Yantriki Manual

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Chapter - One

“Water” is an important natural The conflicting requirements

resource which plays a vital of various purposes of water
role in nation’s socio-economic resources projects needs that gates
development. The controlled be operated as & when required.
and judicious use of water in its For satisfactory operation of the
varied applications is today’s main project, a well planned, reliable and
concern. The water resources efficient scheme of controls by way
structures play a major role in water of gates and operating equipment is
management by storing water in essential.
reservoirs, regulating flow of water The successful operation of a
for irrigation, power generation, water resource project thus largely
drinking water supply and industrial depends on how efficiently the
use, and to arrange regulation of gates, installed at various hydraulic
flood. structures, are operated. The
With the rapid progress in causes of failure of several dams
the field of Water Resources and hydraulic structures in the past
Development all over the world, have been directly or indirectly
many structures have come up and attributed to faulty design or
many more are likely to come up improper operation of gates. Even
in the near future. Tremendous though cost of gates and their
increase in both size and complexity operating equipment constitute
of these projects has resulted in a very low percentage of total cost
vast experience in operation and of the project say about 1% to 3%,
maintenance of such projects. their importance for successful
Gates form vital components of operation of the project should not
any water resource development be under-estimated. In the event of
project involving dams, diversion their malfunctioning, the stability
works, outlets, canal head works etc. of entire project may suffer and
The success of any project depends in some cases it may even result in
to a great extent on the proper complete shutdown of the project
selection, design and operation for days together, thereby inflicting
of gates installed in the various heavy direct and indirect losses.
vital locations of the project like It is, therefore, essential that gates
spillways and safe practices evolved and their operating equipment
with regard to their use. are carefully planned and selected

during the preparation stage of the dam safety organization and after
detailed project report in such a way scrutiny, consolidated reports are
that they are reliable and efficient sent to concern project authority
in their operation and fulfill all the for necessary action.
hydraulic requirements. This manual incorporates
In river valley project smooth various salient features of radial gates
functioning of the hydraulic gates which play a vital role for the safety
mainly depends upon proper of the dam. In this manual general
operation and timely maintenance. description of the radial gate and
This is possible if proper periodical its components and hoists is given.
inspections, tests and trials of the In addition to above operation and
respective mechanisms are carried maintenance schedule of radial gates
out after erection of radial gates. is also incorporated which is helpful
Such proper and timely action will to operational/maintenance field
not only improve the performance staff. The technical details given in
of gates, but will also increase the life this manual are based on the design
of the entire mechanism and thereby calculations made by the Central
assure reliability of gate functioning. Design Organisation, Nashik and
This manual is therefore prepared the Executive Engineer, Planning
to assist operation and maintenance and Design Division, Pune-12.
of radial gates. This manual is useful for fresh
The Mechanical Organi-sation engineers/technical staff. In order
has manufactured and erected to enlighten them on the subject
various sizes of radial gates for the and considering the importance of
last 50 years. During this period the radial gates from the dam safety
organization has acquired sufficient point of view and to have uniformity
experience and knowledge. Up till in the procedure to be adopted, this
now 1250 various types of radial operation and maintenance manual
gates and 2650 sluice gates weighing is prepared.
149273 M.T. are manufactured and First manual for the operation
erected by this Organisation and maintenance of radial gates
After completion of erection and hoist was published in 1984. It
work of radial gates and hoist, they was essential to revise the manual
are handed over to the project due to continuous technical deve-
authorities for maintenance and lopments and introduction of
operation. For the safety of the large sized radial gates along with
dam, pre-monsoon and post- hydraulically operated hoists. Hence
monsoon inspection of radial gates the Government of Maharashtra
and hoist carried out and result decided to form a co mmittee and
of inspections is submitted to the update the manual with present

technical field requirement. The co mmittee has conducted first
Hence Government formed the meeting on 9/10/2009 at Nashik
co mmittee as per marathi letter and second meeting on 23/11/2009
no.1459 dt.02/05/2009 Mantralaya, at Pune with all co mmittee
Mumbai. The co mmittee headed members and several internal
by Er. J.M.Jadhav, Chief Engineer meetings are also conducted.
(Mechanical) W.R.D; Nashik with Initially the co mmittee has decided
following members... to update all technical data and
prepare draft copy of manual. In
1. Er. H.T. Mendhegiri, Chief
the second meeting co mmittee has
Engineer, Hydrology Project,
decided to collect a latest technical
maintenance guide, photographs,
2. Er. S.L. Patil, Chief Engineer, IS references, Pre-monsoon and
Water Resources Department, post monsoon inspection , Effects of
Pune bad maintenance and its remedial
measures, Hydraulic Hoists, Cross
3. Er. M.V. Patil, Chief Engineer, Regulatory Gates, Auto-cad drawings
North Maharashtra Region, and then prepare latest manual with
W.R.D; Nashik. all effects.
4. Er. S.M. Upase, Chief Engineer, This manual is written mainly
Specified Projects, W.R.D; Pune with the object of outlining the
principles lying the operation and
5. Er. A.M. Khapre, Superintending
maintenance of radial gates and
Engineer, Central Design
their hoisting arrangement for water
Organisation (Gates), Nashik.
storage structure in water resource
6. Er. R.V. Nikum, Superintending department in Maharashtra. The
Engineer, Dam safety water resources department and
Organisation, Nashik. other departments also local
authorities concerned with the
7. Er. V.K.Kamble, Superintending
schemes of water storage projects,
Engineer, Mechanical Circle
will find this manual very helpful
(Gates), Pune.
in dealing with the problems of
8. Er. Gulshan Raj, Director, Gate operation and maintenance of
Design (E&NE) DTE, C.W.C; radial gates and hoists.
New Delhi, Special invitee.

""XoI^mc 1984'' ¶m nwpñVHo$V gwYmaUm gwM{dUo d Vr AÚ¶mdV H$aʶmH$[aVm {deof
g{_VrMo JR>Z H$aUo.

_hmamï´> emgZ, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ

emgZ n[anÌH$ H«$_m§H$ : g{_Vr-10.09/1459/
_§Ìmc¶ {dñVma, _w§~B©-32
{XZm§H$ : 12/6/2009

1) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s) Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, Ͷ§~H$ añVm, Zm{eH$ ¶m§MoH$S>rc nÌ
H«$_m§H$ _wA¶m§/Vm§-5/(56/08)/^mJ-3/4398/08, {XZm§H$ 2/12/2008.
2) emgZ n[anÌH$ g_H«$_m§H$ d {XZm§H$ 2/5/2009.

nmdgmù¶mV nya {Z¶§ÌUmg§X^m©V H$m¶©dmhr H$aʶmg§X^m©V _mJ©Xe©H$ AgUmè¶m ""dH«$Ûmam§Mo
n[aMcZ d XoI^mc 1984'' ¶m nwpñVHo$V ¶Wmo{MV Aä¶mgnyU© gwYmaUm H$aʶmÀ¶m Ñï>rH$moZmVyZ
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s), Zm{eH$ ¶m§À¶m AܶjVoImcr CnamoŠV emgZ n[anÌH$mÝd¶o EH$
{deof g{_VrMo JR>Z H$aʶmV Amco hmoVo. VWm{n gXa g{_Vrda {deof Am_§{ÌV åhUyZ H|$Ðr¶
Oc Am¶moJmcm YaUmdarc Ûmam§er g§~§YrV g§MmcH$ XOm©Mm A{YH$mar {Z¶wŠV H$aʶmgmR>r
H$i{dʶmV Amco hmoVo, ˶mZwgma H|$Ðr¶ Oc Am¶moJmÀ¶m {XZm§H$ 30 E{àc, 2009 À¶m nÌmZo
lr. JwceZ amO ¶m§À¶m ZmdMr {e’$mag àmá Pmcr. ˶mZwgma ˶m§Mm g{_VrV g_mdoe H$aʶmMr
~m~ emgZm˦m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr.

""dH«$Ûmam§Mo n[aMcZ d XoI^mc-1984'' ¶m nwpñVHo$V Aä¶mgnyU© d AÚmdV gmYZm§gh
Cnm¶¶moOZm gwMdyZ, nwpñVHo$Mr gwYmarV Amd¥Îmr {Z{MV H$aʶmH$arVm CnamoŠV g§X^© H«$.2 da
Z_yX n[anÌH$mAÝd¶o JR>Z H$aʶmV Amcoë¶m {deof g{_Vr_ܶo ~Xb H$ê$Z Imcrc à_mUo
gwYmarV {deof g{_VrMo JR>Z H$aʶmV ¶oV Amho.
1) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, (¶m§{ÌH$s), Zm{eH$ Aܶj
2) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Oc{dkmZ àH$ën, Zm{eH$ gXñ¶
3) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, nwUo gXñ¶

4) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, C._.à., Zm{eH$ gXñ¶
5) A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, _ܶdVu g§H$ën{MÌ g§KQ>Zm,(XadmOo), Zm{eH$ gXñ¶
6) A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$ gXñ¶
7) A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, ¶m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (Ûmao) nwUo-1 gXñ¶ g{Md
8) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm ({dà), nwUo {deof {Z_§{ÌV gXñ¶
9) lr. JwceZ amO, g§MmcH$, JoQ²>g {S>PmB©Z, (B A°ÊS> EZ B) {deof {Z_§{ÌV gXñ¶
S>rQ>rB©, H|$Ðr¶ Oc Am¶moJ, Zdr {X„r.

g{_VrMr H$m¶©H$jm
darc g{_VrZo nwa{Z¶§ÌUmg§X^m©V H$amd¶mÀ¶m H$m¶©dmhr g§X^m©V ""dH«$Ûmam§Mo n[aMcZ d XoI^mc
1984'' ¶m nwpñVHo$V Agcoë¶m Cnm¶¶moOZm d _mJ©Xe©H$ gwMZm B˶mXrÀ¶m Ñï>rH$moZmVyZ gXa
nwpñVHo$V ¶Wmo{MV gwYmaUm H$ê$Z, gwYmarV Amd¥Îmr {ZpíMV H$amdr d ˶mg A§{V_ ñdê$n
XoʶmgmR>r, ˶m~m~VMm ñd¶§nyU© Ahdmcmgh Amd¥Îmr emgZmg gmXa H$amdr.

darc H$m¶©dmhr 3 _{hݶmÀ¶m AmV nyU© H$amdr.

(Jmo.km. Hw$cH$Uu)
emgZmMo Ada g{Md

_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, (¶m§{ÌH$s), Zm{eH$
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Oc{dkmZ àH$ën, Zm{eH$
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, C._.à., Zm{eH$
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm ({dà), nwUo
A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, _ܶdVu g§H$ën{MÌ g§KQ>Zm, (XadmOo), Zm{eH$
A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$
A{YjH$ A{^¶§Vm, ¶m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (Ûmao), nwUo-1
H$j A{YH$mar, qgì¶ (H$m_o), _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©
¶m§{ÌH$s H$m¶m©gZ g§J«hmW©.

Chapter - two
Definations, Functions and Abbreviations

2.1 Defination and improvement in design,

A radial gate is a control equipment fabrication and maintenance of
used for controlling the flow of the gates. Interchangeable spare
water over spill way for flood control parts are of great help in times
or through conduit for release of of calamity. Standard design also
water. Radial gates are made to the helps in observing economy and in
shape of the portion of a cylinder improving the quality.
that rotates about its horizontal
axis. 2.4 General description
Radial Gates are so named because
2.2 Function they are made to the shape of a
Generally in river valley project has portion of a cylinder that rotate
a spillway with radial gates for the about its horizontal axis. Normally
release of flood waters during the the water is stored against convex
monsoon and floods. Control flow side of the gate. The radial gate
of water through conduit is also has skin plate bend in an arc with
done by radial gates. According convex surface of the arc on the
to the location, radial gates are upstream side. The centre of the arc
classified as below is at the centre of the trunnion pins,
about which the gate rotates. The
a. Crest Gates – For use in skin plate is supported by suitably
spillways spaced horizontal girders, which
b. Conduit gates – For use in are supported by end arms.
conduits, sluices and tunnels. The end arms are either
c. Canal gates – For use in canal inclined or straight and transmit
regulations. the water load to anchor girder,
horizontal and vertical anchorages
hold the trunnion girder in position
2.3 Standardisation embedded into pier concrete.
To standardize the size of gates to Suitable rubber seals “L” type
be adopted under an organization. provided along the curved end on
Such standardization helps in both sides of the skin plate and
obtaining data during planning flat rubber seal for the bottom
stage, procurement of materials of the skin plate. For reservoirs

water storage above the gate sill 2.6 Abbreviations
through out the year needs stop log FRL - Full Reservoir level
gate arrangement for repairs and U/S - Upstream side
maintenance of radial gate.
D/S - Down stream side
AGB - Anchor Girder Bridge
2.5 Advantages of Radial Gates TGB - Trunnion Girder Box
over Vertical Lift Type Gates RL - Reduced level
• Simplicity in construction RD - Reduced Distance
m3/sec - Discharge cubic meter
• Absence of grooves in the piers
per second
which is favorable for smooth
hydraulic conditions and trouble MWL - Maximum Water Level
free gate operation. ft3/sec - Discharge cubic feet
per second
• Absence of wheel and wheel
mm3 - 106 M3
assembly resulting easy
MDDL - Minimum Draw Down
• Reduction in hoist capacity in TMC - Thousand Million (109)
comparison to a fixed wheel Cubic feet.
MT - Metric Ton
• Better efficiency at partial gate H.P. - Horse power
opening due to curvature.
RPM - Revolution Per minute
• Less vibration in partial gate AMP - Ampere
opening. C.D.O. - Central Design
• Light in weight. Organisation
• Low maintenance cost.
• Least expensive and the most
adequate for passage of large

Chapter - three
Chapter - Three
Technical Details of Radial Gate and Hoist

3.1 Components
A) Radial Gate B) Hoist
Sr. No. Description Sr. No. Description
1 Erection Jig 1 Hoist Bridge Foundation
2 Anchorages anchor Box Hoist bridge
a) Vertical anchorages 2 Drive Unit
b) Horizontal anchorages a. Motor ( Crane duty )
Or b. Reduction gear box
c) Yoke Girder and tie flats c. Electromagnetic brake
d. Starters
3 Anchor Girder bridge
e. Limit switches
(A.G. Bridge)
f. Gate position indicator
4 Trunnion chair
g. Remote control
5 Trunnion Girder Box
3 Gear train Assly. (LHS & RHS)
(T.G. Box )
with rope drums
6 Trunnion Bracket Assembly
4 Line shafts and coupling
7 End Arms Assembly
5 Lifting parts
8 Horizontal Girders
a. Equilizer plate Assly.
9 Skin Plate
b. Turn Buckle with Eye ends
10 Lifting Bracket
c. Sockets
11 Guide Roller Assembly
d. Wire ropes
12 Rubber Seal
6 Covers
13 Tie beam/side thrust block
assembly The general lay out of Radial Gate
14 Wall plate and Hoist showing the above listed
components is shown in fig. 3.1 for
15 Sill Beam
straight T. G. Box and in fig. 3.2 for
16 Locking Arrangement inclined T. G. Box.
17 Thrust block
18 Anchor Bar/Bolts

General Layout of Standard Radial Gate and Hois

Down Stream View Of Radial Gate And Hoist

General Layout of Standard Radial Gate and Hoist
(inclined Trunnion Girder Box )

Up Stream View Of Radial Gate And Hoist

3.2 Technical Details transferred to the concrete structure
3.2 A Radial Gate vertically and horizontally in the
form of stresses in anchorages.
A.1 Erection Jig These are designed to withstand the
Erection Jig is the component of total hydraulic thrust load on the
radial gate required to facilitate gate and transfer it to the piers.
the erection of vertical anchorages The load may be transferred to
and trunnion chair during the the civil structure either in bond as
construction of dam. a bond stress between the anchors
However, this component is and the concrete or in bearing as a
dismantled after the erection and bearing stress between the concrete
concreting of vertical anchorages and the embedded girder at the
during construction. Hence there is upstream end of the anchors. Which
no need of any maintenance of this in this case are insulated from the
item. concrete or through a pre-stressed
anchorage system using either steel
rounds or steel cables. Certain
A.2 Anchorages
length of anchor bars is treated as
These are the hydraulic thrust unbonded length. For this length
load transferring elements of the the rods are coated with bitumen or
radial gates. The anchorages are asphalt felt. This permits correction
embedded in pier concrete of the to alignment.
dam. The hydraulic thrust load is

Where the load is transferred A.2(a) Vertical Anchorages
by bond stress rods are generally Vertical Anchorages transfer the
used as load carrying anchors. For vertical component of water load to
insulated load carrying anchors. Any civil structure (figure 3.3)
convenient structural shape may be
used although flats placed vertically Technical details of the Vertical
or rods are generally preferred Anchorage used for standard radial
depending on the quantum of load. gates are shown in following table
In the case of pre stressed anchorages no. A.2(a1).
these can be either rods or cable. The nuts of Vertical anchorages
There are two types of should be tightened with appro-priate
arrangement for the load transfer torque to ensure equal distributed
to the civil structure load among the all anchorages.
The reco mmended Tightening
1. Vertical and Horizontal anch- torque is shown in section 3.2.
orages with trunnion girder Box Table A.2(a2). Tightening torque
2. Yoke girder assembly with of both anchorages changes
trunnion girder Box where additional flaps to gates are
Technical details of above are as provided for raising the height. It
under should be confirmed from C.D.O.
Nashik and applied accordingly.
Material specifications for both the
anchorages should be as per IS-
Table No. A.2(A1)
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Size of 65 mm. 40 mm. 30 mm. 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm
vertical Dia x Dia x Dia x Dia x Dia x Dia x
2200 mm 4200 mm 2580 mm 1792 mm 1792 mm 1400 mm
long long long long long long
2. No. of Straight -8 Straight-8 Straight -8 Straight-8 Straight -8 Straight-8
vertical Bend-4 Bend-4 Bend-4
3. Weight 58 Kg. 38 Kg. 17 Kg. 8 Kg. 8 Kg. 6 Kg.
of each
Anchor bar

Table No. A.2(A2)

Sr. Item Size of gate in meters
No. And tightening torque in N-m
15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Vertical 150 N-m 107.36 45.7 31.64 31.64 31.64
Anchorages N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m

Vertical and Horizontal Anchoranges

After applying tightening torque Technical details of the
nut should be locked by additional Horizontal anchorages used for
lock nut or bar welded to nuts and standard radial gates are shown in
cover to nuts to prevent from theft following table no. A.2(b1).
and malfunctioning. In the absence 1. The nuts of horizontal
of nuts the entire gate assembly will anchorages should be tightened
be dislocated from its position and with appropriate torque to
serious damage will be happened. ensure equal distribution of
load among all the horizontal
anchorages. The reco mmended
A.2(b) Horizontal Anchorages
tightening torque is shown in
Horizontal anchorages transfer the table no. A.2(b2)
horizontal component of water load
to civil structure. (see fig. 3.3 )

Table No. A.2(b1)

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1 Size of 100 mm Dia 100 mm Dia 90 mm Dia 65 mm Dia 65 mm Dia x 65 mm Dia x
Horizontal x 8500 mm x 8550 mm x 7850 x 6000 6000 mm long 2500 mm long
Anchorages long long mm long mm long
2 No. of Straight - 4 Straight - 4 Straight - 4 Straight - 4 Straight - 4 Straight - 4
Bend - 16 Bend - 8 Bend - 8 Bend - 8 Bend - 8 Bend - 8
(with nuts &
Lock nuts)
per gate
3 Weight of each 524 Kg. 521 Kg. 429 Kg. 156 Kg. 156 Kg. 70 Kg.
Anchor bar
without nut

Table No. A.2(b2)

Sr. Item Size of gate in meters and tightening torque in N-m
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Horizontal 1661.22 1661.22 1177.2 500 500 500
Anchorages N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m N-m

2. The instruments used for Note

measurement of torque are 1. Tightening torque for both
1. Torque wrench. anchorages changes where
2. Torque meter. additional flaps to gates are
provided the same should be

confirmed from Central Design trunnion girder Box and embedded
Organisation Nashik and in the concrete (Fig. 3.4).
applied accordingly. Main advantage of yoke girder
2. Material specification for both assembly is that for bigger size
the anchorages should be as per radial gates the diameter of anchor
IS 4623 – 2000. bars increases. The machining and
3. Stress monitoring of 3% of bending of the same is costly and
anchors should be carried out time consuming also these bars
at 6 and 12 months interval are not easily available. Hence
and anchor tension to be found for bigger size radial gates yoke
acceptable. girder arrangement is preferred
than conventional horizontal
A.2 ( C ) Yoke Girder Assembly
Yoke Girder is placed behind the
A.3 Anchor Girder Bridge
trunnion Box and embedded in
concrete to transfer the horizontal Anchor girder bridge is used
component of water load to civil for the purpose of erection of
structure. Difference between yoke trunnion girder Box assembly, end
girder and anchorages system is arm assembly. After erection to
that heavy flats are welded to the facilitate the purpose of tightening

of horizontal anchor bolts and A.5 Trunnion Girder Box
approach for pre monsoon/post The trunnion girder may or may not
monsoon inspection Anchor Girder be embedded in concrete. However
Bridge is essential. if embedded in concrete, in the
case of unloaded anchorage it shall
A.4 Trunnion Chairs also be wrapped in cork mastic or
thermocole or such other material
Trunnion chairs (figure 3.5 b) are
to provide space for displacement
located below the trunnion girder.
due to the loading. It shall support
These are made of Cast Steel. Chairs
the trunnion bracket and be held in
are hold in place on pier by vertical
place by the load-carrying anchors.
anchorages & support trunnion
(Fig. 3.5 a, b, c )
girder. Size and weight of Trunnion
Chair are shown in Table No A.4

