechanism is adopted to maneuver
per designed on the basis of the stable transition capability of each finger, enabling the grasp slider to produce vertical mo-
granular materials [48-50]. Analogously, a passively deformed tion relative to the finger. By applying this arrangement, the
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
E1 (the contact point between the left grasp slider and link ⎧⎪VG1X = −l1θ1 sin(θ1 )
D1H1) and F, and points E2 (the contact point between the right ⎨ , (6)
⎪⎩VG1Y = l1θ1 cos(θ1 ) + s1
grasp slider and link D2H2) and F in the X-axis direction, re-
spectively; sE1G1 and sE2G2 denote the initial lengths in the Y- ⎧⎪VG 2 X = −l1θ2 sin(θ 2 )
⎨ , (7)
axis direction between points E1 and G1 (the contact point be- ⎪⎩VG 2Y = l1θ2 cos(θ 2 ) + s2
tween the left grasp slider and the object) and points E2 and G2 G
x = Jq (8)
(the contact point between the right grasp slider and the object),
respectively; θ1 and θ2 indicate the input rotation angles around
axes A1 and A2, respectively; s1 and s2 represent the input where G x = (VG1 X ,VG1Y ,VG 2 X ,VG 2Y ) is the velocity vector of the
lengths between points D1 and E1 and points D2 and E2, re- contact point that is fixed to the grasp sliders and expressed
spectively; R, θF, and sarc indicates the radius, rotation angle, in the coordinate system O-XY, and G x = F x ; q =
and corresponding arc length of the object, respectively; and
(θ1 , s1 , θ 2 , s2 ) denotes the input joint velocity vector; and J is
the values of lE1F and lE2F can be approximately equal to R. the Jacobian matrix, which can be obtained as
Subsequently, the input and output displacements of the sys-
tem can be expressed in vector form as q = (θ1 , s1 , θ 2 , s2 ) ⎡ −l1 sin(θ1 ) 0 0 0⎤
and u = ( X F , YF , θ F ) , respectively. ⎢ l cos(θ ) 1 0 0 ⎥⎥
Eq. (1) presents the position solution of the gripper-object J =⎢ 1 1
. (9)
⎢ 0 0 −l1 sin(θ 2 ) 0⎥
system. As shown in Eq. (1), the value of XF is only related to θi, ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 0 0 l1 cos(θ 2 ) 1⎦
while the values of θF and YF are determined by θi and si, also
validating the motion mode of the parallel gripper as described
in Sec. 2. The following equation can be derived by combining Eqs. (4)
The velocity mapping relationship between the two contact and (8):
points (G1 and G2) and the center point (F) of the object can be
written as q = Tu (10)
x = Gu (4) 3.2 Dynamic modeling
The mapping relationship among the desired trajectory, ve-
where F x = (VG1X, VG1Y, VG2X, VG2Y) is the velocity vector of the locity, acceleration of the object, and the driving force/torque of
contact point that is fixed to the object and expressed in the the motor is essential for the production system to minimize
coordinate system O-XY; u = (VFX , VFY , θF ) denotes the motor burden, reduce surface damage of delicate objects, and
output object velocity vector with respect to the coordinate lay the foundation for a force control algorithm. Thus, inverse
system O-XY; and G is the grasp matrix, which can be derived dynamic modeling is required to be derived, and dynamic
as quantities are presented in Fig. 3. The following forces and
torques are defined in this section: contact forces Fc1 and Fc2
exerted on grasp sliders, and the corresponding reaction forces
⎡1 0 0 ⎤
⎢0 F’c1 and F’c2; friction forces Ff1 and Ff2 exerted on grasp sliders,
1 − R ⎥⎥
G=⎢ . (5) and the corresponding reaction forces F’f1 and F’f2; normal
⎢1 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ forces FN1 and FN2 exerted on grasp sliders, and the corre-
⎣0 1 R⎦ sponding reaction forces F’N1 and F’N2; driving forces Fd1 and
Fd2 exerted on grasp sliders, and the corresponding reaction
In the operation process, the parallel gripper and the object forces F’d1 and F’d2; and driving torques M1 and M2 of joints A1
are assumed as rigid bodies, and no relative sliding occurs and A2.
between them. Thus, the velocity mapping relationship and its Focusing on the establishment of the force and moment bal-
compact form between two contact points and the active joint ance of each separate body, the Newton-Euler law is closely
of the parallel gripper can be written as related to accelerations [63]. Thus, the Newton-Euler formula-
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
⎧aFX = −l1θi sin(θi ) − l1θi 2 cos(θ i ) where m5 indicates the mass of each grasp slider.
