Fire Test of Non-Mechanical Fire Dampers Used in Vented Construction

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: E2912 − 17 An American National Standard

Standard Test Method for

Fire Test of Non-Mechanical Fire Dampers Used in Vented
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2912; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* NOTE 2—Some of the major international standards development

organizations (SDO) include, but are not limited to, ASTM International,
1.1 This fire-test-response standard assesses the ability of CEN, ISO, UL, and ULC. Some examples of standards employing
non-mechanical fire dampers used in vented construction in its standard time-temperature curves for fire exposure used to determine a
open state to limit passage of hot gases, radiation, and flames construction’s fire resistance rating include, but are not limited to, the
during a prescribed fire test exposure. The fire exposure following: Test Methods E119, E814, E1966, E2307, UL 10B, UL 10C,
UL 555, UL 555C etc. The term “authority having jurisdiction” is defined
condition in this test method is sudden direct flame in Practice E2174.
impingement, which produces these hot gases, radiation, and
flames. 1.4 This test method specifies the fire exposure conditions,
NOTE 1—Non-mechanical fire dampers can be used in vented construc- fire test protocol, and criteria to evaluate an open state.
tion. Vented constructions may be parts of buildings including walls, NOTE 3—There are currently no published test methods (nationally or
floors, ceilings and concealed spaces and cavities used for air transfer and internationally) that address the application of sudden direct flame
to allow ventilation in structures without ductwork. Non-mechanical fire impingement on non-mechanical fire dampers used in vented construction.
dampers can be located adjacent to combustible construction or materials In the European Union (EU), CEN (European Committee for Standard-
and situated in exposed or concealed locations, or both. Unlike typical fire ization) has very recently started a work item to address reaction to sudden
resistive assemblies, vented construction uses non-mechanical fire damp- direct flame impingement on non-mechanical fire dampers. Also, in the
ers to allow air transfer without the use of ducts. Resistance to flame, EU, some countries have used large scale tests with 5MW fire exposures
radiation, and hot gases may be requirements when direct flame impinge- to assess test specimens’ reactions to sudden direct flame impingement as
ment is a credible risk, or when no penetration of flames is required by the part of the entire building construction. Standard time-temperature curves
authority having jurisdiction, or both. The proposed test method provides used to control gas-fired furnaces do not ensure a sudden direct flame
procedures that enable an assessment of this direct flame impingement on impingement on the test specimen, which this test method is designed to
non-mechanical fire dampers. This test method does not alter any do. A post flashover condition, the spontaneous combustion of materials,
requirements for non-mechanical fire dampers used in fire resistance rated ignition of a highly combustible material acting as the source of the fire
construction and assemblies. (for example, stored cleaning solutions or fuels) or the location of
materials can create a fire scenario resulting in a sudden direct flame
1.2 This fire-test-response standard is intended to provide a impingement.
means to assess the reaction of a non-mechanical fire damper
1.5 Results generated by this test method provide the
used in vented construction to sudden direct flame
following information:
impingement, or as a supplement to existing fire-resistive test
1.5.1 the open state fire performance of vented construction,
methods, or both.
1.3 This test method does not circumvent or eliminate the 1.5.2 the non-mechanical fire damper’s fire-test-response
fire resistance rating requirements for construction. The fire characteristic when exposed to sudden direct flame impinge-
resistance rating of construction shall be tested in accordance ment.
with published fire-resistance test standards as appropriate for
1.6 This test method does not provide quantitative informa-
the relevant application of the construction, or as required by
tion about the test assembly related to the leakage of smoke, or
the authority having jurisdiction (regulatory authority), or both.
gases, or both.
Non-mechanical fire dampers shall be tested to the appropriate
fire-resistive test standards required for their application in 1.7 This test method does not apply to a test assembly
order to determine a fire resistance rating in those construc- having other components than those tested.
tions. 1.8 This standard is used to measure and describe the
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame
under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire
Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Fire all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the
Resistance. materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2017. Published September 2017. Originally
approved in 2013. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as E2912-13. DOI: 1.9 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes
10.1520/E2912-17. which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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E2912 − 17
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered 3.1.3 When there is a conflict between Terminology E176
requirements of this standard. and Terminology E631 definitions, Terminology E176 defini-
1.10 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as tions shall apply.
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
standard. 3.2.1 closed state, n—the sealed or closed condition of an
1.11 Fire testing is inherently hazardous. Adequate safe- opening in vented construction.
guards for personnel and property shall be employed in 3.2.2 insulation, n—ability of a test assembly, when exposed
conducting these tests. to fire on one side, to restrict the temperature rise to below
1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the specified levels on its unexposed side.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.2.3 integrity, n—the ability of a test assembly, when
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- exposed to fire from one side, to prevent the passage of flame
priate safety, health and environmental practices and deter- or hot gases through it or the occurrence of flames on its
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. unexposed side.
1.13 This international standard was developed in accor- Discussion—In this test method the integrity of the
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- test assembly is determined by Section 11, Integrity Test, and
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the the Ignition Test Procedure in Annex A2.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- 3.2.4 non-mechanical fire damper, n—venting device used
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical as part of vented construction intended to resist the transfer of
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. hot gas, radiation, and flame.
2. Referenced Documents 3.2.5 open state, n—the unsealed or unclosed condition of
the non-mechanical fire damper prior to being closed or sealed.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
E119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction 3.2.6 open state fire performance, n—the ability to limit the
and Materials passage of hot gases, radiation, and flames produced during
E176 Terminology of Fire Standards this test method’s standardized, sudden-flaming exposure.
E631 Terminology of Building Constructions 3.2.7 splice, n—a connection of parts of test specimens
E814 Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop within the vented construction.
Systems 3.2.8 test assembly, n—the complete assembly of a test
E1966 Test Method for Fire-Resistive Joint Systems specimen(s) installed in the vented construction.
E2174 Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Firestops
3.2.9 test specimen, n—a non-mechanical fire damper with
E2257 Test Method for Room Fire Test of Wall and Ceiling
specific attributes such as material(s), gaps, shapes, size, and
Materials and Assemblies
E2307 Test Method for Determining Fire Resistance of
Perimeter Fire Barriers Using Intermediate-Scale, Multi- 3.2.10 vented construction, n—a building element or con-
story Test Apparatus struction feature (such as a floor, wall, roof, ceiling, joint, door
2.2 UL Standards:3 or wall cavity, crawl space, air gap, etc.) that includes an
UL 10B Fire Tests of Door Assemblies opening(s) used for venting of spaces or as part of ductless
UL 10C Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies ventilation equipped with one or more non-mechanical fire
UL 555 Fire Dampers dampers.
UL 555C Ceiling Dampers
4. Summary of Test Method
3. Terminology 4.1 The test assembly is subjected to a standardized fire
3.1 Definitions—Terms defined in Terminologies E176 and exposure created using a propane-powered gas burner regu-
E631 shall prevail for fire and building terms not defined in this lated to a specific heat output as noted in 6.1.5.
document. 4.2 This test method is applicable to either horizontal or
3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in these test methods and vertical test assemblies that are symmetrical or asymmetrical as
associated with fire issues, refer to the definitions contained in referenced in 7.5 and 7.6.
Terminology E176.
3.1.2 For definitions of terms used in these test methods and 4.3 The test assembly is conditioned at specific temperature
associated with building issues, refer to the definitions con- and humidity ranges as stated in Section 9.
tained in Terminology E631. 4.4 This test method establishes a specific test procedure in
Section 10 to measure the open state fire performance of vented
construction when exposed to hot gases, radiation, and flames
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM prior to, and including, its closed state.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
4.5 This test method requires the time be reported at which
the ASTM website.
Available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 2600 N.W. Lake Rd., Camas, flaming occurs, if any, as noted in 13.1.19 based on information
WA 98607-8542, obtained from 10.13, 11.1, and 11.2.