Table No A.4
Sr. Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Size 600 x 500 600 x 450 500 x 400 500 x 400 500 x 300 500 x 300
2. Material Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel
3. Nos. per 2 2 2 2 2 2
4. Weight per 0.16 MT 0.16 MT 0.16 MT 0.1 MT 0.1 MT 0.1 MT

or may not be embedded in concrete.
It is supporting the trunnion
bracket and hold in place by load
carrying horizontal anchorages. It
is a fabricated Box with adequate
stiffeners to carry max imum shear
stress, which are calculated from
standard designs. As the girder is
fabricated part and involves more
welding hence invariably all welded
girders (Except for 12 x 5 Mtr. size
radial gates) are stress relieved by
the process of annealing. Sizes and
The girder shall be designed so weights of trunnion girder Box are
as to be safe in bending, shear, and shown in Table A.5
torsion. Where the horizontal force
Zink, specified in IS-209, is
from the trunnion pin is directly
poured in gap between Trunnion
transferred to a yoke immediately
bracket and anchor girder to
behind the trunnion pin the yoke
ensure uniform bearing surface to
girder shall be designed against
absorb shocks and impacts. Before
bending and shear caused by this
pouring, seal the junction of the
T.G. Box and Trunnion bracket with
Trunnion Girder Box is asbestos fibre to prevent escape of
fabricated from M.S. structural steel. molten zink. The molten zinc at the
However in case of sluice radial temperature between 450 to 480
gates medium strength structural O
C is poured into the gap. Before
steel conforming to IS-8500-1991 is pouring dross accumulated on the
also sometimes used to limit the size surface of bath should be ski mmed
of the components. The Trunnion off. Care should be taken that only
Girder Box is also known as anchor clean bright fluid metal is poured
girder Box. The anchor girder may into the gap. Pouring should be

Table No A.5 - Trunnion Girder Box

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Size 5800 mm 4600 mm 4600 mm 3920 mm 4100 mm 3910 mm
Length 1350 mm 960 mm 800 mm 635 mm 635 mm 635 mm
width 1850 mm 920 mm 864 mm 610 mm 600 mm 610 mm
2. Weight 8.25 MT 6.354 MT 4.0 MT 2.00 MT 2.00 MT 2.00 MT

Intermediate Trunion GirderBox
Fig. 3.5 a

Trunion GirderBox (End Pier)

Fig. 3.5 b

continuous, uniform until the metal of trunnion pins. Size and weight
completely fills the gap. Ensure that of trunnion pin are shown in Table
the poured metal penetrates into No A.6(b). Trunnion pin is shown
the gap completely. After pouring in figure 3.6
the metal, allow the portion to cool
gradually and do not disturb the
A.6 Trunnion Bracket
assembly till the metal is fully set.
Trunnion Bracket is made from
The Trunnion pin is supported
cast steel as per (IS-1030-1998)
at both ends in the trunnion bracket.
The bracket is rigidly fi x ed to
It is made of cast steel (IS1030-
the trunnion girder Box with the
1998). The side lock plates and
bracket bolts. A positive shear key is
cover plates prevents the rotation

Details of End Arm Trunnion Connection
Fig. 3.5 c

Details of End Arm Trunnion Connection

Fig. 3.5 d

provided to transmit uplift reaction. The total assembly contains

The gap between the bracket and trunnion bracket along with a
the Anchor girder is filled up by zinc trunnion pin, with double brass
to ensure uniform bearing surface. washers lock plates, cover plates and
(Fig. 3.6) bolts. The arms of the bracket hold
the trunnion shoe with pin. Size and

Table No. A.6 - Size of Trunnion Bracket and Trunnion Bolt
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Trunnion Bracket Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel
Nos. per bracket 2 2 2 2 2 2
weight 3 MT 3.0 MT 0.7 MT 0.3 MT 0.3 MT 0.3 MT
2. Trunnion Bolt 90 x 1900 mm 65 x 1360 mm 40 x 1172 mm 45 x 900 mm 45 x 900 mm 45 x 900 mm
Size of bolt
No.of bolt with 4 4 4 4 4 4
nut per bracket
weight of all bolts 94.88 Kg. 33.32 Kg. 14.00 Kg. 13.8 Kg. 13.8 Kg. 13.8 Kg.

weight of trunnion bracket assembly A.6( b) Trunnion pin

is shown in Table No A.6 The trunnion pin shall normally
be supported at both ends on the
A.6( a ) Trunnion Shoe trunnoin bracket which is fixed
to the girder which the trunnion
The trunnion shoe (Fig. 3.5) rotates
pin may be cantilever from the
about the trunnion pin. Trunnion
anchorage Box, embedded in the
shoe is made up of cast steel. Leaded
piers or abutments.
tin bronze bushing in provided,
which is press fitted inside it with The trunnion pin may be solid
sufficient thickness to minimise or hollow and shall be designed
surface friction loss. In addition against bending for the total ioad
lubrication grooves are provided transferred through the trunnion
on bronze bushing. A grease nipple hub. The load shall be taken to
is provided for it. Size of leaded be uniformly distributed over the
tin bronze bush is shown in Table length of the pin bearing against
A.6(a). However now Aluminium the hub.
Bronze Bushing is reco mmended The trunnion pin shall also be
instead of Leaded Tin Bronze checked against shear and bearing
bushing for end arms. due to the same load.

Table No A.6(a) Size of Leaded Tin Bronze Bush

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters

No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Inside Dia. 500 mm 305 mm 200 mm 175 mm 175 mm 150 mm
2. Outside Dia. 590 mm 341 mm 250 mm 215 mm 215 mm 190 mm
3. Length of bush 1040 mm 520 mm 650 mm 325 mm 350 mm 655 mm

Zink filled Trunnion Bracket
Fig. 3.6

Trunnion Bracket with Pin and Thrust Washer

Table No A.6 (b) - Size of Trunnion Pin

Sr. Item Size Of Gate In Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Diameter of 500 mm 305 mm 200 mm 175 mm 120 mm 150 mm
2. Length of pin 1020 740 mm 900 mm 479 mm 530 mm 679 mm

Brass washers are placed on while in operation. It also helps
both sides in the gap between in maintaining the centre line of
trunnion shoe & bracket weld to bracket and end arm assembly. As
reduce the side thrust and restrict per design the thickness and size of
the axial movement of the end arms washer is as shown in fig. 3.6.
Details of Trunnion Shoe
Fig. 3.7

Fig. 3.7

A.7 End Arms Assembly One arm is fi x ed to upper horizontal

End arm assembly consists of girder and other to lower horizontal
cast steel (IS-1030)trunnion shoe girder. If in case the design is made
connected with fabricated girder to for three arms, i.e. 15 x 12 mtr, size,
its web and flange. As A general rule the related arms are connected to
number of arms may be adopted as horizontal girders respectively.
A. For height of gate upto 8.5 mtr. The arms are rigidly connected
--- 2 Nos. to the trunnion to ensure full
transfer of load. The arms are
B. For height of gate between 8.5
welded to trunnion shoe with
to 12 mtr. --- 3 Nos.
radiographic quality welding and
C. For heights above 12 mtr. are strengthened by cover plate. Size
--- 4 or more

Table No A.7 - Size and weight of End Assembly

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Size of main 450 x 400 450 x 200 600 x 200 305 x 140 305 x 150 500 x 180
girder fabricated fabricated fabricated fabricated fabricated fabricated
2. Length (From 11319 mm 8120 mm 6770 mm 6391 mm 3925 mm 4250 mm
trunnion shoe to (Inclined) (Inclined) (Straight) (Inclined) (Inclined) (Inclined)
Hor. Girder)
3. Weight including 15 MT 4.8 MT 4.2MT 1.7 MT 1.6 MT 1.9. MT
Trunnion Shoe Three
of each arm. Arm

and weight of End Arm Assembly as slenderness ratios. As such, these
shown in Table No. A.7 members are considered secondary
For the standard taintor gate members. However, depending on
configuration, bracing is provided their configuration and connection
for the end frame struts. The end details, these bracing members may
arm bracing members are ordinarily carry significant forces and act as
designed to brace the struts about primary members. Fig. 3.8
the weak axis to achieve adequate

End Arm Assembly

Fig. 3.8

A.8 Horizontal Girder
It is a fabricated or rolled girder
provided for supporting skin plate
against the water load.(Fig. 3.9)
There are two or three such girder
depending upon the size of the
gate. The gates are designed for the
shear load at system points, where
they are supported by the arms. The
horizontal girders are also suitably
braced to ensure rigidity Size and
weight of horizontal girder as shown
in Table No A.8 As A general rule
number of Horizontal Girder may
be adopted as
A. For height of gate upto 8.5 mtr.
-- 2 Nos.
B. For height of gate between 8.5
to 12 mtr. -- 3 Nos.
C. For heights above 12 mtr. -- 4 or

Details of Horozontal Girder Fig. 3.9

Table No A.8 - Size and weight of Horizontal Girders
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Length 15000 mm 11800 11900 11800 11800 mm 11800 mm
mm mm mm
2. Web and 1200 x 500 1080 x 355 1280 x 550 ISMB600 ISMB600 ISWB500
3. No of girder 3 2 2 2 2 2
4. weight of 6.5 MT. 4.3 MT. 6.5 MT 1.7 MT 1.7 MT 1.2 MT
each girder
5. Horizontal Top 3687 7440 mm 2900 mm 2425 mm 1700 mm 1500 mm
distance mm
between Bottom
end arms 3291 mm

A.9 Skin Plate

Skin plate assembly
consists of MS plate of
12 mm. and 10 mm
thickness of suitable
curve and vertical “T”
Stiffeners bend to
required radius, are
suitably spaced which
are welded to skin
plates. For a span of
12 meter radial gate
leaf is fabricated in 5
pieces, 3 intermediate
leaves and 2 end leaves
for easy handing
transportation and
erection. After
assembling all pieces
on erection site, they
are welded together.
Lifting brackets are
provided on either
side of the skin plate
as lifting arrangement.
(Fig. 3.10)

Lifting Bracket
Lifting Brackets
are rigidly fixed
to the skin plate
assembly to either
side. (Fig. A.10)

Table No A.9 - Size and weight of Skin Plate Assembly

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. length of skin 14970 11970 11970 11970 11970 11976
plate mm mm mm mm mm mm
2 Thickness of 15, 10 12,10 12,10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 8 mm
skin plate mm mm
3 Thickness of 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
end plate
4 Size & No of “T”
a) Stiffeners 310 x 150 x 150 x 110 x 100 x 100 x 50
Intermediate 150 140 140 110 100 21 No.
b) End 27 No. 27 No. 21 No. 21 No. 21 No.
300 x HW HW 150 x 100
150 225 x 210 x 225 x 100 200 x 4 Nos
4 Nos 150 150 4 Nos 165
4 Nos 4 Nos 4 Nos
5 Height 13000 8900 mm 7333 mm 5760 mm 4740 mm 3760 mm
(Curved) mm 10000 8200 mm 6500 mm 7000 mm 4000 mm
Radius 15000 mm
6 Weight of one 44 MT 18.96MT 15 MT 10.32MT 9.5 MT 7.4 MT

Skin Plate Assembly

Fig. 3.10

A.11 Guide Roller Assembly The rollers shall be adjustable
Guide rollers shall be provided on and removable. They shall travel on
the sides of the gate to limit the wall plates but the portion or the
lateral motion or side sway of the wall plates on which they travel may
gate to not more than 6 mm in be made of structural steel instead
either direction. At least two guide of stainless steel.
rollers on each side shall remain The rollers shall be provided
within the wall plate area when the with plain bronze bushings turning
gate is in fully raised condition (Fig. on fixed steel pins. Provision or
Guide Roller Assembly
Fig. 3.12

Table No A.11 - Size and number of rollers per gate

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. No. of rollers gate 6 4 4 4 4 4
2. Diameter of roller 150 mm 150 mm 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm 140 mm

greasing the bushings shall also be hard chrome plated to 20µ material
made. Guide roller pin should be used is structural steel.

A.12 Rubber Seals prevented totally. This is achieved
Various types or seals generally used by appropriate pre-compression.
for different classes of gates shall be The gate bottom is provided with
in accordance with IS 11855-2004 flat type rubber seal. The rubber
and Specification for rubber seals seals shall be moulded from natural
are shown below (Fig. 3.13) or synthetic rubber containing not
less than one percent by weight of
Rubber Seals are fixed in
copper inhibitor and shall have
such a way that they bear tightly
following physical properties. as per
against the seal seats and leakage is
confirming IS 4623-2000.

1) Shore Number hardness - 65±5

2) Minimum elongations - 450%
3) Ultimate tensile strength (Minimum) - 14.5N/mm.sq.
4) The rubber compound shall not absorb - 10%.
More than by weight of water in a 7 day test
5) The tensile strength of the test specimen after
Subjected to an accelerated ageing test of 48 hrs.
In o x ygen at 700 C and 2.1 N/ mm2 Pressure
shall be not less than 80% of the strength of
the test specimen Before ageing.

Fig. 3.13 Type of seals and Number of bolts

for fixing seals is shown in Table

A.12 (b) Water Lubrication

Necessary water lubrication for side
seals of radial gates is required.
Water lubrication is to be done
every time during operation of gate
to prolong the life of rubber seal by
minimising friction between wall
plate and rubber seal. Particularly
in operation during dry condition
lubrication is a must.

Table no. A.12 - Type of seals And Numbers of bolts for Fi x ing seals.
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Type of Side Seals L L L L L L
Type of Bottom Seals Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat
Cross section Side 90 x 75 x 20 90 x 75 x 15 90 x 65 x 15 90 x 40 x 15 90 x 40 x 15 90 x 40 x 15
2 Size of Bottom Seals 100 x 20 mm 100 x 20 mm 100 x 20 mm 90 x 15 mm 90 x 15 mm 90 x 15 mm
Length of Side Seal 13060 mm 8900 mm 7533 mm 5960 mm 4860 mm 3860 mm
Length of Bottom 15300 mm 12300 mm 12300 mm 12300 mm 12300 mm 12300 mm
3 Pre-compression
required 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm
a)Side rubber seal
b)Bottom rubber seal 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm
4 Bolts for Side Seal Stainless steel Galvanised Galvanised Galvanised Galvanised Galvanised
22 mm dia 20 mm dia 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia.
90 mm long 90 mm long 100 mm long 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm long
262 No. 144 No. 120 No. long 94 No. long 78 No. 60 No.
Bolts for Bottom Seal 22 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 20 mm dia. 16 mm dia.
100 mm long 80 mm long 110 mm long 80 mm 80 mm 80 mm long
150 No. 97 No. 97 No. long 97 No. long 97 No. 97 No.

A.13 Tie Channel with parallel end arms, since the

Tie channel is a tension member lateral reaction loads are normally
provided on some gates with negligible. The trunnion tie extends
inclined strut arms that is designed across the gate bay from one end
to resist lateral end frame reaction frame to the other and is attached to
loads (loads that are parallel to each end frame near the trunnion.
trunnion pin axis or perpendicular Size and weight of tie channel as
to the pier). Trunnion ties are shown in Table No A.13
not generally provided on gates

Table no. A.13 - Sizes and Weights of Tie channel
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1 Size and 400 x 100 400 x 100 Not 175 x 80 175 x 80 175 x 80
length of tie double double double double double
channel channel channel channel channel channel
12500 10910 mm 10910 10910 10910
mm long long fabricated mm long mm long mm long
fabricated fabricated fabricated fabricated
2. Weight of tie 2 MT 1.7MT -- 1.0 MT 1.0 MT 1.0 MT

A.14 Wall Plates fabricated section with seal plate and

Wall Plates with stainless steel or provided with sufficient anchorages
brass seal plate are provided for in pier face. Size and weight of plate
side sealing arrangement of the skin as shown in Table No. A.14.
plate. (Fig. 3.14) The wall plate is

Table No A.14 - Size of Wall Plate

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Total curved 22323 mm 15333 mm 12885 mm 11344 mm 7091 mm 5585 mm
length of
wall plate
2 Width of 530 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm 300 mm
base plate
3 Thickness of 20 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm
base plate
4 Width of 100 mm 80 mm 100 mm 80 mm 80 mm 80 mm
5 Thickness of 10 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm
6 Weight per 5 MT 2.38MT. 1.7MT. 1.25 MT. 0.82 MT. 0.7. MT.

Wall Plate

Fig. 3.14

Sill Beam

A. 15 Sill Beam concrete and its top flange provides
The sill beam shall be provided sealing surface and to rest skin plate
with stainless steel flats welded or assembly with moving parts. Its
screwed on the top surface with top level is just below 0.3 meter of
stainless steel screws. Fig. 3.15. The the ogee level to suit the hydraulic
minimum thickness of stainless conditions. Size and weight of sill
steel R.S. Joist is embedded in ogee beam as shown in Table No A.15

Sill Beam
Fig. 3.14

Table No A.15 - Size and Weight of Sill Beam

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Length 15200 mm 12200 mm 12200 mm 12200 mm 12200 mm 12200 mm
300 x 140 300 x 140 300 x 140 300 x 140 300 x 140 300 x 140
3. No. of 30 26 24 24 24 24
4. Weight 1.00 MT 0.82 MT 0.74 MT 0.74 MT 0.74 MT 0.74 MT

A.16 Locking Arrangement:-
For storing the gate and to relieve
tension on wire rope when gate
is in fully open position, locking
mechanism is required. The gate is
rested on sufficient diameter of MS
pin. Arrangement is provided at the
appropriate level. (Fig. 3.16)
For locking the gate, lift the gate
to match the level of locking pin and
lock it by operating the lever. Before
operating the gate, unlock the pin
and lower the gate.

Gate Locking Arrangement

Fig. 3.16

A.17 Thrust Block embedded in concrete. To allow for
Thrust block is required if inclined the elongation of the insulated load
arms are used with the gate for carrying anchors, bronze or stainless
resisting the horizontal force. This steel sliding surfaces should be
force is transferred to the concrete provided on the face of the thrust
pier through the bearing plate block.

Thrust Block Details


A.18 Anchor Bar/Bolts stage concrete shall be with double

In order to ensure proper alignment nuts and washers. For adjustment
of the embedded parts anchorages purposes enlarged holes in the
shall invariably be provided in second stage embedded parts plates/
two stages that is partly in the joist sections webs and flanges shall
first stage concrete, with suitable be provided. Preferably anchor
block out openings, to hold the may be embedded in first stage
balance embedded parts in the concrete and anchor bolts welded
second stage concrete. For proper subsequently.
bonding of first stage and second The anchor bolts should not be
stage concrete, suitable dowel bars less than 16 mm diameter. Washers
should be provided and interface shall in variably be used with the
surface should be kept thoroughly anchor bolts.
rough. The anchor bolts in second

B. Hoist and its Components Either an end drive type or
a central drive type hoist is used
3.2.B Hoist
for the operation of a radial gate.
The hoist is used to lift or lower the Irrespective the type of hoist, the
gate at a specified speed as and when system comprises of the following
required. The capacity of hoist for components.
radial gate operation depends on
many factors.
Difference between U/S and D/S rope suspension.
Upstream Suspension Downstream Suspension

1 Capacity Normally less More since lever

arm is less
2 Type of rope All ropes are directly Single rope is connected
connection connected to drum; to drum and mechanical
hence adjustment and advantage is used. The
balancing is critical. capacity of gears, and gear
Gears capacity and ratio required is less.
reduction ratio
required is more.
3 Maintenance Since ropes are always The ropes can be
of Rope under water, applying maintained/replaced even
rope compound and with full water on the gate.
replacement of ropes
is difficult.
4 Hoist Bridge Hoist bridge is necessary Hoist bridge is not necessary;
for best layout. only the line shaft support
girder is required.
5 Interference Upstream ropes normally The location of hoist is to be
of ropes interferes with road bridge; selected after working out
one has to do careful study necessary clearance of Hoist
and locate the hoist. The components with moving
rope shall be always tangent parts of gates
to the skin plate; otherwise,
the gate top will bend
6 Cost The cost is almost same. If designer plans very well, about
5 to 10% cost can be reduced in case of Downstream type
of hoist.
7 Maximum 5T to 220T 10T to 300T
executed in

1) Hoist Bridge Rope drum with upstream rope
2) Drive Unit suspension.
3) Gear Train assembly Rope drum with downstream
rope suspension.
Gate Locking Arrangement
Fig. 3.17

General Arrangement of Hoist For Down Stream Lifting

Fig. 3.18

B.1 Hoist Bridge assembly unit. It is covered with
It is welded structure supported on chequrred plate for movement of
anchor Box es, which are embedded the staff.(Fig. No. 3.19 )The size
in piers. This frame provides support and weight of Hoist Bridge as shown
to the drive unit and the gear train in Table B.1

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters

No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Length 16200 mm 13580 mm 13580 mm 13180 mm 13180 mm 13180 mm
Centre drive 5324 mm 4400 mm 4400 mm 4400 mm
End drive
2 Width 3625 mm 2242 mm 2242 mm 2130 mm 2130 mm 2130 mm
Centre drive
3 Size of a 1000 x 400 600 x 210 600 x 210 450 x 150 450 x 150 450 x 150
main girder Fabricated ISMB ISMB ISMB ISMB ISMB
Centre drive
4 Appro x 22 MT 6.4 MT 6.4 MT 4.4 MT 5.5 MT 5.5 MT
imate weight
of hoist
bridge with
and railing
drive type)

Hoist Bridge with Railing
B.2 Drive Unit
It consist of electric motor, and function of each are as mention
electromagnetic brake, starter, in B.2(a). Electric motor used is of
I.C.T.P switch, gate position indicator the specification confirming to IS-
and Limit switches. Specification 325-1970.