⎪ As a holonomic mechanical system with multiple rigid bodies,
⎪aFY = a + Rθ
Yi 5 F
(13) the dynamic model of each parallelogram mechanism can be
⎪aYi 5 = aYi 4 +
obtained using the Lagrange dynamic modeling method [64]. In
⎪a = l θ cos(θ ) − l θ 2 sin(θ )
⎩ Yi 4 1 i i 1 i i contrast with the Newton-Euler law that uses vector quantities,
scalar quantities, including velocities and virtual displacements
where aFX and aFY denote the output translational acceleration that can be determined via kinematical relations, are required
of the object in the X-axis and Y-axis directions, respectively; in the Lagrange method [63]. This method involves considera-
θF is the output angular acceleration of the object; θi and bly less algebra than the Newton-Euler law. One generalized
θi are the input angular velocity and angular acceleration of coordinate (i.e., θi) can be used to determine the configuration
active link AiDi (i = 1, 2) around axis Ai, and they can be calcu- of each parallelogram mechanism. In addition, two redundant
lated through the given aFX; aYi4 and aYi5 represent the accelera- coordinates (i.e., XDi and YDi, which indicate the coordinates of
tions of link DiHi and each grasp slider along the Y-axis, re- points Di expressed in the coordinate system O-XY in the X-
spectively; si is the acceleration of each grasp slider with axis and Y-axis directions, respectively) are also introduced.
respect to link DiHi; mF indicates the mass of the object; g de- On this basis, the generalized coordinate vector can be defined
notes gravitational acceleration; and IF is the inertia of the ob- as
To guarantee a non-slipping and non-dropping movement for qgi = ( X Di , YDi , θ i ) . (17)
the object in the transportation process and obtain the mini-
mum driving forces and torques, the reaction force F’fi on each
contact surface should consistently satisfy one of the following The kinematic constraint can be defined as
minimum operating conditions and should be analyzed in real
time. C = YDi cos(θ i ) − ( X Di − X Ai )sin(θi ) = 0 . (18)
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
⎡ ∂C ∂C ∂C ⎤ ∂VDiX ∂V
A=⎢ ⎥ = [ − sin(θ i ) cos(θ i ) −l1 ] . (19) δ W = ( FN' i
)δ X Di + ( Fd'i DiY )δ YDi
⎣ ∂X Di ∂YDi ∂θi ⎦
∂θ ∂ (VDiX ) ∂ (VDiY )
+ [ M i i + FN' i + Fd'i ]δθi
The Euler-Lagrange dynamic equation [65, 66] can be writ- ∂θ i ∂θ i ∂θ i
ten as
d ⎛ ∂Li ⎞ ∂Li
⎜ ⎟− = Φ + AT λ (20) ⎧V = −l θ sin(θ )
dt ⎜⎝ ∂qgi ⎟⎠ ∂qgi
⎪ DiX 1 i i
where I1 and I2 are the moments of inertia of links AiDi and BiCi, where
respectively; and VDiX and VDiY denote the velocities of points Di
in the X-axis and Y-axis directions, respectively. ⎧ B1 = (m3 + m4 ) aDiX
The total potential energy of each parallelogram mechanism ⎪
⎪ B2 = (m3 + m4 ) aDiY − ( 1 m1 + 1 m2 + m3 + m4 )g
can be obtained as ⎪ 2 2
⎨ B3 = ( I1 + I 2 )θi . (28)
4 ⎪ sin(θ ) − l θ 2 cos(θ )
Vi = ∑ (m j ghij ) (22) a
⎪ DiX = − l θ
1 i i 1 i i
j =1 ⎪a = l θ cos(θ ) − l θ 2 sin(θ )
⎪ DiY 1 i i 1 i i
where m1, m2, m3, and m4 are the masses of links AiDi, BiCi,
CiDi, and DiHi, respectively; and hi1, hi2, hi3, and hi4 denote the By multiplying the first and second rows in Eq. (27) with
heights of the mass centers of links AiDi, BiCi, CiDi, and DiHi in −sin(θi) and cos(θi), respectively, and then combining the two
the coordinate system O-XY, and they can be written as rows, the expression for the Lagrange multiplier λ can be ob-
tained as follows:
⎧ YDi
⎪hi1 = hi 2 = 2 λ = −( B1 − Φ X )sin(θi ) + ( B2 − ΦY )cos(θ i ) . (29)
⎪ Di Di
where l2 is the length of link DiHi. M i = [ I1 + I 2 + (m3 + m4 )l12 ]θi + 2l1[ FN' i sin(θi ) − Fd'i cos(θi )]
Considering that the non-potential forces acting on each par- 1 1
− ( m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 )g l1 cos(θ i ) . (30)
allelogram mechanism include Mi, F’Ni, and F’di, the associated 2 2
