Arp Spoofing
Arp Spoofing
Arp Spoofing
IP address of another
device on the network. This allows the attacker to intercept, modify, or even stop the communication between the victim's device and the
intended destination.
Install Required Tools: Before proceeding, make sure you have the necessary tools installed on your system. You will need a tool like arpspoof
or ettercap to perform ARP spoofing. These tools are commonly available on Linux distributions.
Identify Target Devices: Determine the IP addresses of the target devices you want to spoof. You can use tools like arp-scan or nmap to
discover the devices on the network.
Enable IP Forwarding: To ensure that the intercepted traffic is forwarded to the intended destination, you need to enable IP forwarding on your
system. This allows the attacker's device to act as a router.
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sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
Start ARP Spoofing: Use the arpspoof or ettercap tool to start the ARP spoofing attack. You will need to specify the IP addresses of the target
devices and the gateway.
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sudo arpspoof -i <interface> -t <target_ip> <gateway_ip>
Replace <interface> with the network interface you are using, <target_ip> with the IP address of the target device, and <gateway_ip> with the
IP address of the gateway.
Capture Traffic: Once the ARP spoofing is initiated, you can use tools like Wireshark or tcpdump to
capture the network traffic. This allows you to analyze the intercepted data and extract sensitive
Stop ARP Spoofing: After completing the attack, it's important to stop the ARP spoofing to restore
the normal network communication. You can do this by terminating the arpspoof or ettercap process.
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sudo pkill arpspoof
It's important to note that ARP spoofing is illegal and unethical if performed without proper
authorization. It violates privacy and can result in severe legal consequences. It is recommended to
use ARP spoofing techniques responsibly and only for educational or authorized security testing
If you are interested in cybersecurity and want to learn more about protecting against ARP spoofing
attacks, consider studying ethical hacking techniques and obtaining proper authorization before
conducting any security testing or vulnerability assessments.
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