B.2 (a) Electric motor specification

Motor Squirrel cage, induction motor Enclosure Totally enclosed fan cooled
type (Crane duty)
Speed 960 R.P.M. Supply 3 phase, 50Hz,400/440 volts A.C
Duty S4 crane duty,40% CDE value, Torque Starting torque - 225% of full load
half hour rating torque
Horse The horsepower of motor
power depends upon the capacity of

The Horse power is calculated as below.
For 42 Ton capacity hoist -

Load in Kg Lifting speed in METERS per minute

H.P = ---------------------------- x --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4500 overall efficiency

42000 0.45
= --------------------------- x -----------------------
4500 0.45

= 9.33 say 10 H.P maximum

N.B.: Overall efficiency is kept at 45% to have self-locking quality. Similarly for 36 Ton
hoist H.P. required is 10 H.P. motor is preferred & For 20 Ton hoist, 5H.P. geared
motor is used.

Horsepower required for gate operation is mentioned in Table B.2

B.2 (b) Reduction Gear Box
Sr. No. Item Size of Gate in Meters
15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. R.P.M. 960 960 960 400 400 400
2. H.P. 20 10 10 5 5 5

It is oil i mmersed single worm

reduction gearBox having input
and output shaft extended on
both sides. One end of input shaft
is connected to the driving shaft
of motor and other end is used
for hand operation. Both ends
of output shaft are connected
to the line shaft by means of a
flexible coupling. The reduction
unit is type, having a ratio of 60:1
for a 20 Ton hoist O-600 and for
36 & 42 Ton hoist O-700 worm
reduction gear Box es are used.
Gear oil required is 4 liters and
5.7 liters respectively.

B.2(c) Electromagnetic Brake up system of power released
1) The parts used for braking shall type and without prior approval
be made from hard wearing of the purchaser.
material with adequate thermal 4) Spring of electro-mechanical
capacity for the duty required. brakes shall be of the
Due allowance shall be kept compression type and shall
for the brake drum capacity to not be stressed in excess of 80
dissipate heat generated due to percent of the elastic limit of
frequent braking. The rubbing the material. Brake weight if
surface shall be smooth and free provided shall be security bolted
from defects. The brake lining to the levers and locked.
shall be protected from water, 5) Under service conditions brakes
grease, oil or other adverse applied by required a force
effects. greater than 120 N (12 kgf) at
2) The bearing pressure on the the handle. Brakes applied by
linings shall be conducive foot shall not require a force
to provided with means of of more than 200 N (20kgf) on
adjustment to compensate for the pedal. The stroke of hand
wear. levers shall not exceed 300 mm
3) Al electro-mechanical or electro- and of pedals 150 mm. Locking
hydraulic brakes shall be applied devices shall be provided on
automatically by springs or brake levers where necessary.
weights when the power supply Brake pedals shall have non slip
to the brake is opened or when surface.
the controller is brought to off
position. Power applied brakes
shall not be fitted without a back

6) Electro-hydraulic thruster required. The brake shall be capable
operated brakes are permissible of bringing a fully loaded crane to
on all motions. rest with least possible shock from
7) Appropriate mechanical, electro- the highest speed it can attain with
hydraulic brake magnet or any electro-magnetic/electro-hydraulic
other alternative brake releasing brakes, limit switches shall be
gear may be used. provided in this motion.
The traveling motion of every
electric outdoor crane shall be
Hoist Motion Brake
provided with the automatic electro-
Electrically operated hoisting magnetic/electro-hydraulic parking
motion shall be fitted with an brakes if the service brake is not of
electro-hydraulic/electro-magnetic eletromechanical type. All overhead
fail safe brake. The brake will arrest cranes working outdoors shall be
the motion and hold at rest any load provided with an additional storm
up to and including overload test brake for anchoring it when it is
load at any position of the lift. left unattended or under the storm
The provision shall be made condition. Gantry cranes working
to enable any load capable of over outdoors with rails on ground shall
coming the friction in the system be provided with rail clamps of
up to and including the test load screws jack or chain anchor at each
to be lowered safely in a controlled corner for anchoring it during the
manner in the event of power storm.
failure. The brake shall be designed It is fail -safe. Spring loaded,
to exert a restraining torque of double shoe type, solenoid operated
minimum 50 percent greater than electromagnetic brake, having
the ma x imum torque transmitted 200 mm.or 300 mm diameter
to the brake from the suspended brake drum. It operates on two-
load under the loading In estimating phase, 440 volts and A.C. supply.
this torque the effects of friction in It operates automatically. When
the transmission system between the current is put off from the
the load and the brake shall be motor the brake in applied and
ignored. electrically released, when current
is supplied to the motor. One lever
Travelling Motion is provided to release the brake for
manual operation of brake. Brake
Every electrically operated travelling drum details and torque required as
motion shall be fitted with a shown in Table B.2(b)
mechanical or an electro-magnetic
brake or a combination of the two, if

Table No. B.2 (b)
Brake Drum Details and Torque Required
Sr. No. Item Size of Gate in Meters
15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Diameter of 300 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
brake drum
2. Braking torque 340 N-m 108 N-m 108 N-m 108 N-m 108 N-m 108 N-m

B.2 (d) Starters mechanism and to apply the brake

when the gate has lifted or lowered to
predetermine level. There are three
pin type limit switches. Two limit
switches are provided to control the
lifting and lowering position of the
gate. The cam fi x ed on the output
shaft of small RGB, operates the
limit switch, when the gate reaches
its full height in forward motion and
thereby prevents further opening by
disconnecting the supply.
In the same fashion the second
limit switch disconnects the supply
and stops the motor, when the gate
reaches its bottom most position.

It is an air brake reversible direct

on line (DOL) type starter with
three push buttons Forward – Stop
– Reverse. The starter contains
overload protection device i.e.
bimetal self-resetting thermal
relay and protection against single

B.2 (e) Limit Switches

It is a device provided to cut off
the current to stop motion of hoist

The third limit switch is provided B.2 (g) Remote Control System
for safety during hand operation In the remote control system the
of the hoist. The socket with lever operator need not be required to
provided on input shaft of main approach an individual gate for
RGB is to be removed for mounting operation, but can control the
the handle. Removing the socket operation of any gate from his
releases the plunger of the third cabin. The system is provided with
limit switch, thereby breaking indicators fitted on panel board
electric supply of the motor. in the cabin showing opening or
closing of the gates. This system
is provided on some projects like
Yeldari, Koyna etc.
B.2 (f) Gate position Indicator

B.3 Gear Train Assemblies (Left

hand side and Right hand side)

It consists of a spur gear train, small It consist two or three gear trains. A
reduction unit, dial and a pointer. rope drum with wire rope is mounted
The pin is mounted on the out put on the drum a x el. Suitable cover is
shaft of main worm reduction unit. provided for safety of operational
The gear is mounted on input shaft and maintenance staff. Details of
of small reduction gearBox. The gear train is shown in Table B.3
dial is calibrated to indicate the lift
of the gate, by the pointer, which
is fitted on output shaft of small
reduction gearBox

Table No. B.3
Reduction in Gear Train
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Hoist capacity 105 Ton 42 Ton 36 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton

2 First Gear Train 20 12 12 12 12 12

Face width 270 mm 180 mm 167 mm 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm
No.of teeth on 19 21 24 19 19 19
Gear 100 106 106 93 93 93
Reduction ratio 5.263 5.047 4.416 4.894 4.894 4.894
3 Second Gear 16 10 10 8 8 8
Face width 180 mm 130 mm 112 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm
No.of teeth on 17 17 18 19 19 19
Gear 79 82 70 09 09 09
Reduction ratio 4.647 4.823 3.88 4.736 4.736 4.736
4 Third Gear Train 12 8 6 Not Not Not
Module required
Face width 120 mm 90 mm 75 mm
No.of teeth on 16 17 22
Gear 68 52 81
Reduction ratio 4.250 3.058 3.681
5 Overall reduction 103.94 74.43 63.07 23.177 23.177 23.177
in all the train
The gears are made of cast steel confirming to IS- 1030-1998, grade 30-57.

B.3 (a) Bearings
Suitable bearing are used for various shafts as shown in Table B.3(a)

Table No.B.3 (a)

Ball Bearing for Rotating Shafts
Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Hoist capacity 105 Ton 42 Ton 36 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton
2 Diameter of 700 mm 700 mm 640 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
drum (20 times
of wire rope)
3 Length of Drum 2286 mm 851 mm 815 mm 641 mm 641 mm 641 mm
4 No of grooves on LH-9 6 7 6 6 6
each side RH-9
5 Depth of the 13 mm 12 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
groove (0.35
times of dia. of
wire rope)

For drum a x le Leaded Tin Bronze bushes are provided, one for C.I. drum and
another for first (bull) gear.

B.3 (b) Wire Rope Drum

This is made of cast iron conforming No. of grooves provided on the
to IS-210-1993, grade 20. for the drum including 2idle turns, when
hoist capacity more than 60 Tan the gate is in lowered position and
cast steel drums are used (IS-1030- one spared turn when the gate is in
1998). The drum has machined on fully lifted position. Details of C.I.
its periphery to guide the wire rope. drum as shown in Table B.3(b)

Table No. B.3(b)
Details of rope drum

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters

No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Hoist capacity 105 Ton 42 Ton 36 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton
2 Diameter of drum 700 mm 700 mm 640 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
(20 times of wire
3 Length of Drum 2286 mm 851 mm 815 mm 641 mm 641 mm 641 mm
4 No of grooves on LH-9 6 7 6 6 6
each side RH-9
5 Depth of the 13 mm 12 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
groove (0.35 times
of dia. of wire

B.4 Line Shaft

To transmit torque from drive unit to gear train assemble, line shafts are
provided. Size of line shafts shown in Table No B.4

Table No. B.4

Size of Shaft

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters

No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5
12 x 4 12 x 3
1. For central 100 mm 80 mm 80 mm 80 mm
80 mm 80 mm
drive unit
Diameter of
line shaft
Length of 3971.5 mm 5244 mm 5025 mm 5086 mm 5086 mm 5086 mm
each shaft
No.of shaft 2 2 2 2 2 2
2. For end -- 228.6 mm 228.6 mm 175 mm 175 mm 175 mm
drive unit
Diameter of
Length of 11514 mm 11514 mm 11333 mm 11333 mm 11333 mm
No.of tube 1 1 1 1 1

Material - The line shaft is made of steel confirming to IS-2062-2006 Grade B or

tubes hot drawn seamless steel tube confirming to BS 806, class B

B.5 Lifting Parts
It consists of wire rope, equalizer
plates, pins and turn buckle with
eye ends. Wire rope sockets (Closed

B.5.a Equalizer Plate Assembly

The function of plate is to equalize
the tension in wire ropes. The
equalizer plates are triangular in
shape. A plate assembly is provided
at both suspension points of the

B.5 b Turn Buckle with Eye End

B.5 c Sockets
Two types of wire rope sockets are
It is provided to adjust the tension used.
in the wire ropes. One eye end is 1. Open type
connected to the equalizer plate
2. Closed type
and the other end is connected to
the lifting bracket pin. Two turn
buckle provided for each Hoist.

B.5 d Wire Rope

The radial gate is connected with

conventional up stream side hoist
by wire ropes 4 Nos. or 8 Nos. of
suitable Diameter .Wire rope is made
of improved plough steel, normally
galvanized of 6 x 36 construction. It
shall conform to IS 2266-2002.
The factor of safety is generally
taken as 6 under normal operating
condition. for various hoists
capacities, the sizes of wire ropes are
given in Table B.5(d)

Table No B.5(d)
Sizes of wire ropes for various hoist

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters

No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Hoist capacity 105 Ton 42 Ton 36 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton 20 Ton
2 Diameter of wire 36 mm 36 mm 32 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm
rope No.of wire 8 4 4 4 4 4
3 Nominal strength 63000 kg 63000 kg 54000 kg 30000 kg 30000 kg 30000
Required for kg
4 Nominal breaking 67100 kg 67100 kg 55400 kg 35600 kg 35600 kg 35600
Strength of wire kg
rope used.
5 Length of wire 180 Mtr. 90 Mtr. 85 Mtr. 65 Mtr. 65 Mtr. 65 Mtr.
rope required.

B.6 Covers protruding parts or are so situated
These are provided to protect the in relation to the structure of the
hoist components from rain and crane as to be safe as if guards were
also for safety of operators. provided. The sheaves of the hook
block shall be guarded to prevent
the possibility of trapping between
1. Guards a sheave and the in-running wire
All gears, wheels, pinions and chain rope.
drives shall be totally encased by
the guard or by the structure of the
2. Weather Protection
crane, so as to be safe as if complete
encasement is provided. Effective For outdoor crane all electrical
guards shall be provided for all and mechanical equipments shall
revolving shafts and couplings be adequately protected from the
rotating at high speeds or having weather. All weatherproof covers
shall be easily removable.

Technical Data of Hoist

Sr. Name of gate Weight in M.Ton for Std. Gates

No component 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
Mtr. Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr
1 Hoist capacity 105 M.T. 42 M.T. 36 M.T. 20 M.T. 20 M.T. 20 M.T.
2 Type Rope- Rope- Rope- Rope- Rope- Rope-
drum drum drum drum drum drum
3 Lifting speed 450 mm/ 450 mm/ 450 mm/ 450 mm/ 450 mm/ 450 mm/
min min min min min min
4 Lift 12mtr. 8mtr. 6.5 Mtr 5 Mtr. 5 Mtr. 5 Mtr.
Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical
5 H.P. of motor 20 H.P. 10 H.P. 10 H.P. 5 H.P. 5 H.P. 5 H.P.
960 R.P.M 960 R.P.M 960 400 R.P.M 400 R.P.M 400 R.P.M
6 Worm reduction 60:1 60:1 60:1 60:1 60:1 60:1
gear Box Ratio
7 Worm reduction 0/700 0/700 0/700 0/600 0/600 0/600
gear Box size
8 Size of E.M.B. 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
9 Size of Wire rope 36 mm 36 mm 32 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm
10 Weight of 34 12.5 10.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
11 Weight of Hoist 22 7.5 7.7 5.5 5.5 5.5
Bridge Including
railing etc. (MT)

C. Cross Regulator Gate
These gates are same as radial gates
and are available in three standard
sizes such as 5.5 x 4.5 Mtr, 5.5 x 3.5
Mtr, 4.5 x 4.5 Mtr,

Sr. No. Gate size in meter Weight in Metric Ton Hoisting Capacity in
Metric Ton
1 5.5 x 4.5 Mtr., 12.50 10
2 5.5 x 3.5 Mtr., 10.54 10
3 4.5 x 4.5 Mtr., 10.00 10

Chapter - four
Chapter - Four
Technical Details of Stop Log Gates and
Goliath Crane

4.1 Stop Log Gates case arrangement to provide the

Stop log gates are generally stoplogs as emergency gates is
provided on the upstream side of required. Stoplogs are vertical lift
regulating gate for stoppage of gates in pieces. They are handled
flow over spillway or through an by means of a Goliath Crane or an
outlet. Location of the grooves, electrically operated traveling crane.
to a great extent, influences the The stoplogs are lifted by means of
hydrodynamic forces on the gate a lifting beam.
and also the flow conditions in the For storing of stoplog gate
vicinity. As such location of grooves during idle condition arrangement
for spillway stop log gate and sluice is provided as shown in figure 3.1
outlet is decided, after considering page-13
hydraulic structural and operational For Lifting/lowering of stoplog
requirements. gates, a lifting beam is used. It has
Normally repairs to the spillway having two pivoted hooks on either
gates are carried out when the side. The Shape of the hook is such
lake level goes below the crest that when lifting beam is lowered
level. However, in some cases, the the hook is engaged with stoplog pin
duration of lake level below the by pulling the wire rope provided at
crest is very small or nil. In that one end of hook

Table No. 4.1

Sr. Item Size of Gate in Meters
No. 15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. Size of gates 15 x 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1
2. Weight 12 MT 7.39 MT 7.39 MT 7.39 MT 7.39 MT 7.39 MT

Table No. 4.2
Number of Pieces Required Per Set for Different Size of Radial Gate

Sr. No. Item Size of Gate in Meters

15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3
1. No of pieces 15 x 1.25 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1 12 x 1
Per set 10 Nos. 9 Nos. 7 Nos. 6 Nos. 5 Nos. 4 Nos.

Note: No. of sets of stop log gates required for particular project is specified by
C.D.O. Nashik in their General Layout drawing.

Table No. 4.3

Details of Rubber Seals

Sr. No. Item Size of stop log 15 x 1 Mtr. Remark

1. Side 100 x 45 mm. For radial gate size
(Musical node) 1 Mtr. Length - 2Nos 12 x 8Mtr, 12 x 6.5 Mtr. &
12 x 5 Mtr., 12 x 4 Mtr.,
2. Bottom (Flat) 83 x 14 mm. 12 x 3 Mtr.,
12 Mtr. long - 1 No. These stop log gates are used.

Sr. No. Item Size of stop log 15 x 1.25 Mtr. Remark

1. Side (Musical node) 100 x 45 mm. 1.25 Mtr. Length - 2 Nos.
2. Bottom (Flat) 83 x 14 mm. 15 Mtr. long - 1 No.

Table 4.4
Details of Roller Assembly for stop log gate

Sr. No. Item Size of stop log Remark

12 x 1 Mtr.
1. No.of rollers per gate 4 Nos. For radial gate size
12 x 8 M
2 Outside diameter of roller 380 mm
12 x 6.5 M. &
12 x 5 M.
3 Inside diameter of roller 162 mm 12 x 4 Mtr.,
4 Width of roller 115 mm 12 x 3 Mtr.,

5 Inside diameter of P.B. bush 130 mm

4.2 Goliath Crane drum hoist and counter weight.

Goliath Crane are adapted to Standard size of goliath crane as
applications where over head shown in table. This will facilitate
runways would be very long, costly easy handling of stop log elements
to erect, and difficult to maintain and its maintenance. Gantry cranes
in alignment .Goliath crane is used are also used for maintenance of
for lifting and lowering of stop log spillway gates and rope drum hoist,
gates. These are operated by rope barrage gates.

