Sigmund Freud, an Austrian Neurologist. His and due to the strong competition of their
theory of psychosexual development includes father, boys eventually decide to identify with
five distinct stages. them rather than fight them. By identifying
their father, the boys develop masculine
According to Freud, a person goes through characteristics and identify themselves as
sequence of these five stages and along the males and repress their sexual feelings
way there are needs to be met. Whether toward their mother.
these needs are met or not, determines
whether the person will develop a healthy A fixation at this stage could result in sexual
personality or not. deviances (both overindulging and
avoidance) and weak or confused sexual
Freud identified specific erogenous zone for identity.
each stage of development. These are
specific “pleasure areas” that become focal 4. Latency Stage ( age 6 to puberty)
points for the particular stage. During this stage sexual urges remain
repressed. The children’s focus is the
If needs are not met along the area, a acquisition of physical and academic skills.
fixation occurs. As an adult, the person will Boys usually relate more with boys and girls
now manifest behaviors related to the with girls during stage.
erogenous zone.
5. Genital Stage (puberty onwards)
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development The fifth stage of psychosexual development
begins at the start of puberty when sexual
1. Oral Stage ( birth to 8 months) urges are once again awakened. Mature
The erogenous zone is the mouth. The child sexual interests.
is focused on oral pleasure (sucking). Too
much or too little satisfaction can lead to an In the earlier stages, adolescents focus their
Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is sexual urges towards the opposite sex peers,
shown as an increase oral activities. with the pleasure centered on the genitals.