virtual work expression becomes
In accordance with Eqs. (16) and (30), all the driving torques
δ W = Φ X δ X Di + ΦY δ YDi + Φθ δθi
Di Di i
(24) and forces of the active joints can be calculated on the basis of
the desired output of the object, and the inverse dynamic mod-
where δXDi,, δYDi, and δθi denote virtual displacements, and eling of the left and right grasp units are completed. In particu-
they can be obtained by calculating the velocities and then lar, when the acceleration values in the system become 0, the
replacing time derivatives with the variational notation [63]. static equilibrium process (including initial gripping and con-
Then, Eq. (24) yields stant motion) is performed.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
calculation method for the controllable internal forces) and The specific motion laws of the object are summarized in
evaluate the energy-based manipulability of the gripper, a nu- Table 2. The corresponding variation curves of the output dis-
merical simulation of a cylinder with a radius of 17.5 mm was placement, velocity, and acceleration are shown in Fig. 5.
conducted in the current study. In particular, assume that the
origin of the cylinder moves for 2 s from the initial position and 4.2.1 Model verification
orientation (-60 mm, 192.5 mm, 0°) to another position and By substituting the parameters of the parallel gripper into the
orientation (60 mm, 179.5 mm, -40°) to accomplish the planned developed models, the input variables (i.e., input displacement,
assembly operation. To ensure that no rigid and flexible effect velocity, and acceleration of the active joints) required by the
is exerted on high-speed occasions and all motions (i.e., in- task can be determined using MATLAB mathematical software,
plane horizontal and vertical motion and in-hand twisting mo- as shown in Fig. 6. In addition, although transportation is the
tion) demonstrate good boundary conditions, we enable the most common task in the production of industrial grippers and
cylinder to simulate the cycloid motion law of the follower of the the object is transmitted or manipulated with acceleration, sta-
cam mechanism. ble gripping capability that guarantees non-slipping and non-
The task can be divided into two phases. In the first 1 s, the dropping transportation is more basic for a successful assem-
parallel gripper performs the accelerating stage in the process bly operation. The corresponding minimum driving forces and
of in-plane horizontal motion. The grasp sliders perform the torques are calculated and plotted in Fig. 7 on the basis of the
retraction stage with respect to the vertical parts of the L- analytical dynamic model and the minimum operating condi-
shaped links during in-plane vertical motion. The object per- tions (Eqs. (14) and (15)).
forms rotation stage#1 during in-hand twisting motion. In the To verify the aforementioned non-slipping and non-dropping
remaining 1 s, the decelerating stage, extension stage, and transportation, contact forces, friction forces, the controllable
rotation stage#2 occur during in-plane horizontal motion, in- internal force, and their magnitude relationship are presented in
plane vertical motion, and in-hand twisting motion, respectively. Fig. 8. The curves validate that all the conditions in Eqs. (14)
and (15) are used in calculating driving forces and torques. In
particular, when the value of Fk is 0, the minimum operating
Table 1. Geometric and inertial parameters of the parallel gripper.
condition for calculating the minimum driving forces and tor-
Parameter Value Parameter Value ques is Eq. (14). However, when the value of Fk fluctuates, the
m1 0.064 kg l2 123 mm controllable internal force is applied to the object and the mini-
m2 0.084 kg d 40 mm
mum operating condition is replaced with Eq. (15).