Stop Log Gate

Stop Log - Cross Section

Technical Details of Standard Goliath Crane

Sr. No. Description Hoisting Capacity

Goliath Crane 16 T 25 T
1 Hoisting Speed 0.842 M/min 0.975 M/min
2 Wire Rope Ø 19 mm Ø 24 mm
3 Counter Weight 10 T 15 T

Stop Log Gate

Chapter - five
Chapter - Five
Technical Details of Hydraulic Hoists

5.1 Hydraulic Hoists 2.0 If hydraulic hoist is considered

Hydraulic hoists are used for at planning stage, significant
operating various types of gates savings in cost of civil
installed in hydraulic structures. structure can be realised. For
Fig. 5.1 conventional rope drum hoists,
the gates are required to be
supported between the piers
5.1 A) Hydraulic Hoists v/s Rope for about 2/3rd of height while
Drum Hoist the gates are raised to fully open
1.0 It is true that application of position. This requires the civil
hydraulic hoist for operation structure d/s of spillway bridge
of gates so far has been limited to be raised by about 2 to 3 m
to river sluice or irrigation above the spillway bridge height
sluice gates and penstock for installation of hoist bridge
gates which involve operation and hoist supporting structure.
under unbalanced condition Hence providing of hydraulic
and require positive thrust for hoist results into significant
closing. This practice has been curtailment in the civil structure
mainly due to the fact that requirement and consequent
manufacturing facilities have cost.
not developed in India for the 3.0 In case of conventional rope
capacity and stroke required drum hoists there is elaborate
necessitating import of these requirement of providing hoist
equipments from developed supporting structure and hoist
countries and consequently the bridge and these requirement
capital cost itself when compared are completely dispensed with
to the cost of indigenously in case of hydraulic hoists except
available conventional rope small maintenance platforms at
drum hoist is too high which cylinder suspension locations.
evidently appear unaffordable.
4.0 Hydraulic hoist installations can
Added to this factor is the
be considered maintenance free
abnormally high ratio of customs
when compared to conventional
duty and import related taxes
rope drum hoists installations,
and expenses.
which require oil and grease
lubrications of all moving shafts,

Arrangement showing Hydraulic Hoist for operation of Radial Gates

gears, bearings, pins, etc. besides and ward against possibility
adjusting of electromagnetic of unauthorised access for
brakes, lifting arrangements for operation or tampering with the
equalizing of ropes etc. installations.
5.0 The operations of opening and 7.0 Rope drum hoist have
closing of gates are smooth and mechanical components like
free from jerks incase of hydraulic gears and pinions, which are
hoists and consequently the subject to wear and tear and
discharge of water can be very consequent maintenance
closely regulated as per exact expenses, while hydraulic hoists
requirement. do not involve such problems.
6.0 Hydraulic hoist installations
provide flexibility for locating 5.2 Hydraulic hoists have a number
operating power packs at a of advantages
centralised location. Hence with
• Large force can be applied at
concealed piping and electrical
desired speed without the need
cables, the installations are
for gear Box es having several
fully secured and there is
reduction stages.
no requirement of watch

• High overall efficiency. 12 years operation, the cost of
• Absence of overhead structure replacement of parts is more.
installation is more flexible for • Dust-free cabinets are needed
locating a bridge spanning a for effective performance.
spillway or weir. • Initial cost is more.
• The speed can be varied i.e.,
different desired speeds can be
5.4 Type of Hydraulic Hoists
adopted separately for hoisting,
normal lowering and emergency IS 10210: Design criteria of
lowering. Example: for Penstock hydraulic hoists for gates gives the
gates and intake gates. general parameters under which
the hydraulic hoists are designed.
• Wherever positive thrust is
required for gate closing. Lifting of gate is carried out by
The same can be achieved by oil pressure supplied by pumping
hydraulic hoists. For example: unit. Oil under pressure is directed
Sluice slide gates. to the interior of the cylinder on the
stem side, pushing up the piston.
The upward movement of the piston
5.3 Disadvantages or detrimental forces the oil on the other side of
aspects are: the cylinder to return to the tank.
• Sensitivity to co mmunication of
hydraulic fluid contamination
5.5 Hydraulic Hoist Components;
of fluid when changing oil
can result in a co mmon cause The hydraulic hoist consists of
failure. An event which affects following parts:
the whole system. 1. Cylinder/tube
• In the first few years, maintenance 2. Upper cylinder head
is very much less and after 10 to 3. Lower cylinder head/rod end
5.4 Type of Hydraulic Hoists
Sr. No. Type Usage
1 Single Used only in gravity-closing gates.
acting type Generally used for penstock gates for variable speed for hoisting
by power pack and lowering by gravity i.e., normal lowering and
emergency lowering.
The radial gates are being operated with two numbers of
hydraulic hoists connected on either side.
2 Double Generally used for vertical lift gates of river sluices where positive
acting type thrust is required to close the gates.

4. Piston 5.6 Hydraulic operating system
5. Piston stem Components of hydraulic – electrical
6. Piston seals / rings system consists of the following
7. Eye end
• Oil tank • Filters
8. Mounting details:
• Pumps
a. Top eye end
• Electrical Motors
b. Flange mounting
• Flow direction valves
c. Trunnion mounted
• Pressure – relief valves
The materials selection and design
procedure shall be followed as per • Pressure switches
IS 10210. • Pressure gauges • Piping
• Control components
(relays, push buttons etc.)

Sr. No. Description Sr. No. Description

1 Hydraulic tank 2 Suction Strainer
3 Air Breather 4 Level Gauge
5 Float Switch 6 Return line filter
7 Drain Valve 8 Vane pump
9 Electric motor 10 Bell Housing
11 Inline Check 12 Inline Check
13 Hand Pump 15.1 Pressure Switch
15.2 Pressure Switch 16 Relief Valve
17 Pressure Relief valve 19 Thermostat
20 Temperature Gauge 21 Check Valve
22 Pressure gauge 23 Damper
24 Manifold Block 25 Flow control Valve
25.1 Manifold Block 26 Cylinder Shut-off Valve
27 D.C.Valve 28 P.O.Check Valve
29 Cyl. Manifold Block 30 Port Relief Valve
33 Check Valve 34 Hydraulic Cylinder
35 Shut-off Valve 37 Single Stn. Gauge Isolator
38 Power Pack Assembly 39 Hydraulic Oil
41 Hydraulic Piping (Power pack to Cylinder

Sr. No. Description Sr. No. Description
1 Cylinder Weldment 1.1 Cylinder Pipe
1.2 Cylinder Flange 2 Piston Rod
3 Cylinder Head 3.1 Cylinder Head Flange
4 Cylinder Bottom 5 Piston Ring
6 Piston Nut 7 Piston Guide Ring
8 Cushioning Bush 11 Guide Ring
12 Snap Ring 13 Bearing
14 Rod Seal Flange 15.1 Chevron Packing (Piston Type)
15.2 Chevron Packing (Rod Type) 15.3 Wearing
15.4 “O” Ring 15.5 Wiper Seal
15.6 Rod Seal 15.7 “O” Ring
15.8 Back Up Ring 15.9 “O” Ring
15.10 Back Up Ring 15.11 “O” Ring
15.13 “O” Ring 15.14 Back Up Ring
15.15 Rod Seal 15.16 Wiper Seal
15.17 Wearing 15.18 “O” Ring
16 HSHC Screw 17 HSHC Screw
17.1 Spring Washer 18 HSHC Screw
19 HSHC Screw 19.1 Spring Washer
20 Set Screw 21 Spherical Ball
22 Minimess Coupling 23 SAE – Flange
24 Internal Circlip

5.7 Trouble Shooting Guide and information is covered in the

maintenance Hints of Hydraulic immediately following paragraphs.
5.7 (b) System Design
5.7 (a) General There is of course, little point
The trouble shooting charts and in discussing the design of a
maintenance hints that follow are of system which has been operating
a general system nature but should satisfactorily for a period of time.
provide an initiative feeling for a However, a seemingly uncomplicated
specific system. The more general procedure such as relocating a

system or changing a component controlled directional valve can be
part can cause problems. Because actuated will save considerable time
of this, the following points should in isolating a defective solenoid.
be considered;
• Each component in the system Some additional practices which
must be compatible with will increase your ability and also
and form an integral part of the useful life of the system follow:
the system. For example, an
• Know the capabilities of the
inadequate size filter on the inlet
system. Each component in the
of a pump can cause cavitations
system has a ma x . rated speed
and subsequent damage to the
torque or pressure. Loading the
system beyond the specifications
• All lines must be of proper size simply increases the possibility
and free of restrictive bends. of failure.
Undersize of restricted line
• Know the correct operating
results in a pressure drop in the
pressures. Always set and check
line itself.
pressures with a gauge. How else
• Some components must be can you know if the operating
mounted in a specific position pressure is above the ma x .
with respect to their components rating of the components? The
or the lines. The housing of question may arise as to what
an inline pump, for example, the correct operating pressure
must remain filled with fluid to is. If it is not correctly specified
provide lubrication. of the hydraulic schematic, the
• The inclusion of adequate test following rule should be applied.
points for pressure readings, The correct operation
although not essential for pressure is the lowest pressure
operation, will expedite trouble which will allow adequate
shooting. performance of the system
function and still remains
below the ma x . rating of the
5.7 (c) Knowing the system
components and machine.
Probably the greatest aid to
• Know the proper signal levels,
trouble shooting is the confidence
feedback levels and dither and
of Knowing the system. Every
gain settings in servo control
component has a purpose in the
systems. If they are not specific,
system. The construction and
check them when the system is
operating characteristics of each
functioning correctly and mark
one should be understood. For
them on the schematic for
example, knowing that a solenoid
future reference.

5.7 (d) Developing systematic B. Excessive noise means wear,
procedures misalignment, cavitations or air
Analysis the system and develop a in the fluid. Contaminated fluid
logical sequence for setting valves, can cause a relief valve to stick
mechanical stops, interlocks and and chatter. These noises may be
electrical controls. Tracing of flow the result of dirty filters or fluid,
paths can be accomplished by high fluid viscosity, excessive
listening for flowing the lines or drive speed, low reservoir level,
feeling the warmth. The initial time loose intake lines, or worn
spent on such a project could save couplings.
hours of system down time.
5.7 (f) Maintenance
5.7 (e) Recognizing trouble Three simple maintenance
indications. procedures have the greatest effect
The ability to recognize indications on hydraulic system performance,
in a specific system is usually efficiency and life. Yet, the very
acquired with experience. However, simplicity of them may be the reason
a few general trouble indications they are so often overlooked. What
can be discussed. are they? Simply these:
A. Excessive heat means trouble. A • Maintaining a clean, sufficient
misaligned coupling places an quantity of hydraulic fluid of
excessive load on bearings and the proper type and viscosity.
can be readily identified by the • Changing filters and cleaning
heat generated. A warmer than strainers.
normal tank return line on a • Keeping all connections tight,
relief valve indicates operation but not to the point of distortion,
at relief valve setting. Hydraulic so that air is excluded in the
fluids which have a low viscosity system.
will increase the internal leakage
of components resulting in heat
rise. Cavitations and slippage in
a pump will also generate heat.

Chapter - six
Chapter - Six
Operation of Radial Gates

6.1 Introduction Before operation the gates it should

It should be ensured that the three be ensured that the brake is working
phase supply is available as a main properly.
source. If it is not available start the The gate operation schedule is fixed
standby generator and switch over by the Central Designs Organization,
to generator supply. In any case the Nasik for each dam and the same
electrical motor should be allowed should be followed.
to run in three phase supply. Avoid operation of the gates at a
Switches, relays etc. should be particular opening if any abnormal
checked before operation. noise or vibrations noticed are more
The gates should be operated then refer the matter to C.D.O.
by an experienced and qualified Nasik.
operator, who should come on duty
in sober condition. 6.2 Precaution to be taken while
The gates should be operated operation.
only after receiving orders from (a) Do not run hoists on poor/high
the competent authority of project. voltage
Before the gates are operated, all
(b) Do not run hoists on two phases
the tools, such as spanners, oil cans
otherwise motor will be burnt.
etc. should be removed from the
gates. (c) Operator should be careful
in operating Electrical
Before the gates are operated
for flood control the villagers
living on the bank of river on the (d) Do not haste in following
downstream side should be suitably operation.
warned about the floods, which (e) Do it peacefully and with full
will occur as a result of water being confidence.
released from the reservoir. (f) Do not hide the electrical defects.
It may perhaps be harmful to
you and your brother.
(g) Do not forget to lock the doors
at the cabins etc. after operation
of the respective gate. Remove
the fuse if possible.

6.3 Mode of Operation • Change the fuse for respective
(a) using Electricity board supply hoists. These are provided
on alternate piers just under
(b) using stand bye generator
chequrred plate.
(c using hand operated
• Remove the locking pins, if
it is in full open position for
lowering the gate. Push green
6.3 (a) By using Electricity Board button forward direction for
Supply lifting the gate.
• Study the entire grid before • Read the dial reading for
operations, study the incoming opening or closing the gate.
circuits from the transformer • Push yellow button for stopping
to main switch and further the gate at desired height.
distribution. Also study standby
• Push red button reverse
circuit also.
direction switch for lowering
• First ascertain as to whether the gate. If the ‘Stop button
Electric supply is available. push is not operated in between
Put the switch gear on, and the gate will open or close fully,
Voltmeter will read. It indicates and stopped by limit switches at
supply. the end points.
• The voltage should be in • Close the hoist cabin on
between 400 to 450 Volt. Lower completion of operations, Lock
or higher voltage than this is it,(if possible fuses of respective
harmful for operations of gates. gates should be removed and
420 V is most ideal voltage. shall be kept in generator
• Knowing Electric supply is house)
available cut the circuit and • Note down all readings in
check all the fuses in the register.
• Put down all switches. If possible
• Put the main supply on It is fuses should be removed.
for both lines. Then put the
• All above points can be attended
switch for respective gates to
in 45 minutes only. These gates
be operated. You will read this
can be operated within five
voltage and current. See that
minutes on order.
all phases are having proper
• Establish the signal that the 6.3 (b) Stand - by supply
power is available for operation Normally diesel-generating sets are
of gates. provided at the site for use in the

event of failure of the main supply. 5) After raising or lowering the
In the case of a generating set based gate to required level, bring the
on electrical batteries, it should be hand lever of electro magnetic
ensured that the batteries are kept brake to it’s original position.
full charged, so as to assure quick Remove the handle and replace
starting of the generator engine. the pipe socket on input shaft of
All the Amp, Volt meters should be the reduction unit.
checked and in working condition. 6) Speed; Efforts of two operators
Phase line indicator should be at a time are sufficient to lift the
provided to ensure that all the three gate. Taking into consideration
phases are getting supply. These sets 10 R.P.M. of handle, it will take
should be tested well in advance one hour to lift 12 x 5 Meter size
before starting gate operation. gates by 0.6 Meter approx.

6.3 (c) Manual Operation 6.4 Electrical Operation

The radial gates can be operated Normal Schedule of operation of
manually for emergency in the event gates.
of electric supply failure. Even two
To derive uniform intensity of
labours can operate the gate easily
discharge, so as to achieve satisfactory
at a speed of 10 mm/min.
Energy. dissipation and to avoid
Since the operating of gates turbulent flow, uniform operation of
by manual labour will take long gates becomes obligatory. A schedule
time and is a laborious process, an of operation of spillway gates based
adequate number of labours should on theoretical considerations and
be deployed for this purpose in case composite model studies, has to be
of opening the gates in emergency. furnished to the project authority of
For manual operation, proceed the dam and operation in charge.
as follows. The normal sequence of operation
1) Remove the pipe socket. This of gates shall be as follows.
prevents operation by electric i) Any time during the operation,
power. the differential gate opening
2) Release the brake by operating should not differ by 0.5 Meters
hand lever of the electro - or more.
magnetic - brake. ii) End gates are to be opened first
3) Engage the handle with the and starting from the centre the
input shaft of the speed reducer/ other gates are to be opened in
reduction unit. a sy mmetrical manner, through
gradual increase in opening as
4) Rotate the input shaft with
handle in appropriate direction
to lift or lower the gate.

iii) For releasing extra floods, gates 3) For partial opening, actuate the
in other bays should be opened “STOP” push button, when the
in the same fashion as above. gate reaches the desired height.
iv) If bays in the spillway portion 4) For full opening of the gate,
are two or more, the sequence the present limit switch will
in which the same bays should trip automatically, thereby
be operated for letting out disconnecting the supply and
floods shall be based on model stopping at it’s full height.
v) While closing the gates, the 6.6 Closing of the gate
operation should be reversed.
After receiving order from the
vi) The bay operated last while competent authority to lower the
letting out floods should gate, proceed as follows:
operated first during closing
1) Put the main switch “ON”
2) Actuate the control switch
If inadvertently part number of gates “REVERSE” or “CLOSE” the
are opened disproportionately, gate will start lowering down at
higher unanticipated ski jump is a speed of 450 mm / min. the
likely to be formed. If the central limit switch will trip the supply
gates are opened first, the sidewalls of the motor, when the gate
are subjected to dynamic pressure, reaches it’s lowest position.
due to the flow from central gates
3) While lowering, if the gate is
expanding sideways. The returns
reached at a certain required
flows are also produced.
level, operate the “STOP” push
button to stop the gate at the
6.5 Opening of the gate. intermediate position.
After receiving orders from the 4) Switch OFF the main switch.
engineer in charge or from the 5) Lock the cover of the drive
competent authority to raise the unit.
gate, proceed as follows:
6) Keep the key in control room
1) Put the main switch “ON” or with control room in charge
2) Actuate the control switch Engineer.
“FORWARD” Then the gate will Note: All above operations should be
start rising up gradually at the done under the supervision of qualified
speed of about 450 mm per and trained person.

6.7 Record of operation 6.8 Gate in Locked position
Operation record is kept in two In the following circumstances the
parts gate should be opened to it’s full
Part - I: Order book & part-II- height and kept in locked position:
Log book, forms of both the books 1) When there in No storage
are given on page no.138 against the gate.
Necessary entries should be 2) When the gate is required to be
made in the order book and log kept open to its full height for
book for each operation of the hours together, to release the
gate. tension in wire ropes as well as
load on the brake shoe.
6.9 Trouble shooting Chart
Trouble Probable reason
1 Gate does not raise 1 No supply
2 Obstruction in rubber seal
3 Fault in electric motor
4 Fault in wiring
5 Blown out fuse
6 Brake shoes ja mmed
7 Wire rope broken
8 Malfunctioning of electrical contacts
due to any reason
2 Gate vibrates 1 Lack of lubricants in trunnion
and guide rollers.
2 Rope length not identical on both sides
3 Lack of lubrication or fault in wire rope
pulley sheave arrangement.
3 Motor does not function 1 No supply
2 Starter not in order
3 Blown out fuses in switches
4 Hand operation not removed
5 Low voltage
6 All fuses are not working
4 Starter not working 1 No supply to starter
2 Fixed and moving contacts not in order.
Limit switch engaged.
3 Verify the spot and attend to it..

5 Unusual sound 1 Mis-alignment of any particular component
2 Shearing of connecting bolts and nuts
3 Lack of lubrication
4 Entry of any extraneous matter into
guide roller assembly or pulley sheaves
or trunnion assembly.
6 Gate doesn’t rise beyond 1 Low voltage.
hold position 2 More resistance to move the Gate.
3 Require starting torque is more than
the design torque (less than 200%)
4 Motor rating is not correct

Chapter - seven
Chapter - Seven
Periodical Inspection of Radial Gates

Any equipment, however well 7.1 (a) Before operation of Radial

designed and sturdy, will run Gates
efficiently unless it is well kept and Check List Yes/No
maintained. Therefore the details
(a) Is the gate operator trained ?
of inspection to be done and the
schedule of maintenance are given (b) Whether gate is maintained
here. properly ?
(c) Where any problem was noticed
7.1 Periodical Inspection in the gate operation in last one
In order to detect normal wear year.
and tear, defects if any, periodical (d) Is the maintenance progra mme
inspection of gate installation for the gate chalked out ?
should be carried out. the periodical
inspection of these gates and (e) Is the log book properly
hoist should be done as and when maintained ?
necessary. But at least twice a year and (f) Whether any complaints
corresponding to the periods when received from the water user
the water level in the reservoir is at
about inadequate supply of
it’s highest/lowest levels. In short
pre-monsoon inspections should water due to the faults in the
be done and the following checks gate.
should be done and the following (g) Are defects if any, reported to
checks should be exercised. the Mechanical Engineer
(h) Are reco mmended tools,
lubricates and spares maintained
at the site ?
(i) Is the manual in local language
kept at site ?
(j) Any other point
Note: that the gate is unlocked
manually to ensure that the gate is free
for movement.

7.1 (b) Inspection of Radial Gates (Anchor Girder, Trunnion Brackets and
Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check the nuts and bolts of
a) Anchor girder chair Check for proper
b) Trunnion brackets to anchor Check for proper
c) Nut of horizontal and vertical
anchorages. Check for torque
d) Trunnion pin lock plates Check tightness
e) Tie channels of bars. Cheek welding joints
2) Check whether the anchor girder Cover with 3 mm thick
is covered so that water dose not MS plate, if not already
accumulate in the slots. covered.
3) Check whether flexible sheath Cover it, if not already cover
is provided to prevent entry covered.
of debris in the trunnion assembly.

7.1 (c ) End Arms

Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check welding joints of end arms to Check for cracks;
horizontal girder (with magnifying Rectify accordingly.
glass preferably) on joints/stiffeners.
2) Check whether drain holes drilled Check them if choked.
in the end arm are clear.
3) Check nuts and bolts of end arms to Check for tightness.
horizontal girder joints.

7.1( d ) Horizontal Girders
Parts to be Checked Correction
1) Check welding of
a) Stiffeners of horizontal girder Check for crack and other
b) Horizontal girder to “T” stiffeners defects and rectify
of skin plate accordingly
c) Locking arrangement brackets Check for weld crack
of skin plates.
2) Check drain arrangement of Clear them if choked.
horizontal girder

7.1( e) Skin plate assembly and Rubber Seals

Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check the following welding joint Check for crack and other
skin plate “T” and defects and rectify
if necessary
(a) Vertical joints of skin plate ----do-----
from upstream side and
downstream side.
(b) Lifting bracket to skin plate Check
welding with magnifying glass
and rectify if required.
2) Check the skin plate for pitting Scaling formation should
and scaling be removed pitting
should be filled with
weld/and grinded for
finish. For corrosion
clean it and apply paint
3) (a) Check the condition of side If condition is poor
and bottom rubber seal. replace it, check the
cause of undue wear
before replacement.
(b) All the nuts and bolts fixing Check for wear and tear,
skin plate rubber seal to tightness and replace
if required.

(c) Check for deformation of seal Study the cause of
deformation and rectiry it.
(d) Check whether there is abnormal --------------do-------------
abrasion on seal seat.