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4.6 The open state fire performance is monitored using an 5.2.4 Durability of the test specimen or test assembly under
integrity test and an insulation test in accordance with Sections actual service conditions, including the effects of cycled
11 and 12, respectively. temperature.
4.7 This test method requires the time be reported when 5.2.5 Effects of a load on the test specimen or test assembly.
individual and average unexposed surface temperature read- 5.2.6 Any other attributes of the test specimen or the test
ings exceed the limitations established by this test method as assembly, such as wear resistance, chemical resistance, air
noted in 13.1.20. infiltration, water-tightness, and so forth.
5.3 The results of this test method shall not be used as an
5. Significance and Use alternative to, or a substitute for, requirements for a required
5.1 This test method provides for the following fire resistance rating of building construction.
observations, measurements and evaluations of an open state
during the test fire. 6. Apparatus
5.1.1 Ability of the test specimen to resist the passage of 6.1 Fire Source:
flames, radiation, and hot gases caused by sudden direct flame 6.1.1 A gas burner shall be used as the fire source.
impingement. 6.1.2 The gas burner shall have a nominal 170 by 170 mm
5.1.2 Transmission of heat through the test specimen. porous top surface consisting of a refractory material (for
5.2 This test method does not provide the following: example, sand) as shown in Fig. 1. Unless otherwise specified,
5.2.1 Evaluation of the degree to which the test assembly the tolerance for dimensions in figures shall be 65 %.
contributes to the fire hazard by generation of smoke, toxic NOTE 4—The burner and its output were selected to produce a sudden
gases, or other products of combustion. direct flame impingement on the test specimen that is constant. The burner
5.2.2 Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of configuration and its output were based upon those prescribed in Test
the passage of smoke or products of combustion through the Method E2257. The distance between the test specimen and the fire source
(gas burner) was set to address variables typically seen in building
test specimen or the test assembly. occupation that contribute to sudden direct flaming. Two of many possible
5.2.3 Measurement of flame spread over the surface of the examples are: (1) Interior vents located in storage rooms and offices where
test specimen or the test assembly. combustibles are stacked on top of filing cabinets, (2) Exterior vents in