An ADAMS model (Fig. 9) was also built on the basis of the
m3 0.035 kg XA1 −20 mm
defined material properties. In the kinematic simulation, the
m4 0.164 kg XA2 20 mm
same input variables derived in Sec. 4.3 were used in the
m5 0.047 kg I1 136.5 kg mm
model as joint motions. Then, the output variation curves of the
l1 80 mm I2 179.2 kg mm object can be obtained in the post-processing module; some of
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
Fig. 5. Variation curves of the output: (a) displacement; (b) velocity; (c) Fig. 6. Inverse solutions of the input: (a) displacement; (b) velocity; (c)
acceleration. acceleration.
which are presented in Fig. 10. In the dynamic simulation, by ciently accurate. The possible sources of error may involve the
imparting the contact and friction forces calculated in Sec. 4.3 contact setup, the measurement of the initial position, and the
to the ADAMS model as external loads, the driving forces and irregular shapes of the mechanical parts. Moreover, the mini-
torques required by the task are illustrated in Fig. 11. mum driving force/torque obtained in the numerical simulation
The difference between the minimum driving forces and tor- does not exceed the rated torques of the selected actuators in
ques obtained using MATLAB mathematical software (Fig. 7) terms of magnitude, and thus, the motors and reducers used in
and the ADAMS model (Fig. 11) is presented in Fig. 12. A lar- the structural design meet the requirement.
ger difference occurs when driving force/torque is greater, and
relatively good agreement is exhibited between the compara- 4.2.2 Manipulability evaluation
tive results, suggesting that the analytical models are suffi- On the basis of the energy-based manipulability index pro-
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
Fig. 10. Output variation curves of the object, including total linear dis-
placement and angular velocity.
Fig. 8. (a) Contact forces and friction forces; (b) verification of the non-
slipping and non-dropping conditions and the corresponding controllable (b)
internal force.
Fig. 11. (a) Driving torques; (b) forces obtained using the ADAMS model.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 13. (a) Trends in the values of R ; (b)-(f) energy-based manipulability ellipsoids for five configurations: t = 0.2, 0.6, 1, 1.4 and 1.8 s.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
by the grasp sliders, the parallel gripper exhibits higher energy per exhibits complete interference-free motion forms and can
transfer efficiency in the directions of axes YO and ZO than in independently perform horizontal transmission, extension, and
the XO-axis direction. That is, the parallel gripper exhibits better retraction of the grasp slider and in-hand manipulation without
manipulability performance during in-plane vertical motion and the assistance of the robotic arm.
in-hand twisting motion. Furthermore, the parallelogram mech- The minimum driving forces and torques can be accurately
anisms also make a slight contribution to the vertical position of calculated through the analytical dynamic model and the mini-
the object; thus, the efficiency of the parallel gripper in the ver- mum operating conditions, in which the real-time determination
tical linear direction is the best. of the internal force value plays an important role. To reduce
motor burden and object squeezing while guaranteeing non-
slipping and non-dropping movement, the magnitude of the
5. Discussion internal force should be controlled to a minimum. In particular,
We introduced a novel parallel gripper with the following sali- the internal force can be omitted the moment Eq. (14) is satis-
ent features: simple configuration, complete motion forms, and fied; otherwise, the applied internal force on the object should
stable grasp force closure. A numerical simulation was also be increased by increasing the driving force/torque of the mo-
performed, in which the object was assumed to simulate the tors, the minimum value of which can be calculated using Eq.
cycloid motion law of the follower of the cam mechanism, real- (15). These considerations lay the foundation for force control.
izing an effect-free state during high-speed situations. The The follower of the cam mechanism exhibits good perform-
rationality of the analytical kinematic and dynamic models was ance when it moves in accordance with the cycloid law, making
verified through the simulation results of MATLAB and the the variation of the input displacement, velocity, and accelera-
ADAMS model. In addition, we evaluated the energy-based tion of the motor smooth and uniform, and causing it to return
manipulability performance of the gripper-object system and to 0 in magnitude at the boundary without mutations. This mo-
analyzed the efficiency of the parallel gripper. tion law is suitable for high-speed industrial automation, and it
To achieve stability and versatility for commercial applica- was utilized in the simulation conducted in the current study. In
tions and adaptability to different objects, the parallel grasping addition, the proposed gripper has a symmetrical structure with
mode is commonly adopted in parallel grippers with two fingers modular fingers. Thus, the number of the fingers and the corre-
[38]. Typical examples are the grippers developed by Schunk, sponding structural parameters can be changed on the basis of
Festo, and PHD. Analogously, the function of these grippers in the specific target application (i.e., this 2D operating mode can
underactuated hands is to focus on gripping, while the posture be extended to a 3D mode).
change of the object relies on the combined serial robotic arm.