7.1 ( f ) Sill Beam and wall Plates

Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check the following joint Check for crack and other
defects and
(a) Wall plate to seal beam rectify.
(b) Two segments of wall plates Rectify the joints using
proper welding electrodes
(c) Brass/Stainless steel ---------------do ------------------
cladding to MS plate
2) Check wall plate and sill beam pitting to be filled in by
for pitting and rusting welding or metalic plate.
Rusted portion should be painted after cleaning.

7.1 (g) Guide Roller

Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check the roller for it’s Make up roller free if
movement jammed.
2) Check the nuts, bolts and Check for wear and tear
guide roller and tightness

7.1( h ) Locking Arrangement

Parts to be Inspected Correction
1) Check whether the locking device Check the function by
function well operating lever. Rectify
the same if movement is
not smooth
2) Check the nuts, bolts and studs Tighten the bolts if required
of locking devices
3) Check the drain holes Clean them if required.

7.1 (i) Drive Unit
Parts to be Inspected Correction
a) Check condition and foundatio Replace worn out liner,
of electro - magnetic brake. adjust brake shoes carefully,
so that both shoes hold the
drum, when supply is cut
off or both simultaneously
if switched on. Brake drum
and liner should always be
free from grease, oil
and etc.
b) Check all electrical connections Check for the loose
of hoist motor, brake, starter connections, proper
limit switch etc. insulation (rats and crabs
damage the insulation)
Overload relay of the starter
is to be adjusted for correct
position and should not
be disturbed.
c) Check manual operation ---------------
d) Check condition of position Check for it’s proper
indicator and all it’s accessories indicator and rectify
e) Check speed reducer/ Check for smooth operation
reduction Unit and check oil level.

7.1 (j ) Inspection of Nuts and Bolts

Parts to be Inspected Correction
a) Hoist frame Check for wear and tear
and tightness
b) Drive Unit Tighten if required or
c) Gear Boxes Undo wearing.
d) Muff coupling -------do------
e) Flange coupling -------do------
f) Bearing Housing -------do------

7.2 During operation lubrication of various parts of
1) The gate operation should be gates and hoists and rectified.
trouble free and there should 4) Check the supply voltage.
not be unusual sound. 5) Check the lubrication at various
2) On load (that is, when there points.
is water) there should be no 6) Check the condition of painting
undue vibration in the gate and at various parts.
the structure.
3) Observe the current drawn by
7.3 Current Drawn By Motor
motor at the time of lifting of
gate. If any excessive current Observe the current drawn by
drawn is noticed, operation motor at the time of lifting of gate.
of hoist should be stopped i If any excessive current drawn is
mmediately and reason for the noticed, operation of hoist should
same may be investigated for be stopped i mmediately and reason
for the same may be investigated
and rectified.

Tolerable Current
Size of Gate H.P. of motor Tolerable current
in Meters range
15 x 12 20 20 to 30 Amps.
12 x 8 10 10 to 15 Amps.
12 x 6.5 10 10 to 15 Amps.
12 x 5 5 5 to 7.5 Amps.
12 x 4 5 5 to 7.5 Amps.
12 x 3 5 5 to 7.5 Amps.

7.4 After operation c) Trunnion pin lock plates.

7.4 (a) Inspection of yoke girder d) Check shear key if provided
thrust block trunnion assembly and behind the trunnion
anchorage bracket.
1) Check the Nuts and bolts e) Nuts of the main tie rods.
a) Trunnion bracket to yoke 2) Check the weld between yoke
girder. girder and main ties.
b) Nuts of horizontal and
vertical anchorage.

7.4 (b) End arms f) Check if end of wire rope is
a) Check welding joints of end properly fastened to drum.
to horizontal girder (with
magnifying glass, preferably 7.4 (f) Check nuts and bolts of
on joints/stiffners)
1) Check for following
b) Check nuts and bolts of end a. Hoist frame
arms to horizontal girder
b. Drive unit
c. Gear Boxes
c) Locking arrangement
d. Flange coupling
brackets of skin plates.
e. Bearing housing
f. Foundation bolts of hoist
7.4 (c) Skin plate assembly and
rubber seals.
Note: Incase of any difficulty
Check the following welding joints.
and guidance in operation and
a) T and skin plate and ribs maintenance of radial gate please
b) Vertical joints of skin plate contact the region mechanical
from upstream side and wing.
down stream side
c) Check lifting bracket 7.5 General Inspections of Radial
and lifting pins for its Gates
1) Any discriminations or
d) Locking brackets to skin derivations if experienced (viz.
plate. leakage, obstructions, obstacles,
7.4 (d) Latching arrangement. unusual or noise, ja mming,
a) Check ropes, nuts and fast of slow operation of radial
bolts and studs of locking gates) should be noted during
devices. recording of operation of radial
2) Calibration of all Meters and
7.4 (e) Wire ropes, hoist, pulleys,
indicators should be done
sheaves, etc.
before and after monsoon.
a) Check condition of wire
3) Co mmunication and electrical
facility kept ready at all times
b) Check turn buckles. with standby arrangement in
c) Check tension of wire the event of any unpredicted
ropes. incidence.

In the event of any emergency Radial gate operation, repairs
alarming and lighting signals and maintenance.
should be ready in the addition 6) Strict security should be
to other co mmunication facility exercised for preventing any
with nearest controlling office trespassers and unauthorized
4) A set of tools, accessories and person on main dam. (Bridge
handles (for manual operation) and on dam)
should be kept ready on radial 7) Water lubrication system for
gate site. rubber seal is checked for
5) Only technically experienced proper functioning.
and Authorised designated staff
should always do all.

Chapter - eight
Chapter - Eight
Pre-monsoon and post-monsoon inspection
of dams (checklist and Related circular)
A co mmittee is formed for the After inspection of each dam, a
inspection of gated dams vide report will be sent to Superintending
marathi technical circular no.4324 Engineer(Gates), Superintending
dated 15/12/2006 issued by Director Engineer(Projects), Executive
General, Designs, Training and Engineer(Projects), by Executive
Research, Maharashtra Engineering Engineer, Inspection Unit/div..
Research institute, Nasik. Consolidated regionwise
The Committee decided as reports then sent to Chief
follows Engineer(Mechanical),All Regional
1. All (100%) gated dams to be Chief Engineers, Superintending
inspected by Dy. Engineer of Engineer Dam Safety Organisation by
concern inspection sub-division Superintending Engineer(Gates).
twice a year i.e. per-monsoon As per inspection reports,
and post- monsoon. rectification, repairs and
2. Out of six regions in maintenance shall be carried out
Maharashtra, 100% gated dams by competent authority. As per
to be inspected once in a year Government Marathi letter no. 771
i. e. Three regions during pre- dated 26/08/2008 all repair works
monsoon and three regions of gates are to be carried out by
during post monsoon by Mechanical Organisation.
Executive Engineer of concern
inspection division. 8.1 Pre Monsoon/Post monsoon
3. Five national important dams inspection of Radial Gate
and one important dam of • Type of Report
every six region to be inspected
• No. of Radial Gates
by Superintending Engineer
Mechanical Circle (Gates). • Sill Beam level
• Size of Radial Gates
• Water level at the
• Time of Inspection

Sr. Points to be checked Result of checking &
No. reco mmendations if
any by inspection wing.
A. Trunnion Grider & Trunnion Brackets
1. Check the nuts & bolts of torque & groove
joint of the trunnion girder chair.
2. check the nuts & bolts of vertical & horizontal
anchorages of the trunnion girder.
3. Check the nuts & bolts fi x ing trunnion brackets
to trunnion girder. See that the nuts are
locked in position.
4. Check shear key of trunnion bracket.
5. Check the nuts & bolts of trunnion pin lock plates.
6. Check the nuts & bolts of tile bars. Also check the
welding joints nut tie bars.
7. Whether trunnion girders are covered with
3 mm thick M.S. plates throughout so that water
does not accumulate in the slots.
8. Whether trunnion pin ends are covered
with anticorrosive jelly.
9. Check whether satisfactory flexible sheath
cover is provided to prevent entry of debris
in the trunnion assembly.

B. End Arms
10. Check the joints between end arms to horizontal
girnders. Inspect all the welding joints of end
arms to horizontal girders.
11. Check the nut & bolts of end arms to
horizontal girders.
12. Inspect all welded of joints of stiffeners welded
to end arms & horizontal girders.
13. Check whether drain hole drilled in the
end arms are clear.

C Horizontal Girders
14. Check all stiffeners welding to horizontal
girder & their welding.
15. Check welding joints of horizontal girders
to “T” stiffeners of skin plates.

16 Check the drain holes of horizontal girders.
17. Check whether lever system of locking device
functions well.
18. Check whether moving surfaces of the lever
system are kept properly lubricated.
19. Check locking brackets welded to horizontal girders.

D. Skin plate & Rubber seals

20Check the following joints
a) Tee to skin plates.
b) All vertical joints of skin plates from
U/s & d/s side
c) Horizontal stiffeners between tees.
d) Lifting bracket to skin plate/horizontal girder.
21 Check the guide roller & their movement.
22 Check the condition of side & bottom & top rubber
seal & its joints. See whether rubber seals are fitted
properly. Is there any leakage noticed ?
23 Inspect the condition of wearing plates of skin plates.
24 Examine whether there is any abnormal abrasion
on seal seat.
25 Inspect pitting or rusting of skin plates U/s side.

E. Sill beam & wall plates.

26 Check the following joints :
a) Wall plate to sill beam.
b) Wall plate places.
c) Welding joints of brass cladding to M.S. plates.
27 Check sill beam for heavy pitting & rusting.
28 Check general condition of wall plates & sill beam

F. Hoist (central Drive)

29 Check fi x ing of wire ropes to the hoist drum.
30 Check connections of lifting brackets to equalizer
plates. Check all pins.
31 Check whether both wire ropes of drum are
in equal tension.
32 Check condition of wire ropes for broken wires or kinks.
33 Check condition of all gears of hoist assembly.

34 Foundation nut & bolts of the hoist bridge.
35 Foundation nut & bolts of the hoist assembly.
36 Check connections of central drive unit to end drive unit.
37 Condition of all covers of hoist.
38 Check condition & fitness of brake.
39 Check manual operation device of hoist.
40 Check all electrical connections of hoist
i.e. distribution Box to motor, brake lifter, limit switches etc.
41 Check all main supply line & tapping conditions.
42 Check general condition of electrical equipment.
43 Generator & Generator house & its condition.
44 Remote control room & its electrical equipment.
45 Condition of Mechanical position indicator & its accessories.

G. General
46 During lifting or lowering of the gates check whether
abnormal vibrations are felt at the trunnion or in the
hoist ropes& mark such position for further assessment.
also check whether there is any sound during lifting
or lowering of the gate.
47 Check that all exposed M.S. parts of the gate & hoist
are painted by suitable anti corrosive paints.
48Check whether the following parts are lubricated
by the reco mmended lubricants & oils.
a) All the pins of the lifting brackets.
b) Guide roller
c) Reduction gear of central drive unit
of hoist i.e. worm gear etc.
d) Mechanical position indicator.
e) Wire ropes of the hoist.
f) Drum gears & reduction gears at end drive
unit of the hoist.
g) Electrical limit switches.
h) Bearing of worm shaft, motor shaft & all bushes,
bearing of spur gears.
i) Coupling of hollow shaft to central drive unit.
49 Check whether the log books for operation
& maintenance of gates are maintained & filled
properly by operation & maintenance section.
50 Check whether the proper record for maintenance

of gate i.e. changing the oils, lubricants etc. is
maintained properly & filed in up to date.
51 Check whether the requisite stock of oils,
lubricants, rubber seals, spare bushing
bearings etc. is maintained.
52 Any other points observed during the inspection
& suggestions for the same.
53 Sequence of gate operation schedule.

Note: Gates were inspected from the d/s side & terms U/s side are used with
reference to the skin plate.

_hmamï´> emgZ
Ocg§nXm {d^mJ,
_§Ìmc¶, _w§~B© 400 032
{XZm§H$ 26/08/2008

_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, _hmamï´> H¥$îUm Imoao {dH$mg _hm_§S>i, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm ({dà), Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, Am¡a§Jm~mX
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, H$mo¶Zm àH$ën, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm d _w»¶ àemgH$, cm^joÌ {dH$mg, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, Am¡a§Jm~mX
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Vmnr nmQ>~§Ymao {dH$mg _hm_§S>i, OiJm§d
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, CÎma _hmamï> àXoe, Zm{eH$
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, H$moH$U nmQ>~§Ymao {dH$mg _hm_§S>i, R>mUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, H$moH$U àXoe, _w§~B©
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, nmQ>~§Ymao {d^mJ, ZmJnya
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, JmogrIyX© nmQ>~§Ymao {d^mJ, ZmJnya
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, A_amdVr.

{df¶ : Ocg§nXm {d^mJm A§VJ©V Ocmao XwéñVr H$m_o ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo_m’©$V H$aUo~m~V.

{X. 22/7/2008 amoOr g{Md (Ocg§nXm ¶m§Zr ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo H$S>rc H$m_m§Mm AmT>mdm KoVcm AgVm,
amÁ¶mVrc gd© àH$ënm§darc Ûma XwéñVr H$m_m~m~V nwT>rc à_mUo {ZU©¶ KoʶmV Amcm Amho.

¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoH$S>rc Ûma C^maUr nWH$mH$S>rc C^maUr H$m_o ¶mnwT>o H$_r hmoUma AmhoV. ¶m§{ÌH$s
g§YQ>ZoH$S>rc H$m_mMm àXrK© AZw^d nmhmVm gd© OcÛmam§Mr XwéñVr H$m_o ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoH$Sy>Z H$éZ
Koʶm~m~V YmoaUmË_H$ {ZU©¶ KoʶmV Amcm Amho. ˶m_wio amÁ¶mV EH$gyÌrnUm ¶oB©c. Var Ûma XwéñVrMr
H$m_o ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoH$Sy>Z H$éZ KoʶmMr H$m¶©dmhr H$amdr, hr {dZ§Vr.

(Jmo.km. Hw$cH$Uu)
emgZmMo Ada g{Md
àV : _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s), Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$
¶m§{ÌH$s H$m¶m©gZ g§J«hmW©

_hmg§MmcH$ XyaÜdZr H«$. 0253-2530628 (d¡)
g§H$ënZ, à{ejU d g§emoYZ 0253-2539532
_hmamï´> A{^¶m§{ÌH$s g§emoYZ g§ñWm 0253-2530764 (’°$Šg)
qXS>moar amoS>, Zm{eH$-422004 B©-_oc - aomeri_nsk@nasharnet.in

Vm§{ÌH$ n[anÌH$

_hmg§MmcH$ ¶m§Mo Om.H«$. _g§/Vm§{ÌH$ n[anÌH$/4394 {XZm§H$ 3.10.2006 Zwgma _hmamï´>mVrc Ûma¶wŠV
YaUmMr VnmgUr ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo_m’©$V XoIrc H$aUoH$[aVm ¶m {df¶mMm Aä¶mg H$éZ n[anÌH$ _gwXm
V¶ma H$aʶmgmR>r Imcrc à_mUo g{_Vr JR>rV H$aʶmV Amcr hmoVr.
1) AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, qXS>moar amoS>, Zm{eH$-2 Aܶj
2) AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, ¶m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (Ûmao) nwUo 1 gXñ¶
3) H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s), {ZarjU nWH$, Am¡a§Jm~mX gXñ¶
4) H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwajm {d^mJ H«$.1, Zm{eH$ gXñ¶ g{Md

g{_VrV’}$ Zm{eH$ ¶oWo ~¡R>H$ KoD$Z ¶m~m~V Amdí¶H$ {dMma H$éZ Amdí¶H$ {e’$maer H$aʶmV Amë¶m.
˶m AZwf§JmZo ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoVrc {d{dY ñVamdarc A{^¶§Ë¶m§Zr YaUm§À¶m XadmÁ¶mMo Xadfu _mÝgyZ nyd©
d _mÝgwZ CÎma VnmgUr H$aʶm~m~V Imcrc {ZX}emZwgma H$m¶©dmhr H$amdr.
1) 100 Ûma¶wŠV YaUm§Mr Ûma VnmgUr CnA{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s) ¶m§Zr H$aʶmV ¶mdr. ¶mH$[aVm
H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm (¶m§) {ZarjU nWH$, Am¡a§Jm~mX ¶m§Mo A{Yn˶mImcrc nwUo, Am¡a§Jm~mX,
ZmJnya, Am¡a§Jm~mX, Cñ_mZm~mX d H$moëhmnya pñWV ghm Cn{d^mJr¶ {ZarjU nWH$m§Zr nO©Ý¶nyd©
100 Q>¸o$ YaUo d nO©Ý¶moÎma 100 Q>¸o$ YaUo Ago XmoZXm VnmgmdrV.
2) _hmamï´>mVrc EHy$U 6 àmXo{eH$ {d^mJmVrc YaUm§Mr Ûma VnmgUr H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm, (¶m§{ÌH$s)
{ZarjU nWH$, Am¡a§Jm~mX ¶m§Zr H$amdr. nO©Ý¶nyd© 3 àmXo{eH$ {d^mJmVrc d nO©Ý¶moÎma Cd©[aV 3
àmXo{eH$ {d^mJmVrc gd© YaUm§Mr Ûma VnmgUr H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm ¶m§Zr dfm©VyZ EH$Xm H$amdr.
3) H$mo¶Zm, COZr, Bgmnya, Om¶H$dmS>r d n|M h¶m amï´>r¶ _hËdmÀ¶m 5 YaUm§Mr Ûma VnmgUr AYrjH$
A{^¶§Vm, ¶m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (Ûmao), nwUo ¶m§Zr dfm©VyZ EH$Xm _mÝgyZnyd© H$amdr d à˶oH$ àmXo{eH$
{d^mJmVrc EH$ _hËdmÀ¶m YaUmMr EH$Xm _mÝgyZ nyd© VnmgUr H$amdr.

VnmgUr H$aVo doir _mJrc dfu {XgyZ Amcoë¶m ÌwQ>t~m~V jo{̶ A{YH$m-¶m§Zr nyV©Vm Ho$cr qH$dm H$m¶
¶m~m~V ñdV§Ì A{^àm¶ ˶m dfuÀ¶m VnmgUr AhdmcmV A§V^y©V H$éZ VnmgUr àm{YH$m-¶m§Zr YaU
gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$ ¶m§Zm H$idmdm.

gXa n[anÌH$ nO©Ý¶moÎma 2006 À¶m Ûma VnmgUr nmgyZ Ëd[aV A§_cmV AmUmdo.

gmo~V: VŠVm

Om.H«$. _g§/Vm§{ÌH$ n[anÌH$/ 5325/2006 (_w.g§._w§T>o)

_hmg§MmcH$, _hmg§MmcH$
g§H$ënZ, à{ejU d g§emoYZ
_hmamï´> A{^¶m§{ÌH$s g§emoYZ g§ñWm,
{XZm§H$ : 15.12.2006

àV :
1) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm d àmMm¶©, _hmamï´> A{^¶m§{ÌH$s à{ejU à~mo{YZr, Zm{eH$-4
2) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s), Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, doX _§Xram g_moa, Ͷ§~H$ amoS>, Zm{eH$ 422002
3) _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ (gd©) d Amnë¶m {d^mJmVrc gd© AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm ¶m§Zm _m{hVr d
Amdí¶H$ H$m¶©dmhrgmR>r AJ«o{fV.
4) AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$-4
5) AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, ¶m§{ÌH$s _§S>i (Ûmao), àemgH$s¶ B_maV, nwUo 411001
6) H$m¶©H$mar A{^¶§Vm (¶m§), {ZarjU nWH$, hoS>Jodma hm°ñnrQ>c g_moa, JmaIoS>m, Am¡a§Jm~mX ¶m§Zm _m{hVr d
H$m¶©dmhrgmR>r AJ«o{fV.