FIG. 1 Gas Burner Exposure Fire Source

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E2912 − 17
contact with landscaping (vegetation or forestation, or both). In many
cases, these combustibles are just inches from the vent, which is open to
allow airflow, and are subject to a sudden direct flame impingement.
6.1.3 The burner shall be supplied with CP4 grade propane
(99 % purity) with a net heat of combustion of 46.5 6 0.5
MJ/kg. The gas flow to the burner shall be measured to an
accuracy of at least 63 %. The flow measuring equipment shall
be calibrated per the manufacturer’s instructions at least once
per year.
6.1.4 The heat output to the burner shall be controlled
within 65 % of the prescribed value.
6.1.5 The gas supply to the burner shall produce a constant
net heat output of 300 6 10 kW for at least 10 min.
6.2 Test Bench:
6.2.1 The test bench shall be constructed of framing and
shall use materials suited to withstand the duration of the fire
test. Unless otherwise specified, the tolerance for dimensions in FIG. 3 Right Isometric View of Test Bench
figures and text in this section shall be 65 %.
6.2.2 The test bench shall have the following surface Discussion—Excessive flue gas is also channeled
dimensions measured from inside the framing: out the open end of bench by the skirts. The side skirts are Length 2300 mm. intended to provide some shielding for laboratory personnel Width 1150 mm. from the effects of the gas burner. However, the laboratory The overall length and width of the test bench will shall implement additional safeguards as necessary to ensure
vary depending on the thickness of the framing and other laboratory personnel safety. The skirt is also used to avoid
materials used to construct the test bench. flames circumventing the opening in the test bench and
NOTE 5—Wood framing and gypsum board have been found to be affecting the unexposed side of the test specimen.
suitable materials with which to build a test bench. The wood framing 6.2.4 The height of the test bench shall be as necessary to
should be protected from the heat source. However, other combinations of meet the clearance dimensions illustrated in Fig. 8.
materials may also be appropriate for this use, such as steel framing,
6.2.5 Fig. 4 and Fig. 8 show the test bench top surface, with
calcium silicate board, cement board, etc.
the 500-mm square opening.
6.2.3 The test bench shall be constructed to have the 6.2.6 The top surface of the gas burner, referred to as the gas
dimensions and characteristics illustrated in Figs. 2-7, inclu- burner’s “sand surface” in Fig. 4 and Fig. 8, shall be positioned
sive. parallel to the bottom surface of the test bench as illustrated in The test bench surface shall have a 500-mm square Fig. 8.
opening located as illustrated in Fig. 4. 6.2.7 Locate the gas burner’s sand surface a distance of 250 A 600-mm skirt shall cover the two sides and the mm below the bottom surface of the test bench, as shown in
front of the test bench as illustrated in Figs. 5-7. Fig. 8, and center the burner in the 500-mm square opening as
shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 8, creating a concentric annular space
of 165 mm around the gas burner in the plan view.
Commonly called commercial propane.
6.3 Cotton Pads and Applicator Frame:
6.3.1 Refer to Annex A1 for drawings and descriptions.
6.4 Unexposed Surface Thermocouples:
6.4.1 The wires for the thermocouple in the length covered
by the pad shall be not heavier than No. 18 B&S gage (1.02
mm) and shall be electrically insulated with heat-resistant or
moisture-resistant coatings, or both.
6.5 Thermocouple Pads:
6.5.1 The insulating pads shall be dry, felted, refractory fiber
6.5.2 The pads shall be 9.5 6 1.6 mm thick.
6.5.3 The pads length and width shall measure 50 6 1 mm.
6.5.4 The pads shall have a density of 500 6 10 kg/m3.
6.6 Other Temperature Detection Devices:
6.6.1 A visual imaging camera or calibrated thermal imag-
ing camera is permitted to be used as an additional means of
observation of flame penetration on the unexposed surface of
FIG. 2 Left Isometric View of Test Bench the test specimen.

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FIG. 4 Plan View of Test Bench

FIG. 5 Side Elevation View of Test Bench

6.7 Time Measurement: performance and the fire-test-response characteristic are to be

6.7.1 A computer chronograph used as part of the tempera- recorded, with respect to materials, components, workmanship,
ture data acquisition equipment and either: and details. an electric clock with a sweep hand or a digital clock. 7.2 Test Specimen Splices:
7.2.1 When a test specimen is able to be spliced during
7. Test Specimen and Test Assembly manufacture or in the field, or both, test the factory-
7.1 The test assembly shall be representative of the vented manufactured splice and the field splice, as applicable. Photo-
construction and the test specimen shall be representative of graph the splicing procedure and document the splicing in-
the non-mechanical fire damper for which the open state fire structions.

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FIG. 6 Front Elevation View of Test Bench

FIG. 7 Rear Elevation View of Test Bench

7.2.2 When the factory-manufactured splice is the same as 7.3.1 The test specimen shall be 500 mm long (L) or high
the field splice technique, test one splice. (H) by 500 mm wide (W).
7.2.3 Position the splice in the middle of the test specimen. 7.3.2 When the test specimen’s maximum dimensions are
When testing splices position them equidistant in the length of less than those required in 7.3.1, test the maximum length and
the test specimen. The total area of the splices shall not exceed width of the test specimen.
25 % of the test specimen’s area. No more than two splices 7.3.3 Document the dimensions of the test specimen tested.
shall be tested as part of the test specimen. The laboratory shall
decide whether splices can be tested as part of the test 7.4 Test Specimen Installation:
specimen. When the laboratory believes that splices have the 7.4.1 Install the test specimen into the test assembly in
potential to increase performance of the test specimen, splices accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
shall be tested separately. Photograph the installation procedure and document the instal- Discussion—Calculate the splices’ positions using lation instructions. Document whether the test specimen and
the equation: L/(x + 1). Where x is the number of splices to be test assembly are symmetrical or asymmetrical.
created in the test specimen’s length (L). Separate two splices 7.5 Horizontal Test Specimens:
by a distance of L/3. 7.5.1 Horizontal test specimens used in horizontal assem-
7.2.4 When applicable to the end use of the test specimen, blies (for example, floors, roofs, or ceilings) shall be installed
test each type of end sealing condition. Photograph the sealing as intended for use. Refer to Fig. 11 for various locations of
procedure and document the sealing instructions. horizontal test specimens that create symmetrical and asym-
7.3 Test Specimen Size: metrical test assemblies.