Notably, these robotic arms are occasionally in direct contact
with humans, and thus, large-scale movement may occupy a
6. Conclusion
large workspace and even result in safety issues for the opera- The current study presented a novel parallel gripper for in-
tor [38]. dustrial applications. This gripper exhibits the advantages of a
Considering the aforementioned issues, the requirement for simple configuration, complete motion forms, and stable grasp
sufficient self-dexterity includes self-transmission, and self- force closure. Kinematic and dynamic models were con-
manipulation is underscored in the future development direc- structed. The motion forms of the parallel gripper and the ra-
tion of industrial grippers. The size miniaturization and cost tionality of the analytical modeling were validated by comparing
reduction of motors also contribute to this trend. Accordingly, the results of MATLAB and the ADAMS model for a numerical
two design concepts with the capability for in-hand operation simulation. An energy-based manipulability index was used to
were proposed in Refs. [1, 2]. The parallel gripper introduced in evaluate the manipulability performance of the gripper–object
the current study supplement the selection of this type of indus- system and the efficiency of the parallel gripper. The results
trial gripper. Compared with the two parallel grippers presented indicated that the proposed gripper achieved relatively good
in the previous literature, the grasping mode of the proposed performance, particularly in in-hand manipulation and in-plane
gripper inherits that of the aforementioned commercial grippers vertical transmission.
for maintaining reliable stability by adding the parallelogram In the future, we will apply the configuration proposed in this
mechanisms into the primary structure. Meanwhile, the pro- study to actual practice, including prototype manufacture, con-
posed gripper can provide a wider range of grasping areas trol system development, and preliminary test.
than commercial grippers even with the same base size. This
feature is another benefit of the movement capacity of the par-
allelogram mechanisms.
In addition to in-hand twisting motion and in-plane vertical This research was funded in part by the Beijing Natural Sci-
motion, the arrangement of the parallelogram mechanisms ence Foundation (grant number: 3204036), the National Natu-
enables the proposed gripper to complete in-plane horizontal ral Science Foundation of China (grant number: 61903011),
motion, further saving workspace and enriching the trajectory the National Key R&D Program of China (grant numbers:
planning scheme. The simulation results verified that this grip- 2018YFB1307004 and 2020YFC2004200), and the General
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35 (7) 2021 DOI 10.1007/s12206-021-0636-7
Program of the Science and Technology Development Project Μ : Coefficient of the static friction force
of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (grant number: Fk : Internal force added to each side of the contact surface
KM202010005021). of the object
m1 : Mass of link AiDi
m2 : Mass of link BiCi
Nomenclature----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m3 : Mass of link CiDi
XF : Coordinate of point F expressed in the coordinate system m4 : Mass of link DiHi
O-XY in the X-axis direction m5 : Mass of each grasp slider
XAi : Coordinate of point Ai expressed in the coordinate sys- XDi : Coordinate of point Di expressed in the coordinate sys-
tem O-XY in the X-axis direction tem O-XY in the X-axis direction
YF : Coordinate of point F expressed in the coordinate system YDi : Coordinate of point Di expressed in the coordinate sys-
O-XY in the Y-axis direction tem O-XY in the Y-axis direction
l1 : Length of link AiDi Ti : Kinetic energy
l2 : Length of link DiHi Vi : Potential energy
lEiF : Distance between points Ei and F in the X-axis direction Φ : Vector of the generalized forces contributed by an exter-
sEiGi : Initial length in the Y-axis direction between points Ei and nal force
Gi λ : Lagrange multiplier
θi : Input rotation angle around axis Ai I1 : Moment of inertia of link AiDi
si : Input length between points Di and Ei I2 : Moment of inertia of link BiCi
R : Radius of the object VDiX : Velocity of point Di in the X-axis direction
θF : Rotation angle of the object VDiY : Velocity of point Di in the Y-axis direction
sarc : Arc length of the object hi1 : Height of the mass center of link AiDi in the coordinate
x : Velocity vector of the contact point expressed in the co- system O-XY
ordinate system O-XY hi2 : Height of the mass center of link BiCi in the coordinate
u : Output object velocity vector with respect to the coordi- system O-XY
nate system O-XY hi3 : Height of the mass center of link CiDi in the coordinate
G : Grasp matrix system O-XY
x : Velocity vector of the contact point expressed in the co- hi4 : Height of the mass center of link DiHi in the coordinate
ordinate system O-XY system O-XY
q : Input joint velocity vector δXDi : Virtual displacement of XDi
J : Jacobian matrix δYDi : Virtual displacement of YDi
T : Transformation matrix δθi : Virtual displacement of θi
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F’ci : Reaction force of Fci
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