ImOJr g§ñWm§H$S>rc YaUm§Mr VnmgUr
Ocg§nXm {d^mJmH$Sy>Z H$éZ KoUo~m~V

_hmamï´> emgZ Ocg§nXm {d^mJ

emgZ {ZU©¶ H«$. Ygwg§ 2005/(127/05)/qgì¶ (H$m_o) _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©-32
{XZm§H$ : 4/11/2006

g§X^© : emgZ {ZU©¶ H«$.S>rEgEg 1088/271/88/qgì¶ (H$m_o), {X.26/12/90

emgZmÀ¶m Ocg§nXm {d^mJmÀ¶m AI˶marVrc _moR>¶m YaUm§Mr {Z¶VH$m{cH$ VnmgUr Xadfu YaU
gwa{jVVoÀ¶m Ñï>rH$moZmVyZ nmdgmim nyd© d nmdgmimoÎma Aer XmoZ doim YaU VnmgUrgmR>r gj_ åhUyZ
Kmo{fV Ho$coë¶m A{YH$mè¶m§H$Sy>Z Ho$cr OmVo.
Ocg§nXm {d^mJmÀ¶m A{Yn˶mImcrc YaUm§ì¶{V[aŠV amÁ¶mV Aݶ {d^mJm§À¶m A{Yn˶mImcr
VgoM ImOJr g§ñWm§À¶m d gmd©O{ZH$ CnH«$_m§À¶m _mcH$sMr XoIrc H$mhr YaUo AmhoV. gwa{jVVoÀ¶m
Ñï>rZo gd© YaUo d Ocme¶ ¶m§Mo YaU gwa{jVVoÀ¶m Ñï>rH$moZmVyZ {Z¶§ÌU d n¶©dojU H$aUo Amdí¶H$
Amho. ¶mñVd emgZ {ZU©¶ H«$.S>rEgEg 1088/271/88-qgì¶ (H$m_o) {X.26/12/90 AÝd¶o 14
ImOJr YaUm§Mr {Z¶VH$m{cZ VnmgUr H$aʶmM H$m_ AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm -
Zm{eH$, AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm-R>mUo nmQ>~§Ymao _§S>i, R>mUo d AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, nwUo nmQ>~§Ymao _§S>i,
nwUo h¶m§MoH$So> gmon{dcoco hmoVo. Xaå¶mZÀ¶m H$mimVamÁ¶mVrc Aem ImOJr YaUm§Mr AÚ¶mdV gyMr
V¶ma H$aʶmV Amcr Amho. Voìhm ¶m ì¶dñWo_ܶo gwYmaUm H$aʶmMr ~m~ emgZmÀ¶m {dMmamYrZ hmoVr.

emgZ {ZU©¶
amÁ¶mVrc Ocg§nXm {d^mJmì¶{V[aŠVÀ¶m VgoM ImOJr g§ñWm d gmd©O{ZH$ CnH«$_m§À¶m, AI˶marVrc
YaUm§Mr dm{f©H$ {Z¶VH$m{cH$ VnmgUr Ocg§nXm {d^mJmVrc A{YH$m-¶m§Zr Imcrcà_mUo H$aʶmMm
emgZmZo {ZU©¶ KoVcm Amho -
1) ñWmn˶ KQ>H$ - YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$
2) ¶m§{ÌH$s KQ>H$ - ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$
emgZmZo doimodoir R>a{dcoc VnmgUr ewëH$ godmH$amgh ImOJr dm gmd©O{ZH$ CnH«$_ ¶m§Zr
Ocg§nXm {d^mJmcm àXmZ H$aUo Amdí¶H$ Amho. ImOJr YaUm§Mr CncãY gyMr gmo~V OmoS>cr
Amho. ¶m‘ܶo ^a nS>Umè¶m ImOJr YaUm§Mr VnmgUr XoIrc darcà_mUo Ocg§nXm {d^mJmÀ¶m gj_
A{YH$mè¶m§H$Sy>Z Ho$cr OmB©c.

gXa emgZ {ZU©¶ _hmamï´> emgZmÀ¶m do~gmB©Q>da CncãY H$aʶmV Amcm AgyZ ˶mMm g§JUH$
gm§Ho$Vm§H$ 2006110655638001 Agm Amho.
_hmamï´>mMo amÁ¶nmc h¶m§À¶m AmXoemZwgma d Zmdm§Zo,
ghnÌ-gyMr (1)

(à.a. Xoenm§So>)
emgZmMo Ada g{Md
àV -
g{Md, CÚmoJ, COm© d H$m_Jma {d^mJ, _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©
g{Md, nmUr nwadR>m d ñdÀN>Vm {d^mJ, _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©
g{Md, H¥${f {d^mJ, _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©
g{Md, J«m_ {dH$mg d Ocg§YmaU {d^mJ,_§Ìmc¶,_w§~B©
g{Md, ZJa {dH$mg {d^mJ, _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©
_hmg§MmcH$, _oar, Zm{eH$
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (¶m§{ÌH$s), Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, Zm{eH$
Am¶wŠV, _w§~B© _hmZJa nm{cH$m, _w§~B©
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, _hmamï´> Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _hm_§S>i, _w§~B©
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, _hmamï´> OrdZ àm{YH$aU, A_amdVr
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, H$moH$U àXoe, _w§~B©
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, Ocg§nXm {d^mJ, nwUo
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, c.nm (ñWm.ñVa), ¶oadS>m, nwUo - 911006
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, _hmamï´> OrdZ àm{YH$aU, H$monar, R>mUo (nyd©)
_w»¶ A{^¶§Vm, M§Ðnya Am¡îUrH$ {dÚwV H|$Ð, M§Ðnya
Am¶wŠV, ZmJnya _hmZJanm{cH$m, ZmJnya Am¶wŠV,
H$moëhmnya _hmZJanm{cH$m, H$moëhmnya
_hmg§MmcH$, _m{hVr d OZg§nH©$ g§MmcZmc¶, _§Ìmc¶, _w§~B©,
g§MmcH$, Xw½Y ~m§YH$m_ _§S>i, Amao, _w§~B©
_o. Q>mQ>m hm¶S´>mo BcoŠQ´>rH$ gßbm¶ H§$nZr, cmoUmdim
AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, YaU gwa{jVVm g§KQ>Zm, Zm{eH$
AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vµm, R>mUo nmQ>~§Ymao _§S>i, R>mUo
AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, nwUo nmQ>~§Ymao _§S>i, nwUo
AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, c.nm (ñWm.ñVa) _§S>i, R>mUo
AYrjH$ A{^¶§Vm, c.nm (ñWm.ñVa) _§S>i, nwUo
H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar, ZJan[afX, OmcZm
H$m¶©H$mar A{YH$mar, H$mJc ZJan[afX, H$mJc, {O. H$moëhmnya
qgì¶ (H$m_o) g§J«hmW©

amÁ¶mVrc ImOJr g§ñWm/gmd©O{ZH$ CnH«$_ ¶m§À¶mH$S>rc YaUm§Mr gyMr
emgZ {ZU©¶ H«$.Ygwg§ 2005/(127/05)/{gì¶(H$m_o), {XZm§H$ 4 /11/2006 Mo ghnÌ.

H«$. YaU àmXo{eH$ g§dJ© dH«$Ûmao AmhoV {d_moMH$ Ûma/ ñdm{_Ëd

{d^mJ H$m¶? ìhmëd Amho H$m¶?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 VmZgm H$moH$U 1 38 A°Q>mo_°{Q>H$ Amho Am¶wŠV, _w§~B©
eQ>a Q>mB©n _hmZJanm{cH$m,
2 {ZåZ d¡VaUm H$moH$U 1 8 Amho
3 Vwier H$moH$U 2 Zmhr Amho
4 {dhma H$moH$U 2 Zmhr Amho
5 ndB© H$moH$U 3 Zmhr Amho
6 ~madr H$moH$U 1 11 Amho _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm,
(JmoS>~moco _hmamï´> Am¡Úmo{H$J
Q>mB©n) {dH$mg _hm_§S>i,
7 amZgmB© H$moH$U 1 15 Amho
8 _wa~mS> H$moH$U 2 Zmhr Amho
9 _moVrZmcm CÎma 2 Zmhr Zmhr
10 gm{dÌr H$moH$U 2 Zmhr Amho
11 Hw$O} H$moH$U 1 3 Amho Xw½Y ~m§YH$m_
(XmnMoar) _§S>i, Amao, H¥${f
{d^mJ, _hmamï´>
emgZ, _w§~«B©
12 cmoUmdim nwUo 2 Zmhr Amho Q>mQ>m hm¶S´>mo
BcoŠQ´>rH$ gßbm¶
H§$nZr, cmoUmdim

13 didU nwUo 2 Zmhr Amho
14 {ldQ>m nwUo 1 Zmhr Amho
15 R>mH$moadmS>r nwUo 1 Zmhr Amho
16 _wier nwUo 1 7 Amho
17 Hw$§S>cr nwUo 2 Zmhr Zmhr
CÞ¶r ~§Ymam
18 Im_ _amR>dmS>m 2 Zmhr Zmhr Am¶wŠV Am¡a§Jm~mX
19 YmZodmS>r _amR>dmS>m 2 Zmhr Zmhr
20 BamB© ZmJnya 1 7 Zmhr Am¡pîUH$ {dÚwV
H|$Ð, M§Ðnya
21 JmoaodmS>m ZmJnya 2 Zmhr Amho
22 Zm§XJìhmU A_amdVr 2 Zmhr Zmhr _w.A., _hmamï´>
OrdZ àm{YH$aU,
23 {ZcmoZm A_amdVr 2 Zmhr Zmhr
24 a§H$mim nyUo 3 Zmhr Zmhr Am¶wŠV, H$moëhmnya
H$moëhmnya H$mJc
ZJan[afX, H$mJc,
25 H$i§~ nwUo 2 Zmhr Zmhr
26 ga {namOramd nwUo 2 Zmhr Zmhr Am¶wŠV, H$moëhmnya
Vcmd _hmZJanm{cH$m,
27 gmIao H$moH$U 2 Zmhr Amho _hmamï´> OrdZ
àm{YH$aU, H$moH$U
àXoe, R>mUo

28 _moa~o H$moH$U 1 hmo¶ --
29 Zm§Xdr nwama H$moH$U 2 Zmhr --
30 C_mQ>o H$moH$U 2 Zmhr --
31 amOodmS>r H$moH$U 2 Zmhr -- A.A., c.nm.
(ñWm.ñVa) _§S>i,
32 _moaSo> H$moH$U 2 Zmhr --
33 H$mieoVrnmS>m H$moH$U 2 Zmhr --
34 Im_H$admS>r nwUo 2 Zmhr -- A.A.,c.
ñVa)_§S>i, nwUo
35 Mm§Xmocr nwUo 2 --
36 MmonS>moh A_amdVr 2 Zmhr _w.A.,_hmamï´>
OrdZ àm{YH$aU,

cKw àH$ënmdarc Ûmam§Mr {Z¶VH$m{cH$
VnmgUr d XwéñVr H$m¶©H«$_

_hmamï´> emgZ Ocg§nXm {d^mJ

emgZ n[anÌH$ H«$_m§H$. nmIaU-11.09/à.H$. 140/09/ ¶m§{ÌH$s
_§Ìmc¶ {dñVma ^dZ, _w§~B©-32
{XZm§H$- 17/3/2010

YaU gwajrVVm g§KQ>Zm Zm{eH$ ¶m§À¶m_m’©$V amÁ¶mVrc {d{dY YaUmMr d Ûmam§Mr Xadfu VnmgUr Ho$cr
OmVo, h¶m g§KQ>ZoZo nwT>rc nmM dfm©V amÁ¶mVrc gd© cKwnmQ>~§Ymao àH$ënmÀ¶m ÛmamMr VnmgUr nyU©
H$amdr d VnmgUr Pmcoda VmVS>rZo ñWmn˶ _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm ¶m§Zm àmWå¶ H«$_m§H$ H$idyZ XwéñVrMo Jm§^r¶©
cjmV AmUyZ Úmdo.
YaU gwajrVVm g§KQ>Zm Zm{eH$ ¶m§Zr {Xcoë¶m VnmgUr AhdmcmZwgma ñWmn˶ {d^mJmZo ¶m§{ÌH$s
g§KQ>ZoÀ¶m ghH$m¶m©Zo A§XmOnÌHo$ _§§Oya H$amdr dnwT>rc XmoZdfm©V n{hë¶m àmYmݶ H«$_m§H$mVrc gd©
Ûmam§Mr XwéñVr nyU© H$aUoMo {Z¶moOZ H$amdo. XwéñVrMm H$m¶©H«$_ Omhra H$éZ gd© g~§{YVm§Zm H$idyZ XwéñVr
H$éZ KoʶmMr O~m~Xmar _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (ñWmn˶)¶mMr amhrc. ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>ZoZo C^maUr Ho$coë¶m gd©
ÛmamMr XwéñVr ¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zo _m’©$V H$aUoV ¶mdr. XwéñV Pmcocr ÛmamMr g§¶wŠV VnmgUr ñWmn˶ d
¶m§{ÌH$s g§KQ>Zm H$aVrc d XwéñV Pmë¶mZ§Va ˶m àH$ënmMm Ahdmc _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (ñWmn˶) YaU
gwajm g§KQ>Zm Zm{eH$ ¶m§Zm nmR>{dcm OmB©c.
_w.A. (ñWmn˶) ¶m§Zr ˶m§À¶m A{Yn˶mImcrc gd© cKwnmQ>~§Ymao àH$ënmÀ¶m VnmgUr, XwéñVr d
n[aMcZmMm Ahdmc emgZmg Xadfu nmdgmi¶mnydu gmXa H$amdm.
gXahy emgZ n[anÌH$ _hmamï´> emgZmÀ¶m g§Ho$V ñWimda CncãY AgyZ ˶mMm g§JUH$ g§mHo$Vm§H$
H«$. 20100317153047001 Agm Amho.

(à._. A~Zmdo)
emgZmMo Cn g{Md

gd© àmXo{eH$ _w»¶ A{^¶§Vm (ñWmn˶),Ocg§nXm {d^mJ
¶m§{ÌH$s H$m¶m©gZ g§J«hmW©

Office of the
[Superintending Engineer]
Dam Safety Organisation,
CDO, Nasik- 422 004.
Dated: 12th June 1989


Sub: Scrutiny of Pre-Monsoon and Post-Monsoon Inspection

Reports in Dam Safety Organization.

The Pre-Monsoon and Post Monsoon Inspection Reports of dams are received in
Dam Safety Organization from field officers for scrutiny. Normally Status Reports
are prepared after receipt of major number of reports in Dam Safety Organization.
The time required for compilation of Status-Reports is about 4 to 5 months because
of delays involved in receipt of Inspection Reports.
It may happen that due to long period required before Status Reports are
prepared that, important deficiencies from safety considerations noticed in
the dams remain to be co mmunicated promptly to the field Chief Engineers/
Superintending Engineers for enabling them to take remedial actions. Is is,
therefore, necessary that, as and when Inspection Reports for dams are received in
the Dam Safety-Organisation, the important deficiencies relating to the safety of the
dam are immediately co mmunicated to the field Chef Engineers/Superintending
Engineers without waiting for compilation of Status Reports. In fact, it will be
the prime function of Dam Safety Organisation to keep informed the field Chief
Engineers/Superintending Engineers of all the aspects relating to i mmediate
danger and unsafe conditions of the dam and necessity of taking prompt remedial
It will be the personal responsibility of the Deputy Engineer/Sub Divisional Officer
in the Dam Safety Organisation to scrutinize the Inspection Report the Inspection
Reports of the dam immediately after their receipt and put-up the letters along with
the cases for approval of the Superintending Engineer, Dam Safety Oerganisations,
so that cases of dams requiring i mmediate attention from safety considerations are
brought to the notice of the field Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers. All
such letters shall be addressed either to the field Chief Engineers/Superintending
Engineers and copies endorsed to the concerned Executive Engineer. This practice
shall be followed from Pre-Monsoon 1989 inspections.
The board list of such deficiencies relating to the i mmediate safety aspects of
the dam is enclosed herewith for guidance.

Encl.: One list sd/- x x x

(V.G. Lagwankar)
Superintending Engineer
Dam Safety Organisation
C.D.O., Nasik- 422 004.

List of deficiencies which can be classified as of i mmediate importance
from safety considerations of Dam
(Enclosure to the Circular dated 12/6/1989 issued by S.E., DSO, vide No.SE/DSO/
Cir/628 of 1989, dated 12/6/1989)

1) Earth Dam 2) Masonry Dam/Concrete Dam

i) Heavy seepages and leakages i) Heavy leakages form the
from the downstream slope downstream slope and in
of the Dam. Appearance the gallery
of boils or piping on ii) Heavy seepages through the
downstream. foundations appearing on
ii) Heavy leakages and ponding the downstream side.
on the downstream side iii) High up-lift pressures
(Cases where downstream noticed through uplift
ponds cannot be drained pressure cells. Choking of
due to high level in river foundation drain holes and
need to be considered.) porous drain shafts.
iii) Settlements of the dam by iv) Damages to the masonry due
more than say 30 to 50 cms. to cavitations, under mining
iv) Leakages from around the of foundations or washing
outlet conduits. away due to floods.
v) Leakages in the conduit v) Heavy retrogressing in the
through conduit joints. tail channel and under
vi) Excessive discharge through mining close to the Waste
the drains and relief wells. Weir masonry.
vii) Slushy conditions on the
downstream side. 3) Outlets (Irrigation outlet ,Power
Outlet and River sluice etc.)
viii)Heavy under sectioning of
the dam. i) Heavy damages and non-
operation of the outlet
ix) Longitudinal and Transverse
cracks in the dam at top and
on slopes. ii) Damages to the conduit by
way of cracking, settlements,
x) Heavy disturbance to
heavy leakages etc.
upstream pitching.

4) Spllway Gates
i) Wire ropes of spillway gates
damaged and requiring

ii) Non operation of hoist of 5) Energy Dissipation
the gates. Arangements
iii) Non availability or non- i) Heavy damages to the Energy
working of alternative Dissipation Arrangements
source of power i.e., diesel i.e. Stilling basin, bucket or
generator sets etc. Guide Walls, end sill etc.

Competent Authority in respect of
Periodical Dam Inspection

Government of Maharashtra Irrigation Department

Mantralaya. Bombay-400 032
Dated: 23/8/1989

The issue regarding deciding the level of competent authority for carrying
out pre and post monsoon inspections of all completed dams in the State
was under consideration with Govt. After careful considerations it has now
been decided to issue the following quid lines in this respect.

Govt. Resolution
1. The pre and post monsoon inspections of dams in the State should be
carried out by Field Officers as indicated in the enclosed table.
2. In order to decide the competent authority on the basis of the table the
following procedure is reco mmended :-
Dam categories as per height, storage capacity and spillway capacity
should be first determined individually. Height of the category amongst
them will be category of the dam and competent authority for periodical
inspection will be decided accordingly. As an illustration, a particular
dam with H=10 m., c = 30 mm3 and Q = 3500 cumes will be categorised
as small (as per height criteria); large dam. (category -II) (as per storage
capacity criteria) and large dam (category-I) (as per spillway capacity
criteria). Highest size classification is given by spillway capacity criteria.
Therefore, the dam will have to be classified as “Large Dam (Category-I)”
and competent inspection officer will be Superintending Engineer.
3. Dams between 10 to 15 m in height will have to be inspected by Executive
Engineer, under following conditions.
i) If the dam had specially difficult foundation condition
ii) If it is a dam of unusual design.
iii) If the crest length is more than 2000 m.

By order and in the name of Governor of Maharashtra.

sd/- xxxxx
(P.H. Patil)
Under Secretary to Govt.

Chapter - nine
Chapter - Nine
Maintenance of Radial Gates and Hoists

9.1 Maintenance Objectives (c) Economizing maintenance

(a) To maximize the availability and department
reliability. (d) Maximize utilization of water
(b) To extend the useful life by (e) Preventing wastage of tools
minimizing wear and tear and spare and material
deterioration. (f) Providing cost record for future
(c) To ensure the operational budgeting
(d) To ensure safety of dams and As regards maintenance of radial
public. gates, particular attention may be
paid to the following items:
From hydraulic maintenance 1) Lubrication as per schedule.
managers point of view. 2) Wire rope
(a) Protecting the hydraulic gates 3) Painting
(b) Increasing utilization and
reducing down time.

9.2 Schedule of Lubrication

Sr. Part to be Mode of Lubricant Frequency
No. Lubricated Lubrication
1. Trunnion pin Pressure Servo gear – 20 or Once in three months
bearing grease gun bearing grease as per site conditions
2. Guide rollers Pressure Bearing Grease Once in three months
grease gun as per site conditions
3. Hoisting wire rope Hand applied Servo Gear – 120 Once in A year before
or Cordium monsoon sets in
4. Worm reducer Oil bath Servo HP – 30 Indicator level to be
maintained always
5. Spur Gear Bearings Pressure Bearing Grease Once in three months
grease gun as per site conditions
6. Line Shaft bearings Pressure Bearing Grease Once in si x months as
grease gun per site conditions

9.2 Schedule of Lubrication - Cont.
Sr. Part to be Mode of Lubricant Frequency
No. Lubricated Lubrication

7. Gear Wheels Hand applied Chassis Grease Once in si x months as

per site conditions
8. Drum shaft Pressure Chassis Grease Once in three months
grease gun as per site conditions
9. Lifting bracket Hand applied M.P.Grease Once in si x months as
arrangements and per site conditions
turn buckles
10 Hand operation Hand applied Servolin 140 Once in three months
mechanism and as per site conditions
other relating parts

9.3 Maintenance of Wire Rope 9.4 Lubrication of wire rope

Maintenance pf Wire Ropes means In manufacture, wire ropes are fully
applying the cardium compound lubricated (including fiber core and
every year prior to monsoon. layers) to reduce internal abrasion,
to exclude external moisture and
delay corrosion. In service the
9.3 (a) Deterioration of Ropes
initial abrasion, to exclude external
Arising out of working conditions moisture and delay corrosion. In
following damages in the ropes are service the initial lubricant will
generally observed. (ref. figs.)
Forms of Wire Rope Deformation

Handling damage (Fig. A ) Cross over damage on winch or

drum (Fig.B )

Damage of rope on sheave and drums (Fig.C: i-iv )

Damage of rope on sheave and drums (Fig.C: i-iv )

Kinking of ropes (Fig.D: i-ii )

Birdcaging of rope (Fig. E : i-iv )

tend to dry out and therefore it is such as acids and alkalies. It should
desirable to lubricate all ropes at be of a light grade that may penetrate
regular intervals. between the wires and strands of the
rope being wiped off or absorbed by
surface dirt.
9.4 (a) Lubricants
Cardium compound is reco
The lubricant employed should be
mmended as a lubricant.
free from all harmful substances,

Application The lubricant may also be
It is desirable that the rope be clean applied by hand with leather
and dry. A jet of oil or wire brushing gloves. The method is especially
are some of the cleaning methods good where a heavy, non-flowing
used preparatory to application of lubricant is applied. it is desirable to
a lubricant an easy and effective heat the lubricant to get a smoother
method of applying a lubricant is to and better application
brush the lubricant on the rope. The
brush is dipped into the lubricant
and applied.