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FIG. 8 Section View A-A of Fig. 4 – Burner Location as used with Test Bench

Document the test specimen’s position in terms of “rt” and

“rb” using mm as the dimensions.
7.6 Vertical Test Specimens:
7.6.1 For vertical test assemblies as shown in Fig. 13,
construct a test box as shown in Fig. 14 using gypsum board.
Record the thickness of the gypsum board. Create a square
500-mm opening and one (80-mm wide by 750-mm long) slot
in the test box top as shown in Fig. 14. When reinforcement
(for example, light gauge angle) is used on the test box’s edges,
apply the reinforcement to the test box’s exterior without
obstructing the test box opening or slot.
NOTE 6—The test box allows test specimens in a vertical orientation to
be assessed using a similar flame impingement exposure as the horizontal
orientation of test specimens. Through a “trial and error” method, the slot
on the top of the box was sized and positioned to develop a constant and
steady flame impingement on the test specimen positioned in the square
500-mm opening as is done in the horizontal orientation. The design of the
test box is intended to produce a simple reproducible device to subject the
FIG. 9 Example of Test Bench, Fire Source, and Test Box in Test test specimen to a credible sudden direct flame impingement. The pressure
Configuration within the test box is slightly positive based on the convective heat flow
as in most real life fire scenarios. Positive pressure is a more severe
condition than negative pressure when assessing insulation and integrity
of the test specimens.
7.5.2 Test the horizontal test assembly centered over the 7.6.2 Mount the test specimen in a vertical position against
opening in the test bench surface as shown in Fig. 10, Section the test box as shown in Fig. 16.
7.6.3 For symmetrical vertical test assemblies, mount the
7.5.3 Horizontal test specimens used in vertical assemblies
vertical test specimen in the center (T/2) of the vertical test
(for example, wall cavities) shall be tested at as shown in Fig.
assembly’s thickness (T) using the same method previously
7.5.4 For symmetrical horizontal test assemblies, install the described in 7.5 for the installation of the symmetrical hori-
test specimen in the center (T/2) of the test assembly’s zontal test specimens where rt = rb.
thickness (T) as shown in Section A-A of Fig. 10, where the 7.6.4 For asymmetrical vertical test assemblies, use the
recess from the top (rt) equals the recess from the bottom (rb): same method previously described in 7.5 for the installation of
rt = rb. the asymmetrical horizontal test specimens to mount the
7.5.5 For asymmetrical horizontal test assemblies, mount vertical test specimen as it is intended to be installed in the
the test specimen as it is intended to be installed in the field: field: either flush with the test assembly’s front (exterior)
either flush with the test assembly’s top surface (where rt = 0) surface (where rt = 0) or back (interior) surface (where rb = 0)
or bottom surface (where rb = 0) or offset (where rt > or < rb) or offset (where rt > or < rb) within the test assembly’s
within the test assembly’s thickness as shown in Fig. 11. thickness.

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FIG. 10 Horizontal Symmetrical Test Assembly

7.6.5 Test asymmetrical vertical test assemblies with either assembly or horizontal assembly is also used to cover the
side (front or back) exposed to the fire. Document the asym- opening. Also, attach the gasket to the support as shown in Fig.
metrical vertical test assembly’s configuration (refer to Fig. 13) 16.
and the side exposed to the fire. NOTE 8—The type of flexible, high-temperature gasket and method
7.6.6 When testing both sides of an asymmetrical vertical used to attach the gasket is usually determined by the individual
test assembly, use duplicate test specimens of the same lot, and laboratory. However, the following may provide some guidance. Each
test each side independently. For each side tested, document laboratory may employ different methods of placing the test assembly
the integrity as described in Section 11 and insulation as over the opening. One such placement method is to slide the test assembly.
In this case, the flexible, high-temperature gasket should resist fraying.
described in Section 12. Two commonly available materials that meet the 7.6.8 criteria for flexible,
7.6.7 Mount and seal the test assembly against the square high-temperature gaskets are thin ceramic sheets or papers. An adhesive,
500-mm square opening of the test box as shown in Fig. 16. such as a silicone sealant, is one attachment method that can be employed
The interior dimensions of the test box shall be 800-mm high to attach the flexible, high-temperature gasket. Another attachment
by 800-mm wide by 800-mm long. When required to properly method would be to use mechanical fasteners, such as staples or metal
brads, recessed into the flexible, high-temperature gasket.
position the test assembly against the opening, use a support
for the vertical test assembly as shown in Fig. 16. 8. Preparation of Apparatus
NOTE 7—The mounting and sealing method is usually determined by 8.1 Fire Test Apparatus:
the individual laboratory. However, the following may provide some 8.1.1 Verify the burner, when set to the heat output specified
guidance. Mechanical devices, such as C-clamps, may be placed so that
the test assembly is clamped to the test box. When the mechanical device
in 6.1.5, generates flames that protrude approximately 1 m
is tightened, the gasket between the test assembly and the test box is above the square 500-mm opening in the test bench surface.
compressed, sealing the two together. Perform this verification no more than 20 min prior to start of
7.6.8 Attach a flexible, high-temperature, gasket to the the fire test.
bottom of the test assembly and, when used, the test box. Refer 8.2 Unexposed Surface Thermocouple Placement:
to Fig. 10, Fig. 12 and Fig. 16. This gasket will seal the 8.2.1 Measure the temperatures on the unexposed surface of
perimeter of the opening of the test bench surface between the the test assembly with thermocouples placed under thermo-
test box and the test bench surface. When the test assembly is couple pads as specified in 6.5. When positioned on the test
smaller than the opening, a support for the vertical test assembly, the sides of the thermocouple pads shall never touch