9.5 Inspection of Wire Rope 9.6 Sockting of Wire Ropes with
The wire ropes should be inspected at Zinc Procedure
regular intervals. Close examination 1. Carefully seize the wire rope just
will not only indicate, when it is below the point where it is to be
time to put on a new rope, but it will cut with tinned or galvanised
also reveal many other things about seizing wires of the sizes and
the way the wire rope does it’s work
cut the wire rope.
and whether it is suited to the job. It
should be ensured that the end of 2. Measure from the end of a
the wire rope on the lifting bracket is distance indicated in following
positively held in socket filled by zinc. table. Provide a second seizing
at this point.
3. Thread the rope end through
9.5 (a) Discarding a Wire Rope
the socket. Remove the fibre
Generally a rope should be with- core up to the Throat of the
drawn from service, when it is socket when drawn into the
considered that: position in socket.
a) The loss of strength in the rope 4. When the wire rope have a
due to wear, corrosion or both fibre core it shall be cut so as to
is approaching one sixth of remove the fibre core up to the
original strength. throat of the socket.
b) The loss of strength due to 5. Splay each individual wire
fatigue, surface embrittlement separately in to a brush. The
or cracked and broken wires wire folded in the form of hook
of any kind is approaching one facing towards centre of the
tenth of original strength. rope.
c) The outer wires have lost about 6. Clean the brush to remove all
one third of their depth as result grease and dirt; a degreasing
of any kind of detoriation. agent or trichloroethylene may
d) The outer wires are becoming be used. Petrol or paraffin is not
loose and displaced for any reco mmended. Remove the
reasons. fluid and lubricant by washing
e) The rope has become kinked, off with hot water. Shake off
distorted or damaged and the surplus water and dry the
a damaged piece cannot be brush, it is essential that it is
removed. held downwards in the vertical
position to prevent degreasing
f) Examination of rope leaves any fluid, water being trapped in
doubt as to its safety for any the throat of the brush. After
reason whatsoever. cleaning the wires should be

first dried and protected from that basket surface temperature
contamination and also kept is raised between 100 and 200
clear and dry until the moltan O
metal is poured. 9. The molten zinc at the
7. Seal the junction of the rope of temperature between 450 to 480
the socket with asbestos fibre to O
C is poured into the heated
prevent escape of molten Zink socket. Before pouring dross
and clamp the socket complete accumulated on the surface
with the rope in a vertical of bath should be ski mmed
position with large end of the off. Care should be taken that
socket uppermost. Care should only clean bright fluid metal is
be taken that excess of the wire poured into the socket. Pouring
rope and the socket are in line should be continuous, uniform
and rope is vertical. until the metal completely fills
8. Gradually and evenly heat the socket. To ensure that the
the socket around the outside poured metal penetrates the
circumference by a blow lamp so interstice between the wires

completely tap the socket lightly, steel core in case the main rope
if necessary, while the molten core is of steel core shall be kept
zinc is being poured. separately. The total number of
10. After pouring the metal, allow wires to be tested shall be equivalent
the socket to cool gradually and to the number of wires in arty one
do not disturb the socket till the strand representing same number of
metal is fully set and the socket wires from each layer and location.
cools to air temperature. After The average breaking force shall
cooling, it is reco mmended be worked out against each set of
that the seizing at the throat be wires and shall be multiplied by the
removed enough to show any total number of wires present under
broken wire that may appear each set in the rope construction to
adjacent to the throat during obtain the actual aggregate breaking
service. force of the rope after su mming
up all these values. The actual
aggregate breaking force value so
9.7 Tests obtained on multiplication by the
9.7 (a) Tests on Wires Prior to Rope partial spinning loss factor obtained
Manufacture through type testing for the related
The rope manufacturer shall rope construction gives the actual
ensure that the wires comply with breaking force of the rope. When
IS 1835 and in particular meet the actual breaking force is determined
requirements of this standard with through destruction test, the value
regard to tensile, torsion,reverse achieved shall be considered as the
bend and when appropriate, breaking force of the rope. The
galvanizing tests.The test results rope shall be deemed to comply
shall be recorded and shall be with breaking force requirements
available for inspection by the provided the value so arrived is
purchaser or his representative at more than the minimum breaking
the manufacturers’ works. force required.

9.7 (b) Tests on Completed Ropes 2. Galvanizing Test

(for Routine Test) The tests for zinc coating shall be
1 Breaking Force carried out in accordance with IS
6745-1972 and IS 2633-1986, and
The minimum breaking force of shall comply with the requirements
the rope shall be as specified in the of 1S 1835-1976 allowing a reduction
relevant rope specification. The up to 5 percent of the minimum
wires belonging to different layers mass of the zinc coating values
of strands as well as the wires of the specified and a reduction of one dip

of ‘half minute’ duration than the Example
specified number in the respective Connected Load: 650 KW
specifications mentioned above.
Max. Demand: 350 KW
Diversity Factor = 350/650 = 0.538
3. Diameter of Wire
For 100% standby capacity of Genset
The wire shall comply with IS 1835- at 0.8 Power Factor
1976 with respect to the tolerance
of diameter. 350
= -------------- = 437.5 KVA
9.8 Capacity of Diesel Generating
If the essential load only required to
be run during power interruptions
Having decided to purchase a which come be the sum total of all
genset, the guidelines mentioned the motors and other equipment
below will assessing the correct involved in this essential load, is 162
capacity of a genset. KW, then
a) If the genset is required for 100% 162
standby, then all the connected KVA of genset = ----------- 200 KVA
load in H.P./R should be added. 0.8
After finding out the diversity
Assuming that authorities had
factor. The correct capacity
leveled 20% cut on consumption
genset can be ascertained
and quota has been fi x ed on
the basis of average of last year’s

Note : The Starting current for induction motor is 6 times the running currents
this concepts should be considered while deciding capacity of generator set in the
condition of number of motors are running at a time.

Chapter - ten
Chapter - Nine
Painting System for Radial Gates

10.1 Scope is necessary ,the following test for

This standard lays down the methods embrittlement should be employed;
of prepaation of steel surfaces, A square coin such as a 5 paisa coin
painting operation and paint system shall be pressed with the straight
applicable to hydraulic gates, hoists edge on an angle of 450 against
and their supporting structures. the paint film. This will result in
a chip of paint breaking loose
from the surface if the paint has
10.2 Selection of Painting System embrittled ,lacks adhersion and
The following factors should requires removal. If the paint is not
determine the type of painting embrittled, it will curl or shrivel up
system to be adopted: under such pressure. The square
a) Location; coin test should be combined
with an examination of the paint
b) Climatic condition; film through a magnifying glass to
c) Water quality, for example, observe the extent of cracking and
Salinity, and a paint film which does not show
d) Composition of paint. fine hair cracks under it may be
considered as perfectly sound.

10.2 (a) Climatic Conditions

10.3 Surface Preparation Prior to
The climatic condition of the
Application of Paint.
area where the equipment is to be
installed also plays a part in the Types of Surface Preparation
selection of painting system. 10.3 (a) Blast Cleaning
The pH value and salinity of Surfaces requiring blast cleaning
water is to be considered while should be sand/grit/shot blasted
selecting the type of finish coat. after fabrication prior to painting.
Heavy deposits of grease or oil
may be removed by the solvent
10.2 (b) Inspection of surfaces prior
like clean mineral, spirits, x ylol
to painting –
or white gasoline, etc, prior to
For ascertaining whether the old sand blasting. Small quantities of
paint has deteriorated to such grease or oil may be removed by
extent that its complete removal the blasting process in which case,

however, the abrasive should not tightly bonded residue in the form
be re-used if it contains sufficient of millscale/rust only. The extent of
oil or grease to render it unsuitable residue should not be more than 40
for blast cleaning purposes. The percent of any single square having
average surface roughness after an area of 6.25 cm2.
sand-blasting should not exceed 40
microns. Blast cleaning should be
Class ‘D’
performed with sand/grit/shot as
per requirements given in IS 14177 Under this class at least 65 percent
(Part 1) : 1994. After blast cleaning, of surface of steel should be cleaned
the surface should be cleared from to bare metal some tightly bonded
loose dust and debris preferably by residue in the form of millscale/rust
air blast with the help of blower. only. The extent of residue should
not be more than 60 percent of any
For the purpose of surface
single square having an area of 6.25
preparation, blast cleaning is
classified into four classes as given
in to
10.3 (b) Hand and Power Tool
Class ‘A’
Surfaces should be prepared by
This is the best quality of Blast
hand and power Tool cleaning such
cleaning. Whole surface of steel
as scraping, wire brushing, machine
should be cleaned to bate metal
brushing and grinding. Prior to hand
without any residual in any form.
and power tool cleaning, any heavy
layer or rust should be removed by
Class ‘B’ chipping, visible oil, grease, dirt
Under this class at least 95 percent and other foreign material should
of surface of steel should be cleaned be cleaned by using solvents by the
to bare metal except some tightly use of clean mineral spirits, x ylol
bonded residue in the form of or white gasoline. After hand and
millscale/rust only. The extent of power tool cleaning, the surface
residue should not be more than 10 should be cleaned of loose dust and
percent of any single square having debris. Before application of primer
an area of 6.25 cm2. coat an absorbant is preferably
applied to remove very fine dust.
This type of surface preparation
Class ‘C’
may be used only in the case of small
Under this class at least 80 percent components of the hoist equipment
of surface of steel should be where blast cleaning in not feasible.
cleasned to bare metal except some

10.3 (c) Painting System be repainted. Paint applied to such
The painting system should areas should be of the same types as
preferably be carried out in the used for the original shop coat.
shop in order to ensure good quality During assembly/fabrication
control. Considering the facility the surface on which another
available in the shop, that is, the member overlaps for welding should
sand/shot blasting, the application be cleaned and painted and then
of primer coat should invariably be the secondary member should be
carried out in the shop. placed on the primary member to
The first finishing coat should avoid surface left unpainted. Heat
also preferably be carried out in resistant paint should be used.
the shop. If due to practical reasons
the finishing coat is applied within 10.3 (d) Surface preparation
the time gap permitted by the paint
Primer coat
manufacturer between the primer
coat and finished coat. In some cases After surface preparation the
final coat of finished paint may be following primer coats should be
carried out in the field if inter coat applied:
bond permits. 1) Gates and stoplogs - Over the
During painting operations, all prepared surfaces one coat of
stainless steel, bronze nickel and Inorganic zinc silicate (Preferably
other machined surface adjacent to airless spray) should be applied
metal work to be painted should be giving a dry film thickness of
protected by covering with masking 70±5 microns, Alternatively two
tape or other suitable means. coats of zinc rich primer 30ml/
sq mtr(containing not less than
Metal work which has been shop
85 % zine on dry film) should
painted should be handled with
be applied to give a total dry
care so as to preserve the shop coat
film thickness of 70±5 microns.
in the best practicable conditions.
Before proceeding with any painting 2) Lifting beam/lifting tackles -
operation, the base metal should, Over the prepared surfaces two
be cleaned and all the areas of the coats of zine phosphate primer
shop paint which are defective or should be applied giving a dry
damaged should be repainted. film thickness of 40 microns per
Metal work adjacent to field weld, coat.
rivetting or bolting where the shop 3) Exposed embedded parts - Over
paint coating has been damaged the prepared surfaces on coat
due to handling or due to heat of inorganic zinc silicate primer
should be cleaned thoroughly to (preferably air-less spray) giving
expose the base metal and should a dry film thickness of 70±5

microns should be applied. Each coat should give a dry film
Alternatively two coats of zinc thickness of 150±5 microns. The
rich primer (containing not total dry film thickness of all the
less than 85% zinc on dry film) coats including primer coating
should be applied to give a should not be less than 350
total dry film thickness of 75±5 microns.
10.4 (b) Hoists and Supporting
10.4 Finishing coats Structure
10.4 (a) Over the primer coats the Surface preparation - Should be
following finished coats should be done as per the requirements of
applied; Class B as explained earlier.
1) Gates and stop logs - Finishing In case the surface preparation
coat should consist of two coats is done manually by wire brush,
of solventless coal tar epoxy mechanical tools, etc, instead of sand
paint. These should be applied blasting all ferrous surfaces exposed
at an interval of 24 hours. Each to atmosphere or water shall be given
coat should give a minimum dry a coat of rust inhibitive phosphate
film thickness of 150±5 microns. wash by brush i mmediately
The total dry film thickness of following cleaning operation and
all the coats including primer surface shall be thoroughly wetted
coating should not be less than with rust inhibitive wash at a rate
350 microns. approximately 30 m1/m2 and
2) Lifting beam - Finishing coat allowed to dry for 24 hours. Rinsing
should consist of two coats of after applications is generally not
alkyd based micaceous iron required but unreached residue if
oxide paint. Each coat of paint any shall be removed by wiping the
should give a minimum dry film inhibited surface with damp cloth,
thickness of 65±5 microns. The within one hour after rust inhibiting
interval between coats should wash has dried thoroughly and after
be 24 hours. The total dry film removing unreacted residue, the
thickness of all coats including application of primer and painting
primer coating should not be as indicated in the following
less than 200 microns. paragraph shall be carried out.
3) Exposed embedded parts -
Finishing coat consist of two 10.4(c) Primer coat
coats of solventless coaltar epoxy 1) Structural component - Two
paint. These should be applied coats of zinc phosphate primer
at an interval of about 24 hours. should be applied. Dry film

thickness of 40±5 micron per 10.5 Finishing coats
coat should be given. 1) Structural component - The
2) Machinery - Except machined finish paint should consist of one
surfaces, all surfaces of the coat of alkyed based micaceous
machinery including gearing iron o x ide paint at dry film
housing, shafting bearing thickness of 65±5 followed by
pedestals, etc. should be given two coats of synthetic enamel
one coat of zinc phosphate paint conforming to IS 2932 :
priming paint to give a minimum 1974 to give dry film thickness
dry film thickness of 50 microns. of 25±5 microns per coat or
Motors and other items should synthetic enamel paint. The
also be painted if necessary. interval between coats should
3) Hydraulic Hoist - All be 24 hours. The total dry
unmachined ferrous surfaces film thickness of all the coats
(hoist cylinder, cylinder heads, including primer coat should
hydraulic piping, pipe fittings, not be less than 175 microns.
bonnet covers) exposed to 2) Machinery - The finish Paint
water should be given one should consist of there coats of
coat of inorganic zinc silicate aluminium paint conforming
(preferably airless spray) to to IS 2339 : 1963 or Synthetic
give a dry film thickness of 70±5 enamel conforming to IS 2932 :
microns and surfaces unexposed 1974 to give a dry film thickness
to water should be given two cots of 25±5 microns/coat.
of zinc phosphate primer giving 3) Hydraulic hoist - All
a dry film thickness of 40±5 unmachined ferrous surfaces
microns/coat. Oil tank control (hoist cylinder, cylinder heads,
cabinets, hoist beams and pipe hydraulic piping, pipe fittings,
support should be given one bonnet cover) exposed to water
coat of zinc phosphate priming should be given two coats of
paint giving a minimum dry film solventless coal tar epo x y paint.
thickness of 50±5 microns. Each coat should give a dry film
4) Unmachined surfaces - All thickness of 150±5 microns.
unmachined surfaces should Total dry film thickness of all
be given one primer coat of the coats including primer coat
chlorinated rubber based zinc should not be less than 350
phosphate primer to give a dry microns. Surfaces unexposed
film thickness of 50±5 microns. to water should be given one
coat of alkyd based micaceous
iron oxide paint to give dry
film thickness of 65±5 microns

followed by two coats of synthetic Painting at shop can be done in
enamel paint conforming to any of the three methods so that
IS 2932 : 1974 to give dry film the paint can be made to suit the
thickness fo 25±5 microns/ convenient direction but once the
coat. The interval between coats gate and equipment put in position
should be 24 hours. The total the general method adopted is only
dry film thickness should not be brush/roller. In case of spray lot of
less than 175 microns. Oil tank, precautions are to be taken.
control cabinet, hoist beams,
pipe supports and clamps,
For More details : Refer IS 14177
ladders, etc, should be given
Part (II) - 1994
three coats of alu mminium
paint conforming to IS 2339 Appendix A - Brushing of paint
: 1963 or synthetic enamel Appendix B - Spraying of paint
conforming to IS 2932 : 1974 to Appendix C - Spray painting defects:
give a dry film thickness of 25±5 Causes and remedies
microns per coat. The total dry
film thickness of all the coats
including primer coat should 10.7 Removal of old paint/rust and
not be less than 125 microns. carrying out fresh painting:
4) Unmachined surfaces - The The Carrying of fresh painting is to
unfinished surfaces of the pistion be considered under the following
and the unfinished surfaces conditions:
of cylinder heads should be • The rusting is noticed all over
cleaned and given three coats of the surface or
vinyl resin/chlorinated rubber
• Rusting is severe or
to give a dry film thickness of
30±5 microns/coat, to obtain a • Cracking and blistering has
minimum dry film thickness of damaged the primer coat
125 microns including primer exposing the metal and is
coat. noticed all over the surface or
• The paint film has eroded badly,
the scrap of entire paint film to
10.6 Application of paint
the base metal and carry out
Mix the contents thoroughly as fresh painting.
directed by paint manufacturer Note: In case of maintenance and
before and during use. renovation: Refer IS 14177 (Part II) –
a) Brush/roller 1994 for checking and repainting.
b) Conventional spray
c) Airless spray etc.

10.8 Removal of old paint for be cleaned by using solvents by the
repainting: use of clean mineral spirits. xylol
Caution should be exercised while or white gasoline. while attending
removing the old paint. The surfaces to the maintenance painting. It
shall be derusted and descaled by is not ordinarily intended that
either mechanically be one or more total sound adherent old paint be
of the methods. removed unless it is excessively
thick or flexible. However, specific
A) Wire brushing, Scrabing, and
instructions should be given on the
chipping. Sand papering or
extent of surface to be blast cleaned
cleaning with steel wool or
while repainting.
abrasive paper.
In preparing a previously painted
B) Power tool cleaning
surface, it is necessary to remove all
C) Flame cleaning corrosion and all paint which shows
D) Sand blasting or shot blasting evidence of corrosion, peeling,
and excessive thickness, brittleness,
E) Chemical rust removal blistering, scaling or general
disintegration. It is essential that the
Note: The method of application removal of the old paint be carried
shall be decided based on conditions back around the edges of the sport
existing. After cleaning painting is to be of area until an area of completely
carried out as originally proposed.
intact and adhering paint film, with
Some are painted without removal no rust, or blisters underneath is
of old paint and rusting this will attained. Edges of tightly adherent
amounts to no painting and paint remaining around the area to
deteriorate faster than the original be recoated must be feathered, so
one. that the repainted surface can have a
smooth appearance. The remaining
old paint should have sufficient
10.9 Maintenance Operation For adhesion so that it cannot be lifted
Painting as a layer by inserting a blade of a
As a part of maintenance operation, dull putty knife under it.
all gates, embedded parts and hoists
should be inspected at least at an
interval of 2 years. If repainting Conventional Method of Painting-
is considered necessary, surface Considering cost and time required
preparation should be carried out for the painting work following
by appropriate hand and power tool conventional method of painting
cleaning. Visible oil, grease’ dirt can be adopted being this method
and other foreign material should is less costly and requires less time

compare to epoxy painting. However conventional method of painting is
life of painting carried out using less as compare to epoxy painting.

Sr. Name of gate part to be Paint reco mmended Frequency

No. painted
1 Gate leaf upstream side Anticorrosive Coal Tar Black. Two coats once in a
Paint, (IS – 290-1961) year
2 Gate leaf downstream side Anticorrosive Coal Tar Black. Single coat once in a
and all other parts except Paint, (IS – 290-1961) year or once in two
hoist covers, railing. year depending upon
the condition
3 Hoist covers, railing, hoist Synthetic Enamel paint. Single coat once in a
structures, i.e. pylon etc. ( IS – 2932-2003 ) year or once in two
year depending upon
the condition

Note: It is suggested that selection of type of paint and frequency of painting is to

be decided by project authority considering
(a) Actual condition of painting
(b) Climatic conditions at project.
(c) Water quality at project.