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FIG. 11 Horizontal Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Test Assemblies

each other but the corners of the pads are allowed to touch each 8.2.2 Locate at least the number of thermocouple junctions
other. When the thermocouple’s specified location is positioned covered by thermocouple pads on the test assembly as follows.
on a less onerous location of the test specimen, the laboratory The tolerance for thermocouple junction placement is within
shall adjust the location to a more representative location. The 63 mm of the location shown.
thermocouple shall not be located over fasteners such as Position five (evenly distributed) thermocouple
screws, nails, or staples that will be higher or lower in junctions on the unexposed surface area of the test specimen.
temperature than at a more representative location if the Place four (perimeter) thermocouple junctions on the unex-
aggregate area of any part of such fasteners on the unexposed posed surface area of the test specimen. Place four thermo-
surface is less than 1 % of the area within any 152-mm couple junctions on the unexposed surface area of the test
diameter circle, unless the fasteners extend through the test assembly (on vented construction). Refer to Fig. 17.
assembly. When the test specimen area is <0.25 m2 to 0.10 m2,
NOTE 9—Locations and sizes of pads may have to be modified at the position three (evenly distributed) thermocouple junctions on
discretion of laboratory due to grids, mesh, perforations, gaps, slats or the unexposed surface area of the test specimen. Place two
other irregular surfaces on the test assembly. (perimeter) thermocouple junctions on the unexposed surface

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FIG. 12 Horizontal Test Specimen in Vertical Test Assembly and Unexposed Surface Thermocouple Locations

area of the test specimen. Place four thermocouple junctions on 8.2.4 When necessary, secure the thermocouple pad over the
the unexposed surface area of the test assembly (on vented thermocouple junction without sealing the perimeter of the
construction). Refer to Fig. 18. thermocouple pad. When the test specimen area is <0.10 m2 to 0.04 m2, 8.3 Unexposed Surface Temperatures:
position two (evenly distributed) thermocouple junctions on 8.3.1 The three general areas for unexposed surface thermo-
the unexposed surface area of the test specimen. Place two couple locations are: the unexposed surface of the test
(perimeter) thermocouple junctions on the unexposed surface specimen, the unexposed surface of the test assembly, and the
area of the test specimen. Place four thermocouple junctions on perimeter edges of the test specimen.
the unexposed surface area of the test assembly (on vented
8.3.2 The two unexposed surface temperature measure-
construction). Refer to Fig. 19.
ments are: average temperature of specific thermocouples on When the test specimen area is <0.04 m2 to 0.01 m2,
the test specimen and maximum temperature of each thermo-
position one thermocouple junction on the unexposed surface
area of the test specimen. When possible, place one (perimeter)
8.3.3 When there are two or more unexposed surface
thermocouple junction on the unexposed surface area of the
thermocouple locations, calculate the average temperature rise
test specimen. Place four thermocouple junctions on the
using only the temperature readings of the unexposed surface
unexposed surface area of the test assembly (on vented
thermocouple locations that are evenly distributed over the
unexposed surface of the test specimen. When the test specimen area is <0.01 m2 or when the
8.3.4 The maximum temperature rise applies to all unex-
length or width of the test specimen is less than 25 mm,
posed surface thermocouples referred to in 8.3.1 placed on the
thermocouple junctions on the unexposed surface area of the
test assembly.
test specimen (evenly distributed and perimeter) are not
required. Place four thermocouple junctions on the unexposed
surface area of the test assembly (on vented construction). 9. Test Assembly Conditioning For a horizontal test specimen installed as part of a 9.1 Prior to testing, condition the test assembly in air having
vertical test assembly, place thermocouple junctions (cavity 50 % relative humidity at 20 6 3°C ambient temperature
wall) at a distance of 25 mm and 100 mm from the unexposed conditions. Maintain the test assembly in this environment
surface of the test specimen as illustrated in Fig. 12. until all of its components are dry as specified by the
8.2.3 Position the center of the thermocouple pad over the manufacturer’s product instructions. Document the time re-
thermocouple junction and cover the thermocouple junction. quired to dry the test assembly. Either condition the test

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E2912 − 17

FIG. 13 Vertical Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Test Assemblies

assembly completely assembled or condition the components 10. Test Procedure

separately and then assemble them together prior to testing. 10.1 Conduct the fire test indoors. Document observations,
Document whether the drying of the test assembly was record unexposed surface temperatures, and create a video
performed as a unit or as individual components. recording of the unexposed surfaces of the test assembly
9.2 When accelerated techniques are used to dry the test throughout the fire test. Include the following in the observa-
assembly, avoid procedures that will alter the fire-test-response tions: flaming locations, deformation, spalling, cracking,
characteristics of the test assembly. Document the accelerated charring, burning, and production of smoke.
drying techniques used. 10.2 Verify the ambient air temperature at the start of the
NOTE 10—As an example, an accelerated technique may be employed
where concrete is dried at elevated temperatures in a “heated area” to more fire test is within the range of 10 to 32°C. Verify the velocity
rapidly obtain the conditions described in 9.1. In such cases, temperatures of air across the unexposed surface of the test assembly,
other than 73°F are used to reach the dry condition. measured within 3 min before the test begins, is less than 1.3

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E2912 − 17

FIG. 14 Test Box for Vertical Test Assembly

m/s, as determined by an anemometer placed at right angles to test, and quickly move the test assembly to cover the opening.
the unexposed surface of the test assembly. Measure the Refer to Fig. 21 and Fig. 23. Photograph the flame height when
relative humidity. Document the ambient air temperature, air burner output is under control before the test assembly covers
velocity, and relative humidity at the start of the fire test. the opening, and photograph the test assembly at the beginning
10.3 When required, place the test bench under an exhaust of the test.
hood to expel smoke and hot gases created during the fire test. NOTE 11—There are many ways to safely and quickly move the test
assembly over the fire (flame) protruding through the 500-mm square
When mechanical ventilation is engaged during the fire test, do
opening. An individual laboratory determines the method their personnel
not direct or allow an air current across the unexposed surface will use. However, the following may provide some guidance. A pole
of the test assembly. (wood or metal) properly sized and configured not to cause damage to the
test assembly may be used to assist laboratory personnel in maintaining a
10.4 Prior to commencement of the fire test, verify the test
safe distance from the fire while moving (pushing) the test assembly.
assembly complies with the requirements in Sections 7, 8 and Another method could be to pull the test assembly over the opening.
9. Photograph the test assembly. Guides and a stop (possibly wood furring strips or light gauge metal
angles) could be used to assist in facilitating a quick and accurate
10.5 Place the test assembly on the test bench surface next positioning of the test assembly as required. Based on the test assembly’s
to the opening, protected from ignition and pre-burn exposures. final construction dimensions, its position centered over the 500-mm
Refer to Fig. 20 and Fig. 22. Photograph the test assembly on square opening can be determined. A stop could be placed to halt the test
the test bench surface. assembly at the correct length position on the test table. Guides can be
placed to center the width of the test assembly on the test bench and over
10.6 Ignite the gas burner, and control the burner to ensure the width of the 500-mm square opening. Another option that would not
a constant 300 6 10 kW heat release rate. Photograph the require guides and a stop would be to use a gypsum sheet panel that fits
ignition. inside the test bench width. The sheet panel would have a length half as
long as the test bench with a 500-mm opening. This would allow a
10.7 Once the burner output is controlled as stated in 10.6, technician to safely slide (move) it over the test bench opening. The test
simultaneously start the timer, marking the beginning of the assembly will be pre-sealed to the sheet panel centered over its opening.

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E2912 − 17

FIG. 15 Examples of Test Box for Vertical Test Assembly with Edge Reinforcement

FIG. 16 Test Box with Vertical Test Assembly Shown in Place

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E2912 − 17

FIG. 17 Thermocouple Locations for Horizontal and Vertical Test Specimens

FIG. 18 Thermocouple Locations for Horizontal and Vertical Test Specimens <0.25 m2 to 0.10 m2

The sheet panel may not need sealing, depending on how good the fit to 10.10 Continue the fire test for 10 min. Measure the 10-min
the bench surface. test duration from the time the test assembly covers the
10.8 Commence the recording of measurements and docu- opening, which is time zero.
menting observations on the unexposed side of the test 10.11 Continue the fire test beyond the time specified in
specimen at the moment the test assembly covers the opening. 10.10 when the purpose in doing so is to obtain additional data.
Refer to Fig. 21 and Fig. 23. Monitor the test assembly for 10 min after termination of the
10.9 Record all of the initial unexposed surface tempera- fire test. Photograph the test specimen and test assembly
tures on the test assembly. Refer to Fig. 5, Fig. 17, Fig. 18 and separately at 2 min intervals, including the termination of the
Fig. 19. fire test and end of the 10-min monitoring period.