Chapter - eleven
Chapter - Eleven
Cases of Failure of Gate

There have been many incidents to excess vibrations

around the world, where spillway The failure evaluation depicted
radial gates have malfunctioned that the primary cause of failure
sometimes with disastrous results. was loss of diagonal between the
In many cases, these failures have two lower struts of the right arm.
been due either to inadequate This occurred because trunnion
attention to design details or to friction movement had not been
lack of adequate maintenance. The considered in the gate design. Also
failure of gates could possibly cause self excited vibration couples mode
havoc d/s of dam resulting in loss of headed extra loading to trigger the
human life and property. gate failure. The rehabilitation of
The causes of failure of the gate seven remaining gate to remedy the
should be kept in view if there is any structural and dynamic weaknesses
doubt as to weather a gate vibrates is also described. The replacement
under some operational condition, gate has similar features to the
it is reco mmended to analysed rehabilitated gates, but also has
under vibration condition. It not some additional features. The
only damage the gate structure but lessons learnt from the failure of
also hoist assembly. the gates has also been brought out.
As given in specimen figure the Attachment of accelerometers to the
cause of failure was diagonal brace gates has been reco mmended in
angle between two arms failed due case of any doubt vibration of gates
under any operational conditions.

General possible causes of failure

1. If the nut bolts of horizontal
anchorages are removed
or mischievously drawn by
somebody, during operation
of gate tremendous vibrations
will be developed which will
result in permanent damage
of gate assembly. To avoid this,
horizontal anchorages nut bolts
are protected by fixing of covers.

Before each operation of gate all 4. Improper lubrication to the
horizontal anchorages nut bolts moving parts develop more heat
must be checked. and deterioration of moving
2. Due to improper setting of the parts takes place such as gear
limit switch, during lifting of the tooth failure, bearing failure
gate, it will not stop at proper etc.
place, this will result in bending 5. Failure of the welds of the tie
of skin plate, hoist bridge and beam/tie channel may also
failure of hoist assembly. be one of the reasons for gate
3. Misalignment of line shaft and failure.
coupling, unequal loading 6. Inadequate precaution in regard
occurs. This will result in shear to welding and insulation of the
and bending failure of nut tie flats/rods of the anchorage
bolts . This will cause complete system during the erection of
damage of gear train assembly. concrete.
Generally 5 mm gap is provided
between two line shafts.

1. Chain
2. Skinplate
3. Girder
4. Struts
5. Tie beam
6. Pier
7. Trunnion tie beam
8. Trunnion

Original Plan of Radial Gate

Original Plan of Failed Radial Gate

Chapter - twelven
Chapter - Twelve
Tools and Spare Parts for Maintenance
of Radial Gates

12.1 Tools and Spare Parts for Maintenance of Radial Gates

1. Double ended spanner set 6 mm to 38 mm 2 sets
2. Ring spanner sets 5 mm to 30 mm 2 sets
3. Screw driver 150 mm, 200 mm and 300 2 each
4. Anchor rod spanner as per size of anchor rod nut 1 No.
(40 mm to 100 mm)
5. Spanner for rubber seal (Box and ring) 4 each
6. Spanner for Trunnion bracket bolts 1 No.
7. Grease gun 20 liter capacity 1 No.
8. Hand grease gun 1 no.
9. Oil Can 20 ml. capacity 2 Nos.
10. Insulating plier 150 mm &200m 2 Nos.each
11. Insulating nose plier 150 mm&200m 2 Nos.each
12. Cutting plier 150 mm & 200 mm 2 Nos.each
13. Lime tester 500 volts 1 No.
14. Multi-meters 1 No.
15. Spirit Level 150 mm, 300 mm 2 Nos. each
16. Outer and inner caliper caliper 250 mm 2 Nos. each
17. Assorted files set 300 mm long 2 Nos. each
18. Ha mmer sets 1 kg. & 2 kg, & 5 kg 2 Nos. each
19. Steel rule 300, 600 & 900 mm 1 No. each
20. Straight edge 1200 mm 1 No
21. Steel tapes 2 mtr. 15 mtr & 30 mtr 2 Nos. each
22. Chain pulley block 2 ton & 5 ton 1 No. each
23. Single and double sleeve pulley block 150 mm. dia. 2 Nos. each

24. Single phase welding set optional 1 No
25. Hacksaw frame 300 mm 1 No
26. Pipe wrench 250, 300, 450 & 600 mm 1 No Each
27. Battery charger 24 volts 1 No.
28. Electric grinder, straight/angle 100/180 1 No each
29. Portable drill (Electric) 12 mm. caps. 1 No.
30. Parallel jaw bench vice 100 mm 1 No.
31. Punch 6 mm to 25 mm for rubber seals 1 No.
32. Center punch 100 mm 2 Sets.
33. Plumb bob 65 mm dia. 6 Nos.
34. Pulling and lifting machine 5 ton capacity 1 No.
35. Electrical tong tester 600V , 200 Amps. 1 No.
36. Gas cutting regulator Oxygen 1 No.
37. Gas cutting regulator Acetylene 2 Nos.
38. Electrically operated portable warning signal (siren) 1 No.
39. Blowlamp 1 No.
40. First Aid Box 1 No.
41. Tool Boxes 3 Nos.
42. Tachometer 1 No.
Note: This list is for general purpose. The quantity can be varied and items can
be added and deleted depending upon the No. of gates in consultation with the
Executive Engineer of the Chief Gate Erection Unit concerned.

12.2 Spare Parts and Materials

1. Nut bolts (Galvanize) for rubber seals for 2 sets
2. Wire ropes 12 mm/24 mm/32 mm/36 mm
depending on the Size of Gate 2 gates
3. Wire rope sockets 4 Nos.
4. Guide roller 1 No.
5. Various fuses (kit Kat) And fuse wire (5A to 100A)
one coils each 6 Nos.
6. Electrical moving and fi x contacts for starter
limit switch etc. 2 dozen each.

7. Brake shoe with liners 2 sets
8. Brake oil 1Ltr
9. Flexible coupling for hoist motor 3 Nos.
10. Rubber bushes (for couplings) 12 Nos.
11. Starter assembly 2 Nos.
12. P.V.C. electrical wires 3/20,7/20,1/16 SWG 1 coil each
13. Manila rope 20 mm, 25 mm 50 Kg Each
14. Polish paper - rough and smooth 6 No. each
15. Wooden planks 40 mm thick 300 x 2500 mm 6 No.
16. Line thread bundle 1 No.
17 Chalk stick Box 1 No.
18. 20 mm wire rope slings 2m, 3m long 2 each
19. Wire rope clamps (12 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm,25 mm) 4 each
20. Nuts and bolts with washers -
6 mm x 30 mm 1 Kg.
12 mm x 50 mm 3 Kg.
18 mm x 50 mm 3 Kg.
25 mm x 75 mm 3 Kg.
21. Gas hoses red and black 5 mm 25 m each
22 Cylinder key 1 No.
23. Regulator spanner 1 No.
24. Cutogen spanner 1 No.
25. Hand screen for welder 1 No.
26. Colored glasses 80 mm x 100 m German make 3 No.
27. White glasses 80 mm x 100 mm 1 doz.
28. Leather hand gloves 2 pairs.
29. Welding cable 400 Amp 50 mtr.
31. Gas cutting nozzles 3/64” and 1/16” 2 each
32. Rubber hand gloves for wireman 600 V 1 pair
33. Electric bulb
250 x 60 W 3 each
250 x 40 W 3 each

34. Rain Coats 6 No.
35. Gum boots 6 pairs.
36. Lubricants
Ger oil - 90 5 lit
Red oxide paint 20 lit
Galvanized paint 10 lit
Grease (as per requirement) Engine oil 10 lit
37. Hand lamp with outdoor workshop cable 25 mtr. 2 Nos.
38. Inspection lamps 2 Nos.
39. Ladders 2 Nos.
40. Safety helmets 6 Nos.

12.3 Spares for Diesel Generator Set

1. Fan belt 1 No.
2. Oil filter 1 No.
3. Diesel filters 2 Nos.
4. Injector 1 No.
5. Carbon brushes 2 No.
6. Generator brushes 4 No.
7. Voltage regulator 1 No.
8. Dynamo brushes 1 No.
9. Engine oil
10. Battery charger 1 No.
11. Battery Electrolyte Hydrometers 1 No.

Chapter - thirteen
Chapter - Thirteen
Maintenance Staff

13.1 Govt. Circular for Maintenance Staff

Govt. Memo. No. Irrigation and Power Dept
COE 1566/105761-Ipcl) Sachivalaya,
Dated: 5-1-68 Bombay - (BR)
Immediate Dated: 5-1-68


Sub.: Permanent Mechanical Staff for the projects.

The undersigned presents compliments to the Superintending Engineer,

Mechanical Circle (Gates), Pune land with reference to the corresponding
ending with his letter No. EC-1/G-103-2685 dated 8-12-67 on the subject
mentioned above, is directed to state that, the proper control over the
operation and maintenance of gates, the mechanical staff mentioned
bellow, should work directly under the sectional office (civil) in charge of
the maintenance of the head works of Major Irrigation Projects.

Sr. No. Category Number

1. Foreman or overseer working under the civil overseer or Civil 1 No.
Dy. Engr. respectively (Depending upon the sizes of gates and
importance of work)
2. Pump operator cum pipe fitter 1 No.
3. Mechanic 1 No.
4. Fitters 1 or 2 Nos.
5. Generator Operators 1 No.
6. Wireman 1 No.
7. Helper 1 or 2 Nos.

1. Wherever two persons of a category are provided, they may be for

12 gates.
2. The clerk and the chowkidar will be those already working in the section
and No separate provision are considered necessary.

3. The Superintending Engineer should take steps accordingly for
providing maintenance staff wherever necessary and for withdrawing the
erection staff, as early as possible without creating vacuum and report
4. The undersigned is also directed to state that the spillway and the sluice
gates, as also the electrical installation, are very important components
of the head works and their proper maintenance and prompt repairs
are essential for the safety and utility of the structure. Though the
normal maintenance and operation of these gates is lift to the civil
officers will carry out the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon inspections
of these components, it is considered necessary to have a specialized
inspection unit under the Mechanical Organization, which can have a
through inspection of mechanical and electrical installations, keep a
check on the proper maintenance by the mechanical staff under the civil
authorities and on the use of paints and lubricants and timely repairs
whenever required. The repairs are to be carried out by the Regional
Work shop or gate erection units. The Inspection Unit can have three
sub divisions under it stationed of all the completed projects in the
respective area. The unit can be carried out of the existing staff of the
Mechanical Circle (Gates) as discussed with the Deputy Secretary (I.P.)
by the Superintending Engineer of Mechanical Circle on 26-11-67 and
27-11-67 at Pune.
   The Superintending Engineer is therefore requested to submit
immediately a proposal on the above lines and with all and overall view
of workloads for consideration.
   By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.


V.A. Joshi
Under Secretary to the
Government of Maharashtra
Irrigation and Power Dept.

13.2 Record keeping
Following type of register should be maintained for record of operation of
Radial Gate

Record of Operation

Sr.No Date Reservoir Time Order for Signature, Name Remark

Level operation & Designation of
of Authority Issuing
Gate Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1) In column No.5 specify serial number of. gates to be operated or
2) Lifting or lowering information.

Record of Operation

Sr. Date Level Time Gate Ref.. No &

No at the No Order
time of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Chapter - fourteen
Chapter - Fourteen
Weight of Gate Components and Technical
Data of Hoist at a glance

1.1 Weight of Gate Components and Technical Data of Hoist at a glance

No. Name of Gate Qty/Gate Unit Weight of Components of Radial Gate (in M.T.) Remarks
Component Size In Meters
15 x 12 12 x 8 12 x 6.5 12 x 5 12 x 4 12 x 3

1 Erection Jig set 1 per gate 3.5 2.316 1.287 0.68 0.68 0.68
2 Vertical Anchorages Nx12+12 per gate 0.70 0.57 0.201 0.114 0.114 0.114
3 A.G.Bridge with
flooring & Railing 1 per gate 16.00 6.08 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
4 Trunnion Girder N+1 per gate 8.41 7. 7 4.305 2.85 2.85 2.85
Box with chair & pin
5 Horizontal Anchorages 12 per gate 10.00 6.649 4.815 1.858 1.858 1.858
6 Trunnion Brackets pair
with pin 2 per gate 3.00 3.89 2.201 0.995 0.995 0.995
7 Sill Beam Assembly 1 per gate 1.00 0.825 0.748 0.762 0.762 0.762
8 End arm with shoe 2 per gate 30.00 9. 60 8.4 3.40 3.20 3.80
9 Horizontal Girder 2 per gate 19.5 8.6 13.00 3.45 3.45 2.40
10 Skin Plate Assembly 1 per gate 44.00 18.8 15.007 10.328 9.50 7.40
11 Tie Bar Assembly 1 per gate 2.00 1.70 --- 1.00 1.00 1.00
12 Bracing Angle with 1 set per gate 5.50 3.354 1.058 0.864 0.864 0.864
Gusset Plate
13 Wall Plate Set 1 set per gate 5.00 2.387 1.70 1.257 0.82 0.70
14 Locking Arrangement N+1 per gate 1.00 0.885 0.842 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total per gate 149.61 71.336 57.468 33.058 31.593 28.923

15 Hoist Bridge 1 set per gate 22.00 7.5 7.50 5.50 5.50 5.50
Assembly with
Flooring & Railing
16 Hoist Assembly 1 set per gate 34 12.50 10.50 7.80 7.80 7.80
17 Zink, Rubber seal, 1 set per gate 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
nut bolts, ladders,
Inspections platform
Total 1 per gate 208.61 94.336 78.468 48.358 46.893 44.223

1. Weight of components is a net weight.
2. For N+1 weight is of intermediate & End Assembly.

Chapter - fifteen
Chapter - Fifteen
Gate Operation Schedule

15.1( a ) Introduction 1.3 As indicted in Govt. I & P.

1.1 Almost all dams in Maharashtra Deptt., Chief Engineers Circular
are primarily meant for the purpose No.MIP/2273/21473-IP(3) dated
of conservation of storage for 25/6/1974 the spillway operation
utilisation of the stored water for schedule is divided into three sub
irrigation, water supply or power parts.
generation. In order that these i) Gate maintenance schedule.
dams serve the purpose of building Being related to the gates, S.E.
up to required storage, and also to Mechanical Circle(Gates) is
avoid any risk of man made floods concerned, for finalising this
in the area on d/s it is necessary part.
that this objective is achieved by ii) Hydraulic Operations schedule
proper reservoir operation through of the spillway.
carefully prepared reservoir
This part is concerning with
regulation schedules, release
S.E.C.D.O.(M.D.), and deals
procedure and gate operation
with hydraulic aspects of
schedules aided by an accurate
spillway gates, energy dissipation
and reliable flood forecasting and
arrangements, and mode of
warning system.
operation of spillway gates etc.
iii) Reservoir operation schedule.
1.2 For gated spillways, a part of This is to be prepared by the
the conservation storage space also field officers as they are in a
often forms the part of the flood better position to do so with
control storage place. However as full appreciation of background
the reservoir has to be normally full while regulating the reservoirs.
at the end of the monsoon, (Except This background relates to
in a failure year) it is necessary that requirements of building up of
the conservation requirement is storage for a particular project,
mainly kept in view while handling requirements of with crawls
the flood situation. Thus the from reservoir from rotation to
reservoir operation involves a rotation, pattern of flood storm
careful co-ordination between the in the region, downstream
flood disposal and the building up safe channel capacities, and
of conservation storage. corresponding restraints on

releases etc. This note briefly flow striking against the guide
discusses the gate operation walls and junctions.
schedule in respect of Hydraulic c) At any time during the operation
aspects of spillway. of different gates, the difference
in gate openings for any 2
15.2 Hydraulic Operation of Gates consecutive gates should not
exceed 0.5 m.
The gate operation schedule is
generally supplied by M.E.R.I. in d) After opening the end gates,
respect of spillways referred to the gate/gates at the centre
for model experiments. For other should be opened and the
normal spillways the gate operation other gates should be opened
schedule is required to be generally in sy mmetrical manner starting
standardised based on the model from the centre towards the end
experiments done so far. At present through gradual increase in the
the spillway gates are of radial type openings.
& normally of size 12 x 5m, 12 x e) while closing the gates, the gate
6.5m & 12 x 8m. The discharge that was opened last should be
rating curves for the above radial closed first. The procedure to
gates under free flow condition and be followed for closing the gates
under partial opening of gates at would generally be the reverse
various heads have been developed of the procedure followed for
by M.E.R.I.,. While building up of opening the gates. Complete
storage or while planning releases closure of the gates should
from the reservoir, the outflow for be accomplished by gradual
diff. spillway gate openings and lowering of the gates by 0.2 to
for different heads above the crest 0.3 m in the proper sequence.
can be worked but from the above f) while surplussing the floods
curves. when the reservoir is at or near
about the F.R.L. towards the end
15.3 Sequence of Gate Operation. of monsoon,
2.2.1 Following are general guide i) The reservoir level should
lines for the gate operation : not be allowed to encroach
upon free board.
a) If the dam has got stilling basin
at 2 different elevations, then ii) No part of conservation
generally the gates with stilling storage be allowed to spill
basin at lower level need to be towards the later part of the
operated first. monsoon.
b) The end gates should normally
be opened first to prevent cross

15.4 Hydraulic Gate Operation For downstream, the flood releases
Low Ogee Spillways from the spillway shall have to be
The discharge rating curves planned and regulated judiciously:
developed by M.E.R.I. are in respect on receipt of forecast warnings
of high ogee, i.e. the spillways of heavy precipitations and / or
located in the river gorge where releases from upstream storages if
approach depths are normally large. any, and with due considerations
For low ogee spillways i.e. P/Hd less to the reservoir level and flood
the 1.33 (where p is the approach absorption capacity etc.
depth & Hd is the design head) a
correction factor obtained from the 2.5 Based on the discharge rating
graph (Cd V/s p/Hd shown in fig curves and the general principles
No 15.1,15.2,15.3 may have to be of operation of gates given above it
applied for these curves for free will be possible for the field officers
flows. to finalise the gate operations
schedule for individual projects
2.4 with restraints on downstream to meet the flood situations (refer
channel capacity and likely Fig. 15.1, Fig.15.2, Fig. 15.3).
damages to towns and villages on

Chapter - sixteen
Chapter - Sixteen
Materials Specification for Parts of Radial
Gates and Hoists
16.1 Materials Specification for Parts of Radial Gates and Hoists
Sr. Component Part Recommended Ref to
No. Materials IS No.
1 Skin plate, stiffeners, Structural steel 808-2004
horizontal girders, arms, 2062-2006
bracings, tie members, 8500-1991
anchorage girder, yoke
girder, embedded girder,
rest girder, load carrying
2. Guide rollers Cast steel 1030-1998
Structural steel 2062-2006
Forged steel 1875-1998
Wrought steel 1570-1998
Cast iron 210-1993
3. Trunnion, hub and Cast steel 1030-1998
bracket Structural steel 2062-2006
4. Pin Structural Steel 2062-2006
Cast steel 8500-1991
Forged steel 1875-1998
Corrosion resisting 2004-1997
Steel 6603-200
5. Bushing Bronze/self 305-1981
bushing 318-1981
6. Seal seat Stainless steel 6911-1992
7. Seal base, seal seat base Structural Steel 2062-2000
and sill beam
8 Synthetic enamel paint 2932-2003
Alluminium paint 2339-1963
Anticorrosive coal tar paint 290-1961
9 Wires /Ropes 6 x 36 Fiber main core 2266-2002

References 7. I.S._2266 _ 2002 ( Fourth
1. P.W.D. Hand Book chapter 23 – Revision ) _ Steel wire ropes for
part – III general engineering purposes __
Gates and Hoist --- Government of
Maharashtra 8. I.S._3177 _ 1999 ( second revision
) _ Code of practice for Electric
2. I.S. 10096 ( Part-1 / sec-1 ) - 1983 overhead traveling cranes and
– Inspection Reco mmendation gantry cranes other than steel work
for inspection , testing and cranes.
maintenance of radial gates and
rope drum hoists. 9. I.S. 6938 _ 2005 Design of Rope
Drum and chain hoists for
3. Civil Engineering Handbook. Hydraulic Gates.
4. T.S.P. Data book. 10. I.S. 14177 _ 1994 __ Guidelines for
5. I.S. – 13623 – 1983 Criteria for painting system for hydraulic gates
choice of Gates and Hoists. and hoists.
6. I.S. _ 11855 _ 2004 ( First Revision 11. I.S.919: ISO system of limits and fits,
) _ Guide lines for Design and use Part-1 bases and tables of standard
of different types of rubber seals for tolerances.
Hydraulic Gates.

Annexture : History Sheet

Name of the Project :
Size of the gate
Total number of the gates :
Date of Erection completed :
Hoist Capacity :

Sr. No. Nature of repairs Date Remarks


Replacements of Gate parts :
Replacements of hoist parts :

Sr. No. Nature of repairs Date Remarks



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