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E2912 − 17

FIG. 19 Thermocouple Locations for Horizontal and Vertical Test Specimens <0.10 m2 to 0.04 m2

FIG. 20 Example of Horizontal Test Assembly Position before Fire FIG. 21 Example of Horizontal Test Assembly Position after Fire
Test Starts Test Starts

10.15 Record the insulation performance of the test assem-

NOTE 12—Most time-temperature curves used to control furnaces
referenced in fire-resistance test methods do not require or provide direct
bly by recording each unexposed surface temperature. Refer to
flame impingement on the test specimen. The minimum exposure period Section 12.
of this test method is 10 min of sudden direct flame impingement on the
test specimen to ensure that enough heat does not pass through that could 11. Integrity Test
ignite combustibles adjacent to the unexposed surface of the test assembly.
Longer exposure periods may be used.
11.1 Record any flames on the unexposed side of the test
specimen including the flame’s location and duration.
10.12 Record the test assembly’s performance by visual
observations and unexposed temperature measurements made 11.2 Record flaming and ignition of cotton pad by hot gases
from time zero. or radiation, or both, throughout the test’s duration. Record the
time when ignition of the cotton pad occurs.
10.13 When sustained flaming is observed on the unexposed 11.2.1 Use the materials and devices described in Annex A1
side of the test specimen for more than 60 s, terminate the fire Cotton Pad Test Materials and Equipment.
test. Record the time of this occurrence. Photograph the 11.2.2 Follow the Ignition Test Procedure in Annex A2.
flaming on the test specimen. 11.2.3 When no ignition (defined in A2.4) of the cotton pad
10.14 Follow the steps in Section 11 to document and record occurs during the 30-s application, make screening tests that
the integrity of the test assembly; its ability to limit flame, involve short duration application of the cotton pad over and
radiation and hot gases from reaching its unexposed surface. around such areas. Charring of the pad provides only an

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E2912 − 17
modeling and performance based fire safety design as this temperature is
discussed in “Unexposed-Face Temperature Criteria in Fire Resistance
Tests: A Reappraisal.”5 An excerpt from the Conclusions states, “Thus, the
findings indicate that if the hot surface temperature is kept below 400ºC
[752°F], ignition will not occur due to thermal transmission across
fire-resistive barriers for any goods which may be permissibly stored in
normal buildings. Since other criteria of fire resistance tests do not
incorporate an explicit, added-on safety factor, for consistency this should
also not be done in this case. Expressed as a criterion, failure due to
thermal transmission may be presumed to occur when a temperature of
400ºC [752°F] is exceeded. This is a fixed value and not a “temperature
rise” value. To obtain the latter, it is appropriate to subtract 20ºC [68°F],
thus the temperature rise criterion becomes 380ºC [684°F]. There does not
seem to be any technical justification for having a criterion for a
single-point rise any higher than the value that corresponds to the lowest
relevant hot-surface ignition temperature. Thus, the single-point criterion
FIG. 22 Example of Vertical Test Assembly Position before Fire should also be a temperature rise of 380ºC [684°F]”.
Test Starts 12.5 When applicable, separately record the average of the
unexposed temperature readings for the vertical unexposed
surface thermocouples (designated by the term “cavity wall” to
differentiate from other thermocouple locations) on the vertical
test assembly containing a horizontal test specimen. Refer to
Fig. 12.
13. Report
13.1 Provide the following information in a test report:
13.1.1 Testing laboratory’s name and location.
13.1.2 Test report or project number.
13.1.3 Date and signature of testing laboratory’s authorized
13.1.4 Test sponsor’s name, address, and contact details,
such as an email address and telephone and facsimile numbers.
13.1.5 Test specimen’s supplier information, including but
not limited to, the name and address of the supplier as well as
contact information, such as telephone and facsimile numbers
FIG. 23 Example of Vertical Test Assembly Position after Fire as well as a website address and email contact information.
Test Starts
13.1.6 Description of the test specimen and test assembly,
including but not limited to, the materials used, the materials’
indication of imminent failure. Employ an unused cotton pad to dimensions, the location of the test specimen within the test
confirm an integrity failure. assembly, whether supports where used, and their material and
11.3 When possible, photograph the test specimen when any
13.1.7 Include the test specimen’s identification number or
flames occur on its unexposed side or when the cotton pad
model, or both.
ignites, or both. Otherwise, refer to the video recording for this
13.1.8 When tested, describe the splicing method and end
sealing used including the test sponsor’s instructions and
12. Insulation Test photographic documentation of the installation as prescribed in
12.1 Record the temperatures of all unexposed surface 13.1.9 Include drawings depicting geometry, exact size
thermocouples for the full duration of the fire test at max 5 s (length, width, thickness), and the location of materials or
time intervals. Record the time when the unexposed surface devices, or both, constituting the test specimen within the test
thermocouples’ average temperature reading on the test speci- assembly. Refer to 7.3.
men exceeds 139°C above the initial average temperature 13.1.10 Describe installation procedures provided by the
recorded at the start of the fire test. test sponsor. Also include details or drawings and photographs
12.2 Record all unexposed surface temperature readings of the test specimen installation procedure as documented in
taken at each individual unexposed surface thermocouple’s 7.4.
location. 13.1.11 Describe the installed and tested orientation (verti-
12.3 Record the time at which any individual unexposed cal or horizontal) of the test specimen and test assembly as
surface thermocouple’s temperature rise exceeds 181°C. documented in 7.5.
12.4 Record the time at which each individual unexposed 5
Babrauskas, V., “Unexposed-Face Temperature Criteria in Fire Resistance
surface thermocouple’s temperature reading exceeds 400°C. Tests: A Reappraisal,” Fire Safety Journal, Volume 44, Issue 6, August 2009, pp.
NOTE 13—The 400°C temperature information may be helpful in fire 813–818.

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E2912 − 17
13.1.12 Report whether the test specimen or test assembly, 13.1.20 Temperatures & Time—Report times at the minute
or both, was symmetrical or assymetrical. Refer to information and 5 s interval. Report temperatures in 5 s intervals.
in 7.5. Time when average unexposed surface tempera-
13.1.13 When only one side of an asymmetrical test assem- tures exceeded 139°C above initial temperature recorded in
bly is tested, report which side was exposed to fire as 12.1.
documented in 7.5 and 7.6. Time when any individual unexposed surface
13.1.14 When both sides of an asymmetrical test assembly temperature exceeded the 181°C increase recorded in 12.3.
were tested, report the information for each side separately as Time when any individual unexposed surface
documented in 7.5 and 7.6. temperature exceeded the 400°C temperature limit recorded in
13.1.15 The drying time for the test assembly as docu- 12.4.
mented in 9.1, and whether accelerated drying techniques were All unexposed surface temperatures recorded in
used as documented in 9.2.
13.1.16 Ambient air temperature, air velocity, and relative
humidity at the start of the fire test as documented in 10.2. 13.1.21 Report all other information recorded, observed,
13.1.17 Photographs of the specimen before, during, and and documented.
after the fire test as required in 10.4, 10.5, 10.7, and 10.9.
13.1.18 Include observations related to the behavior of the 14. Precision and Bias
test specimen during the fire test and for 10 min after 14.1 Precision—No information can be presented on the
termination of the fire test as documented in 10.8, 10.12 and precision of the procedure in this Test Method.
10.14. These observations shall include, but are not limited to,
cracks, deformation, flaming, and smoke issuance on the 14.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
unexposed surface of the test specimen and continued burning the procedure in this Test Method.
or glowing within the test specimen.
13.1.19 All information (time and charring) related to flam- 15. Keywords
ing and the presence of hot gases and radiation in 10.13, 11.1 15.1 closed state; damper; fire; fire-test-response character-
and 11.2, respectively, including the reason for terminating the istic; gap; insulation; integrity; non-mechanical fire damper;
fire test. Report the information to the nearest integral second. open state; open state fire performance; opening; splice; vent;
Refer to the archived video recording for evidence. vented construction; void


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Where required by the conditions of acceptance in A1.3.2 The cotton pad shall consist of new, undyed, soft
other sections of this standard to determine that the test cotton fibers, without any admixture of artificial fibers.
specimen has not allowed the passage of gases or radiation hot
enough to ignite a cotton pad, the cotton pad test shall be A1.3.3 The cotton pad shall weigh 3.5 6 0.5 g.
conducted in accordance with Annex A2 during the fire- A1.4 The cotton pad shall be conditioned prior to the test by
resistance test whenever a crack, hole, opened joint, or other drying in an oven at 100 6 5°C for a period of not less than 30
similar void or defect through which hot gases are capable of min. Immediately upon removal from the drying oven, the
passing is observed in the unexposed surface of the test
cotton pad shall be stored in a desiccator for a period of not less
than 24 h prior to the fire-resistance test.
A1.2 The cotton pad test shall be conducted using a cotton
A1.5 The frame used to hold the cotton pad for the purpose
pad as described in A1.3 and A1.4 in a wire frame provided
with a handle as described in A1.5. of the cotton waste test shall be constructed using No. 16 AWG
1.3 mm steel wire which has been fastened to a handle that has
A1.3 The cotton pad shall comply with the physical char- a length that reaches all points on the unexposed surface of the
acteristics described in A1.3.1 through A1.3.3. test specimen. See Fig. A1.1 and Fig. A1.2.
A1.3.1 The cotton pad shall be nominally 100 by 100 mm
by 19 mm thick.

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FIG. A1.1 Isometric View

FIG. A1.2 Typical Cotton Pad Holder

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A2.1 Conduct the cotton pad test using an unused cotton A2.4 Ignition of the cotton pad shall be defined as glowing,
pad. flaming or smoldering of the cotton pad. Charring of the cotton
pad shall not be an indication of ignition.
A2.2 Position the cotton pad directly over the observed
crack, hole, opened joint, or other similar void or defect in the A2.5 If ignition of the cotton pad occurs, record the time at
unexposed surface of the test specimen, approximately 25 6 3 which ignition occurs, and report the description of the crack,
mm from the surface, for a period of 30 6 1 s or until ignition hole, opened joint, or other similar void or defect and the
of the cotton pad, whichever occurs first. location where it occurs.
A2.3 All test locations previously tested in accordance with
A2.2 shall be retested as close as practical to the end of the
desired fire-resistance period. An unused cotton pad shall be
positioned over each previously tested location on the unex-
posed surface of the test specimen.


Committee E05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E2912-13)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved August 1, 2017.)

(1) Sections,, 7.6.1, and Note 6 were revised. (2) Figs. 5-9, Figs. 14-16 and Figs. 22 and 23 were updated.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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